1#!/usr/bin/env python3
3# Copyright 2011-2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
4# file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
5# http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
7# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
8# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
9# <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
10# option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
11# except according to those terms.
13# This script uses the following Unicode security tables:
14# - IdentifierStatus.txt
15# - IdentifierType.txt
16# - PropertyValueAliases.txt
17# - confusables.txt
18# - ReadMe.txt
19# This script also uses the following Unicode UCD data:
20# - Scripts.txt
22# Since this should not require frequent updates, we just store this
23# out-of-line and check the tables.rs file into git.
25import fileinput, re, os, sys, operator
27preamble = '''// Copyright 2012-2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
28// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
29// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
31// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
32// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
33// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
34// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
35// except according to those terms.
37// NOTE: The following code was generated by "scripts/unicode.py", do not edit directly
39#![allow(missing_docs, non_upper_case_globals, non_snake_case)]
42UNICODE_VERSION = (13, 0, 0)
46# Download a Unicode security table file
47def fetch(f):
48    if not os.path.exists(os.path.basename(f)):
49        os.system("curl -O http://www.unicode.org/Public/security/%s/%s"
50                  % (UNICODE_VERSION_NUMBER, f))
52    if not os.path.exists(os.path.basename(f)):
53        sys.stderr.write("cannot load %s\n" % f)
54        exit(1)
56# Download a UCD table file
57def fetch_unidata(f):
58    if not os.path.exists(os.path.basename(f)):
59        os.system("curl -O http://www.unicode.org/Public/%s/ucd/%s"
60                  % (UNICODE_VERSION_NUMBER, f))
62    if not os.path.exists(os.path.basename(f)):
63        sys.stderr.write("cannot load %s" % f)
64        exit(1)
66# Loads code point data from IdentifierStatus.txt and
67# IdentifierType.txt
68# Implementation from unicode-segmentation
69def load_properties(f, interestingprops = None):
70    fetch(f)
71    props = {}
72    re1 = re.compile(r"^ *([0-9A-F]+) *; *(\w+)")
73    re2 = re.compile(r"^ *([0-9A-F]+)\.\.([0-9A-F]+) *; *(\w+)")
75    for line in fileinput.input(os.path.basename(f), openhook=fileinput.hook_encoded("utf-8")):
76        prop = None
77        d_lo = 0
78        d_hi = 0
79        m = re1.match(line)
80        if m:
81            d_lo = m.group(1)
82            d_hi = m.group(1)
83            prop = m.group(2).strip()
84        else:
85            m = re2.match(line)
86            if m:
87                d_lo = m.group(1)
88                d_hi = m.group(2)
89                prop = m.group(3).strip()
90            else:
91                continue
92        if interestingprops and prop not in interestingprops:
93            continue
94        d_lo = int(d_lo, 16)
95        d_hi = int(d_hi, 16)
96        if prop not in props:
97            props[prop] = []
98        props[prop].append((d_lo, d_hi))
100    return props
102# Loads script data from Scripts.txt
103def load_script_properties(f, interestingprops):
104    fetch_unidata(f)
105    props = {}
106    # Note: these regexes are different from those in unicode-segmentation,
107    # becase we need to handle spaces here
108    re1 = re.compile(r"^ *([0-9A-F]+) *; *([^#]+) *#")
109    re2 = re.compile(r"^ *([0-9A-F]+)\.\.([0-9A-F]+) *; *([^#]+) *#")
111    for line in fileinput.input(os.path.basename(f)):
112        prop = None
113        d_lo = 0
114        d_hi = 0
