3(*                                                                  *)
4(*  startrek.sd7  Classical startrek game                           *)
5(*  Copyright (C) 2004  Thomas Mertes                               *)
6(*                                                                  *)
7(*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or   *)
8(*  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as  *)
9(*  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of  *)
10(*  the License, or (at your option) any later version.             *)
11(*                                                                  *)
12(*  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
13(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of  *)
15(*  GNU General Public License for more details.                    *)
16(*                                                                  *)
17(*  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public       *)
18(*  License along with this program; if not, write to the           *)
19(*  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,             *)
20(*  Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.                       *)
21(*                                                                  *)
25$ include "seed7_05.s7i";
26  include "stdio.s7i";
27  include "float.s7i";
28  include "math.s7i";
30const float: max_energy is 4000.0;
31const integer: max_torpedoes is 10;
32const float: maxKlingonEnergy is 400.0;
33const string: sector_description is ".EKB*";
35const integer: WARP_ENGINES        is 1;
36const integer: SHORT_RANGE_SENSORS is 2;
37const integer: LONG_RANGE_SENSORS  is 3;
38const integer: PHASERS             is 4;
39const integer: PHOTON_TORPEDOES    is 5;
40const integer: GALACTIC_RECORDS    is 6;
42const array string: description is [](
43    "Warp engines","Short range sensors","Long range sensors",
44    "Phasers","Photon torpedoes","Galactic records");
46var integer: total_klingons is 0;
47var array integer: klingonRow is 8 times 0;
48var array integer: klingonColumn is 8 times 0;
49var array float: klingonEnergy is 8 times 0.0;
51var array array integer: quad is 8 times 8 times 0;
52var integer: quadrantRow is 1;
53var integer: quadrantColumn is 1;
54var integer: klingons_in_quadrant is 0;
55var integer: bases_in_quadrant is 0;
56var integer: stars_in_quadrant is 0;
58var array array integer: sect is 8 times 8 times 0;
59var integer: sectorRow is 1;
60var integer: sectorColumn is 1;
62var integer: klingons_in_game is 0;
63var integer: stardate is 0;
64var integer: startStardate is 0;
65var integer: endStardate is 0;
67var string: cond is "";
68var array integer: damage is 6 times 0;
69var float: energy is 0.0;
70var integer: torpedoes is 0;
73const proc: title is func
74  begin
75    writeln("STAR TREK!!");
76    writeln("===========");
77    writeln;
78  end func; (* title *)
81const proc: help_course is func
82  begin
83    writeln("Course - A number from 1 to 9 indicating a direction.                4   3   2");
84    writeln("Starting with a 1 to the right and increasing counterclockwise.        \\ | /");
85    writeln("To move to the left, use a course of 5.                              5 - E - 1");
86    writeln("A course of 3.5 is halfway between 3 and 4.                            / | \\");
87    writeln("A course of 8.75 is three-quarters of the way from 8 to 1.           6   7   8");
88  end func; (* help_course *)
91const proc: help_sector is func
92  begin
93    writeln("Each sector can contain a Klingon (K), star (*), starbase (B), the Enterprise");
94    writeln("herself (E), or empty space (.).  Each sector is also numbered; a starbase in");
95    writeln("sector 3-5 is 3 rows down from the top of the short range scan print-out, and");
96    writeln("5 sectors to the right.");
97  end func; (* help_sector *)
100const proc: help_quadrant is func
101  begin
102    writeln("The known galaxy is divided into 64 quadrants arranged like a square");
103    writeln("checkerboard, 8 on a side.  Each quadrant is represented as a 3-digit number.");
104    writeln("The first (hundreds) digit is the number of Klingons in that quadrant, while");
105    writeln("the middle (tens) digit is the number of starbases, and the units digit is the");
106    writeln("number of stars.  An entry of 305 means 3 Klingons, no starbases, and 5 stars.");
