1# The file tests the tclCmdAH.c file.
3# This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl built-in
4# commands. Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and generates output
5# for errors. No output means no errors were found.
7# Copyright © 1996-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
8# Copyright © 1998-1999 Scriptics Corporation.
10# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
11# this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
13if {"::tcltest" ni [namespace children]} {
14    package require tcltest 2.5
15    namespace import -force ::tcltest::*
19catch [list package require -exact tcl::test [info patchlevel]]
21testConstraint testchmod       [llength [info commands testchmod]]
22testConstraint testsetplatform [llength [info commands testsetplatform]]
23testConstraint testvolumetype  [llength [info commands testvolumetype]]
24testConstraint time64bit [expr {
25    $::tcl_platform(pointerSize) >= 8 ||
26    [llength [info command testsize]] && [testsize st_mtime] >= 8
28testConstraint linkDirectory [expr {
29    ![testConstraint win] ||
30    ($::tcl_platform(osVersion) >= 5.0
31     && [lindex [file system [temporaryDirectory]] 1] eq "NTFS")
33testConstraint notWine [expr {![info exists ::env(CI_USING_WINE)]}]
35global env
36set cmdAHwd [pwd]
37catch {set platform [testgetplatform]}
39proc waitForEvenSecondForFAT {} {
40    # Windows 9x uses filesystems (the FAT* family of FSes) without enough
41    # data in its timestamps for even per-second-accurate timings. :^(
42    # This procedure based on work by Helmut Giese
43    if {
44	[testConstraint win] &&
45	[lindex [file system [temporaryDirectory]] 1] ne "NTFS"
46    } then {
47	# Assume non-NTFS means FAT{12,16,32} and hence in need of special
48	# help...
49	set start [clock seconds]
50	while {1} {
51	    set now [clock seconds]
52	    if {$now!=$start && !($now & 1)} {
53		break
54	    }
55	    after 50
56	}
57    }
60test cmdAH-0.1 {Tcl_BreakObjCmd, errors} -body {
61    break foo
62} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "break"}
63test cmdAH-0.2 {Tcl_BreakObjCmd, success} {
64    list [catch {break} msg] $msg
65} {3 {}}
67# Tcl_CaseObjCmd is tested in case.test
69test cmdAH-1.1 {Tcl_CatchObjCmd, errors} -returnCodes error -body {
70    catch
71} -result {wrong # args: should be "catch script ?resultVarName? ?optionVarName?"}
72test cmdAH-1.2 {Tcl_CatchObjCmd, errors} {
73    list [catch {catch foo bar baz} msg] $msg
74} {0 1}
75test cmdAH-1.3 {Tcl_CatchObjCmd, errors} -returnCodes error -body {
76    catch foo bar baz spaz
77} -result {wrong # args: should be "catch script ?resultVarName? ?optionVarName?"}
78test cmdAH-1.4 {Bug 3595576} {
79    catch {catch {} -> noSuchNs::var}
80} 1
81test cmdAH-1.5 {Bug 3595576} {
82    catch {catch error -> noSuchNs::var}
83} 1
85test cmdAH-2.1 {Tcl_CdObjCmd} -returnCodes error -body {
86    cd foo bar
87} -result {wrong # args: should be "cd ?dirName?"}
88set foodir [file join [temporaryDirectory] foo]
89test cmdAH-2.2 {Tcl_CdObjCmd} -setup {
90    file delete -force $foodir
91    set oldpwd [pwd]
92} -body {
93    file mkdir $foodir
94    cd $foodir
95    file tail [pwd]
96} -cleanup {
97    cd $oldpwd
98    file delete $foodir
99} -result foo
100test cmdAH-2.3 {Tcl_CdObjCmd} -setup {
101    global env
102    set oldpwd [pwd]
103    set temp $env(HOME)
104    file delete -force $foodir
105} -body {
106    set env(HOME) $oldpwd
107    file mkdir $foodir
108    cd $foodir
109    cd ~
110    string equal [pwd] $oldpwd
111} -cleanup {
112    cd $oldpwd
113    file delete $foodir
114    set env(HOME) $temp
115} -result 1
116test cmdAH-2.4 {Tcl_CdObjCmd} -setup {
117    global env
118    set oldpwd [pwd]
119    set temp $env(HOME)
120    file delete -force $foodir
121} -body {
122    set env(HOME) $oldpwd
123    file mkdir $foodir
124    cd $foodir
125    cd
126    string equal [pwd] $oldpwd
127} -cleanup {
128    cd $oldpwd
129    file delete $foodir
130    set env(HOME) $temp
131} -result 1
132test cmdAH-2.5 {Tcl_CdObjCmd} -returnCodes error -body {
133    cd ~~
134} -result {user "~" doesn't exist}
135test cmdAH-2.6 {Tcl_CdObjCmd} -returnCodes error -body {
136    cd _foobar
137} -result {couldn't change working directory to "_foobar": no such file or directory}
138test cmdAH-2.6.1 {Tcl_CdObjCmd} -returnCodes error -body {
139    cd ""
140} -result {couldn't change working directory to "": no such file or directory}
141test cmdAH-2.6.2 {cd} -constraints {unix nonPortable} -setup {
142    set dir [pwd]
143} -body {
144    cd /
145    pwd
146} -cleanup {
147    cd $dir
148} -result {/}
149test cmdAH-2.6.3 {Tcl_CdObjCmd, bug #3118489} -setup {
150    set dir [pwd]
151} -returnCodes error -body {
152    cd .\x00
153} -cleanup {
154    cd $dir
155} -match glob -result "couldn't change working directory to \".\x00\": *"
156test cmdAH-2.7 {Tcl_ConcatObjCmd} {
157    concat
158} {}
159test cmdAH-2.8 {Tcl_ConcatObjCmd} {
160    concat a
161} a
162test cmdAH-2.9 {Tcl_ConcatObjCmd} {
163    concat a {b c}
164} {a b c}
166test cmdAH-3.1 {Tcl_ContinueObjCmd, errors} -returnCodes error -body {
167    continue foo
168} -result {wrong # args: should be "continue"}
169test cmdAH-3.2 {Tcl_ContinueObjCmd, success} {
170    list [catch {continue} msg] $msg
171} {4 {}}
173test cmdAH-4.1 {Tcl_EncodingObjCmd} -returnCodes error -body {
174    encoding
175} -result {wrong # args: should be "encoding subcommand ?arg ...?"}
176test cmdAH-4.2 {Tcl_EncodingObjCmd} -returnCodes error -body {
177    encoding foo
178} -result {unknown or ambiguous subcommand "foo": must be convertfrom, convertto, dirs, names, or system}
179test cmdAH-4.3 {Tcl_EncodingObjCmd} -returnCodes error -body {
180    encoding convertto
181} -result {wrong # args: should be "encoding convertto ?encoding? data"}
182test cmdAH-4.4 {Tcl_EncodingObjCmd} -returnCodes error -body {
183    encoding convertto foo bar
184} -result {unknown encoding "foo"}
185test cmdAH-4.5 {Tcl_EncodingObjCmd} -setup {
186    set system [encoding system]
187} -body {
188    encoding system jis0208
189    encoding convertto 乎
190} -cleanup {
191    encoding system $system
192} -result 8C
193test cmdAH-4.6 {Tcl_EncodingObjCmd} -setup {
194    set system [encoding system]
195} -body {
196    encoding system iso8859-1
197    encoding convertto jis0208 乎
198} -cleanup {
199    encoding system $system
200} -result 8C
201test cmdAH-4.7 {Tcl_EncodingObjCmd} -returnCodes error -body {
202    encoding convertfrom
203} -result {wrong # args: should be "encoding convertfrom ?encoding? data"}
204test cmdAH-4.8 {Tcl_EncodingObjCmd} -returnCodes error -body {
205    encoding convertfrom foo bar
206} -result {unknown encoding "foo"}
207test cmdAH-4.9 {Tcl_EncodingObjCmd} -setup {
208    set system [encoding system]
209} -body {
210    encoding system jis0208
211    encoding convertfrom 8C
212} -cleanup {
213    encoding system $system
214} -result 乎
215test cmdAH-4.10 {Tcl_EncodingObjCmd} -setup {
216    set system [encoding system]
217} -body {
218    encoding system iso8859-1
219    encoding convertfrom jis0208 8C
220} -cleanup {
221    encoding system $system
222} -result 乎
223test cmdAH-4.11 {Tcl_EncodingObjCmd} -returnCodes error -body {
224    encoding names foo
225} -result {wrong # args: should be "encoding names"}
226test cmdAH-4.12 {Tcl_EncodingObjCmd} -returnCodes error -body {
227    encoding system foo bar
228} -result {wrong # args: should be "encoding system ?encoding?"}
229test cmdAH-4.13 {Tcl_EncodingObjCmd} -setup {
230    set system [encoding system]
231} -body {
232    encoding system iso8859-1
233    encoding system
234} -cleanup {
235    encoding system $system
236} -result iso8859-1
238test cmdAH-5.1 {Tcl_FileObjCmd} -returnCodes error -body {
239    file
240} -result {wrong # args: should be "file subcommand ?arg ...?"}
241test cmdAH-5.2 {Tcl_FileObjCmd} -returnCodes error -body {
242    file x
243} -result {unknown or ambiguous subcommand "x": must be atime, attributes, channels, copy, delete, dirname, executable, exists, extension, isdirectory, isfile, join, link, lstat, mkdir, mtime, nativename, normalize, owned, pathtype, readable, readlink, rename, rootname, separator, size, split, stat, system, tail, tempdir, tempfile, type, volumes, or writable}
244test cmdAH-5.3 {Tcl_FileObjCmd} -returnCodes error -body {
245    file exists
246} -result {wrong # args: should be "file exists name"}
247test cmdAH-5.4 {Tcl_FileObjCmd} {
248    file exists ""
249} 0
251# volume
252test cmdAH-6.1 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: volumes} -returnCodes error -body {
253    file volumes x
254} -result {wrong # args: should be "file volumes"}
255test cmdAH-6.2 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: volumes} -body {
256    lindex [file volumes] 0
257} -match glob -result ?*
258test cmdAH-6.3 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: volumes} -constraints unix -body {
259    set volumeList [file volumes]
260    glob -nocomplain [lindex $volumeList 0]*
261} -match glob -result *
262test cmdAH-6.4 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: volumes} -constraints win -body {
263    set volumeList [string tolower [file volumes]]
264    set element [lsearch -exact $volumeList "c:/"]
265    list [expr {$element>=0}] [glob -nocomplain [lindex $volumeList $element]*]
266} -match glob -result {1 *}
268# attributes
269test cmdAH-7.1 {Tcl_FileObjCmd - file attrs} -setup {
270    set foofile [makeFile abcde foo.file]
271    catch {file delete -force $foofile}
272} -body {
273    close [open $foofile w]
274    file attributes $foofile
275} -cleanup {
276    # We used [makeFile] so we undo with [removeFile]
277    removeFile $foofile
278} -match glob -result *
280# dirname
281test cmdAH-8.1 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: dirname} -returnCodes error -body {
282    file dirname a b
283} -result {wrong # args: should be "file dirname name"}
284test cmdAH-8.2 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: dirname} testsetplatform {
285    testsetplatform unix
286    file dirname /a/b
287} /a
288test cmdAH-8.3 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: dirname} testsetplatform {
289    testsetplatform unix
290    file dirname {}
291} .