115        m = re1.match(line)
116        if m:
117            d_lo = m.group(1)
118            d_hi = m.group(1)
119            prop = m.group(2).strip()
120        else:
121            m = re2.match(line)
122            if m:
123                d_lo = m.group(1)
124                d_hi = m.group(2)
125                prop = m.group(3).strip()
126            else:
127                continue
128        if interestingprops and prop not in interestingprops:
129            continue
130        d_lo = int(d_lo, 16)
131        d_hi = int(d_hi, 16)
132        if prop not in props:
133            props[prop] = []
134        props[prop].append((d_lo, d_hi))
136    return props
138# Loads confusables data from confusables.txt
139def load_confusables(f):
140    fetch(f)
141    confusables = []
142    re1 = re.compile(r"^((?:[0-9A-F]+ )+);\t((?:[0-9A-F]+ )+);\t\w*")
144    for line in fileinput.input(os.path.basename(f), openhook=fileinput.hook_encoded("utf-8")):
145        d_input = 0
146        d_outputs = []
147        m = re1.match(line)
148        if not m:
149            continue
150        d_inputs = m.group(1).split()
151        if len(d_inputs) != 1:
152            raise Exception('More than one code point in first column')
153        d_input = int(d_inputs[0].strip(), 16)
154        for d_output in m.group(2).split():
155            d_outputitem = int(d_output, 16)
156            d_outputs.append(d_outputitem)
157        confusables.append((d_input, d_outputs))
159    return confusables
161# Loads Unicode script name correspondence from PropertyValueAliases.txt
162def aliases():
163    # This function is taken from the `unicode-script` crate. If significant
164    # changes are introduced, update accordingly.
166    # Note that this file is in UCD directly, not security directory.
167    # we use `fetch_unidata` function to download it.
168    fetch_unidata("PropertyValueAliases.txt")
169    longforms = {}
170    shortforms = {}
171    re1 = re.compile(r"^ *sc *; *(\w+) *; *(\w+)")
172    for line in fileinput.input(os.path.basename("PropertyValueAliases.txt")):
173        m = re1.match(line)
174        if m:
175            l = m.group(2).strip()
176            s = m.group(1).strip()
177            assert(s not in longforms)
178            assert(l not in shortforms)
179            longforms[s] = l
180            shortforms[l] = s
181        else:
182            continue
184    return (longforms, shortforms)
186# Loads Unicode script name list and correspondence mapping
187def load_scripts(f):
188    # This function is taken from the `unicode-script` crate. If significant
189    # changes are introduced, update accordingly.
191    (longforms, shortforms) = aliases()
192    scripts = load_script_properties(f, [])
194    script_table = []
195    script_list = []
197    for script in scripts:
198        if script not in ["Common", "Unknown", "Inherited"]:
199            script_list.append(shortforms[script])
200        script_table.extend([(x, y, shortforms[script]) for (x, y) in scripts[script]])
201    script_list.sort()
202    script_table.sort(key=lambda w: w[0])
203    return (longforms, script_table)
205def is_script_ignored_in_mixedscript(source):
206    return source == 'Zinh' or source == 'Zyyy' or source == 'Zzzz'
208# When a codepoint's prototype consists of multiple codepoints.
209# The situation is more complex. Here we make up a few rules
210# to cover all the cases in confusables.txt .
211# The principle is that when replacing the original codepoint with its prototype.
212# Neither a "non-ignored script" appears nor it disappears.
214# We make up several rules to cover the cases occurred within confusables.txt
215# Return True, True when we want to consider it confusable,
216# and return True, False when we want to consider it non-confusable.
217# and return False, _ when new not-yet-processed cases are added in future Unicode versions.
