1                          Regina 3.5
2                        31 December 2009
4Changes in this release (from 3.4)
6o Fix for bugs 1878071, 1913282, 1898218, 1966080, 1745572, 2727006
7o Error 94.1 added
8o MacOS X universal binaries supported
9o Add support for NOTREADY condition on external queue timeout
10o Enable .LINE special variable to return a correct value in instore macros
11o Add .ENDOFLINE special variable
12o Added Svenska local language courtesy of Jan-Erik Larka
13o Support for building RPMs without dependencies on Regina
14o Fix the name of fileds in API RXMSQPSH_PARM structure
15o Attempting to set a variable using RexxVariablePool() starting with a
16  period will result in a return code of RXSHV_BADN.
17o Incorporated Patrick McPhee's Regutil package as part of Regina. Michael
18  Green contributed much of the OS/2 port of Regutil plus the trigonometric
19  functions equivalent to those found in ooRexx.
21Cheers, Mark.
23* Mark Hessling,  mark@rexx.org  http://www.rexx.org/
24* Author of THE, a Free XEDIT/KEDIT editor and, Rexx/SQL, Rexx/CURL, etc.
25* Maintainer of Regina Rexx interpreter
26* Use Rexx? join the Rexx Language Association: http://www.rexxla.org/