1# Commands covered:  source
3# This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl
4# built-in commands.  Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and
5# generates output for errors.  No output means no errors were found.
7# Copyright © 1991-1993 The Regents of the University of California.
8# Copyright © 1994-1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
9# Copyright © 1998-2000 Scriptics Corporation.
10# Contributions from Don Porter, NIST, 2003.  (not subject to US copyright)
12# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
13# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
15if {[catch {package require tcltest 2.5}]} {
16    puts stderr "Skipping tests in [info script]. tcltest 2.5 required."
17    return
20namespace eval ::tcl::test::source {
21    namespace import ::tcltest::*
23test source-1.1 {source command} -setup {
24    set x "old x value"
25    set y "old y value"
26    set z "old z value"
27    set sourcefile [makeFile {
28	set x 22
29	set y 33
30	set z 44
31    } source.file]
32} -body {
33    source $sourcefile
34    list $x $y $z
35} -cleanup {
36    removeFile source.file
37} -result {22 33 44}
38test source-1.2 {source command} -setup {
39    set sourcefile [makeFile {list result} source.file]
40} -body {
41    source $sourcefile
42} -cleanup {
43    removeFile source.file
44} -result result
45test source-1.3 {source command} -setup {
46    set sourcefile [makeFile {} source.file]
47    set fd [open $sourcefile w]
48    fconfigure $fd -translation lf
49    puts $fd "list a b c \\"
50    puts $fd "d e f"
51    close $fd
52} -body {
53    source $sourcefile
54} -cleanup {
55    removeFile source.file
56} -result {a b c d e f}
58proc ListGlobMatch {expected actual} {
59    if {[llength $expected] != [llength $actual]} {
60        return 0
61    }
62    foreach e $expected a $actual {
63        if {![string match $e $a]} {
64            return 0
65        }
66    }
67    return 1
69customMatch listGlob [namespace which ListGlobMatch]
71test source-2.3 {source error conditions} -setup {
72    set sourcefile [makeFile {
73	set x 146
74	error "error in sourced file"
75	set y $x
76    } source.file]
77} -body {
78    list [catch {source $sourcefile} msg] $msg $::errorInfo
79} -cleanup {
80    removeFile source.file
81} -match listGlob -result [list 1 {error in sourced file} \
82	{error in sourced file
83    while executing
84"error "error in sourced file""
85    (file "*source.file" line 3)
86    invoked from within
87"source $sourcefile"}]
88test source-2.4 {source error conditions} -setup {
89    set sourcefile [makeFile {break} source.file]
90} -body {
91    source $sourcefile
92} -cleanup {
93    removeFile source.file
94} -returnCodes break
95test source-2.5 {source error conditions} -setup {
96    set sourcefile [makeFile {continue} source.file]
97} -body {
98    source $sourcefile
99} -cleanup {
100    removeFile source.file
101} -returnCodes continue
102test source-2.6 {source error conditions} -setup {
103    set sourcefile [makeFile {} _non_existent_]
104    removeFile _non_existent_
105} -body {
106    source $sourcefile
107} -match glob -result {couldn't read file "*_non_existent_": no such file or directory} \
108	-errorCode {POSIX ENOENT {no such file or directory}}
109test source-2.7 {utf-8 with BOM} -setup {
110    set sourcefile [makeFile {} source.file]
111} -body {
112    set out [open $sourcefile w]
113    fconfigure $out -encoding utf-8
114    puts $out "\uFEFFset y new-y"
115    close $out
116    set y old-y
117    source -encoding utf-8 $sourcefile
118    return $y
119} -cleanup {
120    removeFile $sourcefile
121} -result {new-y}
123test source-3.1 {return in middle of source file} -setup {
124    set sourcefile [makeFile {
125	set x new-x
126	return allDone
127	set y new-y
128    } source.file]
129} -body {
130    set x old-x
131    set y old-y
132    set z [source $sourcefile]
133    list $x $y $z
134} -cleanup {
135    removeFile source.file
136} -result {new-x old-y allDone}
137test source-3.2 {return with special code etc.} -setup {
138    set sourcefile [makeFile {
139	set x new-x
140	return -code break "Silly result"
141	set y new-y
142    } source.file]
143} -body {
144   source $sourcefile
145} -cleanup {
146    removeFile source.file
147} -returnCodes break -result {Silly result}
148test source-3.3 {return with special code etc.} -setup {
149    set sourcefile [makeFile {
150	set x new-x
151	return -code error "Simulated error"
152	set y new-y
153    } source.file]
154} -body {
155    list [catch {source $sourcefile} msg] $msg $::errorInfo $::errorCode
156} -cleanup {
157    removeFile source.file
158} -result {1 {Simulated error} {Simulated error
159    while executing
160"source $sourcefile"} NONE}
161test source-3.4 {return with special code etc.} -setup {
162    set sourcefile [makeFile {
163	set x new-x
164	return -code error -errorinfo "Simulated errorInfo stuff"
165	set y new-y
166    } source.file]
167} -body {
168    list [catch {source $sourcefile} msg] $msg $::errorInfo $::errorCode
169} -cleanup {
170    removeFile source.file
171} -result {1 {} {Simulated errorInfo stuff
172    invoked from within
173"source $sourcefile"} NONE}
174test source-3.5 {return with special code etc.} -setup {
175    set sourcefile [makeFile {
176	set x new-x
177	return -code error -errorinfo "Simulated errorInfo stuff" \
178		-errorcode {a b c}
179	set y new-y
180    } source.file]
181} -body {
182    list [catch {source $sourcefile} msg] $msg $::errorInfo $::errorCode
183} -cleanup {
184    removeFile source.file
185} -result {1 {} {Simulated errorInfo stuff
186    invoked from within
187"source $sourcefile"} {a b c}}
189test source-4.1 {continuation line parsing} -setup {
190    set sourcefile [makeFile [string map {CL \\\n} {
191	format %s "[dict get [info frame 0] type]:CL[dict get [info frame 0] line]CL[dict get [info frame 0] line]CL[dict get [info frame 0] line]"
192    }] source.file]
193} -body {
194    source $sourcefile
195} -cleanup {
196    removeFile source.file
197} -result {source: 3 4 5}
199test source-6.1 {source is binary ok} -setup {
200    # Note [makeFile] writes in the system encoding.
