1error: `$x:expr` may be followed by `$y:tt`, which is not allowed for `expr` fragments
2  --> $DIR/same-sequence-span.rs:14:18
3   |
4LL |     (1 $x:expr $($y:tt,)*
5   |                  ^^^^^ not allowed after `expr` fragments
6   |
7   = note: allowed there are: `=>`, `,` or `;`
9error: `$x:expr` may be followed by `=`, which is not allowed for `expr` fragments
10  --> $DIR/same-sequence-span.rs:15:18
11   |
12LL |                $(= $z:tt)*
13   |                  ^ not allowed after `expr` fragments
14   |
15   = note: allowed there are: `=>`, `,` or `;`
17error: `$x:expr` may be followed by `$y:tt`, which is not allowed for `expr` fragments
18  --> $DIR/same-sequence-span.rs:19:1
19   |
20LL |   proc_macro_sequence::make_foo!();
21   |   ^-------------------------------
22   |   |
23   |  _in this macro invocation
24   | |
25LL | |
26LL | |
27LL | | fn main() {}
28   | |_________________________________^ not allowed after `expr` fragments
29   |
30   = note: allowed there are: `=>`, `,` or `;`
31   = note: this error originates in the macro `proc_macro_sequence::make_foo` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
33error: `$x:expr` may be followed by `=`, which is not allowed for `expr` fragments
34  --> $DIR/same-sequence-span.rs:19:1
35   |
36LL | proc_macro_sequence::make_foo!();
37   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not allowed after `expr` fragments
38   |
39   = note: allowed there are: `=>`, `,` or `;`
40   = note: this error originates in the macro `proc_macro_sequence::make_foo` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
42error: aborting due to 4 previous errors