107  end func; (* help_quadrant *)
110const proc: help_warp_engines is func
111  begin
112    writeln("WARP ENGINE (command 1 or W):");
113    writeln("The warp engine control is used to move the Enterprise.  You will be asked to");
114    writeln("set the course, and the distance (measured in warps) for the move.  Each move");
115    writeln("that you make with the Enterprise from one sector to another, or from one");
116    writeln("quadrant to another, costs you one stardate.  Therefore, a 30-stardate game");
117    writeln("means you have 30 moves to win in.");
118    writeln;
119    help_course;
120    writeln;
121    writeln("Warp - One warp moves you the width of a quadrant.  A warp of .5 will move you");
122    writeln("halfway through a quadrant.  Moving diagonally across a quadrant to the next");
123    writeln("will require 1.414 warps.  Warp 3 will move you 3 quadrants providing nothing");
124    writeln("in your present quadrant blocks your exit.  Once you leave the quadrant that");
125    writeln("you were in, you will enter hyperspace; coming out of hyperspace will place you");
126    writeln("randomly in the new quadrant.  Klingons in a given quadrant will fire at you");
127    writeln("whenever you leave, enter, or move within the quadrant.  Entering a course or");
128    writeln("warp of zero can be used to return to the command mode.");
129  end func; (* help_warp_engines *)
132const proc: help_short_range_sensors is func
133  begin
134    writeln("SHORT RANGE SENSORS (command 2 or S):");
135    writeln("A short range sensor scan will print out the quadrant you presently occupy");
136    writeln("showing the content of each of the 64 sectors, as well as other pertinent");
137    writeln("information.");
138    writeln;
139    help_sector;
140  end func; (* help_short_range_sensors *)
143const proc: help_long_range_sensors is func
144  begin
145    writeln("LONG RANGE SENSORS (command 3 or L):");
146    writeln("The long range sensor scan summarizes the quadrant you are in, and the");
147    writeln("adjoining ones.");
148    writeln;
149    help_quadrant;
150  end func; (* help_long_range_sensors *)
153const proc: help_phasers is func
154  begin
155    writeln("PHASERS (command 4 or P):");
156    writeln("The portion of the Enterprise's energy that you specify will be divided evenly");
157    writeln("among the Klingons in the quadrant and fired at them.  Surviving Klingons will");
158    writeln("retaliate.  Phaser fire bypasses stars and starbases, but is attenuated by the");
159    writeln("distance it travels.  The arriving energy depletes the shield power of its");
160    writeln("target.  Energy is automatically diverted to the shields as needed, but if you");
161    writeln("run out of energy you'll get fried.");
162  end func; (* help_phasers *)
165const proc: help_photon_torpedoes is func
166  begin
167    writeln("PHOTON TORPEDOES (command 5 or T):");
168    writeln("Photon torpedo control will launch a torpedo on a course you specify which will");
169    writeln("destroy any object in its path.  Range is limited to the local quadrant.");
170    writeln("Expect return fire from surviving Klingons.");
171    writeln;
172    help_course;
173  end func; (* help_photon_torpedoes *)
176const proc: help_galactic_records is func
177  begin
178    writeln("GALACTIC RECORDS (command 6 or G):");
179    writeln("The galactic records section of the ship's computer responds to this command by");
180    writeln("printing out a galactic map showing the results of all previous sensor scans.");
181    writeln;
182    help_quadrant;
183  end func; (* help_galactic_records *)
186const proc: help_commands is func
187  begin
188    writeln("Your starship will act on the following commands:");
189    writeln("   1 or W  - Warp engine                     ? or H  - Display help info");
190    writeln("   2 or S  - Short range sensors             Q       - Quit the game");
191    writeln("   3 or L  - Long range sensors");
192    writeln("   4 or P  - Phasers");
193    writeln("   5 or T  - Photon torpedoes");
194    writeln("   6 or G  - Galactic records");
195  end func; (* help_commands *)
198const proc: help_game is func
199  begin
200    writeln("   It is stardate 3421 and the federation is being invaded by a band of Klingon");