201    # [source] defaults to reading in the system encoding.
202    set sourcefile [makeFile [list set x "a b\x00c"] source.file]
203} -body {
204    set x {}
205    source $sourcefile
206    string length $x
207} -cleanup {
208    removeFile source.file
209} -result 5
210test source-6.2 {source skips everything after Ctrl-Z: Bug 2040} -setup {
211    set sourcefile [makeFile "set x ab\x1Ac" source.file]
212} -body {
213    set x {}
214    source $sourcefile
215    string length $x
216} -cleanup {
217    removeFile source.file
218} -result 2
220test source-7.1 {source -encoding test} -setup {
221    set sourcefile [makeFile {} source.file]
222    file delete $sourcefile
223    set f [open $sourcefile w]
224    fconfigure $f -encoding utf-8
225    puts $f "set symbol(square-root) √; set x correct"
226    close $f
227} -body {
228    set x unset
229    source -encoding utf-8 $sourcefile
230    set x
231} -cleanup {
232    removeFile source.file
233} -result correct
234test source-7.2 {source -encoding test} -setup {
235    # This tests for bad interactions between [source -encoding]
236    # and use of the Control-Z character (\x1A) as a cross-platform
237    # EOF character by [source].  Here we write out and the [source] a
238    # file that contains the byte \x1A, although not the character \x1A in
239    # the indicated encoding.
240    set sourcefile [makeFile {} source.file]
241    file delete $sourcefile
242    set f [open $sourcefile w]
243    fconfigure $f -encoding utf-16
244    puts $f "set symbol(square-root) √; set x correct"
245    close $f
246} -body {
247    set x unset
248    source -encoding utf-16 $sourcefile
249    set x
250} -cleanup {
251    removeFile source.file
252} -result correct
253test source-7.3 {source -encoding: syntax} -body {
254    # Have to spell out the -encoding option
255    source -e utf-8 no_file
256} -returnCodes 1 -match glob -result {bad option*}
257test source-7.4 {source -encoding: syntax} -setup {
258    set sourcefile [makeFile {} source.file]
259} -body {
260    source -encoding no-such-encoding $sourcefile
261} -cleanup {
262    removeFile source.file
263} -returnCodes 1 -match glob -result {unknown encoding*}
264test source-7.5 {source -encoding: correct operation} -setup {
265    set sourcefile [makeFile {} source.file]
266    file delete $sourcefile
267    set f [open $sourcefile w]
268    fconfigure $f -encoding utf-8
269    puts $f "proc € {} {return foo}"
270    close $f
271} -body {
272    source -encoding utf-8 $sourcefile
273274} -cleanup {
275    removeFile source.file
276    rename € {}
277} -result foo
278test source-7.6 {source -encoding: mismatch encoding error} -setup {
279    set sourcefile [makeFile {} source.file]
280    file delete $sourcefile
281    set f [open $sourcefile w]
282    fconfigure $f -encoding utf-8
283    puts $f "proc € {} {return foo}"
284    close $f
285} -body {
286    source -encoding ascii $sourcefile
287288} -cleanup {
289    removeFile source.file
290} -returnCodes error -match glob -result {invalid command name*}
292test source-8.1 {source and coroutine/yield} -setup {
293    set sourcefile [makeFile {} source.file]
294    file delete $sourcefile
295} -body {
296    makeFile {yield 1; yield 2; return 3;} $sourcefile
297    coroutine coro apply {f {yield;source $f}} $sourcefile
298    list [coro] [coro] [coro] [info exist coro]
299} -cleanup {
300    catch {rename coro {}}
301    removeFile source.file
302} -result {1 2 3 0}
306namespace delete ::tcl::test::source
309# Local Variables:
310# mode: tcl
311# End: