1;;; pdhtml.ss
2;;; Copyright 1984-2017 Cisco Systems, Inc.
4;;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5;;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6;;; You may obtain a copy of the License at
8;;; http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10;;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11;;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12;;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13;;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14;;; limitations under the License.
16;;; NOTES:
17;;; - fixed bug in define-tags: moved (void) end of text ... to start
19;;; - to change palette to use white background with colorized text:
20;;;   (profile-palette
21;;;     (vector-map
22;;;       (lambda (p) (cons "white" (car p)))
23;;;       (profile-palette)))
25;;;  profile-dump-html suggestions from Oscar:
27;;;  We could probably build a table mapping source regions to procedure names
28;;;  in enough cases to actually be useful.  If so, showing procedure name instead
29;;;  of line/char position would help the user get a high-level perspective on the
30;;;  profile results.  Right now the user has to synthesize that perspective by
31;;;  remembering where each link led.
33;;;  Within the file view window, it would be nice to have a way to scan quickly
34;;;  through the hot spots within that file (we have some obscenely large source
35;;;  files at work).  Perhaps you could reprise the profile spectrum horizontally
36;;;  in a short frame at the top of the window and rig it so that dragging, scroll
37;;;  wheel, or clicking on a color cycles through the regions tagged with that col>
39;;;  With a large range of profile counts to compress into a fairly small
40;;;  spectrum, it might be nice if there were a way to zoom into a range by
41;;;  clicking on the legend, either in the overview window or the file window.
42;;;  Reallocating the color map could be confusing with multiple windows open,
43;;;  but perhaps there's some javascript way to rig all the other colors to
44;;;  desaturate when you zoom into a range in one window.  Perhaps intensity
45;;;  could be used to show the sub-ranges in varying shades of the main legend
46;;;  color.
48;;;  I notice that the profile annotations on the when expressions start at the te>
49;;;  expression rather than the start of the when.  Yet the if expression annotati>
50;;;  starts at the beginning of the if expression and extends to the closing paren.
51;;;  Not sure if that made any sense, basically I'm trying to say that the "(when"
52;;;  itself (and closing paren) isn't colored the same as the test part.
53;;;  I don't remember exactly how we handled source annotations during wrapping and
54;;;  unwrapping, but it seems offhand that it might make sense to wrap the input
55;;;  source annotation around the transformer output so that the source info for t>
56;;;  when expression is transferred to the generated if expression.
59(let ()
60  (include "types.ss")
61  (module (make-tracker tracker-profile-ct)
62    (define-record-type tracker
63      (nongenerative)
64      (fields profile-ct)))
65  (define-record-type cc
66    (nongenerative)
67    (fields (mutable cookie) (mutable total) (mutable current) (mutable preceding)))
68  (define-record-type (source-table $make-source-table $source-table?)
69    (nongenerative)
70    (sealed #t)
71    (opaque #t)
72    (fields ht)
73    (protocol
74      (lambda (new)
75        (lambda ()
76          (define sfd-hash
77            (lambda (sfd)<
78              (source-file-descriptor-crc sfd)))
79          (define sfd=?
80            (lambda (sfd1 sfd2)
81              (and (fx= (source-file-descriptor-crc sfd1) (source-file-descriptor-crc sfd2))
82                   (= (source-file-descriptor-length sfd1) (source-file-descriptor-length sfd2))
83                   (equal? (source-file-descriptor-name sfd1) (source-file-descriptor-name sfd2)))))
84          (new (make-hashtable sfd-hash sfd=?))))))
85  (define *local-profile-trackers* '())
86  (define op+ car)
87  (define op- cdr)
88  (define count+ (constant-case ptr-bits [(32) +] [(64) fx+]))
89  (define count- (constant-case ptr-bits [(32) -] [(64) fx-]))
90  (define count< (constant-case ptr-bits [(32) <] [(64) fx<]))
91  (define get-counter-list (foreign-procedure "(cs)s_profile_counters" () ptr))
92  (define release-counters (foreign-procedure "(cs)s_profile_release_counters" () ptr))
94  (define rblock-count
95    (lambda (rblock)
96      (let sum ((op (rblock-op rblock)))
97        (if (profile-counter? op)
98            (profile-counter-count op)
99            ; using #3%fold-left in case the #2% versions are profiled
100            (#3%fold-left
101              (lambda (a op) (count- a (sum op)))
102              (#3%fold-left (lambda (a op) (count+ a (sum op))) 0 (op+ op))
103              (op- op))))))
105  (define profile-counts
106    ; like profile-dump but returns ((count . (src ...)) ...)
107    (case-lambda
108      [() (profile-counts (get-counter-list))]
109      [(counter*)
110       ; disabiling interrupts so we don't sum part of the counters for a block before
111       ; an interrupt and the remaining counters after the interrupt, which can lead
112       ; to inaccurate (and possibly negative) counts.  we could disable interrupts just
113       ; around the body of rblock-count to shorten the windows during which interrupts
114       ; are disabled, but doing it here incurs less overhead
115       (with-interrupts-disabled
116         (fold-left
117           (lambda (r x)
118             (fold-left
119               (lambda (r rblock)
120                 (cons (cons (rblock-count rblock) (rblock-srecs rblock)) r))
121               r (cdr x)))
122           '() counter*))]))
124  (define (snapshot who uncleared-count* cleared-count*)
125    (lambda (tracker)
126      (define cookie (cons 'vanilla 'wafer))
127      ; set current corresponding to each src to a total of its counts
128      (let ([incr-current
129              (lambda (count.src*)
130                (let ([count (car count.src*)])
131                  (for-each
132                    (lambda (src)
133                      (let ([a ($source-table-cell (tracker-profile-ct tracker) src #f)])
134                        (when (count< count 0) (errorf who "negative profile count ~s for ~s" count src))
135                        (let ([cc (cdr a)])
136                          (if cc
137                              (if (eq? (cc-cookie cc) cookie)
138                                  (cc-current-set! cc (count+ (cc-current cc) count))
139                                  (begin
140                                    (cc-cookie-set! cc cookie)
141                                    (cc-current-set! cc count)))
142                              (set-cdr! a (make-cc cookie 0 count 0))))))
143                    (cdr count.src*))))])
144        (for-each incr-current uncleared-count*)
145        (for-each incr-current cleared-count*))
146      ; then increment total of each affected cc by the delta between current and preceding
147      (source-table-for-each
148        (lambda (src cc)
149          (when (eq? (cc-cookie cc) cookie)
150            (let ([current (cc-current cc)])
151              (let ([delta (count- current (cc-preceding cc))])
152                (unless (eqv? delta 0)
153                  (when (count< delta 0) (errorf who "total profile count for ~s dropped from ~s to ~s" src (cc-preceding cc) current))
154                  (cc-total-set! cc (count+ (cc-total cc) delta))
155                  (cc-preceding-set! cc current))))))
156        (tracker-profile-ct tracker))
157      ; then reduce preceding by cleared counts
158      (for-each
159        (lambda (count.src*)
160          (let ([count (car count.src*)])
161            (for-each
162              (lambda (src)
163                (let ([a ($source-table-cell (tracker-profile-ct tracker) src #f)])
164                  (let ([cc (cdr a)])
165                    (if cc
166                        (cc-preceding-set! cc (count- (cc-preceding cc) count))
167                        (set-cdr! a (make-cc cookie 0 0 0))))))
168              (cdr count.src*))))
169        cleared-count*)))
171  (define adjust-trackers!
172    (lambda (who uncleared-counter* cleared-counter*)
173      (let ([local-tracker* *local-profile-trackers*])
174        (unless (null? local-tracker*)
175          (let ([uncleared-count* (profile-counts uncleared-counter*)]
176                [cleared-count* (profile-counts cleared-counter*)])
177            (let ([snapshot (snapshot who uncleared-count* cleared-count*)])
178              (for-each snapshot local-tracker*)))))))
180  (define $source-table-contains?