201    writeln("'pirates' whose objective is to test our defenses.  If even one survives the ");
202    writeln("trial period, Klingon headquarters will launch an all-out attack.  As captain");
203    writeln("of the federation starship 'Enterprise', your mission is to find and destroy");
204    writeln("the invaders before the time runs out.");
205    writeln;
206    writeln("   You mission is supported by starbases.  Docking at a starbase is done by");
207    writeln("occupying an adjacent sector. It reprovisions your starship with energy and");
208    writeln("photon torpedoes, as well as repairing all damages.");
209    writeln;
210    help_commands;
211  end func; (* help_game *)
214const proc: help_quit is func
215  begin
216    writeln("QUIT (command Q):");
217    writeln("The quit command allows you to quit your job as captain.");
218  end func; (* help_quit *)
221const proc: help is func
222  local
223    var string: command is "";
224  begin
225    writeln;
226    help_game;
227    writeln;
228    repeat
229      write("Type a command to get information about it or enter to leave help: ");
230      readln(command);
231      writeln;
232      if command <> "" then
233        case upper(command[1]) of
234          when {'1', 'W'}: help_warp_engines;
235          when {'2', 'S'}: help_short_range_sensors;
236          when {'3', 'L'}: help_long_range_sensors;
237          when {'4', 'P'}: help_phasers;
238          when {'5', 'T'}: help_photon_torpedoes;
239          when {'6', 'G'}: help_galactic_records;
240          when {'?', 'H'}: help_game;
241          when {'Q'}:      help_quit;
242          otherwise:       help_commands;
243        end case;
244        writeln;
245      end if;
246    until command = "";
247  end func; (* help *)
250const proc: fix_damage is func
251  local
252    var integer: equipment is 0;
253  begin
254    for equipment range 1 to 6 do
255      damage[equipment] := 0;
256    end for;
257  end func; (* fix_damage *)
260const proc: find_free_sector (inout integer: row, inout integer: column) is func
261  begin
262    repeat
263      row := rand(1, 8);
264      column := rand(1, 8);
265    until sect[row][column] <= 1;
266  end func; (* find_free_sector *)
269const proc: init is func
270  local
271    var integer: row is 0;
272    var integer: column is 0;
273    var integer: total_bases is 0;
274    var float: number is 0.0;
275    var integer: klingons is 0;
276    var integer: bases is 0;
277  begin
278    fix_damage;
279    quadrantRow:= rand(1, 8);
280    quadrantColumn:= rand(1, 8);
281    total_klingons := 0;
282    total_bases := 0;
283    startStardate := 3421;
284    endStardate := 3451;
285    stardate := startStardate;
286    energy := max_energy;
287    torpedoes := max_torpedoes;
288    for row range 1 to 8 do
289      for column range 1 to 8 do
290        klingons := 0;
291        number := rand(0.0, 1.0);
292        if number < 0.2075 then
293          number := number * 64.0;
294          klingons := 1 + ord(number < 6.28) + ord(number < 3.28) +
295              ord(number < 1.8) + ord(number < 0.28) + ord(number < 0.08) +
296              ord(number < 0.03) + ord(number < 0.01);
297          total_klingons +:= klingons;
298        end if;
299        bases := ord(rand(0.0, 1.0) > 0.96);
300        total_bases +:= bases;
301        quad[row][column] := -(klingons * 100 + bases * 10 + rand(1, 9));
302      end for;
303    end for;
304    if total_klingons > endStardate - startStardate then
305      endStardate := startStardate + total_klingons;
306    end if;
307    if total_bases <= 0 then
308      row := rand(1, 8);
309      column := rand(1, 8);
310      quad[row][column] -:= 10;
311      total_bases := 1;
312    end if;
313    klingons_in_game := total_klingons;
314    writeln("Objective: Destroy " <& total_klingons <& " Klingon battle cruisers in " <&
315            endStardate - startStardate <& " stardates.");
316    writeln(" The number of starbases is " <& total_bases);
317  end func; (* init *)
320const proc: enter_quadrant is func
321  local
322    var integer: number is 0;
323    var integer: row is 0;
324    var integer: column is 0;
325  begin
326    if quadrantRow < 1 or quadrantRow > 8 or quadrantColumn < 1 or quadrantColumn > 8 then
327      klingons_in_quadrant := 0;
328      bases_in_quadrant := 0;
329      stars_in_quadrant := 0;
330    else
