1#lang racket/base
2(require racket/private/check
3         racket/fixnum
4         racket/extflonum
5         "parse-case.rkt"
6         "parameter.rkt"
7         ;; Used only to coerce strings to extflonums
8         ;; when extflonums are not fully supported:
9         (prefix-in host: "../host/string-to-number.rkt"))
11(provide string->number
12         unchecked-string->number)
14;; The `string->number` parser is responsible for handling Racket's
15;; elaborate number syntax (mostly inherited from Scheme). It relies
16;; on a host-system `string->number` only for generating
17;; pseudo-extflonums when flonums aren't really supported. Otherwise,
18;; the parser here performs all checking and arithmetic that the
19;; reader needs.
21(define/who (string->number s
22                            [radix 10]
23                            [convert-mode 'number-or-false]
24                            [decimal-mode (if (read-decimal-as-inexact)
25                                              'decimal-as-inexact
26                                              'decimal-as-exact)]
27                            [single-mode (if (read-single-flonum)
28                                             'single
29                                             'double)])
30  (check who string? s)
31  (check who (lambda (p) (and (exact-integer? radix)
32                              (<= 2 radix 16)))
33         #:contract "(integer-in 2 16)"
34         radix)
35  (check who (lambda (p) (or (eq? p 'number-or-false)
36                             (eq? p 'read)))
37         #:contract "(or/c 'number-or-false 'read)"
38         convert-mode)
39  (check who (lambda (p) (or (eq? p 'decimal-as-inexact)
40                             (eq? p 'decimal-as-exact)))
41         #:contract "(or/c 'decimal-as-inexact 'decimal-as-exact)"
42         decimal-mode)
43  (check who (lambda (p) (or (eq? p 'single)
44                             (eq? p 'double)))
45         #:contract "(or/c 'single 'double)"
46         single-mode)
47  (unchecked-string->number s radix convert-mode decimal-mode single-mode))
49(define (unchecked-string->number s radix convert-mode decimal-mode single-mode)
50  (do-string->number s 0 (string-length s)
51                     radix #:radix-set? #f
52                     decimal-mode
53                     convert-mode
54                     single-mode))
56;; ----------------------------------------
58(struct parse-state (exactness        ; see below
59                     convert-mode     ; 'number-or-false, 'read, or 'must-read
60                     can-single?      ; whether 3.4f0 reads as single-flonum or not
61                     fst              ; rect-prefix, polar-prefix, '+/- if started with sign, or #f
62                     other-exactness) ; exactness to use for the imag part or saved real part
63  #:authentic)
65;; `sgn/z` records a sign in case `n` is zero
66(struct rect-prefix (sgn/z n start) #:authentic)
67(struct polar-prefix (sgn/z n start) #:authentic)
69;; Exactness state is one of
70;;   - 'exact      ; found "#e"
71;;   - 'inexact    ; found "#i"
72;;   - 'decimal-as-exact
73;;   - 'decimal-as-inexact
74;;   - 'approx     ; => was 'decimal-as-inexact and found "." or "#"
75;;   - 'single     ; => was 'decimal-as-inexact and found "f"/"s"
76;;   - 'double     ; => was 'decimal-as-inexact and found "e"/"d"/"x"
77;;   - 'extflonum  ; => was 'decimal-as-inexact and found "t"
78;;   - 'extflonum->inexact  ; => was 'inexact and found "t"
79;;   - 'extflonum->exact    ; => was 'exact and found "t"
81(define (init-state exactness convert-mode single-mode fst)
82  (parse-state exactness convert-mode (eq? single-mode 'single) fst exactness))
84(define (state-has-first-half? state)
85  (define fst (parse-state-fst state))
86  (and fst (not (eq? fst '+/-))))
88(define (state-set-first-half state fst)
89  (struct-copy parse-state state
90               [fst fst]
91               [exactness (parse-state-other-exactness state)]
92               [other-exactness (parse-state-exactness state)]))
94(define (state-first-half state)
95  (init-state (parse-state-other-exactness state)
96              (parse-state-convert-mode state)
97              (if (parse-state-can-single? state) 'single 'double)
98              #f))
100(define (state-second-half state)
101  (init-state (parse-state-exactness state)
102              (parse-state-convert-mode state)
103              (if (parse-state-can-single? state) 'single 'double)
104              #f))
106;; ----------------------------------------
108;; When parsing fails, either return an error string or #f. An error
109;; string is reported only in 'read mode and when if we're somehow
110;; onligated to parse as a number, such as after `#i`. As a
111;; convenience, `state` can be just a convert-mode symbol.
112(define-syntax-rule (fail state msg arg ...)
113  (cond
114    [(eq? (state->convert-mode state) 'must-read)
115     (format msg arg ...)]
116    [else #f]))
118(define (state->convert-mode state)
119  (if (parse-state? state) (parse-state-convert-mode state) state))
121(define (state->dbz-convert-mode state)
122  (define convert-mode (parse-state-convert-mode state))
123  (if (eq? convert-mode 'read)
124      'must-read
125      convert-mode))
127(define (bad-digit c s state)
128  (cond
129    [(char=? c #\nul)
130     (fail state "nul character in `~.a`" s)]
131    [else
132     (fail state "bad digit `~a`" c)]))
134(define (bad-mixed-decimal-fraction s state)
135  (fail state "decimal points and fractions cannot be mixed in `~.a`" s))
137(define (bad-misplaced what s state)
138  (fail state "misplaced `~a` in `~.a`" what s))
140(define (bad-no-digits after s state)
141  (fail state "missing digits after `~a` in `~.a`" after s))
143(define (bad-extflonum-for-complex i s state)
144  (fail state "cannot combine extflonum `~a` into a complex number" i))
146;; For chaining a potentially failing parse/conversion with more:
147(define-syntax-rule (maybe e k)
148  (let ([v e])
149    (if (or (not v) (string? v))
150        v
151        (k v))))
153;; ----------------------------------------
155;; Lazy exponentiation and devision lets us avoid
156;; extremely large bignums when we're trying to
157;; compute an inexact number that will just be
158;; infinity
159(struct lazy-expt (n radix exp)
160  #:authentic)
161(struct lazy-rational (n d)
162  #:authentic)
164(define (lazy-number n radix exp)
165  (cond
166    [(eq? n 'dbz) n]
167    [(eq? n 'dbz!) n]
168    [else
169     (if (and (exp . < . 30)
170              (exp . > . -30))
171         (* n (expt radix exp))
172         (lazy-expt n radix exp))]))
174(define (lazy-divide n d d-exactness)
175  (cond
176    [(eqv? d 0) (if (eq? d-exactness 'exact)
177                    'dbz!
178                    'dbz)]
179    [(or (lazy-expt? n)
180         (lazy-expt? d))
181     (lazy-rational n d)]
182    [else (/ n d)]))
184(define (simplify-lazy-divide n0)
185  (cond
186    [(lazy-rational? n0)
187     (define n (lazy-rational-n n0))
188     (define d (lazy-rational-d n0))
189     (define n-n (if (lazy-expt? n) (lazy-expt-n n) n))
190     (define n-exp (if (lazy-expt? n) (lazy-expt-exp n) 0))
191     (define d-n (if (lazy-expt? d) (lazy-expt-n d) d))
192     (define d-exp (if (lazy-expt? d) (lazy-expt-exp d) 0))
193     (define radix (if (lazy-expt? n) (lazy-expt-radix n) (lazy-expt-radix d)))
194     (lazy-number (/ n-n d-n) radix (- n-exp d-exp))]
195    [else n0]))
197(define (force-lazy-exact n0 state s)
198  (define n (simplify-lazy-divide n0))
199  (cond
200    [(or (eq? n 'dbz) (eq? n 'dbz!))
201     (fail (state->dbz-convert-mode state) "division by zero in `~.a`" s)]
202    [(lazy-expt? n)
203     (* (lazy-expt-n n) (expt (lazy-expt-radix n) (lazy-expt-exp n)))]
204    [else n]))
206(define (force-lazy-inexact sgn/z n0 state s [precision 2048])
207  (define n1 (simplify-lazy-divide n0))
208  (cond
209    [(eq? n0 'dbz) (if (fx= sgn/z -1) -inf.0 +inf.0)]
210    [(eq? n0 'dbz!)
211     (fail (state->dbz-convert-mode state) "division by zero in `~.a`" s)]
212    [(lazy-expt? n1)
213     (define n (lazy-expt-n n1))
214     (define exp (lazy-expt-exp n1))
215     (define radix (lazy-expt-radix n1))
216     (define approx-expt (+ (/ (if (integer? n)
217                                   (integer-length n)
218                                   (- (integer-length (numerator n))
219                                      (integer-length (denominator n))))
220                               (log radix 2))
221                            exp))
222     (cond
223       [(eqv? n 0) (if (fx= sgn/z -1) (- 0.0) 0.0)]
224       [(approx-expt . > . precision) (if (fx= sgn/z -1) -inf.0 +inf.0)]
225       [(approx-expt . < . (- precision)) (if (fx= sgn/z -1) (- 0.0) 0.0)]
226       [else
227        (* n (expt radix exp))])]
228    [(eqv? n1 0) (if (fx= sgn/z -1) (- 0.0) 0.0)]
229    [else n1]))
231(define (fast-inexact state sgn n radix exp sgn2 exp2)
232  (case (parse-state-exactness state)
233    [(double approx)
234     (cond
235       [(state-has-first-half? state) #f]
236       [(eqv? n 0) (if (fx= sgn 1) 0.0 (- 0.0))]
237       [(and (fixnum? n)
238             (n . < . (expt 2 50))
239             (n . > . (- (expt 2 50))))
240        ;; No loss of precision in mantissa from early flonum conversion
241        (let ([exp (+ exp (* sgn2 exp2))])
242          (cond
243            [(and (fixnum? exp)
244                  (cond
245                    [(radix . fx<= . 10) (fx<= -15 exp 15)]
246                    [else (fx<= -12 exp 12)]))
247             ;; No loss of precision in radix^exponent as a flonum
248             (let ([m (fx->fl (if (fx= sgn -1)
249                                  (fx- 0 n)
250                                  n))])
251               (cond
252                 [(eqv? exp 0) m]
253                 [(not (fixnum? exp)) #f]
254                 [else
255                  (define fradix (if (fx= radix 10)
256                                     10.0
257                                     (fx->fl radix)))
258                  (cond
259                    [(exp . fx< . 0) (/ m (expt fradix (fx- 0 exp)))]
260                    [else (* m (expt fradix exp))])]))]
261            [else #f]))]
262       [else #f])]
263    [else #f]))
265;; The `sgn/z` argument lets us produce -0.0 instead of 0.0 as needed
266;; when converting an exact zero to inexact. That is, the sign is `-1`
267;; when the input has a literal "-", but it's only used when `n` is 0.
268(define (finish sgn/z n s state
269                ;; Used only when we have to resort to host:string->number:
270                #:range [range #f])
271  (define fst (parse-state-fst state))
272  (cond
273    [(or (not fst) (eq? fst '+/-))
274     (case (parse-state-exactness state)
275       [(single)
276        (maybe (force-lazy-inexact sgn/z n state s)
277               (lambda (r)
278                 (if (parse-state-can-single? state)
279                     (if (single-flonum-available?)
280                         (real->single-flonum r)
281                         (raise (exn:fail:unsupported
282                                 (string-append
283                                  "read: single-flonums are not supported on this platform\n"
284                                  "  conversion from: " (number->string r))
285                                 (current-continuation-marks))))
286                     (exact->inexact r))))]
287       [(exact)
288        (case n
289          [(+inf.0 -inf.0 +nan.0)
290           (fail state "no exact representation for ~a" n)]
291          [else
292           (maybe (force-lazy-exact n state s)
293                  (lambda (r) (inexact->exact r)))])]
294       [(extended)
295        (cond
296          [(eq? (parse-state-convert-mode state) 'number-or-false)
297           #f]
298          [(extflonum-available?)
299           (maybe (force-lazy-inexact sgn/z n state s 32768)
300                  (lambda (r)
301                    (real->extfl r)))]
302          [else
303           (define trim-s (trim-number s
304                                       (if range (car range) 0)
305                                       (if range (cdr range) (string-length s))))
306           (host:string->number trim-s 10 'read)])]
307       [(double inexact approx)
308        (maybe (force-lazy-inexact sgn/z n state s)
309               (lambda (r0)
310                 (exact->inexact r0)))]
311       [(extflonum->inexact)
312        (fail state "cannot convert extflonum to inexact in `~a`" s)]
313       [(extflonum->exact)
314        (fail state "cannot convert extflonum to exact in `~a`" s)]
315       [else (force-lazy-exact n state s)])]
316    [(polar-prefix? fst)
317     (define pos (polar-prefix-start fst))
318     (define m (finish (polar-prefix-sgn/z fst) (polar-prefix-n fst) s (state-first-half state)
319                       #:range (cons 0 pos)))
320     (define a (finish sgn/z n s (state-second-half state)
321                       #:range (cons pos (string-length s))))
322     ;; extflonum errors take precedence over errors like divide-by-zero
323     (cond
324       [(extflonum? m)
325        (bad-extflonum-for-complex m s state)]
326       [(extflonum? a)
327        (bad-extflonum-for-complex a s state)]
328       [else
329        (maybe m
330               (lambda (m)
331                 (maybe a
332                        (lambda (a)
333                          (define cn (make-polar m a))
334                          (case (parse-state-exactness state)
335                            [(exact) (inexact->exact cn)]
336                            [else cn])))))])]
337    [fst (fail state "missing `i` for complex number in `~.a`" s)]))
339;; Called when we find an "i" that might be at the end of the input
340(define (finish-imaginary sgn/z n s start end state)
341  (define fst (parse-state-fst state))
342  (cond
343    [(and (eq? fst '+/-)
344          (fx= start end))
345     ;; Just an imaginary part, ok since the input started "+" or "-"
346     (maybe (finish sgn/z n s state)
347            (lambda (i)
348              (cond
349                [(extflonum? i)
350                 (bad-extflonum-for-complex i s state)]
351                [else
352                 (define zero
353                   (case (parse-state-other-exactness state)
354                     [(inexact) 0.0]
355                     [else 0]))
356                 (make-rectangular zero i)])))]
357    [(and (rect-prefix? fst)
358          (fx= start end))
359     (define pos (rect-prefix-start fst))
360     (define r (finish (rect-prefix-sgn/z fst) (rect-prefix-n fst) s (state-first-half state)
361                       #:range (cons 0 pos)))
362     (define i (finish sgn/z n s (state-second-half state)
363                       #:range (cons pos (string-length s))))
364     ;; extflonum errors take precedence over other errors (such as divide-by-zero)
365     (cond
366       [(extflonum? r)
367        (bad-extflonum-for-complex r s state)]
368       [(extflonum? i)
369        (bad-extflonum-for-complex r i state)]
370       [else
371        (maybe r
372               (lambda (r)
373                 (maybe i
374                        (lambda (i)
375                          (make-rectangular r i)))))])]
376    [else
377     (bad-misplaced "i" s state)]))
379;; Given a current exactness and an inferred exactness, combine the
380;; two specifications
381(define (set-exactness state new-exactness #:override? [override? #f])
382  (define exactness (parse-state-exactness state))
383  (define result-exactness
384    (case new-exactness
385      [(single double)
386       (case exactness
387         [(exact) 'exact]
388         [(decimal-as-exact) (if override?
389                                 new-exactness
390                                 'decimal-as-exact)]
391         [else new-exactness])]
392      [(approx)
393       (case exactness
394         [(exact inexact decimal-as-exact) exactness]
395         [else new-exactness])]
396      [(extended)
397       ;; extended mode always overrides
398       (case exactness
399         [(inexact) 'extflonum->inexact]
400         [(exact) 'extflonum->exact]
401         [else 'extended])]
402      [else new-exactness]))
403  (if (eq? exactness result-exactness)
404      state
405      (struct-copy parse-state state
406                   [exactness result-exactness])))
408(define (set-exactness-by-char state c #:override? [override? #f])
409  (set-exactness
410   state
411   (case c
412     [(#\e #\E #\d #\D #\l #\L #\0) 'double]
413     [(#\f #\F #\s #\S) 'single]
414     [(#\t #\T) 'extended])
415   #:override? override?))
417;; When we have to use `host:string->number` to deal with extflonums,
418;; we need to extract the right part of the string. Remove any '#'
419;; from the front and any 'i' at the end.
420(define (trim-number s start end)
421  (cond
422    [(eqv? (string-ref s start) #\#)
423     (trim-number s (fx+ 2 start) end)]
424    [(let ([c (string-ref s (fx- end 1))])
425       (or (eqv? c #\i) (eqv? c #\I)))
426     (trim-number s start (fx- end 1))]
427    [else (substring s start end)]))
429;; ----------------------------------------
430;; The simple strategy of accumuling digits --- adding a digit to
431;; the accumulator muliplties by the radix --- is O(n^2). A
432;; "digits" starts with that simple strategy, but it then falls
433;; back to a list representation if the accumulator gets large,
434;; and accumulated values are combined in a divide-and-conquer
435;; style.
437;; A digits is either
438;;   - val-integer
439;;   - (cons (cons val-integer shift-integer) digits)
440;;      where `shift-integer` is an amount to shift `digits` by radix
441;;      before adding `val-integer`
443(define (add-digit d c radix)
444  (cond
445    [(pair? d)
446     (define p (car d))
447     (define digits (add-digit (car p) c radix))
448     (if (pair? digits)
449         (list* (car digits)
450                (cons (cdr digits) (cdr p))
451                (cdr d))
452         (cons (cons digits (fx+ 1 (cdr p)))
453               (cdr d)))]
454    [(eqv? d 0) c]
455    [(< d (expt 2 100)) (+ (* d radix) c)]
456    [else
457     (cons (cons c 1) d)]))
459(define (digits->integer d radix)
460  (cond
461    [(pair? d)
462     (define len (let loop ([d d])
463                   (if (pair? d)
464                       (fx+ 1 (loop (cdr d)))
465                       1)))
466     (let loop ([d d] [len len])
467       (cond
468         [(fx= len 1) (if (pair? d)
469                          (caar d)
470                          d)]
471         [else
472          (define hi-len (fxrshift len 1))
473          (define lo-len (fx- len hi-len))
474          (define hi (loop d hi-len))
475          (let split-loop ([shift 0] [hi-len hi-len] [d d])
476            (if (fx= hi-len 0)
477                (+ hi
478                   (* (expt radix shift)
479                      (loop d lo-len)))
480                (split-loop (fx+ shift (cdar d))
481                            (fx- hi-len 1)
482                            (cdr d))))]))]
483    [else d]))
485;; ----------------------------------------
487;; The parser is implemented as a kind of state machine that is driven
488;; by the next input character. The current function mostly represents
489;; the state. Some state is in other arguments -- especially the
490;; `state` argument, obviously --- to avoid duplicating all functions
491;; for similar states, such as parsing a number in the real or
492;; imaginary position of a complex number.
494;; The `convert-mode` argument here can be 'number-or-false, 'read, or
495;; 'must-read, where 'must-read reports an error on parsing failure
496;; instead of returning #f. At this level, we mostly detect the
497;; special numbers `+inf.0` in combinations, and otherwise dispatch
498;; to parsing a complex number, fraction, or exponential.
499(define (do-string->number s start end
500                           radix #:radix-set? radix-set?
501                           exactness ; 'inexact, 'exact, 'decimal-as-inexact, or 'decimal-as-exact
502                           convert-mode
503                           single-mode)
504  (parse-case
505   s start end radix => c
506   [(eof)
507    (fail convert-mode "no digits")]
508   [(digit)
509    (read-integer 1 c s (fx+ 1 start) end radix (init-state exactness convert-mode single-mode #f))]
510   [(#\#)
511    (define next (fx+ 1 start))
512    (parse-case
513     ;; use `10` instead of `radix`, because we don't want a hex conversion
514     s next end 10 => i
515     [(eof)
516      (fail convert-mode "no character after `#` indicator in `~.a`" s)]
517     [(#\e #\E #\i #\I)
518      (cond
519        [(or (eq? exactness 'exact) (eq? exactness 'inexact))
520         (fail convert-mode "misplaced exactness specification at `~.a`" (substring s start end))]
521        [else
522         (do-string->number s (fx+ 1 next) end
523                            radix #:radix-set? radix-set?
524                            (if (or (char=? i #\e) (char=? i #\E)) 'exact 'inexact)
525                            (if (eq? convert-mode 'read) 'must-read convert-mode)
526                            single-mode)])]
527     [(#\b #\B #\o #\O #\d #\D #\x #\X)
528      (cond
529        [radix-set?
530         (fail convert-mode "misplaced radix specification at `~.a`" (substring s start end))]
531        [else
532         (define radix
533           (case i
534             [(#\b #\B) 2]
535             [(#\o #\O) 8]
536             [(#\d #\D) 10]
537             [else 16]))
538         (do-string->number s (fx+ 1 next) end
539                            radix #:radix-set? #t
540                            exactness
541                            (if (eq? convert-mode 'read) 'must-read convert-mode)
542                            single-mode)])]
543     [else
544      ;; The reader always complains about a bad leading `#`
545      (fail (if (eq? convert-mode 'read) 'must-read convert-mode)
546            "bad `#` indicator `~a` at `~.a`" i (substring s start end))])]
547   [(#\+)
548    (read-signed 1 s (fx+ 1 start) end radix (init-state exactness convert-mode single-mode '+/-))]
549   [(#\-)
550    (read-signed -1 s (fx+ 1 start) end radix (init-state exactness convert-mode single-mode '+/-))]
551   [(#\.)
552    (read-decimal 1 #f 0 s (fx+ 1 start) end radix (set-exactness
553                                                    (init-state exactness convert-mode single-mode #f)
554                                                    'approx))]
555   [else
556    (bad-digit c s convert-mode)]))
558;; consumed a "+" or "-"
559(define (read-signed sgn s start end radix state)
560  (parse-case
561   s start end radix => c
562   [(eof) (fail state "no digits in `~.a`" s)]
563   [(digit)
564    (read-integer sgn c s (fx+ 1 start) end radix state)]
565   [(#\.)
566    (read-decimal sgn #f 0 s (fx+ 1 start) end radix (set-exactness state 'approx))]
567   [(#\i #\I)
568    ;; maybe "[+-]inf.0"
569    (parse-case
570     s (fx+ 1 start) end radix => c2
571     [(eof)
572      (finish-imaginary sgn sgn s (fx+ 1 start) end state)]
573     [(#\n #\N)
574      (read-infinity sgn c s (fx+ 2 start) end radix state)]
575     [else (bad-digit c s state)])]
576   [(#\n #\N)
577    ;; maybe "[+-]nan.0"
578    (read-nan c s (fx+ 1 start) end radix state)]
579   [else
580    (bad-digit c s state)]))
582;; consumed some digits
583(define (read-integer sgn n s start end radix state)
584  (define (get-n) (* sgn (digits->integer n radix)))
585  (parse-case
586   s start end radix => c
587   [(eof) (finish sgn (get-n) s state)]
588   [(digit)
589    (read-integer sgn (add-digit n c radix) s (fx+ 1 start) end radix state)]
590   [(#\.)
591    (read-decimal sgn (digits->integer n radix) 0 s (fx+ 1 start) end radix (set-exactness state 'approx))]
592   [(#\e #\E #\d #\D #\l #\L #\f #\F #\s #\S #\t #\T)
593    (read-exponent sgn (get-n) 0 s (fx+ 1 start) end radix (set-exactness-by-char state c))]
594   [(#\/)
595    (read-rational sgn (get-n) #f s (fx+ 1 start) end radix state)]
596   [(#\#)
597    (read-approx sgn (digits->integer n radix) 1 #f s (fx+ 1 start) end radix (set-exactness state 'approx))]
598   [(#\+ #\-)
599    (read-imag c sgn (get-n) (if (eqv? c #\+) +1 -1) s (fx+ 1 start) end radix state)]
600   [(#\@)
601    (read-polar sgn (get-n) s (fx+ 1 start) end radix state)]
602   [(#\i #\I)
603    (finish-imaginary sgn (get-n) s (fx+ 1 start) end state)]
604   [else
605    (bad-digit c s state)]))
607;; consumed digits and "."
608(define (read-decimal sgn n exp s start end radix state)
609  (define (get-n) (if n
610                      (lazy-number (* sgn (digits->integer n radix)) radix (- exp))
611                      (bad-no-digits "." s state)))
612  (parse-case
613   s start end radix => c
614   [(eof) (or (and n (fast-inexact state sgn (digits->integer n radix) radix 0 -1 exp))
615              (maybe (get-n)
616                     (lambda (n)
617                       (finish sgn n s state))))]
618   [(digit)
619    (define next (fx+ 1 start))
620    (cond
621      [(and (eqv? c #\0)
622            (fx= next end))
623       ;; avoid extra work when ".0" is used to get an inexact zero
624       (read-decimal sgn (or n 0) exp s next end radix state)]
625      [else
626       (read-decimal sgn (add-digit (or n 0) c radix) (fx+ 1 exp) s (fx+ 1 start) end radix state)])]
627   [(#\.)
628    (bad-misplaced "." s state)]
629   [(#\e #\E #\d #\D #\l #\L #\f #\F #\s #\S #\t #\T)
630    (if n
631        (read-exponent sgn (* sgn (digits->integer n radix)) (- exp) s (fx+ 1 start) end radix (set-exactness-by-char state c))
632        (bad-no-digits "." s state))]
633   [(#\/)
634    (bad-mixed-decimal-fraction s state)]
635   [(#\#)
636    (if n
637        (read-approx sgn (digits->integer n radix) (fx- 0 exp) #t s (fx+ 1 start) end radix state)
638        (bad-misplaced "#" s state))]
639   [(#\+ #\-)
640    (if n
641        (read-imag c sgn (get-n) (if (eqv? c #\+) +1 -1) s (fx+ 1 start) end radix state)
642        (bad-no-digits "." s state))]
643   [(#\@)
644    (maybe (get-n)
645           (lambda (n)
646             (read-polar sgn n s (fx+ 1 start) end radix state)))]
647   [(#\i #\I)
648    (maybe (get-n)
649           (lambda (n)
650             (finish-imaginary sgn n s (fx+ 1 start) end state)))]
651   [else
652    (bad-digit c s state)]))
654;; consumed digits and maybe "." and some "#"s
655(define (read-approx sgn n exp saw-.? s start end radix state)
656  (define (get-n) (lazy-number (* sgn n) radix exp))
657  (parse-case
658   s start end radix => c
659   [(eof) (finish sgn (get-n) s state)]
660   [(digit)
661    (bad-misplaced "#" s state)]
662   [(#\.)
663    (if saw-.?
664        (bad-misplaced "." s state)
665        (read-approx sgn n exp #t s (fx+ 1 start) end radix state))]
666   [(#\#)
667    (read-approx sgn n (if saw-.? exp (fx+ 1 exp)) saw-.? s (fx+ 1 start) end radix state)]
668   [(#\e #\E #\d #\D #\l #\L #\f #\F #\s #\S #\t #\T)
669    (read-exponent sgn (* sgn n) exp s (fx+ 1 start) end radix (set-exactness-by-char state c))]
670   [(#\/)
671    (if saw-.?
672        (bad-mixed-decimal-fraction s state)
673        (read-rational sgn (get-n) #f s (fx+ 1 start) end radix state))]
674   [(#\+ #\-)
675    (read-imag c sgn (get-n) (if (eqv? c #\+) +1 -1) s (fx+ 1 start) end radix state)]
676   [(#\@)
677    (read-polar sgn (get-n) s (fx+ 1 start) end radix state)]
678   [(#\i #\I)
679    (finish-imaginary sgn (get-n) s (fx+ 1 start) end state)]
680   [else
681    (bad-digit c s state)]))
683;; consumed digits and "e" (or similar)
684(define (read-exponent sgn sgn-n exp s start end radix state)
685  (parse-case
686   s start end radix => c
687   [(eof #\@) (fail state "empty exponent `~.a`" s)]
688   [(digit)
689    (read-signed-exponent sgn sgn-n exp 1 c s (fx+ 1 start) end radix state)]
690   [(#\+ #\-)
691    (define sgn2 (if (eqv? c #\+) +1 -1))
692    (read-signed-exponent sgn sgn-n exp sgn2 #f s (fx+ 1 start) end radix state)]
693   [(#\. #\# #\/ #\e #\E #\d #\D #\l #\L #\f #\F #\s #\S #\t #\T)
694    (bad-misplaced c s state)]
695   [(#\i #\I)
696    (if (state-has-first-half? state)
697        (fail state "empty exponent `~.a`" s)
698        (bad-misplaced "i" s state))]
699   [else
700    (bad-digit c s state)]))
702;; consumed digits and "e" (or similar) and "+" or "-" (if any) and maybe digits
703(define (read-signed-exponent sgn sgn-n exp sgn2 exp2 s start end radix state)
704  (define (get-n) (if exp2
705                      (lazy-number sgn-n radix (+ exp (* sgn2 (digits->integer exp2 radix))))
706                      (fail state "empty exponent `~.a`" s)))
707  (parse-case
708   s start end radix => c
709   [(eof) (or (and exp2
710                   (number? sgn-n)
711                   (fast-inexact state (if (eqv? sgn-n 0) sgn 1) sgn-n radix exp sgn2 (digits->integer exp2 radix)))
712              (maybe (get-n)
713                     (lambda (n)
714                       (finish sgn n s state))))]
715   [(digit)
716    (define new-exp2 (add-digit (or exp2 0) c radix))
717    (read-signed-exponent sgn sgn-n exp sgn2 new-exp2 s (fx+ 1 start) end radix state)]
718   [(#\+ #\-)
719    (maybe (get-n)
720           (lambda (n)
721             (read-imag c sgn n (if (eqv? c #\+) +1 -1) s (fx+ 1 start) end radix state)))]
722   [(#\. #\# #\/ #\e #\E #\d #\D #\l #\L #\f #\F #\s #\S #\t #\T)
723    (bad-misplaced c s state)]
724   [(#\@)
725    (maybe (get-n)
726           (lambda (n)
727             (read-polar sgn n s (fx+ 1 start) end radix state)))]
728   [(#\i #\I)
729    (maybe (get-n)
730           (lambda (n)
731             (finish-imaginary sgn n s (fx+ 1 start) end state)))]
732   [else
733    (bad-digit c s state)]))
735;; consumed "+in" or "-in"
736(define (read-infinity sgn c s start end radix state)
737  (parse-case*
738   s start end
739   [[(#\f #\F)
740     (#\.)
741     (#\0 #\f #\t #\F #\T)]
742    (define n (if (negative? sgn) -inf.0 +inf.0))
743    (define new-state (set-exactness-by-char state (string-ref s (fx+ start 2))
744                                             #:override? #t))
745    (parse-case
746     s (fx+ 3 start) end radix => c2
747     [(eof) (finish sgn n s new-state)]
748     [(#\+ #\-)
749      (read-imag c2 sgn n (if (eqv? c2 #\+) +1 -1) s (fx+ 4 start) end radix new-state)]
750     [(#\@)
751      (read-polar sgn n s (fx+ 4 start) end radix new-state)]
752     [(#\i #\I)
753      (finish-imaginary sgn n s (fx+ 4 start) end new-state)]
754     [else
755      (bad-digit c s state)])]
756   [else
757    (bad-digit c s state)]))
759;; consumed "+n"
760(define (read-nan c s start end radix state)
761  (parse-case*
762   s start end
763   [[(#\a #\A)
764     (#\n #\N)
765     (#\.)
766     (#\0 #\f #\t #\F #\T)]
767    (define n +nan.0)
768    (define new-state (set-exactness-by-char state (string-ref s (fx+ start 3))
769                                             #:override? #t))
770    (parse-case
771     s (fx+ 4 start) end radix => c2
772     [(eof) (finish +1 n s new-state)]
773     [(#\+ #\-)
774      (read-imag c2 1 n (if (eqv? c2 #\+) +1 -1) s (fx+ 5 start) end radix new-state)]
775     [(#\@)
776      (read-polar 1 n s (fx+ 5 start) end radix new-state)]
777     [(#\i #\I)
778      (finish-imaginary +1 n s (fx+ 5 start) end new-state)]
779     [else
780      (bad-digit c s state)])]
781   [else
782    (bad-digit c s state)]))
784;; consumed digits and "/"
785(define (read-rational sgn sgn-n d s start end radix state)
786  (define (get-n) (if d
787                      (lazy-divide sgn-n (digits->integer d radix) 'exact)
788                      (bad-no-digits "/" s state)))
789  (parse-case
790   s start end radix => c
791   [(eof)
792    (maybe (get-n)
793           (lambda (n)
794             (finish sgn n s state)))]
795   [(digit)
796    (read-rational sgn sgn-n (add-digit (or d 0) c radix) s (fx+ 1 start) end radix state)]
797   [(#\.)
798    (bad-mixed-decimal-fraction s state)]
799   [(#\#)
800    (if d
801        (read-denom-approx sgn sgn-n (digits->integer d radix) 1 s (fx+ 1 start) end radix (set-exactness state 'approx))
802        (bad-misplaced "#" s state))]
803   [(#\e #\E #\d #\D #\l #\L #\f #\F #\s #\S #\t #\T)
804    (maybe (get-n)
805           (lambda (sgn-n)
806             (read-exponent sgn sgn-n 0 s (fx+ 1 start) end radix (set-exactness-by-char state c))))]
807   [(#\/)
808    (bad-misplaced "/" s state)]
809   [(#\+ #\-)
810    (maybe (get-n)
811           (lambda (n)
812             (read-imag c sgn n (if (eqv? c #\+) +1 -1) s (fx+ 1 start) end radix state)))]
813   [(#\@)
814    (maybe (get-n)
815           (lambda (n)
816             (read-polar sgn n s (fx+ 1 start) end radix state)))]
817   [(#\i #\I)
818    (maybe (get-n)
819           (lambda (n)
820             (finish-imaginary sgn n s (fx+ 1 start) end state)))]
821   [else
822    (bad-digit c s state)]))
824;; consumed digits and "/" and digits and "#"
825(define (read-denom-approx sgn sgn-n d exp s start end radix state)
826  (define (get-n) (lazy-divide sgn-n (lazy-number d radix exp) 'approx))
827  (parse-case
828   s start end radix => c
829   [(eof) (finish sgn (get-n) s state)]
830   [(#\#)
831    (read-denom-approx sgn sgn-n d (fx+ 1 exp) s (fx+ 1 start) end radix state)]
832   [(digit)
833    (bad-misplaced "#" s state)]
834   [(#\. #\/)
835    (bad-misplaced c s state)]
836   [(#\e #\E #\d #\D #\l #\L #\f #\F #\s #\S #\t #\T)
837    (read-exponent sgn (get-n) 0 s (fx+ 1 start) end radix (set-exactness-by-char state c))]
838   [(#\+ #\-)
839    (read-imag c sgn (get-n) (if (eqv? c #\+) +1 -1) s (fx+ 1 start) end radix state)]
840   [(#\@)
841    (read-polar sgn (get-n) s (fx+ 1 start) end radix state)]
842   [(#\i #\I)
843    (finish-imaginary sgn (get-n) s (fx+ 1 start) end state)]
844   [else
845    (bad-digit c s state)]))
847;; consumed "+" or "-" after the number in `real`
848(define (read-imag c real-sgn real sgn s start end radix state)
849  (cond
850    [(or (state-has-first-half? state)
851         (eq? 'extended (parse-state-exactness state)))
852     ;; already parsing a complex number
853     (bad-misplaced c s state)]
854    [else
855     ;; take it from almost the top, pushing the number so far into `state`;
856     ;; we don't have to start at the very top, because we saw a "+" or "-"
857     (read-signed sgn s start end radix (state-set-first-half state (rect-prefix real-sgn real (fx- start 1))))]))
859;; consumed "@" after the number in `real`
860(define (read-polar real-sgn real s start end radix state)
861  (cond
862    [(or (state-has-first-half? state)
863         (eq? 'extended (parse-state-exactness state)))
864     ;; already parsing a complex number
865     (bad-misplaced "@" s state)]
866    [else
867     ;; take it from the top, pushing the number so far into `state`
868     (parse-case
869      s start end radix => c
870      [(eof)
871       (bad-misplaced "@" s state)]
872      [(#\+ #\-)
873       (define new-state (state-set-first-half state (polar-prefix real-sgn real start)))
874       (read-signed (if (eq? c '#\+) 1 -1) s (fx+ 1 start) end radix new-state)]
875      [(digit)
876       (define new-state (state-set-first-half state (polar-prefix real-sgn real start)))
877       (read-integer 1 c s (fx+ 1 start) end radix new-state)]
878      [else
879       (bad-digit c s state)])]))
881;; ----------------------------------------
883(module+ test
884  (require (only-in racket/base
885                    [string->number racket:string->number]))
887  (let ([s (make-string 1000000 #\9)])
888    (unless (equal? (time (string->number s))
889                    (sub1 (expt 10 1000000)))
890      (error 'fail "large number")))
892  (define (try s)
893    (define expect (racket:string->number s 10 'read 'decimal-as-inexact))
894    (define got (string->number s 10 'read 'decimal-as-inexact))
895    (unless (equal? expect got)
896      (error 'fail "~e\n  expect: ~e\n  got: ~e" s expect got)))
898  (try "#i+inf.0")
899  (try "-inf.0")
900  (try "#i+inf.f")
901  (try "-inf.f")
902  (try "#e+inf.0")
903  (when (extflonum-available?) (try "-inf.t"))
904  (try "10")
905  (try "10.1")
906  (try "1+2i")
907  (try "#e10.1")
908  (try "1#.#")
909  (try "#e1#.#")
910  (try "1/2")
911  (try "#x+e#s+e")
912  (try "#e#x+e#s+e")
913  (try "-e#l-e")
914  (try "#e#x+e#s+e@-e#l-e")
915  (when (extflonum-available?) (try "3.1415926535897932385t0"))
916  (try "+nan.0+1i")
917  (when (extflonum-available?) (try "3.0t0"))
918  (try "+i")
919  (try "-i")
920  (try "#i3")
921  (try "#i3+i")
922  (try "1/2+i")
923  (try "1.2+i")
924  (try "1/2+3")
925  (try "1.2+3")
926  (when (extflonum-available?) (try "#i1.2t0+3i"))
927  (try "#i-0")
928  (try "#i0")
929  (try "-0#")
930  (try "#i1-0i")
931  (try "1#e500")
932  (try "1#e10000000000000000000000000000000")
933  (try "1#e-10000000000000000000000000000000")
934  (try "-0#e10")
935  (try "-0#e10000000000000000000000000000000")
936  (try "1/2@0")
937  (try "#i+8#i")
938  (try "1#/3")
939  (try "+inf.0@1")
940  (try "+inf.0@1/1")
941  (try "1/0#")
942  (try "1#/0")
943  (try "-1/0#")
944  (try "#e1/2#e10")
945  (try "1/0")
946  (try "1@+inf.0")
947  (try "1/1@+inf.0")
948  ;(try "#d1/0+3.0i")
949  (when (extflonum-available?)
950    (try "3.0t0+1/0i")
951    (try "1/0+3.0t0i")
952    (try "+inf.t0+1/0i")
953    (try "1/0+inf.t0i")
954    (try "3.#t0"))
955  (try "-1-2i")
956  (try "-4.242154731064108e-5-6.865001427422244e-5i")
957  (try "1e300+1e300i")
958  (try "#x8f0767e50d4d0c07563bd81f530d36")
959  (try "t")
960  (try "s2")
961  (try "2e")
962  (try ".e1")
963  (try "+.e1")
964  (try "#e1")
965  (try "1e#")
966  (try "1e+")
967  (try "1e+-")
968  (try ".#e1")
969  (try "1/")
970  (try "/2")
971  (try "1//2")
972  (try "2..")
973  (try "2+1"))