218def process_mixedscript_single_to_multi(item_i, script_i, proto_lst, scripts):
219    script_lst = script_list(proto_lst, scripts)
220    script_lst.sort()
221    # here's a few rules to process current version of Unicode data (13.0 at this time)
222    script_lst_len = len(script_lst)
223    assert(script_lst_len > 0)
224    # Rule: A - A -> Processed, DontAdd
225    if script_lst_len == 1 and script_lst[0] == script_i:
226        return True, False
227    # Rule: A(not in (Zinh, Zyyy, Zzzz)) - B(not in (Zinh, Zyyy, Zzzz)) -> Processed, Add
228    if (script_lst_len == 1 and not is_script_ignored_in_mixedscript(script_lst[0])
229            and not is_script_ignored_in_mixedscript(script_i)
230            and script_lst[0] != script_i):
231        return True, True
232    # Rule: (Zinh | Zyyy | Zzzz) - A(not in (Zinh, Zyyy, Zzzz)) -> Processed, Add
233    if (script_lst_len == 1 and is_script_ignored_in_mixedscript(script_lst[0])
234            and not is_script_ignored_in_mixedscript(script_i)):
235        return True, True
236    # Rule: A ... - A -> Processed, DontAdd
237    if script_lst_len > 1 and script_i in script_lst:
238        return True, False
239    # Rule: (Zinh | Zyyy | Zzzz) A(not in (Zinh, Zyyy, Zzzz)) - B(not in (Zinh, Zyyy, Zzzz)) -> Processed, Add
240    if (script_lst_len == 2 and is_script_ignored_in_mixedscript(script_lst[0])
241            and not is_script_ignored_in_mixedscript(script_lst[1])
242            and not is_script_ignored_in_mixedscript(script_i)
243            and script_lst[1] != script_i):
244        return True, True
245    if (script_lst_len == 2 and is_script_ignored_in_mixedscript(script_lst[1])
246            and not is_script_ignored_in_mixedscript(script_lst[0])
247            and not is_script_ignored_in_mixedscript(script_i)
248            and script_lst[0] != script_i):
249        return True, True
250    # Rule: (Zinh | Zyyy | Zzzz) (Zinh | Zyyy | Zzzz) - A(not in (Zinh, Zyyy, Zzzz)) -> Processed, Add
251    if (script_lst_len == 2 and is_script_ignored_in_mixedscript(script_lst[0])
252            and is_script_ignored_in_mixedscript(script_lst[1])
253            and not is_script_ignored_in_mixedscript(script_i)):
254        return True, True
256    # NotProcessed, DontAdd
257    return False, False
259def is_codepoint_identifier_allowed(c, identifier_allowed):
260    for data in identifier_allowed:
261        if c >= data[0] and c <= data[1]:
262            return True
263    return False
265# This function load and generates a table of all the confusable characters.
266# It returns a pair consists of a `mixedscript_confusable` table and a
267# `mixedscript_confusable_unresolved` table.
268# The `mixedscript_confusable` is a dict, its keys are Unicode script names, and each
269# entry has a value of a inner dict. The inner dict's keys are confusable code points
270# converted to string with the `escape_char` function, and its values are pairs.
271# pair[0] keeps a copy of the confusable code point itself but as integer.
272# pair[1] keeps a list of all the code points that are mixed script confusable with it.
273#         which is only used for debugging purposes.
274#         note that the string 'multi' will occur in the list when pair[0] is considered
275#         confusable with its multiple code point prototype.
276# Usually the `mixedscript_confusable_unresolved` table is empty, but it's possible
277# that future Unicode version update may cause that table become nonempty, in which
278# case more rules needs to be added to the `process_mixedscript_single_to_multi` function
279# above to cover those new cases.
280def load_potential_mixedscript_confusables(f, identifier_allowed, scripts):
281    # First, load all confusables data from confusables.txt
282    confusables = load_confusables(f)
284    # The confusables.txt is reductive, means that it is intended to be used in
285    # on the fly substitutions. The code points that didn't occur in the file can be
286    # seen as substitutes to itself. So if the confusables.txt says A -> C, B -> C,
287    # and implicitly C -> C, it means A <-> B, A <-> C, B <-> C are confusable.
289    # Here we're dividing all confusable lhs and rhs(prototype) operands of the substitution into equivalence classes.
290    # Principally we'll be using the rhs operands as the representive element of its equivalence classes.
291    # However some rhs operands are single code point, while some others are not.
292    # Here we collect them separately into `codepoint_map` and `multicodepoint_map`.
293    codepoint_map = {}
294    multicodepoint_map = {}
295    for item in confusables:
296        d_source = item[0]
297        # According to the RFC, we'll skip those code points that are restricted from identifier usage.
298        if not is_codepoint_identifier_allowed(d_source, identifier_allowed):
299            continue
300        d_proto_list = item[1]
301        if len(d_proto_list) == 1:
302            d_proto = escape_char(d_proto_list[0])
303            # we use the escaped representation of rhs as key to the dict when creating new equivalence class.
304            if d_proto not in codepoint_map:
305                codepoint_map[d_proto] = []
306                # when we create new equivalence class, we'll check whether the representative element should be collected.
307                # i.e. if it is not restricted from identifier usage, we collect it into the equivalence class.
308                if is_codepoint_identifier_allowed(d_proto_list[0], identifier_allowed):
309                    codepoint_map[d_proto].append(d_proto_list[0])
310            # we collect the original code point to be substituted into this list.
311            codepoint_map[d_proto].append(d_source)
312        else:
313            d_protos = escape_char_list(d_proto_list)
314            # difference in multi code point case: the rhs part is not directly usable, however we store it in
315            # dict for further special examination between each lhs and this multi code point rhs.
316            # and there's an extra level of tuple here.
317            if d_protos not in multicodepoint_map:
318                multicodepoint_map[d_protos] = (d_proto_list, [])
319            multicodepoint_map[d_protos][1].append(d_source)
321    mixedscript_confusable = {}
323    def confusable_entry_item(confusable, script, item_text, item):
324        if script not in confusable:
325            confusable[script] = {}
326        script_entry = confusable[script]
327        if item_text not in script_entry:
328            script_entry[item_text] = (item, [])
329        return script_entry[item_text][1]
331    # First let's examine the each code point having single code point prototype case.
332    for _, source in codepoint_map.items():
333        source_len = len(source)
334        # Examine each pair in the equivalence class
335        for i in range(0, source_len - 1):
336            for j in range(i + 1, source_len):
337                item_i, item_j = source[i], source[j]
338                script_i, script_j = codepoint_script(item_i, scripts), codepoint_script(item_j, scripts)
339                # If they're in the same script, just skip this pair.
340                if script_i == script_j:
341                    continue
342                # If `item_i` (the first) is not in a non-ignored script, and `item_j` (the second) is in a differnt one (maybe ignored),
343                # this means that this usage of the `item_i` can be suspicious, when it occurs in a document that is written in `script_j`.
344                # We'll consider it a mixed_script_confusable code point.
345                if not is_script_ignored_in_mixedscript(script_i):
346                    # store it within the map, saving as much information as possible, for further investigation on the final results.
347                    confusable_entry_item(mixedscript_confusable, script_i, escape_char(item_i), item_i).append(item_j)
348                # Do the same in reverse from `item_j` to `item_i`
349                if not is_script_ignored_in_mixedscript(script_j):
350                    confusable_entry_item(mixedscript_confusable, script_j, escape_char(item_j), item_j).append(item_i)
352    # Then let's examine the each code point having multiple code point prototype case.
353    # We'll check between the code points that shares the same prototype
354    for _, proto_lst_and_source in multicodepoint_map.items():
355        source = proto_lst_and_source[1]
356        source_len = len(source)
357        # This is basically the same as the single code point case.
358        for i in range(0, source_len - 1):
359            for j in range(i + 1, source_len):
360                item_i, item_j = source[i], source[j]
361                script_i, script_j = codepoint_script(item_i, scripts), codepoint_script(item_j, scripts)
362                if script_i == script_j:
363                    continue
364                if not is_script_ignored_in_mixedscript(script_i):
365                    confusable_entry_item(mixedscript_confusable, script_i, escape_char(item_i), item_i).append(item_j)
366                if not is_script_ignored_in_mixedscript(script_j):
367                    confusable_entry_item(mixedscript_confusable, script_j, escape_char(item_j), item_j).append(item_i)
369    mixedscript_confusable_unresolved = {}
370    # We'll also check between each code points and its multiple codepoint prototype
371    for _, proto_lst_and_source in multicodepoint_map.items():
372        proto_lst = proto_lst_and_source[0]
373        proto_lst_can_be_part_of_identifier = True
374        # If the prototype contains one or more restricted code point, then we skip it.
375        for c in proto_lst:
376            if not is_codepoint_identifier_allowed(c, identifier_allowed):
377                proto_lst_can_be_part_of_identifier = False
378                break
379        if not proto_lst_can_be_part_of_identifier:
380            continue
381        source = proto_lst_and_source[1]
382        source_len = len(source)
383        for i in range(0, source_len):
384            item_i = source[i]
385            # So here we're just checking whether the single code point should be considered confusable.
386            script_i = codepoint_script(item_i, scripts)
387            # If it's in ignored script, we don't need to do anything here.
388            if is_script_ignored_in_mixedscript(script_i):
389                continue
390            # Here're some rules on examining whether the single code point should be considered confusable.
391            # The principle is that, when subsitution happens, no new non-ignored script are introduced, and its
392            # own script is not lost.
393            processed, should_add = process_mixedscript_single_to_multi(item_i, script_i, proto_lst, scripts)
394            if should_add:
395                assert(processed)
396                # Mark the single code point as confusable.
397                confusable_entry_item(mixedscript_confusable, script_i, escape_char(item_i), item_i).append('multi')
398            if processed:
399                # Finished dealing with this code point.
400                continue
401            # If it's not processed we must be dealing with a newer version Unicode data, which introduced some significant
402            # changes. We don't throw an exception here, instead we collect it into a table for debugging purpose, and throw
403            # an exception after we returned and printed the table out.
404            proto_lst_text = escape_char_list(proto_lst)
405            if not proto_lst_text in mixedscript_confusable_unresolved:
406                mixedscript_confusable_unresolved[proto_lst_text] = (proto_lst, [])
407            mixedscript_confusable_unresolved[proto_lst_text][1].append(item_i)
408    return (mixedscript_confusable, mixedscript_confusable_unresolved)
410def codepoint_script(c, scripts):
411    for x, y, script in scripts:
412        if c >= x and c <= y:
413            return script
414    raise Exception("Not in scripts: " + escape_char(c))
416# Emit some useful information for debugging when further update happens.
417def debug_emit_mixedscript_confusable(f, mixedscript_confusable, text, scripts):
418    f.write("/* " + text + "\n")
419    for script, lst in mixedscript_confusable.items():
420        f.write("/// Script - " + script + "\n")
421        source_lst = [v[0] for (_, v) in lst.items()]
422        source_lst.sort()
423        for source in source_lst:
424            source_text = escape_char(source)
425            source_item_and_target_lst = lst[source_text]
426            target_lst = source_item_and_target_lst[1]
427            f.write(source_text + " => " + escape_char_list(target_lst) + " // " + escape_script_list(target_lst, scripts)+ "\n")
428    f.write("*/\n")
431def script_list(char_lst, scripts):
432    script_lst = []
433    for c in char_lst:
434        if c == 'multi':
435            script = 'Z~multi'
436        else:
437            script = codepoint_script(c, scripts)
438        if script not in script_lst:
439            script_lst.append(script)
440    return script_lst
442def escape_script_list(char_lst, scripts):
443    script_lst = script_list(char_lst, scripts)
444    script_lst.sort()
445    return str(script_lst)
447def debug_emit_mixedscript_confusable_unresolved(f, map, text, scripts):
448    if len(map) == 0:
449        return
450    print("// " + text + "\n")
451    for prototype_text, pair in map.items():
452        prototype = pair[0]
453        source = pair[1]
454        print(prototype_text + " => " + escape_char_list(source) + " // " + escape_script_list(prototype, scripts) + " => " + escape_script_list(source, scripts) + "\n")
455    raise Exception("update the python script to add new rules for new data")
457def format_table_content(f, content, indent):
458    line = " "*indent
459    first = True
460    for chunk in content.split(","):
461        if len(line) + len(chunk) < 98:
462            if first:
463                line += chunk
464            else:
465                line += ", " + chunk
466            first = False
467        else:
468            f.write(line + ",\n")
469            line = " "*indent + chunk
470    f.write(line)
472def escape_char(c):
473    if c == 'multi':
474        return "\"<multiple code points>\""
475    return "'\\u{%x}'" % c
477def escape_char_list(l):
478    line = "["
479    first = True
480    for c in l:
481        if first:
482            line += escape_char(c)
483        else:
484            line += ", " + escape_char(c)
485        first = False
486    line += "]"
487    return line
489def emit_table(f, name, t_data, t_type = "&'static [(char, char)]", is_pub=True,
490        pfun=lambda x: "(%s,%s)" % (escape_char(x[0]), escape_char(x[1])), is_const=True):
491    pub_string = "const"
492    if not is_const:
493        pub_string = "let"
494    if is_pub:
495        pub_string = "pub " + pub_string
496    f.write("    %s %s: %s = &[\n" % (pub_string, name, t_type))
497    data = ""
498    first = True
499    for dat in t_data:
500        if not first:
501            data += ","
502        first = False
503        data += pfun(dat)
504    format_table_content(f, data, 8)
505    f.write("\n    ];\n\n")
507def emit_identifier_module(f):
508    f.write("pub mod identifier {")
509    f.write("""
511    #[derive(Copy, Clone, Hash, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Debug)]
512    #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
513    /// https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr39/#Identifier_Status_and_Type
514    pub enum IdentifierType {
515        // Restricted
516        Not_Character,
517        Deprecated,
518        Default_Ignorable,
519        Not_NFKC,
520        Not_XID,
521        Exclusion,
522        Obsolete,
523        Technical,
524        Uncommon_Use,
525        Limited_Use,
527        // Allowed
528        Inclusion,
529        Recommended
530    }
531    #[inline]
532    pub fn identifier_status_allowed(c: char) -> bool {
533        // FIXME: do we want to special case ASCII here?
534        match c as usize {
535            _ => super::util::bsearch_range_table(c, IDENTIFIER_STATUS)
536        }
537    }
539    #[inline]
540    pub fn identifier_type(c: char) -> Option<IdentifierType> {
541        // FIXME: do we want to special case ASCII here?
542        match c as usize {
543            _ => super::util::bsearch_range_value_table(c, IDENTIFIER_TYPE)
544        }
545    }
548    f.write("    // Identifier status table:\n")
549    identifier_status_table = load_properties("IdentifierStatus.txt")
550    emit_table(f, "IDENTIFIER_STATUS", identifier_status_table['Allowed'], "&'static [(char, char)]", is_pub=False,
551            pfun=lambda x: "(%s,%s)" % (escape_char(x[0]), escape_char(x[1])))
552    identifier_type = load_properties("IdentifierType.txt")
553    type_table = []
554    for ty in identifier_type:
555        type_table.extend([(x, y, ty) for (x, y) in identifier_type[ty]])
557    type_table.sort(key=lambda w: w[0])
559    emit_table(f, "IDENTIFIER_TYPE", type_table, "&'static [(char, char, IdentifierType)]", is_pub=False,
560            pfun=lambda x: "(%s,%s, IdentifierType::%s)" % (escape_char(x[0]), escape_char(x[1]), x[2]))
561    f.write("}\n\n")
563def emit_confusable_detection_module(f):
564    f.write("pub mod confusable_detection {")
565    f.write("""
567    #[inline]
568    pub fn char_confusable_prototype(c: char) -> Option<&'static [char]> {
569        // FIXME: do we want to special case ASCII here?
570        match c as usize {
571            _ => super::util::bsearch_value_table(c, CONFUSABLES)
572        }
573    }
577    f.write("    // Confusable table:\n")
578    confusable_table = load_confusables("confusables.txt")
579    confusable_table.sort(key=lambda w: w[0])
581    last_key = None
582    for (k, _) in confusable_table:
583        if k == last_key:
584            raise Exception("duplicate keys in confusables table: %s" % k)
585        last_key = k
587    emit_table(f, "CONFUSABLES", confusable_table, "&'static [(char, &'static [char])]", is_pub=False,
588            pfun=lambda x: "(%s, &%s)" % (escape_char(x[0]), escape_char_list(x[1])))
589    f.write("}\n\n")
591def escape_script_constant(name, longforms):
592    return "Script::" + longforms[name].strip()
594def emit_potiential_mixed_script_confusable(f):
595    f.write("pub mod potential_mixed_script_confusable {")
596    f.write("""
597    #[inline]
598    pub fn potential_mixed_script_confusable(c: char) -> bool {
599        match c as usize {
600            _ => super::util::bsearch_table(c, CONFUSABLES)
601        }
602    }
604    identifier_status_table = load_properties("IdentifierStatus.txt")
605    _, scripts = load_scripts("Scripts.txt")
606    identifier_allowed = identifier_status_table['Allowed']
607    (mixedscript_confusable, mixedscript_confusable_unresolved) = load_potential_mixedscript_confusables("confusables.txt", identifier_allowed, scripts)
608    debug = False
609    if debug == True:
610        debug_emit_mixedscript_confusable(f, mixedscript_confusable, "mixedscript_confusable", scripts)
611        debug_emit_mixedscript_confusable_unresolved(f, mixedscript_confusable_unresolved, "mixedscript_confusable_unresolved", scripts)
612    confusable_table = []
613    for script, lst in mixedscript_confusable.items():
614        for _, pair in lst.items():
615            source = pair[0]
616            confusable_table.append((source, script))
617    confusable_table.sort(key=lambda w: w[0])
618    emit_table(f, "CONFUSABLES", confusable_table, "&'static [char]", is_pub=False,
619            pfun=lambda x: "%s" % escape_char(x[0]))
620    f.write("}\n\n")
623def emit_util_mod(f):
624    f.write("""
625pub mod util {
626    use core::result::Result::{Ok, Err};
628    #[inline]
629    pub fn bsearch_table(c: char, r: &'static [char]) -> bool {
630        r.binary_search(&c).is_ok()
631    }
633    #[inline]
634    pub fn bsearch_value_table<T: Copy>(c: char, r: &'static [(char, T)]) -> Option<T> {
635        match r.binary_search_by_key(&c, |&(k, _)| k) {
636            Ok(idx) => {
637                let (_, v) = r[idx];
638                Some(v)
639            }
640            Err(_) => None
641        }
642    }
644    #[inline]
645    pub fn bsearch_range_table(c: char, r: &'static [(char,char)]) -> bool {
646        use core::cmp::Ordering::{Equal, Less, Greater};
647        r.binary_search_by(|&(lo,hi)| {
648            if lo <= c && c <= hi { Equal }
649            else if hi < c { Less }
650            else { Greater }
651        }).is_ok()
652    }
654    pub fn bsearch_range_value_table<T: Copy>(c: char, r: &'static [(char, char, T)]) -> Option<T> {
655        use core::cmp::Ordering::{Equal, Less, Greater};
656        match r.binary_search_by(|&(lo, hi, _)| {
657            if lo <= c && c <= hi { Equal }
658            else if hi < c { Less }
659            else { Greater }
660        }) {
661            Ok(idx) => {
662                let (_, _, cat) = r[idx];
663                Some(cat)
664            }
665            Err(_) => None
666        }
667    }
673if __name__ == "__main__":
674    r = "tables.rs"
675    if os.path.exists(r):
676        os.remove(r)
677    with open(r, "w") as rf:
678        # write the file's preamble
679        rf.write(preamble)
681        rf.write("""
682/// The version of [Unicode](http://www.unicode.org/)
683/// that this version of unicode-security is based on.
684pub const UNICODE_VERSION: (u64, u64, u64) = (%s, %s, %s);
688        emit_util_mod(rf)
689        ### identifier module
690        emit_identifier_module(rf)
691        ### confusable_detection module
692        emit_confusable_detection_module(rf)
693        ### mixed_script_confusable_detection module
694        emit_potiential_mixed_script_confusable(rf)