1# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
5from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
7import argparse
8import difflib
9import shlex
10import sys
12from operator import itemgetter
14from .base import (
15    NoCommandError,
16    UnknownCommandError,
17    UnrecognizedArgumentError,
19from .decorators import SettingsProvider
23class DispatchSettings():
24    config_settings = [
25        ('alias.*', 'string', """
26Create a command alias of the form `<alias>=<command> <args>`.
27Aliases can also be used to set default arguments:
28<command>=<command> <args>
30    ]
33class CommandFormatter(argparse.HelpFormatter):
34    """Custom formatter to format just a subcommand."""
36    def add_usage(self, *args):
37        pass
40class CommandAction(argparse.Action):
41    """An argparse action that handles mach commands.
43    This class is essentially a reimplementation of argparse's sub-parsers
44    feature. We first tried to use sub-parsers. However, they were missing
45    features like grouping of commands (http://bugs.python.org/issue14037).
47    The way this works involves light magic and a partial understanding of how
48    argparse works.
50    Arguments registered with an argparse.ArgumentParser have an action
51    associated with them. An action is essentially a class that when called
52    does something with the encountered argument(s). This class is one of those
53    action classes.
55    An instance of this class is created doing something like:
57        parser.add_argument('command', action=CommandAction, registrar=r)
59    Note that a mach.registrar.Registrar instance is passed in. The Registrar
60    holds information on all the mach commands that have been registered.
62    When this argument is registered with the ArgumentParser, an instance of
63    this class is instantiated. One of the subtle but important things it does
64    is tell the argument parser that it's interested in *all* of the remaining
65    program arguments. So, when the ArgumentParser calls this action, we will
66    receive the command name plus all of its arguments.
68    For more, read the docs in __call__.
69    """
70    def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, required=True, default=None,
71                 registrar=None, context=None):
72        # A proper API would have **kwargs here. However, since we are a little
73        # hacky, we intentionally omit it as a way of detecting potentially
74        # breaking changes with argparse's implementation.
75        #
76        # In a similar vein, default is passed in but is not needed, so we drop
77        # it.
78        argparse.Action.__init__(self, option_strings, dest, required=required,
79                                 help=argparse.SUPPRESS, nargs=argparse.REMAINDER)
81        self._mach_registrar = registrar
82        self._context = context
84    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
85        """This is called when the ArgumentParser has reached our arguments.
87        Since we always register ourselves with nargs=argparse.REMAINDER,
88        values should be a list of remaining arguments to parse. The first
89        argument should be the name of the command to invoke and all remaining
90        arguments are arguments for that command.
92        The gist of the flow is that we look at the command being invoked. If
93        it's *help*, we handle that specially (because argparse's default help
94        handler isn't satisfactory). Else, we create a new, independent
95        ArgumentParser instance for just the invoked command (based on the
96        information contained in the command registrar) and feed the arguments
97        into that parser. We then merge the results with the main
98        ArgumentParser.
99        """
100        if namespace.help:
101            # -h or --help is in the global arguments.
102            self._handle_main_help(parser, namespace.verbose)
103            sys.exit(0)
104        elif values:
105            command = values[0].lower()
106            args = values[1:]
107            if command == 'help':
108                if args and args[0] not in ['-h', '--help']:
109                    # Make sure args[0] is indeed a command.
110                    self._handle_command_help(parser, args[0], args)
111                else:
112                    self._handle_main_help(parser, namespace.verbose)
113                sys.exit(0)
114            elif '-h' in args or '--help' in args:
115                # -h or --help is in the command arguments.
116                if '--' in args:
117                    # -- is in command arguments
118                    if '-h' in args[:args.index('--')] or '--help' in args[:args.index('--')]:
119                        # Honor -h or --help only if it appears before --
120                        self._handle_command_help(parser, command, args)
121                        sys.exit(0)
122                else:
123                    self._handle_command_help(parser, command, args)
124                    sys.exit(0)
125        else:
126            raise NoCommandError()
128        # First see if the this is a user-defined alias
129        if command in self._context.settings.alias:
130            alias = self._context.settings.alias[command]
131            defaults = shlex.split(alias)
132            command = defaults.pop(0)
133            args = defaults + args
135        if command not in self._mach_registrar.command_handlers:
136            # Try to find similar commands, may raise UnknownCommandError.
137            command = self._suggest_command(command)
139        handler = self._mach_registrar.command_handlers.get(command)
141        usage = '%(prog)s [global arguments] ' + command + \
142            ' [command arguments]'
144        subcommand = None
146        # If there are sub-commands, parse the intent out immediately.
147        if handler.subcommand_handlers and args:
148            # mach <command> help <subcommand>
149            if set(args).intersection(('help', '--help')):
150                self._handle_subcommand_help(parser, handler, args)
151                sys.exit(0)
152            # mach <command> <subcommand> ...
153            elif args[0] in handler.subcommand_handlers:
154                subcommand = args[0]
155                handler = handler.subcommand_handlers[subcommand]
156                usage = '%(prog)s [global arguments] ' + command + ' ' + \
157                    subcommand + ' [command arguments]'
158                args.pop(0)
160        # We create a new parser, populate it with the command's arguments,
161        # then feed all remaining arguments to it, merging the results
162        # with ourselves. This is essentially what argparse subparsers
163        # do.
165        parser_args = {
166            'add_help': False,
167            'usage': usage,
168        }
170        remainder = None
172        if handler.parser:
173            subparser = handler.parser
174            subparser.context = self._context
175            for arg in subparser._actions[:]:
176                if arg.nargs == argparse.REMAINDER:
177                    subparser._actions.remove(arg)
178                    remainder = (arg.dest,), {'default': arg.default,
179                                              'nargs': arg.nargs,
180                                              'help': arg.help}
181        else:
182            subparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(**parser_args)
184        for arg in handler.arguments:
185            # Remove our group keyword; it's not needed here.
186            group_name = arg[1].get('group')
187            if group_name:
188                del arg[1]['group']
190            if arg[1].get('nargs') == argparse.REMAINDER:
191                # parse_known_args expects all argparse.REMAINDER ('...')
192                # arguments to be all stuck together. Instead, we want them to
193                # pick any extra argument, wherever they are.
194                # Assume a limited CommandArgument for those arguments.
195                assert len(arg[0]) == 1
196                assert all(k in ('default', 'nargs', 'help') for k in arg[1])
197                remainder = arg
198            else:
199                subparser.add_argument(*arg[0], **arg[1])
201        # We define the command information on the main parser result so as to
202        # not interfere with arguments passed to the command.
203        setattr(namespace, 'mach_handler', handler)
204        setattr(namespace, 'command', command)
205        setattr(namespace, 'subcommand', subcommand)
207        command_namespace, extra = subparser.parse_known_args(args)
208        setattr(namespace, 'command_args', command_namespace)
209        if remainder:
210            (name,), options = remainder
211            # parse_known_args usefully puts all arguments after '--' in
212            # extra, but also puts '--' there. We don't want to pass it down
213            # to the command handler. Note that if multiple '--' are on the
214            # command line, only the first one is removed, so that subsequent
215            # ones are passed down.
216            if '--' in extra:
217                extra.remove('--')
219            # Commands with argparse.REMAINDER arguments used to force the
220            # other arguments to be '+' prefixed. If a user now passes such
221            # an argument, if will silently end up in extra. So, check if any
222            # of the allowed arguments appear in a '+' prefixed form, and error
223            # out if that's the case.
224            for args, _ in handler.arguments:
225                for arg in args:
226                    arg = arg.replace('-', '+', 1)
227                    if arg in extra:
228                        raise UnrecognizedArgumentError(command, [arg])
230            if extra:
231                setattr(command_namespace, name, extra)
232            else:
233                setattr(command_namespace, name, options.get('default', []))
234        elif extra and handler.cls.__name__ != 'DeprecatedCommands':
235            raise UnrecognizedArgumentError(command, extra)
237    def _handle_main_help(self, parser, verbose):
238        # Since we don't need full sub-parser support for the main help output,
239        # we create groups in the ArgumentParser and populate each group with
240        # arguments corresponding to command names. This has the side-effect
241        # that argparse renders it nicely.
242        r = self._mach_registrar
243        disabled_commands = []
245        cats = [(k, v[2]) for k, v in r.categories.items()]
246        sorted_cats = sorted(cats, key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
247        for category, priority in sorted_cats:
248            group = None
250            for command in sorted(r.commands_by_category[category]):
251                handler = r.command_handlers[command]
253                # Instantiate a handler class to see if it should be filtered
254                # out for the current context or not. Condition functions can be
255                # applied to the command's decorator.
256                if handler.conditions:
257                    if handler.pass_context:
258                        instance = handler.cls(self._context)
259                    else:
260                        instance = handler.cls()
262                    is_filtered = False
263                    for c in handler.conditions:
264                        if not c(instance):
265                            is_filtered = True
266                            break
267                    if is_filtered:
268                        description = handler.description
269                        disabled_command = {'command': command, 'description': description}
270                        disabled_commands.append(disabled_command)
271                        continue
273                if group is None:
274                    title, description, _priority = r.categories[category]
275                    group = parser.add_argument_group(title, description)
277                description = handler.description
278                group.add_argument(command, help=description,
279                                   action='store_true')
281        if disabled_commands and 'disabled' in r.categories:
282            title, description, _priority = r.categories['disabled']
283            group = parser.add_argument_group(title, description)
284            if verbose:
285                for c in disabled_commands:
286                    group.add_argument(c['command'], help=c['description'],
287                                       action='store_true')
289        parser.print_help()
291    def _populate_command_group(self, parser, handler, group):
292        extra_groups = {}
293        for group_name in handler.argument_group_names:
294            group_full_name = 'Command Arguments for ' + group_name
295            extra_groups[group_name] = \
296                parser.add_argument_group(group_full_name)
298        for arg in handler.arguments:
299            # Apply our group keyword.
300            group_name = arg[1].get('group')
301            if group_name:
302                del arg[1]['group']
303                group = extra_groups[group_name]
304            group.add_argument(*arg[0], **arg[1])
306    def _handle_command_help(self, parser, command, args):
307        handler = self._mach_registrar.command_handlers.get(command)
309        if not handler:
310            raise UnknownCommandError(command, 'query')
312        if handler.subcommand_handlers:
313            self._handle_subcommand_help(parser, handler, args)
314            return
316        # This code is worth explaining. Because we are doing funky things with
317        # argument registration to allow the same option in both global and
318        # command arguments, we can't simply put all arguments on the same
319        # parser instance because argparse would complain. We can't register an
320        # argparse subparser here because it won't properly show help for
321        # global arguments. So, we employ a strategy similar to command
322        # execution where we construct a 2nd, independent ArgumentParser for
323        # just the command data then supplement the main help's output with
324        # this 2nd parser's. We use a custom formatter class to ignore some of
325        # the help output.
326        parser_args = {
327            'formatter_class': CommandFormatter,
328            'add_help': False,
329        }
331        if handler.parser:
332            c_parser = handler.parser
333            c_parser.context = self._context
334            c_parser.formatter_class = NoUsageFormatter
335            # Accessing _action_groups is a bit shady. We are highly dependent
336            # on the argparse implementation not changing. We fail fast to
337            # detect upstream changes so we can intelligently react to them.
338            group = c_parser._action_groups[1]
340            # By default argparse adds two groups called "positional arguments"
341            # and "optional arguments". We want to rename these to reflect standard
342            # mach terminology.
343            c_parser._action_groups[0].title = 'Command Parameters'
344            c_parser._action_groups[1].title = 'Command Arguments'
346            if not handler.description:
347                handler.description = c_parser.description
348                c_parser.description = None
349        else:
350            c_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(**parser_args)
351            group = c_parser.add_argument_group('Command Arguments')
353        self._populate_command_group(c_parser, handler, group)
355        # Set the long help of the command to the docstring (if present) or
356        # the command decorator description argument (if present).
357        if handler.docstring:
358            parser.description = format_docstring(handler.docstring)
359        elif handler.description:
360            parser.description = handler.description
362        parser.usage = '%(prog)s [global arguments] ' + command + \
363            ' [command arguments]'
365        # This is needed to preserve line endings in the description field,
366        # which may be populated from a docstring.
367        parser.formatter_class = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
368        parser.print_help()
369        print('')
370        c_parser.print_help()
372    def _handle_subcommand_main_help(self, parser, handler):
373        parser.usage = '%(prog)s [global arguments] ' + handler.name + \
374            ' subcommand [subcommand arguments]'
375        group = parser.add_argument_group('Sub Commands')
377        for subcommand, subhandler in sorted(handler.subcommand_handlers.iteritems()):
378            group.add_argument(subcommand, help=subhandler.description,
379                               action='store_true')
381        if handler.docstring:
382            parser.description = format_docstring(handler.docstring)
384        parser.formatter_class = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
386        parser.print_help()
388    def _handle_subcommand_help(self, parser, handler, args):
389        subcommand = set(args).intersection(handler.subcommand_handlers.keys())
390        if not subcommand:
391            return self._handle_subcommand_main_help(parser, handler)
393        subcommand = subcommand.pop()
394        subhandler = handler.subcommand_handlers[subcommand]
396        c_parser = subhandler.parser or argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
397        c_parser.formatter_class = CommandFormatter
399        group = c_parser.add_argument_group('Sub Command Arguments')
400        self._populate_command_group(c_parser, subhandler, group)
402        if subhandler.docstring:
403            parser.description = format_docstring(subhandler.docstring)
405        parser.formatter_class = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
406        parser.usage = '%(prog)s [global arguments] ' + handler.name + \
407            ' ' + subcommand + ' [command arguments]'
409        parser.print_help()
410        print('')
411        c_parser.print_help()
413    def _suggest_command(self, command):
414        # Make sure we don't suggest any deprecated commands.
415        names = [h.name for h in self._mach_registrar.command_handlers.values()
416                 if h.cls.__name__ != 'DeprecatedCommands']
417        # We first try to look for a valid command that is very similar to the given command.
418        suggested_commands = difflib.get_close_matches(command, names, cutoff=0.8)
419        # If we find more than one matching command, or no command at all,
420        # we give command suggestions instead (with a lower matching threshold).
421        # All commands that start with the given command (for instance:
422        # 'mochitest-plain', 'mochitest-chrome', etc. for 'mochitest-')
423        # are also included.
424        if len(suggested_commands) != 1:
425            suggested_commands = set(difflib.get_close_matches(command, names, cutoff=0.5))
426            suggested_commands |= {cmd for cmd in names if cmd.startswith(command)}
427            raise UnknownCommandError(command, 'run', suggested_commands)
428        sys.stderr.write("We're assuming the '%s' command is '%s' and we're "
429                         "executing it for you.\n\n" % (command, suggested_commands[0]))
430        return suggested_commands[0]
433class NoUsageFormatter(argparse.HelpFormatter):
434    def _format_usage(self, *args, **kwargs):
435        return ""
438def format_docstring(docstring):
439    """Format a raw docstring into something suitable for presentation.
441    This function is based on the example function in PEP-0257.
442    """
443    if not docstring:
444        return ''
445    lines = docstring.expandtabs().splitlines()
446    indent = sys.maxint
447    for line in lines[1:]:
448        stripped = line.lstrip()
449        if stripped:
450            indent = min(indent, len(line) - len(stripped))
451    trimmed = [lines[0].strip()]
452    if indent < sys.maxint:
453        for line in lines[1:]:
454            trimmed.append(line[indent:].rstrip())
455    while trimmed and not trimmed[-1]:
456        trimmed.pop()
457    while trimmed and not trimmed[0]:
458        trimmed.pop(0)
459    return '\n'.join(trimmed)