292test cmdAH-8.5 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: dirname} testsetplatform {
293    testsetplatform win
294    file dirname {}
295} .
296test cmdAH-8.6 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: dirname} testsetplatform {
297    testsetplatform unix
298    file dirname .def
299} .
300test cmdAH-8.8 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: dirname} testsetplatform {
301    testsetplatform win
302    file dirname a
303} .
304test cmdAH-8.9 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: dirname} testsetplatform {
305    testsetplatform unix
306    file dirname a/b/c.d
307} a/b
308test cmdAH-8.10 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: dirname} testsetplatform {
309    testsetplatform unix
310    file dirname a/b.c/d
311} a/b.c
312test cmdAH-8.11 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: dirname} testsetplatform {
313    testsetplatform unix
314    file dirname /.
315} /
316test cmdAH-8.12 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: dirname} testsetplatform {
317    testsetplatform unix
318    file dirname /
319} /
320test cmdAH-8.13 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: dirname} testsetplatform {
321    testsetplatform unix
322    file dirname /foo
323} /
324test cmdAH-8.14 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: dirname} testsetplatform {
325    testsetplatform unix
326    file dirname //foo
327} /
328test cmdAH-8.15 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: dirname} testsetplatform {
329    testsetplatform unix
330    file dirname //foo/bar
331} /foo
332test cmdAH-8.16 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: dirname} testsetplatform {
333    testsetplatform unix
334    file dirname {//foo\/bar/baz}
335} {/foo\/bar}
336test cmdAH-8.17 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: dirname} testsetplatform {
337    testsetplatform unix
338    file dirname {//foo\/bar/baz/blat}
339} {/foo\/bar/baz}
340test cmdAH-8.18 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: dirname} testsetplatform {
341    testsetplatform unix
342    file dirname /foo//
343} /
344test cmdAH-8.19 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: dirname} testsetplatform {
345    testsetplatform unix
346    file dirname ./a
347} .
348test cmdAH-8.20 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: dirname} testsetplatform {
349    testsetplatform unix
350    file dirname a/.a
351} a
352test cmdAH-8.21 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: dirname} testsetplatform {
353    testsetplatform windows
354    file dirname c:foo
355} c:
356test cmdAH-8.22 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: dirname} testsetplatform {
357    testsetplatform windows
358    file dirname c:
359} c:
360test cmdAH-8.23 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: dirname} testsetplatform {
361    testsetplatform windows
362    file dirname c:/
363} c:/
364test cmdAH-8.24 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: dirname} testsetplatform {
365    testsetplatform windows
366    file dirname {c:\foo}
367} c:/
368test cmdAH-8.25 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: dirname} testsetplatform {
369    testsetplatform windows
370    file dirname {//foo/bar/baz}
371} //foo/bar
372test cmdAH-8.26 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: dirname} testsetplatform {
373    testsetplatform windows
374    file dirname {//foo/bar}
375} //foo/bar
376test cmdAH-8.38 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: dirname} testsetplatform {
377    testsetplatform unix
378    file dirname ~/foo
379} ~
380test cmdAH-8.39 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: dirname} testsetplatform {
381    testsetplatform unix
382    file dirname ~bar/foo
383} ~bar
384test cmdAH-8.43 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: dirname} -setup {
385    global env
386    set temp $env(HOME)
387} -constraints testsetplatform -body {
388    set env(HOME) "/homewontexist/test"
389    testsetplatform unix
390    file dirname ~
391} -cleanup {
392    set env(HOME) $temp
393} -result /homewontexist
394test cmdAH-8.44 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: dirname} -setup {
395    global env
396    set temp $env(HOME)
397} -constraints testsetplatform -body {
398    set env(HOME) "~"
399    testsetplatform unix
400    file dirname ~
401} -cleanup {
402    set env(HOME) $temp
403} -result ~
404test cmdAH-8.45 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: dirname} -setup {
405    set temp $::env(HOME)
406} -constraints {win testsetplatform} -match regexp -body {
407    set ::env(HOME) "/homewontexist/test"
408    testsetplatform windows
409    file dirname ~
410} -cleanup {
411    set ::env(HOME) $temp
412} -result {([a-zA-Z]:?)/homewontexist}
413test cmdAH-8.46 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: dirname} {
414    set f [file normalize [info nameof]]
415    file exists $f
416    set res1 [file dirname [file join $f foo/bar]]
417    set res2 [file dirname "${f}/foo/bar"]
418    if {$res1 eq $res2} {
419	return "ok"
420    }
421    return "file dirname problem, $res1, $res2 not equal"
422} {ok}
424# tail
425test cmdAH-9.1 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: tail} -returnCodes error -body {
426    file tail a b
427} -result {wrong # args: should be "file tail name"}
428test cmdAH-9.2 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: tail} testsetplatform {
429    testsetplatform unix
430    file tail /a/b
431} b
432test cmdAH-9.3 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: tail} testsetplatform {
433    testsetplatform unix
434    file tail {}
435} {}
436test cmdAH-9.5 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: tail} testsetplatform {
437    testsetplatform win
438    file tail {}
439} {}
440test cmdAH-9.6 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: tail} testsetplatform {
441    testsetplatform unix
442    file tail .def
443} .def
444test cmdAH-9.8 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: tail} testsetplatform {
445    testsetplatform win
446    file tail a
447} a
448test cmdAH-9.9 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: tail} testsetplatform {
449    testsetplatform unix
450    file ta a/b/c.d
451} c.d
452test cmdAH-9.10 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: tail} testsetplatform {
453    testsetplatform unix
454    file tail a/b.c/d
455} d
456test cmdAH-9.11 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: tail} testsetplatform {
457    testsetplatform unix
458    file tail /.
459} .
