1(library (thread)
2  (export)
3  (import (rename (chezpart)
4                  [define chez:define])
5          (rename (rumble)
6                  [rumble:break-enabled-key break-enabled-key]
7                  ;; Remapped to place-local register operations:
8                  [unsafe-make-place-local rumble:unsafe-make-place-local]
9                  [unsafe-place-local-ref rumble:unsafe-place-local-ref]
10                  [unsafe-place-local-set! rumble:unsafe-place-local-set!]
11                  ;; These are extracted via `#%linklet`:
12                  [make-engine rumble:make-engine]
13                  [engine-timeout rumble:engine-timeout]
14                  [engine-return rumble:engine-return]
15                  [engine-roots rumble:engine-roots]
16                  [call-with-engine-completion rumble:call-with-engine-completion]
17                  [call-with-current-continuation-roots rumble:call-with-current-continuation-roots]
18                  [make-condition rumble:make-condition]
19                  [condition-wait rumble:condition-wait]
20                  [condition-signal rumble:condition-signal]
21                  [condition-broadcast rumble:condition-broadcast]
22                  [make-mutex rumble:make-mutex]
23                  [mutex-acquire rumble:mutex-acquire]
24                  [mutex-release rumble:mutex-release]
25                  [pthread? rumble:thread?]
26                  [fork-place rumble:fork-place]
27                  [place-get-inherit rumble:place-get-inherit]
28                  [start-place rumble:start-place]
29                  [fork-pthread rumble:fork-thread]
30                  [threaded? rumble:threaded?]
31                  [get-thread-id rumble:get-thread-id]
32                  [get-initial-pthread rumble:get-initial-pthread]
33                  [current-place-roots rumble:current-place-roots]
34                  [call-as-asynchronous-callback rumble:call-as-asynchronous-callback]
35                  [post-as-asynchronous-callback rumble:post-as-asynchronous-callback]
36                  [set-ctl-c-handler! rumble:set-ctl-c-handler!]
37                  [set-break-enabled-transition-hook! rumble:set-break-enabled-transition-hook!]
38                  [set-reachable-size-increments-callback! rumble:set-reachable-size-increments-callback!]
39                  [set-custodian-memory-use-proc! rumble:set-custodian-memory-use-proc!]
40                  [set-immediate-allocation-check-proc! rumble:set-immediate-allocation-check-proc!]
41                  [continuation-current-primitive rumble:continuation-current-primitive]))
43  (include "place-register.ss")
44  (define-place-register-define place:define thread-register-start thread-register-count)
46  ;; Special handling of `current-atomic` to use the last virtual register, and
47  ;; similarr for other. We rely on the fact that the register's default value is 0
48  ;; or the rumble layer installs a suitable default. Also, force inline a few
49  ;; functions and handle other special cases. Note that the implementation of
50  ;; `start-atomic` and `end-atomic` rely on some specific parameters being thread
51  ;; registers so that the functions can be safely called from any Scheme thread.
52  (define-syntax (define stx)
53    (let ([define-as-virtual-register
54            (lambda (stx n)
55              (with-syntax ([(_ id _) stx]
56                            [n (datum->syntax #'here n)])
57                #'(define-syntax id
58                    (syntax-rules ()
59                      [(_) (virtual-register n)]
60                      [(_ v) (set-virtual-register! n v)]))))])
61      (syntax-case stx (current-atomic end-atomic-callback current-future$1
62                                       lambda make-pthread-parameter unsafe-make-place-local)
63        ;; Recognize definition of `current-atomic`:
64        [(_ current-atomic (make-pthread-parameter 0))
65         (define-as-virtual-register stx current-atomic-virtual-register)]
66        ;; Recognize definition of `end-atomic-callback`:
67        [(_ end-atomic-callback (make-pthread-parameter 0))
68         (define-as-virtual-register stx end-atomic-virtual-register)]
69        ;; Recognize definition of `current-future`:
70        [(_ current-future$1 (make-pthread-parameter #f))
71         (define-as-virtual-register stx current-future-virtual-register)]
72        ;; Force-inline `start-atomic`, `end-atomic`, and `future-barrier`,
73        ;; at least within the core layers:
74        [(_ id (lambda () expr ...))
75         (#%memq (syntax->datum #'id) '(start-atomic end-atomic future-barrier))
76         #'(begin
77             (define proc (let ([id (lambda () expr ...)]) id))
78             (define-syntax (id stx)
79               (syntax-case stx ()
80                 [(_) #'(let () expr ...)]
81                 [_ #'proc])))]
82        ;; Workaround for redirected access of `unsafe-make-place-local` from #%pthread:
83        [(_ alias-id unsafe-make-place-local) #'(begin)]
84        ;; Chain to place-register handling:
85        [(_ . rest) #'(place:define . rest)])))
87  ;; This implementation of `sleep`, `get-wakeup-handle`, and `wakeup` is relevant
88  ;; only for running the places part of the thread demo. The relevant callbacks get
89  ;; replaced by the "io" layer to use rktio-based functions.
90  (define sleep-interrupted (rumble:unsafe-make-place-local #f))
91  (define (sleep secs)
92    (let ([isecs (inexact->exact (floor secs))]
93          [zero-secs (make-time 'time-duration 0 0)]
94          [pause-secs (make-time 'time-duration 100000 0)])
95      (let loop ([all-secs (make-time 'time-duration
96                                      (inexact->exact (floor (* (- secs isecs) 1e9)))
97                                      isecs)])
98        (unless (or (time<=? all-secs zero-secs)
99                    (let ([b (rumble:unsafe-place-local-ref sleep-interrupted)])
100                      (and b (unbox b))))
101          (#%sleep pause-secs)
102          (loop (subtract-duration all-secs pause-secs))))
103      (let ([b (rumble:unsafe-place-local-ref sleep-interrupted)])
104        (when b
105          (set-box! b #f)))))
106  (define (get-wakeup-handle)
107    (let ([b (rumble:unsafe-place-local-ref sleep-interrupted)])
108      (or b
109          (begin
110            ;; There's a race condition here.. Avoid triggering it
111            ;; in the thread demo.
112            (rumble:unsafe-place-local-set! sleep-interrupted (box #f))
113            (get-wakeup-handle)))))
114  (define (wakeup b)
115    (set-box! b #t))
117  (define (primitive-table key)
118    (case key
119      [(|#%pthread|)
120       ;; Entries in the `#%pthread` table are referenced more
121       ;; directly in "compiled/thread.scm". To make that work, the
122       ;; entries need to be either primitives in all Racket
123       ;; implemenations or registered as built-in names with the
124       ;; expander and listed in "primitive/internal.ss".
125       (hasheq
126        'make-pthread-parameter make-pthread-parameter
127        'unsafe-root-continuation-prompt-tag unsafe-root-continuation-prompt-tag
128        'break-enabled-key break-enabled-key
129        'engine-block engine-block
130        ;; These are actually redirected by "place-register.ss", but
131        ;; we list them here for compatibility with the bootstrapping
132        ;; variant of `#%pthread`
133        'unsafe-make-place-local rumble:unsafe-make-place-local
134        'unsafe-place-local-ref rumble:unsafe-place-local-ref
135        'unsafe-place-local-set! rumble:unsafe-place-local-set!)]
136      [(|#%engine|)
137       (hasheq
138        'make-engine rumble:make-engine
139        'engine-timeout rumble:engine-timeout
140        'engine-return rumble:engine-return
141        'engine-roots rumble:engine-roots
142        'call-with-engine-completion rumble:call-with-engine-completion
143        'set-ctl-c-handler! rumble:set-ctl-c-handler!
144        'poll-will-executors poll-will-executors
145        'make-will-executor rumble:make-will-executor
146        'make-late-will-executor rumble:make-late-will-executor
147        'will-executor? rumble:will-executor?
148        'will-register rumble:will-register
149        'will-try-execute rumble:will-try-execute
150        'set-break-enabled-transition-hook! rumble:set-break-enabled-transition-hook!
151        'continuation-marks rumble:continuation-marks
152        'set-reachable-size-increments-callback! rumble:set-reachable-size-increments-callback!
153        'set-custodian-memory-use-proc! rumble:set-custodian-memory-use-proc!
154        'set-immediate-allocation-check-proc! rumble:set-immediate-allocation-check-proc!
155        'exn:break/non-engine exn:break
156        'exn:break:hang-up/non-engine exn:break:hang-up
157        'exn:break:terminate/non-engine exn:break:terminate
158        'current-process-milliseconds cpu-time
159        'poll-async-callbacks poll-async-callbacks
160        'disable-interrupts disable-interrupts
161        'enable-interrupts enable-interrupts
162        'sleep sleep
163        'get-wakeup-handle get-wakeup-handle
164        'wakeup wakeup
165        'fork-place rumble:fork-place
166        'place-get-inherit rumble:place-get-inherit
167        'start-place rumble:start-place
168        'fork-pthread rumble:fork-thread
169        'get-initial-place rumble:get-initial-pthread
170        'current-place-roots rumble:current-place-roots
171        'call-with-current-continuation-roots rumble:call-with-current-continuation-roots
172        'exit place-exit
173        'pthread? rumble:thread?
174        'call-as-asynchronous-callback rumble:call-as-asynchronous-callback
175        'post-as-asynchronous-callback rumble:post-as-asynchronous-callback
176        'get-thread-id rumble:get-thread-id
177        'make-condition rumble:make-condition
178        'condition-wait rumble:condition-wait
179        'condition-signal rumble:condition-signal
180        'condition-broadcast rumble:condition-broadcast
181        'make-mutex rumble:make-mutex
182        'mutex-acquire rumble:mutex-acquire
183        'mutex-release rumble:mutex-release
184        'threaded? rumble:threaded?
185        'continuation-current-primitive rumble:continuation-current-primitive
186        'prop:unsafe-authentic-override prop:unsafe-authentic-override)]
187      [else #f]))
189  ;; Tie knots:
190  (define (check-for-break) (1/check-for-break))
191  (define (break-enabled) (1/break-enabled))
193  (include "include.ss")
194  (include-generated "thread.scm")
196  (set-engine-exit-handler!
197   (lambda (v)
198     (|#%app| (|#%app| 1/exit-handler) v)))
200  (set-scheduler-lock-callbacks! (lambda () (1/make-semaphore 1))
201                                 unsafe-semaphore-wait
202                                 unsafe-semaphore-post)
204  (set-scheduler-atomicity-callbacks! (lambda ()
205                                        (current-atomic (fx+ (current-atomic) 1)))
206                                      (lambda ()
207                                        (current-atomic (fx- (current-atomic) 1))))
209  (set-future-callbacks! future-block future-sync current-future-prompt))