331      number := abs(quad[quadrantRow][quadrantColumn]);
332      quad[quadrantRow][quadrantColumn] := number;
333      klingons_in_quadrant := number div 100;
334      bases_in_quadrant := (number div 10) rem 10;
335      stars_in_quadrant := number rem 10;
336    end if;
337    sectorRow := rand(1, 8);
338    sectorColumn := rand(1, 8);
339    for row range 1 to 8 do
340      for column range 1 to 8 do
341         sect[row][column] := 1;
342      end for;
343    end for;
344    sect[sectorRow][sectorColumn] := 2;
345    for number range 1 to 8 do
346      klingonEnergy[number] := 0.0;
347      row := 9;
348      if number <= klingons_in_quadrant then
349         find_free_sector(row, column);
350         sect[row][column] := 3;
351         klingonEnergy[number] := maxKlingonEnergy;
352      end if;
353      klingonRow[number] := row;
354      klingonColumn[number] := column;
355    end for;
356    if bases_in_quadrant > 0 then
357      find_free_sector(row, column);
358      sect[row][column] := 4;
359    end if;
360    for number range 1 to stars_in_quadrant do
361      find_free_sector(row, column);
362      sect[row][column] := 5;
363    end for;
364  end func; (* enter_quadrant *)
367const func string: get_condition is func
368  result
369    var string: cond is "";
370  local
371    var integer: row is 0;
372    var integer: column is 0;
373  begin
374    for row range pred(sectorRow) to succ(sectorRow) do
375      for column range pred(sectorColumn) to succ(sectorColumn) do
376        if row >= 1 and row <= 8 and column >= 1 and column <= 8 then
377          if sect[row][column] = 4 then  (* Docked at starbase *)
378            cond := "DOCKED";
379            energy := max_energy;
380            torpedoes := max_torpedoes;
381            fix_damage;
382          end if;
383        end if;
384      end for;
385    end for;
386    if cond <> "DOCKED" then
387      if klingons_in_quadrant > 0 then  (* Klingons present! *)
388        cond := "RED";
389      elsif energy < max_energy * 0.1 then  (* Low energy *)
390        cond := "YELLOW";
391      else
392        cond := "GREEN";
393      end if;
394    end if;
395  end func; (* get_condition *)
398const proc: write_phaser_hit (in integer: number, in float: unit_hit,
399    in string: target, in float: energy_left) is func
400  begin
401    write(unit_hit digits 3 <& " unit hit on " <& target);
402    write(" sector " <& klingonRow[number] <& " - " <& klingonColumn[number]);
403    writeln("  (" <& energy_left digits 3 <& " left)");
404  end func; (* write_phaser_hit *)
407const func float: klingon_distance (in integer: number) is func
408  result
409    var float: distance is 0.0;
410  begin
411    distance := sqrt(flt((klingonRow[number] - sectorRow) ** 2 +
412                         (klingonColumn[number] - sectorColumn) ** 2));
413  end func;  (* klingon_distance *)
416const proc: hits_from_klingons is func
417  local
418    var integer: number is 0;
419    var float: unit_hit is 0.0;
420  begin
421    if klingons_in_quadrant >= 1 then
422      if cond = "DOCKED" then
423        writeln("Starbase protects Enterprise.");
424      else
425        for number range 1 to 8 do
426          if klingonEnergy[number] > 0.0 then
427            unit_hit := klingonEnergy[number] * 0.4 * rand(0.0, 1.0);
428            klingonEnergy[number] := klingonEnergy[number] - unit_hit;
429            unit_hit := unit_hit / klingon_distance(number) ** 0.4;
430            energy := energy - unit_hit;
431            write_phaser_hit(number, unit_hit, "Enterprise from", energy);
432          end if;
433        end for;
434      end if;
435    end if;
436  end func; (* hits_from_klingons *)
439const proc: time_for_repair (in integer: equipment) is func
440  begin
441    writeln(" Estimated time to repair " <& damage[equipment] <& " stardates.");
442    writeln;
443  end func; (* time_for_repair *)
446const proc: show_damage (in integer: equipment) is func
447  begin
448    write(description[equipment] <& " damaged.");
449    time_for_repair(equipment);
450  end func;  (* show_damage *)
453const proc: move_ship (in float: course, in float: warp_factor,
454    in integer: distance) is func
455  local
456    var integer: number is 0;
457    var boolean: inquad is FALSE;
458    var boolean: blocked is FALSE;
459    var float: x1 is 0.0;
460    var float: y1 is 0.0;
461    var integer: row is 0;
