1/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
2/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
3 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
4 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
7 * Using Places services after quit-application is not reliable, so make
8 * sure to do any shutdown work on quit-application, or history
9 * synchronization could fail, losing latest changes.
10 */
12#include "nsISupports.idl"
14interface nsIArray;
15interface nsIFile;
16interface nsIObserver;
17interface nsIVariant;
18interface nsIURI;
20interface mozIStorageConnection;
21interface mozIStorageStatementCallback;
22interface mozIStoragePendingStatement;
23interface nsIAsyncShutdownClient;
25interface nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode;
26interface nsINavHistoryQueryResultNode;
27interface nsINavHistoryQuery;
28interface nsINavHistoryQueryOptions;
29interface nsINavHistoryResult;
30interface nsINavHistoryBatchCallback;
32[scriptable, uuid(91d104bb-17ef-404b-9f9a-d9ed8de6824c)]
33interface nsINavHistoryResultNode : nsISupports
35  /**
36   * Indentifies the parent result node in the result set. This is null for
37   * top level nodes.
38   */
39  readonly attribute nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode parent;
41  /**
42   * The history-result to which this node belongs.
43   */
44  readonly attribute nsINavHistoryResult parentResult;
46  /**
47   * URI of the resource in question. For visits and URLs, this is the URL of
48   * the page. For folders and queries, this is the place: URI of the
49   * corresponding folder or query. This may be empty for other types of
50   * objects like host containers.
51   */
52  readonly attribute AUTF8String uri;
54  /**
55   * Identifies the type of this node. This node can then be QI-ed to the
56   * corresponding specialized result node interface.
57   */
58  const unsigned long RESULT_TYPE_URI = 0;               // nsINavHistoryResultNode
60  // Visit nodes are deprecated and unsupported.
61  // This line exists just to avoid reusing the value:
62  // const unsigned long RESULT_TYPE_VISIT = 1;
64  // Full visit nodes are deprecated and unsupported.
65  // This line exists just to avoid reusing the value:
66  // const unsigned long RESULT_TYPE_FULL_VISIT = 2;
68  // Dynamic containers are deprecated and unsupported.
69  // This const exists just to avoid reusing the value:
70  // const unsigned long RESULT_TYPE_DYNAMIC_CONTAINER = 4; // nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode
72  const unsigned long RESULT_TYPE_QUERY = 5;             // nsINavHistoryQueryResultNode
73  const unsigned long RESULT_TYPE_FOLDER = 6;            // nsINavHistoryQueryResultNode
74  const unsigned long RESULT_TYPE_SEPARATOR = 7;         // nsINavHistoryResultNode
75  const unsigned long RESULT_TYPE_FOLDER_SHORTCUT = 9;   // nsINavHistoryQueryResultNode
76  readonly attribute unsigned long type;
78  /**
79   * Title of the web page, or of the node's query (day, host, folder, etc)
80   */
81  readonly attribute AUTF8String title;
83  /**
84   * Total number of times the URI has ever been accessed. For hosts, this
85   * is the total of the children under it, NOT the total times the host has
86   * been accessed (this would require an additional query, so is not given
87   * by default when most of the time it is never needed).
88   */
89  readonly attribute unsigned long accessCount;
91  /**
92   * This is the time the user accessed the page.
93   *
94   * If this is a visit, it is the exact time that the page visit occurred.
95   *
96   * If this is a URI, it is the most recent time that the URI was visited.
97   * Even if you ask for all URIs for a given date range long ago, this might
98   * contain today's date if the URI was visited today.
99   *
100   * For hosts, or other node types with children, this is the most recent
101   * access time for any of the children.
102   *
103   * For days queries this is the respective endTime - a maximum possible
104   * visit time to fit in the day range.
105   */
106  readonly attribute PRTime time;
108  /**
109   * This URI can be used as an image source URI and will give you the favicon
110   * for the page. It is *not* the URI of the favicon, but rather something
111   * that will resolve to the actual image.
112   *
113   * In most cases, this is an annotation URI that will query the favicon
114   * service. If the entry has no favicon, this is the chrome URI of the
115   * default favicon. If the favicon originally lived in chrome, this will
116   * be the original chrome URI of the icon.
117   */
118  readonly attribute AUTF8String icon;
120  /**
121   * This is the number of levels between this node and the top of the
122   * hierarchy. The members of result.children have indentLevel = 0, their
123   * children have indentLevel = 1, etc. The indent level of the root node is
124   * set to -1.
125   */
126  readonly attribute long indentLevel;
128  /**
129   * When this item is in a bookmark folder (parent is of type folder), this is
130   * the index into that folder of this node. These indices start at 0 and
131   * increase in the order that they appear in the bookmark folder. For items
132   * that are not in a bookmark folder, this value is -1.
133   */
134  readonly attribute long bookmarkIndex;
136  /**
137   * If the node is an item (bookmark, folder or a separator) this value is the
138   * row ID of that bookmark in the database. For other nodes, this value is
139   * set to -1.
140   */
141  readonly attribute long long itemId;
143  /**
144   * If the node is an item (bookmark, folder or a separator) this value is the
145   * time that the item was created. For other nodes, this value is 0.
146   */
147  readonly attribute PRTime dateAdded;
149  /**
150   * If the node is an item (bookmark, folder or a separator) this value is the
151   * time that the item was last modified. For other nodes, this value is 0.
152   *
153   *  @note When an item is added lastModified is set to the same value as
154   *        dateAdded.
155   */
156  readonly attribute PRTime lastModified;
158  /**
159   * For uri nodes, this is a sorted list of the tags, delimited with commans,
160   * for the uri represented by this node. Otherwise this is an empty string.
161   */
162  readonly attribute AString tags;
164  /**
165   * The unique ID associated with the page. It my return an empty string
166   * if the result node is a non-URI node.
