1# This file tests the tclMacOSXFCmd.c file.
3# This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl
4# built-in commands.  Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and
5# generates output for errors.  No output means no errors were found.
7# Copyright © 2003 Tcl Core Team.
9# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
10# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
12if {"::tcltest" ni [namespace children]} {
13    package require tcltest 2.5
14    namespace import -force ::tcltest::*
17# These tests really need to be run from a writable directory, which
18# it is assumed [temporaryDirectory] is.
19set oldcwd [pwd]
20cd [temporaryDirectory]
22# check whether macosx file attributes are supported
23testConstraint macosxFileAttr 0
24if {[testConstraint unix] && $tcl_platform(os) eq "Darwin"} {
25    catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
26    close [open foo.test w]
27    catch {
28	file attributes foo.test -creator
29	testConstraint macosxFileAttr 1
30    }
31    file delete -force -- foo.test
34test macOSXFCmd-1.1 {MacOSXGetFileAttribute - file not found} {macosxFileAttr notRoot} {
35    catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
36    list [catch {file attributes foo.test -creator} msg] $msg
37} {1 {could not read "foo.test": no such file or directory}}
38test macOSXFCmd-1.2 {MacOSXGetFileAttribute - creator} {macosxFileAttr notRoot} {
39    catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
40    close [open foo.test w]
41    list [catch {file attributes foo.test -creator} msg] $msg \
42	    [file delete -force -- foo.test]
43} {0 {} {}}
44test macOSXFCmd-1.3 {MacOSXGetFileAttribute - type} {macosxFileAttr notRoot} {
45    catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
46    close [open foo.test w]
47    list [catch {file attributes foo.test -type} msg] $msg \
48	    [file delete -force -- foo.test]
49} {0 {} {}}
50test macOSXFCmd-1.4 {MacOSXGetFileAttribute - hidden} {macosxFileAttr notRoot} {
51    catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
52    close [open foo.test w]
53    list [catch {file attributes foo.test -hidden} msg] $msg \
54	    [file delete -force -- foo.test]
55} {0 0 {}}
56test macOSXFCmd-1.5 {MacOSXGetFileAttribute - rsrclength} {macosxFileAttr notRoot} {
57    catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
58    close [open foo.test w]
59    list [catch {file attributes foo.test -rsrclength} msg] $msg \
60	    [file delete -force -- foo.test]
61} {0 0 {}}
63test macOSXFCmd-2.1 {MacOSXSetFileAttribute - file not found} {macosxFileAttr notRoot} {
64    catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
65    list [catch {file attributes foo.test -creator FOOC} msg] $msg
66} {1 {could not read "foo.test": no such file or directory}}
67test macOSXFCmd-2.2 {MacOSXSetFileAttribute - creator} {macosxFileAttr notRoot} {
68    catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
69    close [open foo.test w]
70    list [catch {file attributes foo.test -creator FOOC} msg] $msg \
71	    [catch {file attributes foo.test -creator} msg] $msg \
72	    [file delete -force -- foo.test]
73} {0 {} 0 FOOC {}}
74test macOSXFCmd-2.3 {MacOSXSetFileAttribute - empty creator} {macosxFileAttr notRoot} {
75    catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
76    close [open foo.test w]
77    list [catch {file attributes foo.test -creator {}} msg] $msg \
78	    [catch {file attributes foo.test -creator} msg] $msg \
79	    [file delete -force -- foo.test]
80} {0 {} 0 {} {}}
81test macOSXFCmd-2.4 {MacOSXSetFileAttribute - type} {macosxFileAttr notRoot} {
82    catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
83    close [open foo.test w]
84    list [catch {file attributes foo.test -type FOOT} msg] $msg \
85	    [catch {file attributes foo.test -type} msg] $msg \
86	    [file delete -force -- foo.test]
87} {0 {} 0 FOOT {}}
88test macOSXFCmd-2.5 {MacOSXSetFileAttribute - empty type} {macosxFileAttr notRoot} {
89    catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
90    close [open foo.test w]
91    list [catch {file attributes foo.test -type {}} msg] $msg \
92	    [catch {file attributes foo.test -type} msg] $msg \
93	    [file delete -force -- foo.test]
94} {0 {} 0 {} {}}
95test macOSXFCmd-2.6 {MacOSXSetFileAttribute - hidden} {macosxFileAttr notRoot} {
96    catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
97    close [open foo.test w]
98    list [catch {file attributes foo.test -hidden 1} msg] $msg \
99	    [catch {file attributes foo.test -hidden} msg] $msg \
100	    [file delete -force -- foo.test]
101} {0 {} 0 1 {}}
102test macOSXFCmd-2.7 {MacOSXSetFileAttribute - rsrclength} {macosxFileAttr notRoot nonPortable} {
103    catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
104    close [open foo.test w]
105    catch {
106	set f [open foo.test/..namedfork/rsrc w]
107	fconfigure $f -translation lf -eofchar {}
108	puts -nonewline $f "foo"
109	close $f
110    }
111    list [catch {file attributes foo.test -rsrclength} msg] $msg \
112	    [catch {file attributes foo.test -rsrclength 0} msg] $msg \
113	    [catch {file attributes foo.test -rsrclength} msg] $msg \
114	    [file delete -force -- foo.test]
115} {0 3 0 {} 0 0 {}}
117test macOSXFCmd-3.1 {MacOSXCopyFileAttributes} {macosxFileAttr notRoot} {
118    catch {file delete -force -- foo.test}
119    catch {file delete -force -- bar.test}
120    close [open foo.test w]
121    catch {
122	file attributes foo.test -creator FOOC -type FOOT -hidden 1
123	set f [open foo.test/..namedfork/rsrc w]
124	fconfigure $f -translation lf -eofchar {}
125	puts -nonewline $f "foo"
126	close $f
127	file copy foo.test bar.test
128    }
129    list [catch {file attributes bar.test -creator} msg] $msg \
130	    [catch {file attributes bar.test -type} msg] $msg \
131	    [catch {file attributes bar.test -hidden} msg] $msg \
132	    [catch {file attributes bar.test -rsrclength} msg] $msg \
133	    [file delete -force -- foo.test bar.test]
134} {0 FOOC 0 FOOT 0 1 0 3 {}}
136test macOSXFCmd-4.1 {TclMacOSXMatchType} {macosxFileAttr notRoot} {
137    file mkdir globtest
138    cd globtest
139    foreach f {bar baz foo inv inw .nv reg} {
140	catch {file delete -force -- $f.test}
141	close [open $f.test w]
142    }
143    catch {file delete -force -- dir.test}
144    file mkdir dir.test
145    catch {
146	file attributes bar.test -type FOOT
147	file attributes baz.test -creator FOOC -type FOOT
148	file attributes foo.test -creator FOOC
149	file attributes inv.test -hidden 1
150	file attributes inw.test -hidden 1 -type FOOT
151	file attributes dir.test -hidden 1
152    }
153    set res [list \
154	    [catch {lsort [glob *.test]} msg] $msg \
155	    [catch {lsort [glob -types FOOT *.test]} msg] $msg \
156	    [catch {lsort [glob -types {{macintosh type FOOT}} *.test]} msg] $msg \
157	    [catch {lsort [glob -types FOOTT *.test]} msg] $msg \
158	    [catch {lsort [glob -types {{macintosh type FOOTT}} *.test]} msg] $msg \
159	    [catch {lsort [glob -types {{macintosh type {}}} *.test]} msg] $msg \
160	    [catch {lsort [glob -types {{macintosh creator FOOC}} *.test]} msg] $msg \
161	    [catch {lsort [glob -types {{macintosh creator FOOC} {macintosh type FOOT}} *.test]} msg] $msg \
162	    [catch {lsort [glob -types hidden *.test]} msg] $msg \
163	    [catch {lsort [glob -types {hidden FOOT} *.test]} msg] $msg \
164	]
165    cd ..
166    file delete -force globtest
167    set res
168} [list \
169	0 {bar.test baz.test dir.test foo.test inv.test inw.test reg.test} \
170	0 {bar.test baz.test inw.test} 0 {bar.test baz.test inw.test} \
171	1 {bad argument to "-types": FOOTT} \
172	1 {expected Macintosh OS type but got "FOOTT": } \
173	0 {foo.test inv.test reg.test} 0 {baz.test foo.test} \
174	0 baz.test 0 {.nv.test dir.test inv.test inw.test} \
175	0 inw.test
178# cleanup
179cd $oldcwd