460test cmdAH-9.12 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: tail} testsetplatform {
461    testsetplatform unix
462    file tail /
463} {}
464test cmdAH-9.13 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: tail} testsetplatform {
465    testsetplatform unix
466    file tail /foo
467} foo
468test cmdAH-9.14 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: tail} testsetplatform {
469    testsetplatform unix
470    file tail //foo
471} foo
472test cmdAH-9.15 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: tail} testsetplatform {
473    testsetplatform unix
474    file tail //foo/bar
475} bar
476test cmdAH-9.16 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: tail} testsetplatform {
477    testsetplatform unix
478    file tail {//foo\/bar/baz}
479} baz
480test cmdAH-9.17 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: tail} testsetplatform {
481    testsetplatform unix
482    file tail {//foo\/bar/baz/blat}
483} blat
484test cmdAH-9.18 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: tail} testsetplatform {
485    testsetplatform unix
486    file tail /foo//
487} foo
488test cmdAH-9.19 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: tail} testsetplatform {
489    testsetplatform unix
490    file tail ./a
491} a
492test cmdAH-9.20 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: tail} testsetplatform {
493    testsetplatform unix
494    file tail a/.a
495} .a
496test cmdAH-9.21 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: tail} testsetplatform {
497    testsetplatform windows
498    file tail c:foo
499} foo
500test cmdAH-9.22 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: tail} testsetplatform {
501    testsetplatform windows
502    file tail c:
503} {}
504test cmdAH-9.23 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: tail} testsetplatform {
505    testsetplatform windows
506    file tail c:/
507} {}
508test cmdAH-9.24 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: tail} testsetplatform {
509    testsetplatform windows
510    file tail {c:\foo}
511} foo
512test cmdAH-9.25 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: tail} testsetplatform {
513    testsetplatform windows
514    file tail {//foo/bar/baz}
515} baz
516test cmdAH-9.26 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: tail} testsetplatform {
517    testsetplatform windows
518    file tail {//foo/bar}
519} {}
520test cmdAH-9.42 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: tail} -constraints testsetplatform -setup {
521    global env
522    set temp $env(HOME)
523} -body {
524    set env(HOME) "/home/test"
525    testsetplatform unix
526    file tail ~
527} -cleanup {
528    set env(HOME) $temp
529} -result test
530test cmdAH-9.43 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: tail} -constraints testsetplatform -setup {
531    global env
532    set temp $env(HOME)
533} -body {
534    set env(HOME) "~"
535    testsetplatform unix
536    file tail ~
537} -cleanup {
538    set env(HOME) $temp
539} -result {}
540test cmdAH-9.44 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: tail} -constraints testsetplatform -setup {
541    global env
542    set temp $env(HOME)
543} -body {
544    set env(HOME) "/home/test"
545    testsetplatform windows
546    file tail ~
547} -cleanup {
548    set env(HOME) $temp
549} -result test
550test cmdAH-9.46 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: tail} testsetplatform {
551    testsetplatform unix
552    file tail {f.oo\bar/baz.bat}
553} baz.bat
554test cmdAH-9.47 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: tail} testsetplatform {
555    testsetplatform windows
556    file tail c:foo
557} foo
558test cmdAH-9.48 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: tail} testsetplatform {
559    testsetplatform windows
560    file tail c:
561} {}
562test cmdAH-9.49 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: tail} testsetplatform {
563    testsetplatform windows
564    file tail c:/foo
565} foo
566test cmdAH-9.50 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: tail} testsetplatform {
567    testsetplatform windows
568    file tail {c:/foo\bar}
569} bar
570test cmdAH-9.51 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: tail} testsetplatform {
571    testsetplatform windows
572    file tail {foo\bar}
573} bar
574test cmdAH-9.52 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: tail / normalize, bug 7a9dc52b29} {
575    list \
576	[file tail {~/~foo}] \
577	[file tail {~/test/~foo}] \
578	[file tail [file normalize {~/~foo}]] \
579	[file tail [file normalize {~/test/~foo}]]
580} [lrepeat 4 ./~foo]
582# rootname
583test cmdAH-10.1 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: rootname} -returnCodes error -body {
584    file rootname a b
585} -result {wrong # args: should be "file rootname name"}
586test cmdAH-10.2 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: rootname} testsetplatform {
587    testsetplatform unix
588    file rootname {}
589} {}
590test cmdAH-10.3 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: rootname} testsetplatform {
591    testsetplatform unix
592    file ro foo
593} foo
594test cmdAH-10.4 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: rootname} testsetplatform {
595    testsetplatform unix
596    file rootname foo.
597} foo
598test cmdAH-10.5 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: rootname} testsetplatform {
599    testsetplatform unix
600    file rootname .foo
601} {}
602test cmdAH-10.6 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: rootname} testsetplatform {
603    testsetplatform unix
604    file rootname abc.def
605} abc
606test cmdAH-10.7 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: rootname} testsetplatform {
607    testsetplatform unix
608    file rootname abc.def.ghi
609} abc.def
610test cmdAH-10.8 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: rootname} testsetplatform {
611    testsetplatform unix
612    file rootname a/b/c.d
613} a/b/c
614test cmdAH-10.9 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: rootname} testsetplatform {
615    testsetplatform unix
616    file rootname a/b.c/d
617} a/b.c/d
618test cmdAH-10.10 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: rootname} testsetplatform {
619    testsetplatform unix
620    file rootname a/b.c/
621} a/b.c/
622test cmdAH-10.23 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: rootname} testsetplatform {
623    testsetplatform windows
624    file rootname {}
625} {}
626test cmdAH-10.24 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: rootname} testsetplatform {
627    testsetplatform windows
628    file ro foo
629} foo
630test cmdAH-10.25 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: rootname} testsetplatform {
631    testsetplatform windows
632    file rootname foo.
633} foo
634test cmdAH-10.26 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: rootname} testsetplatform {
635    testsetplatform windows
636    file rootname .foo
637} {}
638test cmdAH-10.27 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: rootname} testsetplatform {
639    testsetplatform windows
640    file rootname abc.def
641} abc
642test cmdAH-10.28 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: rootname} testsetplatform {
643    testsetplatform windows
644    file rootname abc.def.ghi
645} abc.def
646test cmdAH-10.29 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: rootname} testsetplatform {
647    testsetplatform windows
648    file rootname a/b/c.d
649} a/b/c
650test cmdAH-10.30 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: rootname} testsetplatform {
651    testsetplatform windows
652    file rootname a/b.c/d
653} a/b.c/d
654test cmdAH-10.31 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: rootname} testsetplatform {
655    testsetplatform windows
656    file rootname a\\b.c\\
657} a\\b.c\\
658test cmdAH-10.32 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: rootname} testsetplatform {
659    testsetplatform windows
660    file rootname a\\b\\c.d
661} a\\b\\c
662test cmdAH-10.33 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: rootname} testsetplatform {
663    testsetplatform windows
664    file rootname a\\b.c\\d
665} a\\b.c\\d
666test cmdAH-10.34 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: rootname} testsetplatform {
667    testsetplatform windows
668    file rootname a\\b.c\\
669} a\\b.c\\
670set num 35
671foreach outer { {} a .a a. a.a } {
672    foreach inner { {} a .a a. a.a } {
673	set thing [format %s/%s $outer $inner]
674	;test cmdAH-10.$num {Tcl_FileObjCmd: rootname and extension options} testsetplatform "
675	    testsetplatform unix
676	    [list format %s%s [file rootname $thing] [file ext $thing]]
677	" $thing
678	incr num
679    }
682# extension
683test cmdAH-11.1 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: extension} -returnCodes error -body {
684    file extension a b
685} -result {wrong # args: should be "file extension name"}
686test cmdAH-11.2 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: extension} testsetplatform {
687    testsetplatform unix
688    file extension {}
689} {}
690test cmdAH-11.3 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: extension} testsetplatform {
691    testsetplatform unix
692    file ext foo
693} {}
694test cmdAH-11.4 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: extension} testsetplatform {
695    testsetplatform unix
696    file extension foo.
697} .
698test cmdAH-11.5 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: extension} testsetplatform {
699    testsetplatform unix
700    file extension .foo
701} .foo
702test cmdAH-11.6 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: extension} testsetplatform {
703    testsetplatform unix
704    file extension abc.def
705} .def
706test cmdAH-11.7 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: extension} testsetplatform {
707    testsetplatform unix
708    file extension abc.def.ghi
709} .ghi
710test cmdAH-11.8 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: extension} testsetplatform {
711    testsetplatform unix
712    file extension a/b/c.d
713} .d
714test cmdAH-11.9 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: extension} testsetplatform {
715    testsetplatform unix
716    file extension a/b.c/d
717} {}
718test cmdAH-11.10 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: extension} testsetplatform {
719    testsetplatform unix
720    file extension a/b.c/
721} {}
722test cmdAH-11.23 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: extension} testsetplatform {
723    testsetplatform windows
724    file extension {}
725} {}
726test cmdAH-11.24 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: extension} testsetplatform {
727    testsetplatform windows
728    file ext foo
729} {}
730test cmdAH-11.25 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: extension} testsetplatform {
731    testsetplatform windows
732    file extension foo.
733} .
734test cmdAH-11.26 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: extension} testsetplatform {
735    testsetplatform windows
736    file extension .foo
737} .foo
738test cmdAH-11.27 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: extension} testsetplatform {
739    testsetplatform windows
740    file extension abc.def
741} .def
742test cmdAH-11.28 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: extension} testsetplatform {
743    testsetplatform windows
744    file extension abc.def.ghi
745} .ghi
746test cmdAH-11.29 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: extension} testsetplatform {
747    testsetplatform windows
748    file extension a/b/c.d
749} .d
750test cmdAH-11.30 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: extension} testsetplatform {
751    testsetplatform windows
752    file extension a/b.c/d
753} {}
754test cmdAH-11.31 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: extension} testsetplatform {
755    testsetplatform windows
756    file extension a\\b.c\\
757} {}
758test cmdAH-11.32 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: extension} testsetplatform {
759    testsetplatform windows
760    file extension a\\b\\c.d
761} .d
762test cmdAH-11.33 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: extension} testsetplatform {
763    testsetplatform windows
764    file extension a\\b.c\\d
765} {}
766test cmdAH-11.34 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: extension} testsetplatform {
767    testsetplatform windows
768    file extension a\\b.c\\
769} {}
770foreach {test onPlatform value result} {
771    cmdAH-11.35 unix    a..b   .b
772    cmdAH-11.36 windows a..b   .b
773    cmdAH-11.37 unix    a...b  .b
774    cmdAH-11.38 windows a...b  .b
775    cmdAH-11.39 unix    a.c..b .b
776    cmdAH-11.40 windows a.c..b .b
777    cmdAH-11.41 unix    ..b    .b
778    cmdAH-11.42 windows ..b    .b
779} {
780    test $test {Tcl_FileObjCmd: extension} testsetplatform "
781	testsetplatform $onPlatform
782	file extension $value
783    " $result
786# pathtype
787test cmdAH-12.1 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: pathtype} -returnCodes error -body {
788    file pathtype a b
789} -result {wrong # args: should be "file pathtype name"}
790test cmdAH-12.2 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: pathtype} testsetplatform {
791    testsetplatform unix
792    file pathtype /a
793} absolute
794test cmdAH-12.3 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: pathtype} testsetplatform {
795    testsetplatform unix
796    file p a
797} relative
798test cmdAH-12.4 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: pathtype} testsetplatform {
799    testsetplatform windows
800    file pathtype c:a
801} volumerelative
803# split
804test cmdAH-13.1 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: split} -returnCodes error -body {
805    file split a b
806} -result {wrong # args: should be "file split name"}
807test cmdAH-13.2 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: split} testsetplatform {
808    testsetplatform unix
809    file split a
810} a
811test cmdAH-13.3 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: split} testsetplatform {
812    testsetplatform unix
813    file split a/b
814} {a b}
816# join
817test cmdAH-14.1 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: join} testsetplatform {
818    testsetplatform unix
819    file join a
820} a
821test cmdAH-14.2 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: join} testsetplatform {
822    testsetplatform unix
823    file join a b
824} a/b
825test cmdAH-14.3 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: join} testsetplatform {
826    testsetplatform unix
827    file join a b c d
828} a/b/c/d
830# error handling of Tcl_TranslateFileName
831test cmdAH-15.1 {Tcl_FileObjCmd} -constraints testsetplatform -body {
832    testsetplatform unix
833    file atime ~_bad_user
834} -returnCodes error -result {user "_bad_user" doesn't exist}
836catch {testsetplatform $platform}
838# readable
839set gorpfile [makeFile abcde gorp.file]
840set dirfile [makeDirectory dir.file]
841test cmdAH-16.1 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: readable} {
842    -returnCodes error
843    -body   {file readable a b}
844    -result {wrong # args: should be "file readable name"}
846test cmdAH-16.2 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: readable} {
847    -constraints testchmod
848    -setup  	 {testchmod 0o444 $gorpfile}
849    -body   	 {file readable $gorpfile}
850    -result 	 1
852test cmdAH-16.3 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: readable} {
853    -constraints {unix notRoot testchmod}
854    -setup  	 {testchmod 0o333 $gorpfile}
855    -body   	 {file readable $gorpfile}
856    -result 	 0
859# writable
860test cmdAH-17.1 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: writable} {
861    -returnCodes error
862    -body   {file writable a b}
863    -result {wrong # args: should be "file writable name"}
865test cmdAH-17.2 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: writable} {
866    -constraints {notRoot testchmod}
867    -setup  	 {testchmod 0o555 $gorpfile}
868    -body   	 {file writable $gorpfile}
869    -result 	 0
871test cmdAH-17.3 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: writable} {
872    -constraints testchmod
873    -setup  	 {testchmod 0o222 $gorpfile}
874    -body   	 {file writable $gorpfile}
875    -result 	 1
878# executable
879removeFile $gorpfile
880removeDirectory $dirfile
881set dirfile [makeDirectory dir.file]
882set gorpfile [makeFile abcde gorp.file]
883test cmdAH-18.1 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: executable} -returnCodes error -body {
884    file executable a b
885} -result {wrong # args: should be "file executable name"}
886test cmdAH-18.2 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: executable} {notRoot} {
887    file executable $gorpfile
888} 0
889test cmdAH-18.3 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: executable} {unix testchmod} {
890    # Only on unix will setting the execute bit on a regular file cause that
891    # file to be executable.
892    testchmod 0o775 $gorpfile
893    file exe $gorpfile
894} 1
895test cmdAH-18.5 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: executable} -constraints {win} -body {
896    # On windows, must be a .exe, .com, etc.
897    set x {}
898    set gorpexes {}
899    foreach ext {exe com cmd bat} {
900        lappend x [file exe nosuchfile.$ext]
901        set gorpexe [makeFile foo gorp.$ext]
902        lappend gorpexes $gorpexe
903        lappend x [file exe $gorpexe] [file exe [string toupper $gorpexe]]
904    }
905    set x
906} -cleanup {
907    foreach gorpexe $gorpexes {
908        removeFile $gorpexe
909    }
910} -result {0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1}
911test cmdAH-18.6 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: executable} {} {
912    # Directories are always executable.
913    file exe $dirfile
914} 1
916removeDirectory $dirfile
917removeFile $gorpfile
918set linkfile [file join [temporaryDirectory] link.file]
919file delete $linkfile
921# exists
922test cmdAH-19.1 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: exists} -returnCodes error -body {
923    file exists a b
924} -result {wrong # args: should be "file exists name"}
925test cmdAH-19.2 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: exists} {file exists $gorpfile} 0
926test cmdAH-19.3 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: exists} {
927    file exists [file join [temporaryDirectory] dir.file gorp.file]
928} 0
929catch {
930    set gorpfile [makeFile abcde gorp.file]
931    set dirfile [makeDirectory dir.file]
932    set subgorp [makeFile 12345 [file join $dirfile gorp.file]]
934test cmdAH-19.4 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: exists} {
935    file exists $gorpfile
936} 1
937test cmdAH-19.5 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: exists} {
938    file exists $subgorp
939} 1
940# nativename
941test cmdAH-19.6 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: nativename} -body {
942    testsetplatform unix
943    file nativename a/b
944} -constraints testsetplatform -cleanup {
945    testsetplatform $platform
946} -result a/b
947test cmdAH-19.7 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: nativename} -body {
948    testsetplatform windows
949    file nativename a/b
950} -constraints testsetplatform -cleanup {
951    testsetplatform $platform
952} -result {a\b}
953test cmdAH-19.9 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: ~ : exists} {
954    file exists ~nOsUcHuSeR
955} 0
956test cmdAH-19.10 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: ~ : nativename} -body {
957    # should probably be a non-error in fact...
958    file nativename ~nOsUcHuSeR
959} -returnCodes error -match glob -result *
960# The test below has to be done in /tmp rather than the current directory in
961# order to guarantee (?) a local file system: some NFS file systems won't do
962# the stuff below correctly.
963test cmdAH-19.11 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: exists} -constraints {unix notRoot} -setup {
964    file delete -force /tmp/tcl.foo.dir/file
965    file delete -force /tmp/tcl.foo.dir
966} -body {
967    makeDirectory /tmp/tcl.foo.dir
968    makeFile 12345 /tmp/tcl.foo.dir/file
969    file attributes /tmp/tcl.foo.dir -permissions 0
970    file exists /tmp/tcl.foo.dir/file
971} -cleanup {
972    file attributes /tmp/tcl.foo.dir -permissions 0o775
973    removeFile /tmp/tcl.foo.dir/file
974    removeDirectory /tmp/tcl.foo.dir
975} -result 0
976test cmdAH-19.12 {Bug 3608360: [file exists] mustn't do globbing} -setup {
977    set newdirfile [makeDirectory newdir.file]
978    set cwd [pwd]
979    cd $newdirfile
980    # Content of file is totally unimportant; name is *not*
981    set innocentBystander [makeFile "abc" [file join $newdirfile foo.bar]]
982} -body {
983    list [file exists foo.bar] [file exists *.bar]
984} -cleanup {
985    cd $cwd
986    removeFile $innocentBystander
987    removeDirectory $newdirfile
988} -result {1 0}
990# Stat related commands
992catch {testsetplatform $platform}
993removeFile $gorpfile
994set gorpfile [makeFile "Test string" gorp.file]
995catch {file attributes $gorpfile -permissions 0o765}
997# avoid problems with non-local filesystems
998if {[testConstraint unix] && [file exists /tmp]} {
999    set file [makeFile "data" touch.me /tmp]
1000} else {
1001    set file [makeFile "data" touch.me]
1004# atime
1005test cmdAH-20.1 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: atime} -returnCodes error -body {
1006    file atime a b c
1007} -result {wrong # args: should be "file atime name ?time?"}
1008test cmdAH-20.2 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: atime} -setup {
1009    unset -nocomplain stat
1010} -body {
1011    file stat $gorpfile stat
1012    list [expr {[file mtime $gorpfile] == $stat(mtime)}] \
1013	    [expr {[file atime $gorpfile] == $stat(atime)}]
1014} -result {1 1}
1015test cmdAH-20.3 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: atime} {
1016    list [catch {file atime _bogus_} msg] [string tolower $msg] $errorCode
1017} {1 {could not read "_bogus_": no such file or directory} {POSIX ENOENT {no such file or directory}}}
1018test cmdAH-20.4 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: atime} -returnCodes error -body {
1019    file atime $file notint
1020} -result {expected integer but got "notint"}
1021test cmdAH-20.5 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: atime touch} {unix} {
1022    set atime [file atime $file]
1023    after 1100; # pause a sec to notice change in atime
1024    set newatime [clock seconds]
1025    set modatime [file atime $file $newatime]
1026    expr {$newatime == $modatime ? 1 : "$newatime != $modatime"}
1027} 1
1028test cmdAH-20.6 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: atime touch} -setup {
1029    set old [pwd]
1030    cd $::tcltest::temporaryDirectory
1031    set volumetype [testvolumetype]
1032    cd $old
1033} -constraints {win testvolumetype} -body {
1034    if {"NTFS" ne $volumetype} {
1035	# Windows FAT doesn't understand atime, but NTFS does. May also fail
1036	# for Windows on NFS mounted disks.
1037	return 1
1038    }
1039    cd $old
1040    set atime [file atime $file]
1041    after 1100; # pause a sec to notice change in atime
1042    set newatime [clock seconds]
1043    set modatime [file atime $file $newatime]
1044    expr {$newatime == $modatime ? 1 : "$newatime != $modatime"}
1045} -result 1
1046test cmdAH-20.7 {
1047    Tcl_FileObjCmd: atime (built-in Windows names)
1048} -constraints {win} -body {
1049    file atime con
1050} -result "could not get access time for file \"con\"" -returnCodes error
1051test cmdAH-20.7.1 {
1052    Tcl_FileObjCmd: atime (built-in Windows names with dir path and extension)
1053} -constraints {win} -body {
1054    file atime [file join [temporaryDirectory] CON.txt]
1055} -match regexp -result {could not (?:get access time|read)} -returnCodes error
1057if {[testConstraint unix] && [file exists /tmp]} {
1058    removeFile touch.me /tmp
1059} else {
1060    removeFile touch.me
1063# isdirectory
1064test cmdAH-21.1 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: isdirectory} -returnCodes error -body {
1065    file isdirectory a b
1066} -result {wrong # args: should be "file isdirectory name"}
1067test cmdAH-21.2 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: isdirectory} {file isdirectory $gorpfile} 0
1068test cmdAH-21.3 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: isdirectory} {file isdirectory $dirfile} 1
1070# isfile
1071test cmdAH-22.1 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: isfile} -returnCodes error -body {
1072    file isfile a b
1073} -result {wrong # args: should be "file isfile name"}
1074test cmdAH-22.2 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: isfile} {file isfile $gorpfile} 1
1075test cmdAH-22.3 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: isfile} {file isfile $dirfile} 0
1077# lstat and readlink: don't run these tests everywhere, since not all sites
1078# will have symbolic links
1079catch {file link -symbolic $linkfile $gorpfile}
1080test cmdAH-23.1 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: lstat} -returnCodes error -body {
1081    file lstat a
1082} -result {wrong # args: should be "file lstat name varName"}
1083test cmdAH-23.2 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: lstat} -returnCodes error -body {
1084    file lstat a b c
1085} -result {wrong # args: should be "file lstat name varName"}
1086test cmdAH-23.3 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: lstat} -setup {
1087    unset -nocomplain stat
1088} -constraints {unix nonPortable} -body {
1089    file lstat $linkfile stat
1090    lsort [array names stat]
1091} -result {atime ctime dev gid ino mode mtime nlink size type uid}
1092test cmdAH-23.4 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: lstat} -setup {
1093    unset -nocomplain stat
1094} -constraints {unix nonPortable} -body {
1095    file lstat $linkfile stat
1096    list $stat(nlink) [expr {$stat(mode) & 0o777}] $stat(type)
1097} -result {1 511 link}
1098test cmdAH-23.5 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: lstat errors} {nonPortable} {
1099    list [catch {file lstat _bogus_ stat} msg] [string tolower $msg] \
1100	$errorCode
1101} {1 {could not read "_bogus_": no such file or directory} {POSIX ENOENT {no such file or directory}}}
1102test cmdAH-23.6 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: lstat errors} -setup {
1103    unset -nocomplain x
1104} -body {
1105    set x 44
1106    list [catch {file lstat $gorpfile x} msg] $msg $errorCode
1107} -result {1 {can't set "x(dev)": variable isn't array} {TCL LOOKUP VARNAME x}}
1108unset -nocomplain stat
1109# mkdir
1110set dirA [file join [temporaryDirectory] a]
1111set dirB [file join [temporaryDirectory] a]
1112test cmdAH-23.7 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: mkdir} -setup {
1113    catch {file delete -force $dirA}
1114} -body {
1115    file mkdir $dirA
1116    file isdirectory $dirA
1117} -cleanup {
1118    file delete $dirA
1119} -result {1}
1120test cmdAH-23.8 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: mkdir} -setup {
1121    catch {file delete -force $dirA}
1122} -body {
1123    file mkdir $dirA/b
1124    file isdirectory $dirA/b
1125} -cleanup {
1126    file delete -force $dirA
1127} -result {1}
1128test cmdAH-23.9 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: mkdir} -setup {
1129    catch {file delete -force $dirA}
1130} -body {
1131    file mkdir $dirA/b/c
1132    file isdirectory $dirA/b/c
1133} -cleanup {
1134    file delete -force $dirA
1135} -result {1}
1136test cmdAH-23.10 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: mkdir} -setup {
1137    catch {file delete -force $dirA}
1138    catch {file delete -force $dirB}
1139} -body {
1140    file mkdir $dirA/b $dirB/a/c
1141    list [file isdirectory $dirA/b] [file isdirectory $dirB/a/c]
1142} -cleanup {
1143    file delete -force $dirA
1144    file delete -force $dirB
1145} -result {1 1}
1146test cmdAH-23.11 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: mkdir} {
1147    # Allow zero arguments (TIP 323)
1148    file mkdir
1149} {}
1151set file [makeFile "data" touch.me]
1152# mtime
1153test cmdAH-24.1 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: mtime} -returnCodes error -body {
1154    file mtime a b c
1155} -result {wrong # args: should be "file mtime name ?time?"}
1156test cmdAH-24.2 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: mtime} -setup {
1157    # Check (allowing for clock-skew and OS interrupts as best we can) that
1158    # the change in mtime on a file being written is the time elapsed between
1159    # writes. Note that this can still fail on very busy systems if there are
1160    # long preemptions between the writes and the reading of the clock, but
1161    # there's not much you can do about that other than the completely
1162    # horrible "keep on trying to write until you managed to do it all in less
1163    # than a second." - DKF
1164    waitForEvenSecondForFAT
1165} -body {
1166    set f [open $gorpfile w]
1167    puts $f "More text"
1168    close $f
1169    set clockOld [clock seconds]
1170    set fileOld [file mtime $gorpfile]
1171    after 2000
1172    set f [open $gorpfile w]
1173    puts $f "More text"
1174    close $f
1175    set clockNew [clock seconds]
1176    set fileNew [file mtime $gorpfile]
1177    expr {
1178	(($fileNew > $fileOld) && ($clockNew > $clockOld) &&
1179	(abs(($fileNew-$fileOld) - ($clockNew-$clockOld)) <= 1)) ? "1" :
1180	"file:($fileOld=>$fileNew) clock:($clockOld=>$clockNew)"
1181    }
1182} -result {1}
1183test cmdAH-24.3 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: mtime} -setup {
1184    unset -nocomplain stat
1185} -body {
1186    file stat $gorpfile stat
1187    list [expr {[file mtime $gorpfile] == $stat(mtime)}] \
1188	    [expr {[file atime $gorpfile] == $stat(atime)}]
1189} -result {1 1}
1190test cmdAH-24.4 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: mtime} {
1191    list [catch {file mtime _bogus_} msg] [string tolower $msg] $errorCode
1192} {1 {could not read "_bogus_": no such file or directory} {POSIX ENOENT {no such file or directory}}}
1193test cmdAH-24.5 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: mtime} -setup {
1194    # Under Unix, use a file in /tmp to avoid clock skew due to NFS. On other
1195    # platforms, just use a file in the local directory.
1196    if {[testConstraint unix]} {
1197	set name /tmp/tcl.test.[pid]
1198    } else {
1199	set name [file join [temporaryDirectory] tf]
1200    }
1201} -body {
1202    # Make sure that a new file's time is correct. 10 seconds variance is
1203    # allowed used due to slow networks or clock skew on a network drive.
1204    file delete -force $name
1205    close [open $name w]
1206    expr {abs([clock seconds]-[file mtime $name])<10}
1207} -cleanup {
1208    file delete $name
1209} -result {1}
1210test cmdAH-24.7 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: mtime} -returnCodes error -body {
1211    file mtime $file notint
1212} -result {expected integer but got "notint"}
1213test cmdAH-24.8 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: mtime touch} unix {
1214    set mtime [file mtime $file]
1215    after 1100; # pause a sec to notice change in mtime
1216    set newmtime [clock seconds]
1217    set modmtime [file mtime $file $newmtime]
1218    expr {$newmtime == $modmtime ? 1 : "$newmtime != $modmtime"}
1219} 1
1220test cmdAH-24.9 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: mtime touch with non-ascii chars} -setup {
1221    set oldfile $file
1222} -constraints unix -body {
1223    # introduce some non-ascii characters.
1224    append file •
1225    file delete -force $file
1226    file rename $oldfile $file
1227    set mtime [file mtime $file]
1228    after 1100; # pause a sec to notice change in mtime
1229    set newmtime [clock seconds]
1230    set modmtime [file mtime $file $newmtime]
1231    expr {$newmtime == $modmtime ? 1 : "$newmtime != $modmtime"}
1232} -cleanup {
1233    file rename $file $oldfile
1234} -result 1
1235test cmdAH-24.10 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: mtime touch} -constraints win -setup {
1236    waitForEvenSecondForFAT
1237} -body {
1238    set mtime [file mtime $file]
1239    after 2100; # pause two secs to notice change in mtime on FAT fs'es
1240    set newmtime [clock seconds]
1241    set modmtime [file mtime $file $newmtime]
1242    expr {$newmtime == $modmtime ? 1 : "$newmtime != $modmtime"}
1243} -result 1
1244test cmdAH-24.11 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: mtime touch with non-ascii chars} -setup {
1245    waitForEvenSecondForFAT
1246    set oldfile $file
1247} -constraints win -body {
1248    # introduce some non-ascii characters.
1249    append file •
1250    file delete -force $file
1251    file rename $oldfile $file
1252    set mtime [file mtime $file]
1253    after 2100; # pause two secs to notice change in mtime on FAT fs'es
1254    set newmtime [clock seconds]
1255    set modmtime [file mtime $file $newmtime]
1256    expr {$newmtime == $modmtime ? 1 : "$newmtime != $modmtime"}
1257} -cleanup {
1258    file rename $file $oldfile
1259} -result 1
1260removeFile touch.me
1261rename waitForEvenSecondForFAT {}
1262test cmdAH-24.12 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: mtime and daylight savings} -setup {
1263    set name [file join [temporaryDirectory] clockchange]
1264    file delete -force $name
1265    close [open $name w]
1266} -body {
1267    set time [clock scan "21:00:00 October 30 2004 GMT"]
1268    file mtime $name $time
1269    set newmtime [file mtime $name]
1270    expr {$newmtime == $time ? 1 : "$newmtime != $time"}
1271} -cleanup {
1272    file delete $name
1273} -result {1}
1274# bug 1420432: setting mtime fails for directories on windows.
1275test cmdAH-24.13 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: directory mtime} -setup {
1276    set dirname [file join [temporaryDirectory] tmp[pid]]
1277    file delete -force $dirname
1278} -constraints tempNotWin -body {
1279    file mkdir $dirname
1280    set old [file mtime $dirname]
1281    file mtime $dirname 0
1282    set new [file mtime $dirname]
1283    list $new [expr {$old != $new}]
1284} -cleanup {
1285    file delete -force $dirname
1286} -result {0 1}
1287test cmdAH-24.14 {
1288    Tcl_FileObjCmd: mtime (built-in Windows names)
1289} -constraints {win} -body {
1290    file mtime con
1291} -result "could not get modification time for file \"con\"" -returnCodes error
1292test cmdAH-24.14.1 {
1293    Tcl_FileObjCmd: mtime (built-in Windows names with dir path and extension)
1294} -constraints {win} -body {
1295    file mtime [file join [temporaryDirectory] CON.txt]
1296} -match regexp -result {could not (?:get modification time|read)} -returnCodes error
1298# 3155760000 is 64-bit unix time, Wed Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT 2070:
1299test cmdAH-24.20.1 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: atime 64-bit time_t, bug [4718b41c56]} -constraints {time64bit} -setup {
1300    set filename [makeFile "" foo.text]
1301} -body {
1302    list [file atime $filename 3155760000] [file atime $filename]
1303} -cleanup {
1304    removeFile $filename
1305} -result {3155760000 3155760000}
1306test cmdAH-24.20.2 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: mtime 64-bit time_t, bug [4718b41c56]} -constraints {time64bit} -setup {
1307    set filename [makeFile "" foo.text]
1308} -body {
1309    list [file mtime $filename 3155760000] [file mtime $filename]
1310} -cleanup {
1311    file delete -force $filename
1312} -result {3155760000 3155760000}
1314# owned
1315test cmdAH-25.1 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: owned} -returnCodes error -body {
1316    file owned a b
1317} -result {wrong # args: should be "file owned name"}
1318test cmdAH-25.2 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: owned} -constraints win -setup {
1319    set fn $gorpfile
1320    # prefer temp file to check owner (try to avoid bug [7de2d722bd]):
1321    if {
1322	[info exists ::env(TEMP)] && [file isdirectory $::env(TEMP)] &&
1323        [file dirname $fn] ne [file normalize $::env(TEMP)]
1324    } {
1325	set fn [file join $::env(TEMP)/test-owner-from-tcl.txt]
1326	set fn [makeFile "data" test-owner-from-tcl.txt $::env(TEMP)]
1327    }
1328    # be sure we have really owned this file before trying to check that
1329    # (avoid dependency on admin with UAC and the setting "System objects:
1330    # Default owner for objects created by members of the Administrators group"):
1331    catch {
1332	exec takeown /F [file nativename $fn]
1333    }
1334} -body {
1335    file owned $fn
1336} -cleanup {
1337    if {$fn ne $gorpfile} {
1338	removeFile $fn
1339    }
1340} -result 1
1341test cmdAH-25.2.1 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: owned} -constraints unix -setup {
1342    # Avoid problems with AFS
1343    set tmpfile [makeFile "data" touch.me /tmp]
1344} -body {
1345    file owned $tmpfile
1346} -cleanup {
1347    removeFile touch.me /tmp
1348} -result 1
1349test cmdAH-25.3 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: owned} {unix notRoot} {
1350    file owned /
1351} 0
1352test cmdAH-25.3.1 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: owned} -constraints {win notWine} -body {
1353    if {[info exists env(SystemRoot)]} {
1354	file owned $env(SystemRoot)
1355    } else {
1356	file owned $env(windir)
1357    }
1358} -result 0
1359test cmdAH-25.4 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: owned} -body {
1360    file owned nosuchfile
1361} -result 0
1363# readlink
1364test cmdAH-26.1 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: readlink} -returnCodes error -body {
1365    file readlink a b
1366} -result {wrong # args: should be "file readlink name"}
1367test cmdAH-26.2 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: readlink} {unix nonPortable} {
1368    file readlink $linkfile
1369} $gorpfile
1370test cmdAH-26.3 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: readlink errors} {unix nonPortable} {
1371    list [catch {file readlink _bogus_} msg] [string tolower $msg] $errorCode
1372} {1 {could not readlink "_bogus_": no such file or directory} {POSIX ENOENT {no such file or directory}}}
1373test cmdAH-26.5 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: readlink errors} {win nonPortable} {
1374    list [catch {file readlink _bogus_} msg] [string tolower $msg] $errorCode
1375} {1 {could not readlink "_bogus_": invalid argument} {POSIX EINVAL {invalid argument}}}
1377# size
1378test cmdAH-27.1 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: size} -returnCodes error -body {
1379    file size a b
1380} -result {wrong # args: should be "file size name"}
1381test cmdAH-27.2 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: size} {
1382    set oldsize [file size $gorpfile]
1383    set f [open $gorpfile a]
1384    fconfigure $f -translation lf -eofchar {}
1385    puts $f "More text"
1386    close $f
1387    expr {[file size $gorpfile] - $oldsize}
1388} {10}
1389test cmdAH-27.3 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: size} {
1390    list [catch {file size _bogus_} msg] [string tolower $msg] $errorCode
1391} {1 {could not read "_bogus_": no such file or directory} {POSIX ENOENT {no such file or directory}}}
1392test cmdAH-27.4 {
1393    Tcl_FileObjCmd: size (built-in Windows names)
1394} -constraints {win} -body {
1395    file size con
1396} -result 0
1397test cmdAH-27.4.1 {
1398    Tcl_FileObjCmd: size (built-in Windows names with dir path and extension)
1399} -constraints {win} -body {
1400    try {
1401	set res [file size [file join [temporaryDirectory] con.txt]]
1402    } trap {POSIX ENOENT} {} {
1403	set res 0
