1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
2 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
3  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
4  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
6 /******
7   This file contains the list of all HTTP atoms
8   See nsHttp.h for access to the atoms.
10   It is designed to be used as inline input to nsHttp.cpp *only*
11   through the magic of C preprocessing.
13   All entries must be enclosed in the macro HTTP_ATOM which will have cruel
14   and unusual things done to it.
16   The first argument to HTTP_ATOM is the C++ name of the atom.
17   The second argument to HTTP_ATOM is the string value of the atom.
18  ******/
20 HTTP_ATOM(Accept, "Accept")
21 HTTP_ATOM(Accept_Encoding, "Accept-Encoding")
22 HTTP_ATOM(Accept_Language, "Accept-Language")
23 HTTP_ATOM(Accept_Ranges, "Accept-Ranges")
24 HTTP_ATOM(Access_Control_Allow_Origin, "Access-Control-Allow-Origin")
25 HTTP_ATOM(Age, "Age")
26 HTTP_ATOM(Allow, "Allow")
27 HTTP_ATOM(Alternate_Service, "Alt-Svc")
28 HTTP_ATOM(Alternate_Service_Used, "Alt-Used")
29 HTTP_ATOM(Assoc_Req, "Assoc-Req")
30 HTTP_ATOM(Authentication, "Authentication")
31 HTTP_ATOM(Authorization, "Authorization")
32 HTTP_ATOM(Cache_Control, "Cache-Control")
33 HTTP_ATOM(Connection, "Connection")
34 HTTP_ATOM(Content_Disposition, "Content-Disposition")
35 HTTP_ATOM(Content_Encoding, "Content-Encoding")
36 HTTP_ATOM(Content_Language, "Content-Language")
37 HTTP_ATOM(Content_Length, "Content-Length")
38 HTTP_ATOM(Content_Location, "Content-Location")
39 HTTP_ATOM(Content_MD5, "Content-MD5")
40 HTTP_ATOM(Content_Range, "Content-Range")
41 HTTP_ATOM(Content_Type, "Content-Type")
42 HTTP_ATOM(Cookie, "Cookie")
43 HTTP_ATOM(Date, "Date")
45 HTTP_ATOM(Depth, "Depth")
46 HTTP_ATOM(Destination, "Destination")
47 HTTP_ATOM(DoNotTrack, "DNT")
48 HTTP_ATOM(ETag, "Etag")
49 HTTP_ATOM(Expect, "Expect")
50 HTTP_ATOM(Expires, "Expires")
51 HTTP_ATOM(From, "From")
52 HTTP_ATOM(Host, "Host")
53 HTTP_ATOM(If, "If")
54 HTTP_ATOM(If_Match, "If-Match")
55 HTTP_ATOM(If_Modified_Since, "If-Modified-Since")
56 HTTP_ATOM(If_None_Match, "If-None-Match")
57 HTTP_ATOM(If_None_Match_Any, "If-None-Match-Any")
58 HTTP_ATOM(If_Range, "If-Range")
59 HTTP_ATOM(If_Unmodified_Since, "If-Unmodified-Since")
60 HTTP_ATOM(Keep_Alive, "Keep-Alive")
61 HTTP_ATOM(Last_Modified, "Last-Modified")
62 HTTP_ATOM(Lock_Token, "Lock-Token")
63 HTTP_ATOM(Link, "Link")
64 HTTP_ATOM(Location, "Location")
65 HTTP_ATOM(Max_Forwards, "Max-Forwards")
66 HTTP_ATOM(Origin, "Origin")
67 HTTP_ATOM(Overwrite, "Overwrite")
68 HTTP_ATOM(Pragma, "Pragma")
69 HTTP_ATOM(Prefer, "Prefer")
70 HTTP_ATOM(Proxy_Authenticate, "Proxy-Authenticate")
71 HTTP_ATOM(Proxy_Authorization, "Proxy-Authorization")
72 HTTP_ATOM(Proxy_Connection, "Proxy-Connection")
73 HTTP_ATOM(Range, "Range")
74 HTTP_ATOM(Referer, "Referer")
75 HTTP_ATOM(Retry_After, "Retry-After")
76 HTTP_ATOM(Server, "Server")
77 HTTP_ATOM(Server_Timing, "Server-Timing")
78 HTTP_ATOM(Service_Worker_Allowed, "Service-Worker-Allowed")
79 HTTP_ATOM(Set_Cookie, "Set-Cookie")
80 HTTP_ATOM(Set_Cookie2, "Set-Cookie2")
81 HTTP_ATOM(Status_URI, "Status-URI")
82 HTTP_ATOM(Strict_Transport_Security, "Strict-Transport-Security")
84 HTTP_ATOM(Title, "Title")
85 HTTP_ATOM(Timeout, "Timeout")
86 HTTP_ATOM(Trailer, "Trailer")
87 HTTP_ATOM(Transfer_Encoding, "Transfer-Encoding")
89 HTTP_ATOM(Upgrade, "Upgrade")
90 HTTP_ATOM(User_Agent, "User-Agent")
91 HTTP_ATOM(Vary, "Vary")
92 HTTP_ATOM(Version, "Version")
93 HTTP_ATOM(WWW_Authenticate, "WWW-Authenticate")
94 HTTP_ATOM(Warning, "Warning")
95 HTTP_ATOM(X_Content_Type_Options, "X-Content-Type-Options")
96 HTTP_ATOM(X_Firefox_Spdy, "X-Firefox-Spdy")
97 HTTP_ATOM(X_Firefox_Spdy_Proxy, "X-Firefox-Spdy-Proxy")
98 HTTP_ATOM(X_Firefox_Early_Data, "X-Firefox-Early-Data")
99 HTTP_ATOM(X_Firefox_TCP_Fast_Open, "X-Firefox-TCP-Fast-Open")
101 // methods are case sensitive and do not use atom table