1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
2  * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
3  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
7 #ifndef ds_LifoAlloc_h
8 #define ds_LifoAlloc_h
10 #include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
11 #include "mozilla/MathAlgorithms.h"
12 #include "mozilla/MemoryChecking.h"
13 #include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h"
14 #include "mozilla/PodOperations.h"
15 #include "mozilla/TemplateLib.h"
17 #include <algorithm>
18 #include <new>
19 #include <stddef.h>  // size_t
20 #include <type_traits>
21 #include <utility>
23 // This data structure supports stacky LIFO allocation (mark/release and
24 // LifoAllocScope). It does not maintain one contiguous segment; instead, it
25 // maintains a bunch of linked memory segments. In order to prevent malloc/free
26 // thrashing, unused segments are deallocated when garbage collection occurs.
28 #include "js/UniquePtr.h"
29 #include "util/Memory.h"
30 #include "util/Poison.h"
32 namespace js {
34 namespace detail {
36 template <typename T, typename D>
37 class SingleLinkedList;
39 template <typename T, typename D = JS::DeletePolicy<T>>
40 class SingleLinkedListElement {
41   friend class SingleLinkedList<T, D>;
42   js::UniquePtr<T, D> next_;
44  public:
SingleLinkedListElement()45   SingleLinkedListElement() : next_(nullptr) {}
~SingleLinkedListElement()46   ~SingleLinkedListElement() { MOZ_ASSERT(!next_); }
next()48   T* next() const { return next_.get(); }
49 };
51 // Single linked list which is using UniquePtr to hold the next pointers.
52 // UniquePtr are used to ensure that none of the elements are used
53 // silmutaneously in 2 different list.
54 template <typename T, typename D = JS::DeletePolicy<T>>
55 class SingleLinkedList {
56  private:
57   // First element of the list which owns the next element, and ensure that
58   // that this list is the only owner of the element.
59   UniquePtr<T, D> head_;
61   // Weak pointer to the last element of the list.
62   T* last_;
assertInvariants()64   void assertInvariants() {
65     MOZ_ASSERT(bool(head_) == bool(last_));
66     MOZ_ASSERT_IF(last_, !last_->next_);
67   }
69  public:
SingleLinkedList()70   SingleLinkedList() : head_(nullptr), last_(nullptr) { assertInvariants(); }
SingleLinkedList(SingleLinkedList && other)72   SingleLinkedList(SingleLinkedList&& other)
73       : head_(std::move(other.head_)), last_(other.last_) {
74     other.last_ = nullptr;
75     assertInvariants();
76     other.assertInvariants();
77   }
~SingleLinkedList()79   ~SingleLinkedList() {
80     MOZ_ASSERT(!head_);
81     MOZ_ASSERT(!last_);
82   }
84   // Move the elements of the |other| list in the current one, and implicitly
85   // remove all the elements of the current list.
86   SingleLinkedList& operator=(SingleLinkedList&& other) {
87     head_ = std::move(other.head_);
88     last_ = other.last_;
89     other.last_ = nullptr;
90     assertInvariants();
91     other.assertInvariants();
92     return *this;
93   }
empty()95   bool empty() const { return !last_; }
97   // Iterates over the elements of the list, this is used to avoid raw
98   // manipulation of pointers as much as possible.
99   class Iterator {
100     T* current_;
102    public:
Iterator(T * current)103     explicit Iterator(T* current) : current_(current) {}
105     T& operator*() const { return *current_; }
106     T* operator->() const { return current_; }
get()107     T* get() const { return current_; }
109     const Iterator& operator++() {
110       current_ = current_->next();
111       return *this;
112     }
114     bool operator!=(const Iterator& other) const {
115       return current_ != other.current_;
116     }
117     bool operator==(const Iterator& other) const {
118       return current_ == other.current_;
119     }
120   };
begin()122   Iterator begin() const { return Iterator(head_.get()); }
end()123   Iterator end() const { return Iterator(nullptr); }
last()124   Iterator last() const { return Iterator(last_); }
126   // Split the list in 2 single linked lists after the element given as
127   // argument.  The front of the list remains in the current list, while the
128   // back goes in the newly create linked list.
129   //
130   // This is used for example to extract one element from a list. (see
131   // LifoAlloc::getOrCreateChunk)
splitAfter(T * newLast)132   SingleLinkedList splitAfter(T* newLast) {
133     MOZ_ASSERT(newLast);
134     SingleLinkedList result;
135     if (newLast->next_) {
136       result.head_ = std::move(newLast->next_);
137       result.last_ = last_;
138       last_ = newLast;
139     }
140     assertInvariants();
141     result.assertInvariants();
142     return result;
143   }
pushFront(UniquePtr<T,D> && elem)145   void pushFront(UniquePtr<T, D>&& elem) {
146     if (!last_) {
147       last_ = elem.get();
148     }
149     elem->next_ = std::move(head_);
150     head_ = std::move(elem);
151     assertInvariants();
152   }
append(UniquePtr<T,D> && elem)154   void append(UniquePtr<T, D>&& elem) {
155     if (last_) {
156       last_->next_ = std::move(elem);
157       last_ = last_->next_.get();
158     } else {
159       head_ = std::move(elem);
160       last_ = head_.get();
161     }
162     assertInvariants();
163   }
appendAll(SingleLinkedList && list)164   void appendAll(SingleLinkedList&& list) {
165     if (list.empty()) {
166       return;
167     }
168     if (last_) {
169       last_->next_ = std::move(list.head_);
170     } else {
171       head_ = std::move(list.head_);
172     }
173     last_ = list.last_;
174     list.last_ = nullptr;
175     assertInvariants();
176     list.assertInvariants();
177   }
steal(SingleLinkedList && list)178   void steal(SingleLinkedList&& list) {
179     head_ = std::move(list.head_);
180     last_ = list.last_;
181     list.last_ = nullptr;
182     assertInvariants();
183     list.assertInvariants();
184   }
prependAll(SingleLinkedList && list)185   void prependAll(SingleLinkedList&& list) {
186     list.appendAll(std::move(*this));
187     steal(std::move(list));
188   }
popFirst()189   UniquePtr<T, D> popFirst() {
190     MOZ_ASSERT(head_);
191     UniquePtr<T, D> result = std::move(head_);
192     head_ = std::move(result->next_);
193     if (!head_) {
194       last_ = nullptr;
195     }
196     assertInvariants();
197     return result;
198   }
199 };
201 static const size_t LIFO_ALLOC_ALIGN = 8;
AlignPtr(uint8_t * orig)204 uint8_t* AlignPtr(uint8_t* orig) {
205   static_assert(mozilla::IsPowerOfTwo(LIFO_ALLOC_ALIGN),
206                 "LIFO_ALLOC_ALIGN must be a power of two");
208   uint8_t* result = (uint8_t*)AlignBytes(uintptr_t(orig), LIFO_ALLOC_ALIGN);
209   MOZ_ASSERT(uintptr_t(result) % LIFO_ALLOC_ALIGN == 0);
210   return result;
211 }
213 // A Chunk represent a single memory allocation made with the system
214 // allocator. As the owner of the memory, it is responsible for the allocation
215 // and the deallocation.
216 //
217 // This structure is only move-able, but not copyable.
218 class BumpChunk : public SingleLinkedListElement<BumpChunk> {
219  private:
220   // Pointer to the last byte allocated in this chunk.
221   uint8_t* bump_;
222   // Pointer to the first byte after this chunk.
223   uint8_t* const capacity_;
226   // Magic number used to check against poisoned values.
227   const uintptr_t magic_ : 24;
228   static constexpr uintptr_t magicNumber = uintptr_t(0x4c6966);
229 #endif
231 #if defined(DEBUG)
232 #  define LIFO_CHUNK_PROTECT 1
233 #endif
235   // Poison the memory with memset, in order to catch errors due to
236   // use-after-free, with JS_LIFO_UNDEFINED_PATTERN pattern, or to catch
237   // use-before-init with JS_LIFO_UNINITIALIZED_PATTERN.
238 #if defined(DEBUG)
239 #  define LIFO_HAVE_MEM_CHECKS 1
240 #  define LIFO_MAKE_MEM_NOACCESS(addr, size)       \
241     do {                                           \
242       uint8_t* base = (addr);                      \
243       size_t sz = (size);                          \
244       MOZ_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED(base, sz);            \
245       memset(base, JS_LIFO_UNDEFINED_PATTERN, sz); \
246       MOZ_MAKE_MEM_NOACCESS(base, sz);             \
247     } while (0)
249 #  define LIFO_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED(addr, size)          \
250     do {                                               \
251       uint8_t* base = (addr);                          \
252       size_t sz = (size);                              \
253       MOZ_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED(base, sz);                \
254       memset(base, JS_LIFO_UNINITIALIZED_PATTERN, sz); \
255       MOZ_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED(base, sz);                \
256     } while (0)
258 #elif defined(MOZ_HAVE_MEM_CHECKS)
259 #  define LIFO_HAVE_MEM_CHECKS 1
260 #  define LIFO_MAKE_MEM_NOACCESS(addr, size) \
261     MOZ_MAKE_MEM_NOACCESS((addr), (size))
262 #  define LIFO_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED(addr, size) \
263     MOZ_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED((addr), (size))
264 #endif
267   // Red zone reserved after each allocation.