1404    }
1405    set res
1406} -result 0
1408catch {testsetplatform $platform}
1409removeFile $gorpfile
1410set gorpfile [makeFile "Test string" gorp.file]
1411catch {file attributes $gorpfile -permissions 0o765}
1413# stat
1414test cmdAH-28.1 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: stat} -returnCodes error -body {
1415    file stat _bogus_
1416} -result {wrong # args: should be "file stat name varName"}
1417test cmdAH-28.2 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: stat} -returnCodes error -body {
1418    file stat _bogus_ a b
1419} -result {wrong # args: should be "file stat name varName"}
1420test cmdAH-28.3 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: stat} -setup {
1421    unset -nocomplain stat
1422    set stat(blocks) [set stat(blksize) {}]
1423} -body {
1424    file stat $gorpfile stat
1425    unset stat(blocks) stat(blksize); # Ignore these fields; not always set
1426    lsort [array names stat]
1427} -result {atime ctime dev gid ino mode mtime nlink size type uid}
1428test cmdAH-28.4 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: stat} -setup {
1429    unset -nocomplain stat
1430} -body {
1431    file stat $gorpfile stat
1432    list $stat(nlink) $stat(size) $stat(type)
1433} -result {1 12 file}
1434test cmdAH-28.5 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: stat} -constraints {unix} -setup {
1435    unset -nocomplain stat
1436} -body {
1437    file stat $gorpfile stat
1438    format 0o%03o [expr {$stat(mode) & 0o777}]
1439} -result 0o765
1440test cmdAH-28.6 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: stat} {
1441    list [catch {file stat _bogus_ stat} msg] [string tolower $msg] $errorCode
1442} {1 {could not read "_bogus_": no such file or directory} {POSIX ENOENT {no such file or directory}}}
1443test cmdAH-28.7 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: stat} -setup {
1444    unset -nocomplain x
1445} -returnCodes error -body {
1446    set x 44
1447    file stat $gorpfile x
1448} -result {can't set "x(dev)": variable isn't array}
1449test cmdAH-28.8 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: stat} -setup {
1450    set filename [makeFile "" foo.text]
1451} -body {
1452    # Sign extension of purported unsigned short to int.
1453    file stat $filename stat
1454    expr {$stat(mode) > 0}
1455} -cleanup {
1456    removeFile $filename
1457} -result 1
1458test cmdAH-28.9 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: stat} win {
1459    # stat of root directory was failing. Don't care about answer, just that
1460    # test runs. Relative paths that resolve to root
1461    set old [pwd]
1462    cd c:/
1463    file stat c: stat
1464    file stat c:. stat
1465    file stat . stat
1466    cd $old
1467    file stat / stat
1468    file stat c:/ stat
1469    file stat c:/. stat
1470} {}
1471test cmdAH-28.10 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: stat} {win nonPortable} {
1472    # stat of root directory was failing. Don't care about answer, just that
1473    # test runs.
1474    file stat //pop/$env(USERNAME) stat
1475    file stat //pop/$env(USERNAME)/ stat
1476    file stat //pop/$env(USERNAME)/. stat
1477} {}
1478test cmdAH-28.11 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: stat} -setup {
1479    set old [pwd]
1480} -constraints {win nonPortable} -body {
1481    # stat of network directory was returning id of current local drive.
1482    cd c:/
1483    file stat //pop/$env(USERNAME) stat
1484    expr {$stat(dev) == 2}
1485} -cleanup {
1486    cd $old
1487} -result 0
1488test cmdAH-28.12 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: stat} -setup {
1489    set filename [makeFile "" foo.test]
1490} -body {
1491    # stat(mode) with S_IFREG flag was returned as a negative number if mode_t
1492    # was a short instead of an unsigned short.
1493    file stat $filename stat
1494    expr {$stat(mode) > 0}
1495} -cleanup {
1496    removeFile $filename
1497} -result 1
1498test cmdAH-28.13 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: stat (built-in Windows names)} -constraints {win} -setup {
1499    unset -nocomplain stat
1500} -body {
1501    file stat con stat
1502    lmap elem {atime ctime dev gid ino mode mtime nlink size type uid} {set stat($elem)}
1503} -result {0 0 -1 0 0 8630 0 0 0 characterSpecial 0}
1504test cmdAH-28.13.1 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: stat (built-in Windows names)} -constraints {win} -setup {
1505    unset -nocomplain stat
1506} -body {
1507    try {
1508	file stat [file join [temporaryDirectory] CON.txt] stat
1509	set res [lmap elem {atime ctime dev gid ino mode mtime nlink size type uid} {set stat($elem)}]
1510    } trap {POSIX ENOENT} {} {
1511	set res {0 0 -1 0 0 8630 0 0 0 characterSpecial 0}
1512    }
1513    set res
1514} -result {0 0 -1 0 0 8630 0 0 0 characterSpecial 0}
1515unset -nocomplain stat
1517# type
1518test cmdAH-29.1 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: type} -returnCodes error -body {
1519    file type a b
1520} -result {wrong # args: should be "file type name"}
1521test cmdAH-29.2 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: type} {
1522    file type $dirfile
1523} directory
1524test cmdAH-29.3.0 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: delete removes link not file} {unix nonPortable} {
1525    set exists [list [file exists $linkfile] [file exists $gorpfile]]
1526    file delete $linkfile
1527    set exists2	[list [file exists $linkfile] [file exists $gorpfile]]
1528    list $exists $exists2
1529} {{1 1} {0 1}}
1530test cmdAH-29.3 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: type} {
1531    file type $gorpfile
1532} file
1533test cmdAH-29.4 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: type} -constraints {unix} -setup {
1534    catch {file delete $linkfile}
1535} -body {
1536    # Unlike [exec ln -s], [file link] requires an existing target
1537    file link -symbolic $linkfile $gorpfile
1538    file type $linkfile
1539} -cleanup {
1540    file delete $linkfile
1541} -result link
1542test cmdAH-29.4.1 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: type} -constraints {linkDirectory notWine} -setup {
1543    set tempdir [makeDirectory temp]
1544} -body {
1545    set linkdir [file join [temporaryDirectory] link.dir]
1546    file link -symbolic $linkdir $tempdir
1547    file type $linkdir
1548} -cleanup {
1549    file delete $linkdir
1550    removeDirectory $tempdir
1551} -result link
1552test cmdAH-29.5 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: type} {
1553    list [catch {file type _bogus_} msg] [string tolower $msg] $errorCode
1554} {1 {could not read "_bogus_": no such file or directory} {POSIX ENOENT {no such file or directory}}}
1555test cmdAH-29.6 {
1556    Tcl_FileObjCmd: type (built-in Windows names)
1557} -constraints {win} -body {
1558    file type con
1559} -result "characterSpecial"
1560test cmdAH-29.6.1 {
1561    Tcl_FileObjCmd: type (built-in Windows names, with dir path and extension)
1562} -constraints {win} -body {
1563    try {
1564	set res [file type [file join [temporaryDirectory] CON.txt]]
1565    } trap {POSIX ENOENT} {} {
1566	set res {characterSpecial}
1567    }
1568    set res
1569} -result "characterSpecial"
1571# Error conditions
1572test cmdAH-30.1 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: error conditions} -returnCodes error -body {
1573    file gorp x
1574} -result {unknown or ambiguous subcommand "gorp": must be atime, attributes, channels, copy, delete, dirname, executable, exists, extension, isdirectory, isfile, join, link, lstat, mkdir, mtime, nativename, normalize, owned, pathtype, readable, readlink, rename, rootname, separator, size, split, stat, system, tail, tempdir, tempfile, type, volumes, or writable}
1575test cmdAH-30.2 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: error conditions} -returnCodes error -body {
1576    file ex x
1577} -match glob -result {unknown or ambiguous subcommand "ex": must be *}
1578test cmdAH-30.3 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: error conditions} -returnCodes error -body {
1579    file is x
1580} -match glob -result {unknown or ambiguous subcommand "is": must be *}
1581test cmdAH-30.4 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: error conditions} -returnCodes error -body {
1582    file z x
1583} -match glob -result {unknown or ambiguous subcommand "z": must be *}
1584test cmdAH-30.5 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: error conditions} -returnCodes error -body {
1585    file read x
1586} -match glob -result {unknown or ambiguous subcommand "read": must be *}
1587test cmdAH-30.6 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: error conditions} -returnCodes error -body {
1588    file s x
1589} -match glob -result {unknown or ambiguous subcommand "s": must be *}
1590test cmdAH-30.7 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: error conditions} -returnCodes error -body {
1591    file t x
1592} -match glob -result {unknown or ambiguous subcommand "t": must be *}
1593test cmdAH-30.8 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: error conditions} -returnCodes error -body {
1594    file dirname ~woohgy
1595} -result {user "woohgy" doesn't exist}
1597# channels
1598# In testing 'file channels', we need to make sure that a channel created in
1599# one interp isn't visible in another.
1601interp create simpleInterp
1602interp create -safe safeInterp
1603interp create
1604catch {safeInterp expose file file}
1606test cmdAH-31.1 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: channels, too many args} -body {
1607    file channels a b
1608} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "file channels ?pattern?"}
1609test cmdAH-31.2 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: channels, too many args} {
1610    # Normal interps start out with only the standard channels
1611    lsort [simpleInterp eval [list file chan]]
1612} {stderr stdin stdout}
1613test cmdAH-31.3 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: channels, globbing} {
1614    string equal [file channels] [file channels *]
1615} {1}
1616test cmdAH-31.4 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: channels, globbing} {
1617    lsort [file channels std*]
1618} {stderr stdin stdout}
1619set newFileId [open $gorpfile w]
1620test cmdAH-31.5 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: channels} {
1621    set res [file channels $newFileId]
1622    string equal $newFileId $res
1623} {1}
1624test cmdAH-31.6 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: channels in other interp} {
1625    # Safe interps start out with no channels
1626    safeInterp eval [list file channels]
1627} {}
1628test cmdAH-31.7 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: channels in other interp} -body {
1629    safeInterp eval [list puts $newFileId "hello"]
1630} -returnCodes error -result "can not find channel named \"$newFileId\""
1631interp share {} $newFileId safeInterp
1632interp share {} stdout safeInterp
1633test cmdAH-31.8 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: channels in other interp} {
1634    # $newFileId should now be visible in both interps
1635    list [file channels $newFileId] \
1636	    [safeInterp eval [list file channels $newFileId]]
1637} [list $newFileId $newFileId]
1638test cmdAH-31.9 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: channels in other interp} {
1639    lsort [safeInterp eval [list file channels]]
1640} [lsort [list stdout $newFileId]]
1641test cmdAH-31.10 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: channels in other interp} {
1642    # we can now write to $newFileId from child
1643    safeInterp eval [list puts $newFileId "hello"]
1644} {}
1645interp transfer {} $newFileId safeInterp
1646test cmdAH-31.11 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: channels in other interp} {
1647    # $newFileId should now be visible only in safeInterp
1648    list [file channels $newFileId] \
1649	    [safeInterp eval [list file channels $newFileId]]
1650} [list {} $newFileId]
1651test cmdAH-31.12 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: channels in other interp} {
1652    lsort [safeInterp eval [list file channels]]
1653} [lsort [list stdout $newFileId]]
1654test cmdAH-31.13 {Tcl_FileObjCmd: channels in other interp} {
1655    safeInterp eval [list close $newFileId]
1656    safeInterp eval [list file channels]
1657} {stdout}
1659# Temp files (TIP#210)
1660test cmdAH-32.1 {file tempfile - usage} -returnCodes error -body {
1661    file tempfile a b c
1662} -result {wrong # args: should be "file tempfile ?nameVar? ?template?"}
1663test cmdAH-32.2 {file tempfile - returns a read/write channel} -body {
1664    set f [file tempfile]
1665    puts $f ok
1666    seek $f 0
1667    gets $f
1668} -cleanup {
1669    catch {close $f}
1670} -result ok
1671test cmdAH-32.3 {file tempfile - makes filenames} -setup {
1672    unset -nocomplain name
1673} -body {
1674    set result [info exists name]
1675    set f [file tempfile name]
1676    lappend result [info exists name] [file exists $name]
1677    close $f
1678    lappend result [file exists $name]
1679} -cleanup {
1680    catch {close $f}
1681    catch {file delete $name}
1682} -result {0 1 1 1}
1683# We try to obey the template on Unix, but don't (currently) bother on Win
1684test cmdAH-32.4 {file tempfile - templates} -constraints unix -body {
1685    close [file tempfile name foo]
1686    expr {[string match foo* [file tail $name]] ? "ok" : "foo produced $name"}
1687} -cleanup {
1688    catch {file delete $name}
1689} -result ok
1690test cmdAH-32.5 {file tempfile - templates} -constraints unix -body {
1691    set template [file join $dirfile foo]
1692    close [file tempfile name $template]
1693    expr {[string match $template* $name] ? "ok" : "$template produced $name"}
1694} -cleanup {
1695    catch {file delete $name}
1696} -result ok
1697# Not portable; not all unix systems have mkstemps()
1698test cmdAH-32.6 {file tempfile - templates} -body {
1699    set template [file join $dirfile foo]
1700    close [file tempfile name $template.bar]
1701    expr {[string match $template*.bar $name] ? "ok" :
1702	  "$template.bar produced $name"}
1703} -constraints {unix nonPortable} -cleanup {
1704    catch {file delete $name}
1705} -result ok
1707test cmdAH-33.1 {file tempdir} -body {
1708    file tempdir a b
1709} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "file tempdir ?template?"}
1710test cmdAH-33.2 {file tempdir} -body {
1711    set d [file tempdir]
1712    list [file tail $d] [file exists $d] [file type $d] \
1713	[glob -nocomplain -directory $d *]
1714} -match glob -result {tcl_* 1 directory {}} -cleanup {
1715    catch {file delete $d}
1717test cmdAH-33.3 {file tempdir} -body {
1718    set d [file tempdir gorp]
1719    list [file tail $d] [file exists $d] [file type $d] \
1720	[glob -nocomplain -directory $d *]
1721} -match glob -result {gorp_* 1 directory {}} -cleanup {
1722    catch {file delete $d}
1724test cmdAH-33.4 {file tempdir} -setup {
1725    set base [file join [temporaryDirectory] gorp]
1726    file mkdir $base
1727} -body {
1728    set pre [glob -nocomplain -directory $base *]
1729    set d [file normalize [file tempdir $base/]]
1730    list [string map [list $base GORP:] $d] [file exists $d] [file type $d] \
1731	$pre [glob -nocomplain -directory $d *]
1732} -match glob -result {GORP:/tcl_* 1 directory {} {}} -cleanup {
1733    catch {file delete -force $base}
1735test cmdAH-33.5 {file tempdir} -setup {
1736    set base [file join [temporaryDirectory] gorp]
1737    file mkdir $base
1738} -body {
1739    set pre [glob -nocomplain -directory $base *]
1740    set d [file normalize [file tempdir $base/gorp]]
1741    list [string map [list $base GORP:] $d] [file exists $d] [file type $d] \
1742	$pre [glob -nocomplain -directory $d *]
1743} -match glob -result {GORP:/gorp_* 1 directory {} {}} -cleanup {
1744    catch {file delete -force $base}
1746test cmdAH-33.6 {file tempdir: missing parent dir} -setup {
1747    set base [file join [temporaryDirectory] gorp]
1748    file mkdir $base
1749} -returnCodes error -body {
1750    file tempdir $base/quux/
1751} -cleanup {
1752    catch {file delete -force $base}
1753} -result {can't create temporary directory: no such file or directory}
1754test cmdAH-33.7 {file tempdir: missing parent dir} -setup {
1755    set base [file join [temporaryDirectory] gorp]
1756    file mkdir $base
1757} -returnCodes error -body {
1758    file tempdir $base/quux/foobar
1759} -cleanup {
1760    catch {file delete -force $base}
1761} -result {can't create temporary directory: no such file or directory}
1763# This shouldn't work, but just in case a test above failed...
1764catch {close $newFileId}
1766interp delete safeInterp
1767interp delete simpleInterp
1769# cleanup
1770catch {testsetplatform $platform}
1771unset -nocomplain platform
1773# Tcl_ForObjCmd is tested in for.test
1775catch {file attributes $dirfile -permissions 0o777}
1776removeDirectory $dirfile
1777removeFile $gorpfile
1778# No idea how well [removeFile] copes with links...
1779file delete $linkfile
1781cd $cmdAHwd
1786# Local Variables:
1787# mode: tcl
1788# End: