1# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3# file, # You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
5from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
7from distutils.version import LooseVersion
8import hashlib
9import logging
10from mozbuild.base import (
11    BuildEnvironmentNotFoundException,
12    MozbuildObject,
14import mozfile
15import mozpack.path as mozpath
16import os
17import re
18import subprocess
19import sys
21class VendorRust(MozbuildObject):
22    def get_cargo_path(self):
23        try:
24            return self.substs['CARGO']
25        except (BuildEnvironmentNotFoundException, KeyError):
26            # Default if this tree isn't configured.
27            import which
28            return which.which('cargo')
30    def check_cargo_version(self, cargo):
31        '''
32        Ensure that cargo is new enough. cargo 0.12 added support
33        for source replacement, which is required for vendoring to work.
34        '''
35        out = subprocess.check_output([cargo, '--version']).splitlines()[0]
36        if not out.startswith('cargo'):
37            return False
38        return LooseVersion(out.split()[1]) >= b'0.13'
40    def check_cargo_vendor_version(self, cargo):
41        '''
42        Ensure that cargo-vendor is new enough. cargo-vendor 0.1.13 and newer
43        strips out .cargo-ok, .orig and .rej files, and deals with [patch]
44        replacements in Cargo.toml files which we want.
45        '''
46        for l in subprocess.check_output([cargo, 'install', '--list']).splitlines():
47            # The line looks like one of the following:
48            #  cargo-vendor v0.1.12:
49            #  cargo-vendor v0.1.12 (file:///path/to/local/build/cargo-vendor):
50            # and we want to extract the version part of it
51            m = re.match('cargo-vendor v((\d+\.)*\d+)', l)
52            if m:
53                version = m.group(1)
54                return LooseVersion(version) >= b'0.1.13'
55        return False
57    def check_modified_files(self):
58        '''
59        Ensure that there aren't any uncommitted changes to files
60        in the working copy, since we're going to change some state
61        on the user. Allow changes to Cargo.{toml,lock} since that's
62        likely to be a common use case.
63        '''
64        modified = [f for f in self.repository.get_changed_files('M') if os.path.basename(f) not in ('Cargo.toml', 'Cargo.lock')]
65        if modified:
66            self.log(logging.ERROR, 'modified_files', {},
67                     '''You have uncommitted changes to the following files:
71Please commit or stash these changes before vendoring, or re-run with `--ignore-modified`.
73            sys.exit(1)
75    def check_openssl(self):
76        '''
77        Set environment flags for building with openssl.
79        MacOS doesn't include openssl, but the openssl-sys crate used by
80        mach-vendor expects one of the system. It's common to have one
81        installed in /usr/local/opt/openssl by homebrew, but custom link
82        flags are necessary to build against it.
83        '''
85        test_paths = ['/usr/include', '/usr/local/include']
86        if any([os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'openssl/ssl.h')) for path in test_paths]):
87            # Assume we can use one of these system headers.
88            return None
90        if os.path.exists('/usr/local/opt/openssl/include/openssl/ssl.h'):
91            # Found a likely homebrew install.
92            self.log(logging.INFO, 'openssl', {},
93                     'Using OpenSSL in /usr/local/opt/openssl')
94            return {
95                'OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR': '/usr/local/opt/openssl/include',
96                'OPENSSL_LIB_DIR': '/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib',
97            }
99        self.log(logging.ERROR, 'openssl', {}, "OpenSSL not found!")
100        return None
102    def _ensure_cargo(self):
103        '''
104        Ensures all the necessary cargo bits are installed.
106        Returns the path to cargo if successful, None otherwise.
107        '''
108        cargo = self.get_cargo_path()
109        if not self.check_cargo_version(cargo):
110            self.log(logging.ERROR, 'cargo_version', {}, 'Cargo >= 0.13 required (install Rust 1.12 or newer)')
111            return None
112        else:
113            self.log(logging.DEBUG, 'cargo_version', {}, 'cargo is new enough')
114        have_vendor = any(l.strip() == 'vendor' for l in subprocess.check_output([cargo, '--list']).splitlines())
115        if not have_vendor:
116            self.log(logging.INFO, 'installing', {}, 'Installing cargo-vendor (this may take a few minutes)...')