268   static constexpr size_t RedZoneSize = 16;
269 #else
270   static constexpr size_t RedZoneSize = 0;
271 #endif
assertInvariants()273   void assertInvariants() {
274     MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(magic_ == magicNumber);
275     MOZ_ASSERT(begin() <= end());
276     MOZ_ASSERT(end() <= capacity_);
277   }
279   BumpChunk& operator=(const BumpChunk&) = delete;
280   BumpChunk(const BumpChunk&) = delete;
BumpChunk(uintptr_t capacity)282   explicit BumpChunk(uintptr_t capacity)
283       : bump_(begin()),
284         capacity_(base() + capacity)
286         ,
287         magic_(magicNumber)
288 #endif
289   {
290     assertInvariants();
291 #if defined(LIFO_HAVE_MEM_CHECKS)
292     // The memory is freshly allocated and marked as undefined by the
293     // allocator of the BumpChunk. Instead, we mark this memory as
294     // no-access, as it has not been allocated within the BumpChunk.
295     LIFO_MAKE_MEM_NOACCESS(bump_, capacity_ - bump_);
296 #endif
297   }
299   // Cast |this| into a uint8_t* pointer.
300   //
301   // Warning: Are you sure you do not want to use begin() instead?
base()302   const uint8_t* base() const { return reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(this); }
base()303   uint8_t* base() { return reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(this); }
305   // Update the bump pointer to any value contained in this chunk, which is
306   // above the private fields of this chunk.
307   //
308   // The memory is poisoned and flagged as no-access when the bump pointer is
309   // moving backward, such as when memory is released, or when a Mark is used
310   // to unwind previous allocations.
311   //
312   // The memory is flagged as undefined when the bump pointer is moving
313   // forward.
setBump(uint8_t * newBump)314   void setBump(uint8_t* newBump) {
315     assertInvariants();
316     MOZ_ASSERT(begin() <= newBump);
317     MOZ_ASSERT(newBump <= capacity_);
318 #if defined(LIFO_HAVE_MEM_CHECKS)
319     // Poison/Unpoison memory that we just free'd/allocated.
320     if (bump_ > newBump) {
321       LIFO_MAKE_MEM_NOACCESS(newBump, bump_ - newBump);
322     } else if (newBump > bump_) {
323       MOZ_ASSERT(newBump - RedZoneSize >= bump_);
324       LIFO_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED(bump_, newBump - RedZoneSize - bump_);
325       // The area [newBump - RedZoneSize .. newBump[ is already flagged as
326       // no-access either with the previous if-branch or with the
327       // BumpChunk constructor. No need to mark it twice.
328     }
329 #endif
330     bump_ = newBump;
331   }
333  public:
~BumpChunk()334   ~BumpChunk() { release(); }
336   // Returns true if this chunk contains no allocated content.
empty()337   bool empty() const { return end() == begin(); }
339   // Returns the size in bytes of the number of allocated space. This includes
340   // the size consumed by the alignment of the allocations.
used()341   size_t used() const { return end() - begin(); }
343   // These are used for manipulating a chunk as if it was a vector of bytes,
344   // and used for iterating over the content of the buffer (see
345   // LifoAlloc::Enum)
346   inline const uint8_t* begin() const;
347   inline uint8_t* begin();
end()348   uint8_t* end() const { return bump_; }
350   // This function is the only way to allocate and construct a chunk. It
351   // returns a UniquePtr to the newly allocated chunk.  The size given as
352   // argument includes the space needed for the header of the chunk.
353   static UniquePtr<BumpChunk> newWithCapacity(size_t size);
355   // Report allocation.
sizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf)356   size_t sizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) const {
357     return mallocSizeOf(this);
358   }
360   // Report allocation size.
computedSizeOfIncludingThis()361   size_t computedSizeOfIncludingThis() const { return capacity_ - base(); }
363   // Opaque type used to carry a pointer to the current location of the bump_
364   // pointer, within a BumpChunk.
365   class Mark {
366     // Chunk which owns the pointer.
367     BumpChunk* chunk_;
368     // Recorded of the bump_ pointer of the BumpChunk.
369     uint8_t* bump_;
371     friend class BumpChunk;
Mark(BumpChunk * chunk,uint8_t * bump)372     Mark(BumpChunk* chunk, uint8_t* bump) : chunk_(chunk), bump_(bump) {}
374    public:
Mark()375     Mark() : chunk_(nullptr), bump_(nullptr) {}
markedChunk()377     BumpChunk* markedChunk() const { return chunk_; }
378   };
380   // Return a mark to be able to unwind future allocations with the release
381   // function. (see LifoAllocScope)
mark()382   Mark mark() { return Mark(this, end()); }
384   // Check if a pointer is part of the allocated data of this chunk.
contains(void * ptr)385   bool contains(void* ptr) const {
386     // Note: We cannot check "ptr < end()" because the mark have a 0-size
387     // length.
388     return begin() <= ptr && ptr <= end();
389   }
391   // Check if a mark is part of the allocated data of this chunk.
contains(Mark m)392   bool contains(Mark m) const {
393     MOZ_ASSERT(m.chunk_ == this);
394     return contains(m.bump_);
395   }
397   // Release the memory allocated in this chunk. This function does not call
398   // any of the destructors.
release()399   void release() { setBump(begin()); }
401   // Release the memory allocated in this chunk since the corresponding mark
402   // got created. This function does not call any of the destructors.
release(Mark m)403   void release(Mark m) {
404     MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(contains(m));
405     setBump(m.bump_);
406   }
408   // Given an amount, compute the total size of a chunk for it: reserved
409   // space before |begin()|, space for |amount| bytes, and red-zone space
410   // after those bytes that will ultimately end at |capacity_|.
411   static inline MOZ_MUST_USE bool allocSizeWithRedZone(size_t amount,
412                                                        size_t* size);
414   // Given a bump chunk pointer, find the next base/end pointers. This is
415   // useful for having consistent allocations, and iterating over known size
416   // allocations.
nextAllocBase(uint8_t * e)417   static uint8_t* nextAllocBase(uint8_t* e) { return detail::AlignPtr(e); }
nextAllocEnd(uint8_t * b,size_t n)418   static uint8_t* nextAllocEnd(uint8_t* b, size_t n) {
419     return b + n + RedZoneSize;
420   }
422   // Returns true, if the unused space is large enough for an allocation of
423   // |n| bytes.
canAlloc(size_t n)424   bool canAlloc(size_t n) const {
425     uint8_t* newBump = nextAllocEnd(nextAllocBase(end()), n);
426     // bump_ <= newBump, is necessary to catch overflow.
427     return bump_ <= newBump && newBump <= capacity_;
428   }
430   // Space remaining in the current chunk.
unused()431   size_t unused() const {
432     uint8_t* aligned = nextAllocBase(end());
433     if (aligned < capacity_) {
434       return capacity_ - aligned;
435     }
436     return 0;
437   }
439   // Try to perform an allocation of size |n|, returns nullptr if not possible.
tryAlloc(size_t n)441   void* tryAlloc(size_t n) {
442     uint8_t* aligned = nextAllocBase(end());
443     uint8_t* newBump = nextAllocEnd(aligned, n);
445     if (newBump > capacity_) {
446       return nullptr;
447     }
449     // Check for overflow.
450     if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(newBump < bump_)) {
451       return nullptr;
452     }
454     MOZ_ASSERT(canAlloc(n));  // Ensure consistency between "can" and "try".
455     setBump(newBump);
456     return aligned;
457   }
460   void setReadOnly();
461   void setReadWrite();
462 #else
setReadOnly()463   void setReadOnly() const {}
setReadWrite()464   void setReadWrite() const {}
465 #endif
466 };
468 // Space reserved for the BumpChunk internal data, and the alignment of the
469 // first allocation content. This can be used to ensure there is enough space
470 // for the next allocation (see LifoAlloc::newChunkWithCapacity).
471 static constexpr size_t BumpChunkReservedSpace =
472     AlignBytes(sizeof(BumpChunk), LIFO_ALLOC_ALIGN);
allocSizeWithRedZone(size_t amount,size_t * size)474 /* static */ inline MOZ_MUST_USE bool BumpChunk::allocSizeWithRedZone(
475     size_t amount, size_t* size) {
476   constexpr size_t SpaceBefore = BumpChunkReservedSpace;
477   static_assert((SpaceBefore % LIFO_ALLOC_ALIGN) == 0,
478                 "reserved space presumed already aligned");
480   constexpr size_t SpaceAfter = RedZoneSize;  // may be zero
482   constexpr size_t SpaceBeforeAndAfter = SpaceBefore + SpaceAfter;
483   static_assert(SpaceBeforeAndAfter >= SpaceBefore,
484                 "intermediate addition must not overflow");
486   *size = SpaceBeforeAndAfter + amount;
487   return MOZ_LIKELY(*size >= SpaceBeforeAndAfter);
488 }
begin()490 inline const uint8_t* BumpChunk::begin() const {
491   return base() + BumpChunkReservedSpace;
492 }
begin()494 inline uint8_t* BumpChunk::begin() { return base() + BumpChunkReservedSpace; }
496 }  // namespace detail
498 // LIFO bump allocator: used for phase-oriented and fast LIFO allocations.
499 //
500 // Note: We leave BumpChunks latent in the set of unused chunks after they've
501 // been released to avoid thrashing before a GC.
502 class LifoAlloc {
503   using UniqueBumpChunk = js::UniquePtr<detail::BumpChunk>;
504   using BumpChunkList = detail::SingleLinkedList<detail::BumpChunk>;
506   // List of chunks containing allocated data of size smaller than the default
507   // chunk size. In the common case, the last chunk of this list is always
508   // used to perform the allocations. When the allocation cannot be performed,
509   // we move a Chunk from the unused set to the list of used chunks.
510   BumpChunkList chunks_;
512   // List of chunks containing allocated data where each allocation is larger
513   // than the oversize threshold. Each chunk contains exactly one allocation.
514   // This reduces wasted space in the chunk list.
515   //
516   // Oversize chunks are allocated on demand and freed as soon as they are
517   // released, instead of being pushed to the unused list.
518   BumpChunkList oversize_;
520   // Set of unused chunks, which can be reused for future allocations.
521   BumpChunkList unused_;
523   size_t markCount;
524   size_t defaultChunkSize_;
525   size_t oversizeThreshold_;
527   // Size of all chunks in chunks_, oversize_, unused_ lists.
528   size_t curSize_;
529   size_t peakSize_;
531   // Size of all chunks containing small bump allocations. This heuristic is
532   // used to compute growth rate while ignoring chunks such as oversized,
533   // now-unused, or transferred (which followed their own growth patterns).
534   size_t smallAllocsSize_;
536 #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(JS_OOM_BREAKPOINT)
537   bool fallibleScope_;
538 #endif
540   void operator=(const LifoAlloc&) = delete;
541   LifoAlloc(const LifoAlloc&) = delete;
543   // Return a BumpChunk that can perform an allocation of at least size |n|.
544   UniqueBumpChunk newChunkWithCapacity(size_t n, bool oversize);
546   // Reuse or allocate a BumpChunk that can perform an allocation of at least
547   // size |n|, if successful it is placed at the end the list of |chunks_|.
548   UniqueBumpChunk getOrCreateChunk(size_t n);
550   void reset(size_t defaultChunkSize);
552   // Append unused chunks to the end of this LifoAlloc.
appendUnused(BumpChunkList && otherUnused)553   void appendUnused(BumpChunkList&& otherUnused) {
554 #ifdef DEBUG
555     for (detail::BumpChunk& bc : otherUnused) {
556       MOZ_ASSERT(bc.empty());
557     }
558 #endif
559     unused_.appendAll(std::move(otherUnused));
560   }
562   // Append used chunks to the end of this LifoAlloc. We act as if all the
563   // chunks in |this| are used, even if they're not, so memory may be wasted.
appendUsed(BumpChunkList && otherChunks)564   void appendUsed(BumpChunkList&& otherChunks) {
565     chunks_.appendAll(std::move(otherChunks));
566   }
568   // Track the amount of space allocated in used and unused chunks.
incrementCurSize(size_t size)569   void incrementCurSize(size_t size) {
570     curSize_ += size;
571     if (curSize_ > peakSize_) {
572       peakSize_ = curSize_;
573     }
574   }
decrementCurSize(size_t size)575   void decrementCurSize(size_t size) {
576     MOZ_ASSERT(curSize_ >= size);
577     curSize_ -= size;
578     MOZ_ASSERT(curSize_ >= smallAllocsSize_);
579   }
581   void* allocImplColdPath(size_t n);
582   void* allocImplOversize(size_t n);
allocImpl(size_t n)585   void* allocImpl(size_t n) {
586     void* result;
587     // Give oversized allocations their own chunk instead of wasting space
588     // due to fragmentation at the end of normal chunk.
589     if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(n > oversizeThreshold_)) {
590       return allocImplOversize(n);
591     }
592     if (MOZ_LIKELY(!chunks_.empty() &&
593                    (result = chunks_.last()->tryAlloc(n)))) {
594       return result;
595     }
596     return allocImplColdPath(n);
597   }
599   // Check for space in unused chunks or allocate a new unused chunk.
600   MOZ_MUST_USE bool ensureUnusedApproximateColdPath(size_t n, size_t total);
602  public:
LifoAlloc(size_t defaultChunkSize)603   explicit LifoAlloc(size_t defaultChunkSize)
604       : peakSize_(0)
605 #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(JS_OOM_BREAKPOINT)
606         ,
607         fallibleScope_(true)
608 #endif
609   {
610     reset(defaultChunkSize);
611   }
613   // Set the threshold to allocate data in its own chunk outside the space for
614   // small allocations.
disableOversize()615   void disableOversize() { oversizeThreshold_ = SIZE_MAX; }
setOversizeThreshold(size_t oversizeThreshold)616   void setOversizeThreshold(size_t oversizeThreshold) {
617     MOZ_ASSERT(oversizeThreshold <= defaultChunkSize_);
618     oversizeThreshold_ = oversizeThreshold;
619   }
621   // Steal allocated chunks from |other|.
622   void steal(LifoAlloc* other);
624   // Append all chunks from |other|. They are removed from |other|.
625   void transferFrom(LifoAlloc* other);
627   // Append unused chunks from |other|. They are removed from |other|.
628   void transferUnusedFrom(LifoAlloc* other);
~LifoAlloc()630   ~LifoAlloc() { freeAll(); }
defaultChunkSize()632   size_t defaultChunkSize() const { return defaultChunkSize_; }
634   // Frees all held memory.
635   void freeAll();
637   static const unsigned HUGE_ALLOCATION = 50 * 1024 * 1024;
freeAllIfHugeAndUnused()638   void freeAllIfHugeAndUnused() {
639     if (markCount == 0 && curSize_ > HUGE_ALLOCATION) {
640       freeAll();
641     }
642   }
alloc(size_t n)645   void* alloc(size_t n) {
646 #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(JS_OOM_BREAKPOINT)
647     // Only simulate OOMs when we are not using the LifoAlloc as an
648     // infallible allocator.
649     if (fallibleScope_) {
651     }
652 #endif
653     return allocImpl(n);
654   }
656   // Allocates |n| bytes if we can guarantee that we will have
657   // |needed| unused bytes remaining. Returns nullptr if we can't.
658   // This is useful for maintaining our ballast invariants while
659   // attempting fallible allocations.
allocEnsureUnused(size_t n,size_t needed)661   void* allocEnsureUnused(size_t n, size_t needed) {
663     MOZ_ASSERT(fallibleScope_);
665     Mark m = mark();
666     void* result = allocImpl(n);
667     if (!ensureUnusedApproximate(needed)) {
668       release(m);
669       return nullptr;
670     }
671     cancelMark(m);
672     return result;
673   }
675   template <typename T, typename... Args>
newWithSize(size_t n,Args &&...args)676   MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE T* newWithSize(size_t n, Args&&... args) {
677     MOZ_ASSERT(n >= sizeof(T), "must request enough space to store a T");
678     static_assert(alignof(T) <= detail::LIFO_ALLOC_ALIGN,
679                   "LifoAlloc must provide enough alignment to store T");
680     void* ptr = alloc(n);
681     if (!ptr) {
682       return nullptr;
683     }
685     return new (ptr) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
686   }
allocInfallible(size_t n)689   void* allocInfallible(size_t n) {
690     AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion oomUnsafe;
691     if (void* result = allocImpl(n)) {
692       return result;
693     }
694     oomUnsafe.crash("LifoAlloc::allocInfallible");
695     return nullptr;
696   }
698   // Ensures that enough space exists to satisfy N bytes worth of
699   // allocation requests, not necessarily contiguous. Note that this does
700   // not guarantee a successful single allocation of N bytes.
ensureUnusedApproximate(size_t n)702   MOZ_MUST_USE bool ensureUnusedApproximate(size_t n) {
703     AutoFallibleScope fallibleAllocator(this);
704     size_t total = 0;
705     if (!chunks_.empty()) {
706       total += chunks_.last()->unused();
707       if (total >= n) {
708         return true;
709       }
710     }
712     return ensureUnusedApproximateColdPath(n, total);
713   }
setAsInfallibleByDefault()716   void setAsInfallibleByDefault() {
717 #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(JS_OOM_BREAKPOINT)
718     fallibleScope_ = false;
719 #endif
720   }
722   class MOZ_NON_TEMPORARY_CLASS AutoFallibleScope {
723 #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(JS_OOM_BREAKPOINT)
724     LifoAlloc* lifoAlloc_;
725     bool prevFallibleScope_;
728    public:
AutoFallibleScope(LifoAlloc * lifoAlloc MOZ_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER_PARAM)729     explicit AutoFallibleScope(
730         LifoAlloc* lifoAlloc MOZ_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER_PARAM) {
732       lifoAlloc_ = lifoAlloc;
733       prevFallibleScope_ = lifoAlloc->fallibleScope_;
734       lifoAlloc->fallibleScope_ = true;
735     }
~AutoFallibleScope()737     ~AutoFallibleScope() { lifoAlloc_->fallibleScope_ = prevFallibleScope_; }
738 #else
739    public:
740     explicit AutoFallibleScope(LifoAlloc*) {}
741 #endif
742   };
744   template <typename T>
newArray(size_t count)745   T* newArray(size_t count) {
746     static_assert(std::is_trivial_v<T>,
747                   "T must be trivially constructible so that constructors need "
748                   "not be called");
749     static_assert(std::is_trivially_destructible_v<T>,
750                   "T must be trivially destructible so destructors don't need "
751                   "to be called when the LifoAlloc is freed");
752     return newArrayUninitialized<T>(count);
753   }
755   // Create an array with uninitialized elements of type |T|.
756   // The caller is responsible for initialization.
757   template <typename T>
newArrayUninitialized(size_t count)758   T* newArrayUninitialized(size_t count) {
759     size_t bytes;
760     if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(!CalculateAllocSize<T>(count, &bytes))) {
761       return nullptr;
762     }
763     return static_cast<T*>(alloc(bytes));
764   }
766   class Mark {
767     friend class LifoAlloc;
768     detail::BumpChunk::Mark chunk;
769     detail::BumpChunk::Mark oversize;
770   };
772   // Note: MOZ_NEVER_INLINE is a work around for a Clang 9 (PGO) miscompilation.
773   // See bug 1583907.
774   MOZ_NEVER_INLINE Mark mark();
776   void release(Mark mark);
778  private:
cancelMark(Mark mark)779   void cancelMark(Mark mark) { markCount--; }
781  public:
releaseAll()782   void releaseAll() {
783     MOZ_ASSERT(!markCount);
785     // When releasing all chunks, we can no longer determine which chunks were
786     // transferred and which were not, so simply clear the heuristic to zero
787     // right away.
788     smallAllocsSize_ = 0;
790     for (detail::BumpChunk& bc : chunks_) {
791       bc.release();
792     }
793     unused_.appendAll(std::move(chunks_));
795     // On release, we free any oversize allocations instead of keeping them
796     // in unused chunks.
797     while (!oversize_.empty()) {
798       UniqueBumpChunk bc = oversize_.popFirst();
799       decrementCurSize(bc->computedSizeOfIncludingThis());
800     }
801   }
803   // Protect the content of the LifoAlloc chunks.
805   void setReadOnly();
806   void setReadWrite();
807 #else
setReadOnly()808   void setReadOnly() const {}
setReadWrite()809   void setReadWrite() const {}
810 #endif
812   // Get the total "used" (occupied bytes) count for the arena chunks.
used()813   size_t used() const {
814     size_t accum = 0;
815     for (const detail::BumpChunk& chunk : chunks_) {
816       accum += chunk.used();
817     }
818     return accum;
819   }
821   // Return true if the LifoAlloc does not currently contain any allocations.
isEmpty()822   bool isEmpty() const {
823     bool empty = chunks_.empty() ||
824                  (chunks_.begin() == chunks_.last() && chunks_.last()->empty());
825     MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!oversize_.empty(), !oversize_.last()->empty());
826     return empty && oversize_.empty();
827   }
829   // Return the number of bytes remaining to allocate in the current chunk.
830   // e.g. How many bytes we can allocate before needing a new block.
availableInCurrentChunk()831   size_t availableInCurrentChunk() const {
832     if (chunks_.empty()) {
833       return 0;
834     }
835     return chunks_.last()->unused();
836   }
838   // Get the total size of the arena chunks (including unused space).
sizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf)839   size_t sizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) const {
840     size_t n = 0;
841     for (const detail::BumpChunk& chunk : chunks_) {
842       n += chunk.sizeOfIncludingThis(mallocSizeOf);
843     }
844     for (const detail::BumpChunk& chunk : oversize_) {
845       n += chunk.sizeOfIncludingThis(mallocSizeOf);
846     }
847     for (const detail::BumpChunk& chunk : unused_) {
848       n += chunk.sizeOfIncludingThis(mallocSizeOf);
849     }
850     return n;
851   }
853   // Like sizeOfExcludingThis(), but includes the size of the LifoAlloc itself.
sizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf)854   size_t sizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) const {
855     return mallocSizeOf(this) + sizeOfExcludingThis(mallocSizeOf);
856   }
858   // Get the current size of the arena chunks (including unused space and
859   // bookkeeping space).
computedSizeOfExcludingThis()860   size_t computedSizeOfExcludingThis() const { return curSize_; }
862   // Get the peak size of the arena chunks (including unused space and
863   // bookkeeping space).
peakSizeOfExcludingThis()864   size_t peakSizeOfExcludingThis() const { return peakSize_; }
866   // Doesn't perform construction; useful for lazily-initialized POD types.
867   template <typename T>
pod_malloc()868   MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE T* pod_malloc() {
869     return static_cast<T*>(alloc(sizeof(T)));
870   }
873   JS_DECLARE_NEW_METHODS(newInfallible, allocInfallible, MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE)
875 #ifdef DEBUG
876   bool contains(void* ptr) const {
877     for (const detail::BumpChunk& chunk : chunks_) {
878       if (chunk.contains(ptr)) {
879         return true;
880       }
881     }
882     for (const detail::BumpChunk& chunk : oversize_) {
883       if (chunk.contains(ptr)) {
884         return true;
885       }
886     }
887     return false;
888   }
889 #endif
891   // Iterate over the data allocated in a LifoAlloc, and interpret it.
892   class Enum {
893     friend class LifoAlloc;
894     friend class detail::BumpChunk;
896     // Iterator over the list of bump chunks.
897     BumpChunkList::Iterator chunkIt_;
898     BumpChunkList::Iterator chunkEnd_;
899     // Read head (must be within chunk_).
900     uint8_t* head_;
902     // If there is not enough room in the remaining block for |size|,
903     // advance to the next block and update the position.
seekBaseAndAdvanceBy(size_t size)904     uint8_t* seekBaseAndAdvanceBy(size_t size) {
905       MOZ_ASSERT(!empty());
907       uint8_t* aligned = detail::BumpChunk::nextAllocBase(head_);
908       if (detail::BumpChunk::nextAllocEnd(aligned, size) > chunkIt_->end()) {
909         ++chunkIt_;
910         aligned = chunkIt_->begin();
911         // The current code assumes that if we have a chunk, then we
912         // have allocated something it in.
913         MOZ_ASSERT(!chunkIt_->empty());
914       }
915       head_ = detail::BumpChunk::nextAllocEnd(aligned, size);
916       MOZ_ASSERT(head_ <= chunkIt_->end());
917       return aligned;
918     }
920    public:
Enum(LifoAlloc & alloc)921     explicit Enum(LifoAlloc& alloc)
922         : chunkIt_(alloc.chunks_.begin()),
923           chunkEnd_(alloc.chunks_.end()),
924           head_(nullptr) {
925       MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(alloc.oversize_.empty());
926       if (chunkIt_ != chunkEnd_) {
927         head_ = chunkIt_->begin();
928       }
929     }
931     // Return true if there are no more bytes to enumerate.
empty()932     bool empty() {
933       return chunkIt_ == chunkEnd_ ||
934              (chunkIt_->next() == chunkEnd_.get() && head_ >= chunkIt_->end());
935     }
937     // Move the read position forward by the size of one T.
938     template <typename T>
939     T* read(size_t size = sizeof(T)) {
940       return reinterpret_cast<T*>(read(size));
941     }
943     // Return a pointer to the item at the current position. This returns a
944     // pointer to the inline storage, not a copy, and moves the read-head by
945     // the requested |size|.
read(size_t size)946     void* read(size_t size) { return seekBaseAndAdvanceBy(size); }
947   };
948 };
950 class MOZ_NON_TEMPORARY_CLASS LifoAllocScope {
951   LifoAlloc* lifoAlloc;
952   LifoAlloc::Mark mark;
953   LifoAlloc::AutoFallibleScope fallibleScope;
956  public:
LifoAllocScope(LifoAlloc * lifoAlloc MOZ_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER_PARAM)957   explicit LifoAllocScope(LifoAlloc* lifoAlloc MOZ_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER_PARAM)
958       : lifoAlloc(lifoAlloc),
959         mark(lifoAlloc->mark()),
960         fallibleScope(lifoAlloc) {
962   }
~LifoAllocScope()964   ~LifoAllocScope() {
965     lifoAlloc->release(mark);
967     /*
968      * The parser can allocate enormous amounts of memory for large functions.
969      * Eagerly free the memory now (which otherwise won't be freed until the
970      * next GC) to avoid unnecessary OOMs.
971      */
972     lifoAlloc->freeAllIfHugeAndUnused();
973   }
alloc()975   LifoAlloc& alloc() { return *lifoAlloc; }
976 };
978 enum Fallibility { Fallible, Infallible };
980 template <Fallibility fb>
981 class LifoAllocPolicy {
982   LifoAlloc& alloc_;
984  public:
LifoAllocPolicy(LifoAlloc & alloc)985   MOZ_IMPLICIT LifoAllocPolicy(LifoAlloc& alloc) : alloc_(alloc) {}
986   template <typename T>
maybe_pod_malloc(size_t numElems)987   T* maybe_pod_malloc(size_t numElems) {
988     size_t bytes;
989     if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(!CalculateAllocSize<T>(numElems, &bytes))) {
990       return nullptr;
991     }
992     void* p =
993         fb == Fallible ? alloc_.alloc(bytes) : alloc_.allocInfallible(bytes);
994     return static_cast<T*>(p);
995   }
996   template <typename T>
maybe_pod_calloc(size_t numElems)997   T* maybe_pod_calloc(size_t numElems) {
998     T* p = maybe_pod_malloc<T>(numElems);
999     if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(!p)) {
1000       return nullptr;
1001     }
1002     memset(p, 0, numElems * sizeof(T));
1003     return p;
1004   }
1005   template <typename T>
maybe_pod_realloc(T * p,size_t oldSize,size_t newSize)1006   T* maybe_pod_realloc(T* p, size_t oldSize, size_t newSize) {
1007     T* n = maybe_pod_malloc<T>(newSize);
1008     if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(!n)) {
1009       return nullptr;
1010     }
1011     MOZ_ASSERT(!(oldSize & mozilla::tl::MulOverflowMask<sizeof(T)>::value));
1012     memcpy(n, p, std::min(oldSize * sizeof(T), newSize * sizeof(T)));
1013     return n;
1014   }
1015   template <typename T>
pod_malloc(size_t numElems)1016   T* pod_malloc(size_t numElems) {
1017     return maybe_pod_malloc<T>(numElems);
1018   }
1019   template <typename T>
pod_calloc(size_t numElems)1020   T* pod_calloc(size_t numElems) {
1021     return maybe_pod_calloc<T>(numElems);
1022   }
1023   template <typename T>
pod_realloc(T * p,size_t oldSize,size_t newSize)1024   T* pod_realloc(T* p, size_t oldSize, size_t newSize) {
1025     return maybe_pod_realloc<T>(p, oldSize, newSize);
1026   }
1027   template <typename T>
free_(T * p,size_t numElems)1028   void free_(T* p, size_t numElems) {}
reportAllocOverflow()1029   void reportAllocOverflow() const {}
checkSimulatedOOM()1030   MOZ_MUST_USE bool checkSimulatedOOM() const {
1031     return fb == Infallible || !js::oom::ShouldFailWithOOM();
1032   }
1033 };
1035 }  // namespace js
1037 #endif /* ds_LifoAlloc_h */