1/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
5"use strict";
8 * This file implements a mirror and two-way merger for synced bookmarks. The
9 * mirror matches the complete tree stored on the Sync server, and stages new
10 * bookmarks changed on the server since the last sync. The merger walks the
11 * local tree in Places and the mirrored remote tree, produces a new merged
12 * tree, then updates the local tree to reflect the merged tree.
13 *
14 * Let's start with an overview of the different classes, and how they fit
15 * together.
16 *
17 * - `SyncedBookmarksMirror` sets up the database, validates and upserts new
18 *   incoming records, attaches to Places, and applies the changed records.
19 *   During application, we fetch the local and remote bookmark trees, merge
20 *   them, and update Places to match. Merging and application happen in a
21 *   single transaction, so applying the merged tree won't collide with local
22 *   changes. A failure at this point aborts the merge and leaves Places
23 *   unchanged.
24 *
25 * - A `BookmarkTree` is a fully rooted tree that also notes deletions. A
26 *   `BookmarkNode` represents a local item in Places, or a remote item in the
27 *   mirror.
28 *
29 * - A `MergedBookmarkNode` holds a local node, a remote node, and a
30 *   `MergeState` that indicates which node to prefer when updating Places and
31 *   the server to match the merged tree.
32 *
33 * - `BookmarkObserverRecorder` records all changes made to Places during the
34 *   merge, then dispatches `nsINavBookmarkObserver` notifications. Places uses
35 *   these notifications to update the UI and internal caches. We can't dispatch
36 *   during the merge because observers won't see the changes until the merge
37 *   transaction commits and the database is consistent again.
38 *
39 * - After application, we flag all applied incoming items as merged, create
40 *   Sync records for the locally new and updated items in Places, and upload
41 *   the records to the server. At this point, all outgoing items are flagged as
42 *   changed in Places, so the next sync can resume cleanly if the upload is
43 *   interrupted or fails.
44 *
45 * - Once upload succeeds, we update the mirror with the uploaded records, so
46 *   that the mirror matches the server again. An interruption or error here
47 *   will leave the uploaded items flagged as changed in Places, so we'll merge
48 *   them again on the next sync. This is redundant work, but shouldn't cause
49 *   issues.
50 */
52var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["SyncedBookmarksMirror"];
59XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(this, {
60  Async: "resource://services-common/async.js",
61  AsyncShutdown: "resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.jsm",
62  Log: "resource://gre/modules/Log.jsm",
63  OS: "resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm",
64  PlacesSyncUtils: "resource://gre/modules/PlacesSyncUtils.jsm",
65  PlacesUtils: "resource://gre/modules/PlacesUtils.jsm",
66  Sqlite: "resource://gre/modules/Sqlite.jsm",
69XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "MirrorLog", () =>
70  Log.repository.getLogger("Sync.Engine.Bookmarks.Mirror")
73// These can be removed once they're exposed in a central location (bug
74// 1375896).
75const DB_URL_LENGTH_MAX = 65536;
76const DB_TITLE_LENGTH_MAX = 4096;
81// The current mirror database schema version. Bump for migrations, then add
82// migration code to `migrateMirrorSchema`.
85// Use a shared jankYielder in these functions
86XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "maybeYield", () => Async.jankYielder());
87function yieldingIterator(collection) {
88  return Async.yieldingIterator(collection, maybeYield);
92 * A mirror maintains a copy of the complete tree as stored on the Sync server.
93 * It is persistent.
94 *
95 * The mirror schema is a hybrid of how Sync and Places represent bookmarks.
96 * The `items` table contains item attributes (title, kind, description,
97 * URL, etc.), while the `structure` table stores parent-child relationships and
98 * position. This is similar to how iOS encodes "value" and "structure" state,
99 * though we handle these differently when merging. See `BookmarkMerger` for
100 * details.
101 *
102 * There's no guarantee that the remote state is consistent. We might be missing
103 * parents or children, or a bookmark and its parent might disagree about where
104 * it belongs. This means we need a strategy to handle missing parents and
105 * children.
106 *
107 * We treat the `children` of the last parent we see as canonical, and ignore
108 * the child's `parentid` entirely. We also ignore missing children, and
109 * temporarily reparent bookmarks with missing parents to "unfiled". When we
110 * eventually see the missing items, either during a later sync or as part of
111 * repair, we'll fill in the mirror's gaps and fix up the local tree.
112 *
113 * During merging, we won't intentionally try to fix inconsistencies on the
114 * server, and opt to build as complete a tree as we can from the remote state,
115 * even if we diverge from what's in the mirror. See bug 1433512 for context.
116 *
117 * If a sync is interrupted, we resume downloading from the server collection
118 * last modified time, or the server last modified time of the most recent
119 * record if newer. New incoming records always replace existing records in the
120 * mirror.
121 *
122 * We delete the mirror database on client reset, including when the sync ID
123 * changes on the server, and when the user is node reassigned, disables the
124 * bookmarks engine, or signs out.
125 */
126class SyncedBookmarksMirror {
127  constructor(db, { recordTelemetryEvent, finalizeAt =
128                      AsyncShutdown.profileBeforeChange } = {}) {
129    this.db = db;
130    this.recordTelemetryEvent = recordTelemetryEvent;
132    // Automatically close the database connection on shutdown.
133    this.finalizeAt = finalizeAt;
134    this.finalizeBound = () => this.finalize();
135    this.finalizeAt.addBlocker("SyncedBookmarksMirror: finalize",
136                               this.finalizeBound);
137  }
139  /**
140   * Sets up the mirror database connection and upgrades the mirror to the
141   * newest schema version. Automatically recreates the mirror if it's corrupt;
142   * throws on failure.
143   *
144   * @param  {String} options.path
145   *         The full path to the mirror database file.
146   * @param  {Function} options.recordTelemetryEvent
147   *         A function with the signature `(object: String, method: String,
148   *         value: String?, extra: Object?)`, used to emit telemetry events.
149   * @param  {AsyncShutdown.Barrier} [options.finalizeAt]
150   *         A shutdown phase, barrier, or barrier client that should
151   *         automatically finalize the mirror when triggered. Exposed for
152   *         testing.
153   * @return {SyncedBookmarksMirror}
154   *         A mirror ready for use.
155   */
156  static async open(options) {
157    let db = await Sqlite.cloneStorageConnection({
158      connection: PlacesUtils.history.DBConnection,
159      readOnly: false,
160    });
161    try {
162      try {
163        await db.execute(`ATTACH :mirrorPath AS mirror`,
164                         { mirrorPath: options.path });
165      } catch (ex) {
166        if (ex.errors && isDatabaseCorrupt(ex.errors[0])) {
167          MirrorLog.warn("Error attaching mirror to Places; removing and " +
168                         "recreating mirror", ex);
169          options.recordTelemetryEvent("mirror", "open", "error",
170                                       { why: "corrupt" });
171          await OS.File.remove(options.path);
172          await db.execute(`ATTACH :mirrorPath AS mirror`,
173                           { mirrorPath: options.path });
174        } else {
175          MirrorLog.warn("Unrecoverable error attaching mirror to Places", ex);
176          throw ex;
177        }
178      }
179      await db.execute(`PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON`);
180      await db.executeTransaction(async function() {
181        await migrateMirrorSchema(db);
182        await initializeTempMirrorEntities(db);
183      });
184    } catch (ex) {
185      options.recordTelemetryEvent("mirror", "open", "error",
186                                   { why: "initialize" });
187      await db.close();
188      throw ex;
189    }
190    return new SyncedBookmarksMirror(db, options);
191  }
193  /**
194   * Returns the newer of the bookmarks collection last modified time, or the
195   * server modified time of the newest record. The bookmarks engine uses this
196   * timestamp as the "high water mark" for all downloaded records. Each sync
197   * downloads and stores records that are strictly newer than this time.
198   *
199   * @return {Number}
200   *         The high water mark time, in seconds.
201   */
202  async getCollectionHighWaterMark() {
203    // The first case, where we have records with server modified times newer
204    // than the collection last modified time, occurs when a sync is interrupted
205    // before we call `setCollectionLastModified`. We subtract one second, the
206    // maximum time precision guaranteed by the server, so that we don't miss
207    // other records with the same time as the newest one we downloaded.
208    let rows = await this.db.execute(`
209      SELECT MAX(
210        IFNULL((SELECT MAX(serverModified) - 1000 FROM items), 0),
211        IFNULL((SELECT CAST(value AS INTEGER) FROM meta
212                WHERE key = :modifiedKey), 0)
213      ) AS highWaterMark`,
214      { modifiedKey: SyncedBookmarksMirror.META.MODIFIED });
215    let highWaterMark = rows[0].getResultByName("highWaterMark");
216    return highWaterMark / 1000;
217  }
219  /**
220   * Updates the bookmarks collection last modified time. Note that this may
221   * be newer than the modified time of the most recent record.
222   *
223   * @param {Number|String} lastModifiedSeconds
224   *        The collection last modified time, in seconds.
225   */
226  async setCollectionLastModified(lastModifiedSeconds) {
227    let lastModified = lastModifiedSeconds * 1000;
228    if (!Number.isFinite(lastModified)) {
229      throw new TypeError("Invalid collection last modified time");
230    }
231    await this.db.executeBeforeShutdown(
232      "SyncedBookmarksMirror: setCollectionLastModified",
233      db => db.execute(`
234        REPLACE INTO meta(key, value)
235        VALUES(:modifiedKey, :lastModified)`,
236        { modifiedKey: SyncedBookmarksMirror.META.MODIFIED, lastModified })
237    );
238  }
240  /**
241   * Stores incoming or uploaded Sync records in the mirror. Rejects if any
242   * records are invalid.
243   *
244   * @param {PlacesItem[]} records
245   *        Sync records to store in the mirror.
246   * @param {Boolean} [options.needsMerge]
247   *        Indicates if the records were changed remotely since the last sync,
248   *        and should be merged into the local tree. This option is set to
249   *       `true` for incoming records, and `false` for successfully uploaded
250   *        records. Tests can also pass `false` to set up an existing mirror.
251   */
252  async store(records, { needsMerge = true } = {}) {
253    let options = { needsMerge };
254    await this.db.executeBeforeShutdown(
255      "SyncedBookmarksMirror: store",
256      db => db.executeTransaction(async () => {
257        for await (let record of yieldingIterator(records)) {
258          switch (record.type) {
259            case "bookmark":
260              MirrorLog.trace("Storing bookmark in mirror", record.cleartext);
261              await this.storeRemoteBookmark(record, options);
262              continue;
264            case "query":
265              MirrorLog.trace("Storing query in mirror", record.cleartext);
266              await this.storeRemoteQuery(record, options);
267              continue;
269            case "folder":
270              MirrorLog.trace("Storing folder in mirror", record.cleartext);
271              await this.storeRemoteFolder(record, options);
272              continue;
274            case "livemark":
275              MirrorLog.trace("Storing livemark in mirror", record.cleartext);
276              await this.storeRemoteLivemark(record, options);
277              continue;
279            case "separator":
280              MirrorLog.trace("Storing separator in mirror", record.cleartext);
281              await this.storeRemoteSeparator(record, options);
282              continue;
284            default:
285              if (record.deleted) {
286                MirrorLog.trace("Storing tombstone in mirror",
287                                record.cleartext);
288                await this.storeRemoteTombstone(record, options);
289                continue;
290              }
291          }
292          MirrorLog.warn("Ignoring record with unknown type", record.type);
293          this.recordTelemetryEvent("mirror", "ignore", "unknown",
294                                    { why: "kind" });
295        }
296      })
297    );
298  }
300  /**
301   * Builds a complete merged tree from the local and remote trees, resolves
302   * value and structure conflicts, dedupes local items, applies the merged
303   * tree back to Places, and notifies observers about the changes.
304   *
305   * Merging and application happen in a transaction, meaning code that uses the
306   * main Places connection, including the UI, will fail to write to the
307   * database until the transaction commits. Asynchronous consumers will retry
308   * on `SQLITE_BUSY`; synchronous consumers will fail after waiting for 100ms.
309   * See bug 1305563, comment 122 for details.
310   *
311   * @param  {Number} [options.localTimeSeconds]
312   *         The current local time, in seconds.
313   * @param  {Number} [options.remoteTimeSeconds]
314   *         The current server time, in seconds.
315   * @param  {String[]} [options.weakUpload]
316   *         GUIDs of bookmarks to weakly upload.
317   * @return {Object.<String, BookmarkChangeRecord>}
318   *         A changeset containing locally changed and reconciled records to
319   *         upload to the server, and to store in the mirror once upload
320   *         succeeds.
321   */
322  async apply({ localTimeSeconds = Date.now() / 1000,
323                remoteTimeSeconds = 0,
324                weakUpload = [] } = {}) {
325    let hasChanges = weakUpload.length > 0 || (await this.hasChanges());
326    if (!hasChanges) {
327      MirrorLog.debug("No changes detected in both mirror and Places");
328      return {};
329    }
330    // We intentionally don't use `executeBeforeShutdown` in this function,
331    // since merging can take a while for large trees, and we don't want to
332    // block shutdown. Since all new items are in the mirror, we'll just try
333    // to merge again on the next sync.
334    let { missingParents, missingChildren } = await this.fetchRemoteOrphans();
335    if (missingParents.length) {
336      MirrorLog.warn("Temporarily reparenting remote items with missing " +
337                     "parents to unfiled", missingParents);
338      this.recordTelemetryEvent("mirror", "orphans", "parents",
339                                { count: String(missingParents.length) });
340    }
341    if (missingChildren.length) {
342      MirrorLog.warn("Remote tree missing items", missingChildren);
343      this.recordTelemetryEvent("mirror", "orphans", "children",
344                                { count: String(missingChildren.length) });
345    }
347    let { missingLocal, missingRemote, wrongSyncStatus } =
348      await this.fetchInconsistencies();
349    if (missingLocal.length) {
350      MirrorLog.warn("Remote tree has merged items that don't exist locally",
351                     missingLocal);
352      this.recordTelemetryEvent("mirror", "inconsistencies", "local",
353                                { count: String(missingLocal.length) });
354    }
355    if (missingRemote.length) {
356      MirrorLog.warn("Local tree has synced items that don't exist remotely",
357                     missingRemote);
358      this.recordTelemetryEvent("mirror", "inconsistencies", "remote",
359                                { count: String(missingRemote.length) });
360    }
361    if (wrongSyncStatus.length) {
362      MirrorLog.warn("Local tree has wrong sync statuses for items that " +
363                     "exist remotely", wrongSyncStatus);
364      this.recordTelemetryEvent("mirror", "inconsistencies", "syncStatus",
365                                { count: String(wrongSyncStatus.length) });
366    }
368    // It's safe to build the remote tree outside the transaction because
369    // `fetchRemoteTree` doesn't join to Places, only Sync writes to the
370    // mirror, and we're holding the Sync lock at this point.
371    MirrorLog.debug("Building remote tree from mirror");
372    let remoteTree = await this.fetchRemoteTree(remoteTimeSeconds);
373    if (MirrorLog.level <= Log.Level.Trace) {
374      MirrorLog.trace("Built remote tree from mirror\n" +
375                      remoteTree.toASCIITreeString());
376    }
378    let observersToNotify = new BookmarkObserverRecorder(this.db);
380    let changeRecords = await this.db.executeTransaction(async () => {
381      MirrorLog.debug("Building local tree from Places");
382      let localTree = await this.fetchLocalTree(localTimeSeconds);
383      if (MirrorLog.level <= Log.Level.Trace) {
384        MirrorLog.trace("Built local tree from Places\n" +
385                        localTree.toASCIITreeString());
386      }
388      MirrorLog.debug("Fetching content info for new mirror items");
389      let newRemoteContents = await this.fetchNewRemoteContents();
391      MirrorLog.debug("Fetching content info for new Places items");
392      let newLocalContents = await this.fetchNewLocalContents();
394      MirrorLog.debug("Building complete merged tree");
395      let merger = new BookmarkMerger(localTree, newLocalContents,
396                                      remoteTree, newRemoteContents);
397      let mergedRoot = await merger.merge();
398      for (let { value, extra } of merger.telemetryEvents) {
399        this.recordTelemetryEvent("mirror", "merge", value, extra);
400      }
402      if (MirrorLog.level <= Log.Level.Trace) {
403        MirrorLog.trace([
404          "Built new merged tree",
405          mergedRoot.toASCIITreeString(),
406          ...merger.deletionsToStrings(),
407        ].join("\n"));
408      }
410      // The merged tree should know about all items mentioned in the local
411      // and remote trees. Otherwise, it's incomplete, and we'll corrupt
412      // Places or lose data on the server if we try to apply it.
413      if (!await merger.subsumes(localTree)) {
414        throw new SyncedBookmarksMirror.ConsistencyError(
415          "Merged tree doesn't mention all items from local tree");
416      }
417      if (!await merger.subsumes(remoteTree)) {
418        throw new SyncedBookmarksMirror.ConsistencyError(
419          "Merged tree doesn't mention all items from remote tree");
420      }
422      MirrorLog.debug("Applying merged tree");
423      let localDeletions = Array.from(merger.deleteLocally).map(guid =>
424        ({ guid, level: localTree.levelForGuid(guid) })
425      );
426      let remoteDeletions = Array.from(merger.deleteRemotely);
427      await this.updateLocalItemsInPlaces(mergedRoot, localDeletions,
428                                          remoteDeletions);
430      // At this point, the database is consistent, and we can fetch info to
431      // pass to observers. Note that we can't fetch observer info in the
432      // triggers above, because the structure might not be complete yet. An
433      // incomplete structure might cause us to miss or record wrong parents and
434      // positions.
436      MirrorLog.debug("Recording observer notifications");
437      await this.noteObserverChanges(observersToNotify);
439      MirrorLog.debug("Staging locally changed items for upload");
440      await this.stageItemsToUpload(weakUpload);
442      MirrorLog.debug("Fetching records for local items to upload");
443      let changeRecords = await this.fetchLocalChangeRecords();
445      await this.db.execute(`DELETE FROM mergeStates`);
446      await this.db.execute(`DELETE FROM itemsAdded`);
447      await this.db.execute(`DELETE FROM guidsChanged`);
448      await this.db.execute(`DELETE FROM itemsChanged`);
449      await this.db.execute(`DELETE FROM itemsRemoved`);
450      await this.db.execute(`DELETE FROM itemsMoved`);
451      await this.db.execute(`DELETE FROM annosChanged`);
452      await this.db.execute(`DELETE FROM itemsToWeaklyReupload`);
453      await this.db.execute(`DELETE FROM itemsToUpload`);
455      return changeRecords;
456    }, this.db.TRANSACTION_IMMEDIATE);
458    MirrorLog.debug("Replaying recorded observer notifications");
459    try {
460      await observersToNotify.notifyAll();
461    } catch (ex) {
462      MirrorLog.error("Error notifying Places observers", ex);
463    }
465    return changeRecords;
466  }
468  /**
469   * Discards the mirror contents. This is called when the user is node
470   * reassigned, disables the bookmarks engine, or signs out.
471   */
472  async reset() {
473    await this.db.executeBeforeShutdown(
474      "SyncedBookmarksMirror: reset",
475      async function(db) {
476        await db.executeTransaction(async function() {
477          await db.execute(`DELETE FROM meta`);
478          await db.execute(`DELETE FROM structure`);
479          await db.execute(`DELETE FROM items`);
480          await db.execute(`DELETE FROM urls`);
482          // Since we need to reset the modified times for the syncable roots,
483          // we simply delete and recreate them.
484          await createMirrorRoots(db);
485        });
486      }
487    );
488  }
490  /**
491   * Fetches the GUIDs of all items in the remote tree that need to be merged
492   * into the local tree.
493   *
494   * @return {String[]}
495   *         Remotely changed GUIDs that need to be merged into Places.
496   */
497  async fetchUnmergedGuids() {
498    let rows = await this.db.execute(`SELECT guid FROM items WHERE needsMerge`);
499    return rows.map(row => row.getResultByName("guid"));
500  }
502  async storeRemoteBookmark(record, { needsMerge }) {
503    let guid = validateGuid(record.id);
504    if (!guid) {
505      MirrorLog.warn("Ignoring bookmark with invalid ID", record.id);
506      this.recordTelemetryEvent("mirror", "ignore", "bookmark",
507                                { why: "id" });
508      return;
509    }
511    let url = validateURL(record.bmkUri);
512    if (!url) {
513      MirrorLog.trace("Ignoring bookmark ${guid} with invalid URL ${url}",
514                      { guid, url: record.bmkUri });
515      this.recordTelemetryEvent("mirror", "ignore", "bookmark",
516                                { why: "url" });
517      return;
518    }
520    await this.maybeStoreRemoteURL(url);
522    let serverModified = determineServerModified(record);
523    let dateAdded = determineDateAdded(record);
524    let title = validateTitle(record.title);
525    let keyword = validateKeyword(record.keyword);
526    let description = validateDescription(record.description);
527    let loadInSidebar = record.loadInSidebar === true ? "1" : null;
529    await this.db.executeCached(`
530      REPLACE INTO items(guid, serverModified, needsMerge, kind,
531                         dateAdded, title, keyword,
532                         urlId, description, loadInSidebar)
533      VALUES(:guid, :serverModified, :needsMerge, :kind,
534             :dateAdded, NULLIF(:title, ""), :keyword,
535             (SELECT id FROM urls
536              WHERE hash = hash(:url) AND
537                    url = :url),
538             :description, :loadInSidebar)`,
539      { guid, serverModified, needsMerge,
540        kind: SyncedBookmarksMirror.KIND.BOOKMARK, dateAdded, title, keyword,
541        url: url.href, description, loadInSidebar });
543    let tags = record.tags;
544    if (tags && Array.isArray(tags)) {
545      for (let rawTag of tags) {
546        let tag = validateTag(rawTag);
547        if (!tag) {
548          continue;
549        }
550        await this.db.executeCached(`
551          INSERT INTO tags(itemId, tag)
552          SELECT id, :tag FROM items
553          WHERE guid = :guid`,
554          { tag, guid });
555      }
556    }
557  }
559  async storeRemoteQuery(record, { needsMerge }) {
560    let guid = validateGuid(record.id);
561    if (!guid) {
562      MirrorLog.warn("Ignoring query with invalid ID", record.id);
563      this.recordTelemetryEvent("mirror", "ignore", "query",
564                                { why: "id" });
565      return;
566    }
568    let url = validateURL(record.bmkUri);
569    if (!url) {
570      MirrorLog.trace("Ignoring query ${guid} with invalid URL ${url}",
571                      { guid, url: record.bmkUri });
572      this.recordTelemetryEvent("mirror", "ignore", "query",
573                                { why: "url" });
574      return;
575    }
577    await this.maybeStoreRemoteURL(url);
579    let serverModified = determineServerModified(record);
580    let dateAdded = determineDateAdded(record);
581    let title = validateTitle(record.title);
582    let tagFolderName = validateTag(record.folderName);
583    let description = validateDescription(record.description);
584    let smartBookmarkName = typeof record.queryId == "string" ?
585                            record.queryId : null;
587    await this.db.executeCached(`
588      REPLACE INTO items(guid, serverModified, needsMerge, kind,
589                         dateAdded, title, tagFolderName,
590                         urlId, description, smartBookmarkName)
591      VALUES(:guid, :serverModified, :needsMerge, :kind,
592             :dateAdded, NULLIF(:title, ""), :tagFolderName,
593             (SELECT id FROM urls
594              WHERE hash = hash(:url) AND
595                    url = :url),
596             :description, :smartBookmarkName)`,
597      { guid, serverModified, needsMerge,
598        kind: SyncedBookmarksMirror.KIND.QUERY, dateAdded, title, tagFolderName,
599        url: url.href, description, smartBookmarkName });
600  }
602  async storeRemoteFolder(record, { needsMerge }) {
603    let guid = validateGuid(record.id);
604    if (!guid) {
605      MirrorLog.warn("Ignoring folder with invalid ID", record.id);
606      this.recordTelemetryEvent("mirror", "ignore", "folder",
607                                { why: "id" });
608      return;
609    }
610    if (guid == PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid) {
611      // The Places root shouldn't be synced at all.
612      MirrorLog.warn("Ignoring Places root record", record.cleartext);
613      this.recordTelemetryEvent("mirror", "ignore", "folder",
614                                { why: "root" });
615      return;
616    }
618    let serverModified = determineServerModified(record);
619    let dateAdded = determineDateAdded(record);
620    let title = validateTitle(record.title);
621    let description = validateDescription(record.description);
623    await this.db.executeCached(`
624      REPLACE INTO items(guid, serverModified, needsMerge, kind,
625                         dateAdded, title, description)
626      VALUES(:guid, :serverModified, :needsMerge, :kind,
627             :dateAdded, NULLIF(:title, ""),
628             :description)`,
629      { guid, serverModified, needsMerge, kind: SyncedBookmarksMirror.KIND.FOLDER,
630        dateAdded, title, description });
632    let children = record.children;
633    if (children && Array.isArray(children)) {
634      for (let position = 0; position < children.length; ++position) {
635        await maybeYield();
636        let childRecordId = children[position];
637        let childGuid = validateGuid(childRecordId);
638        if (!childGuid) {
639          MirrorLog.warn("Ignoring child of folder ${parentGuid} with " +
640                         "invalid ID ${childRecordId}", { parentGuid: guid,
641                                                          childRecordId });
642          this.recordTelemetryEvent("mirror", "ignore", "child",
643                                    { why: "id" });
644          continue;
645        }
646        await this.db.executeCached(`
647          REPLACE INTO structure(guid, parentGuid, position)
648          VALUES(:childGuid, :parentGuid, :position)`,
649          { childGuid, parentGuid: guid, position });
650      }
651    }
652  }
654  async storeRemoteLivemark(record, { needsMerge }) {
655    let guid = validateGuid(record.id);
656    if (!guid) {
657      MirrorLog.warn("Ignoring livemark with invalid ID", record.id);
658      this.recordTelemetryEvent("mirror", "ignore", "livemark",
659                                { why: "id" });
660      return;
661    }
663    let feedURL = validateURL(record.feedUri);
664    if (!feedURL) {
665      MirrorLog.trace("Ignoring livemark ${guid} with invalid feed URL ${url}",
666                      { guid, url: record.feedUri });
667      this.recordTelemetryEvent("mirror", "ignore", "livemark",
668                                { why: "feed" });
669      return;
670    }
672    let serverModified = determineServerModified(record);
673    let dateAdded = determineDateAdded(record);
674    let title = validateTitle(record.title);
675    let description = validateDescription(record.description);
676    let siteURL = validateURL(record.siteUri);
678    await this.db.executeCached(`
679      REPLACE INTO items(guid, serverModified, needsMerge, kind, dateAdded,
680                         title, description, feedURL, siteURL)
681      VALUES(:guid, :serverModified, :needsMerge, :kind, :dateAdded,
682             NULLIF(:title, ""), :description, :feedURL, :siteURL)`,
683      { guid, serverModified, needsMerge,
684        kind: SyncedBookmarksMirror.KIND.LIVEMARK,
685        dateAdded, title, description, feedURL: feedURL.href,
686        siteURL: siteURL ? siteURL.href : null });
687  }
689  async storeRemoteSeparator(record, { needsMerge }) {
690    let guid = validateGuid(record.id);
691    if (!guid) {
692      MirrorLog.warn("Ignoring separator with invalid ID", record.id);
693      this.recordTelemetryEvent("mirror", "ignore", "separator",
694                                { why: "id" });
695      return;
696    }
698    let serverModified = determineServerModified(record);
699    let dateAdded = determineDateAdded(record);
701    await this.db.executeCached(`
702      REPLACE INTO items(guid, serverModified, needsMerge, kind,
703                         dateAdded)
704      VALUES(:guid, :serverModified, :needsMerge, :kind,
705             :dateAdded)`,
706      { guid, serverModified, needsMerge, kind: SyncedBookmarksMirror.KIND.SEPARATOR,
707        dateAdded });
708  }
710  async storeRemoteTombstone(record, { needsMerge }) {
711    let guid = validateGuid(record.id);
712    if (!guid) {
713      MirrorLog.warn("Ignoring tombstone with invalid ID", record.id);
714      this.recordTelemetryEvent("mirror", "ignore", "tombstone",
715                                { why: "id" });
716      return;
717    }
719    if (PlacesUtils.bookmarks.userContentRoots.includes(guid)) {
720      MirrorLog.warn("Ignoring tombstone for syncable root", guid);
721      this.recordTelemetryEvent("mirror", "ignore", "tombstone",
722                                { why: "root" });
723      return;
724    }
726    await this.db.executeCached(`
727      REPLACE INTO items(guid, serverModified, needsMerge, isDeleted)
728      VALUES(:guid, :serverModified, :needsMerge, 1)`,
729      { guid, serverModified: determineServerModified(record), needsMerge });
730  }
732  async maybeStoreRemoteURL(url) {
733    await this.db.executeCached(`
734      INSERT OR IGNORE INTO urls(guid, url, hash, revHost)
735      VALUES(IFNULL((SELECT guid FROM urls
736                     WHERE hash = hash(:url) AND
737                                  url = :url),
738                    GENERATE_GUID()), :url, hash(:url), :revHost)`,
739      { url: url.href, revHost: PlacesUtils.getReversedHost(url) });
740  }
742  async fetchRemoteOrphans() {
743    let infos = {
744      missingParents: [],
745      missingChildren: [],
746    };
748    let orphanRows = await this.db.execute(`
749      SELECT v.guid AS guid, 1 AS missingParent, 0 AS missingChild
750      FROM items v
751      LEFT JOIN structure s ON s.guid = v.guid
752      WHERE NOT v.isDeleted AND
753            s.guid IS NULL
754      UNION ALL
755      SELECT s.guid AS guid, 0 AS missingParent, 1 AS missingChild
756      FROM structure s
757      LEFT JOIN items v ON v.guid = s.guid
758      WHERE v.guid IS NULL`);
760    for await (let row of yieldingIterator(orphanRows)) {
761      let guid = row.getResultByName("guid");
762      let missingParent = row.getResultByName("missingParent");
763      if (missingParent) {
764        infos.missingParents.push(guid);
765      }
766      let missingChild = row.getResultByName("missingChild");
767      if (missingChild) {
768        infos.missingChildren.push(guid);
769      }
770    }
772    return infos;
773  }
775  /**
776   * Checks the sync statuses of all items for consistency. All merged items in
777   * the remote tree should exist as either items or tombstones in the local
778   * tree, and all NORMAL items and tombstones in the local tree should exist
779   * in the remote tree, if the mirror has any merged items.
780   *
781   * @return {Object.<String, String[]>}
782   *         An object containing GUIDs for each problem type:
783   *           - `missingLocal`: Merged items in the remote tree that aren't
784   *             mentioned in the local tree.
785   *           - `missingRemote`: NORMAL items in the local tree that aren't
786   *             mentioned in the remote tree.
787   */
788  async fetchInconsistencies() {
789    let infos = {
790      missingLocal: [],
791      missingRemote: [],
792      wrongSyncStatus: [],
793    };
795    let problemRows = await this.db.execute(`
796      SELECT v.guid, 1 AS missingLocal, 0 AS missingRemote, 0 AS wrongSyncStatus
797      FROM items v
798      LEFT JOIN moz_bookmarks b ON b.guid = v.guid
799      LEFT JOIN moz_bookmarks_deleted d ON d.guid = v.guid
800      WHERE NOT v.needsMerge AND
801            NOT v.isDeleted AND
802            b.guid IS NULL AND
803            d.guid IS NULL
804      UNION ALL
805      SELECT b.guid, 0 AS missingLocal, 1 AS missingRemote, 0 AS wrongSyncStatus
806      FROM moz_bookmarks b
807      LEFT JOIN items v ON v.guid = b.guid
809                   WHERE NOT needsMerge AND
810                         guid <> :rootGuid) AND
811            b.syncStatus = :syncStatus AND
812            v.guid IS NULL
813      UNION ALL
814      SELECT d.guid, 0 AS missingLocal, 1 AS missingRemote, 0 AS wrongSyncStatus
815      FROM moz_bookmarks_deleted d
816      LEFT JOIN items v ON v.guid = d.guid
818                   WHERE NOT needsMerge AND
819                         guid <> :rootGuid) AND
820            v.guid IS NULL
821      UNION ALL
822      SELECT b.guid, 0 AS missingLocal, 0 AS missingRemote, 1 AS wrongSyncStatus
823      FROM moz_bookmarks b
824      JOIN items v ON v.guid = b.guid
826                   WHERE NOT needsMerge AND
827                         guid <> :rootGuid) AND
828            b.guid <> :rootGuid AND
829            b.syncStatus <> :syncStatus`,
830      { syncStatus: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SYNC_STATUS.NORMAL,
831        rootGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid });
833    for await (let row of yieldingIterator(problemRows)) {
834      let guid = row.getResultByName("guid");
835      let missingLocal = row.getResultByName("missingLocal");
836      if (missingLocal) {
837        infos.missingLocal.push(guid);
838      }
839      let missingRemote = row.getResultByName("missingRemote");
840      if (missingRemote) {
841        infos.missingRemote.push(guid);
842      }
843      let wrongSyncStatus = row.getResultByName("wrongSyncStatus");
844      if (wrongSyncStatus) {
845        infos.wrongSyncStatus.push(guid);
846      }
847    }
849    return infos;
850  }
852  /*
853   * Checks if Places or mirror have any unsynced/unmerged changes.
854   *
855   * @return {Boolean}
856   *         `true` if something has changed.
857   */
858  async hasChanges() {
859    // In the first subquery, we check incoming items with needsMerge = true
860    // except the tombstones who don't correspond to any local bookmark because
861    // we don't store them yet, hence never "merged" (see bug 1343103).
862    let rows = await this.db.execute(`
863      SELECT
864      EXISTS (
865       SELECT 1
866       FROM items v
867       LEFT JOIN moz_bookmarks b ON v.guid = b.guid
868       WHERE v.needsMerge AND
869       (NOT v.isDeleted OR b.guid NOT NULL)
870      ) OR EXISTS (
872       syncedItems(id, syncChangeCounter) AS (
873         SELECT b.id, b.syncChangeCounter FROM moz_bookmarks b
874         WHERE b.guid IN ('menu________', 'toolbar_____', 'unfiled_____',
875                          'mobile______')
876         UNION ALL
877         SELECT b.id, b.syncChangeCounter FROM moz_bookmarks b
878         JOIN syncedItems s ON b.parent = s.id
879       )
880       SELECT 1
881       FROM syncedItems
882       WHERE syncChangeCounter > 0
883      ) OR EXISTS (
884       SELECT 1
885       FROM moz_bookmarks_deleted
886      )
887      AS hasChanges
888    `);
889    return !!rows[0].getResultByName("hasChanges");
890  }
892  /**
893   * Builds a fully rooted, consistent tree from the items and tombstones in the
894   * mirror.
895   *
896   * @param  {Number} remoteTimeSeconds
897   *         The current server time, in seconds.
898   * @return {BookmarkTree}
899   *         The remote bookmark tree.
900   */
901  async fetchRemoteTree(remoteTimeSeconds) {
902    let remoteTree = new BookmarkTree(BookmarkNode.root());
903    let startTime = Cu.now();
905    // First, build a flat mapping of parents to children. The `LEFT JOIN`
906    // includes items orphaned by an interrupted upload on another device.
907    // We keep the orphans in "unfiled" until the other device returns and
908    // uploads the missing parent.
909    let itemRows = await this.db.execute(`
910      SELECT v.guid, IFNULL(s.parentGuid, :unfiledGuid) AS parentGuid,
911             IFNULL(s.position, -1) AS position, v.serverModified, v.kind,
912             v.needsMerge
913      FROM items v
914      LEFT JOIN structure s ON s.guid = v.guid
915      WHERE NOT v.isDeleted AND
916            v.guid <> :rootGuid
917      ORDER BY parentGuid, position = -1, position, v.guid`,
918      { rootGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid,
919        unfiledGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid });
921    let pseudoTree = new Map();
922    for await (let row of yieldingIterator(itemRows)) {
923      let parentGuid = row.getResultByName("parentGuid");
924      let node = BookmarkNode.fromRemoteRow(row, remoteTimeSeconds);
925      if (pseudoTree.has(parentGuid)) {
926        let nodes = pseudoTree.get(parentGuid);
927        nodes.push(node);
928      } else {
929        pseudoTree.set(parentGuid, [node]);
930      }
931    }
933    // Second, build a complete tree from the pseudo-tree. We could do these
934    // two steps in SQL, but it's extremely inefficient. An equivalent
935    // recursive query, with joins in the base and recursive clauses, takes
936    // 10 seconds for a mirror with 5k items. Building the pseudo-tree and
937    // the pseudo-tree and recursing in JS takes 30ms for 5k items.
938    // (Note: Timing was done before adding maybeYield calls)
939    await inflateTree(remoteTree, pseudoTree, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid);
941    // Note tombstones for remotely deleted items.
942    let tombstoneRows = await this.db.execute(`
943      SELECT guid FROM items
944      WHERE isDeleted AND
945            needsMerge`);
947    for await (let row of yieldingIterator(tombstoneRows)) {
948      let guid = row.getResultByName("guid");
949      remoteTree.noteDeleted(guid);
950    }
952    let elapsedTime = Cu.now() - startTime;
953    let totalRows = itemRows.length + tombstoneRows.length;
954    this.recordTelemetryEvent("mirror", "fetch", "remoteTree",
955                              { time: String(elapsedTime),
956                                count: String(totalRows) });
958    return remoteTree;
959  }
961  /**
962   * Fetches content info for all items in the mirror that changed since the
963   * last sync and don't exist locally.
964   *
965   * @return {Map.<String, BookmarkContent>}
966   *         Changed items in the mirror that don't exist in Places, keyed by
967   *         their GUIDs.
968   */
969  async fetchNewRemoteContents() {
970    let newRemoteContents = new Map();
971    let startTime = Cu.now();
973    let rows = await this.db.execute(`
974      SELECT v.guid, IFNULL(v.title, "") AS title, u.url, v.smartBookmarkName,
975             IFNULL(s.position, -1) AS position
976      FROM items v
977      LEFT JOIN urls u ON u.id = v.urlId
978      LEFT JOIN structure s ON s.guid = v.guid
979      LEFT JOIN moz_bookmarks b ON b.guid = v.guid
980      WHERE NOT v.isDeleted AND
981            v.needsMerge AND
982            b.guid IS NULL AND
983            IFNULL(s.parentGuid, :unfiledGuid) <> :rootGuid`,
984      { unfiledGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
985        rootGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid });
987    for await (let row of yieldingIterator(rows)) {
988      let guid = row.getResultByName("guid");
989      let content = BookmarkContent.fromRow(row);
990      newRemoteContents.set(guid, content);
991    }
993    let elapsedTime = Cu.now() - startTime;
994    this.recordTelemetryEvent("mirror", "fetch", "newRemoteContents",
995                              { time: String(elapsedTime),
996                                count: String(rows.length) });
998    return newRemoteContents;
999  }
1001  /**
1002   * Builds a fully rooted, consistent tree from the items and tombstones in
1003   * Places.
1004   *
1005   * @param  {Number} localTimeSeconds
1006   *         The current local time, in seconds.
1007   * @return {BookmarkTree}
1008   *         The local bookmark tree.
1009   */
1010  async fetchLocalTree(localTimeSeconds) {
1011    let localTree = new BookmarkTree(BookmarkNode.root());
1012    let startTime = Cu.now();
1014    // This unsightly query collects all descendants and maps their Places types
1015    // to the Sync record kinds. We start with the roots, and work our way down.
1016    // The list of roots in `syncedItems` should be updated if we add new
1017    // syncable roots to Places.
1018    let itemRows = await this.db.execute(`
1020      syncedItems(id, level) AS (
1021        SELECT b.id, 0 AS level FROM moz_bookmarks b
1022        WHERE b.guid IN (:menuGuid, :toolbarGuid, :unfiledGuid, :mobileGuid)
1023        UNION ALL
1024        SELECT b.id, s.level + 1 AS level FROM moz_bookmarks b
1025        JOIN syncedItems s ON s.id = b.parent
1026      )
1027      SELECT b.id, b.guid, p.guid AS parentGuid,
1028             /* Map Places item types to Sync record kinds. */
1029             (CASE b.type
1030                WHEN :bookmarkType THEN (
1031                  CASE SUBSTR((SELECT h.url FROM moz_places h
1032                               WHERE h.id = b.fk), 1, 6)
1033                  /* Queries are bookmarks with a "place:" URL scheme. */
1034                  WHEN 'place:' THEN :queryKind
1035                  ELSE :bookmarkKind END)
1036                WHEN :folderType THEN (
1037                  CASE WHEN EXISTS(
1038                    /* Livemarks are folders with a feed URL annotation. */
1039                    SELECT 1 FROM moz_items_annos a
1040                    JOIN moz_anno_attributes n ON n.id = a.anno_attribute_id
1041                    WHERE a.item_id = b.id AND
1042                          n.name = :feedURLAnno
1043                  ) THEN :livemarkKind
1044                  ELSE :folderKind END)
1045                ELSE :separatorKind END) AS kind,
1046             b.lastModified / 1000 AS localModified, b.syncChangeCounter
1047      FROM moz_bookmarks b
1048      JOIN moz_bookmarks p ON p.id = b.parent
1049      JOIN syncedItems s ON s.id = b.id
1050      ORDER BY s.level, b.parent, b.position`,
1051      { menuGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
1052        toolbarGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid,
1053        unfiledGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
1054        mobileGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.mobileGuid,
1055        bookmarkType: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK,
1056        queryKind: SyncedBookmarksMirror.KIND.QUERY,
1057        bookmarkKind: SyncedBookmarksMirror.KIND.BOOKMARK,
1058        folderType: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER,
1059        feedURLAnno: PlacesUtils.LMANNO_FEEDURI,
1060        livemarkKind: SyncedBookmarksMirror.KIND.LIVEMARK,
1061        folderKind: SyncedBookmarksMirror.KIND.FOLDER,
1062        separatorKind: SyncedBookmarksMirror.KIND.SEPARATOR });
1064    for await (let row of yieldingIterator(itemRows)) {
1065      let parentGuid = row.getResultByName("parentGuid");
1066      let node = BookmarkNode.fromLocalRow(row, localTimeSeconds);
1067      localTree.insert(parentGuid, node);
1068    }
1070    // Note tombstones for locally deleted items.
1071    let tombstoneRows = await this.db.execute(`
1072      SELECT guid FROM moz_bookmarks_deleted`);
1074    for await (let row of yieldingIterator(tombstoneRows)) {
1075      let guid = row.getResultByName("guid");
1076      localTree.noteDeleted(guid);
1077    }
1079    let elapsedTime = Cu.now() - startTime;
1080    let totalRows = itemRows.length + tombstoneRows.length;
1081    this.recordTelemetryEvent("mirror", "fetch", "localTree",
1082                              { time: String(elapsedTime),
1083                                count: String(totalRows) });
1085    return localTree;
1086  }
1088  /**
1089   * Fetches content info for all NEW and UNKNOWN local items that don't exist
1090   * in the mirror. We'll try to dedupe them to changed items with similar
1091   * contents and different GUIDs in the mirror.
1092   *
1093   * @return {Map.<String, BookmarkContent>}
1094   *         New items in Places that don't exist in the mirror, keyed by their
1095   *         GUIDs.
1096   */
1097  async fetchNewLocalContents() {
1098    let newLocalContents = new Map();
1099    let startTime = Cu.now();
1101    let rows = await this.db.execute(`
1102      SELECT b.guid, IFNULL(b.title, "") AS title, h.url,
1103             (SELECT a.content FROM moz_items_annos a
1104              JOIN moz_anno_attributes n ON n.id = a.anno_attribute_id
1105              WHERE a.item_id = b.id AND
1106                    n.name = :smartBookmarkAnno) AS smartBookmarkName,
1107             b.position
1108      FROM moz_bookmarks b
1109      JOIN moz_bookmarks p ON p.id = b.parent
1110      LEFT JOIN moz_places h ON h.id = b.fk
1111      LEFT JOIN items v ON v.guid = b.guid
1112      WHERE v.guid IS NULL AND
1113            p.guid <> :rootGuid AND
1114            b.syncStatus <> :syncStatus`,
1115      { smartBookmarkAnno: PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.SMART_BOOKMARKS_ANNO,
1116        rootGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid,
1117        syncStatus: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SYNC_STATUS.NORMAL });
1119    for await (let row of yieldingIterator(rows)) {
1120      let guid = row.getResultByName("guid");
1121      let content = BookmarkContent.fromRow(row);
1122      newLocalContents.set(guid, content);
1123    }
1125    let elapsedTime = Cu.now() - startTime;
1126    this.recordTelemetryEvent("mirror", "fetch", "newLocalContents",
1127                              { time: String(elapsedTime),
1128                                count: String(rows.length) });
1130    return newLocalContents;
1131  }
1133  /**
1134   * Builds a temporary table with the merge states of all nodes in the merged
1135   * tree, rewrites tag queries, and updates Places to match the merged tree.
1136   *
1137   * Conceptually, we examine the merge state of each item, and either keep the
1138   * complete local state, take the complete remote state, or apply a new
1139   * structure state and flag the item for reupload.
1140   *
1141   * Note that we update Places and flag items *before* upload, while iOS
1142   * updates the mirror *after* a successful upload. This simplifies our
1143   * implementation, though we lose idempotent merges. If upload is interrupted,
1144   * the next sync won't distinguish between new merge states from the previous
1145   * sync, and local changes. Since this is how Desktop behaved before
1146   * structured application, that's OK. In the future, we can make this more
1147   * like iOS.
1148   *
1149   * @param {MergedBookmarkNode} mergedRoot
1150   *        The root of the merged bookmark tree.
1151   * @param {Object[]} localDeletions
1152   *        `{ guid, level }` tuples for items to remove from Places and flag as
1153   *        merged.
1154   * @param {String[]} remoteDeletions
1155   *        Remotely deleted GUIDs that should be flagged as merged.
1156   */
1157  async updateLocalItemsInPlaces(mergedRoot, localDeletions, remoteDeletions) {
1158    MirrorLog.debug("Setting up merge states table");
1159    let mergeStatesParams = Array.from(mergedRoot.mergeStatesParams());
1160    if (mergeStatesParams.length) {
1161      await this.db.execute(`
1162        INSERT INTO mergeStates(localGuid, mergedGuid, parentGuid, level,
1163                                position, valueState, structureState)
1164        VALUES(IFNULL(:localGuid, :mergedGuid), :mergedGuid, :parentGuid,
1165               :level, :position, :valueState, :structureState)`,
1166        mergeStatesParams);
1167    }
1169    MirrorLog.debug("Rewriting tag queries in mirror");
1170    await this.rewriteRemoteTagQueries();
1172    MirrorLog.debug("Inserting new URLs into Places");
1173    await this.db.execute(`
1174      INSERT OR IGNORE INTO moz_places(url, url_hash, rev_host, hidden,
1175                                       frecency, guid)
1176      SELECT u.url, u.hash, u.revHost, 0,
1177             (CASE v.kind WHEN :queryKind THEN 0 ELSE -1 END),
1178             IFNULL((SELECT h.guid FROM moz_places h
1179                     WHERE h.url_hash = u.hash AND
1180                           h.url = u.url), u.guid)
1181      FROM items v
1182      JOIN urls u ON u.id = v.urlId
1183      JOIN mergeStates r ON r.mergedGuid = v.guid
1184      WHERE r.valueState = :valueState`,
1185      { queryKind: SyncedBookmarksMirror.KIND.QUERY,
1186        valueState: BookmarkMergeState.TYPE.REMOTE });
1187    await this.db.execute(`DELETE FROM moz_updatehostsinsert_temp`);
1189    // Deleting from `itemsToMerge` fires the `insertNewLocalItems` and
1190    // `updateExistingLocalItems` triggers.
1191    MirrorLog.debug("Updating value states for local bookmarks");
1192    await this.db.execute(`DELETE FROM itemsToMerge`);
1194    // Update the structure. The mirror stores structure info in a separate
1195    // table, like iOS, while Places stores structure info on children. We don't
1196    // check the parent's merge state here because our merged tree might
1197    // diverge from the server if we're missing children, or moved children
1198    // without parents to "unfiled". In that case, we *don't* want to reupload
1199    // the new local structure to the server.
1200    MirrorLog.debug("Updating structure states for local bookmarks");
1201    await this.db.execute(`DELETE FROM structureToMerge`);
1203    MirrorLog.debug("Removing remotely deleted items from Places");
1204    for (let chunk of PlacesSyncUtils.chunkArray(localDeletions,
1207      let guids = chunk.map(({ guid }) => guid);
1209      // Record item removed notifications.
1210      await this.db.execute(`
1211        WITH
1212        guidsWithLevelsToDelete(guid, level) AS (
1213          VALUES ${chunk.map(({ level }) => `(?, ${level})`).join(",")}
1214        )
1215        INSERT INTO itemsRemoved(itemId, parentId, position, type, placeId,
1216                                 guid, parentGuid, level)
1217        SELECT b.id, b.parent, b.position, b.type, b.fk, b.guid, p.guid,
1218               o.level
1219        FROM moz_bookmarks b
1220        JOIN moz_bookmarks p ON p.id = b.parent
1221        JOIN guidsWithLevelsToDelete o ON o.guid = b.guid`,
1222        guids);
1224      // Recalculate frecencies. The `isUntagging` check is a formality, since
1225      // tags shouldn't have annos or tombstones, should not appear in local
1226      // deletions, and should not affect frecency. This can go away with
1227      // bug 1293445.
1228      await this.db.execute(`
1229        UPDATE moz_places SET
1230          frecency = -1
1231        WHERE id IN (SELECT placeId FROM itemsRemoved
1232                     WHERE NOT isUntagging)`);
1234      // Remove annos for the deleted items.
1235      await this.db.execute(`
1236        DELETE FROM moz_items_annos
1237        WHERE item_id IN (SELECT itemId FROM itemsRemoved
1238                          WHERE NOT isUntagging)`);
1240      // Remove any local tombstones for deleted items.
1241      await this.db.execute(`
1242        DELETE FROM moz_bookmarks_deleted
1243        WHERE guid IN (SELECT guid FROM itemsRemoved)`);
1245      await this.db.execute(`
1246        DELETE FROM moz_bookmarks
1247        WHERE id IN (SELECT itemId FROM itemsRemoved
1248                     WHERE NOT isUntagging)`);
1250      // Flag locally deleted items as merged.
1251      await this.db.execute(`
1252        UPDATE items SET
1253          needsMerge = 0
1254        WHERE needsMerge AND
1255              guid IN (SELECT guid FROM itemsRemoved
1256                       WHERE NOT isUntagging)`);
1257    }
1259    MirrorLog.debug("Flagging remotely deleted items as merged");
1260    for (let chunk of PlacesSyncUtils.chunkArray(remoteDeletions,
1263      await this.db.execute(`
1264        UPDATE items SET
1265          needsMerge = 0
1266        WHERE needsMerge AND
1267              guid IN (${new Array(chunk.length).fill("?").join(",")})`,
1268        chunk);
1269    }
1270  }
1272  /**
1273   * Creates local tag folders mentioned in remotely changed tag queries, then
1274   * rewrites the query URLs in the mirror to point to the new local folders.
1275   *
1276   * For example, an incoming tag query of, say, "place:type=6&folder=3" means
1277   * it is a query for whatever tag is defined by the local record with id=3
1278   * (and the incoming record has the actual tag in the folderName field).
1279   * We need to ensure that the URL is adjusted so the folder ID refers to
1280   * whatever local folder ID represents that tag.
1281   *
1282   * This can be removed once bug 1293445 lands.
1283   */
1284  async rewriteRemoteTagQueries() {
1285    // Create local tag folders that don't already exist. This fires the
1286    // `tagLocalPlace` trigger.
1287    await this.db.execute(`
1288      INSERT INTO localTags(tag)
1289      SELECT v.tagFolderName FROM items v
1290      JOIN mergeStates r ON r.mergedGuid = v.guid
1291      WHERE r.valueState = :valueState AND
1292            v.tagFolderName NOT NULL`,
1293      { valueState: BookmarkMergeState.TYPE.REMOTE });
1295    let queryRows = await this.db.execute(`
1296      SELECT u.id AS urlId, u.url, b.id AS newTagFolderId FROM urls u
1297      JOIN items v ON v.urlId = u.id
1298      JOIN mergeStates r ON r.mergedGuid = v.guid
1299      JOIN moz_bookmarks b ON b.title = v.tagFolderName
1300      JOIN moz_bookmarks p ON p.id = b.parent
1301      WHERE p.guid = :tagsGuid AND
1302            r.valueState = :valueState AND
1303            v.kind = :queryKind AND
1304            v.tagFolderName NOT NULL`,
1305      { tagsGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.tagsGuid,
1306        valueState: BookmarkMergeState.TYPE.REMOTE,
1307        queryKind: SyncedBookmarksMirror.KIND.QUERY });
1309    let urlsParams = [];
1310    for (let row of queryRows) {
1311      let url = new URL(row.getResultByName("url"));
1312      let tagQueryParams = new URLSearchParams(url.pathname);
1313      let type = Number(tagQueryParams.get("type"));
1314      if (type != Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.RESULTS_AS_TAG_CONTENTS) {
1315        continue;
1316      }
1318      // Rewrite the query URL to point to the new folder.
1319      let newTagFolderId = row.getResultByName("newTagFolderId");
1320      tagQueryParams.set("folder", newTagFolderId);
1322      let newURLHref = url.protocol + tagQueryParams;
1323      urlsParams.push({
1324        urlId: row.getResultByName("urlId"),
1325        url: newURLHref,
1326      });
1327    }
1329    if (urlsParams.length) {
1330      await this.db.execute(`
1331        UPDATE urls SET
1332          url = :url,
1333          hash = hash(:url)
1334        WHERE id = :urlId`,
1335        urlsParams);
1336    }
1337  }
1339  /**
1340   * Records Places observer notifications for removed, added, moved, and
1341   * changed items.
1342   *
1343   * @param {BookmarkObserverRecorder} observersToNotify
1344   */
1345  async noteObserverChanges(observersToNotify) {
1346    MirrorLog.debug("Recording observer notifications for removed items");
1347    // `ORDER BY v.level DESC` sorts deleted children before parents, to ensure
1348    // that we update caches in the correct order (bug 1297941). We also order
1349    // by parent and position so that the notifications are well-ordered for
1350    // tests.
1351    let removedItemRows = await this.db.execute(`
1352      SELECT v.itemId AS id, v.parentId, v.parentGuid, v.position, v.type,
1353             h.url, v.guid, v.isUntagging
1354      FROM itemsRemoved v
1355      LEFT JOIN moz_places h ON h.id = v.placeId
1356      ORDER BY v.level DESC, v.parentId, v.position`);
1357    for await (let row of yieldingIterator(removedItemRows)) {
1358      let info = {
1359        id: row.getResultByName("id"),
1360        parentId: row.getResultByName("parentId"),
1361        position: row.getResultByName("position"),
1362        type: row.getResultByName("type"),
1363        urlHref: row.getResultByName("url"),
1364        guid: row.getResultByName("guid"),
1365        parentGuid: row.getResultByName("parentGuid"),
1366        isUntagging: row.getResultByName("isUntagging"),
1367      };
1368      observersToNotify.noteItemRemoved(info);
1369    }
1371    MirrorLog.debug("Recording observer notifications for changed GUIDs");
1372    let changedGuidRows = await this.db.execute(`
1373      SELECT b.id, b.lastModified, b.type, b.guid AS newGuid,
1374             c.oldGuid, p.id AS parentId, p.guid AS parentGuid
1375      FROM guidsChanged c
1376      JOIN moz_bookmarks b ON b.id = c.itemId
1377      JOIN moz_bookmarks p ON p.id = b.parent
1378      ORDER BY c.level, p.id, b.position`);
1379    for await (let row of yieldingIterator(changedGuidRows)) {
1380      let info = {
1381        id: row.getResultByName("id"),
1382        lastModified: row.getResultByName("lastModified"),
1383        type: row.getResultByName("type"),
1384        newGuid: row.getResultByName("newGuid"),
1385        oldGuid: row.getResultByName("oldGuid"),
1386        parentId: row.getResultByName("parentId"),
1387        parentGuid: row.getResultByName("parentGuid"),
1388      };
1389      observersToNotify.noteGuidChanged(info);
1390    }
1392    MirrorLog.debug("Recording observer notifications for new items");
1393    let newItemRows = await this.db.execute(`
1394      SELECT b.id, p.id AS parentId, b.position, b.type, h.url,
1395             IFNULL(b.title, "") AS title, b.dateAdded, b.guid,
1396             p.guid AS parentGuid, n.isTagging
1397      FROM itemsAdded n
1398      JOIN moz_bookmarks b ON b.guid = n.guid
1399      JOIN moz_bookmarks p ON p.id = b.parent
1400      LEFT JOIN moz_places h ON h.id = b.fk
1401      ORDER BY n.level, p.id, b.position`);
1402    for await (let row of yieldingIterator(newItemRows)) {
1403      let info = {
1404        id: row.getResultByName("id"),
1405        parentId: row.getResultByName("parentId"),
1406        position: row.getResultByName("position"),
1407        type: row.getResultByName("type"),
1408        urlHref: row.getResultByName("url"),
1409        title: row.getResultByName("title"),
1410        dateAdded: row.getResultByName("dateAdded"),
1411        guid: row.getResultByName("guid"),
1412        parentGuid: row.getResultByName("parentGuid"),
1413        isTagging: row.getResultByName("isTagging"),
1414      };
1415      observersToNotify.noteItemAdded(info);
1416    }
1418    MirrorLog.debug("Recording observer notifications for moved items");
1419    let movedItemRows = await this.db.execute(`
1420      SELECT b.id, b.guid, b.type, p.id AS newParentId, c.oldParentId,
1421             p.guid AS newParentGuid, c.oldParentGuid,
1422             b.position AS newPosition, c.oldPosition
1423      FROM itemsMoved c
1424      JOIN moz_bookmarks b ON b.id = c.itemId
1425      JOIN moz_bookmarks p ON p.id = b.parent
1426      ORDER BY c.level, newParentId, newPosition`);
1427    for await (let row of yieldingIterator(movedItemRows)) {
1428      let info = {
1429        id: row.getResultByName("id"),
1430        guid: row.getResultByName("guid"),
1431        type: row.getResultByName("type"),
1432        newParentId: row.getResultByName("newParentId"),
1433        oldParentId: row.getResultByName("oldParentId"),
1434        newParentGuid: row.getResultByName("newParentGuid"),
1435        oldParentGuid: row.getResultByName("oldParentGuid"),
1436        newPosition: row.getResultByName("newPosition"),
1437        oldPosition: row.getResultByName("oldPosition"),
1438      };
1439      observersToNotify.noteItemMoved(info);
1440    }
1442    MirrorLog.debug("Recording observer notifications for changed items");
1443    let changedItemRows = await this.db.execute(`
1444      SELECT b.id, b.guid, b.lastModified, b.type,
1445             IFNULL(b.title, "") AS newTitle,
1446             IFNULL(c.oldTitle, "") AS oldTitle,
1447             h.url AS newURL, i.url AS oldURL,
1448             p.id AS parentId, p.guid AS parentGuid
1449      FROM itemsChanged c
1450      JOIN moz_bookmarks b ON b.id = c.itemId
1451      JOIN moz_bookmarks p ON p.id = b.parent
1452      LEFT JOIN moz_places h ON h.id = b.fk
1453      LEFT JOIN moz_places i ON i.id = c.oldPlaceId
1454      ORDER BY c.level, p.id, b.position`);
1455    for await (let row of yieldingIterator(changedItemRows)) {
1456      let info = {
1457        id: row.getResultByName("id"),
1458        guid: row.getResultByName("guid"),
1459        lastModified: row.getResultByName("lastModified"),
1460        type: row.getResultByName("type"),
1461        newTitle: row.getResultByName("newTitle"),
1462        oldTitle: row.getResultByName("oldTitle"),
1463        newURLHref: row.getResultByName("newURL"),
1464        oldURLHref: row.getResultByName("oldURL"),
1465        parentId: row.getResultByName("parentId"),
1466        parentGuid: row.getResultByName("parentGuid"),
1467      };
1468      observersToNotify.noteItemChanged(info);
1469    }
1471    MirrorLog.debug("Recording observer notifications for changed annos");
1472    let annoRows = await this.db.execute(`
1473      SELECT itemId, annoName, wasRemoved FROM annosChanged
1474      ORDER BY itemId`);
1475    for await (let row of yieldingIterator(annoRows)) {
1476      let id = row.getResultByName("itemId");
1477      let name = row.getResultByName("annoName");
1478      if (row.getResultByName("wasRemoved")) {
1479        observersToNotify.noteAnnoRemoved(id, name);
1480      } else {
1481        observersToNotify.noteAnnoSet(id, name);
1482      }
1483    }
1485    MirrorLog.debug("Recording notifications for changed keywords");
1486    let keywordsChangedRows = await this.db.execute(`
1487      SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM itemsAdded WHERE keywordChanged) OR
1488             EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM itemsChanged WHERE keywordChanged)
1489             AS keywordsChanged`);
1490    observersToNotify.shouldInvalidateKeywords =
1491      !!keywordsChangedRows[0].getResultByName("keywordsChanged");
1492  }
1494  /**
1495   * Stores a snapshot of all locally changed items in a temporary table for
1496   * upload. This is called from within the merge transaction, to ensure that
1497   * structure changes made during the sync don't cause us to upload an
1498   * inconsistent tree.
1499   *
1500   * For an example of why we use a temporary table instead of reading directly
1501   * from Places, consider a user adding a bookmark, then changing its parent
1502   * folder. We first add the bookmark to the default folder, bump the change
1503   * counter of the new bookmark and the default folder, then trigger a sync.
1504   * Depending on how quickly the user picks the new parent, we might upload
1505   * a record for the default folder, commit the move, then upload the bookmark.
1506   * We'll still upload the new parent on the next sync, but, in the meantime,
1507   * we've introduced a parent-child disagreement. This can also happen if the
1508   * user moves many items between folders.
1509   *
1510   * Conceptually, `itemsToUpload` is a transient "view" of locally changed
1511   * items. The change counter in Places is the persistent record of items that
1512   * we need to upload, so, if upload is interrupted or fails, we'll stage the
1513   * items again on the next sync.
1514   *
1515   * @param  {String[]} weakUpload
1516   *         GUIDs of bookmarks to weakly upload.
1517   */
1518  async stageItemsToUpload(weakUpload) {
1519    // Stage explicit weak uploads such as repair responses.
1520    for (let chunk of PlacesSyncUtils.chunkArray(weakUpload,
1522      await this.db.execute(`
1523        INSERT INTO itemsToWeaklyReupload(id)
1524        SELECT b.id FROM moz_bookmarks b
1525        WHERE b.guid IN (${new Array(chunk.length).fill("?").join(",")})`,
1526        chunk);
1527    }
1529    // Stage remotely changed items with older local creation dates. These are
1530    // tracked "weakly": if the upload is interrupted or fails, we won't
1531    // reupload the record on the next sync.
1532    await this.db.execute(`
1533      INSERT OR IGNORE INTO itemsToWeaklyReupload(id)
1534      SELECT b.id FROM moz_bookmarks b
1535      JOIN mergeStates r ON r.mergedGuid = b.guid
1536      JOIN items v ON v.guid = r.mergedGuid
1537      WHERE r.valueState = :valueState AND
1538            /* "b.dateAdded" is in microseconds; "v.dateAdded" is in
1539               milliseconds. */
1540            b.dateAdded / 1000 < v.dateAdded`,
1541      { valueState: BookmarkMergeState.TYPE.REMOTE });
1543    // Stage remaining locally changed items for upload.
1544    await this.db.execute(`
1546      syncedItems(id, level) AS (
1547        SELECT b.id, 0 AS level FROM moz_bookmarks b
1548        WHERE b.guid IN (:menuGuid, :toolbarGuid, :unfiledGuid, :mobileGuid)
1549        UNION ALL
1550        SELECT b.id, s.level + 1 AS level FROM moz_bookmarks b
1551        JOIN syncedItems s ON s.id = b.parent
1552      )
1553      INSERT INTO itemsToUpload(id, guid, syncChangeCounter, parentGuid,
1554                                parentTitle, dateAdded, type, title, isQuery,
1555                                url, tags, description, loadInSidebar,
1556                                smartBookmarkName, keyword, feedURL, siteURL,
1557                                position)
1558      SELECT b.id, b.guid, b.syncChangeCounter, p.guid, p.title,
1559             b.dateAdded / 1000, b.type, b.title,
1560             IFNULL(SUBSTR(h.url, 1, 6) = 'place:', 0), h.url,
1561             (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(t.title, ',') FROM moz_bookmarks e
1562              JOIN moz_bookmarks t ON t.id = e.parent
1563              JOIN moz_bookmarks r ON r.id = t.parent
1564              WHERE b.type = :bookmarkType AND
1565                    r.guid = :tagsGuid AND
1566                    e.fk = h.id),
1567             (SELECT a.content FROM moz_items_annos a
1568              JOIN moz_anno_attributes n ON n.id = a.anno_attribute_id
1569              WHERE b.type IN (:bookmarkType, :folderType) AND
1570                    a.item_id = b.id AND
1571                    n.name = :descriptionAnno),
1572             IFNULL((SELECT a.content FROM moz_items_annos a
1573                     JOIN moz_anno_attributes n ON n.id = a.anno_attribute_id
1574                     WHERE a.item_id = b.id AND
1575                           n.name = :sidebarAnno), 0),
1576             (SELECT a.content FROM moz_items_annos a
1577              JOIN moz_anno_attributes n ON n.id = a.anno_attribute_id
1578              WHERE a.item_id = b.id AND
1579                    n.name = :smartBookmarkAnno),
1580             (SELECT keyword FROM moz_keywords WHERE place_id = h.id),
1581             (SELECT a.content FROM moz_items_annos a
1582              JOIN moz_anno_attributes n ON n.id = a.anno_attribute_id
1583              WHERE b.type = :folderType AND
1584                    a.item_id = b.id AND
1585                    n.name = :feedURLAnno),
1586             (SELECT a.content FROM moz_items_annos a
1587              JOIN moz_anno_attributes n ON n.id = a.anno_attribute_id
1588              WHERE b.type = :folderType AND
1589                    a.item_id = b.id AND
1590                    n.name = :siteURLAnno),
1591             b.position
1592      FROM moz_bookmarks b
1593      JOIN moz_bookmarks p ON p.id = b.parent
1594      JOIN syncedItems s ON s.id = b.id
1595      LEFT JOIN moz_places h ON h.id = b.fk
1596      LEFT JOIN itemsToWeaklyReupload w ON w.id = b.id
1597      WHERE b.syncChangeCounter >= 1 OR
1598            w.id NOT NULL`,
1599      { menuGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
1600        toolbarGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid,
1601        unfiledGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
1602        mobileGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.mobileGuid,
1603        bookmarkType: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK,
1604        tagsGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.tagsGuid,
1605        descriptionAnno: PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.DESCRIPTION_ANNO,
1606        sidebarAnno: PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.SIDEBAR_ANNO,
1607        smartBookmarkAnno: PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.SMART_BOOKMARKS_ANNO,
1608        folderType: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER,
1609        feedURLAnno: PlacesUtils.LMANNO_FEEDURI,
1610        siteURLAnno: PlacesUtils.LMANNO_SITEURI });
1612    // Record tag folder names for tag queries. Parsing query URLs one by one
1613    // is inefficient, but queries aren't common today, and we can remove this
1614    // logic entirely once bug 1293445 lands.
1615    let queryRows = await this.db.execute(`
1616      SELECT id, url FROM itemsToUpload
1617      WHERE isQuery`);
1619    let tagFolderNameParams = [];
1620    for (let row of queryRows) {
1621      let url = new URL(row.getResultByName("url"));
1622      let tagQueryParams = new URLSearchParams(url.pathname);
1623      let type = Number(tagQueryParams.get("type"));
1624      if (type == Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.RESULTS_AS_TAG_CONTENTS) {
1625        continue;
1626      }
1627      let tagFolderId = Number(tagQueryParams.get("folder"));
1628      tagFolderNameParams.push({
1629        id: row.getResultByName("id"),
1630        tagFolderId,
1631        folderType: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER,
1632      });
1633    }
1635    if (tagFolderNameParams.length) {
1636      await this.db.execute(`
1637        UPDATE itemsToUpload SET
1638          tagFolderName = (SELECT b.title FROM moz_bookmarks b
1639                           WHERE b.id = :tagFolderId AND
1640                                 b.type = :folderType)
1641        WHERE id = :id`, tagFolderNameParams);
1642    }
1644    // Record the child GUIDs of locally changed folders, which we use to
1645    // populate the `children` array in the record.
1646    await this.db.execute(`
1647      INSERT INTO structureToUpload(guid, parentId, position)
1648      SELECT b.guid, b.parent, b.position FROM moz_bookmarks b
1649      JOIN itemsToUpload o ON o.id = b.parent`);
1651    // Finally, stage tombstones for deleted items. Ignore conflicts if we have
1652    // tombstones for undeleted items; Places Maintenance should clean these up.
1653    await this.db.execute(`
1654      INSERT OR IGNORE INTO itemsToUpload(guid, syncChangeCounter, isDeleted,
1655                                          dateAdded)
1656      SELECT guid, 1, 1, dateRemoved / 1000 FROM moz_bookmarks_deleted`);
1657  }
1659  /**
1660   * Inflates Sync records for all staged outgoing items.
1661   *
1662   * @return {Object.<String, BookmarkChangeRecord>}
1663   *         A changeset containing Sync record cleartexts for outgoing items
1664   *         and tombstones, keyed by their Sync record IDs.
1665   */
1666  async fetchLocalChangeRecords() {
1667    let changeRecords = {};
1668    let childRecordIdsByLocalParentId = new Map();
1670    let childGuidRows = await this.db.execute(`
1671      SELECT parentId, guid FROM structureToUpload
1672      ORDER BY parentId, position`);
1674    for (let row of childGuidRows) {
1675      let localParentId = row.getResultByName("parentId");
1676      let childRecordId = PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.guidToRecordId(
1677        row.getResultByName("guid"));
1678      if (childRecordIdsByLocalParentId.has(localParentId)) {
1679        let childRecordIds = childRecordIdsByLocalParentId.get(localParentId);
1680        childRecordIds.push(childRecordId);
1681      } else {
1682        childRecordIdsByLocalParentId.set(localParentId, [childRecordId]);
1683      }
1684    }
1686    let itemRows = await this.db.execute(`
1687      SELECT id, syncChangeCounter, guid, isDeleted, type, isQuery,
1688             smartBookmarkName, tagFolderName,
1689             loadInSidebar, keyword, tags, url, IFNULL(title, "") AS title,
1690             description, feedURL, siteURL, position, parentGuid,
1691             IFNULL(parentTitle, "") AS parentTitle, dateAdded
1692      FROM itemsToUpload`);
1694    for await (let row of yieldingIterator(itemRows)) {
1695      let syncChangeCounter = row.getResultByName("syncChangeCounter");
1697      let guid = row.getResultByName("guid");
1698      let recordId = PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.guidToRecordId(guid);
1700      // Tombstones don't carry additional properties.
1701      let isDeleted = row.getResultByName("isDeleted");
1702      if (isDeleted) {
1703        changeRecords[recordId] = new BookmarkChangeRecord(syncChangeCounter, {
1704          id: recordId,
1705          deleted: true,
1706        });
1707        continue;
1708      }
1710      let parentGuid = row.getResultByName("parentGuid");
1711      let parentRecordId = PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.guidToRecordId(parentGuid);
1713      let type = row.getResultByName("type");
1714      switch (type) {
1715        case PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK: {
1716          let isQuery = row.getResultByName("isQuery");
1717          if (isQuery) {
1718            let queryCleartext = {
1719              id: recordId,
1720              type: "query",
1721              // We ignore `parentid` and use the parent's `children`, but older
1722              // Desktops and Android use `parentid` as the canonical parent.
1723              // iOS is stricter and requires both `children` and `parentid` to
1724              // match.
1725              parentid: parentRecordId,
1726              // Older Desktops use `hasDupe` (along with `parentName` for
1727              // deduping), if hasDupe is true, then they won't attempt deduping
1728              // (since they believe that a duplicate for this record should
1729              // exist). We set it to true to prevent them from applying their
1730              // deduping logic.
1731              hasDupe: true,
1732              parentName: row.getResultByName("parentTitle"),
1733              // Omit `dateAdded` from the record if it's not set locally.
1734              dateAdded: row.getResultByName("dateAdded") || undefined,
1735              bmkUri: row.getResultByName("url"),
1736              title: row.getResultByName("title"),
1737              queryId: row.getResultByName("smartBookmarkName"),
1738              // folderName should never be an empty string or null
1739              folderName: row.getResultByName("tagFolderName") || undefined,
1740            };
1741            let description = row.getResultByName("description");
1742            if (description) {
1743              queryCleartext.description = description;
1744            }
1745            changeRecords[recordId] = new BookmarkChangeRecord(
1746              syncChangeCounter, queryCleartext);
1747            continue;
1748          }
1750          let bookmarkCleartext = {
1751            id: recordId,
1752            type: "bookmark",
1753            parentid: parentRecordId,
1754            hasDupe: true,
1755            parentName: row.getResultByName("parentTitle"),
1756            dateAdded: row.getResultByName("dateAdded") || undefined,
1757            bmkUri: row.getResultByName("url"),
1758            title: row.getResultByName("title"),
1759          };
1760          let description = row.getResultByName("description");
1761          if (description) {
1762            bookmarkCleartext.description = description;
1763          }
1764          let loadInSidebar = row.getResultByName("loadInSidebar");
1765          if (loadInSidebar) {
1766            bookmarkCleartext.loadInSidebar = true;
1767          }
1768          let keyword = row.getResultByName("keyword");
1769          if (keyword) {
1770            bookmarkCleartext.keyword = keyword;
1771          }
1772          let tags = row.getResultByName("tags");
1773          if (tags) {
1774            bookmarkCleartext.tags = tags.split(",");
1775          }
1776          changeRecords[recordId] = new BookmarkChangeRecord(
1777            syncChangeCounter, bookmarkCleartext);
1778          continue;
1779        }
1781        case PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER: {
1782          let feedURLHref = row.getResultByName("feedURL");
1783          if (feedURLHref) {
1784            // Places stores livemarks as folders with feed and site URL annos.
1785            // See bug 1072833 for discussion about changing them to queries.
1786            let livemarkCleartext = {
1787              id: recordId,
1788              type: "livemark",
1789              parentid: parentRecordId,
1790              hasDupe: true,
1791              parentName: row.getResultByName("parentTitle"),
1792              dateAdded: row.getResultByName("dateAdded") || undefined,
1793              title: row.getResultByName("title"),
1794              feedUri: feedURLHref,
1795            };
1796            let description = row.getResultByName("description");
1797            if (description) {
1798              livemarkCleartext.description = description;
1799            }
1800            let siteURLHref = row.getResultByName("siteURL");
1801            if (siteURLHref) {
1802              livemarkCleartext.siteUri = siteURLHref;
1803            }
1804            changeRecords[recordId] = new BookmarkChangeRecord(
1805              syncChangeCounter, livemarkCleartext);
1806            continue;
1807          }
1809          let folderCleartext = {
1810            id: recordId,
1811            type: "folder",
1812            parentid: parentRecordId,
1813            hasDupe: true,
1814            parentName: row.getResultByName("parentTitle"),
1815            dateAdded: row.getResultByName("dateAdded") || undefined,
1816            title: row.getResultByName("title"),
1817          };
1818          let description = row.getResultByName("description");
1819          if (description) {
1820            folderCleartext.description = description;
1821          }
1822          let localId = row.getResultByName("id");
1823          let childRecordIds = childRecordIdsByLocalParentId.get(localId);
1824          folderCleartext.children = childRecordIds || [];
1825          changeRecords[recordId] = new BookmarkChangeRecord(
1826            syncChangeCounter, folderCleartext);
1827          continue;
1828        }
1830        case PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_SEPARATOR: {
1831          let separatorCleartext = {
1832            id: recordId,
1833            type: "separator",
1834            parentid: parentRecordId,
1835            hasDupe: true,
1836            parentName: row.getResultByName("parentTitle"),
1837            dateAdded: row.getResultByName("dateAdded") || undefined,
1838            // Older Desktops use `pos` for deduping.
1839            pos: row.getResultByName("position"),
1840          };
1841          changeRecords[recordId] = new BookmarkChangeRecord(
1842            syncChangeCounter, separatorCleartext);
1843          continue;
1844        }
1846        default:
1847          throw new TypeError("Can't create record for unknown Places item");
1848      }
1849    }
1851    return changeRecords;
1852  }
1854  /**
1855   * Closes the mirror database connection. This is called automatically on
1856   * shutdown, but may also be called explicitly when the mirror is no longer
1857   * needed.
1858   */
1859  finalize() {
1860    if (!this.finalizePromise) {
1861      this.finalizePromise = (async () => {
1862        await this.db.close();
1863        this.finalizeAt.removeBlocker(this.finalizeBound);
1864      })();
1865    }
1866    return this.finalizePromise;
1867  }
1870this.SyncedBookmarksMirror = SyncedBookmarksMirror;
1872/** Synced item kinds. Each corresponds to a Sync record type. */
1873SyncedBookmarksMirror.KIND = {
1874  BOOKMARK: 1,
1875  QUERY: 2,
1876  FOLDER: 3,
1877  LIVEMARK: 4,
1878  SEPARATOR: 5,
1881/** Valid key types for the key-value `meta` table. */
1882SyncedBookmarksMirror.META = {
1883  MODIFIED: 1,
1887 * An error thrown when the merge can't proceed because the local or remote
1888 * tree is inconsistent.
1889 */
1890SyncedBookmarksMirror.ConsistencyError =
1891  class ConsistencyError extends Error {};
1893// Indicates if the mirror should be replaced because the database file is
1894// corrupt.
1895function isDatabaseCorrupt(error) {
1896  return error instanceof Ci.mozIStorageError &&
1897         (error.result == Ci.mozIStorageError.CORRUPT ||
1898          error.result == Ci.mozIStorageError.NOTADB);
1902 * Migrates the mirror database schema to the latest version.
1903 *
1904 * @param {Sqlite.OpenedConnection} db
1905 *        The mirror database connection.
1906 */
1907async function migrateMirrorSchema(db) {
1908  let currentSchemaVersion = await db.getSchemaVersion("mirror");
1909  if (currentSchemaVersion < 1) {
1910    await initializeMirrorDatabase(db);
1911  }
1912  // Downgrading from a newer profile to an older profile rolls back the
1913  // schema version, but leaves all new columns in place. We'll run the
1914  // migration logic again on the next upgrade.
1915  await db.setSchemaVersion(MIRROR_SCHEMA_VERSION, "mirror");
1919 * Initializes a new mirror database, creating persistent tables, indexes, and
1920 * roots.
1921 *
1922 * @param {Sqlite.OpenedConnection} db
1923 *        The mirror database connection.
1924 */
1925async function initializeMirrorDatabase(db) {
1926  // Key-value metadata table. Currently stores just the server collection
1927  // last modified time.
1928  await db.execute(`CREATE TABLE mirror.meta(
1930    value NOT NULL
1931    CHECK(key = ${SyncedBookmarksMirror.META.MODIFIED})
1932  )`);
1934  await db.execute(`CREATE TABLE mirror.items(
1936    guid TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL,
1937    /* The server modified time, in milliseconds. */
1938    serverModified INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
1939    needsMerge BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
1940    isDeleted BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
1942    /* The creation date, in milliseconds. */
1943    dateAdded INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
1944    title TEXT,
1945    urlId INTEGER REFERENCES urls(id)
1946                  ON DELETE SET NULL,
1947    keyword TEXT,
1948    tagFolderName TEXT,
1949    description TEXT,
1950    loadInSidebar BOOLEAN,
1951    smartBookmarkName TEXT,
1952    feedURL TEXT,
1953    siteURL TEXT,
1954    /* Only bookmarks and queries must have URLs. */
1955    CHECK(CASE WHEN kind IN (${[
1956                      SyncedBookmarksMirror.KIND.BOOKMARK,
1957                      SyncedBookmarksMirror.KIND.QUERY,
1958                    ].join(",")}) THEN urlId NOT NULL
1959               ELSE urlId IS NULL END)
1960  )`);
1962  await db.execute(`CREATE TABLE mirror.structure(
1964    parentGuid TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES items(guid)
1965                             ON DELETE CASCADE,
1966    position INTEGER NOT NULL
1967  ) WITHOUT ROWID`);
1969  await db.execute(`CREATE TABLE mirror.urls(
1971    guid TEXT NOT NULL,
1972    url TEXT NOT NULL,
1973    hash INTEGER NOT NULL,
1974    revHost TEXT NOT NULL
1975  )`);
1977  await db.execute(`CREATE TABLE mirror.tags(
1978    itemId INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES items(id)
1979                            ON DELETE CASCADE,
1980    tag TEXT NOT NULL
1981  )`);
1983  await db.execute(`CREATE INDEX mirror.urlHashes ON urls(hash)`);
1985  await createMirrorRoots(db);
1989 * Sets up the syncable roots. All items in the mirror should descend from these
1990 * roots. If we ever add new syncable roots to Places, this function should also
1991 * be updated to create them in the mirror.
1992 *
1993 * @param {Sqlite.OpenedConnection} db
1994 *        The mirror database connection.
1995 */
1996async function createMirrorRoots(db) {
1997  const syncableRoots = [{
1998    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid,
1999    // The Places root is its own parent, to satisfy the foreign key and
2000    // `NOT NULL` constraints on `structure`.
2001    parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid,
2002    position: -1,
2003    needsMerge: false,
2004  }, {
2005    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
2006    parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid,
2007    position: 0,
2008    needsMerge: true,
2009  }, {
2010    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid,
2011    parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid,
2012    position: 1,
2013    needsMerge: true,
2014  }, {
2015    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
2016    parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid,
2017    position: 2,
2018    needsMerge: true,
2019  }, {
2020    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.mobileGuid,
2021    parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid,
2022    position: 3,
2023    needsMerge: true,
2024  }];
2025  for (let { guid, parentGuid, position, needsMerge } of syncableRoots) {
2026    await db.executeCached(`
2027      INSERT INTO items(guid, kind, needsMerge)
2028      VALUES(:guid, :kind, :needsMerge)`,
2029      { guid, kind: SyncedBookmarksMirror.KIND.FOLDER, needsMerge });
2031    await db.executeCached(`
2032      INSERT INTO structure(guid, parentGuid, position)
2033      VALUES(:guid, :parentGuid, :position)`,
2034      { guid, parentGuid, position });
2035  }
2039 * Creates temporary tables, views, and triggers to apply the mirror to Places.
2040 *
2041 * The bulk of the logic to apply all remotely changed items is defined in
2042 * `INSTEAD OF DELETE` triggers on the `itemsToMerge` and `structureToMerge`
2043 * views. When we execute `DELETE FROM newRemote{Items, Structure}`, SQLite
2044 * fires the triggers for each row in the view. This is equivalent to, but more
2045 * efficient than, issuing `SELECT * FROM newRemote{Items, Structure}`,
2046 * followed by separate `INSERT` and `UPDATE` statements.
2047 *
2048 * Using triggers to execute all these statements avoids the overhead of passing
2049 * results between the storage and main threads, and wrapping each result row in
2050 * a `mozStorageRow` object.
2051 *
2052 * @param {Sqlite.OpenedConnection} db
2053 *        The mirror database connection.
2054 */
2055async function initializeTempMirrorEntities(db) {
2056  // Columns in `items` that correspond to annos stored in `moz_items_annos`.
2057  // We use this table to build SQL fragments for the `insertNewLocalItems` and
2058  // `updateExistingLocalItems` triggers below.
2059  const syncedAnnoTriggers = [{
2060    annoName: PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.DESCRIPTION_ANNO,
2061    columnName: "newDescription",
2062    type: PlacesUtils.annotations.TYPE_STRING,
2063  }, {
2064    annoName: PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.SIDEBAR_ANNO,
2065    columnName: "newLoadInSidebar",
2066    type: PlacesUtils.annotations.TYPE_INT32,
2067  }, {
2068    annoName: PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.SMART_BOOKMARKS_ANNO,
2069    columnName: "newSmartBookmarkName",
2070    type: PlacesUtils.annotations.TYPE_STRING,
2071  }, {
2072    annoName: PlacesUtils.LMANNO_FEEDURI,
2073    columnName: "newFeedURL",
2074    type: PlacesUtils.annotations.TYPE_STRING,
2075  }, {
2076    annoName: PlacesUtils.LMANNO_SITEURI,
2077    columnName: "newSiteURL",
2078    type: PlacesUtils.annotations.TYPE_STRING,
2079  }];
2081  // Stores the value and structure states of all nodes in the merged tree.
2082  await db.execute(`CREATE TEMP TABLE mergeStates(
2083    localGuid TEXT NOT NULL,
2084    mergedGuid TEXT NOT NULL,
2085    parentGuid TEXT NOT NULL,
2086    level INTEGER NOT NULL,
2087    position INTEGER NOT NULL,
2088    valueState INTEGER NOT NULL,
2089    structureState INTEGER NOT NULL,
2090    PRIMARY KEY(localGuid, mergedGuid)
2091  ) WITHOUT ROWID`);
2093  // A view of the value states for all bookmarks in the mirror. We use triggers
2094  // on this view to update Places. Note that we can't just `REPLACE INTO
2095  // moz_bookmarks`, because `REPLACE` doesn't fire the `AFTER DELETE` triggers
2096  // that Places uses to maintain schema coherency.
2097  await db.execute(`
2098    CREATE TEMP VIEW itemsToMerge(localId, remoteId, hasRemoteValue, newLevel,
2099                                  oldGuid, newGuid, newType,
2100                                  newDateAddedMicroseconds, newTitle,
2101                                  oldPlaceId, newPlaceId, newKeyword,
2102                                  newDescription, newLoadInSidebar,
2103                                  newSmartBookmarkName, newFeedURL,
2104                                  newSiteURL) AS
2105    SELECT b.id, v.id, r.valueState = ${BookmarkMergeState.TYPE.REMOTE},
2106           r.level, r.localGuid, r.mergedGuid,
2107           (CASE WHEN v.kind IN (${[
2108                        SyncedBookmarksMirror.KIND.BOOKMARK,
2109                        SyncedBookmarksMirror.KIND.QUERY,
2110                      ].join(",")}) THEN ${PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK}
2111                 WHEN v.kind IN (${[
2112                        SyncedBookmarksMirror.KIND.FOLDER,
2113                        SyncedBookmarksMirror.KIND.LIVEMARK,
2114                      ].join(",")}) THEN ${PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER}
2115                 ELSE ${PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_SEPARATOR} END),
2116           /* Take the older creation date. "b.dateAdded" is in microseconds;
2117              "v.dateAdded" is in milliseconds. */
2118           (CASE WHEN b.dateAdded / 1000 < v.dateAdded THEN b.dateAdded
2119                 ELSE v.dateAdded * 1000 END),
2120           v.title, h.id, u.newPlaceId, v.keyword, v.description,
2121           v.loadInSidebar, v.smartBookmarkName, v.feedURL, v.siteURL
2122    FROM items v
2123    JOIN mergeStates r ON r.mergedGuid = v.guid
2124    LEFT JOIN moz_bookmarks b ON b.guid = r.localGuid
2125    LEFT JOIN moz_places h ON h.id = b.fk
2126    LEFT JOIN (
2127      SELECT h.id AS newPlaceId, u.id AS urlId
2128      FROM urls u
2129      JOIN moz_places h ON h.url_hash = u.hash AND
2130                           h.url = u.url
2131    ) u ON u.urlId = v.urlId
2132    WHERE r.mergedGuid <> '${PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid}'`);
2134  // Changes local GUIDs to remote GUIDs, drops local tombstones for revived
2135  // remote items, and flags remote items as merged. In the trigger body, `OLD`
2136  // refers to the row for the unmerged item in `itemsToMerge`.
2137  await db.execute(`
2138    CREATE TEMP TRIGGER mergeGuids
2139    INSTEAD OF DELETE ON itemsToMerge
2140    BEGIN
2141      /* We update GUIDs here, instead of in the "updateExistingLocalItems"
2142         trigger, because deduped items where we're keeping the local value
2143         state won't have "hasRemoteValue" set. */
2144      UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET
2145        guid = OLD.newGuid,
2146        syncStatus = ${PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SYNC_STATUS.NORMAL}
2147      WHERE OLD.oldGuid <> OLD.newGuid AND
2148            id = OLD.localId;
2150      /* Record item changed notifications for the updated GUIDs. */
2151      INSERT INTO guidsChanged(itemId, oldGuid, level)
2152      SELECT OLD.localId, OLD.oldGuid, OLD.newLevel
2153      WHERE OLD.oldGuid <> OLD.newGuid;
2155      /* Drop local tombstones for revived remote items. */
2156      DELETE FROM moz_bookmarks_deleted WHERE guid = OLD.newGuid;
2158      /* Flag the remote item as merged. */
2159      UPDATE items SET
2160        needsMerge = 0
2161      WHERE needsMerge AND
2162            id = OLD.remoteId;
2163    END`);
2165  // Inserts items from the mirror that don't exist locally.
2166  await db.execute(`
2167    CREATE TEMP TRIGGER insertNewLocalItems
2168    INSTEAD OF DELETE ON itemsToMerge WHEN OLD.localId IS NULL
2169    BEGIN
2170      /* Record an item added notification for the new item. */
2171      INSERT INTO itemsAdded(guid, keywordChanged, level)
2172      VALUES(OLD.newGuid, OLD.newKeyword NOT NULL OR
2173                          EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM moz_keywords
2174                                 WHERE place_id = OLD.newPlaceId OR
2175                                       keyword = OLD.newKeyword),
2176             OLD.newLevel);
2178      /* Sync associates keywords with bookmarks, and doesn't sync POST data;
2179         Places associates keywords with (URL, POST data) pairs, and multiple
2180         bookmarks may have the same URL. For simplicity, we bump the change
2181         counter for all local bookmarks with the remote URL (bug 1328737),
2182         then remove all local keywords from remote URLs, and the remote keyword
2183         from local URLs. */
2184      UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET
2185        syncChangeCounter = syncChangeCounter + 1
2186      WHERE fk IN (
2187        /* We intentionally use "place_id = OLD.newPlaceId" in the subquery,
2188           instead of "fk = OLD.newPlaceId OR fk IN (...)" in the WHERE clause
2189           above, because we only want to bump the counter if the URL has
2190           keywords. */
2191        SELECT place_id FROM moz_keywords
2192        WHERE place_id = OLD.newPlaceId OR
2193              keyword = OLD.newKeyword);
2195      /* Remove the new keyword from existing items, and all keywords from the
2196         new URL. */
2197      DELETE FROM moz_keywords WHERE place_id = OLD.newPlaceId OR
2198                                     keyword = OLD.newKeyword;
2200      /* Remove existing tags for the new URL. */
2201      DELETE FROM localTags WHERE placeId = OLD.newPlaceId;
2203      /* Insert the new item, using "-1" as the placeholder parent and
2204         position. We'll update these later, in the "updateLocalStructure"
2205         trigger. */
2206      INSERT INTO moz_bookmarks(guid, parent, position, type, fk, title,
2207                                dateAdded, lastModified, syncStatus,
2208                                syncChangeCounter)
2209      VALUES(OLD.newGuid, -1, -1, OLD.newType, OLD.newPlaceId, OLD.newTitle,
2210             OLD.newDateAddedMicroseconds,
2211             STRFTIME('%s', 'now', 'localtime', 'utc') * 1000000,
2212             ${PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SYNC_STATUS.NORMAL}, 0);
2214      /* Insert a new keyword for the new URL, if one is set. */
2215      INSERT OR IGNORE INTO moz_keywords(keyword, place_id, post_data)
2216      SELECT OLD.newKeyword, OLD.newPlaceId, ''
2217      WHERE OLD.newKeyword NOT NULL;
2219      /* Insert new tags for the new URL. */
2220      INSERT INTO localTags(tag, placeId)
2221      SELECT t.tag, OLD.newPlaceId FROM tags t
2222      WHERE t.itemId = OLD.remoteId;
2224      /* Insert new synced annos. These are almost identical to the statements
2225         for updates, except we need an additional subquery to fetch the new
2226         item's ID. We can also skip removing existing annos. */
2227      INSERT OR IGNORE INTO moz_anno_attributes(name)
2228      VALUES ${syncedAnnoTriggers.map(annoTrigger =>
2229        `('${annoTrigger.annoName}')`
2230      ).join(",")};
2232      ${syncedAnnoTriggers.map(annoTrigger => `
2233        INSERT INTO moz_items_annos(item_id, anno_attribute_id, content, flags,
2234                                    expiration, type, lastModified, dateAdded)
2235        SELECT (SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks
2236                WHERE guid = OLD.newGuid),
2237               (SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes
2238                WHERE name = '${annoTrigger.annoName}'),
2239               OLD.${annoTrigger.columnName}, 0,
2240               ${PlacesUtils.annotations.EXPIRE_NEVER}, ${annoTrigger.type},
2241               STRFTIME('%s', 'now', 'localtime', 'utc') * 1000000,
2242               STRFTIME('%s', 'now', 'localtime', 'utc') * 1000000
2243        WHERE OLD.${annoTrigger.columnName} NOT NULL;
2245        /* Record an anno set notification for the new synced anno. */
2246        REPLACE INTO annosChanged(itemId, annoName, wasRemoved)
2247        SELECT b.id, '${annoTrigger.annoName}', 0 FROM moz_bookmarks b
2248        WHERE b.guid = OLD.newGuid AND
2249              OLD.${annoTrigger.columnName} NOT NULL;
2250      `).join("")}
2251    END`);
2253  // Updates existing items with new values from the mirror.
2254  await db.execute(`
2255    CREATE TEMP TRIGGER updateExistingLocalItems
2256    INSTEAD OF DELETE ON itemsToMerge WHEN OLD.hasRemoteValue AND
2257                                           OLD.localId NOT NULL
2258    BEGIN
2259      /* Record an item changed notification for the existing item. */
2260      INSERT INTO itemsChanged(itemId, oldTitle, oldPlaceId, keywordChanged,
2261                               level)
2262      SELECT id, title, OLD.oldPlaceId, OLD.newKeyword NOT NULL OR
2263               EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM moz_keywords
2264                      WHERE place_id IN (OLD.oldPlaceId, OLD.newPlaceId) OR
2265                            keyword = OLD.newKeyword),
2266             OLD.newLevel
2267      FROM moz_bookmarks
2268      WHERE id = OLD.localId;
2270      UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET
2271        title = OLD.newTitle,
2272        dateAdded = OLD.newDateAddedMicroseconds,
2273        lastModified = STRFTIME('%s', 'now', 'localtime', 'utc') * 1000000,
2274        syncStatus = ${PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SYNC_STATUS.NORMAL},
2275        syncChangeCounter = 0
2276      WHERE id = OLD.localId;
2278      /* Bump the change counter for items with the old URL, new URL, and new
2279         keyword. */
2280      UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET
2281        syncChangeCounter = syncChangeCounter + 1
2282      WHERE fk IN (SELECT place_id FROM moz_keywords
2283                   WHERE place_id IN (OLD.oldPlaceId, OLD.newPlaceId) OR
2284                         keyword = OLD.newKeyword);
2286      /* Remove the new keyword from existing items, and all keywords from the
2287         old and new URLs. */
2288      DELETE FROM moz_keywords WHERE place_id IN (OLD.oldPlaceId,
2289                                                  OLD.newPlaceId) OR
2290                                     keyword = OLD.newKeyword;
2292      /* Remove existing tags. */
2293      DELETE FROM localTags WHERE placeId IN (OLD.oldPlaceId, OLD.newPlaceId);
2295      /* Update the URL and recalculate frecency. It's important we do this
2296         *after* removing old keywords and *before* inserting new ones, so that
2297         the above statements select the correct affected items. */
2298      UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET
2299        fk = OLD.newPlaceId
2300      WHERE OLD.oldPlaceId <> OLD.newPlaceId AND
2301            id = OLD.localId;
2303      UPDATE moz_places SET
2304        frecency = -1
2305      WHERE OLD.oldPlaceId <> OLD.newPlaceId AND
2306            id IN (OLD.oldPlaceId, OLD.newPlaceId);
2308      /* Insert a new keyword for the new URL, if one is set. */
2309      INSERT OR IGNORE INTO moz_keywords(keyword, place_id, post_data)
2310      SELECT OLD.newKeyword, OLD.newPlaceId, ''
2311      WHERE OLD.newKeyword NOT NULL;
2313      /* Insert new tags for the new URL. */
2314      INSERT INTO localTags(tag, placeId)
2315      SELECT t.tag, OLD.newPlaceId FROM tags t
2316      WHERE t.itemId = OLD.remoteId;
2318      /* Record anno removed notifications for the synced annos. */
2319      REPLACE INTO annosChanged(itemId, annoName, wasRemoved)
2320      SELECT a.item_id, n.name, 1 FROM moz_items_annos a
2321      JOIN moz_anno_attributes n ON n.id = a.anno_attribute_id
2322      WHERE item_id = OLD.localId AND
2323            anno_attribute_id IN (SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes
2324                                  WHERE name IN (${syncedAnnoTriggers.map(
2325                                    annoTrigger => `'${annoTrigger.annoName}'`
2326                                  ).join(",")}));
2328      /* Remove existing synced annos. */
2329      DELETE FROM moz_items_annos
2330      WHERE item_id = OLD.localId AND
2331            anno_attribute_id IN (SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes
2332                                  WHERE name IN (${syncedAnnoTriggers.map(
2333                                    annoTrigger => `'${annoTrigger.annoName}'`
2334                                  ).join(",")}));
2336      /* Insert new synced annos. */
2337      INSERT OR IGNORE INTO moz_anno_attributes(name)
2338      VALUES ${syncedAnnoTriggers.map(annoTrigger =>
2339        `('${annoTrigger.annoName}')`
2340      ).join(",")};
2342      ${syncedAnnoTriggers.map(annoTrigger => `
2343        INSERT INTO moz_items_annos(item_id, anno_attribute_id, content, flags,
2344                                    expiration, type, lastModified, dateAdded)
2345        SELECT OLD.localId, (SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes
2346                             WHERE name = '${annoTrigger.annoName}'),
2347               OLD.${annoTrigger.columnName}, 0,
2348               ${PlacesUtils.annotations.EXPIRE_NEVER}, ${annoTrigger.type},
2349               STRFTIME('%s', 'now', 'localtime', 'utc') * 1000000,
2350               STRFTIME('%s', 'now', 'localtime', 'utc') * 1000000
2351         WHERE OLD.${annoTrigger.columnName} NOT NULL;
2353         /* Record an anno set notification for the new synced anno. */
2354         REPLACE INTO annosChanged(itemId, annoName, wasRemoved)
2355         SELECT OLD.localId, '${annoTrigger.annoName}', 0
2356         WHERE OLD.${annoTrigger.columnName} NOT NULL;
2357      `).join("")}
2358    END`);
2360  // A view of the structure states for all items in the merged tree. The
2361  // mirror stores structure info in a separate table, like iOS, while Places
2362  // stores structure info on children. Unlike iOS, we can't simply check the
2363  // parent's merge state to know if its children changed. This is because our
2364  // merged tree might diverge from the mirror if we're missing children, or if
2365  // we temporarily reparented children without parents to "unfiled". In that
2366  // case, we want to keep syncing, but *don't* want to reupload the new local
2367  // structure to the server.
2368  await db.execute(`
2369    CREATE TEMP VIEW structureToMerge(localId, hasNewStructure, isRoot,
2370                                      oldParentId, newParentId, oldPosition,
2371                                      newPosition, newLevel) AS
2372    SELECT b.id, r.structureState = ${BookmarkMergeState.TYPE.NEW},
2373           '${PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid}' IN (r.mergedGuid, r.parentGuid),
2374           b.parent, p.id, b.position, r.position, r.level
2375    FROM moz_bookmarks b
2376    JOIN mergeStates r ON r.mergedGuid = b.guid
2377    JOIN moz_bookmarks p ON p.guid = r.parentGuid`);
2379  // Updates all parents and positions to reflect the merged tree.
2380  await db.execute(`
2381    CREATE TEMP TRIGGER updateLocalStructure
2382    INSTEAD OF DELETE ON structureToMerge WHEN NOT OLD.isRoot
2383    BEGIN
2384      UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET
2385        parent = OLD.newParentId
2386      WHERE id = OLD.localId AND
2387            parent <> OLD.newParentId;
2389      UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET
2390        position = OLD.newPosition
2391      WHERE id = OLD.localId AND
2392            position <> OLD.newPosition;
2394      /* Record observer notifications for moved items. We ignore items that
2395         didn't move, and items with placeholder parents and positions of "-1",
2396         since they're new. */
2397      INSERT INTO itemsMoved(itemId, oldParentId, oldParentGuid, oldPosition,
2398                             level)
2399      SELECT OLD.localId, OLD.oldParentId, p.guid, OLD.oldPosition,
2400             OLD.newLevel
2401      FROM moz_bookmarks p
2402      WHERE p.id = OLD.oldParentId AND
2403            -1 NOT IN (OLD.oldParentId, OLD.oldPosition) AND
2404            (OLD.oldParentId <> OLD.newParentId OR
2405             OLD.oldPosition <> OLD.newPosition);
2406    END`);
2408  // Bump the change counter for folders with new structure state, so that
2409  // they're reuploaded to the server.
2410  await db.execute(`
2411    CREATE TEMP TRIGGER flagNewStructure
2412    INSTEAD OF DELETE ON structureToMerge WHEN OLD.hasNewStructure
2413    BEGIN
2414      UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET
2415        syncChangeCounter = syncChangeCounter + 1
2416      WHERE id = OLD.localId;
2417    END`);
2419  // A view of local bookmark tags. Tags, like keywords, are associated with
2420  // URLs, so two bookmarks with the same URL should have the same tags. Unlike
2421  // keywords, one tag may be associated with many different URLs. Tags are also
2422  // different because they're implemented as bookmarks under the hood. Each tag
2423  // is stored as a folder under the tags root, and tagged URLs are stored as
2424  // untitled bookmarks under these folders. This complexity, along with tag
2425  // query rewriting, can be removed once bug 1293445 lands.
2426  await db.execute(`
2427    CREATE TEMP VIEW localTags(tagEntryId, tagEntryGuid, tagFolderId,
2428                               tagFolderGuid, tagEntryPosition, tagEntryType,
2429                               tag, placeId) AS
2430    SELECT b.id, b.guid, p.id, p.guid, b.position, b.type, p.title, b.fk
2431    FROM moz_bookmarks b
2432    JOIN moz_bookmarks p ON p.id = b.parent
2433    JOIN moz_bookmarks r ON r.id = p.parent
2434    WHERE b.type = ${PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK} AND
2435          r.guid = '${PlacesUtils.bookmarks.tagsGuid}'`);
2437  // Untags a URL by removing its tag entry.
2438  await db.execute(`
2439    CREATE TEMP TRIGGER untagLocalPlace
2440    INSTEAD OF DELETE ON localTags
2441    BEGIN
2442      /* Record an item removed notification for the tag entry. */
2443      INSERT INTO itemsRemoved(itemId, parentId, position, type, placeId, guid,
2444                               parentGuid, isUntagging)
2445      VALUES(OLD.tagEntryId, OLD.tagFolderId, OLD.tagEntryPosition,
2446             OLD.tagEntryType, OLD.placeId, OLD.tagEntryGuid,
2447             OLD.tagFolderGuid, 1);
2449      DELETE FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE id = OLD.tagEntryId;
2451      /* Fix the positions of the sibling tag entries. */
2452      UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET
2453        position = position - 1
2454      WHERE parent = OLD.tagFolderId AND
2455            position > OLD.tagEntryPosition;
2456    END`);
2458  // Tags a URL by creating a tag folder if it doesn't exist, then inserting a
2459  // tag entry for the URL into the tag folder. `NEW.placeId` can be NULL, in
2460  // which case we'll just create the tag folder.
2461  await db.execute(`
2462    CREATE TEMP TRIGGER tagLocalPlace
2463    INSTEAD OF INSERT ON localTags
2464    BEGIN
2465      /* Ensure the tag folder exists. */
2466      INSERT OR IGNORE INTO moz_bookmarks(guid, parent, position, type, title,
2467                                          dateAdded, lastModified)
2468      VALUES(IFNULL((SELECT b.guid FROM moz_bookmarks b
2469                     JOIN moz_bookmarks p ON p.id = b.parent
2470                     WHERE b.title = NEW.tag AND
2471                           p.guid = '${PlacesUtils.bookmarks.tagsGuid}'),
2472                    GENERATE_GUID()),
2473             (SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks
2474              WHERE guid = '${PlacesUtils.bookmarks.tagsGuid}'),
2475             (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM moz_bookmarks b
2476              JOIN moz_bookmarks p ON p.id = b.parent
2477              WHERE p.guid = '${PlacesUtils.bookmarks.tagsGuid}'),
2478             ${PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER}, NEW.tag,
2479             STRFTIME('%s', 'now', 'localtime', 'utc') * 1000000,
2480             STRFTIME('%s', 'now', 'localtime', 'utc') * 1000000);
2482      /* Record an item added notification if we created a tag folder.
2483         "CHANGES()" returns the number of rows affected by the INSERT above:
2484         1 if we created the folder, or 0 if the folder already existed. */
2485      INSERT INTO itemsAdded(guid, isTagging)
2486      SELECT b.guid, 1 FROM moz_bookmarks b
2487      JOIN moz_bookmarks p ON p.id = b.parent
2488      WHERE CHANGES() > 0 AND
2489            b.title = NEW.tag AND
2490            p.guid = '${PlacesUtils.bookmarks.tagsGuid}';
2492      /* Add a tag entry for the URL under the tag folder. Omitting the place
2493         ID creates a tag folder without tagging the URL. */
2494      INSERT OR IGNORE INTO moz_bookmarks(guid, parent, position, type, fk,
2495                                          dateAdded, lastModified)
2497             (SELECT b.id FROM moz_bookmarks b
2498              JOIN moz_bookmarks p ON p.id = b.parent
2499              WHERE p.guid = '${PlacesUtils.bookmarks.tagsGuid}' AND
2500                    b.title = NEW.tag),
2501             (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM moz_bookmarks b
2502              JOIN moz_bookmarks p ON p.id = b.parent
2503              JOIN moz_bookmarks r ON r.id = p.parent
2504              WHERE p.title = NEW.tag AND
2505                    r.guid = '${PlacesUtils.bookmarks.tagsGuid}'),
2506             ${PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK}, NEW.placeId,
2507             STRFTIME('%s', 'now', 'localtime', 'utc') * 1000000,
2508             STRFTIME('%s', 'now', 'localtime', 'utc') * 1000000
2509      WHERE NEW.placeId NOT NULL;
2511      /* Record an item added notification for the tag entry. */
2512      INSERT INTO itemsAdded(guid, isTagging)
2513      SELECT b.guid, 1 FROM moz_bookmarks b
2514      JOIN moz_bookmarks p ON p.id = b.parent
2515      JOIN moz_bookmarks r ON r.id = p.parent
2516      WHERE b.fk = NEW.placeId AND
2517            p.title = NEW.tag AND
2518            r.guid = '${PlacesUtils.bookmarks.tagsGuid}';
2519    END`);
2521  // Stores properties to pass to `onItem{Added, Changed, Moved, Removed}`
2522  // bookmark observers for new, updated, moved, and deleted items.
2523  await db.execute(`CREATE TEMP TABLE itemsAdded(
2524    guid TEXT PRIMARY KEY,
2525    isTagging BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
2526    keywordChanged BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
2528  ) WITHOUT ROWID`);
2530  await db.execute(`CREATE TEMP TABLE guidsChanged(
2531    itemId INTEGER NOT NULL,
2532    oldGuid TEXT NOT NULL,
2533    level INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT -1,
2534    PRIMARY KEY(itemId, oldGuid)
2535  ) WITHOUT ROWID`);
2537  await db.execute(`CREATE TEMP TABLE itemsChanged(
2539    oldTitle TEXT,
2540    oldPlaceId INTEGER,
2541    keywordChanged BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
2543  )`);
2545  await db.execute(`CREATE TEMP TABLE itemsMoved(
2547    oldParentId INTEGER NOT NULL,
2548    oldParentGuid TEXT NOT NULL,
2549    oldPosition INTEGER NOT NULL,
2551  )`);
2553  await db.execute(`CREATE TEMP TABLE itemsRemoved(
2554    guid TEXT PRIMARY KEY,
2555    itemId INTEGER NOT NULL,
2556    parentId INTEGER NOT NULL,
2557    position INTEGER NOT NULL,
2558    type INTEGER NOT NULL,
2559    placeId INTEGER,
2560    parentGuid TEXT NOT NULL,
2561    /* We record the original level of the removed item in the tree so that we
2562       can notify children before parents. */
2563    level INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT -1,
2564    isUntagging BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
2565  ) WITHOUT ROWID`);
2567  // Stores properties to pass to `onItemAnnotation{Set, Removed}` anno
2568  // observers.
2569  await db.execute(`CREATE TEMP TABLE annosChanged(
2570    itemId INTEGER NOT NULL,
2571    annoName TEXT NOT NULL,
2572    wasRemoved BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
2573    PRIMARY KEY(itemId, annoName, wasRemoved)
2574  ) WITHOUT ROWID`);
2576  await db.execute(`CREATE TEMP TABLE itemsToWeaklyReupload(
2578  )`);
2580  // Stores locally changed items staged for upload. See `stageItemsToUpload`
2581  // for an explanation of why these tables exists.
2582  await db.execute(`CREATE TEMP TABLE itemsToUpload(
2584    guid TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL,
2585    syncChangeCounter INTEGER NOT NULL,
2586    isDeleted BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
2587    parentGuid TEXT,
2588    parentTitle TEXT,
2589    dateAdded INTEGER, /* In milliseconds. */
2590    type INTEGER,
2591    title TEXT,
2593    url TEXT,
2594    tags TEXT,
2595    description TEXT,
2596    loadInSidebar BOOLEAN,
2597    smartBookmarkName TEXT,
2598    tagFolderName TEXT,
2599    keyword TEXT,
2600    feedURL TEXT,
2601    siteURL TEXT,
2602    position INTEGER
2603  )`);
2605  await db.execute(`CREATE TEMP TABLE structureToUpload(
2606    guid TEXT PRIMARY KEY,
2607    parentId INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES itemsToUpload(id)
2608                              ON DELETE CASCADE,
2609    position INTEGER NOT NULL
2610  ) WITHOUT ROWID`);
2613// Converts a Sync record ID to a Places GUID. Returns `null` if the ID is
2614// invalid.
2615function validateGuid(recordId) {
2616  let guid = PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.recordIdToGuid(recordId);
2617  return PlacesUtils.isValidGuid(guid) ? guid : null;
2620// Converts a Sync record's last modified time to milliseconds.
2621function determineServerModified(record) {
2622  return Math.max(record.modified * 1000, 0) || 0;
2625// Determines a Sync record's creation date.
2626function determineDateAdded(record) {
2627  let serverModified = determineServerModified(record);
2628  return PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.ratchetTimestampBackwards(
2629    record.dateAdded, serverModified);
2632function validateTitle(rawTitle) {
2633  if (typeof rawTitle != "string" || !rawTitle) {
2634    return null;
2635  }
2636  return rawTitle.slice(0, DB_TITLE_LENGTH_MAX);
2639function validateURL(rawURL) {
2640  if (typeof rawURL != "string" || rawURL.length > DB_URL_LENGTH_MAX) {
2641    return null;
2642  }
2643  let url = null;
2644  try {
2645    url = new URL(rawURL);
2646  } catch (ex) {}
2647  return url;
2650function validateDescription(rawDescription) {
2651  if (typeof rawDescription != "string" || !rawDescription) {
2652    return null;
2653  }
2654  return rawDescription.slice(0, DB_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH_MAX);
2657function validateKeyword(rawKeyword) {
2658  if (typeof rawKeyword != "string") {
2659    return null;
2660  }
2661  let keyword = rawKeyword.trim();
2662  // Drop empty keywords.
2663  return keyword ? keyword.toLowerCase() : null;
2666function validateTag(rawTag) {
2667  if (typeof rawTag != "string") {
2668    return null;
2669  }
2670  let tag = rawTag.trim();
2671  if (!tag || tag.length > Ci.nsITaggingService.MAX_TAG_LENGTH) {
2672    // Drop empty and oversized tags.
2673    return null;
2674  }
2675  return tag;
2678// Recursively inflates a bookmark tree from a pseudo-tree that maps
2679// parents to children.
2680async function inflateTree(tree, pseudoTree, parentGuid) {
2681  let nodes = pseudoTree.get(parentGuid);
2682  if (nodes) {
2683    for (let node of nodes) {
2684      await maybeYield();
2685      tree.insert(parentGuid, node);
2686      await inflateTree(tree, pseudoTree, node.guid);
2687    }
2688  }
2692 * Content info for an item in the local or remote tree. This is used to dedupe
2693 * NEW local items to remote items that don't exist locally. See `contentsMatch`
2694 * for how we determine if two items are dupes.
2695 */
2696class BookmarkContent {
2697  constructor(title, urlHref, smartBookmarkName, position) {
2698    this.title = title;
2699    this.url = urlHref ? new URL(urlHref) : null;
2700    this.smartBookmarkName = smartBookmarkName;
2701    this.position = position;
2702  }
2704  static fromRow(row) {
2705    let title = row.getResultByName("title");
2706    let urlHref = row.getResultByName("url");
2707    let smartBookmarkName = row.getResultByName("smartBookmarkName");
2708    let position = row.getResultByName("position");
2709    return new BookmarkContent(title, urlHref, smartBookmarkName, position);
2710  }
2712  hasSameURL(otherContent) {
2713    return !!this.url == !!otherContent.url &&
2714           this.url.href == otherContent.url.href;
2715  }
2719 * The merge state indicates which node we should prefer when reconciling
2720 * with Places. Recall that a merged node may point to a local node, remote
2721 * node, or both.
2722 */
2723class BookmarkMergeState {
2724  constructor(type, newStructureNode = null) {
2725    this.type = type;
2726    this.newStructureNode = newStructureNode;
2727  }
2729  /**
2730   * Takes an existing value state, and a new node for the structure state. We
2731   * use the new merge state to resolve conflicts caused by moving local items
2732   * out of a remotely deleted folder, or remote items out of a locally deleted
2733   * folder.
2734   *
2735   * Applying a new merged node bumps its local change counter, so that the
2736   * merged structure is reuploaded to the server.
2737   *
2738   * @param  {BookmarkMergeState} oldState
2739   *         The existing value state.
2740   * @param  {BookmarkNode} newStructureNode
2741   *         A node to use for the new structure state.
2742   * @return {BookmarkMergeState}
2743   *         The new merge state.
2744   */
2745  static new(oldState, newStructureNode) {
2746    return new BookmarkMergeState(oldState.type, newStructureNode);
2747  }
2749  // Returns the structure state type: `LOCAL`, `REMOTE`, or `NEW`.
2750  structure() {
2751    return this.newStructureNode ? BookmarkMergeState.TYPE.NEW : this.type;
2752  }
2754  // Returns the value state type: `LOCAL` or `REMOTE`.
2755  value() {
2756    return this.type;
2757  }
2759  /**
2760   * Returns a representation of the value ("V") and structure ("S") state
2761   * for logging. "L" is "local", "R" is "remote", and "+" is "new". We use
2762   * compact notation here to reduce noise in trace logs, which log the
2763   * merge state of every node in the tree.
2764   *
2765   * @return {String}
2766   */
2767  toString() {
2768    return `(${this.valueToString()}; ${this.structureToString()})`;
2769  }
2771  valueToString() {
2772    switch (this.value()) {
2773      case BookmarkMergeState.TYPE.LOCAL:
2774        return "V: L";
2775      case BookmarkMergeState.TYPE.REMOTE:
2776        return "V: R";
2777    }
2778    return "V: ?";
2779  }
2781  structureToString() {
2782    switch (this.structure()) {
2783      case BookmarkMergeState.TYPE.LOCAL:
2784        return "S: L";
2785      case BookmarkMergeState.TYPE.REMOTE:
2786        return "S: R";
2787      case BookmarkMergeState.TYPE.NEW:
2788        // We intentionally don't log the new structure node here, since
2789        // the merger already does that.
2790        return "S: +";
2791    }
2792    return "S: ?";
2793  }
2795  toJSON() {
2796    return this.toString();
2797  }
2800BookmarkMergeState.TYPE = {
2801  LOCAL: 1,
2802  REMOTE: 2,
2803  NEW: 3,
2807 * A local merge state means no changes: we keep the local value and structure
2808 * state. This could mean that the item doesn't exist on the server yet, or that
2809 * it has newer local changes that we should upload.
2810 *
2811 * It's an error for a merged node to have a local merge state without a local
2812 * node. Deciding the value state for the merged node asserts this.
2813 */
2814BookmarkMergeState.local = new BookmarkMergeState(
2815  BookmarkMergeState.TYPE.LOCAL);
2818 * A remote merge state means we should update Places with new value and
2819 * structure state from the mirror. The item might not exist locally yet, or
2820 * might have newer remote changes that we should apply.
2821 *
2822 * As with local, a merged node can't have a remote merge state without a
2823 * remote node.
2824 */
2825BookmarkMergeState.remote = new BookmarkMergeState(
2826  BookmarkMergeState.TYPE.REMOTE);
2829 * A node in a local or remote bookmark tree. Nodes are lightweight: they carry
2830 * enough information for the merger to resolve trivial conflicts without
2831 * querying the mirror or Places for the complete value state.
2832 */
2833class BookmarkNode {
2834  constructor(guid, age, kind, needsMerge = false) {
2835    this.guid = guid;
2836    this.kind = kind;
2837    this.age = age;
2838    this.needsMerge = needsMerge;
2839    this.children = [];
2840  }
2842  // Creates a virtual folder node for the Places root.
2843  static root() {
2844    let guid = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid;
2845    return new BookmarkNode(guid, 0, SyncedBookmarksMirror.KIND.FOLDER);
2846  }
2848  /**
2849   * Creates a bookmark node from a Places row.
2850   *
2851   * @param  {mozIStorageRow} row
2852   *         The Places row containing the node info.
2853   * @param  {Number} localTimeSeconds
2854   *         The current local time, in seconds, used to calculate the
2855   *         item's age.
2856   * @return {BookmarkNode}
2857   *         A bookmark node for the local item.
2858   */
2859  static fromLocalRow(row, localTimeSeconds) {
2860    let guid = row.getResultByName("guid");
2862    // Note that this doesn't account for local clock skew. `localModified`
2863    // is in milliseconds.
2864    let localModified = row.getResultByName("localModified");
2865    let age = Math.max(localTimeSeconds - localModified / 1000, 0) || 0;
2867    let kind = row.getResultByName("kind");
2869    let syncChangeCounter = row.getResultByName("syncChangeCounter");
2870    let needsMerge = syncChangeCounter > 0;
2872    return new BookmarkNode(guid, age, kind, needsMerge);
2873  }
2875  /**
2876   * Creates a bookmark node from a mirror row.
2877   *
2878   * @param  {mozIStorageRow} row
2879   *         The mirror row containing the node info.
2880   * @param  {Number} remoteTimeSeconds
2881   *         The current server time, in seconds, used to calculate the
2882   *         item's age.
2883   * @return {BookmarkNode}
2884   *         A bookmark node for the remote item.
2885   */
2886  static fromRemoteRow(row, remoteTimeSeconds) {
2887    let guid = row.getResultByName("guid");
2889    // `serverModified` is in milliseconds.
2890    let serverModified = row.getResultByName("serverModified");
2891    let age = Math.max(remoteTimeSeconds - serverModified / 1000, 0) || 0;
2893    let kind = row.getResultByName("kind");
2894    let needsMerge = !!row.getResultByName("needsMerge");
2896    return new BookmarkNode(guid, age, kind, needsMerge);
2897  }
2899  isRoot() {
2900    return this.guid == PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid ||
2901           PlacesUtils.bookmarks.userContentRoots.includes(this.guid);
2902  }
2904  isFolder() {
2905    return this.kind == SyncedBookmarksMirror.KIND.FOLDER;
2906  }
2908  newerThan(otherNode) {
2909    return this.age < otherNode.age;
2910  }
2912  * descendants() {
2913    for (let node of this.children) {
2914      yield node;
2915      if (node.isFolder()) {
2916        yield* node.descendants();
2917      }
2918    }
2919  }
2921  /**
2922   * Generates a human-readable, ASCII art representation of the node and its
2923   * descendants. This is useful for visualizing the tree structure in trace
2924   * logs.
2925   *
2926   * @return {String}
2927   */
2928  toASCIITreeString(prefix = "") {
2929    if (!this.isFolder()) {
2930      return prefix + "- " + this.toString();
2931    }
2932    return prefix + "+ " + this.toString() + "\n" + this.children.map(childNode =>
2933      childNode.toASCIITreeString(`${prefix}| `)
2934    ).join("\n");
2935  }
2937  /**
2938   * Returns a representation of the node for logging. This should be compact,
2939   * because the merger logs every local and remote node when trace logging is
2940   * enabled.
2941   *
2942   * @return {String}
2943   *         A string in the form of "bookmarkAAAA (B; 1.234s; !)", where
2944   *         "B" is the kind, "1.234s" is the age, and "!" indicates that the
2945   *         node needs to be merged.
2946   */
2947  toString() {
2948    let info = `${this.kindToString()}; ${this.age.toFixed(3)}s`;
2949    if (this.needsMerge) {
2950      info += "; !";
2951    }
2952    return `${this.guid} (${info})`;
2953  }
2955  kindToString() {
2956    switch (this.kind) {
2957      case SyncedBookmarksMirror.KIND.BOOKMARK:
2958        return "B";
2959      case SyncedBookmarksMirror.KIND.QUERY:
2960        return "Q";
2961      case SyncedBookmarksMirror.KIND.FOLDER:
2962        return "F";
2963      case SyncedBookmarksMirror.KIND.LIVEMARK:
2964        return "L";
2965      case SyncedBookmarksMirror.KIND.SEPARATOR:
2966        return "S";
2967    }
2968    return "?";
2969  }
2971  // Used by `Log.jsm`.
2972  toJSON() {
2973    return this.toString();
2974  }
2978 * A complete, rooted tree with tombstones.
2979 */
2980class BookmarkTree {
2981  constructor(root) {
2982    this.byGuid = new Map();
2983    this.infosByNode = new WeakMap();
2984    this.deletedGuids = new Set();
2986    this.root = root;
2987    this.byGuid.set(this.root.guid, this.root);
2988  }
2990  isDeleted(guid) {
2991    return this.deletedGuids.has(guid);
2992  }
2994  nodeForGuid(guid) {
2995    return this.byGuid.get(guid);
2996  }
2998  parentNodeFor(childNode) {
2999    let info = this.infosByNode.get(childNode);
3000    return info ? info.parentNode : null;
3001  }
3003  levelForGuid(guid) {
3004    let node = this.byGuid.get(guid);
3005    if (!node) {
3006      return -1;
3007    }
3008    let info = this.infosByNode.get(node);
3009    return info ? info.level : -1;
3010  }
3012  /**
3013   * Inserts a node into the tree. The node must not already exist in the tree,
3014   * and the node's parent must be a folder.
3015   */
3016  insert(parentGuid, node) {
3017    if (this.byGuid.has(node.guid)) {
3018      let existingNode = this.byGuid.get(node.guid);
3019      MirrorLog.error("Can't replace existing node ${existingNode} with node " +
3020                      "${node}", { existingNode, node });
3021      throw new TypeError("Node already exists in tree");
3022    }
3023    let parentNode = this.byGuid.get(parentGuid);
3024    if (!parentNode) {
3025      MirrorLog.error("Missing parent ${parentGuid} for node ${node}",
3026                      { parentGuid, node });
3027      throw new TypeError("Can't insert node into nonexistent parent");
3028    }
3029    if (!parentNode.isFolder()) {
3030      MirrorLog.error("Non-folder parent ${parentNode} for node ${node}",
3031                      { parentNode, node });
3032      throw new TypeError("Can't insert node into non-folder");
3033    }
3035    parentNode.children.push(node);
3036    this.byGuid.set(node.guid, node);
3038    let parentInfo = this.infosByNode.get(parentNode);
3039    let level = parentInfo ? parentInfo.level + 1 : 0;
3040    this.infosByNode.set(node, { parentNode, level });
3041  }
3043  noteDeleted(guid) {
3044    this.deletedGuids.add(guid);
3045  }
3047  * guids() {
3048    for (let [guid, node] of this.byGuid) {
3049      if (node == this.root) {
3050        continue;
3051      }
3052      yield guid;
3053    }
3054    for (let guid of this.deletedGuids) {
3055      yield guid;
3056    }
3057  }
3059  /**
3060   * Generates an ASCII art representation of the complete tree. Deleted GUIDs
3061   * are prefixed with "~".
3062   *
3063   * @return {String}
3064   */
3065  toASCIITreeString() {
3066    return this.root.toASCIITreeString() + "\n" + Array.from(this.deletedGuids,
3067      guid => `~${guid}`
3068    ).join(", ");
3069  }
3073 * A node in a merged bookmark tree. Holds the local node, remote node,
3074 * merged children, and a merge state indicating which side to prefer.
3075 */
3076class MergedBookmarkNode {
3077  constructor(guid, localNode, remoteNode, mergeState) {
3078    this.guid = guid;
3079    this.localNode = localNode;
3080    this.remoteNode = remoteNode;
3081    this.mergeState = mergeState;
3082    this.mergedChildren = [];
3083  }
3085  /**
3086   * Yields the decided value and structure states of the merged node's
3087   * descendants. We use these as binding parameters to populate the temporary
3088   * `mergeStates` table when applying the merged tree to Places.
3089   */
3090  * mergeStatesParams(level = 0) {
3091    for (let position = 0; position < this.mergedChildren.length; ++position) {
3092      let mergedChild = this.mergedChildren[position];
3093      let mergeStateParam = {
3094        localGuid: mergedChild.localNode ? mergedChild.localNode.guid : null,
3095        // The merged GUID is different than the local GUID if we deduped a
3096        // NEW local item to a remote item.
3097        mergedGuid: mergedChild.guid,
3098        parentGuid: this.guid,
3099        level,
3100        position,
3101        valueState: mergedChild.mergeState.value(),
3102        structureState: mergedChild.mergeState.structure(),
3103      };
3104      yield mergeStateParam;
3105      yield* mergedChild.mergeStatesParams(level + 1);
3106    }
3107  }
3109  /**
3110   * Creates a bookmark node from this merged node.
3111   *
3112   * @return {BookmarkNode}
3113   *         A node containing the decided value and structure state.
3114   */
3115  async toBookmarkNode() {
3116    if (MergedBookmarkNode.cachedBookmarkNodes.has(this)) {
3117      return MergedBookmarkNode.cachedBookmarkNodes.get(this);
3118    }
3120    let decidedValueNode = this.decidedValue();
3121    let decidedStructureState = this.mergeState.structure();
3122    let needsMerge = decidedStructureState == BookmarkMergeState.TYPE.NEW ||
3123                     (decidedStructureState == BookmarkMergeState.TYPE.LOCAL &&
3124                      decidedValueNode.needsMerge);
3126    let newNode = new BookmarkNode(this.guid, decidedValueNode.age,
3127                                   decidedValueNode.kind, needsMerge);
3128    MergedBookmarkNode.cachedBookmarkNodes.set(this, newNode);
3130    if (newNode.isFolder()) {
3131      for await (let mergedChildNode of yieldingIterator(this.mergedChildren)) {
3132        newNode.children.push(await mergedChildNode.toBookmarkNode());
3133      }
3134    }
3136    return newNode;
3137  }
3139  /**
3140   * Decides the value state for the merged node. Note that you can't walk the
3141   * decided node's children: since the value node doesn't include structure
3142   * changes from the other side, you'll depart from the merged tree. You'll
3143   * want to use `toBookmarkNode` instead, which returns a node with the
3144   * decided value *and* structure.
3145   *
3146   * @return {BookmarkNode}
3147   *         The local or remote node containing the decided value state.
3148   */
3149  decidedValue() {
3150    let valueState = this.mergeState.value();
3151    switch (valueState) {
3152      case BookmarkMergeState.TYPE.LOCAL:
3153        if (!this.localNode) {
3154          MirrorLog.error("Merged node ${guid} has local value state, but " +
3155                          "no local node", this);
3156          throw new TypeError(
3157            "Can't take local value state without local node");
3158        }
3159        return this.localNode;
3161      case BookmarkMergeState.TYPE.REMOTE:
3162        if (!this.remoteNode) {
3163          MirrorLog.error("Merged node ${guid} has remote value state, but " +
3164                          "no remote node", this);
3165          throw new TypeError(
3166            "Can't take remote value state without remote node");
3167        }
3168        return this.remoteNode;
3169    }
3170    MirrorLog.error("Merged node ${guid} has unknown value state ${valueState}",
3171                    { guid: this.guid, valueState });
3172    throw new TypeError("Can't take unknown value state");
3173  }
3175  /**
3176   * Generates an ASCII art representation of the merged node and its
3177   * descendants. This is similar to the format generated by
3178   * `BookmarkNode#toASCIITreeString`, but logs value and structure states for
3179   * merged children.
3180   *
3181   * @return {String}
3182   */
3183  toASCIITreeString(prefix = "") {
3184    if (!this.mergedChildren.length) {
3185      return prefix + "- " + this.toString();
3186    }
3187    return prefix + "+ " + this.toString() + "\n" + this.mergedChildren.map(
3188      mergedChildNode => mergedChildNode.toASCIITreeString(`${prefix}| `)
3189    ).join("\n");
3190  }
3192  /**
3193   * Returns a representation of the merged node for logging.
3194   *
3195   * @return {String}
3196   *         A string in the form of "bookmarkAAAA (V: R, S: R)", where
3197   *         "V" is the value state and "R" is the structure state.
3198   */
3199  toString() {
3200    return `${this.guid} ${this.mergeState.toString()}`;
3201  }
3203  toJSON() {
3204    return this.toString();
3205  }
3208// Caches bookmark nodes containing the decided value and structure.
3209MergedBookmarkNode.cachedBookmarkNodes = new WeakMap();
3212 * A two-way merger that produces a complete merged tree from a complete local
3213 * tree and a complete remote tree with changes since the last sync.
3214 *
3215 * This is ported almost directly from iOS. On iOS, the `ThreeWayMerger` takes a
3216 * complete "mirror" tree with the server state after the last sync, and two
3217 * incomplete trees with local and remote changes to the mirror: "local" and
3218 * "mirror", respectively. Overlaying buffer onto mirror yields the current
3219 * server tree; overlaying local onto mirror yields the complete local tree.
3220 *
3221 * On Desktop, our `localTree` is the union of iOS's mirror and local, and our
3222 * `remoteTree` is the union of iOS's mirror and buffer. Mapping the iOS
3223 * concepts to Desktop:
3224 *
3225 * - "Mirror" is approximately all `moz_bookmarks` where `syncChangeCounter = 0`
3226 *   and `items` where `needsMerge = 0`. This is approximate because Desktop
3227 *   doesn't store the shared parent for changed items.
3228 * - "Local" is all `moz_bookmarks` where `syncChangeCounter > 0`.
3229 * - "Buffer" is all `items` where `needsMerge = 1`.
3230 *
3231 * Since we don't store the shared parent, we can only do two-way merges. Also,
3232 * our merger doesn't distinguish between structure and value changes, since we
3233 * don't record that state in Places. The change counter notes *that* a bookmark
3234 * changed, but not *how*. This means we might choose the wrong side when
3235 * resolving merge conflicts, while iOS will do the right thing.
3236 *
3237 * Fortunately, most of our users don't organize their bookmarks into deeply
3238 * nested hierarchies, or make conflicting changes on multiple devices
3239 * simultaneously. Changing Places to record structure and value changes would
3240 * require significant changes to the storage schema. A simpler two-way tree
3241 * merge strikes a good balance between correctness and complexity.
3242 */
3243class BookmarkMerger {
3244  constructor(localTree, newLocalContents, remoteTree, newRemoteContents) {
3245    this.localTree = localTree;
3246    this.newLocalContents = newLocalContents;
3247    this.remoteTree = remoteTree;
3248    this.newRemoteContents = newRemoteContents;
3249    this.mergedGuids = new Set();
3250    this.deleteLocally = new Set();
3251    this.deleteRemotely = new Set();
3252    this.telemetryEvents = [];
3253  }
3255  async merge() {
3256    let localRoot = this.localTree.nodeForGuid(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid);
3257    let remoteRoot = this.remoteTree.nodeForGuid(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid);
3258    let mergedRoot = await this.mergeNode(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid, localRoot,
3259                                          remoteRoot);
3261    // Any remaining deletions on one side should be deleted on the other side.
3262    // This happens when the remote tree has tombstones for items that don't
3263    // exist in Places, or Places has tombstones for items that aren't on the
3264    // server.
3265    for await (let guid of yieldingIterator(this.localTree.deletedGuids)) {
3266      if (!this.mentions(guid)) {
3267        this.deleteRemotely.add(guid);
3268      }
3269    }
3270    for await (let guid of yieldingIterator(this.remoteTree.deletedGuids)) {
3271      if (!this.mentions(guid)) {
3272        this.deleteLocally.add(guid);
3273      }
3274    }
3275    return mergedRoot;
3276  }
3278  async subsumes(tree) {
3279    for await (let guid of Async.yieldingIterator(tree.guids())) {
3280      if (!this.mentions(guid)) {
3281        return false;
3282      }
3283    }
3284    return true;
3285  }
3287  mentions(guid) {
3288    return this.mergedGuids.has(guid) || this.deleteLocally.has(guid) ||
3289           this.deleteRemotely.has(guid);
3290  }
3292  /**
3293   * Merges two nodes, recursively walking folders.
3294   *
3295   * @param  {String} guid
3296   *         The GUID to use for the merged node.
3297   * @param  {BookmarkNode?} localNode
3298   *         The local node. May be `null` if the node only exists remotely.
3299   * @param  {BookmarkNode?} remoteNode
3300   *         The remote node. May be `null` if the node only exists locally.
3301   * @return {MergedBookmarkNode}
3302   *         The merged node, with merged folder children.
3303   */
3304  async mergeNode(mergedGuid, localNode, remoteNode) {
3305    await maybeYield();
3306    this.mergedGuids.add(mergedGuid);
3308    if (localNode) {
3309      if (localNode.guid != mergedGuid) {
3310        // We deduped a NEW local item to a remote item.
3311        this.mergedGuids.add(localNode.guid);
3312      }
3314      if (remoteNode) {
3315        MirrorLog.trace("Item ${mergedGuid} exists locally as ${localNode} " +
3316                        "and remotely as ${remoteNode}; merging",
3317                        { mergedGuid, localNode, remoteNode });
3318        let mergedNode = await this.twoWayMerge(mergedGuid, localNode, remoteNode);
3319        return mergedNode;
3320      }
3322      MirrorLog.trace("Item ${mergedGuid} only exists locally as " +
3323                      "${localNode}; taking local state", { mergedGuid,
3324                                                            localNode });
3325      let mergedNode = new MergedBookmarkNode(mergedGuid, localNode, null,
3326                                              BookmarkMergeState.local);
3327      if (localNode.isFolder()) {
3328        // The local folder doesn't exist remotely, but its children might, so
3329        // we still need to recursively walk and merge them. This method will
3330        // change the merge state from local to new if any children were moved
3331        // or deleted.
3332        await this.mergeChildListsIntoMergedNode(mergedNode, localNode,
3333                                                 /* remoteNode */ null);
3334      }
3335      return mergedNode;
3336    }
3338    if (remoteNode) {
3339      MirrorLog.trace("Item ${mergedGuid} only exists remotely as " +
3340                      "${remoteNode}; taking remote state", { mergedGuid,
3341                                                              remoteNode });
3342      let mergedNode = new MergedBookmarkNode(mergedGuid, null, remoteNode,
3343                                              BookmarkMergeState.remote);
3344      if (remoteNode.isFolder()) {
3345        // As above, a remote folder's children might still exist locally, so we
3346        // need to merge them and update the merge state from remote to new if
3347        // any children were moved or deleted.
3348        await this.mergeChildListsIntoMergedNode(mergedNode, /* localNode */ null,
3349                                                 remoteNode);
3350      }
3351      return mergedNode;
3352    }
3354    // Should never happen. We need to have at least one node for a two-way
3355    // merge.
3356    throw new TypeError("Can't merge two nonexistent nodes");
3357  }
3359  /**
3360   * Merges two nodes that exist locally and remotely.
3361   *
3362   * @param  {String} mergedGuid
3363   *         The GUID to use for the merged node.
3364   * @param  {BookmarkNode} localNode
3365   *         The existing local node.
3366   * @param  {BookmarkNode} remoteNode
3367   *         The existing remote node.
3368   * @return {MergedBookmarkNode}
3369   *         The merged node, with merged folder children.
3370   */
3371  async twoWayMerge(mergedGuid, localNode, remoteNode) {
3372    let mergeState = this.resolveTwoWayValueConflict(mergedGuid, localNode,
3373                                                     remoteNode);
3374    MirrorLog.trace("Merge state for ${mergedGuid} is ${mergeState}",
3375                    { mergedGuid, mergeState });
3377    let mergedNode = new MergedBookmarkNode(mergedGuid, localNode, remoteNode,
3378                                            mergeState);
3380    if (localNode.isFolder()) {
3381      if (remoteNode.isFolder()) {
3382        // Merging two folders, so we need to walk their children to handle
3383        // structure changes.
3384        MirrorLog.trace("Merging folders ${localNode} and ${remoteNode}",
3385                        { localNode, remoteNode });
3386        await this.mergeChildListsIntoMergedNode(mergedNode, localNode, remoteNode);
3387        return mergedNode;
3388      }
3390      if (remoteNode.kind == SyncedBookmarksMirror.KIND.LIVEMARK) {
3391        // We allow merging local folders and remote livemarks because Places
3392        // stores livemarks as empty folders with feed and site URL annotations.
3393        // The livemarks service first inserts the folder, and *then* sets
3394        // annotations. Since this isn't wrapped in a transaction, we might sync
3395        // before the annotations are set, and upload a folder record instead
3396        // of a livemark record (bug 632287), then replace the folder with a
3397        // livemark on the next sync.
3398        MirrorLog.trace("Merging local folder ${localNode} and remote " +
3399                        "livemark ${remoteNode}", { localNode, remoteNode });
3400        this.telemetryEvents.push({
3401          value: "kind",
3402          extra: { local: "folder", remote: "folder" },
3403        });
3404        return mergedNode;
3405      }
3407      MirrorLog.error("Merging local folder ${localNode} and remote " +
3408                      "non-folder ${remoteNode}", { localNode, remoteNode });
3409      throw new SyncedBookmarksMirror.ConsistencyError(
3410        "Can't merge folder and non-folder");
3411    }
3413    if (localNode.kind == remoteNode.kind) {
3414      // Merging two non-folders, so no need to walk children.
3415      MirrorLog.trace("Merging non-folders ${localNode} and ${remoteNode}",
3416                      { localNode, remoteNode });
3417      return mergedNode;
3418    }
3420    MirrorLog.error("Merging local ${localNode} and remote ${remoteNode} " +
3421                    "with different kinds", { localNode, remoteNode });
3422    throw new SyncedBookmarksMirror.ConsistencyError(
3423      "Can't merge different item kinds");
3424  }
3426  /**
3427   * Determines the merge state for a node that exists locally and remotely.
3428   *
3429   * @param  {String} mergedGuid
3430   *         The GUID of the merged node. This is the same as the remote GUID,
3431   *         and usually the same as the local GUID. The local GUID may be
3432   *         different if we're deduping a local item to a remote item.
3433   * @param  {String} localNode
3434   *         The local bookmark node.
3435   * @param  {BookmarkNode} remoteNode
3436   *         The remote bookmark node.
3437   * @return {BookmarkMergeState}
3438   *         The two-way merge state.
3439   */
3440  resolveTwoWayValueConflict(mergedGuid, localNode, remoteNode) {
3441    if (PlacesUtils.bookmarks.userContentRoots.includes(mergedGuid)) {
3442      return BookmarkMergeState.local;
3443    }
3444    if (!remoteNode.needsMerge) {
3445      // The node wasn't changed remotely since the last sync. Keep the local
3446      // state.
3447      return BookmarkMergeState.local;
3448    }
3449    if (!localNode.needsMerge) {
3450      // The node was changed remotely, but not locally. Take the remote state.
3451      return BookmarkMergeState.remote;
3452    }
3453    // At this point, we know the item changed locally and remotely. We could
3454    // query storage to determine if the value state is the same, as iOS does.
3455    // However, that's an expensive check that requires joining `moz_bookmarks`,
3456    // `moz_items_annos`, and `moz_places` to the mirror. It's unlikely that
3457    // the value state is identical, so we skip the value check and use the
3458    // timestamp to decide which node is newer.
3459    let valueState = localNode.newerThan(remoteNode) ?
3460                     BookmarkMergeState.local :
3461                     BookmarkMergeState.remote;
3462    return valueState;
3463  }
3465  /**
3466   * Merges a remote child node into a merged folder node. This handles the
3467   * following cases:
3468   *
3469   * - The remote child is locally deleted. We recursively move all of its
3470   *   descendants that don't exist locally to the merged folder.
3471   * - The remote child doesn't exist locally, but has a content match in the
3472   *   corresponding local folder. We dedupe the local child to the remote
3473   *   child.
3474   * - The remote child exists locally, but in a different folder. We compare
3475   *   merge flags and timestamps to decide where to keep the child.
3476   * - The remote child exists locally, and in the same folder. We merge the
3477   *   local and remote children.
3478   *
3479   * This is the inverse of `mergeLocalChildIntoMergedNode`.
3480   *
3481   * @param  {MergedBookmarkNode} mergedNode
3482   *         The merged folder node.
3483   * @param  {BookmarkNode} remoteParentNode
3484   *         The remote folder node.
3485   * @param  {BookmarkNode} remoteChildNode
3486   *         The remote child node.
3487   * @return {Boolean}
3488   *         `true` if the merged structure state changed because the remote
3489   *         child was locally moved or deleted; `false` otherwise.
3490   */
3491  async mergeRemoteChildIntoMergedNode(mergedNode, remoteParentNode,
3492                                       remoteChildNode) {
3493    if (this.mergedGuids.has(remoteChildNode.guid)) {
3494      MirrorLog.trace("Remote child ${remoteChildNode} already seen in " +
3495                      "another folder and merged", { remoteChildNode });
3496      return false;
3497    }
3499    MirrorLog.trace("Merging remote child ${remoteChildNode} of " +
3500                    "${remoteParentNode} into ${mergedNode}",
3501                    { remoteChildNode, remoteParentNode, mergedNode });
3503    // Make sure the remote child isn't locally deleted.
3504    let structureChange = await this.checkForLocalStructureChangeOfRemoteNode(
3505      mergedNode, remoteParentNode, remoteChildNode);
3506    if (structureChange == BookmarkMerger.STRUCTURE.DELETED) {
3507      // If the remote child is locally deleted, we need to move all descendants
3508      // that aren't also remotely deleted to the merged node. This handles the
3509      // case where a user deletes a folder on this device, and adds a bookmark
3510      // to the same folder on another device. We want to keep the folder
3511      // deleted, but we also don't want to lose the new bookmark, so we move
3512      // the bookmark to the deleted folder's parent.
3513      return true;
3514    }
3516    // The remote child isn't locally deleted. Does it exist in the local tree?
3517    let localChildNode = this.localTree.nodeForGuid(remoteChildNode.guid);
3518    if (!localChildNode) {
3519      // Remote child doesn't exist locally, either. Try to find a content
3520      // match in the containing folder, and dedupe the local item if we can.
3521      MirrorLog.trace("Remote child ${remoteChildNode} doesn't exist " +
3522                      "locally; looking for content match",
3523                      { remoteChildNode });
3525      let localChildNodeByContent = await this.findLocalNodeMatchingRemoteNode(
3526        mergedNode, remoteChildNode);
3528      let mergedChildNode = await this.mergeNode(remoteChildNode.guid,
3529                                                 localChildNodeByContent,
3530                                                 remoteChildNode);
3531      mergedNode.mergedChildren.push(mergedChildNode);
3532      return false;
3533    }
3535    // Otherwise, the remote child exists in the local tree. Did it move?
3536    let localParentNode = this.localTree.parentNodeFor(localChildNode);
3537    if (!localParentNode) {
3538      // Should never happen. The local tree must be complete.
3539      MirrorLog.error("Remote child ${remoteChildNode} exists locally as " +
3540                      "${localChildNode} without local parent",
3541                      { remoteChildNode, localChildNode });
3542      throw new SyncedBookmarksMirror.ConsistencyError(
3543        "Local child node is orphan");
3544    }
3546    MirrorLog.trace("Remote child ${remoteChildNode} exists locally in " +
3547                    "${localParentNode} and remotely in ${remoteParentNode}",
3548                    { remoteChildNode, localParentNode, remoteParentNode });
3550    if (this.remoteTree.isDeleted(localParentNode.guid)) {
3551      MirrorLog.trace("Unconditionally taking remote move for " +
3552                      "${remoteChildNode} to ${remoteParentNode} because " +
3553                      "local parent ${localParentNode} is deleted remotely",
3554                      { remoteChildNode, remoteParentNode, localParentNode });
3556      let mergedChildNode = await this.mergeNode(localChildNode.guid,
3557                                                 localChildNode, remoteChildNode);
3558      mergedNode.mergedChildren.push(mergedChildNode);
3559      return false;
3560    }
3562    if (localParentNode.needsMerge) {
3563      if (remoteParentNode.needsMerge) {
3564        MirrorLog.trace("Local ${localParentNode} and remote " +
3565                        "${remoteParentNode} parents changed; comparing " +
3566                        "modified times to decide parent for remote child " +
3567                        "${remoteChildNode}",
3568                        { localParentNode, remoteParentNode, remoteChildNode });
3570        let latestLocalAge = Math.min(localChildNode.age,
3571                                      localParentNode.age);
3572        let latestRemoteAge = Math.min(remoteChildNode.age,
3573                                       remoteParentNode.age);
3575        if (latestLocalAge < latestRemoteAge) {
3576          // Local move is younger, so we ignore the remote move. We'll
3577          // merge the child later, when we walk its new local parent.
3578          MirrorLog.trace("Ignoring older remote move for ${remoteChildNode} " +
3579                          "to ${remoteParentNode} at ${latestRemoteAge}; " +
3580                          "local move to ${localParentNode} at " +
3581                          "${latestLocalAge} is newer",
3582                          { remoteChildNode, remoteParentNode, latestRemoteAge,
3583                            localParentNode, latestLocalAge });
3584          return true;
3585        }
3587        // Otherwise, the remote move is younger, so we ignore the local move
3588        // and merge the child now.
3589        MirrorLog.trace("Taking newer remote move for ${remoteChildNode} to " +
3590                        "${remoteParentNode} at ${latestRemoteAge}; local " +
3591                        "move to ${localParentNode} at ${latestLocalAge} is " +
3592                        "older", { remoteChildNode, remoteParentNode,
3593                                   latestRemoteAge, localParentNode,
3594                                   latestLocalAge });
3596        let mergedChildNode = await this.mergeNode(remoteChildNode.guid,
3597                                                   localChildNode, remoteChildNode);
3598        mergedNode.mergedChildren.push(mergedChildNode);
3599        return false;
3600      }
3602      MirrorLog.trace("Remote parent unchanged; keeping remote child " +
3603                      "${remoteChildNode} in ${localParentNode}",
3604                      { remoteChildNode, localParentNode });
3605      return true;
3606    }
3608    MirrorLog.trace("Local parent unchanged; keeping remote child " +
3609                    "${remoteChildNode} in ${remoteParentNode}",
3610                    { remoteChildNode, remoteParentNode });
3612    let mergedChildNode = await this.mergeNode(remoteChildNode.guid, localChildNode,
3613                                               remoteChildNode);
3614    mergedNode.mergedChildren.push(mergedChildNode);
3615    return false;
3616  }
3618  /**
3619   * Merges a local child node into a merged folder node.
3620   *
3621   * This is the inverse of `mergeRemoteChildIntoMergedNode`.
3622   *
3623   * @param  {MergedBookmarkNode} mergedNode
3624   *         The merged folder node.
3625   * @param  {BookmarkNode} localParentNode
3626   *         The local folder node.
3627   * @param  {BookmarkNode} localChildNode
3628   *         The local child node.
3629   * @return {Boolean}
3630   *         `true` if the merged structure state changed because the local
3631   *         child doesn't exist remotely or was locally moved; `false`
3632   *         otherwise.
3633   */
3634  async mergeLocalChildIntoMergedNode(mergedNode, localParentNode, localChildNode) {
3635    if (this.mergedGuids.has(localChildNode.guid)) {
3636      // We already merged the child when we walked another folder.
3637      MirrorLog.trace("Local child ${localChildNode} already seen in " +
3638                      "another folder and merged", { localChildNode });
3639      return false;
3640    }
3642    MirrorLog.trace("Merging local child ${localChildNode} of " +
3643                    "${localParentNode} into ${mergedNode}",
3644                    { localChildNode, localParentNode, mergedNode });
3646    // Now, we know we haven't seen the local child before, and it's not in
3647    // this folder on the server. Check if the child is remotely deleted.
3648    let structureChange = await this.checkForRemoteStructureChangeOfLocalNode(
3649      mergedNode, localParentNode, localChildNode);
3650    if (structureChange == BookmarkMerger.STRUCTURE.DELETED) {
3651      // If the child is remotely deleted, we need to move any new local
3652      // descendants to the merged node, just as we did for new remote
3653      // descendants of locally deleted children.
3654      return true;
3655    }
3657    // At this point, we know the local child isn't deleted. See if it
3658    // exists in the remote tree.
3659    let remoteChildNode = this.remoteTree.nodeForGuid(localChildNode.guid);
3660    if (!remoteChildNode) {
3661      // The local child doesn't exist remotely, but we still need to walk
3662      // its children.
3663      let mergedChildNode = await this.mergeNode(localChildNode.guid, localChildNode,
3664                                                 /* remoteChildNode */ null);
3665      mergedNode.mergedChildren.push(mergedChildNode);
3666      return true;
3667    }
3669    // The local child exists remotely. It must have moved; otherwise, we
3670    // would have seen it when we walked the remote children.
3671    let remoteParentNode = this.remoteTree.parentNodeFor(remoteChildNode);
3672    if (!remoteParentNode) {
3673      // Should never happen. The remote tree must be complete.
3674      MirrorLog.error("Local child ${localChildNode} exists remotely as " +
3675                      "${remoteChildNode} without remote parent",
3676                      { localChildNode, remoteChildNode });
3677      throw new SyncedBookmarksMirror.ConsistencyError(
3678        "Remote child node is orphan");
3679    }
3681    MirrorLog.trace("Local child ${localChildNode} exists locally in " +
3682                    "${localParentNode} and remotely in ${remoteParentNode}",
3683                    { localChildNode, localParentNode, remoteParentNode });
3685    if (this.localTree.isDeleted(remoteParentNode.guid)) {
3686      MirrorLog.trace("Unconditionally taking local move for " +
3687                      "${localChildNode} to ${localParentNode} because " +
3688                      "remote parent ${remoteParentNode} is deleted locally",
3689                      { localChildNode, localParentNode, remoteParentNode });
3691      let mergedChildNode = await this.mergeNode(localChildNode.guid,
3692                                                 localChildNode, remoteChildNode);
3693      mergedNode.mergedChildren.push(mergedChildNode);
3694      return true;
3695    }
3697    if (localParentNode.needsMerge) {
3698      if (remoteParentNode.needsMerge) {
3699        MirrorLog.trace("Local ${localParentNode} and remote " +
3700                        "${remoteParentNode} parents changed; comparing " +
3701                        "modified times to decide parent for local child " +
3702                        "${localChildNode}", { localParentNode,
3703                                               remoteParentNode,
3704                                               localChildNode });
3706        let latestLocalAge = Math.min(localChildNode.age,
3707                                      localParentNode.age);
3708        let latestRemoteAge = Math.min(remoteChildNode.age,
3709                                       remoteParentNode.age);
3711        if (latestRemoteAge <= latestLocalAge) {
3712          MirrorLog.trace("Ignoring older local move for ${localChildNode} " +
3713                          "to ${localParentNode} at ${latestLocalAge}; " +
3714                          "remote move to ${remoteParentNode} at " +
3715                          "${latestRemoteAge} is newer",
3716                          { localChildNode, localParentNode, latestLocalAge,
3717                            remoteParentNode, latestRemoteAge });
3718          return false;
3719        }
3721        MirrorLog.trace("Taking newer local move for ${localChildNode} to " +
3722                        "${localParentNode} at ${latestLocalAge}; remote " +
3723                        "move to ${remoteParentNode} at ${latestRemoteAge} " +
3724                        "is older", { localChildNode, localParentNode,
3725                                      latestLocalAge, remoteParentNode,
3726                                      latestRemoteAge });
3728        let mergedChildNode = await this.mergeNode(localChildNode.guid,
3729                                                   localChildNode, remoteChildNode);
3730        mergedNode.mergedChildren.push(mergedChildNode);
3731        return true;
3732      }
3734      MirrorLog.trace("Remote parent unchanged; keeping local child " +
3735                      "${localChildNode} in local parent ${localParentNode}",
3736                      { localChildNode, localParentNode });
3738      let mergedChildNode = await this.mergeNode(localChildNode.guid, localChildNode,
3739                                                 remoteChildNode);
3740      mergedNode.mergedChildren.push(mergedChildNode);
3741      return true;
3742    }
3744    MirrorLog.trace("Local parent unchanged; keeping local child " +
3745                    "${localChildNode} in remote parent ${remoteParentNode}",
3746                    { localChildNode, remoteParentNode });
3747    return false;
3748  }
3750  /**
3751   * Recursively merges the children of a local folder node and a matching
3752   * remote folder node.
3753   *
3754   * @param {MergedBookmarkNode} mergedNode
3755   *        The merged folder node. This method mutates the merged node to
3756   *        append local and remote children, and sets a new merge state
3757   *        state if needed.
3758   * @param {BookmarkNode?} localNode
3759   *        The local folder node. May be `null` if the folder only exists
3760   *        remotely.
3761   * @param {BookmarkNode?} remoteNode
3762   *        The remote folder node. May be `null` if the folder only exists
3763   *        locally.
3764   */
3765  async mergeChildListsIntoMergedNode(mergedNode, localNode, remoteNode) {
3766    let mergeStateChanged = false;
3768    if (localNode && remoteNode) {
3769      if (localNode.newerThan(remoteNode)) {
3770        // The folder exists locally and remotely, and the local node is newer.
3771        // Walk and merge local children first, followed by remaining unmerged
3772        // remote children.
3773        if (await this.mergeLocalChildrenIntoMergedNode(mergedNode, localNode)) {
3774          mergeStateChanged = true;
3775        }
3776        if (await this.mergeRemoteChildrenIntoMergedNode(mergedNode, remoteNode)) {
3777          mergeStateChanged = true;
3778        }
3779      } else {
3780        // The folder exists locally and remotely, and the remote node is newer.
3781        // Merge remote children first, then remaining local children.
3782        if (await this.mergeRemoteChildrenIntoMergedNode(mergedNode, remoteNode)) {
3783          mergeStateChanged = true;
3784        }
3785        if (await this.mergeLocalChildrenIntoMergedNode(mergedNode, localNode)) {
3786          mergeStateChanged = true;
3787        }
3788      }
3789    } else if (localNode) {
3790      // The folder only exists locally, so no remote children to merge.
3791      if (await this.mergeLocalChildrenIntoMergedNode(mergedNode, localNode)) {
3792        mergeStateChanged = true;
3793      }
3794    } else if (remoteNode) {
3795      // The folder only exists remotely, so local children to merge.
3796      if (await this.mergeRemoteChildrenIntoMergedNode(mergedNode, remoteNode)) {
3797        mergeStateChanged = true;
3798      }
3799    } else {
3800      // Should never happen.
3801      throw new TypeError("Can't merge children for two nonexistent nodes");
3802    }
3804    // Update the merge state if we moved children orphaned on one side by a
3805    // deletion on the other side, if we kept newer locally moved children,
3806    // or if the child order changed. We already updated the merge state of the
3807    // orphans, but we also need to flag the containing folder so that it's
3808    // reuploaded to the server along with the new children.
3809    if (mergeStateChanged) {
3810      let newStructureNode = await mergedNode.toBookmarkNode();
3811      let newMergeState = BookmarkMergeState.new(mergedNode.mergeState,
3812                                                 newStructureNode);
3813      MirrorLog.trace("Merge state for ${mergedNode} has new structure " +
3814                      "${newMergeState}", { mergedNode, newMergeState });
3815      this.telemetryEvents.push({
3816        value: "structure",
3817        extra: { type: "new" },
3818      });
3819      mergedNode.mergeState = newMergeState;
3820    }
3821  }
3823  /**
3824   * Recursively merges the children of a remote folder node.
3825   *
3826   * @param  {MergedBookmarkNode} mergedNode
3827   *         The merged folder node. This method mutates the merged node to
3828   *         append remote children.
3829   * @param  {BookmarkNode} remoteNode
3830   *         The remote folder node.
3831   * @return {Boolean}
3832   *         `true` if the merge produced a new structure that should be
3833   *         reuploaded to the server; `false` otherwise.
3834   */
3835  async mergeRemoteChildrenIntoMergedNode(mergedNode, remoteNode) {
3836    MirrorLog.trace("Merging remote children of ${remoteNode} into " +
3837                    "${mergedNode}", { remoteNode, mergedNode });
3839    let mergeStateChanged = false;
3840    for await (let remoteChildNode of yieldingIterator(remoteNode.children)) {
3841      let remoteChildrenChanged = await this.mergeRemoteChildIntoMergedNode(
3842        mergedNode, remoteNode, remoteChildNode);
3843      if (remoteChildrenChanged) {
3844        mergeStateChanged = true;
3845      }
3846    }
3847    return mergeStateChanged;
3848  }
3850  /**
3851   * Recursively merges the children of a local folder node.
3852   *
3853   * @param  {MergedBookmarkNode} mergedNode
3854   *         The merged folder node. This method mutates the merged node to
3855   *         append local children.
3856   * @param  {BookmarkNode} localNode
3857   *         The local folder node.
3858   * @return {Boolean}
3859   *         `true` if the merge produced a new structure that should be
3860   *         reuploaded to the server; `false` otherwise.
3861   */
3862  async mergeLocalChildrenIntoMergedNode(mergedNode, localNode) {
3863    MirrorLog.trace("Merging local children of ${localNode} into " +
3864                    "${mergedNode}", { localNode, mergedNode });
3866    let mergeStateChanged = false;
3867    for await (let localChildNode of yieldingIterator(localNode.children)) {
3868      let remoteChildrenChanged = await this.mergeLocalChildIntoMergedNode(
3869        mergedNode, localNode, localChildNode);
3870      if (remoteChildrenChanged) {
3871        mergeStateChanged = true;
3872      }
3873    }
3874    return mergeStateChanged;
3875  }
3877  /**
3878   * Checks if a remote node is locally moved or deleted, and reparents any
3879   * descendants that aren't also remotely deleted to the merged node.
3880   *
3881   * This is the inverse of `checkForRemoteStructureChangeOfLocalNode`.
3882   *
3883   * @param  {MergedBookmarkNode} mergedNode
3884   *         The merged folder node to hold relocated remote orphans.
3885   * @param  {BookmarkNode} remoteParentNode
3886   *         The remote parent of the potentially deleted child node.
3887   * @param  {BookmarkNode} remoteNode
3888   *         The remote potentially deleted child node.
3889   * @return {BookmarkMerger.STRUCTURE}
3890   *         A structure change type: `UNCHANGED` if the remote node is not
3891   *         deleted or doesn't exist locally, `MOVED` if the node is moved
3892   *         locally, or `DELETED` if the node is deleted locally.
3893   */
3894  async checkForLocalStructureChangeOfRemoteNode(mergedNode, remoteParentNode,
3895                                                 remoteNode) {
3896    if (!this.localTree.isDeleted(remoteNode.guid)) {
3897      let localNode = this.localTree.nodeForGuid(remoteNode.guid);
3898      if (!localNode) {
3899        return BookmarkMerger.STRUCTURE.UNCHANGED;
3900      }
3901      let localParentNode = this.localTree.parentNodeFor(localNode);
3902      if (!localParentNode) {
3903        // Should never happen. The local tree must be complete.
3904        throw new SyncedBookmarksMirror.ConsistencyError(
3905          "Can't check for structure changes of local orphan");
3906      }
3907      if (localParentNode.guid != remoteParentNode.guid) {
3908        return BookmarkMerger.STRUCTURE.MOVED;
3909      }
3910      return BookmarkMerger.STRUCTURE.UNCHANGED;
3911    }
3913    if (remoteNode.needsMerge) {
3914      if (!remoteNode.isFolder()) {
3915        // If a non-folder child is deleted locally and changed remotely, we
3916        // ignore the local deletion and take the remote child.
3917        MirrorLog.trace("Remote non-folder ${remoteNode} deleted locally " +
3918                        "and changed remotely; taking remote change",
3919                        { remoteNode });
3920        this.telemetryEvents.push({
3921          value: "structure",
3922          extra: { type: "delete", kind: "item", prefer: "remote" },
3923        });
3924        return BookmarkMerger.STRUCTURE.UNCHANGED;
3925      }
3926      // For folders, we always take the local deletion and relocate remotely
3927      // changed grandchildren to the merged node. We could use the mirror to
3928      // revive the child folder, but it's easier to relocate orphaned
3929      // grandchildren than to partially revive the child folder.
3930      MirrorLog.trace("Remote folder ${remoteNode} deleted locally " +
3931                      "and changed remotely; taking local deletion",
3932                      { remoteNode });
3933      this.telemetryEvents.push({
3934        value: "structure",
3935        extra: { type: "delete", kind: "folder", prefer: "local" },
3936      });
3937    } else {
3938      MirrorLog.trace("Remote node ${remoteNode} deleted locally and not " +
3939                       "changed remotely; taking local deletion",
3940                       { remoteNode });
3941    }
3943    this.deleteRemotely.add(remoteNode.guid);
3945    let mergedOrphanNodes = await this.processRemoteOrphansForNode(mergedNode,
3946                                                                   remoteNode);
3947    await this.relocateOrphansTo(mergedNode, mergedOrphanNodes);
3948    MirrorLog.trace("Relocating remote orphans ${mergedOrphanNodes} to " +
3949                    "${mergedNode}", { mergedOrphanNodes, mergedNode });
3951    return BookmarkMerger.STRUCTURE.DELETED;
3952  }
3954  /**
3955   * Checks if a local node is remotely moved or deleted, and reparents any
3956   * descendants that aren't also locally deleted to the merged node.
3957   *
3958   * This is the inverse of `checkForLocalStructureChangeOfRemoteNode`.
3959   *
3960   * @param  {MergedBookmarkNode} mergedNode
3961   *         The merged folder node to hold relocated local orphans.
3962   * @param  {BookmarkNode} localParentNode
3963   *         The local parent of the potentially deleted child node.
3964   * @param  {BookmarkNode} localNode
3965   *         The local potentially deleted child node.
3966   * @return {BookmarkMerger.STRUCTURE}
3967   *         A structure change type: `UNCHANGED` if the local node is not
3968   *         deleted or doesn't exist remotely, `MOVED` if the node is moved
3969   *         remotely, or `DELETED` if the node is deleted remotely.
3970   */
3971  async checkForRemoteStructureChangeOfLocalNode(mergedNode, localParentNode,
3972                                                 localNode) {
3973    if (!this.remoteTree.isDeleted(localNode.guid)) {
3974      let remoteNode = this.remoteTree.nodeForGuid(localNode.guid);
3975      if (!remoteNode) {
3976        return BookmarkMerger.STRUCTURE.UNCHANGED;
3977      }
3978      let remoteParentNode = this.remoteTree.parentNodeFor(remoteNode);
3979      if (!remoteParentNode) {
3980        // Should never happen. The remote tree must be complete.
3981        throw new SyncedBookmarksMirror.ConsistencyError(
3982          "Can't check for structure changes of remote orphan");
3983      }
3984      if (remoteParentNode.guid != localParentNode.guid) {
3985        return BookmarkMerger.STRUCTURE.MOVED;
3986      }
3987      return BookmarkMerger.STRUCTURE.UNCHANGED;
3988    }
3990    if (localNode.needsMerge) {
3991      if (!localNode.isFolder()) {
3992        MirrorLog.trace("Local non-folder ${localNode} deleted remotely and " +
3993                        "changed locally; taking local change", { localNode });
3994        this.telemetryEvents.push({
3995          value: "structure",
3996          extra: { type: "delete", kind: "item", prefer: "local" },
3997        });
3998        return BookmarkMerger.STRUCTURE.UNCHANGED;
3999      }
4000      MirrorLog.trace("Local folder ${localNode} deleted remotely and " +
4001                      "changed locally; taking remote deletion", { localNode });
4002      this.telemetryEvents.push({
4003        value: "structure",
4004        extra: { type: "delete", kind: "folder", prefer: "remote" },
4005      });
4006    } else {
4007      MirrorLog.trace("Local node ${localNode} deleted remotely and not " +
4008                      "changed locally; taking remote deletion", { localNode });
4009    }
4011    MirrorLog.trace("Local node ${localNode} deleted remotely; taking remote " +
4012                    "deletion", { localNode });
4014    this.deleteLocally.add(localNode.guid);
4016    let mergedOrphanNodes = await this.processLocalOrphansForNode(mergedNode,
4017                                                                  localNode);
4018    await this.relocateOrphansTo(mergedNode, mergedOrphanNodes);
4019    MirrorLog.trace("Relocating local orphans ${mergedOrphanNodes} to " +
4020                    "${mergedNode}", { mergedOrphanNodes, mergedNode });
4022    return BookmarkMerger.STRUCTURE.DELETED;
4023  }
4025  /**
4026   * Recursively merges all remote children of a locally deleted folder that
4027   * haven't also been deleted remotely. This can happen if the user adds a
4028   * bookmark to a folder on another device, and deletes that folder locally.
4029   * This is the inverse of `processLocalOrphansForNode`.
4030   */
4031  async processRemoteOrphansForNode(mergedNode, remoteNode) {
4032    let remoteOrphanNodes = [];
4034    for await (let remoteChildNode of yieldingIterator(remoteNode.children)) {
4035      let structureChange = await this.checkForLocalStructureChangeOfRemoteNode(
4036        mergedNode, remoteNode, remoteChildNode);
4037      if (structureChange == BookmarkMerger.STRUCTURE.MOVED ||
4038          structureChange == BookmarkMerger.STRUCTURE.DELETED) {
4039        // The remote child is already moved or deleted locally, so we should
4040        // ignore it instead of treating it as a remote orphan.
4041        continue;
4042      }
4043      remoteOrphanNodes.push(remoteChildNode);
4044    }
4046    let mergedOrphanNodes = [];
4047    for await (let remoteOrphanNode of yieldingIterator(remoteOrphanNodes)) {
4048      let localOrphanNode = this.localTree.nodeForGuid(remoteOrphanNode.guid);
4049      let mergedOrphanNode = await this.mergeNode(remoteOrphanNode.guid,
4050                                                  localOrphanNode, remoteOrphanNode);
4051      mergedOrphanNodes.push(mergedOrphanNode);
4052    }
4054    return mergedOrphanNodes;
4055  }
4057  /**
4058   * Recursively merges all local children of a remotely deleted folder that
4059   * haven't also been deleted locally. This is the inverse of
4060   * `processRemoteOrphansForNode`.
4061   */
4062  async processLocalOrphansForNode(mergedNode, localNode) {
4063    if (!localNode.isFolder()) {
4064      // The local node isn't a folder, so it won't have orphans.
4065      return [];
4066    }
4068    let localOrphanNodes = [];
4069    for await (let localChildNode of yieldingIterator(localNode.children)) {
4070      let structureChange = await this.checkForRemoteStructureChangeOfLocalNode(
4071        mergedNode, localNode, localChildNode);
4072      if (structureChange == BookmarkMerger.STRUCTURE.MOVED ||
4073          structureChange == BookmarkMerger.STRUCTURE.DELETED) {
4074        // The local child is already moved or deleted remotely, so we should
4075        // ignore it instead of treating it as a local orphan.
4076        continue;
4077      }
4078      localOrphanNodes.push(localChildNode);
4079    }
4081    let mergedOrphanNodes = [];
4082    for await (let localOrphanNode of yieldingIterator(localOrphanNodes)) {
4083      let remoteOrphanNode = this.remoteTree.nodeForGuid(localOrphanNode.guid);
4084      let mergedNode = await this.mergeNode(localOrphanNode.guid,
4085                                            localOrphanNode, remoteOrphanNode);
4086      mergedOrphanNodes.push(mergedNode);
4087    }
4089    return mergedOrphanNodes;
4090  }
4092  /**
4093   * Moves a list of merged orphan nodes to the closest surviving ancestor.
4094   * Changes the merge state of the moved orphans to new, so that we reupload
4095   * them along with their new parent on the next sync.
4096   *
4097   * @param {MergedBookmarkNode} mergedNode
4098   *        The closest surviving ancestor.
4099   * @param {MergedBookmarkNode[]} mergedOrphanNodes
4100   *        Merged orphans to relocate to the surviving ancestor.
4101   */
4102  async relocateOrphansTo(mergedNode, mergedOrphanNodes) {
4103    for (let mergedOrphanNode of mergedOrphanNodes) {
4104      let newStructureNode = await mergedOrphanNode.toBookmarkNode();
4105      let newMergeState = BookmarkMergeState.new(mergedOrphanNode.mergeState,
4106                                                 newStructureNode);
4107      mergedOrphanNode.mergeState = newMergeState;
4108      mergedNode.mergedChildren.push(mergedOrphanNode);
4109    }
4110  }
4112  /**
4113   * Finds a local node with a different GUID that matches the content of a
4114   * remote node. This is used to dedupe local items that haven't been uploaded
4115   * to remote items that don't exist locally.
4116   *
4117   * @param  {MergedBookmarkNode} mergedNode
4118   *         The merged folder node.
4119   * @param  {BookmarkNode} remoteChildNode
4120   *         The remote child node.
4121   * @return {BookmarkNode?}
4122   *         A matching local child node, or `null` if there are no matching
4123   *         local items.
4124   */
4125  async findLocalNodeMatchingRemoteNode(mergedNode, remoteChildNode) {
4126    let localParentNode = mergedNode.localNode;
4127    if (!localParentNode) {
4128      MirrorLog.trace("Merged node ${mergedNode} doesn't exist locally; no " +
4129                      "potential dupes for ${remoteChildNode}",
4130                      { mergedNode, remoteChildNode });
4131      return null;
4132    }
4133    let remoteChildContent = this.newRemoteContents.get(remoteChildNode.guid);
4134    if (!remoteChildContent) {
4135      // The node doesn't exist locally, but it's also flagged as merged in the
4136      // mirror.
4137      return null;
4138    }
4139    let newLocalNode = null;
4140    for await (let localChildNode of yieldingIterator(localParentNode.children)) {
4141      if (this.mergedGuids.has(localChildNode.guid)) {
4142        MirrorLog.trace("Not deduping ${localChildNode}; already seen in " +
4143                        "another folder", { localChildNode });
4144        continue;
4145      }
4146      if (!this.newLocalContents.has(localChildNode.guid)) {
4147        MirrorLog.trace("Not deduping ${localChildNode}; already uploaded",
4148                        { localChildNode });
4149        continue;
4150      }
4151      let remoteCandidate = this.remoteTree.nodeForGuid(localChildNode.guid);
4152      if (remoteCandidate) {
4153        MirrorLog.trace("Not deduping ${localChildNode}; already exists " +
4154                        "remotely", { localChildNode });
4155        continue;
4156      }
4157      if (this.remoteTree.isDeleted(localChildNode.guid)) {
4158        MirrorLog.trace("Not deduping ${localChildNode}; deleted on server",
4159                        { localChildNode });
4160        continue;
4161      }
4162      let localChildContent = this.newLocalContents.get(localChildNode.guid);
4163      if (!contentsMatch(localChildNode, localChildContent, remoteChildNode,
4164                         remoteChildContent)) {
4165        MirrorLog.trace("${localChildNode} is not a dupe of ${remoteChildNode}",
4166                        { localChildNode, remoteChildNode });
4167        continue;
4168      }
4169      this.telemetryEvents.push({ value: "dupe" });
4170      newLocalNode = localChildNode;
4171      break;
4172    }
4173    return newLocalNode;
4174  }
4176  /**
4177   * Returns an array of local ("L: ~bookmarkAAAA, ~bookmarkBBBB") and remote
4178   * ("R: ~bookmarkCCCC, ~bookmarkDDDD") deletions for logging.
4179   *
4180   * @return {String[]}
4181   */
4182  deletionsToStrings() {
4183    let infos = [];
4184    if (this.deleteLocally.size) {
4185      infos.push("L: " + Array.from(this.deleteLocally,
4186        guid => `~${guid}`).join(", "));
4187    }
4188    if (this.deleteRemotely.size) {
4189      infos.push("R: " + Array.from(this.deleteRemotely,
4190        guid => `~${guid}`).join(", "));
4191    }
4192    return infos;
4193  }
4197 * Structure change types, used to indicate if a node on one side is moved
4198 * or deleted on the other.
4199 */
4200BookmarkMerger.STRUCTURE = {
4201  UNCHANGED: 1,
4202  MOVED: 2,
4203  DELETED: 3,
4207 * Determines if two new local and remote nodes are of the same kind, and have
4208 * similar contents.
4209 *
4210 * - Bookmarks must have the same title and URL.
4211 * - Smart bookmarks must have the same smart bookmark name. Other queries
4212 *   must have the same title and query URL.
4213 * - Folders and livemarks must have the same title.
4214 * - Separators must have the same position within their parents.
4215 *
4216 * @param  {BookmarkNode} localNode
4217 * @param  {BookmarkContent} localContent
4218 * @param  {BookmarkNode} remoteNode
4219 * @param  {BookmarkContent} remoteContent
4220 * @return {Boolean}
4221 */
4222function contentsMatch(localNode, localContent, remoteNode, remoteContent) {
4223  if (localNode.kind != remoteNode.kind) {
4224    return false;
4225  }
4226  switch (localNode.kind) {
4227    case SyncedBookmarksMirror.KIND.BOOKMARK:
4228      return localContent.title == remoteContent.title &&
4229             localContent.hasSameURL(remoteContent);
4231    case SyncedBookmarksMirror.KIND.QUERY:
4232      if (localContent.smartBookmarkName || remoteContent.smartBookmarkName) {
4233        return localContent.smartBookmarkName ==
4234               remoteContent.smartBookmarkName;
4235      }
4236      return localContent.title == remoteContent.title &&
4237             localContent.hasSameURL(remoteContent);
4239    case SyncedBookmarksMirror.KIND.FOLDER:
4240    case SyncedBookmarksMirror.KIND.LIVEMARK:
4241      return localContent.title == remoteContent.title;
4243    case SyncedBookmarksMirror.KIND.SEPARATOR:
4244      return localContent.position == remoteContent.position;
4245  }
4246  return false;
4250 * Records bookmark, annotation, and keyword observer notifications for all
4251 * changes made during the merge, then fires the notifications after the merge
4252 * is done.
4253 *
4254 * Recording bookmark changes and deletions is somewhat expensive, because we
4255 * need to fetch all observer infos before writing. Making this more efficient
4256 * is tracked in bug 1340498.
4257 *
4258 * Annotation observers don't require the extra context, so they're cheap to
4259 * record and fire.
4260 */
4261class BookmarkObserverRecorder {
4262  constructor(db) {
4263    this.db = db;
4264    this.bookmarkObserverNotifications = [];
4265    this.annoObserverNotifications = [];
4266    this.shouldInvalidateKeywords = false;
4267    this.shouldInvalidateLivemarks = false;
4268  }
4270  /**
4271   * Fires all recorded observer notifications, invalidates the livemark cache
4272   * if necessary, and recalculates frecencies for changed URLs. This is called
4273   * outside the merge transaction.
4274   */
4275  async notifyAll() {
4276    if (this.shouldInvalidateKeywords) {
4277      await PlacesUtils.keywords.invalidateCachedKeywords();
4278    }
4279    await this.notifyBookmarkObservers();
4280    await this.notifyAnnoObservers();
4281    if (this.shouldInvalidateLivemarks) {
4282      await PlacesUtils.livemarks.invalidateCachedLivemarks();
4283    }
4284    await this.updateFrecencies();
4285  }
4287  async updateFrecencies() {
4288    MirrorLog.debug("Recalculating frecencies for new URLs");
4289    await this.db.execute(`
4290      UPDATE moz_places SET
4291        frecency = CALCULATE_FRECENCY(id)
4292      WHERE frecency = -1`);
4293  }
4295  noteItemAdded(info) {
4296    let uri = info.urlHref ? Services.io.newURI(info.urlHref) : null;
4297    this.bookmarkObserverNotifications.push({
4298      name: "onItemAdded",
4299      isTagging: info.isTagging,
4300      args: [info.id, info.parentId, info.position, info.type, uri, info.title,
4301        info.dateAdded, info.guid, info.parentGuid,
4302        PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES.SYNC],
4303    });
4304  }
4306  noteGuidChanged(info) {
4307    PlacesUtils.invalidateCachedGuidFor(info.id);
4308    this.bookmarkObserverNotifications.push({
4309      name: "onItemChanged",
4310      isTagging: false,
4311      args: [info.id, "guid", /* isAnnotationProperty */ false, info.newGuid,
4312        info.lastModified, info.type, info.parentId, info.newGuid,
4313        info.parentGuid, info.oldGuid, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES.SYNC],
4314    });
4315  }
4317  noteItemMoved(info) {
4318    this.bookmarkObserverNotifications.push({
4319      name: "onItemMoved",
4320      isTagging: false,
4321      args: [info.id, info.oldParentId, info.oldPosition, info.newParentId,
4322        info.newPosition, info.type, info.guid, info.oldParentGuid,
4323        info.newParentGuid, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES.SYNC],
4324    });
4325  }
4327  noteItemChanged(info) {
4328    if (info.oldTitle != info.newTitle) {
4329      this.bookmarkObserverNotifications.push({
4330        name: "onItemChanged",
4331        isTagging: false,
4332        args: [info.id, "title", /* isAnnotationProperty */ false,
4333          info.newTitle, info.lastModified, info.type, info.parentId,
4334          info.guid, info.parentGuid, info.oldTitle,
4335          PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES.SYNC],
4336      });
4337    }
4338    if (info.oldURLHref != info.newURLHref) {
4339      this.bookmarkObserverNotifications.push({
4340        name: "onItemChanged",
4341        isTagging: false,
4342        args: [info.id, "uri", /* isAnnotationProperty */ false,
4343          info.newURLHref, info.lastModified, info.type, info.parentId,
4344          info.guid, info.parentGuid, info.oldURLHref,
4345          PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES.SYNC],
4346      });
4347    }
4348  }
4350  noteItemRemoved(info) {
4351    let uri = info.urlHref ? Services.io.newURI(info.urlHref) : null;
4352    this.bookmarkObserverNotifications.push({
4353      name: "onItemRemoved",
4354      isTagging: info.isUntagging,
4355      args: [info.id, info.parentId, info.position, info.type, uri, info.guid,
4356        info.parentGuid, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES.SYNC],
4357    });
4358  }
4360  noteAnnoSet(id, name) {
4361    if (isLivemarkAnno(name)) {
4362      this.shouldInvalidateLivemarks = true;
4363    }
4364    this.annoObserverNotifications.push({
4365      name: "onItemAnnotationSet",
4366      args: [id, name, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES.SYNC],
4367    });
4368  }
4370  noteAnnoRemoved(id, name) {
4371    if (isLivemarkAnno(name)) {
4372      this.shouldInvalidateLivemarks = true;
4373    }
4374    this.annoObserverNotifications.push({
4375      name: "onItemAnnotationRemoved",
4376      args: [id, name, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES.SYNC],
4377    });
4378  }
4380  async notifyBookmarkObservers() {
4381    MirrorLog.debug("Notifying bookmark observers");
4382    let observers = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getObservers();
4383    for (let observer of observers) {
4384      this.notifyObserver(observer, "onBeginUpdateBatch");
4385      for await (let info of yieldingIterator(this.bookmarkObserverNotifications)) {
4386        if (info.isTagging && observer.skipTags) {
4387          continue;
4388        }
4389        this.notifyObserver(observer, info.name, info.args);
4390      }
4391      this.notifyObserver(observer, "onEndUpdateBatch");
4392    }
4393  }
4395  async notifyAnnoObservers() {
4396    MirrorLog.debug("Notifying anno observers");
4397    let observers = PlacesUtils.annotations.getObservers();
4398    for (let observer of observers) {
4399      let wrapped = yieldingIterator(this.annoObserverNotifications);
4400      for await (let { name, args } of wrapped) {
4401        this.notifyObserver(observer, name, args);
4402      }
4403    }
4404  }
4406  notifyObserver(observer, notification, args = []) {
4407    try {
4408      observer[notification](...args);
4409    } catch (ex) {
4410      MirrorLog.warn("Error notifying observer", ex);
4411    }
4412  }
4415function isLivemarkAnno(name) {
4416  return name == PlacesUtils.LMANNO_FEEDURI ||
4417         name == PlacesUtils.LMANNO_SITEURI;
4421 * Holds Sync metadata and the cleartext for a locally changed record. The
4422 * bookmarks engine inflates a Sync record from the cleartext, and updates the
4423 * `synced` property for successfully uploaded items.
4424 *
4425 * At the end of the sync, the engine writes the uploaded cleartext back to the
4426 * mirror, and passes the updated change record as part of the changeset to
4427 * `PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.pushChanges`.
4428 */
4429class BookmarkChangeRecord {
4430  constructor(syncChangeCounter, cleartext) {
4431    this.tombstone = cleartext.deleted === true;
4432    this.counter = syncChangeCounter;
4433    this.cleartext = cleartext;
4434    this.synced = false;
4435  }
4438// In conclusion, this is why bookmark syncing is hard.