1 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
5 use app_units::Au;
6 use euclid::{Point2D, Rect, SideOffsets2D, Size2D, Vector2D};
7 use style::computed_values::image_rendering::T as ImageRendering;
8 use style::computed_values::mix_blend_mode::T as MixBlendMode;
9 use style::computed_values::transform_style::T as TransformStyle;
10 use style::values::RGBA;
11 use style::values::computed::{BorderStyle, Filter};
12 use style::values::generics::effects::Filter as GenericFilter;
13 use style::values::specified::border::BorderImageRepeatKeyword;
14 use webrender_api as wr;
16 pub trait ToLayout {
17     type Type;
to_layout(&self) -> Self::Type18     fn to_layout(&self) -> Self::Type;
19 }
21 impl ToLayout for BorderStyle {
22     type Type = wr::BorderStyle;
to_layout(&self) -> Self::Type23     fn to_layout(&self) -> Self::Type {
24         match *self {
25             BorderStyle::None => wr::BorderStyle::None,
26             BorderStyle::Solid => wr::BorderStyle::Solid,
27             BorderStyle::Double => wr::BorderStyle::Double,
28             BorderStyle::Dotted => wr::BorderStyle::Dotted,
29             BorderStyle::Dashed => wr::BorderStyle::Dashed,
30             BorderStyle::Hidden => wr::BorderStyle::Hidden,
31             BorderStyle::Groove => wr::BorderStyle::Groove,
32             BorderStyle::Ridge => wr::BorderStyle::Ridge,
33             BorderStyle::Inset => wr::BorderStyle::Inset,
34             BorderStyle::Outset => wr::BorderStyle::Outset,
35         }
36     }
37 }
39 impl ToLayout for Filter {
40     type Type = wr::FilterOp;
to_layout(&self) -> Self::Type41     fn to_layout(&self) -> Self::Type {
42         match *self {
43             GenericFilter::Blur(radius) => wr::FilterOp::Blur(radius.px()),
44             GenericFilter::Brightness(amount) => wr::FilterOp::Brightness(amount.0),
45             GenericFilter::Contrast(amount) => wr::FilterOp::Contrast(amount.0),
46             GenericFilter::Grayscale(amount) => wr::FilterOp::Grayscale(amount.0),
47             GenericFilter::HueRotate(angle) => wr::FilterOp::HueRotate(angle.radians()),
48             GenericFilter::Invert(amount) => wr::FilterOp::Invert(amount.0),
49             GenericFilter::Opacity(amount) => wr::FilterOp::Opacity(amount.0.into(), amount.0),
50             GenericFilter::Saturate(amount) => wr::FilterOp::Saturate(amount.0),
51             GenericFilter::Sepia(amount) => wr::FilterOp::Sepia(amount.0),
52             // Statically check that DropShadow is impossible.
53             GenericFilter::DropShadow(ref shadow) => match *shadow {},
54         }
55     }
56 }
58 impl ToLayout for ImageRendering {
59     type Type = wr::ImageRendering;
to_layout(&self) -> Self::Type60     fn to_layout(&self) -> Self::Type {
61         match *self {
62             ImageRendering::Auto => wr::ImageRendering::Auto,
63             ImageRendering::CrispEdges => wr::ImageRendering::CrispEdges,
64             ImageRendering::Pixelated => wr::ImageRendering::Pixelated,
65         }
66     }
67 }
69 impl ToLayout for MixBlendMode {
70     type Type = wr::MixBlendMode;
to_layout(&self) -> Self::Type71     fn to_layout(&self) -> Self::Type {
72         match *self {
73             MixBlendMode::Normal => wr::MixBlendMode::Normal,
74             MixBlendMode::Multiply => wr::MixBlendMode::Multiply,
75             MixBlendMode::Screen => wr::MixBlendMode::Screen,
76             MixBlendMode::Overlay => wr::MixBlendMode::Overlay,
77             MixBlendMode::Darken => wr::MixBlendMode::Darken,
78             MixBlendMode::Lighten => wr::MixBlendMode::Lighten,
79             MixBlendMode::ColorDodge => wr::MixBlendMode::ColorDodge,
80             MixBlendMode::ColorBurn => wr::MixBlendMode::ColorBurn,
81             MixBlendMode::HardLight => wr::MixBlendMode::HardLight,
82             MixBlendMode::SoftLight => wr::MixBlendMode::SoftLight,
83             MixBlendMode::Difference => wr::MixBlendMode::Difference,
84             MixBlendMode::Exclusion => wr::MixBlendMode::Exclusion,
85             MixBlendMode::Hue => wr::MixBlendMode::Hue,
86             MixBlendMode::Saturation => wr::MixBlendMode::Saturation,
87             MixBlendMode::Color => wr::MixBlendMode::Color,
88             MixBlendMode::Luminosity => wr::MixBlendMode::Luminosity,
89         }
90     }
91 }
93 impl ToLayout for TransformStyle {
94     type Type = wr::TransformStyle;
to_layout(&self) -> Self::Type95     fn to_layout(&self) -> Self::Type {
96         match *self {
97             TransformStyle::Auto | TransformStyle::Flat => wr::TransformStyle::Flat,
98             TransformStyle::Preserve3d => wr::TransformStyle::Preserve3D,
99         }
100     }
101 }
103 impl ToLayout for RGBA {
104     type Type = wr::ColorF;
to_layout(&self) -> Self::Type105     fn to_layout(&self) -> Self::Type {
106         wr::ColorF::new(
107             self.red_f32(),
108             self.green_f32(),
109             self.blue_f32(),
110             self.alpha_f32(),
111         )
112     }
113 }
115 impl ToLayout for Point2D<Au> {
116     type Type = wr::LayoutPoint;
to_layout(&self) -> Self::Type117     fn to_layout(&self) -> Self::Type {
118         wr::LayoutPoint::new(self.x.to_f32_px(), self.y.to_f32_px())
119     }
120 }
122 impl ToLayout for Rect<Au> {
123     type Type = wr::LayoutRect;
to_layout(&self) -> Self::Type124     fn to_layout(&self) -> Self::Type {
125         wr::LayoutRect::new(self.origin.to_layout(), self.size.to_layout())
126     }
127 }
129 impl ToLayout for SideOffsets2D<Au> {
130     type Type = wr::BorderWidths;
to_layout(&self) -> Self::Type131     fn to_layout(&self) -> Self::Type {
132         wr::BorderWidths {
133             left: self.left.to_f32_px(),
134             top: self.top.to_f32_px(),
135             right: self.right.to_f32_px(),
136             bottom: self.bottom.to_f32_px(),
137         }
138     }
139 }
141 impl ToLayout for Size2D<Au> {
142     type Type = wr::LayoutSize;
to_layout(&self) -> Self::Type143     fn to_layout(&self) -> Self::Type {
144         wr::LayoutSize::new(self.width.to_f32_px(), self.height.to_f32_px())
145     }
146 }
148 impl ToLayout for Vector2D<Au> {
149     type Type = wr::LayoutVector2D;
to_layout(&self) -> Self::Type150     fn to_layout(&self) -> Self::Type {
151         wr::LayoutVector2D::new(self.x.to_f32_px(), self.y.to_f32_px())
152     }
153 }
155 impl ToLayout for BorderImageRepeatKeyword {
156     type Type = wr::RepeatMode;
to_layout(&self) -> Self::Type158     fn to_layout(&self) -> Self::Type {
159         match *self {
160             BorderImageRepeatKeyword::Stretch => wr::RepeatMode::Stretch,
161             BorderImageRepeatKeyword::Repeat => wr::RepeatMode::Repeat,
162             BorderImageRepeatKeyword::Round => wr::RepeatMode::Round,
163             BorderImageRepeatKeyword::Space => wr::RepeatMode::Space,
164         }
165     }
166 }