1error: trailing semicolon in macro used in expression position
2  --> $DIR/issue-84195-lint-anon-const.rs:8:14
3   |
4LL |     () => { 0; };
5   |              ^
7LL |     let val: [u8; len!()] = [];
8   |                   ------ in this macro invocation
9   |
10note: the lint level is defined here
11  --> $DIR/issue-84195-lint-anon-const.rs:5:9
12   |
13LL | #![deny(semicolon_in_expressions_from_macros)]
14   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
15   = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
16   = note: for more information, see issue #79813 <https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/79813>
17   = note: this error originates in the macro `len` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
19error: aborting due to previous error