1 use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
2 use std::collections::BTreeMap;
4 use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap;
5 use rustc_middle::ty::TyCtxt;
6 use rustc_span::symbol::Symbol;
7 use serde::ser::{Serialize, SerializeStruct, Serializer};
9 use crate::clean;
10 use crate::clean::types::{FnDecl, FnRetTy, GenericBound, Generics, Type, WherePredicate};
11 use crate::formats::cache::Cache;
12 use crate::formats::item_type::ItemType;
13 use crate::html::markdown::short_markdown_summary;
14 use crate::html::render::{IndexItem, IndexItemFunctionType, RenderType, TypeWithKind};
16 /// Indicates where an external crate can be found.
17 crate enum ExternalLocation {
18     /// Remote URL root of the external crate
19     Remote(String),
20     /// This external crate can be found in the local doc/ folder
21     Local,
22     /// The external crate could not be found.
23     Unknown,
24 }
26 /// Builds the search index from the collected metadata
build_index<'tcx>(krate: &clean::Crate, cache: &mut Cache, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>) -> String27 crate fn build_index<'tcx>(krate: &clean::Crate, cache: &mut Cache, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>) -> String {
28     let mut defid_to_pathid = FxHashMap::default();
29     let mut crate_paths = vec![];
31     // Attach all orphan items to the type's definition if the type
32     // has since been learned.
33     for &(did, ref item) in &cache.orphan_impl_items {
34         if let Some(&(ref fqp, _)) = cache.paths.get(&did) {
35             let desc = item
36                 .doc_value()
37                 .map_or_else(String::new, |s| short_markdown_summary(&s, &item.link_names(cache)));
38             cache.search_index.push(IndexItem {
39                 ty: item.type_(),
40                 name: item.name.unwrap().to_string(),
41                 path: fqp[..fqp.len() - 1].join("::"),
42                 desc,
43                 parent: Some(did),
44                 parent_idx: None,
45                 search_type: get_index_search_type(item, tcx, cache),
46                 aliases: item.attrs.get_doc_aliases(),
47             });
48         }
49     }
51     let crate_doc = krate
52         .module
53         .doc_value()
54         .map_or_else(String::new, |s| short_markdown_summary(&s, &krate.module.link_names(cache)));
56     let Cache { ref mut search_index, ref paths, .. } = *cache;
58     // Aliases added through `#[doc(alias = "...")]`. Since a few items can have the same alias,
59     // we need the alias element to have an array of items.
60     let mut aliases: BTreeMap<String, Vec<usize>> = BTreeMap::new();
62     // Sort search index items. This improves the compressibility of the search index.
63     search_index.sort_unstable_by(|k1, k2| {
64         // `sort_unstable_by_key` produces lifetime errors
65         let k1 = (&k1.path, &k1.name, &k1.ty, &k1.parent);
66         let k2 = (&k2.path, &k2.name, &k2.ty, &k2.parent);
67         std::cmp::Ord::cmp(&k1, &k2)
68     });
70     // Set up alias indexes.
71     for (i, item) in search_index.iter().enumerate() {
72         for alias in &item.aliases[..] {
73             aliases.entry(alias.as_str().to_lowercase()).or_default().push(i);
74         }
75     }
77     // Reduce `DefId` in paths into smaller sequential numbers,
78     // and prune the paths that do not appear in the index.
79     let mut lastpath = "";
80     let mut lastpathid = 0usize;
82     let crate_items: Vec<&IndexItem> = search_index
83         .iter_mut()
84         .map(|item| {
85             item.parent_idx = item.parent.and_then(|defid| match defid_to_pathid.entry(defid) {
86                 Entry::Occupied(entry) => Some(*entry.get()),
87                 Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
88                     let pathid = lastpathid;
89                     entry.insert(pathid);
90                     lastpathid += 1;
92                     if let Some(&(ref fqp, short)) = paths.get(&defid) {
93                         crate_paths.push((short, fqp.last().unwrap().clone()));
94                         Some(pathid)
95                     } else {
96                         None
97                     }
98                 }
99             });
101             // Omit the parent path if it is same to that of the prior item.