117            env = self.check_openssl()
118            self.run_process(args=[cargo, 'install', 'cargo-vendor'],
119                             append_env=env)
120        elif not self.check_cargo_vendor_version(cargo):
121            self.log(logging.INFO, 'cargo_vendor', {}, 'cargo-vendor >= 0.1.12 required; force-reinstalling (this may take a few minutes)...')
122            env = self.check_openssl()
123            self.run_process(args=[cargo, 'install', '--force', 'cargo-vendor'],
124                             append_env=env)
125        else:
126            self.log(logging.DEBUG, 'cargo_vendor', {}, 'sufficiently new cargo-vendor is already installed')
128        return cargo
130    def _check_licenses(self, vendor_dir):
131        # A whitelist of acceptable license identifiers for the
132        # packages.license field from https://spdx.org/licenses/.  Cargo
133        # documentation claims that values are checked against the above
134        # list and that multiple entries can be separated by '/'.  We
135        # choose to list all combinations instead for the sake of
136        # completeness and because some entries below obviously do not
137        # conform to the format prescribed in the documentation.
138        #
139        # It is insufficient to have additions to this whitelist reviewed
140        # solely by a build peer; any additions must be checked by somebody
141        # competent to review licensing minutiae.
142        LICENSE_WHITELIST = [
143            'Apache-2.0',
144            'Apache-2.0 / MIT',
145            'Apache-2.0/MIT',
146            'Apache-2 / MIT',
147            'BSD-3-Clause', # bindgen (only used at build time)
148            'CC0-1.0',
149            'ISC',
150            'ISC/Apache-2.0',
151            'MIT',
152            'MIT / Apache-2.0',
153            'MIT/Apache-2.0',
154            'MIT OR Apache-2.0',
155            'MPL-2.0',
156            'Unlicense/MIT',
157        ]
159        # This whitelist should only be used for packages that use a
160        # license-file and for which the license-file entry has been
161        # reviewed.  The table is keyed by package names and maps to the
162        # sha256 hash of the license file that we reviewed.
163        #
164        # As above, it is insufficient to have additions to this whitelist
165        # reviewed solely by a build peer; any additions must be checked by
166        # somebody competent to review licensing minutiae.
168            # MIT
169            'deque': '6485b8ed310d3f0340bf1ad1f47645069ce4069dcc6bb46c7d5c6faf41de1fdb',
170        }
172        LICENSE_LINE_RE = re.compile(r'\s*license\s*=\s*"([^"]+)"')
173        LICENSE_FILE_LINE_RE = re.compile(r'\s*license[-_]file\s*=\s*"([^"]+)"')
175        def check_package(package):
176            self.log(logging.DEBUG, 'package_check', {},
177                     'Checking license for {}'.format(package))
179            toml_file = os.path.join(vendor_dir, package, 'Cargo.toml')
181            # pytoml is not sophisticated enough to parse Cargo.toml files
182            # with [target.'cfg(...)'.dependencies sections, so we resort
183            # to scanning individual lines.
184            with open(toml_file, 'r') as f:
185                license_lines = [l for l in f if l.strip().startswith(b'license')]
186                license_matches = list(filter(lambda x: x, [LICENSE_LINE_RE.match(l) for l in license_lines]))
187                license_file_matches = list(filter(lambda x: x, [LICENSE_FILE_LINE_RE.match(l) for l in license_lines]))
189                # License information is optional for crates to provide, but
190                # we require it.
191                if not license_matches and not license_file_matches:
192                    self.log(logging.ERROR, 'package_no_license', {},
193                             'package {} does not provide a license'.format(package))
194                    return False
196                # The Cargo.toml spec suggests that crates should either have
197                # `license` or `license-file`, but not both.  We might as well
198                # be defensive about that, though.
199                if len(license_matches) > 1 or len(license_file_matches) > 1 or \
200                   license_matches and license_file_matches:
201                    self.log(logging.ERROR, 'package_many_licenses', {},
202                             'package {} provides too many licenses'.format(package))
203                    return False
205                if license_matches:
206                    license = license_matches[0].group(1)
207                    self.log(logging.DEBUG, 'package_license', {},
208                             'has license {}'.format(license))
210                    if license not in LICENSE_WHITELIST:
211                        self.log(logging.ERROR, 'package_license_error', {},
212                                 '''Package {} has a non-approved license: {}.
214Please request license review on the package's license.  If the package's license
215is approved, please add it to the whitelist of suitable licenses.
216'''.format(package, license))
217                        return False
218                else:
219                    license_file = license_file_matches[0].group(1)
220                    self.log(logging.DEBUG, 'package_license_file', {},
221                             'has license-file {}'.format(license_file))
223                    if package not in LICENSE_FILE_PACKAGE_WHITELIST:
224                        self.log(logging.ERROR, 'package_license_file_unknown', {},
225                                 '''Package {} has an unreviewed license file: {}.
227Please request review on the provided license; if approved, the package can be added
228to the whitelist of packages whose licenses are suitable.
229'''.format(package, license_file))
230                        return False
232                    approved_hash = LICENSE_FILE_PACKAGE_WHITELIST[package]
233                    license_contents = open(os.path.join(vendor_dir, package, license_file), 'r').read()
234                    current_hash = hashlib.sha256(license_contents).hexdigest()
235                    if current_hash != approved_hash:
236                        self.log(logging.ERROR, 'package_license_file_mismatch', {},
237                                 '''Package {} has changed its license file: {} (hash {}).
239Please request review on the provided license; if approved, please update the
240license file's hash.
241'''.format(package, license_file, current_hash))
242                        return False
244                return True
246        # Force all of the packages to be checked for license information
247        # before reducing via `all`, so all license issues are found in a
248        # single `mach vendor rust` invocation.
249        results = [check_package(p) for p in os.listdir(vendor_dir)]
250        return all(results)
252    def vendor(self, ignore_modified=False,
253               build_peers_said_large_imports_were_ok=False):
254        self.populate_logger()
255        self.log_manager.enable_unstructured()
256        if not ignore_modified:
257            self.check_modified_files()
259        cargo = self._ensure_cargo()
260        if not cargo:
261            return
263        relative_vendor_dir = 'third_party/rust'
264        vendor_dir = mozpath.join(self.topsrcdir, relative_vendor_dir)
265        self.log(logging.INFO, 'rm_vendor_dir', {}, 'rm -rf %s' % vendor_dir)
266        mozfile.remove(vendor_dir)
268        # We use check_call instead of mozprocess to ensure errors are displayed.
269        # We do an |update -p| here to regenerate the Cargo.lock file with minimal changes. See bug 1324462
270        subprocess.check_call([cargo, 'update', '-p', 'gkrust'], cwd=self.topsrcdir)
272        subprocess.check_call([cargo, 'vendor', '--quiet', '--no-delete', '--sync', 'Cargo.lock'] + [vendor_dir], cwd=self.topsrcdir)
274        if not self._check_licenses(vendor_dir):
275            self.log(logging.ERROR, 'license_check_failed', {},
276                     '''The changes from `mach vendor rust` will NOT be added to version control.''')
277            sys.exit(1)
279        self.repository.add_remove_files(vendor_dir)
281        # 100k is a reasonable upper bound on source file size.
282        FILESIZE_LIMIT = 100 * 1024
283        large_files = set()
284        cumulative_added_size = 0
285        for f in self.repository.get_changed_files('A'):
286            path = mozpath.join(self.topsrcdir, f)
287            size = os.stat(path).st_size
288            cumulative_added_size += size
289            if size > FILESIZE_LIMIT:
290                large_files.add(f)
292        # Forcefully complain about large files being added, as history has
293        # shown that large-ish files typically are not needed.
294        if large_files and not build_peers_said_large_imports_were_ok:
295            self.log(logging.ERROR, 'filesize_check', {},
296                     '''The following files exceed the filesize limit of {size}:
300Please find a way to reduce the sizes of these files or talk to a build
301peer about the particular large files you are adding.
303The changes from `mach vendor rust` will NOT be added to version control.
304'''.format(files='\n'.join(sorted(large_files)), size=FILESIZE_LIMIT))
305            self.repository.forget_add_remove_files(vendor_dir)
306            sys.exit(1)
308        # Only warn for large imports, since we may just have large code
309        # drops from time to time (e.g. importing features into m-c).
310        SIZE_WARN_THRESHOLD = 5 * 1024 * 1024
311        if cumulative_added_size >= SIZE_WARN_THRESHOLD:
312            self.log(logging.WARN, 'filesize_check', {},
313                     '''Your changes add {size} bytes of added files.
315Please consider finding ways to reduce the size of the vendored packages.
316For instance, check the vendored packages for unusually large test or
317benchmark files that don't need to be published to crates.io and submit
318a pull request upstream to ignore those files when publishing.'''.format(size=cumulative_added_size))