462    var integer: column is 0;
463    var float: angle is 0.0;
464    var float: delta_x is 0.0;
465    var float: delta_y is 0.0;
466  begin
467    row := sectorRow;
468    column := sectorColumn;
469    x1 := flt(column) + 0.5;
470    y1 := flt(row) + 0.5;
471    angle := (course - 1.0) * 0.785398;
472    delta_x := cos(angle);
473    delta_y := -sin(angle);
474    inquad := TRUE;
475    blocked := FALSE;
476    number := 1;
477    while number <= distance do
478      y1 := y1 + delta_y;
479      x1 := x1 + delta_x;
480      row := trunc(y1);
481      column := trunc(x1);
482      if column < 1 or column > 8 or row < 1 or row > 8 then
483         inquad := FALSE;
484         number := distance;
485      else
486        if sect[row][column] <> 1 then  (* Object blocking move *)
487           blocked := TRUE;
488           number := distance;
489        end if;
490      end if;
491      incr(number);
492    end while;
493    if inquad then  (* Still in quadrant -- short move or block *)
494      if blocked then
495        writeln;
496        write("Blocked by ");
497        case sect[row][column] of
498          when {3}: write("Klingon");
499          when {4}: write("starbase");
500          when {5}: write("star");
501        end case;
502        writeln(" at sector " <& row <& " - " <& column);
503        row := trunc(y1 - delta_y);
504        column := trunc(x1 - delta_x);
505      end if;
506      sectorRow := row;
507      sectorColumn := column;
508      sect[sectorRow][sectorColumn] := 2;
509    else  (* Out of quadrant -- move to new quadrant *)
510      quadrantRow := trunc(flt(quadrantRow) + warp_factor * delta_y + (flt(sectorRow) - 0.5) / 8.0);
511      quadrantColumn := trunc(flt(quadrantColumn) + warp_factor * delta_x + (flt(sectorColumn) - 0.5) / 8.0);
512      if quadrantRow < 1 then
513        quadrantRow := 1;
514      elsif quadrantRow > 8 then
515        quadrantRow := 8;
516      end if;
517      if quadrantColumn < 1 then
518        quadrantColumn := 1;
519      elsif quadrantColumn > 8 then
520        quadrantColumn := 8;
521      end if;
522      enter_quadrant;
523      hits_from_klingons;
524    end if;
525  end func; (* move_ship *)
528const proc: short_range_sensors is func
529  local
530    var integer: row is 0;
531    var integer: column is 0;
532  begin
533    cond := get_condition;
534    if damage[SHORT_RANGE_SENSORS] > 0 then
535      show_damage(SHORT_RANGE_SENSORS);
536    else
537      for row range 1 to 8 do
538        for column range 1 to 8 do
539          write(sector_description[sect[row][column]] <& " ");
540        end for;
541        write("  ");
542        case row of
543          when {1}: writeln("Stardate = " <& stardate);
544          when {2}: writeln("Condition: " <& cond);
545          when {3}: writeln("Quadrant = " <& quadrantRow <& " - " <& quadrantColumn);
546          when {4}: writeln("Sector = "   <& sectorRow <& " - " <& sectorColumn);
547          when {5}: writeln("Energy = "   <& energy digits 3);
548          when {6}: writeln("Photon torpedoes = " <& torpedoes);
549          when {7}: writeln("Klingons left = "    <& total_klingons);
550          when {8}: writeln("Time left = "        <& endStardate - stardate);
551        end case;
552      end for;
553    end if;
554  end func; (* short_range_sensors *)
557const proc: warp_engines is func
558  local
559    var integer: equipment is 0;
560    var integer: repaired_by_spock is 0;
561    var integer: number is 0;
562    var string: command is "";
563    var float: course is 0.0;
564    var float: warp_factor is 0.0;
565    var integer: distance is 0;
566  begin
567    repeat
568      course := 0.0;
569      write("Course (1-9)? ");
570      readln(command);
571      if command <> "" then
572        block
573          course := float(command);
574          if course < 1.0 or course > 9.0 then
575            raise RANGE_ERROR;
576          end if;
577        exception
578          catch RANGE_ERROR:
579            writeln("   Lt. Sulu: 'Incorrect course data, sir!'");
580            course := 10.0
581        end block;
582      end if;
583    until course <= 9.0;
584    if course = 9.0 then
585      course := 1.0;
586    end if;
587    if course >= 1.0 then
588      repeat
589        warp_factor := 0.0;
590        write("Warp (0-12)? ");
591        readln(command);