181    (lambda (st src)
182      (let ([src-ht (hashtable-ref (source-table-ht st) (source-sfd src) #f)])
183        (and src-ht (hashtable-contains? src-ht src)))))
185  (define $source-table-ref
186    (lambda (st src default)
187      (let ([src-ht (hashtable-ref (source-table-ht st) (source-sfd src) #f)])
188        (if src-ht (hashtable-ref src-ht src default) default))))
190  (define $source-table-cell
191    (lambda (st src default)
192      (define same-sfd-src-hash
193        (lambda (src)
194          (source-bfp src)))
195      (define same-sfd-src=?
196        (lambda (src1 src2)
197          (and (= (source-bfp src1) (source-bfp src2))
198               (= (source-efp src1) (source-efp src2)))))
199      (let ([src-ht (let ([a (hashtable-cell (source-table-ht st) (source-sfd src) #f)])
200                      (or (cdr a)
201                          (let ([src-ht (make-hashtable same-sfd-src-hash same-sfd-src=?)])
202                            (set-cdr! a src-ht)
203                            src-ht)))])
204        (hashtable-cell src-ht src default))))
206  (define $source-table-delete!
207    (lambda (st src)
208      (let ([ht (source-table-ht st)] [sfd (source-sfd src)])
209        (let ([src-ht (hashtable-ref ht sfd #f)])
210          (when src-ht
211            (hashtable-delete! src-ht src)
212            (when (fx= (hashtable-size src-ht) 0)
213              (hashtable-delete! ht sfd)))))))
215  (define source-table-for-each
216    (lambda (p st)
217      (vector-for-each
218        (lambda (src-ht)
219          (let-values ([(vsrc vcount) (hashtable-entries src-ht)])
220            (vector-for-each p vsrc vcount)))
221        (hashtable-values (source-table-ht st)))))
223  (set-who! profile-clear
224    (lambda ()
225      (define clear-links
226        (lambda (op)
227          (if (profile-counter? op)
228              (profile-counter-count-set! op 0)
229              (begin
230                (for-each clear-links (op+ op))
231                (for-each clear-links (op- op))))))
232      (let ([counter* (get-counter-list)])
233        (adjust-trackers! who '() counter*)
234        (for-each
235          (lambda (x)
236            (for-each
237              (lambda (node) (clear-links (rblock-op node)))
238              (cdr x)))
239          counter*))))
241  (set-who! profile-release-counters
242    (lambda ()
243      ; release-counters prunes out (and hands back) the released counters
244      (let* ([dropped-counter* (release-counters)]
245             [kept-counter* (get-counter-list)])
246        (adjust-trackers! who kept-counter* dropped-counter*))))
248  (set-who! profile-dump
249    ; like profile-counts but returns ((src . count) ...), which requires more allocation
250    ; profile-dump could use profile-counts but that would require even more allocation
251    (lambda ()
252      ; could disable interrupts just around each call to rblock-count, but doing it here incurs less overhead
253      (with-interrupts-disabled
254        (fold-left
255          (lambda (r x)
256            (fold-left
257              (lambda (r rblock)
258                (let ([count (rblock-count rblock)])
259                  (fold-left
260                    (lambda (r src)
261                      (cons (cons src count) r))
262                    r (rblock-srecs rblock))))
263              r (cdr x)))
264          '() (get-counter-list)))))
266  (set-who! make-source-table
267    (lambda ()
268      ($make-source-table)))
270  (set-who! source-table?
271    (lambda (x)
272      ($source-table? x)))
274  (set-who! source-table-size
275    (lambda (st)
276      (unless ($source-table? st) ($oops who "~s is not a source table" st))
277      (let ([vsrc-ht (hashtable-values (source-table-ht st))])
278        (let ([n (vector-length vsrc-ht)])
279          (do ([i 0 (fx+ i 1)] [size 0 (fx+ size (hashtable-size (vector-ref vsrc-ht i)))])
280            ((fx= i n) size))))))
282  (set-who! source-table-contains?
283    (lambda (st src)
284      (unless ($source-table? st) ($oops who "~s is not a source table" st))
285      (unless (source? src) ($oops who "~s is not a source object" src))
286      ($source-table-contains? st src)))
288  (set-who! source-table-ref
289    (lambda (st src default)
290      (unless ($source-table? st) ($oops who "~s is not a source table" st))
291      (unless (source? src) ($oops who "~s is not a source object" src))
292      ($source-table-ref st src default)))
294  (set-who! source-table-set!
295    (lambda (st src val)
296      (unless ($source-table? st) ($oops who "~s is not a source table" st))
297      (unless (source? src) ($oops who "~s is not a source object" src))
298      (set-cdr! ($source-table-cell st src #f) val)))
300  (set-who! source-table-delete!
301    (lambda (st src)
302      (unless ($source-table? st) ($oops who "~s is not a source table" st))
303      (unless (source? src) ($oops who "~s is not a source object" src))
304      ($source-table-delete! st src)))
306  (set-who! source-table-cell
307    (lambda (st src default)
308      (unless ($source-table? st) ($oops who "~s is not a source table" st))
309      (unless (source? src) ($oops who "~s is not a source object" src))
310      ($source-table-cell st src default)))
312  (set-who! source-table-dump
313    (lambda (st)
314      (unless ($source-table? st) ($oops who "~s is not a source table" st))
315      (let* ([vsrc-ht (hashtable-values (source-table-ht st))]
316             [n (vector-length vsrc-ht)])
317        (do ([i 0 (fx+ i 1)]
318             [dumpit* '()
319               (let-values ([(vsrc vcount) (hashtable-entries (vector-ref vsrc-ht i))])
320                 (let ([n (vector-length vsrc)])
321                   (do ([i 0 (fx+ i 1)]
322                        [dumpit* dumpit*
323                          (cons (cons (vector-ref vsrc i) (vector-ref vcount i)) dumpit*)])
324                     ((fx= i n) dumpit*))))])
325          ((fx= i n) dumpit*)))))
327  (set-who! put-source-table
328    (lambda (op st)
329      (unless (and (output-port? op) (textual-port? op)) ($oops who "~s is not a textual output port" op))
330      (unless ($source-table? st) ($oops who "~s is not a source table" st))
331      (fprintf op "(source-table")
332      (let-values ([(vsfd vsrc-ht) (hashtable-entries (source-table-ht st))])
333        (vector-for-each
334          (lambda (sfd src-ht)
335            (let-values ([(vsrc vval) (hashtable-entries src-ht)])
336              (let ([n (vector-length vsrc)])
337                (unless (fx= n 0)
338                  (fprintf op "\n (file ~s ~s"
339                    (source-file-descriptor-name sfd)
340                    (source-file-descriptor-checksum sfd))
341                  (let ([v (vector-sort (lambda (x1 x2) (< (vector-ref x1 0) (vector-ref x2 0)))
342                              (vector-map (lambda (src val) (vector (source-bfp src) (source-efp src) val)) vsrc vval))])
343                    (let loop ([i 0] [last-bfp 0])
344                      (unless (fx= i n)
345                        (let ([x (vector-ref v i)])
346                          (let ([bfp (vector-ref x 0)] [efp (vector-ref x 1)] [val (vector-ref x 2)])
347                            (let ([offset (- bfp last-bfp)] [len (- efp bfp)])
348                              (fprintf op " (~s ~s ~s)" offset len val))
349                            (loop (fx+ i 1) bfp))))))
350                  (fprintf op ")")))))
351          vsfd vsrc-ht))
352      (fprintf op ")\n")))
354  (set-who! get-source-table!
355    (rec get-source-table!
356      (case-lambda
357        [(ip st) (get-source-table! ip st #f)]
358        [(ip st combine)
359         (define (nnint? x) (and (integer? x) (exact? x) (nonnegative? x)))
360         (define (token-oops what bfp)
361           (if bfp
362               ($oops who "expected ~a at file position ~s of ~s" what bfp ip)
363               ($oops who "malformed source table reading from ~a" ip)))
364         (define (next-token expected-type expected-value? what)
365           (let-values ([(type val bfp efp) (read-token ip)])
366             (unless (and (eq? type expected-type) (expected-value? val)) (token-oops what bfp))
367             val))
368         (unless (and (input-port? ip) (textual-port? ip)) ($oops who "~s is not a textual input port" ip))
369         (unless ($source-table? st) ($oops who "~s is not a source table" st))
370         (unless (or (not combine) (procedure? combine)) ($oops who "~s is not a procedure" combine))
371         (next-token 'lparen not "open parenthesis")
372         (next-token 'atomic (lambda (x) (eq? x 'source-table)) "identifier 'source-table'")
373         (let file-loop ()
374           (let-values ([(type val bfp efp) (read-token ip)])
375             (unless (eq? type 'rparen)
376               (unless (eq? type 'lparen) (token-oops "open parenthesis" bfp))
377               (next-token 'atomic (lambda (x) (eq? x 'file)) "identifier 'file'")
378               (let* ([path (next-token 'atomic string? "string")]
379                      [checksum (next-token 'atomic nnint? "checksum")])
380                 (let ([sfd (#%source-file-descriptor path checksum)])
381                   (let entry-loop ([last-bfp 0])
382                     (let-values ([(type val bfp efp) (read-token ip)])
383                       (unless (eq? type 'rparen)
384                         (unless (eq? type 'lparen) (token-oops "open parenthesis" bfp))
385                         (let* ([bfp (+ last-bfp (next-token 'atomic nnint? "file position"))]
386                                [efp (+ bfp (next-token 'atomic nnint? "file position"))]
387                                [val (get-datum ip)])
388                           (next-token 'rparen not "close parenthesis")
389                           (let ([a ($source-table-cell st (make-source-object sfd bfp efp) #f)])
390                             (set-cdr! a
391                               (if (and (cdr a) combine)
392                                   (combine (cdr a) val)
393                                   val)))
394                           (entry-loop bfp)))))))
395               (file-loop))))])))
397  (set-who! with-profile-tracker
398    (rec with-profile-tracker
399      (case-lambda
400        [(thunk) (with-profile-tracker #f thunk)]
401        [(include-existing-counts? thunk)
402         (define extract-covered-entries
403           (lambda (profile-ct)
404             (let ([covered-ct ($make-source-table)])
405               (source-table-for-each
406                 (lambda (src cc)
407                   (let ([count (cc-total cc)])
408                     (unless (eqv? count 0)
409                       ($source-table-cell covered-ct src count))))
410                 profile-ct)
411               covered-ct)))
412         (unless (procedure? thunk) ($oops who "~s is not a procedure" thunk))
413         (let* ([profile-ct ($make-source-table)]
414                [tracker (make-tracker profile-ct)])
415           (unless include-existing-counts?
416             ; set preceding corresponding to each src to a total of its dumpit counts
417             ; set total to zero, since we don't want to count anything from before
418             (for-each
419               (lambda (count.src*)
420                 (let ([count (car count.src*)])
421                   (for-each
422                     (lambda (src)
423                       (let ([a ($source-table-cell profile-ct src #f)])
424                         (let ([cc (cdr a)])
425                           (if cc
426                               (cc-preceding-set! cc (count+ (cc-preceding cc) count))
427                               (set-cdr! a (make-cc #f 0 0 count))))))
428                     (cdr count.src*))))
429               (profile-counts)))
430           ; register for possible adjustment by profile-clear and profile-release-counters
431           (let-values ([v* (fluid-let ([*local-profile-trackers* (cons tracker *local-profile-trackers*)]) (thunk))])
432             ; increment the recorded counts by the now current counts.
433             ((snapshot who (profile-counts) '()) tracker)
434             (apply values (extract-covered-entries profile-ct) v*)))]))))
436(let ()
437  (include "types.ss")
439  (define check-dump
440    (lambda (who x)
441      (unless (and (list? x)
442                   (andmap (lambda (x)
443                             (and (pair? x)
444                                  (source-object? (car x))
445                                  (let ([x (cdr x)])
446                                    (and (integer? x) (exact? x)))))
447                     x))
448        ($oops  who "invalid dump ~s" x))))
450  (define-record-type filedata
451    (fields
452      (immutable sfd)
453      (immutable ip)
454      (mutable entry*)
455     ; remaining fields are ignored by profile-dump-list
456      (mutable max-count)
457      (mutable ci)
458      (mutable htmlpath)
459      (mutable htmlfn)
460      (mutable winid))
461    (nongenerative)
462    (sealed #t)
463    (protocol
464      (lambda (new)
465        (lambda (sfd ip)
466          (new sfd ip '() #f #f #f #f #f)))))
468  (define-record-type entrydata
469    (fields
470      (immutable fdata)
471      (immutable bfp)
472      (immutable efp)
473      (mutable count)
474      (mutable line)
475      (mutable char)
476     ; ci is ignored by profile-dump-list
477      (mutable ci))
478    (nongenerative)
479    (sealed #t)
480    (protocol
481      (lambda (new)
482        (lambda (fdata bfp efp count)
483          (new fdata bfp efp count #f #f #f)))))
485  (define (gather-filedata who warn? dumpit*)
486   ; returns list of fdata records, each holding a list of entries
487   ; the entries are sorted based on their (unique) bfps
488    (let ([fdata-ht (make-hashtable
489                      (lambda (x) (source-file-descriptor-crc x))
490                      (lambda (x y)
491                       ; there's no way to make this foolproof, so we identify paths with
492                       ; same crc, length, and last component.  this can cause problems
493                       ; only if two copies of the same file are loaded and used.
494                        (or (eq? x y)
495                            (and (= (source-file-descriptor-crc x)
496                                    (source-file-descriptor-crc y))
497                                 (= (source-file-descriptor-length x)
498                                    (source-file-descriptor-length y))
499                                 (let ([maybe-path-last (lambda (p)
500                                                          (if (string? p) (path-last p) p))])
501                                   (equal?
502                                    (maybe-path-last (source-file-descriptor-name x))
503                                    (maybe-path-last (source-file-descriptor-name y))))))))])
504      (define (open-source sfd)
505        (cond
506          [(hashtable-ref fdata-ht sfd #f)]
507          [($open-source-file sfd) =>
508           (lambda (ip)
509             (let ([fdata (make-filedata sfd ip)])
510               (hashtable-set! fdata-ht sfd fdata)
511               fdata))]
512          [else
513           (when warn?
514             (warningf who
515               "unmodified source file ~s not found in source directories"
516               (source-file-descriptor-name sfd)))
517           (let ([fdata (make-filedata sfd #f)])
518             (hashtable-set! fdata-ht sfd fdata)
519             fdata)]))
520      (for-each
521        (lambda (dumpit)
522          (let ([source (car dumpit)])
523            (assert (source? source))
524            (let ([bfp (source-bfp source)])
525              (when (>= bfp 0) ; weed out block-profiling entries, whose bfps are negative
526                (let ([fdata (open-source (source-sfd source))])
527                  (filedata-entry*-set! fdata
528                    (cons (make-entrydata fdata bfp (source-efp source) (cdr dumpit))
529                      (filedata-entry* fdata))))))))
530        dumpit*)
531      (let ([fdatav (hashtable-values fdata-ht)])
532        (vector-for-each
533          (lambda (fdata)
534            (let ([entry* (sort (lambda (x y)
535                                  (or (> (entrydata-bfp x) (entrydata-bfp y))
536                                      (and (= (entrydata-bfp x) (entrydata-bfp y))
537                                           (< (entrydata-efp x) (entrydata-efp y)))))
538                                (filedata-entry* fdata))])
539              #;(assert (not (null? entry*)))
540              (let loop ([entry (car entry*)] [entry* (cdr entry*)] [new-entry* '()])
541                (if (null? entry*)
542                    (filedata-entry*-set! fdata (cons entry new-entry*))
543                    (if (and (= (entrydata-bfp (car entry*)) (entrydata-bfp entry))
544                             (= (entrydata-efp (car entry*)) (entrydata-efp entry)))
545                        (begin
546                          (entrydata-count-set! entry
547                            (+ (entrydata-count entry)
548                               (entrydata-count (car entry*))))
549                          (loop entry (cdr entry*) new-entry*))
550                        (loop (car entry*) (cdr entry*) (cons entry new-entry*)))))))
551          fdatav)
552        (vector->list fdatav))))
554  (let ()
555    (define (scan-file fdata)
556      (let ([ip (filedata-ip fdata)] [line 1] [char 1])
557        (define (read-until bfp next)
558          (let loop ([bfp bfp])
559            (unless (= bfp next)
560              (cond
561                [(eqv? (read-char ip) #\newline)
562                 (set! line (+ line 1))
563                 (set! char 1)]
564                [else (set! char (+ char 1))])
565              (loop (+ bfp 1)))))
566        (let ([entry* (filedata-entry* fdata)]) ; already sorted by gather-filedata
567          (let f ([bfp 0] [entry* entry*])
568            (unless (null? entry*)
569              (let ([entry (car entry*)] [entry* (cdr entry*)])
570                (let ([next (entrydata-bfp entry)])
571                  (read-until bfp next)
572                  (entrydata-line-set! entry line)
573                  (entrydata-char-set! entry char)
574                  (f next entry*))))))))
576    (set-who! profile-dump-list
577     ; return list of lists of:
578     ;   - count
579     ;   - path      ; current if line and char are not #f
580     ;   - bfp
581     ;   - efp
582     ;   - line      ; may be #f
583     ;   - char      ; may be #f
584      (rec profile-dump-list
585        (case-lambda
586          [() (profile-dump-list #t)]
587          [(warn?) (profile-dump-list warn? (profile-dump))]
588          [(warn? dumpit*)
589           (check-dump who dumpit*)
590           (let ([fdata* (gather-filedata who warn? dumpit*)])
591             (for-each scan-file (remp (lambda (x) (not (filedata-ip x))) fdata*))
592             (let ([ls (map (lambda (entry)
593                              (let ([fdata (entrydata-fdata entry)])
594                                (list
595                                  (entrydata-count entry)
596                                  (cond
597                                    [(filedata-ip fdata) => port-name]
598                                    [else (source-file-descriptor-name
599                                            (filedata-sfd fdata))])
600                                  (entrydata-bfp entry)
601                                  (entrydata-efp entry)
602                                  (entrydata-line entry)
603                                  (entrydata-char entry))))
604                         (sort
605                           (lambda (x y) (> (entrydata-count x) (entrydata-count y)))
606                           (apply append (map filedata-entry* fdata*))))])
607               (for-each
608                 (lambda (fdata) (cond [(filedata-ip fdata) => close-input-port]))
609                 fdata*)
610               ls))]))))
612  (let ()
613    (define-record-type profilit
614      (nongenerative #{profilit iw9f7z5ovg4jjetsvw5m0-2})
615      (sealed #t)
616      (fields sfd bfp efp weight))
617    (define make-profile-database
618      (lambda ()
619        (make-hashtable
620          source-file-descriptor-crc
621          (lambda (x y)
622            (or (eq? x y)
623                (and (= (source-file-descriptor-crc x)
624                        (source-file-descriptor-crc y))
625                     (= (source-file-descriptor-length x)
626                        (source-file-descriptor-length y))
627                     (let ([maybe-path-last (lambda (p)
628                                              (if (string? p) (path-last p) p))])
629                       (string=?
630                        (maybe-path-last (source-file-descriptor-name x))
631                        (maybe-path-last (source-file-descriptor-name y))))))))))
633    (define profile-database #f)
634    (define profile-source-data? #f)
635    (define profile-block-data? #f)
636    (define update-sfd!
637      (lambda (cell sfd)
638        ; if the recorded sfd is the same but not eq, it's likely from an earlier session.
639        ; overwrite so remaining hashtable equality-procedure checks are more likely to
640        ; succeed at the eq? check
641        (unless (eq? (car cell) sfd)
642          (set-car! cell sfd))))
643    (set-who! profile-clear-database
644      (lambda ()
645        (set! profile-database #f)))
646    (set-who! profile-dump-data
647      (rec profile-dump-data
648        (case-lambda
649          [(ofn) (profile-dump-data ofn (profile-dump))]
650          [(ofn dumpit*)
651           (check-dump who dumpit*)
652           (let ([op ($open-file-output-port who ofn (file-options replace))])
653             (on-reset (delete-file ofn #f)
654               (on-reset (close-port op)
655                 (let* ([dump dumpit*] [max-count (inexact (fold-left max 1 (map cdr dump)))])
656                   (for-each
657                     (lambda (dumpit)
658                       (let ([source (car dumpit)] [count (cdr dumpit)])
659                         (fasl-write
660                           (make-profilit (source-sfd source) (source-bfp source) (source-efp source)
661                             ; compute weight as % of max count
662                             (fl/ (inexact count) max-count))
663                           op)))
664                     dump)))
665               (close-port op)))])))
666    (set! $profile-source-data? (lambda () profile-source-data?))
667    (set! $profile-block-data? (lambda () profile-block-data?))
668    (set-who! profile-load-data
669      (lambda ifn*
670        (define populate!
671          (lambda (x)
672            (unless (profilit? x) ($oops who "invalid profile data element ~s" x))
673            (unless profile-database (set! profile-database (make-profile-database)))
674            (let ([ht (let* ([sfd (profilit-sfd x)]
675                             [cell (hashtable-cell profile-database sfd #f)])
676                        (update-sfd! cell sfd)
677                        (or (cdr cell)
678                            (let ([ht (make-hashtable values =)])
679                              (set-cdr! cell ht)
680                              ht)))])
681              ; each ht entry is an alist mapping efp -> (weight . n) where n is
682              ; the number of contributing entries so far for this sfd, bfp, and efp.
683              ; n is used to compute the average weight of the contributing entries.
684              (let ([bfp.alist (hashtable-cell ht (profilit-bfp x) '())])
685                (cond
686                  [(assv (profilit-efp x) (cdr bfp.alist)) =>
687                   (lambda (a)
688                     (let ([weight.n (cdr a)])
689                       (let ([weight (car weight.n)] [n (cdr weight.n)])
690                         (let ([new-n (fl+ n 1.0)])
691                           (set-car! weight.n (fl/ (fl+ (* weight n) (profilit-weight x)) new-n))
692                           (set-cdr! weight.n new-n)))))]
693                  [else (set-cdr! bfp.alist (cons (cons* (profilit-efp x) (profilit-weight x) 1.0) (cdr bfp.alist)))])))
694            (if (fxnegative? (profilit-bfp x))
695                (set! profile-block-data? #t)
696                (set! profile-source-data? #t))))
697        (define (load-file ifn)
698          (let ([ip ($open-file-input-port who ifn)])
699            (on-reset (close-port ip)
700              (let f ()
701                (let ([x (fasl-read ip)])
702                  (unless (eof-object? x)
703                    (with-tc-mutex (populate! x))
704                    (f)))))
705            (close-port ip)))
706        (for-each
707          (lambda (ifn)
708            (unless (string? ifn) ($oops who "~s is not a string" ifn)))
709          ifn*)
710        (for-each load-file ifn*)))
711    (set! $profile-show-database
712      (lambda ()
713        (when profile-database
714          (let-values ([(sfd* ht*) (hashtable-entries profile-database)])
715            (vector-for-each
716              (lambda (sfd ht)
717                (printf "~a:\n" (source-file-descriptor-name sfd))
718                (let-values ([(bfp* alist*) (hashtable-entries ht)])
719                  (vector-for-each
720                    (lambda (bfp alist)
721                      (for-each
722                        (lambda (a) (printf "  ~s, ~s: ~s\n" bfp (car a) (cadr a)))
723                        alist))
724                    bfp* alist*)))
725              sfd* ht*)))))
726    (set! profile-query-weight
727      (lambda (x)
728        (define src->weight
729          (lambda (src)
730            (cond
731              [(and profile-database
732                    (let* ([sfd (source-object-sfd src)]
733                           [ht (hashtable-ref profile-database sfd #f)])
734                      (and ht
735                           (begin
736                             ; could do just one lookup if we had a nondestructive variant of
737                             ; hashtable-cell to call above
738                             (update-sfd! (hashtable-cell profile-database sfd #f) sfd)
739                             ht)))) =>
740               (lambda (ht)
741                 (let ([alist (hashtable-ref ht (source-object-bfp src) '())])
742                   (cond
743                     [(assv (source-object-efp src) alist) => cadr]
744                     [(and (fxnegative? (source-object-bfp src)) (not (null? alist)))
745                      ($oops #f "block-profiling info is out-of-date for ~s"
746                        (source-file-descriptor-name (source-object-sfd src)))]
747                     ; no info for given bfp, efp...assume dead code and return 0
748                     [else 0.0])))]
749              ; no info for given sfd...assume not profiled and return #f
750              [else #f])))
751        (if (source? x)
752            (src->weight x)
753            (let ([x (syntax->annotation x)])
754              (if (annotation? x)
755                  (src->weight (annotation-source x))
756                  #f))))))
758  (let ()
759    ;;; The following copyright notice goes with the %html module.
761    ;;; Copyright (c) 2005 R. Kent Dybvig
763    ;;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
764    ;;; copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
765    ;;; to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
766    ;;; the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
767    ;;; and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
768    ;;; Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
770    ;;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
771    ;;; all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
781    (module %html ((<html> <*> attribute $tag)
782                   (<head> <*> attribute $tag)
783                   (<body> <*> attribute $tag)
784                   (<script> <*> attribute $tag)
785                   (<style> <*> attribute $tag)
786                   (<title> <*> attribute $tag)
787                   (<base> <*> attribute $tag)
788                   (<link> <*> attribute $tag)
789                   (<meta> <*> attribute $tag)
790                   (<address> <*> attribute $tag)
791                   (<blockquote> <*> attribute $tag)
792                   (<del> <*> attribute $tag)
793                   (<div> <*> attribute $tag)
794                   (<h1> <*> attribute $tag)
795                   (<h2> <*> attribute $tag)
796                   (<h3> <*> attribute $tag)
797                   (<h4> <*> attribute $tag)
798                   (<h5> <*> attribute $tag)
799                   (<h6> <*> attribute $tag)
800                   (<ins> <*> attribute $tag)
801                   (<noscript> <*> attribute $tag)
802                   (<p> <*> attribute $tag)
803                   (<pre> <*> attribute $tag)
804                   (<hr> <*> attribute $tag)
805                   (<dd> <*> attribute $tag)
806                   (<dl> <*> attribute $tag)
807                   (<dt> <*> attribute $tag)
808                   (<li> <*> attribute $tag)
809                   (<ol> <*> attribute $tag)
810                   (<ul> <*> attribute $tag)
811                   (<table> <*> attribute $tag)
812                   (<caption> <*> attribute $tag)
813                   (<colgroup> <*> attribute $tag)
814                   (<thead> <*> attribute $tag)
815                   (<tfoot> <*> attribute $tag)
816                   (<tbody> <*> attribute $tag)
817                   (<tr> <*> attribute $tag)
818                   (<td> <*> attribute $tag)
819                   (<th> <*> attribute $tag)
820                   (<col> <*> attribute $tag)
821                   (<form> <*> attribute $tag)
822                   (<button> <*> attribute $tag)
823                   (<fieldset> <*> attribute $tag)
824                   (<legend> <*> attribute $tag)
825                   (<label> <*> attribute $tag)
826                   (<select> <*> attribute $tag)
827                   (<optgroup> <*> attribute $tag)
828                   (<option> <*> attribute $tag)
829                   (<textarea> <*> attribute $tag)
830                   (<input> <*> attribute $tag)
831                   (<a> <*> attribute $tag)
832                   (<bdo> <*> attribute $tag)
833                   (<map> <*> attribute $tag)
834                   (<object> <*> attribute $tag)
835                   (<q> <*> attribute $tag)
836                   (<span> <*> attribute $tag)
837                   (<sub> <*> attribute $tag)
838                   (<sup> <*> attribute $tag)
839                   (<br> <*> attribute $tag)
840                   (<img> <*> attribute $tag)
841                   (<area> <*> attribute $tag)
842                   (<param> <*> attribute $tag)
843                   (<abbr> <*> attribute $tag)
844                   (<acronym> <*> attribute $tag)
845                   (<cite> <*> attribute $tag)
846                   (<code> <*> attribute $tag)
847                   (<dfn> <*> attribute $tag)
848                   (<em> <*> attribute $tag)
849                   (<kbd> <*> attribute $tag)
850                   (<samp> <*> attribute $tag)
851                   (<strong> <*> attribute $tag)
852                   (<var> <*> attribute $tag)
853                   (<b> <*> attribute $tag)
854                   (<big> <*> attribute $tag)
855                   (<i> <*> attribute $tag)
856                   (<small> <*> attribute $tag)
857                   (<tt> <*> attribute $tag)
858                   <doctype>
859                   html-text nbsp encode-url-parameter flush-html-output)
860      (define $tag
861        (lambda (tag attributes text end-tag)
862          (define (simple-value? s)
863            (define (simple-char? c)
864              (or (char<=? #\0 c #\9)
865                  (char<=? #\a c #\z)
866                  (char<=? #\A c #\Z)
867                  (char=? c #\-)
868                  (char=? c #\.)))
869            (let ([n (string-length s)])
870              (and (fx> n 0)
871                   (let f ([i (fx- n 1)])
872                     (and (simple-char? (string-ref s i))
873                          (or (fx= i 0) (f (fx- i 1))))))))
874          (printf "<~a" tag)
875          (for-each
876            (lambda (a)
877              (if (pair? a)
878                  (let ([value (let ([s (cdr a)])
879                                 (if (string? s)
880                                     s
881                                     (format "~a" (cdr a))))])
882                    (if (simple-value? value)
883                        (printf " ~a=~a" (car a) value)
884                        (let ([n (string-length value)])
885                          (printf " ~a=\"" (car a))
886                          (do ([i 0 (fx+ i 1)])
887                              ((fx= i n) (write-char #\"))
888                            (display
889                              (let ([c (string-ref value i)])
890                                (if (char=? c #\")
891                                    "&quot;"
892                                    (html-text-char c))))))))
893                  (printf " ~a" a)))
894            attributes)
895          (printf ">")
896          (cond
897            [end-tag (let-values ([v* (text)])
898                       (printf "</~a>" tag)
899                       (apply values v*))]
900            [else (text)])))
901      (meta define <*>
902        (lambda (id)
903          (datum->syntax-object id
904            (string->symbol
905              (string-append "<" (symbol->string (syntax-object->datum id)) ">")))))
906      (meta define (attribute x)
907        (syntax-case x ()
908          [(a v) (identifier? #'a) #'(cons 'a v)]
909          [a (identifier? #'a) #''a]
910          [else (syntax-error x "improper attribute")]))
911      (define-syntax define-tags
912        (lambda (x)
913          (syntax-case x ()
914            [(_ tag ...)
915             (with-syntax ([(<tag> ...) (map <*> (syntax->list #'(tag ...)))])
916               #'(begin
917                   (define-syntax <tag>
918                     (lambda (x)
919                       (syntax-case x ()
920                         [(_ (attr (... ...)) text (... ...))
921                          (with-syntax ([(attr (... ...))
922                                         (map attribute
923                                              (syntax->list #'(attr (... ...))))])
924                            #'($tag 'tag (list attr (... ...))
925                                (lambda () (void) text (... ...)) #t))])))
926                   ...))])))
927      (define-syntax define-endless-tags
928        (lambda (x)
929          (syntax-case x ()
930            [(_ tag ...)
931             (with-syntax ([(<tag> ...) (map <*> (syntax->list #'(tag ...)))])
932               #'(begin
933                   (define-syntax <tag>
934                     (lambda (x)
935                       (syntax-case x ()
936                         [(_) #'($tag 'tag '() (lambda () "") #f)]
937                         [(_ (attr (... ...)))
938                          (with-syntax ([(attr (... ...))
939                                         (map attribute
940                                           (syntax->list #'(attr (... ...))))])
941                            #'($tag 'tag (list attr (... ...))
942                                (lambda () "") #f))])))
943                   ...))])))
945     ; top-level
946      (define-tags html head body)
948     ; head
949      (define-tags script style title) ; script also special inline
950      (define-endless-tags base link meta)
952     ; block-level generic
953     ; del and ins are also phrase
954      (define-tags address blockquote del div h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 ins noscript p pre)
955      (define-endless-tags hr)
957     ; lists
958      (define-tags dd dl dt li ol ul)
960     ; tables
961      (define-tags table caption colgroup thead tfoot tbody tr td th)
962      (define-endless-tags col)
964     ; forms
965      (define-tags form button fieldset legend label select optgroup option textarea)
966      (define-endless-tags input)
968     ; special inline
969      (define-tags a bdo map object q span sub sup)
970      (define-endless-tags br img area param)
972     ; phrase
973      (define-tags abbr acronym cite code dfn em kbd samp strong var)
975     ; font-style
976      (define-tags b big i small tt)
978     ; pseudo tags
979      (define (<doctype>)
980        (printf "<!DOCTYPE html>\n"))
982     ;;; other helpers
983      (define (html-text-char c)
984        (case c
985          [(#\<) "&lt;"]
986          [(#\>) "&gt;"]
987          [(#\&) "&amp;"]
988          [(#\return) ""]
989          [else c]))
991      (define (html-text fmt . args)
992        (let ([s (apply format fmt args)])
993          (let ([n (string-length s)])
994            (do ([i 0 (fx+ i 1)])
995                ((fx= i n))
996              (display (html-text-char (string-ref s i)))))))
998      (define (nbsp) (display-string "&nbsp;"))
1000      (define encode-url-parameter
1001        (let ()
1002          (define get-encoding
1003            (let ([encoding (make-vector 256)])
1004              (do ([i 0 (fx+ i 1)])
1005                  ((fx= i 256))
1006                (let ([c (integer->char i)])
1007                  (cond
1008                    [(or (char<=? #\a c #\z)
1009                         (char<=? #\A c #\Z)
1010                         (char<=? #\0 c #\9)
1011                         (memv c '(#\$ #\- #\_ #\. #\+ #\! #\* #\' #\( #\) #\,)))
1012                     (vector-set! encoding i c)]
1013                    [(char=? c #\space) (vector-set! encoding i #\+)]
1014                    [else (vector-set! encoding i (format "%~(~2,'0x~)" i))])))
1015              (lambda (c)
1016                (let ([n (char->integer c)])
1017                  (if (fx< n 256)
1018                      (vector-ref encoding c)
1019                      ($oops 'encode-url-parameter "cannot encode non-latin-1 character ~s" c))))))
1020          (lambda (s)
1021            (define (string-insert! s1 i1 s2 n2)
1022              (do ([i2 0 (fx+ i2 1)] [i1 i1 (fx+ i1 1)])
1023                  ((fx= i2 n2))
1024                (string-set! s1 i1 (string-ref s2 i2))))
1025            (let ([n (string-length s)])
1026              (let f ([i 0] [j 0])
1027                (if (fx= i n)
1028                    (make-string j)
1029                    (let ([x (get-encoding (string-ref s i))])
1030                      (if (char? x)
1031                          (let ([s (f (fx+ i 1) (fx+ j 1))])
1032                            (string-set! s j x)
1033                            s)
1034                          (let ([xn (string-length x)])
1035                            (let ([s (f (fx+ i 1) (fx+ j xn))])
1036                              (string-insert! s j x xn)
1037                              s))))))))))
1039      (define (flush-html-output) (flush-output-port))
1040    )
1041    (import %html)
1043    (define (assign-colors ncolors fdata*)
1044     ; assign highest color to entries whose counts are within X% of maximum
1045     ; count, where X = 100/ncolors, then recur without assigned color or
1046     ; entries to which it is assigned
1047     ; NB: color 0 is for unprofiled code, and color 1 is for unexecuted code
1048      (let loop ([entry* (sort (lambda (x y)
1049                                 (> (entrydata-count x) (entrydata-count y)))
1050                               (apply append (map filedata-entry* fdata*)))]
1051                 [ci (- ncolors 1)])
1052        (unless (null? entry*)
1053          (let ([limit (if (= ci 1)
1054                           -1
1055                           (let ([max-count (entrydata-count (car entry*))])
1056                             (truncate (* max-count (- 1 (/ 1 (- ci 1)))))))])
1057            (let loop2 ([entry* entry*])
1058              (unless (null? entry*)
1059                (let ([entry (car entry*)])
1060                  (if (<= (entrydata-count entry) limit)
1061                      (loop entry* (- ci 1))
1062                      (let ([fdata (entrydata-fdata entry)])
1063                        (unless (filedata-ci fdata)
1064                          (filedata-ci-set! fdata ci))
1065                        (entrydata-ci-set! entry ci)
1066                        (loop2 (cdr entry*)))))))))))
1068    (define-syntax with-html-file
1069      (syntax-rules ()
1070        [(_ who palette ?path title body1 body2 ...)
1071         (let ([path ?path])
1072           (let ([op ($open-file-output-port who path
1073                       (file-options replace)
1074                       (buffer-mode block)
1075                       (current-transcoder))])
1076             (on-reset (delete-file path #f)
1077               (on-reset (close-port op)
1078                 (parameterize ([current-output-port op])
1079                   (<doctype>)
1080                   (<html> ()
1081                     (newline)
1082                     (<head> ()
1083                       (newline)
1084                       (<meta> ([http-equiv "Content-Type"]
1085                                [content "text/html;charset=utf-8"]))
1086                       (newline)
1087                       (<title> () (html-text "~a" title))
1088                       (newline)
1089                       (display-style-with-palette palette)
1090                       (newline))
1091                     (newline)
1092                     (let () body1 body2 ...)
1093                     (newline))))
1094               (close-port op))))]))
1096    (define (display-file who palette fdata)
1097      (let ([ip (filedata-ip fdata)] [line 1] [char 1])
1098        (define (copy-all)
1099          (html-text "~a"
1100            (with-output-to-string
1101              (rec f
1102                (lambda ()
1103                  (let ([c (read-char ip)])
1104                    (unless (eof-object? c)
1105                      (write-char c)
1106                      (f))))))))
1107        (define (read-space imax)
1108          (with-output-to-string
1109            (lambda ()
1110              (let f ([imax imax])
1111                (unless (= imax 0)
1112                  (let ([c (peek-char ip)])
1113                    (when (memv c '(#\space #\tab))
1114                      (read-char ip)
1115                      (set! char (+ char 1))
1116                      (write-char c)
1117                      (f (- imax 1)))))))))
1118        (define (read-to-eol imax)
1119          (with-output-to-string
1120            (lambda ()
1121              (let f ([imax imax])
1122                (unless (= imax 0)
1123                  (let ([c (peek-char ip)])
1124                    (unless (or (eof-object? c) (char=? c #\newline))
1125                      (read-char ip)
1126                      (set! char (+ char 1))
1127                      (write-char c)
1128                      (f (- imax 1)))))))))
1129        (define (copy-until bfp next ci title)
1130          (let loop ([bfp bfp])
1131            (unless (= bfp next)
1132              (let ([s (read-to-eol (- next bfp))])
1133                (let ([n (string-length s)])
1134                  (when (> n 0)
1135                    (if ci
1136                        (<span> ([class (color-class ci)] [title title])
1137                          (html-text "~a" s))
1138                        (html-text "~a" s)))
1139                  (let ([bfp (+ bfp n)])
1140                    (unless (= bfp next)
1141                     ; next character must be newline, if not eof
1142                      (when (eof-object? (read-char ip))
1143                        ($oops who
1144                          "unexpected end-of-file on ~s"
1145                          ip))
1146                      (let ([bfp (+ bfp 1)])
1147                        (newline)
1148                        (set! line (+ line 1))
1149                        (set! char 1)
1150                        (let ([s (read-space (- next bfp))])
1151                          (let ([n (string-length s)])
1152                            (when (> n 0) (display s))
1153                            (loop (+ bfp n))))))))))))
1154        (define-syntax with-line-numbers
1155          (syntax-rules ()
1156            [(_ e1 e2 ...)
1157             (let ([th (lambda () e1 e2 ...)])
1158               (cond
1159                 [(profile-line-number-color) =>
1160                  (lambda (color)
1161                    (define line-count
1162                      (let loop ([n 0] [bol? #t])
1163                        (let ([c (read-char ip)])
1164                          (if (eof-object? c)
1165                              (begin (set-port-position! ip 0) n)
1166                              (loop (if bol? (+ n 1) n) (char=? c #\newline))))))
1167                    (<table> ()
1168                      (<tr> ()
1169                        (<td> ([style (format "color: ~a; font-weight: bold; padding-right: 1rem; text-align: right" color)])
1170                          (<pre> ()
1171                            (unless (fx= line-count 0)
1172                              (newline)
1173                              (let loop ([i 1])
1174                                (<span> ([id (format "line~d" i)]) (html-text "~s\n" i))
1175                                (unless (fx= i line-count) (loop (fx+ i 1)))))))
1176                        (<td> () (th)))))]
1177                 [else (th)]))]))
1178        (with-html-file who palette (filedata-htmlpath fdata) (port-name ip)
1179          (<body> ([class (color-class 0)])
1180            (newline)
1181            (<h1> ([style "margin-bottom: 1rem"])
1182              (html-text "~a" (port-name ip)) (<span> ([style "opacity: 0.5"]) (html-text " on ~a" (date-and-time))))
1183            (newline)
1184            (with-line-numbers
1185              (<pre> ()
1186                (newline)
1187                (let ([entry* (filedata-entry* fdata)]) ; already sorted by gather-filedata
1188                  (let f ([bfp 0] [entry* entry*] [efp #f] [ci #f] [title ""])
1189                    (cond
1190                      [(and (null? entry*) (not efp)) (copy-all)]
1191                      [(and (not (null? entry*))
1192                            (or (not efp) (< (entrydata-bfp (car entry*)) efp)))
1193                       (let ([entry (car entry*)] [entry* (cdr entry*)])
1194                         (let ([next (entrydata-bfp entry)])
1195                           (copy-until bfp next ci title)
1196                           (entrydata-line-set! entry line)
1197                           (entrydata-char-set! entry char)
1198                           (let-values ([(bfp entry*)
1199                                         (f next entry*
1200                                            (entrydata-efp entry)
1201                                            (entrydata-ci entry)
1202                                            (format "line ~d char ~d count ~:d" line char (entrydata-count entry)))])
1203                             (f bfp entry* efp ci title))))]
1204                      [else
1205                       (copy-until bfp efp ci title)
1206                       (values efp entry*)])))))
1207            (newline)))))
1209    (define color-class
1210      (lambda (ci)
1211        (format "pc~s" ci)))
1213    (define (display-style-with-palette palette)
1214      (<style> ([type "text/css"])
1215        (newline)
1217        ;; CSS Reset Styling
1219        ;; See https://perishablepress.com/a-killer-collection-of-global-css-reset-styles/ for an overview
1220        ;; of CSS resets.
1221        ;;
1222        ;; See http://code.stephenmorley.org/html-and-css/fixing-browsers-broken-monospace-font-handling/
1223        ;; for an explanation of "font-family: monospace, monospace;" and the following "font-size: 1rem;".
1224        ;;
1225        (printf "* {")
1226        (printf " border: 0;")
1227        (printf " margin: 0;")
1228        (printf " outline: 0;")
1229        (printf " padding: 0;")
1230        (printf " vertical-align: baseline;")
1231        (printf " }\n")
1232        (printf "code, kbd, pre, samp {")
1233        (printf " font-family: monospace, monospace;")
1234        (printf " font-size: 1rem;")
1235        (printf " }\n")
1236        (printf "html {")
1237        (printf " -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;")
1238        (printf " -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;")
1239        (printf " }\n")
1240        (printf "table {")
1241        (printf " border-collapse: collapse;")
1242        (printf " border-spacing: 0;")
1243        (printf " }\n")
1245        ;; CSS Base Styling
1247        (printf "body {")
1248        (printf " padding: 1rem;")
1249        (printf " }\n")
1250        (printf "h1, h2, h3, h4 {")
1251        (printf " line-height: 1.25;")
1252        (printf " margin-bottom: 0.5rem;")
1253        (printf " }\n")
1254        (printf "h1 {")
1255        (printf " font-size: 1.296rem;")
1256        (printf " }\n")
1257        (printf "h2 {")
1258        (printf " font-size: 1.215rem;")
1259        (printf " }\n")
1260        (printf "h3 {")
1261        (printf " font-size: 1.138rem;")
1262        (printf " }\n")
1263        (printf "h4 {")
1264        (printf " font-size: 1.067rem;")
1265        (printf " }\n")
1266        (printf "html {")
1267        (printf " font-family: monospace, monospace;")
1268        (printf " font-size: 1rem;")
1269        (printf " }\n")
1270        (printf "p {")
1271        (printf " margin-bottom: 1.25rem;")
1272        (printf " }\n")
1274        ;; CSS Profile Styling
1276        (do ([ci 0 (fx+ ci 1)])
1277            ((fx= ci (vector-length palette)))
1278          (let ([color (vector-ref palette ci)])
1279            (printf ".~a { background-color: ~a; color: ~a; white-space: nowrap; }\n"
1280              (color-class ci) (car color) (cdr color))))))
1282    (define (safe-prefix name name*)
1283      (define (prefix? prefix str)
1284        (let ([n (string-length prefix)])
1285          (and (fx<= n (string-length str))
1286               (string=? prefix (substring str 0 n)))))
1287      (define (digit+? s i n)
1288        (and (fx< i n)
1289             (let ([n (fx- n 1)])
1290               (let loop ([i i])
1291                 (and (char-numeric? (string-ref s i))
1292                      (or (fx= i n) (loop (fx+ i 1))))))))
1293      (define (okay? prefix)
1294        (let loop ([name* name*])
1295          (or (null? name*)
1296              (let ([next-name (car name*)])
1297                (or (not (prefix? name next-name))
1298                    (and (or (not (prefix? prefix next-name))
1299                             (not (digit+? next-name
1300                                    (string-length prefix)
1301                                    (string-length next-name))))
1302                         (loop (cdr name*))))))))
1303      (let try ([prefix name])
1304        (let ([prefix (format "~a-" prefix)])
1305          (if (okay? prefix)
1306              prefix
1307              (try prefix)))))
1309    (define (readable-number n)
1310      (cond
1311        [(>= n 1000000000) (format "~~~sB" (quotient n 1000000000))]
1312        [(>= n 1000000) (format "~~~sM" (quotient n 1000000))]
1313        [(>= n 1000) (format "~~~sK" (quotient n 1000))]
1314        [else (format "~a" n)]))
1316    (set-who! profile-dump-html
1317      (rec profile-dump-html
1318        (case-lambda
1319          [() (profile-dump-html "")]
1320          [(path-prefix) (profile-dump-html path-prefix (profile-dump))]
1321          [(path-prefix dumpit*)
1322           (unless (string? path-prefix)
1323             ($oops who "~s is not a string" path-prefix))
1324           (check-dump who dumpit*)
1325           (let ([palette (profile-palette)])
1326             (let ([fdata* (gather-filedata who #f dumpit*)])
1327               (when (null? fdata*)
1328                 ($oops who "no profiled code found"))
1329               (for-each
1330                 (lambda (fdata)
1331                   (filedata-max-count-set! fdata
1332                     (apply max
1333                       (map entrydata-count
1334                         (filedata-entry* fdata)))))
1335                 fdata*)
1336              ; assign unique html pathnames to fdatas with ips
1337               (let ([fdata*
1338                      (sort
1339                        (lambda (x y)
1340                          (let ([xpath (path-last (port-name (filedata-ip x)))]
1341                                [ypath (path-last (port-name (filedata-ip y)))])
1342                            (or (string<? xpath ypath)
1343                                (and (string=? xpath ypath)
1344                                     (< (source-file-descriptor-crc (filedata-sfd x))
1345                                        (source-file-descriptor-crc (filedata-sfd x)))))))
1346                        (remp (lambda (x) (not (filedata-ip x))) fdata*))])
1347                 (for-each
1348                   (lambda (fdata i htmlpath)
1349                     (filedata-htmlpath-set! fdata htmlpath)
1350                     (filedata-htmlfn-set! fdata (path-last htmlpath))
1351                     (filedata-winid-set! fdata (format "win~s" i)))
1352                   fdata*
1353                   (enumerate fdata*)
1354                   (let f ([name* (map (lambda (fdata)
1355                                         (path-last (port-name (filedata-ip fdata))))
1356                                       fdata*)]
1357                           [last-name #f])
1358                     (if (null? name*)
1359                         '()
1360                         (let ([name (car name*)])
1361                           (if (equal? name last-name)
1362                               (let ([prefix (safe-prefix name name*)])
1363                                 (let g ([name* (cdr name*)] [i 0])
1364                                   (cons (format "~a~a~s.html" path-prefix prefix i)
1365                                         (if (and (not (null? name*))
1366                                                  (string=? (car name*) name))
1367                                             (g (cdr name*) (+ i 1))
1368                                             (f name* name)))))
1369                               (cons (format "~a~a.html" path-prefix name)
1370                                     (f (cdr name*) name))))))))
1371               (assign-colors (vector-length palette) fdata*)
1372               (with-html-file who palette (format "~aprofile.html" path-prefix) "Profile Output"
1373                 (<body> ([class (color-class 0)])
1374                   (newline)
1375                   (<h1> ([style "margin-bottom: 1rem"])
1376                     (html-text "Profile Output") (<span> ([style "opacity: 0.5"]) (html-text " on ~a" (date-and-time))))
1377                   (newline)
1378                   (<table> ()
1379                     (<tr> ()
1380                       (newline)
1381                       (<td> ([style "vertical-align: top"])
1382                         (<h2> ([style "margin-bottom: 0.25rem"])
1383                           (html-text "Legend"))
1384                         (newline)
1385                         (<table> ([style "margin-bottom: 1rem"])
1386                           (newline)
1387                           (let* ([n (vector-length palette)] [v (make-vector n #f)])
1388                             (for-each
1389                               (lambda (fdata)
1390                                 (for-each
1391                                   (lambda (entry)
1392                                     (let ([ci (entrydata-ci entry)]
1393                                           [count (entrydata-count entry)])
1394                                       (vector-set! v ci
1395                                         (let ([p (vector-ref v ci)])
1396                                           (if p
1397                                               (cons (min (car p) count)
1398                                                     (max (cdr p) count))
1399                                               (cons count count))))))
1400                                   (filedata-entry* fdata)))
1401                               fdata*)
1402                             (do ([ci (- n 1) (- ci 1)])
1403                                 ((= ci 0))
1404                               (let ([p (vector-ref v ci)])
1405                                 (when p
1406                                   (<tr> ()
1407                                     (<td> ([class (color-class ci)]
1408                                            [style "padding: 0.5rem"])
1409                                       (let ([smin (readable-number (car p))]
1410                                             [smax (readable-number (cdr p))])
1411                                         (if (string=? smin smax)
1412                                             (html-text "executed ~a time~p"
1413                                               smin (car p))
1414                                             (html-text "executed ~a-~a times"
1415                                               smin smax)))))
1416                                   (newline))))))
1417                         (newline)
1418                         (<h2> ([style "margin-bottom: 0.25rem"])
1419                           (html-text "Files"))
1420                         (newline)
1421                         (<table> ([style "margin-bottom: 1rem"])
1422                           (newline)
1423                           (for-each
1424                             (lambda (fdata)
1425                               (let ([ip (filedata-ip fdata)])
1426                                 (<tr> ()
1427                                   (<td> ([class (color-class (filedata-ci fdata))]
1428                                          [style "padding: 0.5rem"])
1429                                     (if ip
1430                                         (<a> ([href (filedata-htmlfn fdata)]
1431                                               [target (filedata-winid fdata)]
1432                                               [class (color-class (filedata-ci fdata))])
1433                                           (html-text "~a" (port-name (filedata-ip fdata))))
1434                                         (html-text "~a"
1435                                           (source-file-descriptor-name (filedata-sfd fdata))))))
1436                                 (newline)
1437                                 (when ip (display-file who palette fdata))))
1438                             (sort
1439                               (lambda (x y)
1440                                 (> (filedata-max-count x)
1441                                    (filedata-max-count y)))
1442                               fdata*))))
1443                       (newline)
1444                       (<td> ([style "width: 10rem"]))
1445                       (newline)
1446                       (<td> ([style "vertical-align: top"])
1447                         (<h2> ([style "margin-bottom: 0.25rem"])
1448                           (html-text "Hot Spots"))
1449                         (newline)
1450                         (<table> ([style "margin-bottom: 1rem"])
1451                           (newline)
1452                           (let loop ([entry*
1453                                       (sort
1454                                         (lambda (x y)
1455                                           (or (> (entrydata-count x) (entrydata-count y))
1456                                               (and (= (entrydata-count x) (entrydata-count y))
1457                                                    (let ([fn1 (filedata-htmlfn (entrydata-fdata x))]
1458                                                          [fn2 (filedata-htmlfn (entrydata-fdata y))])
1459                                                      (and fn1 fn2
1460                                                           (or (string<? fn1 fn2)
1461                                                               (and (string=? fn1 fn2)
1462                                                                    (let ([line1 (entrydata-line x)]
1463                                                                          [line2 (entrydata-line y)])
1464                                                                    (and line1 line2 (< line1 line2))))))))))
1465                                         (apply append (map filedata-entry* fdata*)))]
1466                                      [last-htmlfn #f]
1467                                      [last-count #f]
1468                                      [last-line #f])
1469                             (unless (or (null? entry*) (= (entrydata-count (car entry*)) 0))
1470                               (let* ([entry (car entry*)]
1471                                      [count (entrydata-count entry)]
1472                                      [line (entrydata-line entry)]
1473                                      [fdata (entrydata-fdata entry)]
1474                                      [htmlfn (filedata-htmlfn fdata)])
1475                                 (unless (and htmlfn last-htmlfn
1476                                              (string=? htmlfn last-htmlfn)
1477                                              (= count last-count)
1478                                              (= line last-line))
1479                                   (<tr> ()
1480                                     (<td> ([class (color-class (entrydata-ci entry))]
1481                                            [style "padding: 0.5rem"])
1482                                       (cond
1483                                         [(filedata-ip fdata) =>
1484                                          (lambda (ip)
1485                                          (let ([url (format "~a#line~d"
1486                                                          (filedata-htmlfn fdata)
1487                                                        line)])
1488                                              (<a> ([href url]
1489                                                    [target (filedata-winid fdata)]
1490                                                    [style "text-decoration: underline"]
1491                                                    [class (color-class (entrydata-ci entry))])
1492                                              (html-text "~a line ~s (~:d)"
1493                                                  (port-name ip) (entrydata-line entry)
1494                                                (entrydata-count entry)))))]
1495                                         [else
1496                                          (html-text "~a char ~s (~:d)"
1497                                            (source-file-descriptor-name (filedata-sfd fdata))
1498                                            (entrydata-bfp entry)
1499                                            (entrydata-count entry))])))
1500                                   (newline))
1501                                 (loop (cdr entry*) htmlfn count line)))))
1502                         (newline))
1503                       (newline)))
1504                   (newline)))
1505               (for-each
1506                 (lambda (fdata) (cond [(filedata-ip fdata) => close-input-port]))
1507                 fdata*)))]))))
1509  (set-who! profile-palette
1510    (make-parameter
1511     ; color background with appropriate white or black foreground
1512      '#(("#111111" . "white")  ; black (for unprofiled code)
1513         ("#607D8B" . "white")  ; gray  (for unexecuted code)
1514         ("#9C27B0" . "black")  ; purple
1515         ("#673AB7" . "white")  ; dark purple
1516         ("#3F51B5" . "white")  ; dark blue
1517         ("#2196F3" . "black")  ; medium blue
1518         ("#00BCD4" . "black")  ; aqua
1519         ("#4CAF50" . "black")  ; green
1520         ("#CDDC39" . "black")  ; yellow green
1521         ("#FFEB3B" . "black")  ; yellow
1522         ("#FFC107" . "black")  ; dark yellow
1523         ("#FF9800" . "black")  ; orange
1524         ("#F44336" . "white")) ; red
1525      (lambda (palette)
1526        (unless (and (vector? palette)
1527                     (andmap
1528                       (lambda (x)
1529                         (and (pair? x) (string? (car x)) (string? (cdr x))))
1530                       (vector->list palette)))
1531          ($oops who "invalid palette ~s" palette))
1532        (unless (fx> (vector-length palette) 2)
1533          ($oops who "palette ~s has too few entries" palette))
1534        palette)))
1536  (set-who! profile-line-number-color
1537    (make-parameter "#666666"
1538      (lambda (color)
1539        (unless (or (eq? color #f) (string? color)) ($oops who "~s is not a string or #f" color))
1540        color)))