1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
2 /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
3 // Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
4 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5 // found in the LICENSE file.
10 #include <string>
11 #include <vector>
13 #include "base/basictypes.h"
15 // This allocator can be used with STL containers to provide a stack buffer
16 // from which to allocate memory and overflows onto the heap. This stack buffer
17 // would be allocated on the stack and allows us to avoid heap operations in
18 // some situations.
19 //
20 // STL likes to make copies of allocators, so the allocator itself can't hold
21 // the data. Instead, we make the creator responsible for creating a
22 // StackAllocator::Source which contains the data. Copying the allocator
23 // merely copies the pointer to this shared source, so all allocators created
24 // based on our allocator will share the same stack buffer.
25 //
26 // This stack buffer implementation is very simple. The first allocation that
27 // fits in the stack buffer will use the stack buffer. Any subsequent
28 // allocations will not use the stack buffer, even if there is unused room.
29 // This makes it appropriate for array-like containers, but the caller should
30 // be sure to reserve() in the container up to the stack buffer size. Otherwise
31 // the container will allocate a small array which will "use up" the stack
32 // buffer.
33 template <typename T, size_t stack_capacity>
34 class StackAllocator : public std::allocator<T> {
35  public:
36   typedef typename std::allocator<T>::pointer pointer;
37   typedef typename std::allocator<T>::size_type size_type;
39   // Backing store for the allocator. The container owner is responsible for
40   // maintaining this for as long as any containers using this allocator are
41   // live.
42   struct Source {
SourceSource43     Source() : used_stack_buffer_(false) {}
45     // Casts the buffer in its right type.
stack_bufferSource46     T* stack_buffer() { return reinterpret_cast<T*>(stack_buffer_); }
stack_bufferSource47     const T* stack_buffer() const {
48       return reinterpret_cast<const T*>(stack_buffer_);
49     }
51     //
52     // IMPORTANT: Take care to ensure that stack_buffer_ is aligned
53     // since it is used to mimic an array of T.
54     // Be careful while declaring any unaligned types (like bool)
55     // before stack_buffer_.
56     //
58     // The buffer itself. It is not of type T because we don't want the
59     // constructors and destructors to be automatically called. Define a POD
60     // buffer of the right size instead.
61     char stack_buffer_[sizeof(T[stack_capacity])];
63     // Set when the stack buffer is used for an allocation. We do not track
64     // how much of the buffer is used, only that somebody is using it.
65     bool used_stack_buffer_;
66   };
68   // Used by containers when they want to refer to an allocator of type U.
69   template <typename U>
70   struct rebind {
71     typedef StackAllocator<U, stack_capacity> other;
72   };
74   // For the straight up copy c-tor, we can share storage.
StackAllocator(const StackAllocator<T,stack_capacity> & rhs)75   StackAllocator(const StackAllocator<T, stack_capacity>& rhs)
76       : source_(rhs.source_) {}
78   // ISO C++ requires the following constructor to be defined,
79   // and std::vector in VC++2008SP1 Release fails with an error
80   // in the class _Container_base_aux_alloc_real (from <xutility>)
81   // if the constructor does not exist.
82   // For this constructor, we cannot share storage; there's
83   // no guarantee that the Source buffer of Ts is large enough
84   // for Us.
85   // TODO: If we were fancy pants, perhaps we could share storage
86   // iff sizeof(T) == sizeof(U).
87   template <typename U, size_t other_capacity>
StackAllocator(const StackAllocator<U,other_capacity> & other)88   explicit StackAllocator(const StackAllocator<U, other_capacity>& other)
89       : source_(NULL) {}
StackAllocator(Source * source)91   explicit StackAllocator(Source* source) : source_(source) {}
93   // Actually do the allocation. Use the stack buffer if nobody has used it yet
94   // and the size requested fits. Otherwise, fall through to the standard
95   // allocator.
96   pointer allocate(size_type n, void* hint = 0) {
97     if (source_ != NULL && !source_->used_stack_buffer_ &&
98         n <= stack_capacity) {
99       source_->used_stack_buffer_ = true;
100       return source_->stack_buffer();
101     } else {
102       return std::allocator<T>::allocate(n, hint);
103     }
104   }
106   // Free: when trying to free the stack buffer, just mark it as free. For
107   // non-stack-buffer pointers, just fall though to the standard allocator.
deallocate(pointer p,size_type n)108   void deallocate(pointer p, size_type n) {
109     if (source_ != NULL && p == source_->stack_buffer())
110       source_->used_stack_buffer_ = false;
111     else
112       std::allocator<T>::deallocate(p, n);
113   }
115  private:
116   Source* source_;
117 };
119 // A wrapper around STL containers that maintains a stack-sized buffer that the
120 // initial capacity of the vector is based on. Growing the container beyond the
121 // stack capacity will transparently overflow onto the heap. The container must
122 // support reserve().