592        if command <> "" then
593          block
594            warp_factor := float(command);
595            if warp_factor > 12.0 then
596              writeln("   Chief engineer Scott: 'The engines won't take " <& command <& "!'");
597            elsif warp_factor > 0.2 and damage[WARP_ENGINES] > 0 then
598              write(description[WARP_ENGINES] <& " damaged, max is 0.2 ");
599              time_for_repair(WARP_ENGINES);
600              warp_factor := 15.0;
601            end if;
602          exception
603            catch RANGE_ERROR:
604              writeln("   Chief engineer Scott: 'This is not a warp factor!'");
605              warp_factor := 15.0;
606          end block;
607        end if;
608      until warp_factor <= 12.0;
609    end if;
610    if course >= 1.0 and warp_factor > 0.0 then
611      hits_from_klingons;
612      if energy > 0.0 then
613        if rand(0.0, 1.0) <= 0.25 then
614          equipment := rand(1, 6);
615          if rand(0.0, 1.0) <= 0.5 then
616            damage[equipment] +:= rand(1, 6);
617            writeln("**SPACE STORM, " <& upper(description[equipment]) <& " DAMAGED**");
618            time_for_repair(equipment);
619            incr(damage[equipment]);
620          else
621            repaired_by_spock := 0;
622            for number range equipment to 6 do
623              if damage[number] > 0 and repaired_by_spock = 0 then
624                repaired_by_spock := number;
625              end if;
626            end for;
627            if repaired_by_spock = 0 then
628              for number range 1 to pred(equipment) do
629                if damage[number] > 0 and repaired_by_spock = 0 then
630                  repaired_by_spock := number;
631                end if;
632              end for;
633            end if;
634            if repaired_by_spock <> 0 then
635              damage[repaired_by_spock] := 1;
636              writeln("**SPOCK USED A NEW REPAIR TECHNIQUE**");
637            end if;
638          end if;
639        end if;
640        for equipment range 1 to 6 do
641          if damage[equipment] <> 0 then
642            decr(damage[equipment]);
643            if damage[equipment] <= 0 then
644              damage[equipment] := 0;
645              writeln(description[equipment] <& " are fixed!");
646            end if;
647          end if;
648        end for;
649        distance := trunc(warp_factor * 8.0);
650        energy := energy - flt(distance) - flt(distance) + 0.5;
651        incr(stardate);
652        sect[sectorRow][sectorColumn] := 1;
653        if energy > 0.0 and stardate <= endStardate then
654          move_ship(course, warp_factor, distance);
655          if energy > 0.0 then
656            short_range_sensors;
657          end if;
658        end if;
659      end if;
660    end if;
661  end func; (* warp_engines *)
664const func string: quadrant_description (in integer: row, in integer: column) is func
665  result
666    var string: es is "";
667  begin
668    es := "00" & str(quad[row][column]);
669    es := es[length(es) - 2 .. ];
670  end func; (* quadrant_description *)
673const proc: long_range_sensors is func
674  local
675    var integer: row is 0;
676    var integer: column is 0;
677  begin
678    if damage[LONG_RANGE_SENSORS] > 0 then
679      show_damage(LONG_RANGE_SENSORS);
680    else
681      writeln(description[LONG_RANGE_SENSORS] <& " for quadrant " <&
682              quadrantRow <& " - " <& quadrantColumn);
683      for row range pred(quadrantRow) to succ(quadrantRow) do
684        for column range pred(quadrantColumn) to succ(quadrantColumn) do
685          write("   ");
686          if row < 1 or row > 8 or column < 1 or column > 8 then
687            write("***");
688          else
689            quad[row][column] := abs(quad[row][column]);
690            write(quadrant_description(row, column));
691          end if;
692        end for;
693        writeln;
694      end for;
695    end if;
696  end func; (* long_range_sensors *)
699const proc: phasers is func
700  local
701    var string: command is "";
702    var float: phaser_energy is 0.0;
703    var integer: number is 0;
704    var float: unit_hit is 0.0;
705    var float: y3 is 0.0;
706  begin
707    if damage[PHASERS] > 0 then
708      show_damage(PHASERS);
709    else
710      repeat
711        phaser_energy := 0.0;
712        write("Phasers ready: Energy units to fire? ");
713        readln(command);
714        if command <> "" then
715          block
716            phaser_energy := float(command);
717            if phaser_energy < 0.0 then
718              raise RANGE_ERROR;
719            end if;
720          exception
721            catch RANGE_ERROR:
722              writeln("   Ensign Chekov: 'Incorrect phaser energy, sir!'");
723              phaser_energy := 0.0
724          end block;
725        end if;
726        if phaser_energy > 0.0 and phaser_energy > energy then
727          writeln("Only got " <& energy digits 3);
728        end if;
729      until phaser_energy <= 0.0 or phaser_energy <= energy;
730      if phaser_energy > 0.0 then
731        energy := energy - phaser_energy;
732        y3 := flt(klingons_in_quadrant);
733        for number range 1 to 8 do
734          if klingonEnergy[number] > 0.0 then
735            unit_hit := phaser_energy / (y3 * klingon_distance(number) ** 0.4);
736            klingonEnergy[number] := klingonEnergy[number] - unit_hit;
737            write_phaser_hit(number, unit_hit, "Klingon at", klingonEnergy[number]);
738            if klingonEnergy[number] <= 0.0 then
739              writeln("**KLINGON DESTROYED**");
740              decr(klingons_in_quadrant);
741              decr(total_klingons);
742              sect[klingonRow[number]][klingonColumn[number]] := 1;
743              quad[quadrantRow][quadrantColumn] -:= 100;
744            end if;
745          end if;
746        end for;
747        hits_from_klingons;
748        cond := get_condition;
749      end if;
750    end if;
751  end func; (* phasers *)
754const proc: torpedo_track (in float: course) is func
755  local
756    const integer: distance is 15;
757    var integer: number is 0;
758    var boolean: torpedo_hit is FALSE;
759    var float: x1 is 0.0;
760    var float: y1 is 0.0;
761    var integer: row is 0;
762    var integer: column is 0;
763    var float: angle is 0.0;
764    var float: delta_x is 0.0;
765    var float: delta_y is 0.0;
766  begin
767    x1 := flt(sectorColumn) + 0.5;
768    y1 := flt(sectorRow) + 0.5;
769    angle := (course - 1.0) * 0.785398;
770    delta_x := cos(angle);
771    delta_y := -sin(angle);
772    torpedo_hit := FALSE;
773    number := 1;
774    while number <= distance do
775      y1 := y1 + delta_y;
776      x1 := x1 + delta_x;
777      row := trunc(y1);
778      column := trunc(x1);
779      if column < 1 or column > 8 or row < 1 or row > 8 then
780        number := distance;
781      else
782        write(" " <& row <& " - " <& column <& "  ");
783        if sect[row][column] <> 1 then (* Object hit by torpedo *)
784          torpedo_hit := TRUE;
785          number := distance;
786        end if;
787      end if;
788      incr(number);
789    end while;
790    if torpedo_hit then
791      writeln;
792      case sect[row][column] of
793        when {3}: (* Klingon *)
794          writeln("KLINGON DESTROYED!");
795          for number range 1 to 8 do
796            if row = klingonRow[number] and column = klingonColumn[number] then
797              klingonEnergy[number] := 0.0;
798            end if;
799          end for;
800          decr(klingons_in_quadrant);
801          decr(total_klingons);
802        when {4}: (* Starbase *)
803          writeln("STARBASE DESTROYED! . . . GOOD WORK!");
804          decr(bases_in_quadrant);
805        when {5}: (* Star *)
806          writeln("STAR DESTROYED!");
807          decr(stars_in_quadrant);
808      end case;
809      sect[row][column] := 1;
810      quad[quadrantRow][quadrantColumn] := klingons_in_quadrant * 100 +
811          bases_in_quadrant * 10 + stars_in_quadrant;
812    else
813      writeln("MISSED!");
814    end if;
815  end func; (* torpedo_track *)
818const proc: photon_torpedoes is func
819  local
820    var string: command is "";
821    var float: course is 0.0;
822  begin
823    if damage[PHOTON_TORPEDOES] > 0 then
824      writeln("Space crud blocking tubes.");
825      time_for_repair(PHOTON_TORPEDOES);
826    else
827      if torpedoes < 1 then
828        writeln("No torpedoes left.");
829      else
830        repeat
831          course := 0.0;
832          write("Torpedo course (1-9)? ");
833          readln(command);
834          if command <> "" then
835            block
836              course := float(command);
837              if course < 1.0 or course > 9.0 then
838                raise RANGE_ERROR;
839              end if;
840            exception
841              catch RANGE_ERROR:
842                writeln("   Ensign Chekov: 'Incorrect course data, sir!'");
843                course := 10.0
844            end block;
845          end if;
846        until course <= 9.0;
847        if course = 9.0 then
848          course := 1.0;
849        end if;
850        if course >= 1.0 then
851          decr(torpedoes);
852          write("Track:");
853          torpedo_track(course);
854          hits_from_klingons;
855          cond := get_condition;
856        end if;
857      end if;
858    end if;
859  end func; (* photon_torpedoes *)
862const proc: galactic_records is func
863  local
864    var integer: row is 0;
865    var integer: column is 0;
866  begin
867    if damage[GALACTIC_RECORDS] > 0 then
868      show_damage(GALACTIC_RECORDS);
869    else
870      write("Cumulative galactic map for stardate: ");
871      writeln(stardate);
872      for row range 1 to 8 do
873        write(" ");
874        for column range 1 to 8 do
875          if quad[row][column] < 0 then
876            write(" *** ");
877          else
878            if row = quadrantRow and column = quadrantColumn then
879              write("<" <& quadrant_description(row, column) <& ">");
880            else
881              write(" " <& quadrant_description(row, column) <& " ");
882            end if;
883          end if;
884        end for;
885        writeln;
886      end for;
887    end if;
888  end func; (* galactic_records *)
891const proc: write_stardate is func
892  begin
893    writeln;
894    writeln("It is stardate " <& stardate);
895  end func; (* write_stardate *)
898const proc: game is func
899  local
900    var integer: rating is 0;
901    var string: command is "";
902    var boolean: quit is FALSE;
903  begin
904    init;
905    enter_quadrant;
906    hits_from_klingons;
907    short_range_sensors;
908    while energy > 0.0 and
909        stardate <= endStardate and
910        total_klingons >= 1 and
911        not quit do
912      write("Command? ");
913      readln(command);
914      if command = "" then
915        command := " ";
916      end if;
917      case upper(command[1]) of
918        when {'1', 'W'}: warp_engines;
919        when {'2', 'S'}: short_range_sensors;
920        when {'3', 'L'}: long_range_sensors;
921        when {'4', 'P'}: phasers;
922        when {'5', 'T'}: photon_torpedoes;
923        when {'6', 'G'}: galactic_records;
924        when {'?', 'H'}: help;
925        when {'Q'}:
926          writeln;
927          write("Are you sure you want to quit? ");
928          command := getln(IN);
929          if upper(command) = "Y" then
930            quit := TRUE;
931          end if;
932        otherwise:
933          help_commands;
934      end case;
935    end while;
936    write_stardate;
937    if total_klingons < 1 then
938      rating := 1000 * klingons_in_game div (stardate - startStardate);
939      writeln("The federation has been saved!");
940      writeln("You are promoted to admiral.");
941      writeln(klingons_in_game <& " Klingons in " <& stardate - startStardate <&
942              " stardates.  Rating = " <& rating);
943    elsif energy <= 0.0 or stardate > endStardate or quit then
944      if energy <= 0.0 then
945        writeln("You ran out of energy!");
946      elsif stardate > endStardate then
947        writeln("You ran out of time!");
948      elsif quit then
949        writeln("You quit your job!");
950      end if;
951      writeln("Thanks to your bungling, the federation will be");
952      writeln("conquered by the remaining " <& total_klingons <& " Klingon cruisers!");
953      writeln("You are demoted to cabin boy!");
954    end if;
955  end func; (* game *)
958const proc: main is func
959  local
960    var boolean: finished is FALSE;
961    var string: answer is "";
962  begin
963    title;
964    write("Do you need instructions (Y/N)? ");
965    answer := upper(getln(IN));
966    if answer <> "Q" then
967      if answer = "Y" then
968        help;
969      end if;
970      writeln;
971      repeat
972        game;
973        write("Try again? ");
974        answer := getln(IN);
975        finished := upper(answer) = "N";
976      until finished;
977    end if;
978  end func; (* main *)