167   */
168  readonly attribute ACString pageGuid;
170  /**
171   * The unique ID associated with the bookmark. It returns an empty string
172   * if the result node is not associated with a bookmark, a folder or a
173   * separator.
174   */
175  readonly attribute ACString bookmarkGuid;
177  /**
178   * The unique ID associated with the history visit. For node types other than
179   * history visit nodes, this value is -1.
180   */
181  readonly attribute long long visitId;
183  /**
184   * The unique ID associated with visit node which was the referrer of this
185   * history visit. For node types other than history visit nodes, or visits
186   * without any known referrer, this value is -1.
187   */
188  readonly attribute long long fromVisitId;
190  /**
191   * The transition type associated with this visit. For node types other than
192   * history visit nodes, this value is 0.
193   */
194  readonly attribute unsigned long visitType;
199 * Base class for container results. This includes all types of groupings.
200 * Bookmark folders and places queries will be QueryResultNodes which extends
201 * these items.
202 */
203[scriptable, uuid(3E9CC95F-0D93-45F1-894F-908EEB9866D7)]
204interface nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode : nsINavHistoryResultNode
207  /**
208   * Set this to allow descent into the container. When closed, attempting
209   * to call getChildren or childCount will result in an error. You should
210   * set this to false when you are done reading.
211   *
212   * For HOST and DAY groupings, doing this is free since the children have
213   * been precomputed. For queries and bookmark folders, being open means they
214   * will keep themselves up-to-date by listening for updates and re-querying
215   * as needed.
216   */
217  attribute boolean containerOpen;
219  /**
220   * Indicates whether the container is closed, loading, or opened.  Loading
221   * implies that the container has been opened asynchronously and has not yet
222   * fully opened.
223   */
224  readonly attribute unsigned short state;
225  const unsigned short STATE_CLOSED = 0;
226  const unsigned short STATE_LOADING = 1;
227  const unsigned short STATE_OPENED = 2;
229  /**
230   * This indicates whether this node "may" have children, and can be used
231   * when the container is open or closed. When the container is closed, it
232   * will give you an exact answer if the node can easily be populated (for
233   * example, a bookmark folder). If not (for example, a complex history query),
234   * it will return true. When the container is open, it will always be
235   * accurate. It is intended to be used to see if we should draw the "+" next
236   * to a tree item.
237   */
238  readonly attribute boolean hasChildren;
240  /**
241   * This gives you the children of the nodes. It is preferrable to use this
242   * interface over the array one, since it avoids creating an nsIArray object
243   * and the interface is already the correct type.
244   *
245   * @throws NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE if containerOpen is false.
246   */
247  readonly attribute unsigned long childCount;
248  nsINavHistoryResultNode getChild(in unsigned long aIndex);
250  /**
251   * Get the index of a direct child in this container.
252   *
253   * @param aNode
254   *        a result node.
255   *
256   * @return aNode's index in this container.
257   * @throws NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE if containerOpen is false.
258   * @throws NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG if aNode isn't a direct child of this
259   * container.
260   */
261  unsigned long getChildIndex(in nsINavHistoryResultNode aNode);
266 * Used for places queries and as a base for bookmark folders.
267 *
268 * Note that if you request places to *not* be expanded in the options that
269 * generated this node, this item will report it has no children and never try
270 * to populate itself.
271 */
272[scriptable, uuid(62817759-4FEE-44A3-B58C-3E2F5AFC9D0A)]
273interface nsINavHistoryQueryResultNode : nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode
275  /**
276   * Get the query which builds this node's children.
277   * Only valid for RESULT_TYPE_QUERY nodes.
278   */
279  readonly attribute nsINavHistoryQuery query;
281  /**
282   * Get the options which group this node's children.
283   * Only valid for RESULT_TYPE_QUERY nodes.
284   */
285  readonly attribute nsINavHistoryQueryOptions queryOptions;
287  /**
288   * For both simple folder queries and folder shortcut queries, this is set to
289   * the concrete itemId of the folder (i.e. for folder shortcuts it's the
290   * target folder id).  Otherwise, this is set to -1.
291   */
292  readonly attribute long long folderItemId;
294  /**
295   * For both simple folder queries and folder shortcut queries, this is set to
296   * the concrete guid of the folder (i.e. for folder shortcuts it's the target
297   * folder guid). Otherwise, this is set to an empty string.
298   */
299  readonly attribute ACString targetFolderGuid;
304 * Allows clients to observe what is happening to a result as it updates itself
305 * according to history and bookmark system events. Register this observer on a
306 * result using nsINavHistoryResult::addObserver.
307 */
308[scriptable, uuid(f62d8b6b-3c4e-4a9f-a897-db605d0b7a0f)]
309interface nsINavHistoryResultObserver : nsISupports
311  /**
312   * Called when 'aItem' is inserted into 'aParent' at index 'aNewIndex'.
313   * The item previously at index (if any) and everything below it will have
314   * been shifted down by one. The item may be a container or a leaf.
315   */
316  void nodeInserted(in nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode aParent,
317                    in nsINavHistoryResultNode aNode,
318                    in unsigned long aNewIndex);
320  /**
321   * Called whan 'aItem' is removed from 'aParent' at 'aOldIndex'. The item
322   * may be a container or a leaf. This function will be called after the item
323   * has been removed from its parent list, but before anything else (including
324   * NULLing out the item's parent) has happened.
325   */
326  void nodeRemoved(in nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode aParent,
327                   in nsINavHistoryResultNode aItem,
328                   in unsigned long aOldIndex);
330  /**
331   * Called whan 'aItem' is moved from 'aOldParent' at 'aOldIndex' to
332   * aNewParent at aNewIndex. The item may be a container or a leaf.
333   *
334   * XXX: at the moment, this method is called only when an item is moved
335   * within the same container. When an item is moved between containers,
336   * a new node is created for the item, and the itemRemoved/itemAdded methods
337   * are used.
338   */
339  void nodeMoved(in nsINavHistoryResultNode aNode,
340                 in nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode aOldParent,
341                 in unsigned long aOldIndex,
342                 in nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode aNewParent,
343                 in unsigned long aNewIndex);
345  /**
346   * Called right after aNode's title has changed.
347   *
348   * @param aNode
349   *        a result node
350   * @param aNewTitle
351   *        the new title
352   */
353  void nodeTitleChanged(in nsINavHistoryResultNode aNode,
354                        in AUTF8String aNewTitle);
356  /**
357   * Called right after aNode's uri property has changed.
358   *
359   * @param aNode
360   *        a result node
361   * @param aNewURI
362   *        the old uri
363   */
364  void nodeURIChanged(in nsINavHistoryResultNode aNode,
365                      in AUTF8String aOldURI);
367  /**
368   * Called right after aNode's icon property has changed.
369   *
370   * @param aNode
371   *        a result node
372   *
373   * @note: The new icon is accessible through aNode.icon.
374   */
375  void nodeIconChanged(in nsINavHistoryResultNode aNode);
377  /**
378   * Called right after aNode's time property or accessCount property, or both,
379   * have changed.
380   *
381   * @param aNode
382   *        a uri result node
383   * @param aOldVisitDate
384   *        the old visit date
385   * @param aOldAccessCount
386   *        the old access-count
387   */
388  void nodeHistoryDetailsChanged(in nsINavHistoryResultNode aNode,
389                                 in PRTime aOldVisitDate,
390                                 in unsigned long aOldAccessCount);
392  /**
393   * Called when the tags set on the uri represented by aNode have changed.
394   *
395   * @param aNode
396   *        a uri result node
397   *
398   * @note: The new tags list is accessible through aNode.tags.
399   */
400  void nodeTagsChanged(in nsINavHistoryResultNode aNode);
402  /**
403   * Called right after the aNode's keyword property has changed.
404   *
405   * @param aNode
406   *        a uri result node
407   * @param aNewKeyword
408   *        the new keyword
409   */
410  void nodeKeywordChanged(in nsINavHistoryResultNode aNode,
411                          in AUTF8String aNewKeyword);
413  /**
414   * Called right after aNode's dateAdded property has changed.
415   *
416   * @param aNode
417   *        a result node
418   * @param aNewValue
419   *        the new value of the dateAdded property
420   */
421  void nodeDateAddedChanged(in nsINavHistoryResultNode aNode,
422                            in PRTime aNewValue);
424  /**
425   * Called right after aNode's dateModified property has changed.
426   *
427   * @param aNode
428   *        a result node
429   * @param aNewValue
430   *        the new value of the dateModified property
431   */
432  void nodeLastModifiedChanged(in nsINavHistoryResultNode aNode,
433                               in PRTime aNewValue);
435  /**
436   * Called after a container changes state.
437   *
438   * @param aContainerNode
439   *        The container that has changed state.
440   * @param aOldState
441   *        The state that aContainerNode has transitioned out of.
442   * @param aNewState
443   *        The state that aContainerNode has transitioned into.
444   */
445  void containerStateChanged(in nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode aContainerNode,
446                             in unsigned long aOldState,
447                             in unsigned long aNewState);
449  /**
450   * Called when something significant has happened within the container. The
451   * contents of the container should be re-built.
452   *
453   * @param aContainerNode
454   *        the container node to invalidate
455   */
456  void invalidateContainer(in nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode aContainerNode);
458  /**
459   * This is called to indicate to the UI that the sort has changed to the
460   * given mode. For trees, for example, this would update the column headers
461   * to reflect the sorting. For many other types of views, this won't be
462   * applicable.
463   *
464   * @param sortingMode  One of nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.SORT_BY_* that
465   *                     indicates the new sorting mode.
466   *
467   * This only is expected to update the sorting UI. invalidateAll() will also
468   * get called if the sorting changes to update everything.
469   */
470  void sortingChanged(in unsigned short sortingMode);
472  /**
473   * This is called to indicate that a batch operation is about to start or end.
474   * The observer could want to disable some events or updates during batches,
475   * since multiple operations are packed in a short time.
476   * For example treeviews could temporarily suppress select notifications.
477   *
478   * @param aToggleMode
479   *        true if a batch is starting, false if it's ending.
480   */
481  void batching(in boolean aToggleMode);
483  /**
484   * Called by the result when this observer is added.
485   */
486  attribute nsINavHistoryResult result;
491 * The result of a history/bookmark query.
492 */
493[scriptable, uuid(c2229ce3-2159-4001-859c-7013c52f7619)]
494interface nsINavHistoryResult : nsISupports
496  /**
497   * Sorts all nodes recursively by the given parameter, one of
498   * nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.SORT_BY_*  This will update the corresponding
499   * options for this result, so that re-using the current options/queries will
500   * always give you the current view.
501   */
502  attribute unsigned short sortingMode;
504  /**
505   * Whether or not notifications on result changes are suppressed.
506   * Initially set to false.
507   *
508   * Use this to avoid flickering and to improve performance when you
509   * do temporary changes to the result structure (e.g. when searching for a
510   * node recursively).
511   */
512  attribute boolean suppressNotifications;
514  /**
515   * Adds an observer for changes done in the result.
516   *
517   * @param aObserver
518   *        a result observer.
519   * @param aOwnsWeak
520   *        If false, the result will keep an owning reference to the observer,
521   *        which must be removed using removeObserver.
522   *        If true, the result will keep a weak reference to the observer, which
523   *        must implement nsISupportsWeakReference.
524   *
525   * @see nsINavHistoryResultObserver
526   */
527  void addObserver(in nsINavHistoryResultObserver aObserver,
528                   [optional] in boolean aOwnsWeak);
530  /**
531   * Removes an observer that was added by addObserver.
532   *
533   * @param aObserver
534   *        a result observer that was added by addObserver.
535   */
536  void removeObserver(in nsINavHistoryResultObserver aObserver);
538  /**
539   * This is the root of the results. Remember that you need to open all
540   * containers for their contents to be valid.
541   *
542   * When a result goes out of scope it will continue to observe changes till
543   * it is cycle collected.  While the result waits to be collected it will stay
544   * in memory, and continue to update itself, potentially causing unwanted
545   * additional work.  When you close the root node the result will stop
546   * observing changes, so it is good practice to close the root node when you
547   * are done with a result, since that will avoid unwanted performance hits.
548   */
549  readonly attribute nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode root;
554 * DANGER! If you are in the middle of a batch transaction, there may be a
555 * database transaction active. You can still access the DB, but be careful.
556 */
557[scriptable, uuid(0f0f45b0-13a1-44ae-a0ab-c6046ec6d4da)]
558interface nsINavHistoryObserver : nsISupports
560  /**
561   * Notifies you that a bunch of things are about to change, don't do any
562   * heavy-duty processing until onEndUpdateBatch is called.
563   */
564  void onBeginUpdateBatch();
566  /**
567   * Notifies you that we are done doing a bunch of things and you should go
568   * ahead and update UI, etc.
569   */
570  void onEndUpdateBatch();
572  /**
573   * Called whenever either the "real" title or the custom title of the page
574   * changed. BOTH TITLES ARE ALWAYS INCLUDED in this notification, even though
575   * only one will change at a time. Often, consumers will want to display the
576   * user title if it is available, and fall back to the page title (the one
577   * specified in the <title> tag of the page).
578   *
579   * Note that there is a difference between an empty title and a NULL title.
580   * An empty string means that somebody specifically set the title to be
581   * nothing. NULL means nobody set it. From C++: use IsVoid() and SetIsVoid()
582   * to see whether an empty string is "null" or not (it will always be an
583   * empty string in either case).
584   *
585   * @param aURI
586   *        The URI of the page.
587   * @param aPageTitle
588   *        The new title of the page.
589   * @param aGUID
590   *        The unique ID associated with the page.
591   */
592  void onTitleChanged(in nsIURI aURI,
593                      in AString aPageTitle,
594                      in ACString aGUID);
596  /**
597   * Called when an individual page's frecency has changed.
598   *
599   * This is not called for pages whose frecencies change as the result of some
600   * large operation where some large or unknown number of frecencies change at
601   * once.  Use onManyFrecenciesChanged to detect such changes.
602   *
603   * @param aURI
604   *        The page's URI.
605   * @param aNewFrecency
606   *        The page's new frecency.
607   * @param aGUID
608   *        The page's GUID.
609   * @param aHidden
610   *        True if the page is marked as hidden.
611   * @param aVisitDate
612   *        The page's last visit date.
613   */
614  void onFrecencyChanged(in nsIURI aURI,
615                         in long aNewFrecency,
616                         in ACString aGUID,
617                         in boolean aHidden,
618                         in PRTime aVisitDate);
620  /**
621   * Called when the frecencies of many pages have changed at once.
622   *
623   * onFrecencyChanged is not called for each of those pages.
624   */
625  void onManyFrecenciesChanged();
627  /**
628   * Removed by the user.
629   */
630  const unsigned short REASON_DELETED = 0;
631  /**
632   * Removed by automatic expiration.
633   */
634  const unsigned short REASON_EXPIRED = 1;
636  /**
637   * This page and all of its visits are being deleted. Note: the page may not
638   * necessarily have actually existed for this function to be called.
639   *
640   * Delete notifications are only 99.99% accurate. Batch delete operations
641   * must be done in two steps, so first come notifications, then a bulk
642   * delete. If there is some error in the middle (for example, out of memory)
643   * then you'll get a notification and it won't get deleted. There's no easy
644   * way around this.
645   *
646   * @param aURI
647   *        The URI that was deleted.
648   * @param aGUID
649   *        The unique ID associated with the page.
650   * @param aReason
651   *        Indicates the reason for the removal.  see REASON_* constants.
652   */
653  void onDeleteURI(in nsIURI aURI,
654                   in ACString aGUID,
655                   in unsigned short aReason);
657  /**
658   * Notification that all of history is being deleted.
659   */
660  void onClearHistory();
662  /**
663   * onPageChanged attribute indicating that favicon has been updated.
664   * aNewValue parameter will be set to the new favicon URI string.
665   */
666  const unsigned long ATTRIBUTE_FAVICON = 3;
668  /**
669   * An attribute of this page changed.
670   *
671   * @param aURI
672   *        The URI of the page on which an attribute changed.
673   * @param aChangedAttribute
674   *        The attribute whose value changed.  See ATTRIBUTE_* constants.
675   * @param aNewValue
676   *        The attribute's new value.
677   * @param aGUID
678   *        The unique ID associated with the page.
679   */
680  void onPageChanged(in nsIURI aURI,
681                     in unsigned long aChangedAttribute,
682                     in AString aNewValue,
683                     in ACString aGUID);
685  /**
686   * Called when some visits of an history entry are expired.
687   *
688   * @param aURI
689   *        The page whose visits have been expired.
690   * @param aPartialRemoval
691   *        Set to true if only some of the visits for the page have been removed.
692   * @param aGUID
693   *        The unique ID associated with the page.
694   *
695   * @note: when all visits for a page are expired and also the full page entry
696   *        is expired, you will only get an onDeleteURI notification.  If a
697   *        page entry is removed, then you can be sure that we don't have
698   *        anymore visits for it.
699   * @param aReason
700   *        Indicates the reason for the removal.  see REASON_* constants.
701   * @param aTransitionType
702   *        If it's a valid TRANSITION_* value, all visits of the specified type
703   *        have been removed.
704   */
705  void onDeleteVisits(in nsIURI aURI,
706                      in boolean aPartialRemoval,
707                      in ACString aGUID,
708                      in unsigned short aReason,
709                      in unsigned long aTransitionType);
714 * This object encapsulates all the query parameters you're likely to need
715 * when building up history UI. All parameters are ANDed together.
716 *
717 * This is not intended to be a super-general query mechanism. This was designed
718 * so that most queries can be done in only one SQL query. This is important
719 * because, if the user has their profile on a networked drive, query latency
720 * can be non-negligible.
721 */
723[scriptable, uuid(dc87ae79-22f1-4dcf-975b-852b01d210cb)]
724interface nsINavHistoryQuery : nsISupports
726  /**
727   * Time range for results (INCLUSIVE). The *TimeReference is one of the
728   * constants TIME_RELATIVE_* which indicates how to interpret the
729   * corresponding time value.
730   *   TIME_RELATIVE_EPOCH (default):
731   *     The time is relative to Jan 1 1970 GMT, (this is a normal PRTime)
733   *     The time is relative to this morning at midnight. Normally used for
734   *     queries relative to today. For example, a "past week" query would be
735   *     today-6 days -> today+1 day
737   *     The time is relative to right now.
738   *
739   * Note: PRTime is in MICROseconds since 1 Jan 1970. Javascript date objects
740   * are expressed in MILLIseconds since 1 Jan 1970.
741   *
742   * As a special case, a 0 time relative to TIME_RELATIVE_EPOCH indicates that
743   * the time is not part of the query. This is the default, so an empty query
744   * will match any time. The has* functions return whether the corresponding
745   * time is considered.
746   *
747   * You can read absolute*Time to get the time value that the currently loaded
748   * reference points + offset resolve to.
749   */
750  const unsigned long TIME_RELATIVE_EPOCH = 0;
751  const unsigned long TIME_RELATIVE_TODAY = 1;
752  const unsigned long TIME_RELATIVE_NOW = 2;
754  attribute PRTime beginTime;
755  attribute unsigned long beginTimeReference;
756  readonly attribute boolean hasBeginTime;
757  readonly attribute PRTime absoluteBeginTime;
759  attribute PRTime endTime;
760  attribute unsigned long endTimeReference;
761  readonly attribute boolean hasEndTime;
762  readonly attribute PRTime absoluteEndTime;
764  /**
765   * Text search terms.
766   */
767  attribute AString searchTerms;
768  readonly attribute boolean hasSearchTerms;
770  /**
771   * Set lower or upper limits for how many times an item has been
772   * visited.  The default is -1, and in that case all items are
773   * matched regardless of their visit count.
774   */
775  attribute long minVisits;
776  attribute long maxVisits;
778  /**
779   * When the set of transitions is nonempty, results are limited to pages which
780   * have at least one visit for each of the transition types.
781   * @note: For searching on more than one transition this can be very slow.
782   *
783   * Limit results to the specified list of transition types.
784   */
785  void setTransitions(in Array<unsigned long> transitions);
787  /**
788   * Get the transitions set for this query.
789   */
790  Array<unsigned long> getTransitions();
792  /**
793   * Get the count of the set query transitions.
794   */
795  readonly attribute unsigned long transitionCount;
797  /**
798   * When set, returns only bookmarked items, when unset, returns anything. Setting this
799   * is equivalent to listing all bookmark folders in the 'folders' parameter.
800   */
801  attribute boolean onlyBookmarked;
803  /**
804   * This controls the meaning of 'domain', and whether it is an exact match
805   * 'domainIsHost' = true, or hierarchical (= false).
806   */
807  attribute boolean domainIsHost;
809  /**
810   * This is the host or domain name (controlled by domainIsHost). When
811   * domainIsHost, domain only does exact matching on host names. Otherwise,
812   * it will return anything whose host name ends in 'domain'.
813   *
814   * This one is a little different than most. Setting it to an empty string
815   * is a real query and will match any URI that has no host name (local files
816   * and such). Set this to NULL (in C++ use SetIsVoid) if you don't want
817   * domain matching.
818   */
819  attribute AUTF8String domain;
820  readonly attribute boolean hasDomain;
822  /**
823   * This is a URI to match, to, for example, find out every time you visited
824   * a given URI. This is an exact match.
825   */
826  attribute nsIURI uri;
827  readonly attribute boolean hasUri;
829  /**
830   * Test for existence or non-existence of a given annotation. We don't
831   * currently support >1 annotation name per query. If 'annotationIsNot' is
832   * true, we test for the non-existence of the specified annotation.
833   *
834   * Testing for not annotation will do the same thing as a normal query and
835   * remove everything that doesn't have that annotation. Asking for things
836   * that DO have a given annotation is a little different. It also includes
837   * things that have never been visited. This allows place queries to be
838   * returned as well as anything else that may have been tagged with an
839   * annotation. This will only work for RESULTS_AS_URI since there will be
840   * no visits for these items.
841   */
842  attribute boolean annotationIsNot;
843  attribute AUTF8String annotation;
844  readonly attribute boolean hasAnnotation;
846  /**
847   * Limit results to items that are tagged with all of the given tags.  This
848   * attribute must be set to an array of strings.  When called as a getter it
849   * will return an array of strings sorted ascending in lexicographical order.
850   * The array may be empty in either case.  Duplicate tags may be specified
851   * when setting the attribute, but the getter returns only unique tags.
852   */
853  attribute nsIVariant tags;
855  /**
856   * If 'tagsAreNot' is true, the results are instead limited to items that
857   * are not tagged with any of the given tags.  This attribute is used in
858   * conjunction with the 'tags' attribute.
859   */
860  attribute boolean tagsAreNot;
862  /**
863   * Limit results to items that are in all of the given folders.
864   */
865  Array<ACString> getParents();
866  readonly attribute unsigned long parentCount;
868  /**
869   * This is not recursive so results will be returned from the first level of
870   * that folder.
871   */
872  void setParents(in Array<ACString> aGuids);
874  /**
875   * Creates a new query item with the same parameters of this one.
876   */
877  nsINavHistoryQuery clone();
881 * This object represents the global options for executing a query.
882 */
883[scriptable, uuid(8198dfa7-8061-4766-95cb-fa86b3c00a47)]
884interface nsINavHistoryQueryOptions : nsISupports
886  /**
887   * You can ask for the results to be pre-sorted. Since the DB has indices
888   * of many items, it can produce sorted results almost for free. These should
889   * be self-explanatory.
890   *
891   * Note: re-sorting is slower, as is sorting by title or when you have a
892   * host name.
893   *
894   * For bookmark items, SORT_BY_NONE means sort by the natural bookmark order.
895   */
896  const unsigned short SORT_BY_NONE = 0;
897  const unsigned short SORT_BY_TITLE_ASCENDING = 1;
898  const unsigned short SORT_BY_TITLE_DESCENDING = 2;
899  const unsigned short SORT_BY_DATE_ASCENDING = 3;
900  const unsigned short SORT_BY_DATE_DESCENDING = 4;
901  const unsigned short SORT_BY_URI_ASCENDING = 5;
902  const unsigned short SORT_BY_URI_DESCENDING = 6;
903  const unsigned short SORT_BY_VISITCOUNT_ASCENDING = 7;
904  const unsigned short SORT_BY_VISITCOUNT_DESCENDING = 8;
905  const unsigned short SORT_BY_DATEADDED_ASCENDING = 11;
906  const unsigned short SORT_BY_DATEADDED_DESCENDING = 12;
907  const unsigned short SORT_BY_LASTMODIFIED_ASCENDING = 13;
908  const unsigned short SORT_BY_LASTMODIFIED_DESCENDING = 14;
909  const unsigned short SORT_BY_TAGS_ASCENDING = 17;
910  const unsigned short SORT_BY_TAGS_DESCENDING = 18;
911  const unsigned short SORT_BY_FRECENCY_ASCENDING = 21;
912  const unsigned short SORT_BY_FRECENCY_DESCENDING = 22;
914  /**
915   * "URI" results, one for each URI visited in the range. Individual result
916   * nodes will be of type "URI".
917   */
918  const unsigned short RESULTS_AS_URI = 0;
920  /**
921   * "Visit" results, with one for each time a page was visited (this will
922   * often give you multiple results for one URI). Individual result nodes will
923   * have type "Visit"
924   *
925   * @note This result type is only supported by QUERY_TYPE_HISTORY.
926   */
927  const unsigned short RESULTS_AS_VISIT = 1;
929  /**
930   * This returns query nodes for each predefined date range where we
931   * had visits. The node contains information how to load its content:
932   * - visits for the given date range will be loaded.
933   *
934   * @note This result type is only supported by QUERY_TYPE_HISTORY.
935   */
936  const unsigned short RESULTS_AS_DATE_QUERY = 3;
938  /**
939   * This returns nsINavHistoryQueryResultNode nodes for each site where we
940   * have visits. The node contains information how to load its content:
941   * - last visit for each url in the given host will be loaded.
942   *
943   * @note This result type is only supported by QUERY_TYPE_HISTORY.
944   */
945  const unsigned short RESULTS_AS_SITE_QUERY = 4;
947  /**
948   * This returns nsINavHistoryQueryResultNode nodes for each day where we
949   * have visits. The node contains information how to load its content:
950   * - list of hosts visited in the given period will be loaded.
951   *
952   * @note This result type is only supported by QUERY_TYPE_HISTORY.
953   */
954  const unsigned short RESULTS_AS_DATE_SITE_QUERY = 5;
956  /**
957   * This returns nsINavHistoryQueryResultNode nodes for each tag.
958   * The node contains information how to load its content:
959   * - list of bookmarks with the given tag will be loaded.
960   *
961   * @note Setting this resultType will force queryType to QUERY_TYPE_BOOKMARKS.
962   */
963  const unsigned short RESULTS_AS_TAGS_ROOT = 6;
965  /**
966   * DEPRECATED: This exists for Sync and also to avoid reusing this number.
967   */
968  const unsigned short RESULTS_AS_TAG_CONTENTS = 7;
970  /**
971   * This returns nsINavHistoryQueryResultNode nodes for each top-level bookmark
972   * root.
973   *
974   * @note Setting this resultType will force queryType to QUERY_TYPE_BOOKMARKS.
975   */
976  const unsigned short RESULTS_AS_ROOTS_QUERY = 8;
978  /**
979   * This returns nsINavHistoryQueryResultNode for each left-pane root.
980   */
981  const unsigned short RESULTS_AS_LEFT_PANE_QUERY = 9;
983  /**
984   * The sorting mode to be used for this query.
985   * mode is one of SORT_BY_*
986   */
987  attribute unsigned short sortingMode;
989  /**
990   * Sets the result type. One of RESULT_TYPE_* which includes how URIs are
991   * represented.
992   */
993  attribute unsigned short resultType;
995  /**
996   * This option excludes all URIs and separators from a bookmarks query.
997   * This would be used if you just wanted a list of bookmark folders and
998   * queries (such as the left pane of the places page).