102             if lastpath == &item.path {
103                 item.path.clear();
104             } else {
105                 lastpath = &item.path;
106             }
108             &*item
109         })
110         .collect();
112     struct CrateData<'a> {
113         doc: String,
114         items: Vec<&'a IndexItem>,
115         paths: Vec<(ItemType, String)>,
116         // The String is alias name and the vec is the list of the elements with this alias.
117         //
118         // To be noted: the `usize` elements are indexes to `items`.
119         aliases: &'a BTreeMap<String, Vec<usize>>,
120     }
122     impl<'a> Serialize for CrateData<'a> {
123         fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
124         where
125             S: Serializer,
126         {
127             let has_aliases = !self.aliases.is_empty();
128             let mut crate_data =
129                 serializer.serialize_struct("CrateData", if has_aliases { 9 } else { 8 })?;
130             crate_data.serialize_field("doc", &self.doc)?;
131             crate_data.serialize_field(
132                 "t",
133                 &self.items.iter().map(|item| &item.ty).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
134             )?;
135             crate_data.serialize_field(
136                 "n",
137                 &self.items.iter().map(|item| &item.name).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
138             )?;
139             crate_data.serialize_field(
140                 "q",
141                 &self.items.iter().map(|item| &item.path).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
142             )?;
143             crate_data.serialize_field(
144                 "d",
145                 &self.items.iter().map(|item| &item.desc).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
146             )?;
147             crate_data.serialize_field(
148                 "i",
149                 &self
150                     .items
151                     .iter()
152                     .map(|item| {
153                         assert_eq!(
154                             item.parent.is_some(),
155                             item.parent_idx.is_some(),
156                             "`{}` is missing idx",
157                             item.name
158                         );
159                         item.parent_idx.map(|x| x + 1).unwrap_or(0)
160                     })
161                     .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
162             )?;
163             crate_data.serialize_field(
164                 "f",
165                 &self.items.iter().map(|item| &item.search_type).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
166             )?;
167             crate_data.serialize_field("p", &self.paths)?;
168             if has_aliases {
169                 crate_data.serialize_field("a", &self.aliases)?;
170             }
171             crate_data.end()
172         }
173     }
175     // Collect the index into a string
176     format!(
177         r#""{}":{}"#,
178         krate.name(tcx),
179         serde_json::to_string(&CrateData {
180             doc: crate_doc,
181             items: crate_items,
182             paths: crate_paths,
183             aliases: &aliases,
184         })
185         .expect("failed serde conversion")
186         // All these `replace` calls are because we have to go through JS string for JSON content.
187         .replace(r"\", r"\\")
188         .replace("'", r"\'")
189         // We need to escape double quotes for the JSON.
190         .replace("\\\"", "\\\\\"")
191     )
192 }
get_index_search_type<'tcx>( item: &clean::Item, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, cache: &Cache, ) -> Option<IndexItemFunctionType>194 crate fn get_index_search_type<'tcx>(
195     item: &clean::Item,
196     tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
197     cache: &Cache,
198 ) -> Option<IndexItemFunctionType> {
199     let (mut inputs, mut output) = match *item.kind {
200         clean::FunctionItem(ref f) => get_all_types(&f.generics, &f.decl, tcx, cache),
201         clean::MethodItem(ref m, _) => get_all_types(&m.generics, &m.decl, tcx, cache),
202         clean::TyMethodItem(ref m) => get_all_types(&m.generics, &m.decl, tcx, cache),
203         _ => return None,
204     };
206     inputs.retain(|a| a.ty.name.is_some());
207     output.retain(|a| a.ty.name.is_some());
209     Some(IndexItemFunctionType { inputs, output })
210 }
get_index_type(clean_type: &clean::Type, generics: Vec<TypeWithKind>) -> RenderType212 fn get_index_type(clean_type: &clean::Type, generics: Vec<TypeWithKind>) -> RenderType {
213     RenderType {
214         name: get_index_type_name(clean_type, true).map(|s| s.as_str().to_ascii_lowercase()),
215         generics: if generics.is_empty() { None } else { Some(generics) },
216     }
217 }
get_index_type_name(clean_type: &clean::Type, accept_generic: bool) -> Option<Symbol>219 fn get_index_type_name(clean_type: &clean::Type, accept_generic: bool) -> Option<Symbol> {
220     match *clean_type {
221         clean::Type::Path { ref path, .. } => {
222             let path_segment = path.segments.last().unwrap();
223             Some(path_segment.name)
224         }
225         clean::DynTrait(ref bounds, _) => {
226             let path = &bounds[0].trait_;
227             Some(path.segments.last().unwrap().name)
228         }
229         clean::Generic(s) if accept_generic => Some(s),
230         clean::Primitive(ref p) => Some(p.as_sym()),
231         clean::BorrowedRef { ref type_, .. } => get_index_type_name(type_, accept_generic),
232         clean::Generic(_)
233         | clean::BareFunction(_)
234         | clean::Tuple(_)
235         | clean::Slice(_)
236         | clean::Array(_, _)
237         | clean::RawPointer(_, _)
238         | clean::QPath { .. }
239         | clean::Infer
240         | clean::ImplTrait(_) => None,
241     }
242 }
244 /// The point of this function is to replace bounds with types.