123 //
124 // WATCH OUT: the ContainerType MUST use the proper StackAllocator for this
125 // type. This object is really intended to be used only internally. You'll want
126 // to use the wrappers below for different types.
127 template <typename TContainerType, int stack_capacity>
128 class StackContainer {
129  public:
130   typedef TContainerType ContainerType;
131   typedef typename ContainerType::value_type ContainedType;
132   typedef StackAllocator<ContainedType, stack_capacity> Allocator;
134   // Allocator must be constructed before the container!
StackContainer()135   StackContainer() : allocator_(&stack_data_), container_(allocator_) {
136     // Make the container use the stack allocation by reserving our buffer size
137     // before doing anything else.
138     container_.reserve(stack_capacity);
139   }
141   // Getters for the actual container.
142   //
143   // Danger: any copies of this made using the copy constructor must have
144   // shorter lifetimes than the source. The copy will share the same allocator
145   // and therefore the same stack buffer as the original. Use std::copy to
146   // copy into a "real" container for longer-lived objects.
container()147   ContainerType& container() { return container_; }
container()148   const ContainerType& container() const { return container_; }
150   // Support operator-> to get to the container. This allows nicer syntax like:
151   //   StackContainer<...> foo;
152   //   std::sort(foo->begin(), foo->end());
153   ContainerType* operator->() { return &container_; }
154   const ContainerType* operator->() const { return &container_; }
156 #ifdef UNIT_TEST
157   // Retrieves the stack source so that that unit tests can verify that the
158   // buffer is being used properly.
stack_data()159   const typename Allocator::Source& stack_data() const { return stack_data_; }
160 #endif
162  protected:
163   typename Allocator::Source stack_data_;
164   Allocator allocator_;
165   ContainerType container_;
168 };
170 // StackString
171 template <size_t stack_capacity>
172 class StackString
173     : public StackContainer<
174           std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>,
175                             StackAllocator<char, stack_capacity> >,
176           stack_capacity> {
177  public:
StackString()178   StackString()
179       : StackContainer<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>,
180                                          StackAllocator<char, stack_capacity> >,
181                        stack_capacity>() {}
183  private:
185 };
187 // StackWString
188 template <size_t stack_capacity>
189 class StackWString
190     : public StackContainer<
191           std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>,
192                             StackAllocator<wchar_t, stack_capacity> >,
193           stack_capacity> {
194  public:
StackWString()195   StackWString()
196       : StackContainer<
197             std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>,
198                               StackAllocator<wchar_t, stack_capacity> >,
199             stack_capacity>() {}
201  private:
203 };
205 // StackVector
206 //
207 // Example:
208 //   StackVector<int, 16> foo;
209 //   foo->push_back(22);  // we have overloaded operator->
210 //   foo[0] = 10;         // as well as operator[]
211 template <typename T, size_t stack_capacity>
212 class StackVector
213     : public StackContainer<std::vector<T, StackAllocator<T, stack_capacity> >,
214                             stack_capacity> {
215  public:
StackVector()216   StackVector()
217       : StackContainer<std::vector<T, StackAllocator<T, stack_capacity> >,
218                        stack_capacity>() {}
220   // We need to put this in STL containers sometimes, which requires a copy
221   // constructor. We can't call the regular copy constructor because that will
222   // take the stack buffer from the original. Here, we create an empty object
223   // and make a stack buffer of its own.
StackVector(const StackVector<T,stack_capacity> & other)224   StackVector(const StackVector<T, stack_capacity>& other)
225       : StackContainer<std::vector<T, StackAllocator<T, stack_capacity> >,
226                        stack_capacity>() {
227     this->container().assign(other->begin(), other->end());
228   }
230   StackVector<T, stack_capacity>& operator=(
231       const StackVector<T, stack_capacity>& other) {
232     this->container().assign(other->begin(), other->end());
233     return *this;
234   }
236   // Vectors are commonly indexed, which isn't very convenient even with
237   // operator-> (using "->at()" does exception stuff we don't want).
238   T& operator[](size_t i) { return this->container().operator[](i); }
239   const T& operator[](size_t i) const {
240     return this->container().operator[](i);
241   }
242 };
244 #endif  // BASE_STACK_CONTAINER_H_