999   * Defaults to false.
1000   */
1001  attribute boolean excludeItems;
1003  /**
1004   * Set to true to exclude queries ("place:" URIs) from the query results.
1005   * Simple folder queries (bookmark folder symlinks) will still be included.
1006   * Defaults to false.
1007   */
1008  attribute boolean excludeQueries;
1010  /**
1011   * When set, allows items with "place:" URIs to appear as containers,
1012   * with the container's contents filled in from the stored query.
1013   * If not set, these will appear as normal items. Doesn't do anything if
1014   * excludeQueries is set. Defaults to false.
1015   *
1016   * Note that this has no effect on folder links, which are place: URIs
1017   * returned by nsINavBookmarkService.GetFolderURI. These are always expanded
1018   * and will appear as bookmark folders.
1019   */
1020  attribute boolean expandQueries;
1022  /**
1023   * Some pages in history are marked "hidden" and thus don't appear by default
1024   * in queries.  These include automatic framed visits and redirects.  Setting
1025   * this attribute will return all pages, even hidden ones.  Does nothing for
1026   * bookmark queries. Defaults to false.
1027   */
1028  attribute boolean includeHidden;
1030  /**
1031   * This is the maximum number of results that you want. The query is executed,
1032   * the results are sorted, and then the top 'maxResults' results are taken
1033   * and returned. Set to 0 (the default) to get all results.
1034   *
1036   * sorting by title requires us to sort after using locale-sensetive sorting
1037   * (as opposed to letting the database do it for us).
1038   *
1039   * Instead, we get the result ordered by date, pick the maxResult most recent
1040   * ones, and THEN sort by title.
1041   */
1042  attribute unsigned long maxResults;
1044  const unsigned short QUERY_TYPE_HISTORY = 0;
1045  const unsigned short QUERY_TYPE_BOOKMARKS = 1;
1046  /* Unified queries are not yet implemented. See bug 378798 */
1047  const unsigned short QUERY_TYPE_UNIFIED = 2;
1049  /**
1050   * The type of search to use when querying the DB; This attribute is only
1051   * honored by query nodes. It is silently ignored for simple folder queries.
1052   */
1053  attribute unsigned short queryType;
1055  /**
1056   * When this is true, the root container node generated by these options and
1057   * its descendant containers will be opened asynchronously if they support it.
1058   * This is false by default.
1059   *
1060   * @note Currently only bookmark folder containers support being opened
1061   *       asynchronously.
1062   */
1063  attribute boolean asyncEnabled;
1065  /**
1066   * Creates a new options item with the same parameters of this one.
1067   */
1068  nsINavHistoryQueryOptions clone();
1071[scriptable, uuid(20c974ff-ee16-4828-9326-1b7c9e036622)]
1072interface nsINavHistoryService : nsISupports
1074  /**
1075   * System Notifications:
1076   *
1077   * places-init-complete - Sent once the History service is completely
1078   *                        initialized successfully.
1079   * places-database-locked - Sent if initialization of the History service
1080   *                          failed due to the inability to open the places.sqlite
1081   *                          for access reasons.
1082   */
1084  /**
1085   * This transition type means the user followed a link and got a new toplevel
1086   * window.
1087   */
1088  const unsigned long TRANSITION_LINK = 1;
1090  /**
1091   * This transition type means that the user typed the page's URL in the
1092   * URL bar or selected it from URL bar autocomplete results, clicked on
1093   * it from a history query (from the History sidebar, History menu,
1094   * or history query in the personal toolbar or Places organizer.
1095   */
1096  const unsigned long TRANSITION_TYPED = 2;
1098  /**
1099   * This transition is set when the user followed a bookmark to get to the
1100   * page.
1101   */
1102  const unsigned long TRANSITION_BOOKMARK = 3;
1104  /**
1105   * This transition type is set when some inner content is loaded. This is
1106   * true of all images on a page, and the contents of the iframe. It is also
1107   * true of any content in a frame if the user did not explicitly follow
1108   * a link to get there.
1109   */
1110  const unsigned long TRANSITION_EMBED = 4;
1112  /**
1113   * Set when the transition was a permanent redirect.
1114   */
1115  const unsigned long TRANSITION_REDIRECT_PERMANENT = 5;
1117  /**
1118   * Set when the transition was a temporary redirect.
1119   */
1120  const unsigned long TRANSITION_REDIRECT_TEMPORARY = 6;
1122  /**
1123   * Set when the transition is a download.
1124   */
1125  const unsigned long TRANSITION_DOWNLOAD = 7;
1127  /**
1128   * This transition type means the user followed a link and got a visit in
1129   * a frame.
1130   */
1131  const unsigned long TRANSITION_FRAMED_LINK = 8;
1133  /**
1134   * This transition type means the page has been reloaded.
1135   */
1136  const unsigned long TRANSITION_RELOAD = 9;
1138  /**
1139   * Set when database is coherent
1140   */
1141  const unsigned short DATABASE_STATUS_OK = 0;
1143  /**
1144   * Set when database did not exist and we created a new one.
1145   */
1146  const unsigned short DATABASE_STATUS_CREATE = 1;
1148  /**
1149   * Set when database was corrupt and we replaced it with a new one.
1150   */
1151  const unsigned short DATABASE_STATUS_CORRUPT = 2;
1153  /**
1154   * Set when database schema has been upgraded.
1155   */
1156  const unsigned short DATABASE_STATUS_UPGRADED = 3;
1158  /**
1159   * Set when database couldn't be opened.
1160   */
1161  const unsigned short DATABASE_STATUS_LOCKED = 4;
1163  /**
1164   * Returns the current database status
1165   */
1166  readonly attribute unsigned short databaseStatus;
1168  /**
1169   * This is just like markPageAsTyped (in nsIBrowserHistory, also implemented
1170   * by the history service), but for bookmarks. It declares that the given URI
1171   * is being opened as a result of following a bookmark. If this URI is loaded
1172   * soon after this message has been received, that transition will be marked
1173   * as following a bookmark.
1174   */
1175  void markPageAsFollowedBookmark(in nsIURI aURI);
1177  /**
1178   * Designates the url as having been explicitly typed in by the user.
1179   *
1180   * @param aURI
1181   *        URI of the page to be marked.
1182   */
1183  void markPageAsTyped(in nsIURI aURI);
1185  /**
1186   * Designates the url as coming from a link explicitly followed by
1187   * the user (for example by clicking on it).
1188   *
1189   * @param aURI
1190   *        URI of the page to be marked.
1191   */
1192  void markPageAsFollowedLink(in nsIURI aURI);
1194  /**
1195   * Returns true if this URI would be added to the history. You don't have to
1196   * worry about calling this, adding a visit will always check before
1197   * actually adding the page. This function is public because some components
1198   * may want to check if this page would go in the history (i.e. for
1199   * annotations).
1200   */
1201  boolean canAddURI(in nsIURI aURI);
1203  /**
1204   * This returns a new query object that you can pass to executeQuer[y/ies].
1205   * It will be initialized to all empty (so using it will give you all history).
1206   */
1207  nsINavHistoryQuery getNewQuery();
1209  /**
1210   * This returns a new options object that you can pass to executeQuer[y/ies]
1211   * after setting the desired options.
1212   */
1213  nsINavHistoryQueryOptions getNewQueryOptions();
1215  /**
1216   * Executes a single query.
1217   */
1218  nsINavHistoryResult executeQuery(in nsINavHistoryQuery aQuery,
1219                                   in nsINavHistoryQueryOptions options);
1221  /**
1222   * Converts a query URI-like string to a query object.
1223   */
1224  void queryStringToQuery(in AUTF8String aQueryString,
1225                          out nsINavHistoryQuery aQuery,
1226                          out nsINavHistoryQueryOptions options);
1228  /**
1229   * Converts a query into an equivalent string that can be persisted. Inverse
1230   * of queryStringToQuery()
1231   */
1232  AUTF8String queryToQueryString(in nsINavHistoryQuery aQuery,
1233                                 in nsINavHistoryQueryOptions options);
1235  /**
1236   * Adds a history observer. If ownsWeak is false, the history service will
1237   * keep an owning reference to the observer.  If ownsWeak is true, then
1238   * aObserver must implement nsISupportsWeakReference, and the history service
1239   * will keep a weak reference to the observer.
1240   */
1241  void addObserver(in nsINavHistoryObserver observer,
1242                   [optional] in boolean ownsWeak);
1244  /**
1245   * Removes a history observer.
1246   */
1247  void removeObserver(in nsINavHistoryObserver observer);
1249  /**
1250   * Gets an array of registered nsINavHistoryObserver objects.
1251   */
1252  Array<nsINavHistoryObserver> getObservers();
1254  /**
1255   * True if history is disabled. currently,
1256   * history is disabled if the places.history.enabled pref is false.
1257   */
1258  readonly attribute boolean historyDisabled;
1260  /**
1261   * Generate a guid.
1262   * Guids can be used for any places purposes (history, bookmarks, etc.)
1263   * Returns null if the generation of the guid failed.
1264   */
1265  ACString makeGuid();
1267  /**
1268   * Returns a 48-bit hash for a URI spec.
1269   *
1270   * @param aSpec
1271   *        The URI spec to hash.
1272   * @param aMode
1273   *        The hash mode: `""` (default), `"prefix_lo"`, or `"prefix_hi"`.
1274   */
1275  unsigned long long hashURL(in ACString aSpec, [optional] in ACString aMode);
1277  /**
1278   * Resets and recalculates the origin frecency statistics that are kept in the
1279   * moz_meta table.
1280   *
1281   * @param aCallback
1282   *        Called when the recalculation is complete.  The arguments passed to
1283   *        the observer are not defined.
1284   */
1285  void recalculateOriginFrecencyStats([optional] in nsIObserver aCallback);
1287  /**
1288   * The database connection used by Places.
1289   */
1290  readonly attribute mozIStorageConnection DBConnection;
1292  /**
1293   * Asynchronously executes the statement created from a query.
1294   *
1295   * @see nsINavHistoryService::executeQuery
1296   * @note THIS IS A TEMPORARY API.  Don't rely on it, since it will be replaced
1297   *       in future versions by a real async querying API.
1298   * @note Results obtained from this method differ from results obtained from
1299   *       executeQuery, because there is additional filtering and sorting
1300   *       done by the latter.  Thus you should use executeQuery, unless you
1301   *       are absolutely sure that the returned results are fine for
1302   *       your use-case.
1303   */
1304  mozIStoragePendingStatement asyncExecuteLegacyQuery(
1305    in nsINavHistoryQuery aQuery,
1306    in nsINavHistoryQueryOptions aOptions,
1307    in mozIStorageStatementCallback aCallback);
1309  /**
1310   * Hook for clients who need to perform actions during/by the end of
1311   * the shutdown of the database.
1312   * May be null if it's too late to get one.
1313   */
1314  readonly attribute nsIAsyncShutdownClient shutdownClient;
1316  /**
1317   * Hook for internal clients who need to perform actions just before the
1318   * connection gets closed.
1319   * May be null if it's too late to get one.
1320   */
1321  readonly attribute nsIAsyncShutdownClient connectionShutdownClient;
1323  /**
1324   * Asynchronously recalculates frecency for all pages where frecency < 0, then
1325   * decays frecency and inputhistory values.
1326   */
1327   void decayFrecency();