1;;;; the basics of the PCL wrapper cache mechanism
3;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4;;;; more information.
6;;;; This software is derived from software originally released by Xerox
7;;;; Corporation. Copyright and release statements follow. Later modifications
8;;;; to the software are in the public domain and are provided with
9;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for more
10;;;; information.
12;;;; copyright information from original PCL sources:
14;;;; Copyright (c) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 Xerox Corporation.
15;;;; All rights reserved.
17;;;; Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works based
18;;;; upon this software are permitted. Any distribution of this software or
19;;;; derivative works must comply with all applicable United States export
20;;;; control laws.
22;;;; This software is made available AS IS, and Xerox Corporation makes no
23;;;; warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity to any
24;;;; specification.
26;;;; Note: as of SBCL it is questionable if cache.lisp can
27;;;; anymore be considered to be "derived from software originally
28;;;; released by Xerox Corporation", as at that time the whole cache
29;;;; implementation was essentially redone from scratch.
31(in-package "SB-PCL")
33;;;; Public API:
35;;;;   fill-cache
36;;;;   probe-cache
37;;;;   make-cache
38;;;;   map-cache
39;;;;   emit-cache-lookup
40;;;;   copy-cache
41;;;;   hash-table-to-cache
43;;;; This is a thread and interrupt safe reimplementation loosely
44;;;; based on the original PCL cache by Kickzales and Rodrigues,
45;;;; as described in "Efficient Method Dispatch in PCL".
47;;;; * Writes to cache are made atomic using compare-and-swap on
48;;;;   wrappers. Wrappers are never moved or deleted after they have
49;;;;   been written: to clean them out the cache need to be copied.
51;;;; * Copying or expanding the cache drops out incomplete and invalid
52;;;;   lines.
54;;;; * Since the cache is used for memoization only we don't need to
55;;;;   worry about which of simultaneous replacements (when expanding
56;;;;   the cache) takes place: the losing one will have its work
57;;;;   redone later. This also allows us to drop entries when the
58;;;;   cache is about to grow insanely huge.
60;;;; The cache is essentially a specialized hash-table for layouts, used
61;;;; for memoization of effective methods, slot locations, and constant
62;;;; return values.
64;;;; Subsequences of the cache vector are called cache lines.
66;;;; The cache vector uses the symbol SB-PCL::..EMPTY.. as a sentinel
67;;;; value, to allow storing NILs in the vector as well.
69(defstruct (cache (:constructor %make-cache)
70                  (:copier %copy-cache))
71  ;; Number of keys the cache uses.
72  (key-count 1 :type (integer 1 (#.call-arguments-limit)))
73  ;; True if we store values in the cache.
74  (value)
75  ;; Number of vector elements a single cache line uses in the vector.
76  ;; This is always a power of two, so that the vector length can be both
77  ;; an exact multiple of this and a power of two.
78  (line-size 1 :type (integer 1 #.most-positive-fixnum))
79  ;; Cache vector, its length is always both a multiple of line-size
80  ;; and a power of two. This is so that we can calculate
81  ;;   (mod index (length vector))
82  ;; using a bitmask.
83  (vector #() :type simple-vector)
84  ;; The bitmask used to calculate
85  ;;   (mod (* line-size line-hash) (length vector))).
86  (mask 0 :type fixnum)
87  ;; Current probe-depth needed in the cache.
88  (depth 0 :type index)
89  ;; Maximum allowed probe-depth before the cache needs to expand.
90  (limit 0 :type index))
92(defun compute-cache-mask (vector-length line-size)
93  ;; Since both vector-length and line-size are powers of two, we
94  ;; can compute a bitmask such that
95  ;;
96  ;;  (logand <mask> <combined-layout-hash>)
97  ;;
98  ;; is "morally equal" to
99  ;;
100  ;;  (mod (* <line-size> <combined-layout-hash>) <vector-length>)
101  ;;
102  ;; This is it: (1- vector-length) is #b111... of the approriate size
103  ;; to get the MOD, and (- line-size) gives right the number of zero
104  ;; bits at the low end.
105  (logand (1- vector-length) (- line-size)))
107(defun cache-statistics (cache)
108  (let* ((vector (cache-vector cache))
109         (size (length vector))
110         (line-size (cache-line-size cache))
111         (total-lines (/ size line-size)))
112    (values (loop for i from 0 by line-size below size
113                  count (neq (svref vector i) '..empty..))
114            total-lines (cache-depth cache) (cache-limit cache))))
116;;; Don't allocate insanely huge caches: this is 4096 lines for a
117;;; value cache with 8-15 keys -- probably "big enough for anyone",
118;;; and 16384 lines for a commonplace 2-key value cache.
119(defconstant +cache-vector-max-length+ (expt 2 16))
121;;; Compute the maximum allowed probe depth as a function of cache size.
122;;; Cache size refers to number of cache lines, not the length of the
123;;; cache vector.
125;;; FIXME: It would be nice to take the generic function optimization
126;;; policy into account here (speed vs. space.)
127(declaim (inline compute-limit))
128(defun compute-limit (size)
129  (ceiling (sqrt (sqrt size))))
131;;; Returns VALUE if it is not ..EMPTY.., otherwise executes ELSE:
132(defmacro non-empty-or (value else)
133  (with-unique-names (n-value)
134    `(let ((,n-value ,value))
135       (if (eq ,n-value '..empty..)
136           ,else
137           ,n-value))))
139;;; Fast way to check if a thing found at the position of a cache key is one:
140;;; it is always either a wrapper, or the ..EMPTY.. symbol.
141(declaim (inline cache-key-p))
142(defun cache-key-p (thing)
143  (not (symbolp thing)))
145;;; Atomically update the current probe depth of a cache.
146(defun note-cache-depth (cache depth)
147  (loop for old = (cache-depth cache)
148        while (and (< old depth)
149                   (not (eq old (compare-and-swap (cache-depth cache)
150                                                  old depth))))))
152;;; Compute the starting index of the next cache line in the cache vector.
153(declaim (inline next-cache-index))
154(defun next-cache-index (mask index line-size)
155  (declare (type (unsigned-byte #.sb-vm:n-word-bits) index line-size mask))
156  (logand mask (+ index line-size)))
158;;; Returns the hash-value for layout, or executes ELSE if the layout
159;;; is invalid.
160(defmacro hash-layout-or (layout else)
161  (with-unique-names (n-hash)
162    `(let ((,n-hash (layout-clos-hash ,layout)))
163       (if (zerop ,n-hash)
164           ,else
165           ,n-hash))))
167;;; Compute cache index for the cache and a list of layouts.
168(declaim (inline compute-cache-index))
169(defun compute-cache-index (cache layouts)
170  (let ((index (hash-layout-or (car layouts)
171                               (return-from compute-cache-index nil))))
172    (declare (fixnum index))
173    (dolist (layout (cdr layouts))
174      (mixf index (hash-layout-or layout (return-from compute-cache-index nil))))
175    ;; align with cache lines
176    (logand index (cache-mask cache))))
178;;; Emit code that does lookup in cache bound to CACHE-VAR using
179;;; layouts bound to LAYOUT-VARS. Go to MISS-TAG on event of a miss or
180;;; invalid layout. Otherwise, if VALUE-VAR is non-nil, set it to the
181;;; value found. (VALUE-VAR is non-nil only when CACHE-VALUE is true.)
183;;; In other words, produces inlined code for COMPUTE-CACHE-INDEX when
184;;; number of keys and presence of values in the cache is known
185;;; beforehand.
186(defun emit-cache-lookup (cache-var layout-vars miss-tag value-var)
187  (declare (muffle-conditions code-deletion-note))
188  (with-unique-names (probe n-vector n-depth n-mask
189                      MATCH-WRAPPERS EXIT-WITH-HIT)
190    (let* ((num-keys (length layout-vars))
191           (pointer
192            ;; We don't need POINTER if the cache has 1 key and no value,
193            ;; or if FOLD-INDEX-ADDRESSING is supported, in which case adding
194            ;; a constant to the base index for each cell-ref yields better code.
195            #-(or x86 x86-64)
196            (when (or (> num-keys 1) value-var) (make-symbol "PTR")))
197           (line-size (power-of-two-ceiling (+ num-keys (if value-var 1 0)))))
198      `(let ((,n-mask (cache-mask ,cache-var))
199             (,probe (hash-layout-or ,(car layout-vars) (go ,miss-tag))))
200         (declare (index ,probe))
201         ,@(mapcar (lambda (layout-var)
202                     `(mixf ,probe (hash-layout-or ,layout-var (go ,miss-tag))))
203                   (cdr layout-vars))
204         ;; align with cache lines
205         (setf ,probe (logand ,probe ,n-mask))
206         (let ((,n-depth (cache-depth ,cache-var))
207               (,n-vector (cache-vector ,cache-var))
208               ,@(when pointer `((,pointer ,probe))))
209           (declare (index ,n-depth ,@(when pointer (list pointer))))
210           (tagbody
211            ,MATCH-WRAPPERS
212            (when (and ,@(loop for layout-var in layout-vars
213                               for i from 0
214                               collect
215                             (if pointer
216                                 `(prog1 (eq ,layout-var
217                                             (svref ,n-vector ,pointer))
218                                    (incf ,pointer))
219                                 `(eq ,layout-var
220                                      (svref ,n-vector
221                                             (the index (+ ,probe ,i)))))))
222              ,@(when value-var
223                 `((setf ,value-var
224                         (non-empty-or (svref ,n-vector
225                                              ,(or pointer
226                                                   `(the index
227                                                         (+ ,probe ,num-keys))))
228                                       (go ,miss-tag)))))
229              (go ,EXIT-WITH-HIT))
230            (when (zerop ,n-depth) (go ,miss-tag))
231            (decf ,n-depth)
232            (setf ,probe (next-cache-index ,n-mask ,probe ,line-size))
233            ,@(if pointer `((setf ,pointer ,probe)))
234            (go ,MATCH-WRAPPERS)
235            ,EXIT-WITH-HIT))))))
237;;; Probes CACHE for LAYOUTS.
239;;; Returns two values: a boolean indicating a hit or a miss, and a secondary
240;;; value that is the value that was stored in the cache if any.
241(defun probe-cache (cache layouts)
242  (declare (optimize speed))
243  (let ((vector (cache-vector cache))
244        (key-count (cache-key-count cache))
245        (line-size (cache-line-size cache))
246        (mask (cache-mask cache)))
247    (flet ((probe-line (base)
248             (declare (optimize (sb-c::type-check 0)))
249             (tagbody
250              ;; LAYOUTS can't be the empty list, because COMPUTE-CACHE-INDEX
251              ;; takes its CAR, and would have borked if that weren't a LAYOUT.
252              ;; But perhaps we should figure out when LAYOUTS get passed
253              ;; as an atom, and make it so that doesn't happen?
254                (loop for offset of-type index from 0 below key-count
255                      for layout = (if (listp layouts) (pop layouts) (shiftf layouts nil))
256                      then (pop layouts)
257                      unless (eq layout (svref vector (truly-the index (+ base offset))))
258                      do (go :miss))
259                ;; all layouts match!
260                (let ((value (when (cache-value cache)
261                               (non-empty-or (svref vector (truly-the index (+ base key-count)))
262                                             (go :miss)))))
263                  (return-from probe-cache (values t value)))
264              :miss
265                (return-from probe-line (next-cache-index mask base line-size)))))
266      (declare (ftype (sfunction (index) index) probe-line))
267      (let ((index (if (not (listp layouts))
268                       (let ((hash (layout-clos-hash layouts)))
269                         (unless (zerop hash) (logand hash mask)))
270                       (compute-cache-index cache layouts))))
271        (when index
272          (loop repeat (1+ (cache-depth cache))
273                do (setf index (probe-line index)))))))
274  (values nil nil))
276;;; Tries to write LAYOUTS and VALUE at the cache line starting at
277;;; the index BASE. Returns true on success, and false on failure.
278(defun try-update-cache-line (cache base layouts value)
279  (declare (index base))
280  (let ((vector (cache-vector cache))
281        (new (pop layouts)))
282    ;; If we unwind from here, we will be left with an incomplete
283    ;; cache line, but that is OK: next write using the same layouts
284    ;; will fill it, and reads will treat an incomplete line as a
285    ;; miss -- causing it to be filled.
286    (loop for old = (compare-and-swap (svref vector base) '..empty.. new)  do
287          (when (and (cache-key-p old) (not (eq old new)))
288            ;; The place was already taken, and doesn't match our key.
289            (return-from try-update-cache-line nil))
290          (unless layouts
291            ;; All keys match or successfully saved, save our value --
292            ;; just smash it in. Until the first time it is written
293            ;; there is ..EMPTY.. here, which probes look for, so we
294            ;; don't get bogus hits. This is necessary because we want
295            ;; to be able store arbitrary values here for use with
296            ;; constant-value dispatch functions.
297            (when (cache-value cache)
298              (setf (svref vector (1+ base)) value))
299            (return-from try-update-cache-line t))
300          (setf new (pop layouts))
301          (incf base))))
303;;; Tries to write LAYOUTS and VALUE somewhere in the cache. Returns
304;;; true on success and false on failure, meaning the cache is too
305;;; full.
306(defun try-update-cache (cache layouts value)
307  (let ((index (or (compute-cache-index cache layouts)
308                   ;; At least one of the layouts was invalid: just
309                   ;; pretend we updated the cache, and let the next
310                   ;; read pick up the mess.
311                   (return-from try-update-cache t)))
312        (line-size (cache-line-size cache))
313        (mask (cache-mask cache)))
314    (declare (index index))
315    (loop for depth from 0 upto (cache-limit cache) do
316          (when (try-update-cache-line cache index layouts value)
317            (note-cache-depth cache depth)
318            (return-from try-update-cache t))
319          (setf index (next-cache-index mask index line-size)))))
321;;; Constructs a new cache.
322(defun make-cache (&key (key-count (missing-arg)) (value (missing-arg))
323                   (size 1))
324  (let* ((line-size (power-of-two-ceiling (+ key-count (if value 1 0))))
325         (adjusted-size (power-of-two-ceiling size))
326         (length (* adjusted-size line-size)))
327    (if (<= length +cache-vector-max-length+)
328        (%make-cache :key-count key-count
329                     :line-size line-size
330                     :vector (make-array length :initial-element '..empty..)
331                     :value value
332                     :mask (compute-cache-mask length line-size)
333                     :limit (compute-limit adjusted-size))
334        ;; Make a smaller one, then
335        (make-cache :key-count key-count :value value :size (ceiling size 2)))))
337;;;; Copies and expands the cache, dropping any invalidated or
338;;;; incomplete lines.
339(defun copy-and-expand-cache (cache layouts value)
340  (let ((copy (%copy-cache cache))
341        (length (length (cache-vector cache)))
342        (drop-random-entries nil))
343    (declare (index length))
344    (when (< length +cache-vector-max-length+)
345      (setf length (* 2 length)))
346    (tagbody
347     :again
348       ;; Blow way the old vector first, so a GC potentially triggered by
349       ;; MAKE-ARRAY can collect it.
350       (setf (cache-vector copy) #()
351             (cache-vector copy) (make-array length :initial-element '..empty..)
352             (cache-depth copy) 0
353             (cache-mask copy) (compute-cache-mask length (cache-line-size cache))
354             (cache-limit copy) (compute-limit (/ length (cache-line-size cache))))
355       ;; First insert the new one -- if we don't do this first and
356       ;; the cache has reached its maximum size we may end up looping
357       ;; in FILL-CACHE.
358       (unless (try-update-cache copy layouts value)
359         (bug "Could not insert ~S:~S to supposedly empty ~S." layouts value copy))
360       (map-cache (if drop-random-entries
361                      ;; The cache is at maximum size, and all entries
362                      ;; do not fit in. Drop a random ~50% of entries,
363                      ;; to make space for new ones. This needs to be
364                      ;; random, since otherwise we might get in a
365                      ;; rut: add A causing B to drop, then add B
366                      ;; causing A to drop... repeat ad nauseam,
367                      ;; spending most of the time here instead of
368                      ;; doing real work. 50% because if we drop too
369                      ;; few we need to do this almost right away
370                      ;; again, and if we drop too many, we need to
371                      ;; recompute more than we'd like.
372                      ;; _Experimentally_ 50% seems to perform the
373                      ;; best, but it would be nice to have a proper
374                      ;; analysis...
375                      (randomly-punting-lambda (layouts value)
376                        (try-update-cache copy layouts value))
377                      (lambda (layouts value)
378                        (unless (try-update-cache copy layouts value)
379                          ;; Didn't fit -- expand the cache, or drop
380                          ;; a few unlucky ones.
381                          (if (< length +cache-vector-max-length+)
382                              (setf length (* 2 length))
383                              (setf drop-random-entries t))
384                          (go :again))))
385                  cache))
386    copy))
388(defun cache-has-invalid-entries-p (cache)
389  (let ((vector (cache-vector cache))
390        (line-size (cache-line-size cache))
391        (key-count (cache-key-count cache))
392        (mask (cache-mask cache))
393        (index 0))
394    (loop
395      ;; Check if the line is in use, and check validity of the keys.
396      (let ((key1 (svref vector index)))
397        (when (cache-key-p key1)
398          (if (zerop (layout-clos-hash key1))
399              ;; First key invalid.
400              (return-from cache-has-invalid-entries-p t)
401              ;; Line is in use and the first key is valid: check the rest.
402              (loop for offset from 1 below key-count
403                    do (let ((thing (svref vector (+ index offset))))
404                         (when (or (not (cache-key-p thing))
405                                   (zerop (layout-clos-hash thing)))
406                           ;; Incomplete line or invalid layout.
407                           (return-from cache-has-invalid-entries-p t)))))))
408      ;; Line empty of valid, onwards.
409      (setf index (next-cache-index mask index line-size))
410      (when (zerop index)
411        ;; wrapped around
412        (return-from cache-has-invalid-entries-p nil)))))
414(defun hash-table-to-cache (table &key value key-count)
415  (let ((cache (make-cache :key-count key-count :value value
416                           :size (hash-table-count table))))
417    (maphash (lambda (class value)
418               (setq cache (fill-cache cache (class-wrapper class) value)))
419             table)
420    cache))
422;;; Inserts VALUE to CACHE keyd by LAYOUTS. Expands the cache if
423;;; necessary, and returns the new cache.
424(defun fill-cache (cache layouts value)
425  (labels
426      ((%fill-cache (cache layouts value expand)
427         (cond ((try-update-cache cache layouts value)
428                cache)
429               ((and (not expand) (cache-has-invalid-entries-p cache))
430                ;; Don't expand yet: maybe there will be enough space if
431                ;; we just drop the invalid entries.
432                (%fill-cache (copy-cache cache) layouts value t))
433               (t
434                (copy-and-expand-cache cache layouts value)))))
435    (%fill-cache cache (ensure-list layouts) value nil)))
437;;; Calls FUNCTION with all layouts and values in cache.
438(defun map-cache (function cache)
439  (let* ((vector (cache-vector cache))
440         (key-count (cache-key-count cache))
441         (valuep (cache-value cache))
442         (line-size (cache-line-size cache))
443         (mask (cache-mask cache))
444         (fun (if (functionp function)
445                  function
446                  (fdefinition function)))
447         (index 0))
448    (tagbody
449     :map
450       (let ((layouts
451              (loop for offset from 0 below key-count
452                    collect (non-empty-or (svref vector (+ offset index))
453                                          (go :next)))))
454         (let ((value (when valuep
455                        (non-empty-or (svref vector (+ index key-count))
456                                      (go :next)))))
457           ;; Let the callee worry about invalid layouts
458           (funcall fun layouts value)))
459     :next
460       (setf index (next-cache-index mask index line-size))
461       (unless (zerop index)
462         (go :map))))
463  cache)
465;;; Copying a cache without expanding it is very much like mapping it:
466;;; we need to be carefull because there may be updates while we are
467;;; copying it, and we don't want to copy incomplete entries or invalid
468;;; ones.
469(defun copy-cache (cache)
470  (let* ((vector (cache-vector cache))
471         (copy (make-array (length vector) :initial-element '..empty..))
472         (line-size (cache-line-size cache))
473         (key-count (cache-key-count cache))
474         (valuep (cache-value cache))
475         (mask (cache-mask cache))
476         (size (/ (length vector) line-size))
477         (index 0)
478         (depth 0))
479    (tagbody
480     :copy
481       (let ((layouts (loop for offset from 0 below key-count
482                            collect (non-empty-or (svref vector (+ index offset))
483                                                  (go :next)))))
484         ;; Check validity & compute primary index.
485         (let ((primary (or (compute-cache-index cache layouts)
486                            (go :next))))
487           ;; Check & copy value.
488           (when valuep
489             (setf (svref copy (+ index key-count))
490                   (non-empty-or (svref vector (+ index key-count))
491                                 (go :next))))
492           ;; Copy layouts.
493           (loop for offset from 0 below key-count do
494                 (setf (svref copy (+ index offset)) (pop layouts)))
495           ;; Update probe depth.
496           (let ((distance (/ (- index primary) line-size)))
497             (setf depth (max depth (if (minusp distance)
498                                        ;; account for wrap-around
499                                        (+ distance size)
500                                        distance))))))
501     :next
502       (setf index (next-cache-index mask index line-size))
503       (unless (zerop index)
504         (go :copy)))
505    (%make-cache :vector copy
506                 :depth depth
507                 :key-count (cache-key-count cache)
508                 :line-size line-size
509                 :value valuep
510                 :mask mask
511                 :limit (cache-limit cache))))
513;;;; For debugging & collecting statistics.
515(defun map-all-caches (function)
516  (dolist (p (list-all-packages))
517    (do-symbols (s p)
518      (when (eq p (symbol-package s))
519        (dolist (name (list s
520                            `(setf ,s)
521                            (slot-reader-name s)
522                            (slot-writer-name s)
523                            (slot-boundp-name s)))
524          (when (fboundp name)
525            (let ((fun (fdefinition name)))
526              (when (typep fun 'generic-function)
527                (let ((cache (gf-dfun-cache fun)))
528                  (when cache
529                    (funcall function name cache)))))))))))
531(defun check-cache-consistency (cache)
532  (let ((table (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
533    (map-cache (lambda (layouts value)
534                 (declare (ignore value))
535                 (if (gethash layouts table)
536                     (cerror "Check futher."
537                             "Multiple appearances of ~S." layouts)
538                     (setf (gethash layouts table) t)))
539               cache)))