245 ///
246 /// i.e. `[T, U]` when you have the following bounds: `T: Display, U: Option<T>` will return
247 /// `[Display, Option]`. If a type parameter has no trait bound, it is discarded.
248 ///
249 /// Important note: It goes through generics recursively. So if you have
250 /// `T: Option<Result<(), ()>>`, it'll go into `Option` and then into `Result`.
get_real_types<'tcx>( generics: &Generics, arg: &Type, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, recurse: usize, res: &mut Vec<TypeWithKind>, cache: &Cache, )251 crate fn get_real_types<'tcx>(
252     generics: &Generics,
253     arg: &Type,
254     tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
255     recurse: usize,
256     res: &mut Vec<TypeWithKind>,
257     cache: &Cache,
258 ) {
259     fn insert_ty(
260         res: &mut Vec<TypeWithKind>,
261         tcx: TyCtxt<'_>,
262         ty: Type,
263         mut generics: Vec<TypeWithKind>,
264         _cache: &Cache,
265     ) {
266         let is_full_generic = ty.is_full_generic();
268         if is_full_generic {
269             if generics.is_empty() {
270                 // This is a type parameter with no trait bounds (for example: `T` in
271                 // `fn f<T>(p: T)`, so not useful for the rustdoc search because we would end up
272                 // with an empty type with an empty name. Let's just discard it.
273                 return;
274             } else if generics.len() == 1 {
275                 // In this case, no need to go through an intermediate state if the type parameter
276                 // contains only one trait bound.
277                 //
278                 // For example:
279                 //
280                 // `fn foo<T: Display>(r: Option<T>) {}`
281                 //
282                 // In this case, it would contain:
283                 //
284                 // ```
285                 // [{
286                 //     name: "option",
287                 //     generics: [{
288                 //         name: "",
289                 //         generics: [
290                 //             name: "Display",
291                 //             generics: []
292                 //         }]
293                 //     }]
294                 // }]
295                 // ```
296                 //
297                 // After removing the intermediate (unnecessary) type parameter, it'll become:
298                 //
299                 // ```
300                 // [{
301                 //     name: "option",
302                 //     generics: [{
303                 //         name: "Display",
304                 //         generics: []
305                 //     }]
306                 // }]
307                 // ```
308                 //
309                 // To be noted that it can work if there is ONLY ONE trait bound, otherwise we still
310                 // need to keep it as is!
311                 res.push(generics.pop().unwrap());
312                 return;
313             }
314         }
315         let mut index_ty = get_index_type(&ty, generics);
316         if index_ty.name.as_ref().map(|s| s.is_empty()).unwrap_or(true) {
317             return;
318         }
319         if is_full_generic {
320             // We remove the name of the full generic because we have no use for it.
321             index_ty.name = Some(String::new());
322             res.push(TypeWithKind::from((index_ty, ItemType::Generic)));
323         } else if let Some(kind) = ty.def_id_no_primitives().map(|did| tcx.def_kind(did).into()) {
324             res.push(TypeWithKind::from((index_ty, kind)));
325         } else if ty.is_primitive() {
326             // This is a primitive, let's store it as such.
327             res.push(TypeWithKind::from((index_ty, ItemType::Primitive)));
328         }
329     }
331     if recurse >= 10 {
332         // FIXME: remove this whole recurse thing when the recursion bug is fixed
333         return;
334     }
336     // If this argument is a type parameter and not a trait bound or a type, we need to look
337     // for its bounds.
338     if let Type::Generic(arg_s) = *arg {
339         // First we check if the bounds are in a `where` predicate...
340         if let Some(where_pred) = generics.where_predicates.iter().find(|g| match g {
341             WherePredicate::BoundPredicate { ty, .. } => {
342                 ty.def_id_no_primitives() == arg.def_id_no_primitives()
343             }
344             _ => false,
345         }) {
346             let mut ty_generics = Vec::new();
347             let bounds = where_pred.get_bounds().unwrap_or_else(|| &[]);
348             for bound in bounds.iter() {
349                 if let GenericBound::TraitBound(poly_trait, _) = bound {
350                     for x in poly_trait.generic_params.iter() {
351                         if !x.is_type() {
352                             continue;
353                         }
354                         if let Some(ty) = x.get_type() {
355                             get_real_types(
356                                 generics,
357                                 &ty,
358                                 tcx,
359                                 recurse + 1,
360                                 &mut ty_generics,
361                                 cache,
362                             );
363                         }
364                     }
365                 }
366             }
367             insert_ty(res, tcx, arg.clone(), ty_generics, cache);
368         }
369         // Otherwise we check if the trait bounds are "inlined" like `T: Option<u32>`...
370         if let Some(bound) = generics.params.iter().find(|g| g.is_type() && g.name == arg_s) {
371             let mut ty_generics = Vec::new();
372             for bound in bound.get_bounds().unwrap_or(&[]) {
373                 if let Some(path) = bound.get_trait_path() {
374                     let ty = Type::Path { path };
375                     get_real_types(generics, &ty, tcx, recurse + 1, &mut ty_generics, cache);
376                 }
377             }
378             insert_ty(res, tcx, arg.clone(), ty_generics, cache);
379         }
380     } else {
381         // This is not a type parameter. So for example if we have `T, U: Option<T>`, and we're
382         // looking at `Option`, we enter this "else" condition, otherwise if it's `T`, we don't.
383         //
384         // So in here, we can add it directly and look for its own type parameters (so for `Option`,
385         // we will look for them but not for `T`).
386         let mut ty_generics = Vec::new();
387         if let Some(arg_generics) = arg.generics() {
388             for gen in arg_generics.iter() {
389                 get_real_types(generics, gen, tcx, recurse + 1, &mut ty_generics, cache);
390             }
391         }
392         insert_ty(res, tcx, arg.clone(), ty_generics, cache);
393     }
394 }
396 /// Return the full list of types when bounds have been resolved.
397 ///
398 /// i.e. `fn foo<A: Display, B: Option<A>>(x: u32, y: B)` will return
399 /// `[u32, Display, Option]`.
get_all_types<'tcx>( generics: &Generics, decl: &FnDecl, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, cache: &Cache, ) -> (Vec<TypeWithKind>, Vec<TypeWithKind>)400 crate fn get_all_types<'tcx>(
401     generics: &Generics,
402     decl: &FnDecl,
403     tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
404     cache: &Cache,
405 ) -> (Vec<TypeWithKind>, Vec<TypeWithKind>) {
406     let mut all_types = Vec::new();
407     for arg in decl.inputs.values.iter() {
408         if arg.type_.is_self_type() {
409             continue;
410         }
411         let mut args = Vec::new();
412         get_real_types(generics, &arg.type_, tcx, 0, &mut args, cache);
413         if !args.is_empty() {
414             all_types.extend(args);
415         } else {
416             if let Some(kind) = arg.type_.def_id_no_primitives().map(|did| tcx.def_kind(did).into())
417             {
418                 all_types.push(TypeWithKind::from((get_index_type(&arg.type_, vec![]), kind)));
419             }
420         }
421     }
423     let mut ret_types = Vec::new();
424     match decl.output {
425         FnRetTy::Return(ref return_type) => {
426             get_real_types(generics, return_type, tcx, 0, &mut ret_types, cache);
427             if ret_types.is_empty() {
428                 if let Some(kind) =
429                     return_type.def_id_no_primitives().map(|did| tcx.def_kind(did).into())
430                 {
431                     ret_types.push(TypeWithKind::from((get_index_type(return_type, vec![]), kind)));
432                 }
433             }
434         }
435         _ => {}
436     };
437     (all_types, ret_types)
438 }