1# This file contains a collection of tests for the procedures in the file
2# tclCompExpr.c.  Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and generates
3# output for errors.  No output means no errors were found.
5# Copyright © 1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
6# Copyright © 1998-1999 Scriptics Corporation.
8# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
9# this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
11if {"::tcltest" ni [namespace children]} {
12    package require tcltest 2.5
13    namespace import -force ::tcltest::*
17catch [list package require -exact tcl::test [info patchlevel]]
19# Constrain memory leak tests
20testConstraint memory [llength [info commands memory]]
22catch {unset a}
24test compExpr-1.1 {TclCompileExpr procedure, successful expr parse and compile} {
25    expr 1+2
26} 3
27test compExpr-1.2 {TclCompileExpr procedure, error parsing expr} -body {
28    expr 1+2+
29} -returnCodes error -match glob -result *
30test compExpr-1.3 {TclCompileExpr procedure, error compiling expr} -body {
31    list [catch {expr "foo(123)"} msg] $msg
32} -match glob -result {1 {* "*foo"}}
33test compExpr-1.4 {TclCompileExpr procedure, expr has no operators} {
34    set a {0o00123}
35    expr {$a}
36} 83
38test compExpr-2.1 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_WORD parse token} -setup {
39    unset -nocomplain a
40} -body {
41    set a 27
42    expr {"foo$a" < "bar"}
43} -result 0
44test compExpr-2.2 {CompileSubExpr procedure, error compiling TCL_TOKEN_WORD parse token} -body {
45    expr {"00[expr 1+]" + 17}
46} -returnCodes error -match glob -result *
47test compExpr-2.3 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_TEXT parse token} {
48    expr {{12345}}
49} 12345
50test compExpr-2.4 {CompileSubExpr procedure, empty TCL_TOKEN_TEXT parse token} {
51    expr {{}}
52} {}
53test compExpr-2.5 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_BS parse token} {
54    expr "\{  \\
55 +123 \}"
56} 123
57test compExpr-2.6 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_COMMAND parse token} {
58    expr {[info tclversion] != ""}
59} 1
60test compExpr-2.7 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_COMMAND parse token} {
61    expr {[]}
62} {}
63test compExpr-2.8 {CompileSubExpr procedure, error in TCL_TOKEN_COMMAND parse token} -body {
64    expr {[foo "bar"xxx] + 17}
65} -returnCodes error -match glob -result *
66test compExpr-2.9 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_VARIABLE parse token} -setup {
67    unset -nocomplain a
68} -body {
69    set a 123
70    expr {$a*2}
71} -result 246
72test compExpr-2.10 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_VARIABLE parse token} -setup {
73    unset -nocomplain a
74    unset -nocomplain b
75} -body {
76    set a(george) martha
77    set b geo
78    expr {$a(${b}rge)}
79} -result martha
80test compExpr-2.11 {CompileSubExpr procedure, error in TCL_TOKEN_VARIABLE parse token} -body {
81    unset -nocomplain a
82    expr {$a + 17}
83} -returnCodes error -result {can't read "a": no such variable}
84test compExpr-2.12 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_SUB_EXPR parse token} {
85    expr {27||3? 3<<(1+4) : 4&&9}
86} 96
87test compExpr-2.13 {CompileSubExpr procedure, error in TCL_TOKEN_SUB_EXPR parse token} -setup {
88    unset -nocomplain a
89} -body {
90    set a 15
91    list [catch {expr {27 || "$a[expr 1+]00"}} msg] $msg
92} -result {0 1}
93test compExpr-2.14 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_OPERATOR token, op found} {
94    expr {5*6}
95} 30
96test compExpr-2.15 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_OPERATOR token, math function found} {
97    format %.6g [expr {sin(2.0)}]
98} 0.909297
99test compExpr-2.16 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_OPERATOR token, math function not found} -body {
100    list [catch {expr {fred(2.0)}} msg] $msg
101} -match glob -result {1 {* "*fred"}}
102test compExpr-2.17 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_OPERATOR token, normal operator} {
103    expr {4*2}
104} 8
105test compExpr-2.18 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_OPERATOR token, normal operator} {
106    expr {4/2}
107} 2
108test compExpr-2.19 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_OPERATOR token, normal operator} {
109    expr {4%2}
110} 0
111test compExpr-2.20 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_OPERATOR token, normal operator} {
112    expr {4<<2}
113} 16
114test compExpr-2.21 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_OPERATOR token, normal operator} {
115    expr {4>>2}
116} 1
117test compExpr-2.22 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_OPERATOR token, normal operator} {
118    expr {4<2}
119} 0
120test compExpr-2.23 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_OPERATOR token, normal operator} {
121    expr {4>2}
122} 1
123test compExpr-2.24 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_OPERATOR token, normal operator} {
124    expr {4<=2}
125} 0
126test compExpr-2.25 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_OPERATOR token, normal operator} {
127    expr {4>=2}
128} 1
129test compExpr-2.26 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_OPERATOR token, normal operator} {
130    expr {4==2}
131} 0
132test compExpr-2.27 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_OPERATOR token, normal operator} {
133    expr {4!=2}
134} 1
135test compExpr-2.28 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_OPERATOR token, normal operator} {
136    expr {4&2}
137} 0
138test compExpr-2.29 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_OPERATOR token, normal operator} {
139    expr {4^2}
140} 6
141test compExpr-2.30 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_OPERATOR token, normal operator} {
142    expr {4|2}
143} 6
144test compExpr-2.31 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_OPERATOR token, normal operator, 1 operand} {
145    expr {!4}
146} 0
147test compExpr-2.32 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_OPERATOR token, normal operator, 1 operand} {
148    expr {~4}
149} -5
150test compExpr-2.33 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_OPERATOR token, normal operator, comparison} -setup {
151    unset -nocomplain a
152} -body {
153    set a 15
154    expr {$a==15}  ;# compiled out-of-line to runtime call on Tcl_ExprObjCmd
155} -result 1
156test compExpr-2.34 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_OPERATOR token, special operator} {
157    expr {+2}
158} 2
159test compExpr-2.35 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_OPERATOR token, error in special operator} -body {
160    expr {+[expr 1+]}
161} -returnCodes error -match glob -result *
162test compExpr-2.36 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_OPERATOR token, special operator} {
163    expr {4+2}
164} 6
165test compExpr-2.37 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_OPERATOR token, error in special operator} -body {
166    expr {[expr 1+]+5}
167} -returnCodes error -match glob -result *
168test compExpr-2.38 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_OPERATOR token, error in special operator} -body {
169    expr {5+[expr 1+]}
170} -returnCodes error -match glob -result *
171test compExpr-2.39 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_OPERATOR token, special operator} {
172    expr {-2}
173} -2
174test compExpr-2.40 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_OPERATOR token, special operator} {
175    expr {4-2}
176} 2
177test compExpr-2.41 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_OPERATOR token, special operator} -setup {
178    unset -nocomplain a
179} -body {
180    set a true
181    expr {0||$a}
182} -result 1
183test compExpr-2.42 {CompileSubExpr procedure, error in TCL_TOKEN_SUB_EXPR parse token} -setup {
184    unset -nocomplain a
185} -body {
186    set a 15
187    list [catch {expr {27 || "$a[expr 1+]00"}} msg] $msg
188} -result {0 1}
189test compExpr-2.43 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_OPERATOR token, special operator} -setup {
190    unset -nocomplain a
191} -body {
192    set a false
193    expr {3&&$a}
194} -result 0
195test compExpr-2.44 {CompileSubExpr procedure, TCL_TOKEN_OPERATOR token, special operator} -setup {
196    unset -nocomplain a
197} -body {
198    set a false
199    expr {$a||1? 1 : 0}
200} -result 1
201test compExpr-2.45 {CompileSubExpr procedure, error in TCL_TOKEN_SUB_EXPR parse token} -setup {
202    unset -nocomplain a
203} -body {
204    set a 15
205    list [catch {expr {1? 54 : "$a[expr 1+]00"}} msg] $msg
206} -result {0 54}
208test compExpr-3.1 {CompileLandOrLorExpr procedure, numeric 1st operand} -setup {
209    unset -nocomplain a
210} -body {
211    set a 2
212    expr {[set a]||0}
213} -result 1
214test compExpr-3.2 {CompileLandOrLorExpr procedure, nonnumeric 1st operand} -setup {
215    unset -nocomplain a
216} -body {
217    set a no
218    expr {$a&&1}
219} -result 0
220test compExpr-3.3 {CompileSubExpr procedure, error in 1st operand} -body {
221    expr {[expr *2]||0}
222} -returnCodes error -match glob -result *
223test compExpr-3.4 {CompileLandOrLorExpr procedure, result is 1 or 0} -setup {
224    unset -nocomplain a
225    unset -nocomplain b
226} -body {
227    set a no
228    set b true
229    expr {$a || $b}
230} -result 1
231test compExpr-3.5 {CompileLandOrLorExpr procedure, short-circuit semantics} -setup {
232    unset -nocomplain a
233} -body {
234    set a yes
235    expr {$a || [exit]}
236} -result 1
237test compExpr-3.6 {CompileLandOrLorExpr procedure, short-circuit semantics} -setup {
238    unset -nocomplain a
239} -body {
240    set a no
241    expr {$a && [exit]}
242} -result 0
243test compExpr-3.7 {CompileLandOrLorExpr procedure, numeric 2nd operand} -setup {
244    unset -nocomplain a
245} -body {
246    set a 2
247    expr {0||[set a]}
248} -result 1
249test compExpr-3.8 {CompileLandOrLorExpr procedure, nonnumeric 2nd operand} -setup {
250    unset -nocomplain a
251} -body {
252    set a no
253    expr {1&&$a}
254} -result 0
255test compExpr-3.9 {CompileLandOrLorExpr procedure, error in 2nd operand} -body {
256    expr {0||[expr %2]}
257} -returnCodes error -match glob -result *
258test compExpr-3.10 {CompileLandOrLorExpr procedure, long lor/land arm} {
259    set a "abcdefghijkl"
260    set i 7
261    expr {[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]] || [string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]] || [string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]] || [string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]&&[string compare [format %c $i] [string index $a $i]]}
262} 1
264test compExpr-4.1 {CompileCondExpr procedure, simple test} -setup {
265    unset -nocomplain a
266} -body {
267    set a 2
268    expr {($a > 1)? "ok" : "nope"}
269} -result ok
270test compExpr-4.2 {CompileCondExpr procedure, complex test, convert to numeric} -setup {
271    unset -nocomplain a
272} -body {
273    set a no
274    expr {[set a]? 27 : -54}
275} -result -54
276test compExpr-4.3 {CompileCondExpr procedure, error in test} -body {
277    expr {[expr *2]? +1 : -1}
278} -returnCodes error -match glob -result *
279test compExpr-4.4 {CompileCondExpr procedure, simple "true" clause} -setup {
280    unset -nocomplain a
281} -body {
282    set a no
283    expr {1? (27-2) : -54}
284} -result 25
285test compExpr-4.5 {CompileCondExpr procedure, convert "true" clause to numeric} -setup {
286    unset -nocomplain a
287} -body {
288    set a no
289    expr {1? $a : -54}
290} -result no
291test compExpr-4.6 {CompileCondExpr procedure, error in "true" clause} -body {
292    expr {1? [expr *2] : -127}
293} -returnCodes error -match glob -result *
294test compExpr-4.7 {CompileCondExpr procedure, simple "false" clause} -setup {
295    unset -nocomplain a
296} -body {
297    set a no
298    expr {(2-2)? -3.14159 : "nope"}
299} -result nope
300test compExpr-4.8 {CompileCondExpr procedure, convert "false" clause to numeric} -setup {
301    unset -nocomplain a
302} -body {
303    set a 0o0123
304    expr {0? 42 : $a}
305} -result 83
306test compExpr-4.9 {CompileCondExpr procedure, error in "false" clause} {
307    list [catch {expr {1? 15 : [expr *2]}} msg] $msg
308} {0 15}
310test compExpr-5.1 {CompileMathFuncCall procedure, math function found} {
311    format %.6g [expr {atan2(1.0, 2.0)}]
312} 0.463648
313test compExpr-5.2 {CompileMathFuncCall procedure, math function not found} -body {
314    expr {do_it()}
315} -returnCodes error -match glob -result {* "*do_it"}
316test compExpr-5.5 {CompileMathFuncCall procedure, not enough arguments} -body {
317    expr {atan2(1.0)}
318} -returnCodes error -match glob -result {not enough arguments for math function*}
319test compExpr-5.6 {CompileMathFuncCall procedure, complex argument} {
320    format %.6g [expr {pow(2.1, 27.5-(24.4*(5%2)))}]
321} 9.97424
322test compExpr-5.7 {CompileMathFuncCall procedure, error in argument} -body {
323    expr {sinh(2.*)}
324} -returnCodes error -match glob -result *
325test compExpr-5.8 {CompileMathFuncCall procedure, too many arguments} -body {
326    expr {sinh(2.0, 3.0)}
327} -returnCodes error -match glob -result {too many arguments for math function*}
328test compExpr-5.9 {CompileMathFuncCall procedure, too many arguments} -body {
329    expr {0 <= rand(5.2)}
330} -returnCodes error -match glob -result {too many arguments for math function*}
332test compExpr-6.1 {LogSyntaxError procedure, error in expr longer than 60 chars} -body {
333    expr {(+0123456)*(+0123456)*(+0123456)*(+0123456)*(+0123456)*(+0123456)*(+0123456)/} -1 foo 3
334} -returnCodes error -match glob -result *
336test compExpr-7.1 {Memory Leak} -constraints memory -setup {
337    proc getbytes {} {
338	set lines [split [memory info] \n]
339	lindex $lines 3 3
340    }
341} -body {
342    set end [getbytes]
343    for {set i 0} {$i < 5} {incr i} {
344	interp create child
345	child eval expr 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13
346	interp delete child
347	set tmp $end
348	set end [getbytes]
349    }
350    set leakedBytes [expr {$end - $tmp}]
351} -cleanup {
352    unset end i tmp
353    rename getbytes {}
354} -result 0
356test compExpr-7.2 {[Bug 1869989]: expr parser memleak} -constraints memory -setup {
357    proc getbytes {} {
358        set lines [split [memory info] \n]
359        lindex $lines 3 3
360    }
361} -body {
362    set i 5
363    set end [getbytes]
364    while {[incr i -1]} {
365        expr ${i}000
366        set tmp $end
367        set end [getbytes]
368    }
369    set leakedBytes [expr {$end - $tmp}]
370} -cleanup {
371    unset end i tmp
372    rename getbytes {}
373} -result 0
375proc extract {opcodes descriptor} {
376    set instructions [dict values [dict get $descriptor instructions]]
377    return [lmap i $instructions {
378	if {[lindex $i 0] in $opcodes} {string cat $i} else continue
379    }]
382test compExpr-8.1 {TIP 582: expression comments} -setup {} -body {
383    extract {loadStk add} [tcl::unsupported::getbytecode script {expr {
384        $abc
385	# + $def
386	+ $ghi
387    }}]
388} -result {loadStk loadStk add}
389test compExpr-8.2 {TIP 582: expression comments} -setup {} -body {
390    extract {loadStk add} [tcl::unsupported::getbytecode script {expr {
391        $abc
392	# + $def
393	# + $ghi }}]
394} -result loadStk
395test compExpr-8.3 {TIP 582: expression comments} -setup {} -body {
396    extract {loadStk add} [tcl::unsupported::getbytecode script {expr {
397        $abc
398	# + $def\
399	+ $ghi
400    }}]
401} -result loadStk
402test compExpr-8.4 {TIP 582: expression comments} -setup {} -body {
403    extract {loadStk add} [tcl::unsupported::getbytecode script {expr {
404        $abc
405	# + $def\\
406	+ $ghi
407    }}]
408} -result {loadStk loadStk add}
410# cleanup
411catch {unset a}
412catch {unset b}
413catch {rename extract ""}
417# Local Variables:
418# mode: tcl
419# fill-column: 78
420# End: