1import os
2import platform
3import subprocess
4import sys
6import lldbsuite.test.lldbtest as lldbtest
7import lldbsuite.test.lldbutil as lldbutil
8from lldbsuite.test import configuration
9from lldbsuite.test_event import build_exception
12class Builder:
13    def getArchitecture(self):
14        """Returns the architecture in effect the test suite is running with."""
15        return configuration.arch if configuration.arch else ""
17    def getCompiler(self):
18        """Returns the compiler in effect the test suite is running with."""
19        compiler = configuration.compiler if configuration.compiler else "clang"
20        compiler = lldbutil.which(compiler)
21        return os.path.abspath(compiler)
23    def getExtraMakeArgs(self):
24        """
25        Helper function to return extra argumentsfor the make system. This
26        method is meant to be overridden by platform specific builders.
27        """
28        return ""
30    def getArchCFlags(self, architecture):
31        """Returns the ARCH_CFLAGS for the make system."""
32        return ""
34    def getMake(self, test_subdir, test_name):
35        """Returns the invocation for GNU make.
36        The first argument is a tuple of the relative path to the testcase
37        and its filename stem."""
38        if platform.system() == "FreeBSD" or platform.system() == "NetBSD":
39            make = "gmake"
40        else:
41            make = "make"
43        # Construct the base make invocation.
44        lldb_test = os.environ["LLDB_TEST"]
45        if not (lldb_test and configuration.test_build_dir and test_subdir
46                and test_name and (not os.path.isabs(test_subdir))):
47            raise Exception("Could not derive test directories")
48        build_dir = os.path.join(configuration.test_build_dir, test_subdir,
49                                 test_name)
50        src_dir = os.path.join(configuration.test_src_root, test_subdir)
51        # This is a bit of a hack to make inline testcases work.
52        makefile = os.path.join(src_dir, "Makefile")
53        if not os.path.isfile(makefile):
54            makefile = os.path.join(build_dir, "Makefile")
55        return [
56            make, "VPATH=" + src_dir, "-C", build_dir, "-I", src_dir, "-I",
57            os.path.join(lldb_test, "make"), "-f", makefile
58        ]
60    def getCmdLine(self, d):
61        """
62        Helper function to return a properly formatted command line argument(s)
63        string used for the make system.
64        """
66        # If d is None or an empty mapping, just return an empty string.
67        if not d:
68            return ""
69        pattern = '%s="%s"' if "win32" in sys.platform else "%s='%s'"
71        def setOrAppendVariable(k, v):
72            append_vars = ["CFLAGS", "CFLAGS_EXTRAS", "LD_EXTRAS"]
73            if k in append_vars and k in os.environ:
74                v = os.environ[k] + " " + v
75            return pattern % (k, v)
77        cmdline = " ".join(
78            [setOrAppendVariable(k, v) for k, v in list(d.items())])
80        return cmdline
82    def runBuildCommands(self, commands, sender):
83        try:
84            lldbtest.system(commands, sender=sender)
85        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as called_process_error:
86            # Convert to a build-specific error.
87            # We don't do that in lldbtest.system() since that
88            # is more general purpose.
89            raise build_exception.BuildError(called_process_error)
91    def getArchSpec(self, architecture):
92        """
93        Helper function to return the key-value string to specify the architecture
94        used for the make system.
95        """
96        return ("ARCH=" + architecture) if architecture else ""
98    def getCCSpec(self, compiler):
99        """
100        Helper function to return the key-value string to specify the compiler
101        used for the make system.
102        """
103        cc = compiler if compiler else None
104        if not cc and configuration.compiler:
105            cc = configuration.compiler
106        if cc:
107            return "CC=\"%s\"" % cc
108        else:
109            return ""
111    def getSDKRootSpec(self):
112        """
113        Helper function to return the key-value string to specify the SDK root
114        used for the make system.
115        """
116        if configuration.sdkroot:
117            return "SDKROOT={}".format(configuration.sdkroot)
118        return ""
120    def getModuleCacheSpec(self):
121        """
122        Helper function to return the key-value string to specify the clang
123        module cache used for the make system.
124        """
125        if configuration.clang_module_cache_dir:
126            return "CLANG_MODULE_CACHE_DIR={}".format(
127                configuration.clang_module_cache_dir)
128        return ""
130    def buildDefault(self,
131                     sender=None,
132                     architecture=None,
133                     compiler=None,
134                     dictionary=None,
135                     testdir=None,
136                     testname=None):
137        """Build the binaries the default way."""
138        commands = []
139        commands.append(
140            self.getMake(testdir, testname) + [
141                "all",
142                self.getArchCFlags(architecture),
143                self.getArchSpec(architecture),
144                self.getCCSpec(compiler),
145                self.getExtraMakeArgs(),
146                self.getSDKRootSpec(),
147                self.getModuleCacheSpec(),
148                self.getCmdLine(dictionary)
149            ])
151        self.runBuildCommands(commands, sender=sender)
153        # True signifies that we can handle building default.
154        return True
156    def buildDwarf(self,
157                   sender=None,
158                   architecture=None,
159                   compiler=None,
160                   dictionary=None,
161                   testdir=None,
162                   testname=None):
163        """Build the binaries with dwarf debug info."""
164        commands = []
165        commands.append(
166            self.getMake(testdir, testname) + [
167                "MAKE_DSYM=NO",
168                self.getArchCFlags(architecture),
169                self.getArchSpec(architecture),
170                self.getCCSpec(compiler),
171                self.getExtraMakeArgs(),
172                self.getSDKRootSpec(),
173                self.getModuleCacheSpec(),
174                self.getCmdLine(dictionary)
175            ])
177        self.runBuildCommands(commands, sender=sender)
178        # True signifies that we can handle building dwarf.
179        return True
181    def buildDwo(self,
182                 sender=None,
183                 architecture=None,
184                 compiler=None,
185                 dictionary=None,
186                 testdir=None,
187                 testname=None):
188        """Build the binaries with dwarf debug info."""
189        commands = []
190        commands.append(
191            self.getMake(testdir, testname) + [
192                "MAKE_DSYM=NO", "MAKE_DWO=YES",
193                self.getArchCFlags(architecture),
194                self.getArchSpec(architecture),
195                self.getCCSpec(compiler),
196                self.getExtraMakeArgs(),
197                self.getSDKRootSpec(),
198                self.getModuleCacheSpec(),
199                self.getCmdLine(dictionary)
200            ])
202        self.runBuildCommands(commands, sender=sender)
203        # True signifies that we can handle building dwo.
204        return True
206    def buildGModules(self,
207                      sender=None,
208                      architecture=None,
209                      compiler=None,
210                      dictionary=None,
211                      testdir=None,
212                      testname=None):
213        """Build the binaries with dwarf debug info."""
214        commands = []
215        commands.append(
216            self.getMake(testdir, testname) + [
217                "MAKE_DSYM=NO", "MAKE_GMODULES=YES",
218                self.getArchCFlags(architecture),
219                self.getArchSpec(architecture),
220                self.getCCSpec(compiler),
221                self.getExtraMakeArgs(),
222                self.getSDKRootSpec(),
223                self.getModuleCacheSpec(),
224                self.getCmdLine(dictionary)
225            ])
227        self.runBuildCommands(commands, sender=sender)
228        # True signifies that we can handle building with gmodules.
229        return True
231    def buildDsym(self,
232                  sender=None,
233                  architecture=None,
234                  compiler=None,
235                  dictionary=None,
236                  testdir=None,
237                  testname=None):
238        # False signifies that we cannot handle building with dSYM.
239        return False
241    def cleanup(self, sender=None, dictionary=None):
242        """Perform a platform-specific cleanup after the test."""
243        return True