1 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3  * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
5 #![allow(unsafe_code)]
7 use crate::properties::Importance;
8 use crate::shared_lock::StylesheetGuards;
9 use malloc_size_of::{MallocShallowSizeOf, MallocSizeOf, MallocSizeOfOps};
10 use parking_lot::RwLock;
11 use smallvec::SmallVec;
12 use std::fmt;
13 use std::hash;
14 use std::io::Write;
15 use std::mem;
16 use std::ptr;
17 use std::sync::atomic::{self, AtomicPtr, AtomicUsize, Ordering};
19 use super::map::{Entry, Map};
20 use super::unsafe_box::UnsafeBox;
21 use super::{CascadeLevel, StyleSource};
23 /// The rule tree, the structure servo uses to preserve the results of selector
24 /// matching.
25 ///
26 /// This is organized as a tree of rules. When a node matches a set of rules,
27 /// they're inserted in order in the tree, starting with the less specific one.
28 ///
29 /// When a rule is inserted in the tree, other elements may share the path up to
30 /// a given rule. If that's the case, we don't duplicate child nodes, but share
31 /// them.
32 ///
33 /// When the rule node refcount drops to zero, it doesn't get freed. It gets
34 /// instead put into a free list, and it is potentially GC'd after a while.
35 ///
36 /// That way, a rule node that represents a likely-to-match-again rule (like a
37 /// :hover rule) can be reused if we haven't GC'd it yet.
38 #[derive(Debug)]
39 pub struct RuleTree {
40     root: StrongRuleNode,
41 }
43 impl Drop for RuleTree {
drop(&mut self)44     fn drop(&mut self) {
45         unsafe { self.swap_free_list_and_gc(ptr::null_mut()) }
46     }
47 }
49 impl MallocSizeOf for RuleTree {
size_of(&self, ops: &mut MallocSizeOfOps) -> usize50     fn size_of(&self, ops: &mut MallocSizeOfOps) -> usize {
51         let mut n = 0;
52         let mut stack = SmallVec::<[_; 32]>::new();
53         stack.push(self.root.clone());
55         while let Some(node) = stack.pop() {
56             n += unsafe { ops.malloc_size_of(&*node.p) };
57             let children = node.p.children.read();
58             children.shallow_size_of(ops);
59             for c in &*children {
60                 stack.push(unsafe { c.upgrade() });
61             }
62         }
64         n
65     }
66 }
68 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
69 struct ChildKey(CascadeLevel, ptr::NonNull<()>);
70 unsafe impl Send for ChildKey {}
71 unsafe impl Sync for ChildKey {}
73 impl RuleTree {
74     /// Construct a new rule tree.
new() -> Self75     pub fn new() -> Self {
76         RuleTree {
77             root: StrongRuleNode::new(Box::new(RuleNode::root())),
78         }
79     }
81     /// Get the root rule node.
root(&self) -> &StrongRuleNode82     pub fn root(&self) -> &StrongRuleNode {
83         &self.root
84     }
86     /// This can only be called when no other threads is accessing this tree.
gc(&self)87     pub fn gc(&self) {
88         unsafe { self.swap_free_list_and_gc(RuleNode::DANGLING_PTR) }
89     }
91     /// This can only be called when no other threads is accessing this tree.
maybe_gc(&self)92     pub fn maybe_gc(&self) {
93         #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
94         self.maybe_dump_stats();
96         if self.root.p.approximate_free_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed) > RULE_TREE_GC_INTERVAL {
97             self.gc();
98         }
99     }
101     #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
maybe_dump_stats(&self)102     fn maybe_dump_stats(&self) {
103         use itertools::Itertools;
104         use std::cell::Cell;
105         use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
107         if !log_enabled!(log::Level::Trace) {
108             return;
109         }
111         const RULE_TREE_STATS_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(2);
113         thread_local! {
114             pub static LAST_STATS: Cell<Instant> = Cell::new(Instant::now());
115         };
117         let should_dump = LAST_STATS.with(|s| {
118             let now = Instant::now();
119             if now.duration_since(s.get()) < RULE_TREE_STATS_INTERVAL {
120                 return false;
121             }
122             s.set(now);
123             true
124         });
126         if !should_dump {
127             return;
128         }
130         let mut children_count = crate::hash::FxHashMap::default();
132         let mut stack = SmallVec::<[_; 32]>::new();
133         stack.push(self.root.clone());
134         while let Some(node) = stack.pop() {
135             let children = node.p.children.read();
136             *children_count.entry(children.len()).or_insert(0) += 1;
137             for c in &*children {
138                 stack.push(unsafe { c.upgrade() });
139             }
140         }
142         trace!("Rule tree stats:");
143         let counts = children_count.keys().sorted();
144         for count in counts {
145             trace!(" {} - {}", count, children_count[count]);
146         }
147     }
149     /// Steals the free list and drops its contents.
swap_free_list_and_gc(&self, ptr: *mut RuleNode)150     unsafe fn swap_free_list_and_gc(&self, ptr: *mut RuleNode) {
151         let root = &self.root.p;
153         debug_assert!(!root.next_free.load(Ordering::Relaxed).is_null());
155         // Reset the approximate free count to zero, as we are going to steal
156         // the free list.
157         root.approximate_free_count.store(0, Ordering::Relaxed);
159         // Steal the free list head. Memory loads on nodes while iterating it
160         // must observe any prior changes that occured so this requires
161         // acquire ordering, but there are no writes that need to be kept
162         // before this swap so there is no need for release.
163         let mut head = root.next_free.swap(ptr, Ordering::Acquire);
165         while head != RuleNode::DANGLING_PTR {
166             debug_assert!(!head.is_null());
168             let mut node = UnsafeBox::from_raw(head);
170             // The root node cannot go on the free list.
171             debug_assert!(node.root.is_some());
173             // The refcount of nodes on the free list never goes below 1.
174             debug_assert!(node.refcount.load(Ordering::Relaxed) > 0);
176             // No one else is currently writing to that field. Get the address
177             // of the next node in the free list and replace it with null,
178             // other threads will now consider that this node is not on the
179             // free list.
180             head = node.next_free.swap(ptr::null_mut(), Ordering::Relaxed);
182             // This release write synchronises with the acquire fence in
183             // `WeakRuleNode::upgrade`, making sure that if `upgrade` observes
184             // decrements the refcount to 0, it will also observe the
185             // `node.next_free` swap to null above.
186             if node.refcount.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Release) == 1 {
187                 // And given it observed the null swap above, it will need
188                 // `pretend_to_be_on_free_list` to finish its job, writing
189                 // `RuleNode::DANGLING_PTR` in `node.next_free`.
190                 RuleNode::pretend_to_be_on_free_list(&node);
192                 // Drop this node now that we just observed its refcount going
193                 // down to zero.
194                 RuleNode::drop_without_free_list(&mut node);
195             }
196         }
197     }
198 }
200 /// The number of RuleNodes added to the free list before we will consider
201 /// doing a GC when calling maybe_gc().  (The value is copied from Gecko,
202 /// where it likely did not result from a rigorous performance analysis.)
203 const RULE_TREE_GC_INTERVAL: usize = 300;
205 /// Used for some size assertions.
206 pub const RULE_NODE_SIZE: usize = std::mem::size_of::<RuleNode>();
208 /// A node in the rule tree.
209 struct RuleNode {
210     /// The root node. Only the root has no root pointer, for obvious reasons.
211     root: Option<WeakRuleNode>,
213     /// The parent rule node. Only the root has no parent.
214     parent: Option<StrongRuleNode>,
216     /// The actual style source, either coming from a selector in a StyleRule,
217     /// or a raw property declaration block (like the style attribute).
218     ///
219     /// None for the root node.
220     source: Option<StyleSource>,
222     /// The cascade level this rule is positioned at.
223     level: CascadeLevel,
225     /// The refcount of this node.
226     ///
227     /// Starts at one. Incremented in `StrongRuleNode::clone` and
228     /// `WeakRuleNode::upgrade`. Decremented in `StrongRuleNode::drop`
229     /// and `RuleTree::swap_free_list_and_gc`.
230     ///
231     /// If a non-root node's refcount reaches zero, it is incremented back to at
232     /// least one in `RuleNode::pretend_to_be_on_free_list` until the caller who
233     /// observed it dropping to zero had a chance to try to remove it from its
234     /// parent's children list.
235     ///
236     /// The refcount should never be decremented to zero if the value in
237     /// `next_free` is not null.
238     refcount: AtomicUsize,
240     /// Only used for the root, stores the number of free rule nodes that are
241     /// around.
242     approximate_free_count: AtomicUsize,
244     /// The children of a given rule node. Children remove themselves from here
245     /// when they go away.
246     children: RwLock<Map<ChildKey, WeakRuleNode>>,
248     /// This field has two different meanings depending on whether this is the
249     /// root node or not.
250     ///
251     /// If it is the root, it represents the head of the free list. It may be
252     /// null, which means the free list is gone because the tree was dropped,
253     /// and it may be `RuleNode::DANGLING_PTR`, which means the free list is
254     /// empty.
255     ///
256     /// If it is not the root node, this field is either null if the node is
257     /// not on the free list, `RuleNode::DANGLING_PTR` if it is the last item
258     /// on the free list or the node is pretending to be on the free list, or
259     /// any valid non-null pointer representing the next item on the free list
260     /// after this one.
261     ///
262     /// See `RuleNode::push_on_free_list`, `swap_free_list_and_gc`, and
263     /// `WeakRuleNode::upgrade`.
264     ///
265     /// Two threads should never attempt to put the same node on the free list
266     /// both at the same time.
267     next_free: AtomicPtr<RuleNode>,
268 }
270 // On Gecko builds, hook into the leak checking machinery.
271 #[cfg(feature = "gecko_refcount_logging")]
272 mod gecko_leak_checking {
273     use super::RuleNode;
274     use std::mem::size_of;
275     use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_void};
277     extern "C" {
NS_LogCtor(aPtr: *mut c_void, aTypeName: *const c_char, aSize: u32)278         fn NS_LogCtor(aPtr: *mut c_void, aTypeName: *const c_char, aSize: u32);
NS_LogDtor(aPtr: *mut c_void, aTypeName: *const c_char, aSize: u32)279         fn NS_LogDtor(aPtr: *mut c_void, aTypeName: *const c_char, aSize: u32);
280     }
281     static NAME: &'static [u8] = b"RuleNode\0";
283     /// Logs the creation of a heap-allocated object to Gecko's leak-checking machinery.
log_ctor(ptr: *const RuleNode)284     pub(super) fn log_ctor(ptr: *const RuleNode) {
285         let s = NAME as *const [u8] as *const u8 as *const c_char;
286         unsafe {
287             NS_LogCtor(ptr as *mut c_void, s, size_of::<RuleNode>() as u32);
288         }
289     }
291     /// Logs the destruction of a heap-allocated object to Gecko's leak-checking machinery.
log_dtor(ptr: *const RuleNode)292     pub(super) fn log_dtor(ptr: *const RuleNode) {
293         let s = NAME as *const [u8] as *const u8 as *const c_char;
294         unsafe {
295             NS_LogDtor(ptr as *mut c_void, s, size_of::<RuleNode>() as u32);
296         }
297     }
298 }
300 #[inline(always)]
log_new(_ptr: *const RuleNode)301 fn log_new(_ptr: *const RuleNode) {
302     #[cfg(feature = "gecko_refcount_logging")]
303     gecko_leak_checking::log_ctor(_ptr);
304 }
306 #[inline(always)]
log_drop(_ptr: *const RuleNode)307 fn log_drop(_ptr: *const RuleNode) {
308     #[cfg(feature = "gecko_refcount_logging")]
309     gecko_leak_checking::log_dtor(_ptr);
310 }
312 impl RuleNode {
313     const DANGLING_PTR: *mut Self = ptr::NonNull::dangling().as_ptr();
new( root: WeakRuleNode, parent: StrongRuleNode, source: StyleSource, level: CascadeLevel, ) -> Self315     unsafe fn new(
316         root: WeakRuleNode,
317         parent: StrongRuleNode,
318         source: StyleSource,
319         level: CascadeLevel,
320     ) -> Self {
321         debug_assert!(root.p.parent.is_none());
322         RuleNode {
323             root: Some(root),
324             parent: Some(parent),
325             source: Some(source),
326             level: level,
327             refcount: AtomicUsize::new(1),
328             children: Default::default(),
329             approximate_free_count: AtomicUsize::new(0),
330             next_free: AtomicPtr::new(ptr::null_mut()),
331         }
332     }
root() -> Self334     fn root() -> Self {
335         RuleNode {
336             root: None,
337             parent: None,
338             source: None,
339             level: CascadeLevel::UANormal,
340             refcount: AtomicUsize::new(1),
341             approximate_free_count: AtomicUsize::new(0),
342             children: Default::default(),
343             next_free: AtomicPtr::new(RuleNode::DANGLING_PTR),
344         }
345     }
key(&self) -> ChildKey347     fn key(&self) -> ChildKey {
348         ChildKey(
349             self.level,
350             self.source
351                 .as_ref()
352                 .expect("Called key() on the root node")
353                 .key(),
354         )
355     }
357     /// Drops a node without ever putting it on the free list.
358     ///
359     /// Note that the node may not be dropped if we observe that its refcount
360     /// isn't zero anymore when we write-lock its parent's children map to
361     /// remove it.
362     ///
363     /// This loops over parents of dropped nodes if their own refcount reaches
364     /// zero to avoid recursion when dropping deep hierarchies of nodes.
365     ///
366     /// For non-root nodes, this should always be preceded by a call of
367     /// `RuleNode::pretend_to_be_on_free_list`.
drop_without_free_list(this: &mut UnsafeBox<Self>)368     unsafe fn drop_without_free_list(this: &mut UnsafeBox<Self>) {
369         // We clone the box and shadow the original one to be able to loop
370         // over its ancestors if they also need to be dropped.
371         let mut this = UnsafeBox::clone(this);
372         loop {
373             // If the node has a parent, we need to remove it from its parent's
374             // children list.
375             if let Some(parent) = this.parent.as_ref() {
376                 debug_assert!(!this.next_free.load(Ordering::Relaxed).is_null());
378                 // We lock the parent's children list, which means no other
379                 // thread will have any more opportunity to resurrect the node
380                 // anymore.
381                 let mut children = parent.p.children.write();
383                 this.next_free.store(ptr::null_mut(), Ordering::Relaxed);
385                 // We decrement the counter to remove the "pretend to be
386                 // on the free list" reference.
387                 let old_refcount = this.refcount.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Release);
388                 debug_assert!(old_refcount != 0);
389                 if old_refcount != 1 {
390                     // Other threads resurrected this node and those references
391                     // are still alive, we have nothing to do anymore.
392                     return;
393                 }
395                 // We finally remove the node from its parent's children list,
396                 // there are now no other references to it and it cannot
397                 // be resurrected anymore even after we unlock the list.
398                 debug!(
399                     "Remove from child list: {:?}, parent: {:?}",
400                     this.as_mut_ptr(),
401                     this.parent.as_ref().map(|p| p.p.as_mut_ptr())
402                 );
403                 let weak = children.remove(&this.key(), |node| node.p.key()).unwrap();
404                 assert_eq!(weak.p.as_mut_ptr(), this.as_mut_ptr());
405             } else {
406                 debug_assert_eq!(this.next_free.load(Ordering::Relaxed), ptr::null_mut());
407                 debug_assert_eq!(this.refcount.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0);
408             }
410             // We are going to drop this node for good this time, as per the
411             // usual refcounting protocol we need an acquire fence here before
412             // we run the destructor.
413             //
414             // See https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/41714#issuecomment-298996916
415             // for why it doesn't matter whether this is a load or a fence.
416             atomic::fence(Ordering::Acquire);
418             // Remove the parent reference from the child to avoid
419             // recursively dropping it and putting it on the free list.
420             let parent = UnsafeBox::deref_mut(&mut this).parent.take();
422             // We now drop the actual box and its contents, no one should
423             // access the current value in `this` anymore.
424             log_drop(&*this);
425             UnsafeBox::drop(&mut this);
427             if let Some(parent) = parent {
428                 // We will attempt to drop the node's parent without the free
429                 // list, so we clone the inner unsafe box and forget the
430                 // original parent to avoid running its `StrongRuleNode`
431                 // destructor which would attempt to use the free list if it
432                 // still exists.
433                 this = UnsafeBox::clone(&parent.p);
434                 mem::forget(parent);
435                 if this.refcount.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Release) == 1 {
436                     debug_assert_eq!(this.next_free.load(Ordering::Relaxed), ptr::null_mut());
437                     if this.root.is_some() {
438                         RuleNode::pretend_to_be_on_free_list(&this);
439                     }
440                     // Parent also reached refcount zero, we loop to drop it.
441                     continue;
442                 }
443             }
445             return;
446         }
447     }
449     /// Pushes this node on the tree's free list. Returns false if the free list
450     /// is gone. Should only be called after we decremented a node's refcount
451     /// to zero and pretended to be on the free list.
push_on_free_list(this: &UnsafeBox<Self>) -> bool452     unsafe fn push_on_free_list(this: &UnsafeBox<Self>) -> bool {
453         let root = &this.root.as_ref().unwrap().p;
455         debug_assert!(this.refcount.load(Ordering::Relaxed) > 0);
456         debug_assert_eq!(this.next_free.load(Ordering::Relaxed), Self::DANGLING_PTR);
458         // Increment the approximate free count by one.
459         root.approximate_free_count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
461         // If the compare-exchange operation fails in the loop, we will retry
462         // with the new head value, so this can be a relaxed load.
463         let mut head = root.next_free.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
465         while !head.is_null() {
466             // Two threads can never attempt to push the same node on the free
467             // list both at the same time, so whoever else pushed a node on the
468             // free list cannot have done so with this node.
469             debug_assert_ne!(head, this.as_mut_ptr());
471             // Store the current head of the free list in this node.
472             this.next_free.store(head, Ordering::Relaxed);
474             // Any thread acquiring the free list must observe the previous
475             // next_free changes that occured, hence the release ordering
476             // on success.
477             match root.next_free.compare_exchange_weak(
478                 head,
479                 this.as_mut_ptr(),
480                 Ordering::Release,
481                 Ordering::Relaxed,
482             ) {
483                 Ok(_) => {
484                     // This node is now on the free list, caller should not use
485                     // the node anymore.
486                     return true;
487                 },
488                 Err(new_head) => head = new_head,
489             }
490         }
492         // Tree was dropped and free list has been destroyed. We did not push
493         // this node on the free list but we still pretend to be on the free
494         // list to be ready to call `drop_without_free_list`.
495         false
496     }
498     /// Makes the node pretend to be on the free list. This will increment the
499     /// refcount by 1 and store `Self::DANGLING_PTR` in `next_free`. This
500     /// method should only be called after caller decremented the refcount to
501     /// zero, with the null pointer stored in `next_free`.
pretend_to_be_on_free_list(this: &UnsafeBox<Self>)502     unsafe fn pretend_to_be_on_free_list(this: &UnsafeBox<Self>) {
503         debug_assert_eq!(this.next_free.load(Ordering::Relaxed), ptr::null_mut());
504         this.refcount.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
505         this.next_free.store(Self::DANGLING_PTR, Ordering::Release);
506     }
as_mut_ptr(&self) -> *mut RuleNode508     fn as_mut_ptr(&self) -> *mut RuleNode {
509         self as *const RuleNode as *mut RuleNode
510     }
511 }
513 pub(crate) struct WeakRuleNode {
514     p: UnsafeBox<RuleNode>,
515 }
517 /// A strong reference to a rule node.
518 pub struct StrongRuleNode {
519     p: UnsafeBox<RuleNode>,
520 }
522 #[cfg(feature = "servo")]
523 malloc_size_of_is_0!(StrongRuleNode);
525 impl StrongRuleNode {
new(n: Box<RuleNode>) -> Self526     fn new(n: Box<RuleNode>) -> Self {
527         debug_assert_eq!(n.parent.is_none(), !n.source.is_some());
529         log_new(&*n);
531         debug!("Creating rule node: {:p}", &*n);
533         Self {
534             p: UnsafeBox::from_box(n),
535         }
536     }
from_unsafe_box(p: UnsafeBox<RuleNode>) -> Self538     unsafe fn from_unsafe_box(p: UnsafeBox<RuleNode>) -> Self {
539         Self { p }
540     }
downgrade(&self) -> WeakRuleNode542     unsafe fn downgrade(&self) -> WeakRuleNode {
543         WeakRuleNode {
544             p: UnsafeBox::clone(&self.p),
545         }
546     }
548     /// Get the parent rule node of this rule node.
parent(&self) -> Option<&StrongRuleNode>549     pub fn parent(&self) -> Option<&StrongRuleNode> {
550         self.p.parent.as_ref()
551     }
ensure_child( &self, root: &StrongRuleNode, source: StyleSource, level: CascadeLevel, ) -> StrongRuleNode553     pub(super) fn ensure_child(
554         &self,
555         root: &StrongRuleNode,
556         source: StyleSource,
557         level: CascadeLevel,
558     ) -> StrongRuleNode {
559         use parking_lot::RwLockUpgradableReadGuard;
561         debug_assert!(
562             self.p.level <= level,
563             "Should be ordered (instead {:?} > {:?}), from {:?} and {:?}",
564             self.p.level,
565             level,
566             self.p.source,
567             source,
568         );
570         let key = ChildKey(level, source.key());
571         let children = self.p.children.upgradable_read();
572         if let Some(child) = children.get(&key, |node| node.p.key()) {
573             // Sound to call because we read-locked the parent's children.
574             return unsafe { child.upgrade() };
575         }
576         let mut children = RwLockUpgradableReadGuard::upgrade(children);
577         match children.entry(key, |node| node.p.key()) {
578             Entry::Occupied(child) => {
579                 // Sound to call because we write-locked the parent's children.
580                 unsafe { child.upgrade() }
581             },
582             Entry::Vacant(entry) => unsafe {
583                 let node = StrongRuleNode::new(Box::new(RuleNode::new(
584                     root.downgrade(),
585                     self.clone(),
586                     source,
587                     level,
588                 )));
589                 // Sound to call because we still own a strong reference to
590                 // this node, through the `node` variable itself that we are
591                 // going to return to the caller.
592                 entry.insert(node.downgrade());
593                 node
594             },
595         }
596     }
598     /// Get the style source corresponding to this rule node. May return `None`
599     /// if it's the root node, which means that the node hasn't matched any
600     /// rules.
style_source(&self) -> Option<&StyleSource>601     pub fn style_source(&self) -> Option<&StyleSource> {
602         self.p.source.as_ref()
603     }
605     /// The cascade level for this node
cascade_level(&self) -> CascadeLevel606     pub fn cascade_level(&self) -> CascadeLevel {
607         self.p.level
608     }
610     /// Get the importance that this rule node represents.
importance(&self) -> Importance611     pub fn importance(&self) -> Importance {
612         self.p.level.importance()
613     }
615     /// Returns whether this node has any child, only intended for testing
616     /// purposes.
has_children_for_testing(&self) -> bool617     pub unsafe fn has_children_for_testing(&self) -> bool {
618         !self.p.children.read().is_empty()
619     }
dump<W: Write>(&self, guards: &StylesheetGuards, writer: &mut W, indent: usize)621     pub(super) fn dump<W: Write>(&self, guards: &StylesheetGuards, writer: &mut W, indent: usize) {
622         const INDENT_INCREMENT: usize = 4;
624         for _ in 0..indent {
625             let _ = write!(writer, " ");
626         }
628         let _ = writeln!(
629             writer,
630             " - {:p} (ref: {:?}, parent: {:?})",
631             &*self.p,
632             self.p.refcount.load(Ordering::Relaxed),
633             self.parent().map(|p| &*p.p as *const RuleNode)
634         );
636         for _ in 0..indent {
637             let _ = write!(writer, " ");
638         }
640         if let Some(source) = self.style_source() {
641             source.dump(self.cascade_level().guard(guards), writer);
642         } else {
643             if indent != 0 {
644                 warn!("How has this happened?");
645             }
646             let _ = write!(writer, "(root)");
647         }
649         let _ = write!(writer, "\n");
650         for child in &*self.p.children.read() {
651             unsafe {
652                 child
653                     .upgrade()
654                     .dump(guards, writer, indent + INDENT_INCREMENT);
655             }
656         }
657     }
658 }
660 impl Clone for StrongRuleNode {
clone(&self) -> Self661     fn clone(&self) -> Self {
662         debug!(
663             "{:p}: {:?}+",
664             &*self.p,
665             self.p.refcount.load(Ordering::Relaxed)
666         );
667         debug_assert!(self.p.refcount.load(Ordering::Relaxed) > 0);
668         self.p.refcount.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
669         unsafe { StrongRuleNode::from_unsafe_box(UnsafeBox::clone(&self.p)) }
670     }
671 }
673 impl Drop for StrongRuleNode {
674     #[cfg_attr(feature = "servo", allow(unused_mut))]
drop(&mut self)675     fn drop(&mut self) {
676         let node = &*self.p;
677         debug!("{:p}: {:?}-", node, node.refcount.load(Ordering::Relaxed));
678         debug!(
679             "Dropping node: {:p}, root: {:?}, parent: {:?}",
680             node,
681             node.root.as_ref().map(|r| &*r.p as *const RuleNode),
682             node.parent.as_ref().map(|p| &*p.p as *const RuleNode)
683         );
685         let should_drop = {
686             debug_assert!(node.refcount.load(Ordering::Relaxed) > 0);
687             node.refcount.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Release) == 1
688         };
690         if !should_drop {
691             // The refcount didn't even drop zero yet, there is nothing for us
692             // to do anymore.
693             return;
694         }
696         unsafe {
697             if node.root.is_some() {
698                 // This is a non-root node and we just observed the refcount
699                 // dropping to zero, we need to pretend to be on the free list
700                 // to unstuck any thread who tried to resurrect this node first
701                 // through `WeakRuleNode::upgrade`.
702                 RuleNode::pretend_to_be_on_free_list(&self.p);
704                 // Attempt to push the node on the free list. This may fail
705                 // if the free list is gone.
706                 if RuleNode::push_on_free_list(&self.p) {
707                     return;
708                 }
709             }
711             // Either this was the last reference of the root node, or the
712             // tree rule is gone and there is no free list anymore. Drop the
713             // node.
714             RuleNode::drop_without_free_list(&mut self.p);
715         }
716     }
717 }
719 impl WeakRuleNode {
720     /// Upgrades this weak node reference, returning a strong one.
721     ///
722     /// Must be called with items stored in a node's children list. The children
723     /// list must at least be read-locked when this is called.
upgrade(&self) -> StrongRuleNode724     unsafe fn upgrade(&self) -> StrongRuleNode {
725         debug!("Upgrading weak node: {:p}", &*self.p);
727         if self.p.refcount.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed) == 0 {
728             // We observed a refcount of 0, we need to wait for this node to
729             // be put on the free list. Resetting the `next_free` pointer to
730             // null is only done in `RuleNode::drop_without_free_list`, just
731             // before a release refcount decrement, so this acquire fence here
732             // makes sure that we observed the write to null before we loop
733             // until there is a non-null value.
734             atomic::fence(Ordering::Acquire);
735             while self.p.next_free.load(Ordering::Relaxed).is_null() {}
736         }
737         StrongRuleNode::from_unsafe_box(UnsafeBox::clone(&self.p))
738     }
739 }
741 impl fmt::Debug for StrongRuleNode {
fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result742     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
743         (&*self.p as *const RuleNode).fmt(f)
744     }
745 }
747 impl Eq for StrongRuleNode {}
748 impl PartialEq for StrongRuleNode {
eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool749     fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
750         &*self.p as *const RuleNode == &*other.p
751     }
752 }
754 impl hash::Hash for StrongRuleNode {
hash<H>(&self, state: &mut H) where H: hash::Hasher,755     fn hash<H>(&self, state: &mut H)
756     where
757         H: hash::Hasher,
758     {
759         (&*self.p as *const RuleNode).hash(state)
760     }
761 }