3(*                                                                  *)
4(*  mind.sd7      Guess a four digit number game                    *)
5(*  Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 2004  Thomas Mertes       *)
6(*                                                                  *)
7(*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or   *)
8(*  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as  *)
9(*  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of  *)
10(*  the License, or (at your option) any later version.             *)
11(*                                                                  *)
12(*  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
13(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of  *)
15(*  GNU General Public License for more details.                    *)
16(*                                                                  *)
17(*  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public       *)
18(*  License along with this program; if not, write to the           *)
19(*  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,             *)
20(*  Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.                       *)
21(*                                                                  *)
25$ include "seed7_05.s7i";
26  include "stdio.s7i";
28var integer: initial_try is 0;
30const type: guess is new struct
31    var integer: digit1 is 0;
32    var integer: digit2 is 0;
33    var integer: digit3 is 0;
34    var integer: digit4 is 0;
35    var integer: right_place is 0;
36    var integer: wrong_place is 0;
37  end struct;
39const guess: GUESS_REC is guess.value;
41var array guess: guesses is 0 times GUESS_REC;
44const proc: read_number (in string: prompt, in integer: low, in integer: up,
45    inout integer: number, inout boolean: quit) is func
46  local
47    var string: stri is "";
48    var boolean: okay is TRUE;
49  begin
50    repeat
51      okay := TRUE;
52      write(prompt);
53      readln(stri);
54      if stri = "" and low <= 0 and up >= 0 then
55        number := 0;
56      elsif upper(stri) = "Q" then
57        quit := TRUE;
58      else
59        block
60          number := integer(stri);
61          if number < low or number > up then
62            writeln("This number is not between " <& low <& " and " <& up <& ".");
63            okay := FALSE;
64          end if;
65        exception
66          catch RANGE_ERROR:
67            writeln("\"" <& stri <& "\" is not a number.");
68            okay := FALSE;
69        end block;
70      end if;
71    until okay;
72  end func;
75const func guess: question (in integer: num, inout boolean: quit) is func
76  result
77    var guess: new_guess is GUESS_REC;
78  local
79    var string: stri is "";
80  begin
81    new_guess := GUESS_REC;
82    new_guess.digit1 := num rem 10;
83    new_guess.digit2 := (num div 10) rem 10;
84    new_guess.digit3 := (num div 100) rem 10;
85    new_guess.digit4 := num div 1000;
86    writeln("I guess " <& num);
87    read_number("How many digits are right and at the right place? ",
88        0, 4, new_guess.right_place, quit);
89    if not quit then
90      read_number("How many digits are right but at the wrong place? ",
91          0, 4, new_guess.wrong_place, quit);
92    end if;
93  end func;
96const proc: compare (in integer: try, in integer: solution, inout integer: right, inout integer: wrong) is func
97  local
98    var integer: t_digit1 is 0;
99    var integer: t_digit2 is 0;
100    var integer: t_digit3 is 0;
101    var integer: t_digit4 is 0;
102    var integer: s_digit1 is 0;
103    var integer: s_digit2 is 0;
104    var integer: s_digit3 is 0;
105    var integer: s_digit4 is 0;
106  begin
107    t_digit1 := try rem 10;
108    t_digit2 := (try div 10) rem 10;
109    t_digit3 := (try div 100) rem 10;
110    t_digit4 := try div 1000;
111    s_digit1 := solution rem 10;
112    s_digit2 := (solution div 10) rem 10;
113    s_digit3 := (solution div 100) rem 10;
114    s_digit4 := solution div 1000;
115    right := 0;
116    if t_digit1 = s_digit1 then
117      incr(right);
118      t_digit1 := 10;
119      s_digit1 := 11;
120    end if;
121    if t_digit2 = s_digit2 then
122      incr(right);
123      t_digit2 := 10;
124      s_digit2 := 11;
125    end if;
126    if t_digit3 = s_digit3 then
127      incr(right);
128      t_digit3 := 10;
129      s_digit3 := 11;
130    end if;
131    if t_digit4 = s_digit4 then
132      incr(right);
133      t_digit4 := 10;
134      s_digit4 := 11;
135    end if;
136    wrong := 0;
137    if t_digit1 = s_digit2 then
138      incr(wrong);
139      s_digit2 := 11;
140    elsif t_digit1 = s_digit3 then
141      incr(wrong);
142      s_digit3 := 11;
143    elsif t_digit1 = s_digit4 then
144      incr(wrong);
145      s_digit4 := 11;
146    end if;
147    if t_digit2 = s_digit1 then
148      incr(wrong);
149      s_digit1 := 11;
150    elsif t_digit2 = s_digit3 then
151      incr(wrong);
152      s_digit3 := 11;
153    elsif t_digit2 = s_digit4 then
154      incr(wrong);
155      s_digit4 := 11;
156    end if;
157    if t_digit3 = s_digit1 then
158      incr(wrong);
159      s_digit1 := 11;
160    elsif t_digit3 = s_digit2 then
161      incr(wrong);
162      s_digit2 := 11;
163    elsif t_digit3 = s_digit4 then
164      incr(wrong);
165    end if;
166    if t_digit4 = s_digit1 then
167      incr(wrong);
168    elsif t_digit4 = s_digit2 then
169      incr(wrong);
170    elsif t_digit4 = s_digit3 then
171      incr(wrong);
172    end if;
173  end func;
176const func boolean: legal (in integer: try_digit1, in integer: try_digit2, in integer: try_digit3, in integer: try_digit4) is func
177  result
178    var boolean: legal is TRUE;
179  local
180    var integer: index is 1;
181    var integer: leng is 0;
182    var guess: guess_ref is GUESS_REC;
183    var integer: t_digit1 is 0;
184    var integer: t_digit2 is 0;
185    var integer: t_digit3 is 0;
186    var integer: t_digit4 is 0;
187    var integer: s_digit1 is 0;
188    var integer: s_digit2 is 0;
189    var integer: s_digit3 is 0;
190    var integer: s_digit4 is 0;
191    var integer: right is 0;
192    var integer: wrong is 0;
193  begin
194    leng := length(guesses);
195    while legal and index <= leng do
196      t_digit1 := try_digit1;
197      t_digit2 := try_digit2;
198      t_digit3 := try_digit3;
199      t_digit4 := try_digit4;
200      guess_ref := guesses[index];
201      s_digit1 := guess_ref.digit1;
202      s_digit2 := guess_ref.digit2;
203      s_digit3 := guess_ref.digit3;
204      s_digit4 := guess_ref.digit4;
205      right := 0;
206      if t_digit1 = s_digit1 then
207        incr(right);
208        t_digit1 := 10;
209        s_digit1 := 11;
210      end if;
211      if t_digit2 = s_digit2 then
212        incr(right);
213        t_digit2 := 10;
214        s_digit2 := 11;
215      end if;
216      if t_digit3 = s_digit3 then
217        incr(right);
218        t_digit3 := 10;
219        s_digit3 := 11;
220      end if;
221      if t_digit4 = s_digit4 then
222        incr(right);
223        t_digit4 := 10;
224        s_digit4 := 11;
225      end if;
226      if right <> guess_ref.right_place then
227        legal := FALSE;
228      else
229        wrong := 0;
230        if t_digit1 = s_digit2 then
231          incr(wrong);
232          s_digit2 := 11;
233        elsif t_digit1 = s_digit3 then
234          incr(wrong);
235          s_digit3 := 11;
236        elsif t_digit1 = s_digit4 then
237          incr(wrong);
238          s_digit4 := 11;
239        end if;
240        if t_digit2 = s_digit1 then
241          incr(wrong);
242          s_digit1 := 11;
243        elsif t_digit2 = s_digit3 then
244          incr(wrong);
245          s_digit3 := 11;
246        elsif t_digit2 = s_digit4 then
247          incr(wrong);
248          s_digit4 := 11;
249        end if;
250        if t_digit3 = s_digit1 then
251          incr(wrong);
252          s_digit1 := 11;
253        elsif t_digit3 = s_digit2 then
254          incr(wrong);
255          s_digit2 := 11;
256        elsif t_digit3 = s_digit4 then
257          incr(wrong);
258        end if;
259        if t_digit4 = s_digit1 then
260          incr(wrong);
261        elsif t_digit4 = s_digit2 then
262          incr(wrong);
263        elsif t_digit4 = s_digit3 then
264          incr(wrong);
265        end if;
266        if wrong <> guess_ref.wrong_place then
267          legal := FALSE;
268        end if;
269      end if;
270(*    write(str(try_digit4) & str(try_digit3) & str(try_digit2) & str(try_digit1));
271      write(" " & (right lpad 2) & (wrong lpad 2) & " ");
272      write(str(guess_ref.digit4) & str(guess_ref.digit3) & str(guess_ref.digit2) & str(guess_ref.digit1));
273      writeln(" " & (guess_ref.right_place lpad 2) & (guess_ref.wrong_place lpad 2)); *)
274      incr(index);
275    end while;
276  end func;
279const proc: search_try (inout integer: try) is func
280  begin
281    write("Thinking .");
282    flush(OUT);
283    repeat
284      try +:= 37;
285      if try > 9999 then
286        try -:= 9000;
287        write(".");
288        flush(OUT);
289      end if;
290    until legal(try rem 10, (try div 10) rem 10,
291        (try div 100) rem 10, try div 1000) or try = initial_try;
292    writeln;
293  end func;
296const proc: verify (in integer: solution) is func
297  local
298    var boolean: searching is TRUE;
299    var integer: index is 0;
300    var integer: leng is 0;
301    var guess: guess_ref is GUESS_REC;
302    var integer: right is 0;
303    var integer: wrong is 0;
304    var integer: try is 0;
305  begin
306    if solution < 1000 or solution > 9999 then
307      writeln("This number is not between 1000 and 9999.");
308    else
309      leng := length(guesses);
310      while searching and index < leng do
311        incr(index);
312        guess_ref := guesses[index];
313        try := guess_ref.digit4 * 1000 + guess_ref.digit3 * 100 +
314            guess_ref.digit2 * 10 + guess_ref.digit1;
315        compare(try, solution, right, wrong);
316        if right <> guess_ref.right_place or wrong <> guess_ref.wrong_place then
317          searching := FALSE;
318        end if;
319      end while;
320      writeln("When I guessed " <& try <& " your answer was " <&
321              guess_ref.right_place <& " " <& guess_ref.wrong_place <& ".");
322      writeln("But the correct answer was " <& right <& " " <& wrong <& ".");
323    end if;
324  end func;
327const proc: round_computer_guesses is func
328  local
329    var integer: current_try is 0;
330    var guess: current_guess is GUESS_REC;
331    var boolean: quit_round is FALSE;
332  begin
333    writeln;
334    writeln("Think of a four digit number (between 1000 and 9999).");
335    writeln("Press ENTER if you have the number ");
336    readln;
337    guesses := 0 times GUESS_REC;
338    initial_try := rand(1000, 9999);
339    current_try := initial_try;
340    current_guess := question(current_try, quit_round);
341    if not quit_round then
342      if current_guess.right_place <> 4 then
343        repeat
344          guesses := guesses & [](current_guess);
345          search_try(current_try);
346          if current_try <> initial_try then
347            current_guess := question(current_try, quit_round);
348          end if;
349        until current_guess.right_place = 4 or
350            current_try = initial_try or quit_round;
351        if not quit_round then
352          writeln;
353          if current_guess.right_place = 4 then
354            writeln("I guessed it in " <& length(guesses) + 1 <& " tries.");
355          else
356            writeln("This is not possible.");
357            writeln("Some of your answers must be wrong.");
358            write("Please enter your number for verification ");
359            current_try := 0;
360            readln(current_try);
361            verify(current_try);
362          end if;
363        end if;
364      else
365        writeln;
366        writeln("I guessed it immediately, how lucky!");
367      end if;
368    end if;
369  end func;
372const proc: round_human_guesses is func
373  local
374    var integer: secret_number is 0;
375    var integer: current_try is 0;
376    var integer: right is 0;
377    var integer: wrong is 0;
378    var integer: number_of_tries is 0;
379    var boolean: quit_round is FALSE;
380  begin
381    writeln;
382    writeln("Guess my secret four digit number (between 1000 and 9999).");
383    writeln;
384    secret_number := rand(1000, 9999);
385    number_of_tries := 0;
386    repeat
387      read_number("Your guess? ", 1000, 9999, current_try, quit_round);
388      if not quit_round then
389        incr(number_of_tries);
390        compare(current_try, secret_number, right, wrong);
391        writeln(right <& " digits are right and at the right place.");
392        writeln(wrong <& " digits are right but at the wrong place.");
393      end if;
394    until right = 4 or quit_round;
395    writeln;
396    if quit_round then
397      writeln("The secret number was " <& secret_number <& ".");
398    else
399      if number_of_tries > 1 then
400        writeln("You guessed it in " <& number_of_tries <& " tries.");
401      else
402        writeln("You guessed it immediately, how lucky!");
403      end if;
404    end if;
405  end func;
408const proc: main is func
409  local
410    var string: answer is " ";
411  begin
412    writeln;
413    writeln("MIND - Guess a four digit number.");
414    repeat
415      repeat
416        writeln;
417        write("Who should guess (Computer/Human/Quit)? ");
418        readln(answer);
419        answer := upper(answer);
420      until answer = "C" or answer = "H" or answer = "Q";
421      if answer = "C" then
422        repeat
423          round_computer_guesses;
424          repeat
425            write("Should the computer guess another number (Y/N)? ");
426            readln(answer);
427            answer := upper(answer);
428          until answer = "Y" or answer = "N" or answer = "Q";
429        until answer = "N" or answer = "Q";
430      elsif answer = "H" then
431        repeat
432          round_human_guesses;
433          repeat
434            write("Do you want to guess another number (Y/N)? ");
435            readln(answer);
436            answer := upper(answer);
437          until answer = "Y" or answer = "N" or answer = "Q";
438        until answer = "N" or answer = "Q";
439      end if;
440    until answer = "Q";
441    writeln("Goodbye");
442  end func;