1# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
5from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
7import codecs
8import inspect
9import logging
10import os
11import re
12import six
13from six.moves import builtins as __builtin__
14import sys
15import types
16from collections import OrderedDict
17from contextlib import contextmanager
18from functools import wraps
19from mozbuild.configure.options import (
20    CommandLineHelper,
21    ConflictingOptionError,
23    InvalidOptionError,
24    Option,
25    OptionValue,
27from mozbuild.configure.help import HelpFormatter
28from mozbuild.configure.util import (
29    ConfigureOutputHandler,
30    getpreferredencoding,
31    LineIO,
33from mozbuild.util import (
34    ensure_subprocess_env,
35    exec_,
36    memoize,
37    memoized_property,
38    ReadOnlyDict,
39    ReadOnlyNamespace,
40    system_encoding,
43import mozpack.path as mozpath
46# TRACE logging level, below (thus more verbose than) DEBUG
47TRACE = 5
50class ConfigureError(Exception):
51    pass
54class SandboxDependsFunction(object):
55    '''Sandbox-visible representation of @depends functions.'''
57    def __init__(self, unsandboxed):
58        self._or = unsandboxed.__or__
59        self._and = unsandboxed.__and__
60        self._getattr = unsandboxed.__getattr__
62    def __call__(self, *arg, **kwargs):
63        raise ConfigureError('The `%s` function may not be called'
64                             % self.__name__)
66    def __or__(self, other):
67        if not isinstance(other, SandboxDependsFunction):
68            raise ConfigureError('Can only do binary arithmetic operations '
69                                 'with another @depends function.')
70        return self._or(other).sandboxed
72    def __and__(self, other):
73        if not isinstance(other, SandboxDependsFunction):
74            raise ConfigureError('Can only do binary arithmetic operations '
75                                 'with another @depends function.')
76        return self._and(other).sandboxed
78    def __cmp__(self, other):
79        raise ConfigureError('Cannot compare @depends functions.')
81    def __eq__(self, other):
82        raise ConfigureError('Cannot compare @depends functions.')
84    def __hash__(self):
85        return object.__hash__(self)
87    def __ne__(self, other):
88        raise ConfigureError('Cannot compare @depends functions.')
90    def __lt__(self, other):
91        raise ConfigureError('Cannot compare @depends functions.')
93    def __le__(self, other):
94        raise ConfigureError('Cannot compare @depends functions.')
96    def __gt__(self, other):
97        raise ConfigureError('Cannot compare @depends functions.')
99    def __ge__(self, other):
100        raise ConfigureError('Cannot compare @depends functions.')
102    def __getattr__(self, key):
103        return self._getattr(key).sandboxed
105    def __nonzero__(self):
106        raise ConfigureError(
107            'Cannot do boolean operations on @depends functions.')
110class DependsFunction(object):
111    __slots__ = (
112        '_func', '_name', 'dependencies', 'when', 'sandboxed', 'sandbox',
113        '_result')
115    def __init__(self, sandbox, func, dependencies, when=None):
116        assert isinstance(sandbox, ConfigureSandbox)
117        assert not inspect.isgeneratorfunction(func)
118        self._func = func
119        self._name = func.__name__
120        self.dependencies = dependencies
121        self.sandboxed = wraps(func)(SandboxDependsFunction(self))
122        self.sandbox = sandbox
123        self.when = when
124        sandbox._depends[self.sandboxed] = self
126        # Only @depends functions with a dependency on '--help' are executed
127        # immediately. Everything else is queued for later execution.
128        if sandbox._help_option in dependencies:
129            sandbox._value_for(self)
130        elif not sandbox._help:
131            sandbox._execution_queue.append((sandbox._value_for, (self,)))
133    @property
134    def name(self):
135        return self._name
137    @name.setter
138    def name(self, value):
139        self._name = value
141    @property
142    def sandboxed_dependencies(self):
143        return [
144            d.sandboxed if isinstance(d, DependsFunction) else d
145            for d in self.dependencies
146        ]
148    @memoize
149    def result(self):
150        if self.when and not self.sandbox._value_for(self.when):
151            return None
153        resolved_args = [self.sandbox._value_for(d)
154                         for d in self.dependencies]
155        return self._func(*resolved_args)
157    def __repr__(self):
158        return '<%s %s(%s)>' % (
159            self.__class__.__name__,
160            self.name,
161            ', '.join(repr(d) for d in self.dependencies),
162        )
164    def __or__(self, other):
165        if isinstance(other, SandboxDependsFunction):
166            other = self.sandbox._depends.get(other)
167        assert isinstance(other, DependsFunction)
168        assert self.sandbox is other.sandbox
169        return CombinedDependsFunction(self.sandbox, self.or_impl,
170                                       (self, other))
172    @staticmethod
173    def or_impl(iterable):
174        # Applies "or" to all the items of iterable.
175        # e.g. if iterable contains a, b and c, returns `a or b or c`.
176        for i in iterable:
177            if i:
178                return i
179        return i
181    def __and__(self, other):
182        if isinstance(other, SandboxDependsFunction):
183            other = self.sandbox._depends.get(other)
184        assert isinstance(other, DependsFunction)
185        assert self.sandbox is other.sandbox
186        return CombinedDependsFunction(self.sandbox, self.and_impl,
187                                       (self, other))
189    @staticmethod
190    def and_impl(iterable):
191        # Applies "and" to all the items of iterable.
192        # e.g. if iterable contains a, b and c, returns `a and b and c`.
193        for i in iterable:
194            if not i:
195                return i
196        return i
198    def __getattr__(self, key):
199        if key.startswith('_'):
200            return super(DependsFunction, self).__getattr__(key)
201        # Our function may return None or an object that simply doesn't have
202        # the wanted key. In that case, just return None.
203        return TrivialDependsFunction(
204            self.sandbox, lambda x: getattr(x, key, None), [self], self.when)
207class TrivialDependsFunction(DependsFunction):
208    '''Like a DependsFunction, but the linter won't expect it to have a
209    dependency on --help ever.'''
212class CombinedDependsFunction(DependsFunction):
213    def __init__(self, sandbox, func, dependencies):
214        flatten_deps = []
215        for d in dependencies:
216            if isinstance(d, CombinedDependsFunction) and d._func is func:
217                for d2 in d.dependencies:
218                    if d2 not in flatten_deps:
219                        flatten_deps.append(d2)
220            elif d not in flatten_deps:
221                flatten_deps.append(d)
223        super(CombinedDependsFunction, self).__init__(
224            sandbox, func, flatten_deps)
226    @memoize
227    def result(self):
228        resolved_args = (self.sandbox._value_for(d)
229                         for d in self.dependencies)
230        return self._func(resolved_args)
232    def __eq__(self, other):
233        return (isinstance(other, self.__class__) and
234                self._func is other._func and
235                set(self.dependencies) == set(other.dependencies))
237    def __hash__(self):
238        return object.__hash__(self)
240    def __ne__(self, other):
241        return not self == other
244class SandboxedGlobal(dict):
245    '''Identifiable dict type for use as function global'''
248def forbidden_import(*args, **kwargs):
249    raise ImportError('Importing modules is forbidden')
252class ConfigureSandbox(dict):
253    """Represents a sandbox for executing Python code for build configuration.
254    This is a different kind of sandboxing than the one used for moz.build
255    processing.
257    The sandbox has 9 primitives:
258    - option
259    - depends
260    - template
261    - imports
262    - include
263    - set_config
264    - set_define
265    - imply_option
266    - only_when
268    `option`, `include`, `set_config`, `set_define` and `imply_option` are
269    functions. `depends`, `template`, and `imports` are decorators. `only_when`
270    is a context_manager.
272    These primitives are declared as name_impl methods to this class and
273    the mapping name -> name_impl is done automatically in __getitem__.
275    Additional primitives should be frowned upon to keep the sandbox itself as
276    simple as possible. Instead, helpers should be created within the sandbox
277    with the existing primitives.
279    The sandbox is given, at creation, a dict where the yielded configuration
280    will be stored.
282        config = {}
283        sandbox = ConfigureSandbox(config)
284        sandbox.run(path)
285        do_stuff(config)
286    """
288    # The default set of builtins. We expose unicode as str to make sandboxed
289    # files more python3-ready.
290    BUILTINS = ReadOnlyDict({
291        b: getattr(__builtin__, b, None)
292        for b in ('None', 'False', 'True', 'int', 'bool', 'any', 'all', 'len',
293                  'list', 'tuple', 'set', 'dict', 'isinstance', 'getattr',
294                  'hasattr', 'enumerate', 'range', 'zip', 'AssertionError',
295                  '__build_class__',  # will be None on py2
296                  )
297    }, __import__=forbidden_import, str=six.text_type)
299    # Expose a limited set of functions from os.path
300    OS = ReadOnlyNamespace(path=ReadOnlyNamespace(**{
301        k: getattr(mozpath, k, getattr(os.path, k))
302        for k in ('abspath', 'basename', 'dirname', 'isabs', 'join',
303                  'normcase', 'normpath', 'realpath', 'relpath')
304    }))
306    def __init__(self, config, environ=os.environ, argv=sys.argv,
307                 stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, logger=None):
308        dict.__setitem__(self, '__builtins__', self.BUILTINS)
310        self._environ = dict(environ)
312        self._paths = []
313        self._all_paths = set()
314        self._templates = set()
315        # Associate SandboxDependsFunctions to DependsFunctions.
316        self._depends = OrderedDict()
317        self._seen = set()
318        # Store the @imports added to a given function.
319        self._imports = {}
321        self._options = OrderedDict()
322        # Store raw option (as per command line or environment) for each Option
323        self._raw_options = OrderedDict()
325        # Store options added with `imply_option`, and the reason they were
326        # added (which can either have been given to `imply_option`, or
327        # inferred. Their order matters, so use a list.
328        self._implied_options = []
330        # Store all results from _prepare_function
331        self._prepared_functions = set()
333        # Queue of functions to execute, with their arguments
334        self._execution_queue = []
336        # Store the `when`s associated to some options.
337        self._conditions = {}
339        # A list of conditions to apply as a default `when` for every *_impl()
340        self._default_conditions = []
342        self._helper = CommandLineHelper(environ, argv)
344        assert isinstance(config, dict)
345        self._config = config
347        # Tracks how many templates "deep" we are in the stack.
348        self._template_depth = 0
350        logging.addLevelName(TRACE, 'TRACE')
351        if logger is None:
352            logger = moz_logger = logging.getLogger('moz.configure')
353            logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
354            formatter = logging.Formatter('%(levelname)s: %(message)s')
355            handler = ConfigureOutputHandler(stdout, stderr)
356            handler.setFormatter(formatter)
357            queue_debug = handler.queue_debug
358            logger.addHandler(handler)
360        else:
361            assert isinstance(logger, logging.Logger)
362            moz_logger = None
363            @contextmanager
364            def queue_debug():
365                yield
367        self._logger = logger
369        # Some callers will manage to log a bytestring with characters in it
370        # that can't be converted to ascii. Make our log methods robust to this
371        # by detecting the encoding that a producer is likely to have used.
372        encoding = getpreferredencoding()
374        def wrapped_log_method(logger, key):
375            method = getattr(logger, key)
377            def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
378                out_args = [
379                    six.ensure_text(arg, encoding=encoding or 'utf-8')
380                    if isinstance(arg, six.binary_type) else arg for arg in args
381                ]
382                return method(*out_args, **kwargs)
383            return wrapped
385        log_namespace = {
386            k: wrapped_log_method(logger, k)
387            for k in ('debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error')
388        }
389        log_namespace['queue_debug'] = queue_debug
390        self.log_impl = ReadOnlyNamespace(**log_namespace)
392        self._help = None
393        self._help_option = self.option_impl(
394            '--help', help='print this message', category=HELP_OPTIONS_CATEGORY)
395        self._seen.add(self._help_option)
397        self._always = DependsFunction(self, lambda: True, [])
398        self._never = DependsFunction(self, lambda: False, [])
400        if self._value_for(self._help_option):
401            self._help = HelpFormatter(argv[0])
402            self._help.add(self._help_option)
403        elif moz_logger:
404            handler = logging.FileHandler('config.log', mode='w', delay=True,
405                                          encoding='utf-8')
406            handler.setFormatter(formatter)
407            logger.addHandler(handler)
409    def include_file(self, path):
410        '''Include one file in the sandbox. Users of this class probably want
411        to use `run` instead.
413        Note: this will execute all template invocations, as well as @depends
414        functions that depend on '--help', but nothing else.
415        '''
417        if self._paths:
418            path = mozpath.join(mozpath.dirname(self._paths[-1]), path)
419            path = mozpath.normpath(path)
420            if not mozpath.basedir(path, (mozpath.dirname(self._paths[0]),)):
421                raise ConfigureError(
422                    'Cannot include `%s` because it is not in a subdirectory '
423                    'of `%s`' % (path, mozpath.dirname(self._paths[0])))
424        else:
425            path = mozpath.realpath(mozpath.abspath(path))
426        if path in self._all_paths:
427            raise ConfigureError(
428                'Cannot include `%s` because it was included already.' % path)
429        self._paths.append(path)
430        self._all_paths.add(path)
432        source = open(path, 'rb').read()
434        code = compile(source, path, 'exec')
436        exec_(code, self)
438        self._paths.pop(-1)
440    def run(self, path=None):
441        '''Executes the given file within the sandbox, as well as everything
442        pending from any other included file, and ensure the overall
443        consistency of the executed script(s).'''
444        if path:
445            self.include_file(path)
447        for option in six.itervalues(self._options):
448            # All options must be referenced by some @depends function
449            if option not in self._seen:
450                raise ConfigureError(
451                    'Option `%s` is not handled ; reference it with a @depends'
452                    % option.option
453                )
455            self._value_for(option)
457        # All implied options should exist.
458        for implied_option in self._implied_options:
459            value = self._resolve(implied_option.value)
460            if value is not None:
461                # There are two ways to end up here: either the implied option
462                # is unknown, or it's known but there was a dependency loop
463                # that prevented the implication from being applied.
464                option = self._options.get(implied_option.name)
465                if not option:
466                    raise ConfigureError(
467                        '`%s`, emitted from `%s` line %d, is unknown.'
468                        % (implied_option.option, implied_option.caller[1],
469                           implied_option.caller[2]))
470                # If the option is known, check that the implied value doesn't
471                # conflict with what value was attributed to the option.
472                if (implied_option.when and
473                        not self._value_for(implied_option.when)):
474                    continue
475                option_value = self._value_for_option(option)
476                if value != option_value:
477                    reason = implied_option.reason
478                    if isinstance(reason, Option):
479                        reason = self._raw_options.get(reason) or reason.option
480                        reason = reason.split('=', 1)[0]
481                    value = OptionValue.from_(value)
482                    raise InvalidOptionError(
483                        "'%s' implied by '%s' conflicts with '%s' from the %s"
484                        % (value.format(option.option), reason,
485                           option_value.format(option.option), option_value.origin))
487        # All options should have been removed (handled) by now.
488        for arg in self._helper:
489            without_value = arg.split('=', 1)[0]
490            msg = 'Unknown option: %s' % without_value
491            if self._help:
492                self._logger.warning(msg)
493            else:
494                raise InvalidOptionError(msg)
496        # Run the execution queue
497        for func, args in self._execution_queue:
498            func(*args)
500        if self._help:
501            with LineIO(self.log_impl.info) as out:
502                self._help.usage(out)
504    def __getitem__(self, key):
505        impl = '%s_impl' % key
506        func = getattr(self, impl, None)
507        if func:
508            return func
510        return super(ConfigureSandbox, self).__getitem__(key)
512    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
513        if (key in self.BUILTINS or key == '__builtins__' or
514                hasattr(self, '%s_impl' % key)):
515            raise KeyError('Cannot reassign builtins')
517        if inspect.isfunction(value) and value not in self._templates:
518            value = self._prepare_function(value)
520        elif (not isinstance(value, SandboxDependsFunction) and
521                value not in self._templates and
522                not (inspect.isclass(value) and issubclass(value, Exception))):
523            raise KeyError('Cannot assign `%s` because it is neither a '
524                           '@depends nor a @template' % key)
526        if isinstance(value, SandboxDependsFunction):
527            self._depends[value].name = key
529        return super(ConfigureSandbox, self).__setitem__(key, value)
531    def _resolve(self, arg):
532        if isinstance(arg, SandboxDependsFunction):
533            return self._value_for_depends(self._depends[arg])
534        return arg
536    def _value_for(self, obj):
537        if isinstance(obj, SandboxDependsFunction):
538            assert obj in self._depends
539            return self._value_for_depends(self._depends[obj])
541        elif isinstance(obj, DependsFunction):
542            return self._value_for_depends(obj)
544        elif isinstance(obj, Option):
545            return self._value_for_option(obj)
547        assert False
549    @memoize
550    def _value_for_depends(self, obj):
551        value = obj.result()
552        self._logger.log(TRACE, '%r = %r', obj, value)
553        return value
555    @memoize
556    def _value_for_option(self, option):
557        implied = {}
558        matching_implied_options = [
559            o for o in self._implied_options if o.name in (option.name, option.env)
560        ]
561        # Update self._implied_options before going into the loop with the non-matching
562        # options.
563        self._implied_options = [
564            o for o in self._implied_options if o.name not in (option.name, option.env)
565        ]
567        for implied_option in matching_implied_options:
568            if (implied_option.when and
569                not self._value_for(implied_option.when)):
570                continue
572            value = self._resolve(implied_option.value)
574            if value is not None:
575                value = OptionValue.from_(value)
576                opt = value.format(implied_option.option)
577                self._helper.add(opt, 'implied')
578                implied[opt] = implied_option
580        try:
581            value, option_string = self._helper.handle(option)
582        except ConflictingOptionError as e:
583            reason = implied[e.arg].reason
584            if isinstance(reason, Option):
585                reason = self._raw_options.get(reason) or reason.option
586                reason = reason.split('=', 1)[0]
587            raise InvalidOptionError(
588                "'%s' implied by '%s' conflicts with '%s' from the %s"
589                % (e.arg, reason, e.old_arg, e.old_origin))
591        if value.origin == 'implied':
592            recursed_value = getattr(self, '__value_for_option').get((option,))
593            if recursed_value is not None:
594                _, filename, line, _, _, _ = implied[value.format(option.option)].caller
595                raise ConfigureError(
596                    "'%s' appears somewhere in the direct or indirect dependencies when "
597                    "resolving imply_option at %s:%d" % (option.option, filename, line))
599        if option_string:
600            self._raw_options[option] = option_string
602        when = self._conditions.get(option)
603        # If `when` resolves to a false-ish value, we always return None.
604        # This makes option(..., when='--foo') equivalent to
605        # option(..., when=depends('--foo')(lambda x: x)).
606        if when and not self._value_for(when) and value is not None:
607            # If the option was passed explicitly, we throw an error that
608            # the option is not available. Except when the option was passed
609            # from the environment, because that would be too cumbersome.
610            if value.origin not in ('default', 'environment'):
611                raise InvalidOptionError(
612                    '%s is not available in this configuration'
613                    % option_string.split('=', 1)[0])
614            self._logger.log(TRACE, '%r = None', option)
615            return None
617        self._logger.log(TRACE, '%r = %r', option, value)
618        return value
620    def _dependency(self, arg, callee_name, arg_name=None):
621        if isinstance(arg, six.string_types):
622            prefix, name, values = Option.split_option(arg)
623            if values != ():
624                raise ConfigureError("Option must not contain an '='")
625            if name not in self._options:
626                raise ConfigureError("'%s' is not a known option. "
627                                     "Maybe it's declared too late?"
628                                     % arg)
629            arg = self._options[name]
630            self._seen.add(arg)
631        elif isinstance(arg, SandboxDependsFunction):
632            assert arg in self._depends
633            arg = self._depends[arg]
634        else:
635            raise TypeError(
636                "Cannot use object of type '%s' as %sargument to %s"
637                % (type(arg).__name__, '`%s` ' % arg_name if arg_name else '',
638                   callee_name))
639        return arg
641    def _normalize_when(self, when, callee_name):
642        if when is True:
643            when = self._always
644        elif when is False:
645            when = self._never
646        elif when is not None:
647            when = self._dependency(when, callee_name, 'when')
649        if self._default_conditions:
650            # Create a pseudo @depends function for the combination of all
651            # default conditions and `when`.
652            dependencies = [when] if when else []
653            dependencies.extend(self._default_conditions)
654            if len(dependencies) == 1:
655                return dependencies[0]
656            return CombinedDependsFunction(self, all, dependencies)
657        return when
659    @contextmanager
660    def only_when_impl(self, when):
661        '''Implementation of only_when()
663        `only_when` is a context manager that essentially makes calls to
664        other sandbox functions within the context block ignored.
665        '''
666        when = self._normalize_when(when, 'only_when')
667        if when and self._default_conditions[-1:] != [when]:
668            self._default_conditions.append(when)
669            yield
670            self._default_conditions.pop()
671        else:
672            yield
674    def option_impl(self, *args, **kwargs):
675        '''Implementation of option()
676        This function creates and returns an Option() object, passing it the
677        resolved arguments (uses the result of functions when functions are
678        passed). In most cases, the result of this function is not expected to
679        be used.
680        Command line argument/environment variable parsing for this Option is
681        handled here.
682        '''
683        when = self._normalize_when(kwargs.get('when'), 'option')
684        args = [self._resolve(arg) for arg in args]
685        kwargs = {k: self._resolve(v) for k, v in six.iteritems(kwargs)
686                  if k != 'when'}
687        # The Option constructor needs to look up the stack to infer a category
688        # for the Option, since the category is based on the filename where the
689        # Option is defined. However, if the Option is defined in a template, we
690        # want the category to reference the caller of the template rather than
691        # the caller of the option() function.
692        kwargs['define_depth'] = self._template_depth * 3
693        option = Option(*args, **kwargs)
694        if when:
695            self._conditions[option] = when
696        if option.name in self._options:
697            raise ConfigureError('Option `%s` already defined' % option.option)
698        if option.env in self._options:
699            raise ConfigureError('Option `%s` already defined' % option.env)
700        if option.name:
701            self._options[option.name] = option
702        if option.env:
703            self._options[option.env] = option
705        if self._help and (when is None or self._value_for(when)):
706            self._help.add(option)
708        return option
710    def depends_impl(self, *args, **kwargs):
711        '''Implementation of @depends()
712        This function is a decorator. It returns a function that subsequently
713        takes a function and returns a dummy function. The dummy function
714        identifies the actual function for the sandbox, while preventing
715        further function calls from within the sandbox.
717        @depends() takes a variable number of option strings or dummy function
718        references. The decorated function is called as soon as the decorator
719        is called, and the arguments it receives are the OptionValue or
720        function results corresponding to each of the arguments to @depends.
721        As an exception, when a HelpFormatter is attached, only functions that
722        have '--help' in their @depends argument list are called.
724        The decorated function is altered to use a different global namespace
725        for its execution. This different global namespace exposes a limited
726        set of functions from os.path.
727        '''
728        for k in kwargs:
729            if k != 'when':
730                raise TypeError(
731                    "depends_impl() got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'"
732                    % k)
734        when = self._normalize_when(kwargs.get('when'), '@depends')
736        if not when and not args:
737            raise ConfigureError('@depends needs at least one argument')
739        dependencies = tuple(self._dependency(arg, '@depends') for arg in args)
741        conditions = [
742            self._conditions[d]
743            for d in dependencies
744            if d in self._conditions and isinstance(d, Option)
745        ]
746        for c in conditions:
747            if c != when:
748                raise ConfigureError('@depends function needs the same `when` '
749                                     'as options it depends on')
751        def decorator(func):
752            if inspect.isgeneratorfunction(func):
753                raise ConfigureError(
754                    'Cannot decorate generator functions with @depends')
755            func = self._prepare_function(func)
756            depends = DependsFunction(self, func, dependencies, when=when)
757            return depends.sandboxed
759        return decorator
761    def include_impl(self, what, when=None):
762        '''Implementation of include().
763        Allows to include external files for execution in the sandbox.
764        It is possible to use a @depends function as argument, in which case
765        the result of the function is the file name to include. This latter
766        feature is only really meant for --enable-application/--enable-project.
767        '''
768        with self.only_when_impl(when):
769            what = self._resolve(what)
770            if what:
771                if not isinstance(what, six.string_types):
772                    raise TypeError("Unexpected type: '%s'" % type(what).__name__)
773                self.include_file(what)
775    def template_impl(self, func):
776        '''Implementation of @template.
777        This function is a decorator. Template functions are called
778        immediately. They are altered so that their global namespace exposes
779        a limited set of functions from os.path, as well as `depends` and
780        `option`.
781        Templates allow to simplify repetitive constructs, or to implement
782        helper decorators and somesuch.
783        '''
784        def update_globals(glob):
785            glob.update(
786                (k[:-len('_impl')], getattr(self, k))
787                for k in dir(self) if k.endswith('_impl') and k != 'template_impl'
788            )
789            glob.update((k, v) for k, v in six.iteritems(self) if k not in glob)
791        template = self._prepare_function(func, update_globals)
793        # Any function argument to the template must be prepared to be sandboxed.
794        # If the template itself returns a function (in which case, it's very
795        # likely a decorator), that function must be prepared to be sandboxed as
796        # well.
797        def wrap_template(template):
798            isfunction = inspect.isfunction
800            def maybe_prepare_function(obj):
801                if isfunction(obj):
802                    return self._prepare_function(obj)
803                return obj
805            # The following function may end up being prepared to be sandboxed,
806            # so it mustn't depend on anything from the global scope in this
807            # file. It can however depend on variables from the closure, thus
808            # maybe_prepare_function and isfunction are declared above to be
809            # available there.
810            @self.wraps(template)
811            def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
812                args = [maybe_prepare_function(arg) for arg in args]
813                kwargs = {k: maybe_prepare_function(v)
814                          for k, v in kwargs.items()}
815                self._template_depth += 1
816                ret = template(*args, **kwargs)
817                self._template_depth -= 1
818                if isfunction(ret):
819                    # We can't expect the sandboxed code to think about all the
820                    # details of implementing decorators, so do some of the
821                    # work for them. If the function takes exactly one function
822                    # as argument and returns a function, it must be a
823                    # decorator, so mark the returned function as wrapping the
824                    # function passed in.
825                    if len(args) == 1 and not kwargs and isfunction(args[0]):
826                        ret = self.wraps(args[0])(ret)
827                    return wrap_template(ret)
828                return ret
829            return wrapper
831        wrapper = wrap_template(template)
832        self._templates.add(wrapper)
833        return wrapper
835    def wraps(self, func):
836        return wraps(func)
838    RE_MODULE = re.compile('^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+$')
840    def imports_impl(self, _import, _from=None, _as=None):
841        '''Implementation of @imports.
842        This decorator imports the given _import from the given _from module
843        optionally under a different _as name.
844        The options correspond to the various forms for the import builtin.
846            @imports('sys')
847            @imports(_from='mozpack', _import='path', _as='mozpath')
848        '''
849        for value, required in (
850                (_import, True), (_from, False), (_as, False)):
852            if not isinstance(value, six.string_types) and (
853                    required or value is not None):
854                raise TypeError("Unexpected type: '%s'" % type(value).__name__)
855            if value is not None and not self.RE_MODULE.match(value):
856                raise ValueError("Invalid argument to @imports: '%s'" % value)
857        if _as and '.' in _as:
858            raise ValueError("Invalid argument to @imports: '%s'" % _as)
860        def decorator(func):
861            if func in self._templates:
862                raise ConfigureError(
863                    '@imports must appear after @template')
864            if func in self._depends:
865                raise ConfigureError(
866                    '@imports must appear after @depends')
867            # For the imports to apply in the order they appear in the
868            # .configure file, we accumulate them in reverse order and apply
869            # them later.
870            imports = self._imports.setdefault(func, [])
871            imports.insert(0, (_from, _import, _as))
872            return func
874        return decorator
876    def _apply_imports(self, func, glob):
877        for _from, _import, _as in self._imports.pop(func, ()):
878            self._get_one_import(_from, _import, _as, glob)
880    def _handle_wrapped_import(self, _from, _import, _as, glob):
881        """Given the name of a module, "import" a mocked package into the glob
882        iff the module is one that we wrap (either for the sandbox or for the
883        purpose of testing). Applies if the wrapped module is exposed by an
884        attribute of `self`.
886        For example, if the import statement is `from os import environ`, then
887        this function will set
888        glob['environ'] = self._wrapped_os.environ.
890        Iff this function handles the given import, return True.
891        """
892        module = (_from or _import).split('.')[0]
893        attr = '_wrapped_' + module
894        wrapped = getattr(self, attr, None)
895        if wrapped:
896            if _as or _from:
897                obj = self._recursively_get_property(
898                    module, (_from + '.' if _from else '') + _import, wrapped)
899                glob[_as or _import] = obj
900            else:
901                glob[module] = wrapped
902            return True
903        else:
904            return False
906    def _recursively_get_property(self, module, what, wrapped):
907        """Traverse the wrapper object `wrapped` (which represents the module
908        `module`) and return the property represented by `what`, which may be a
909        series of nested attributes.
911        For example, if `module` is 'os' and `what` is 'os.path.join',
912        return `wrapped.path.join`.
913        """
914        if what == module:
915            return wrapped
916        assert what.startswith(module + '.')
917        attrs = what[len(module + '.'):].split('.')
918        for attr in attrs:
919            wrapped = getattr(wrapped, attr)
920        return wrapped
922    @memoized_property
923    def _wrapped_os(self):
924        wrapped_os = {}
925        exec_('from os import *', {}, wrapped_os)
926        # Special case os and os.environ so that os.environ is our copy of
927        # the environment.
928        wrapped_os['environ'] = self._environ
929        return ReadOnlyNamespace(**wrapped_os)
931    @memoized_property
932    def _wrapped_subprocess(self):
933        wrapped_subprocess = {}
934        exec_('from subprocess import *', {}, wrapped_subprocess)
936        def wrap(function):
937            def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
938                if 'env' not in kwargs:
939                    kwargs['env'] = dict(self._environ)
940                # Subprocess on older Pythons can't handle unicode keys or
941                # values in environment dicts while subprocess on newer Pythons
942                # needs text in the env. Normalize automagically so callers
943                # don't have to deal with this.
944                kwargs['env'] = ensure_subprocess_env(kwargs['env'], encoding=system_encoding)
945                return function(*args, **kwargs)
946            return wrapper
948        for f in ('call', 'check_call', 'check_output', 'Popen'):
949            wrapped_subprocess[f] = wrap(wrapped_subprocess[f])
951        return ReadOnlyNamespace(**wrapped_subprocess)
953    @memoized_property
954    def _wrapped_six(self):
955        if six.PY3:
956            return six
957        wrapped_six = {}
958        exec_('from six import *', {}, wrapped_six)
959        wrapped_six_moves = {}
960        exec_('from six.moves import *', {}, wrapped_six_moves)
961        wrapped_six_moves_builtins = {}
962        exec_('from six.moves.builtins import *', {},
963              wrapped_six_moves_builtins)
965        # Special case for the open() builtin, because otherwise, using it
966        # fails with "IOError: file() constructor not accessible in
967        # restricted mode". We also make open() look more like python 3's,
968        # decoding to unicode strings unless the mode says otherwise.
969        def wrapped_open(name, mode=None, buffering=None):
970            args = (name,)
971            kwargs = {}
972            if buffering is not None:
973                kwargs['buffering'] = buffering
974            if mode is not None:
975                args += (mode,)
976                if 'b' in mode:
977                    return open(*args, **kwargs)
978            kwargs['encoding'] = system_encoding
979            return codecs.open(*args, **kwargs)
981        wrapped_six_moves_builtins['open'] = wrapped_open
982        wrapped_six_moves['builtins'] = ReadOnlyNamespace(
983            **wrapped_six_moves_builtins)
984        wrapped_six['moves'] = ReadOnlyNamespace(**wrapped_six_moves)
986        return ReadOnlyNamespace(**wrapped_six)
988    def _get_one_import(self, _from, _import, _as, glob):
989        """Perform the given import, placing the result into the dict glob."""
990        if not _from and _import == '__builtin__':
991            glob[_as or '__builtin__'] = __builtin__
992            return
993        if _from == '__builtin__':
994            _from = 'six.moves.builtins'
995        # The special `__sandbox__` module gives access to the sandbox
996        # instance.
997        if not _from and _import == '__sandbox__':
998            glob[_as or _import] = self
999            return
1000        if self._handle_wrapped_import(_from, _import, _as, glob):
1001            return
1002        # If we've gotten this far, we should just do a normal import.
1003        # Until this proves to be a performance problem, just construct an
1004        # import statement and execute it.
1005        import_line = '%simport %s%s' % (
1006            ('from %s ' % _from) if _from else '', _import,
1007            (' as %s' % _as) if _as else '')
1008        exec_(import_line, {}, glob)
1010    def _resolve_and_set(self, data, name, value, when=None):
1011        # Don't set anything when --help was on the command line
1012        if self._help:
1013            return
1014        if when and not self._value_for(when):
1015            return
1016        name = self._resolve(name)
1017        if name is None:
1018            return
1019        if not isinstance(name, six.string_types):
1020            raise TypeError("Unexpected type: '%s'" % type(name).__name__)
1021        if name in data:
1022            raise ConfigureError(
1023                "Cannot add '%s' to configuration: Key already "
1024                "exists" % name)
1025        value = self._resolve(value)
1026        if value is not None:
1027            if self._logger.isEnabledFor(TRACE):
1028                if data is self._config:
1029                    self._logger.log(TRACE, 'set_config(%s, %r)', name, value)
1030                elif data is self._config.get('DEFINES'):
1031                    self._logger.log(TRACE, 'set_define(%s, %r)', name, value)
1032            data[name] = value
1034    def set_config_impl(self, name, value, when=None):
1035        '''Implementation of set_config().
1036        Set the configuration items with the given name to the given value.
1037        Both `name` and `value` can be references to @depends functions,
1038        in which case the result from these functions is used. If the result
1039        of either function is None, the configuration item is not set.
1040        '''
1041        when = self._normalize_when(when, 'set_config')
1043        self._execution_queue.append((
1044            self._resolve_and_set, (self._config, name, value, when)))
1046    def set_define_impl(self, name, value, when=None):
1047        '''Implementation of set_define().
1048        Set the define with the given name to the given value. Both `name` and
1049        `value` can be references to @depends functions, in which case the
1050        result from these functions is used. If the result of either function
1051        is None, the define is not set. If the result is False, the define is
1052        explicitly undefined (-U).
1053        '''
1054        when = self._normalize_when(when, 'set_define')
1056        defines = self._config.setdefault('DEFINES', {})
1057        self._execution_queue.append((
1058            self._resolve_and_set, (defines, name, value, when)))
1060    def imply_option_impl(self, option, value, reason=None, when=None):
1061        '''Implementation of imply_option().
1062        Injects additional options as if they had been passed on the command
1063        line. The `option` argument is a string as in option()'s `name` or
1064        `env`. The option must be declared after `imply_option` references it.
1065        The `value` argument indicates the value to pass to the option.
1066        It can be:
1067        - True. In this case `imply_option` injects the positive option
1069          (--enable-foo/--with-foo).
1070              imply_option('--enable-foo', True)
1071              imply_option('--disable-foo', True)
1073          are both equivalent to `--enable-foo` on the command line.
1075        - False. In this case `imply_option` injects the negative option
1077          (--disable-foo/--without-foo).
1078              imply_option('--enable-foo', False)
1079              imply_option('--disable-foo', False)
1081          are both equivalent to `--disable-foo` on the command line.
1083        - None. In this case `imply_option` does nothing.
1084              imply_option('--enable-foo', None)
1085              imply_option('--disable-foo', None)
1087        are both equivalent to not passing any flag on the command line.
1089        - a string or a tuple. In this case `imply_option` injects the positive
1090          option with the given value(s).
1092              imply_option('--enable-foo', 'a')
1093              imply_option('--disable-foo', 'a')
1095          are both equivalent to `--enable-foo=a` on the command line.
1096              imply_option('--enable-foo', ('a', 'b'))
1097              imply_option('--disable-foo', ('a', 'b'))
1099          are both equivalent to `--enable-foo=a,b` on the command line.
1101        Because imply_option('--disable-foo', ...) can be misleading, it is
1102        recommended to use the positive form ('--enable' or '--with') for
1103        `option`.
1105        The `value` argument can also be (and usually is) a reference to a
1106        @depends function, in which case the result of that function will be
1107        used as per the descripted mapping above.
1109        The `reason` argument indicates what caused the option to be implied.
1110        It is necessary when it cannot be inferred from the `value`.
1111        '''
1113        when = self._normalize_when(when, 'imply_option')
1115        # Don't do anything when --help was on the command line
1116        if self._help:
1117            return
1118        if not reason and isinstance(value, SandboxDependsFunction):
1119            deps = self._depends[value].dependencies
1120            possible_reasons = [d for d in deps if d != self._help_option]
1121            if len(possible_reasons) == 1:
1122                if isinstance(possible_reasons[0], Option):
1123                    reason = possible_reasons[0]
1124        if not reason and (isinstance(value, (bool, tuple)) or
1125                           isinstance(value, six.string_types)):
1126            # A reason can be provided automatically when imply_option
1127            # is called with an immediate value.
1128            _, filename, line, _, _, _ = inspect.stack()[1]
1129            reason = "imply_option at %s:%s" % (filename, line)
1131        if not reason:
1132            raise ConfigureError(
1133                "Cannot infer what implies '%s'. Please add a `reason` to "
1134                "the `imply_option` call."
1135                % option)
1137        prefix, name, values = Option.split_option(option)
1138        if values != ():
1139            raise ConfigureError("Implied option must not contain an '='")
1141        self._implied_options.append(ReadOnlyNamespace(
1142            option=option,
1143            prefix=prefix,
1144            name=name,
1145            value=value,
1146            caller=inspect.stack()[1],
1147            reason=reason,
1148            when=when,
1149        ))
1151    def _prepare_function(self, func, update_globals=None):
1152        '''Alter the given function global namespace with the common ground
1153        for @depends, and @template.
1154        '''
1155        if not inspect.isfunction(func):
1156            raise TypeError("Unexpected type: '%s'" % type(func).__name__)
1157        if func in self._prepared_functions:
1158            return func
1160        glob = SandboxedGlobal(
1161            (k, v)
1162            for k, v in six.iteritems(func.__globals__)
1163            if (inspect.isfunction(v) and v not in self._templates) or (
1164                inspect.isclass(v) and issubclass(v, Exception))
1165        )
1166        glob.update(
1167            __builtins__=self.BUILTINS,
1168            __file__=self._paths[-1] if self._paths else '',
1169            __name__=self._paths[-1] if self._paths else '',
1170            os=self.OS,
1171            log=self.log_impl,
1172        )
1173        if update_globals:
1174            update_globals(glob)
1176        # The execution model in the sandbox doesn't guarantee the execution
1177        # order will always be the same for a given function, and if it uses
1178        # variables from a closure that are changed after the function is
1179        # declared, depending when the function is executed, the value of the
1180        # variable can differ. For consistency, we force the function to use
1181        # the value from the earliest it can be run, which is at declaration.
1182        # Note this is not entirely bullet proof (if the value is e.g. a list,
1183        # the list contents could have changed), but covers the bases.
1184        closure = None
1185        if func.__closure__:
1186            def makecell(content):
1187                def f():
1188                    content
1189                return f.__closure__[0]
1191            closure = tuple(makecell(cell.cell_contents)
1192                            for cell in func.__closure__)
1194        new_func = self.wraps(func)(types.FunctionType(
1195            func.__code__,
1196            glob,
1197            func.__name__,
1198            func.__defaults__,
1199            closure
1200        ))
1201        @self.wraps(new_func)
1202        def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
1203            if func in self._imports:
1204                self._apply_imports(func, glob)
1205            return new_func(*args, **kwargs)
1207        self._prepared_functions.add(wrapped)
1208        return wrapped