1# This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl
2# built-in commands.  Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and
3# generates output for errors.  No output means no errors were found.
5# Copyright © 1998-1999 Scriptics Corporation.
6# Copyright © 2000 Ajuba Solutions
7# All rights reserved.
9# Note that there are several places where the value of
10# tcltest::currentFailure is stored/reset in the -setup/-cleanup
11# of a test that has a body that runs [test] that will fail.
12# This is a workaround of using the same tcltest code that we are
13# testing to run the test itself.  Ditto on things like [verbose].
15# It would be better to have the -body of the tests run the tcltest
16# commands in a child interp so the [test] being tested would not
17# interfere with the [test] doing the testing.
20if {"::tcltest" ni [namespace children]} {
21    package require tcltest 2.5
22    namespace import -force ::tcltest::*
25namespace eval ::tcltest::test {
27namespace import ::tcltest::*
29makeFile {
30    package require tcltest 2.5
31    namespace import ::tcltest::test
32    test a-1.0 {test a} {
33	list 0
34    } {0}
35    test b-1.0 {test b} {
36	list 1
37    } {0}
38    test c-1.0 {test c} {knownBug} {
39    } {}
40    test d-1.0 {test d} {
41	error "foo" foo 9
42    } {}
43    tcltest::cleanupTests
44    exit
45} test.tcl
47cd [temporaryDirectory]
48testConstraint exec [llength [info commands exec]]
50# test -help
51# Child processes because -help [exit]s.
52test tcltest-1.1 {tcltest -help} {exec} {
53    set result [catch {exec [interpreter] test.tcl -help} msg]
54    list $result [regexp Usage $msg]
55} {1 1}
56test tcltest-1.2 {tcltest -help -something} {exec} {
57    set result [catch {exec [interpreter] test.tcl -help -something} msg]
58    list $result [regexp Usage $msg]
59} {1 1}
60test tcltest-1.3 {tcltest -h} {exec} {
61    set result [catch {exec [interpreter] test.tcl -h} msg]
62    list $result [regexp Usage $msg]
63} {1 0}
65# -verbose, implicit & explicit testing of [verbose]
66proc child {msgVar args} {
67    upvar 1 $msgVar msg
69    interp create [namespace current]::i
70    # Fake the child interp into dumping output to a file
71    i eval {namespace eval ::tcltest {}}
72    i eval "set tcltest::outputChannel\
73	    \[[list open [set of [makeFile {} output]] w]]"
74    i eval "set tcltest::errorChannel\
75	    \[[list open [set ef [makeFile {} error]] w]]"
76    i eval [list set argv0 [lindex $args 0]]
77    i eval [list set argv [lrange $args 1 end]]
78    i eval [list package ifneeded tcltest [package provide tcltest] \
79	    [package ifneeded tcltest [package provide tcltest]]]
80    i eval {proc exit args {}}
82    # Need to capture output in msg
84    set code [catch {i eval {source $argv0}}]
85    i eval {close $tcltest::outputChannel}
86    interp delete [namespace current]::i
87    set f [open $of]
88    set msg [read -nonewline $f]
89    close $f
90    set f [open $ef]
91    set err [read -nonewline $f]
92    close $f
93    removeFile output
94    removeFile error
95    if {[string length $err]} {
96	set code 1
97	append msg \n$err
98    }
99    return $code
101test tcltest-2.0 {tcltest (verbose default - 'b')} {unixOrWin} {
102    set result [child msg test.tcl]
103    list $result [regexp "Contents of test case" $msg] [regexp a-1.0 $msg] \
104	    [regexp c-1.0 $msg] \
105	    [regexp "Total.+4.+Passed.+1.+Skipped.+1.+Failed.+2" $msg]
106} {0 1 0 0 1}
107test tcltest-2.1 {tcltest -verbose 'b'} {unixOrWin} {
108    set result [child msg test.tcl -verbose 'b']
109    list $result [regexp "Contents of test case" $msg] [regexp a-1.0 $msg] \
110	    [regexp c-1.0 $msg] \
111	    [regexp "Total.+4.+Passed.+1.+Skipped.+1.+Failed.+2" $msg]
112} {0 1 0 0 1}
113test tcltest-2.2 {tcltest -verbose 'p'} {unixOrWin} {
114    set result [child msg test.tcl -verbose 'p']
115    list $result [regexp "Contents of test case" $msg] [regexp a-1.0 $msg] \
116	    [regexp c-1.0 $msg] \
117	    [regexp "Total.+4.+Passed.+1.+Skipped.+1.+Failed.+2" $msg]
118} {0 0 1 0 1}
119test tcltest-2.3 {tcltest -verbose 's'} {unixOrWin} {
120    set result [child msg test.tcl -verbose 's']
121    list $result [regexp "Contents of test case" $msg] [regexp a-1.0 $msg] \
122	    [regexp c-1.0 $msg] \
123	    [regexp "Total.+4.+Passed.+1.+Skipped.+1.+Failed.+2" $msg]
124} {0 0 0 1 1}
125test tcltest-2.4 {tcltest -verbose 'ps'} {unixOrWin} {
126    set result [child msg test.tcl -verbose 'ps']
127    list $result [regexp "Contents of test case" $msg] [regexp a-1.0 $msg] \
128	    [regexp c-1.0 $msg] \
129	    [regexp "Total.+4.+Passed.+1.+Skipped.+1.+Failed.+2" $msg]
130} {0 0 1 1 1}
131test tcltest-2.5 {tcltest -verbose 'psb'} {unixOrWin} {
132    set result [child msg test.tcl -verbose 'psb']
133    list $result [regexp "Contents of test case" $msg] [regexp a-1.0 $msg] \
134	    [regexp c-1.0 $msg] \
135	    [regexp "Total.+4.+Passed.+1.+Skipped.+1.+Failed.+2" $msg]
136} {0 1 1 1 1}
138test tcltest-2.5a {tcltest -verbose 'pass skip body'} {unixOrWin} {
139    set result [child msg test.tcl -verbose "pass skip body"]
140    list $result [regexp "Contents of test case" $msg] [regexp a-1.0 $msg] \
141	    [regexp c-1.0 $msg] \
142	    [regexp "Total.+4.+Passed.+1.+Skipped.+1.+Failed.+2" $msg]
143} {0 1 1 1 1}
145test tcltest-2.6 {tcltest -verbose 't'}  {
146    -constraints {unixOrWin}
147    -body {
148	set result [child msg test.tcl -verbose 't']
149	list $result $msg
150    }
151    -result {^0 .*a-1.0 start.*b-1.0 start}
152    -match regexp
155test tcltest-2.6a {tcltest -verbose 'start'}  {
156    -constraints {unixOrWin}
157    -body {
158	set result [child msg test.tcl -verbose start]
159	list $result $msg
160    }
161    -result {^0 .*a-1.0 start.*b-1.0 start}
162    -match regexp
165test tcltest-2.7 {tcltest::verbose}  {
166    -body {
167	set oldVerbosity [verbose]
168	verbose bar
169	set currentVerbosity [verbose]
170	verbose foo
171	set newVerbosity [verbose]
172	verbose $oldVerbosity
173	list $currentVerbosity $newVerbosity
174    }
175    -result {body {}}
178test tcltest-2.8 {tcltest -verbose 'error'} {
179    -constraints {unixOrWin}
180    -body {
181	set result [child msg test.tcl -verbose error]
182	list $result $msg
183    }
184    -result {errorInfo: foo.*errorCode: 9}
185    -match regexp
187# -match, [match]
188test tcltest-3.1 {tcltest -match 'a*'} {unixOrWin} {
189    set result [child msg test.tcl -match a* -verbose 'ps']
190    list $result [regexp a-1.0 $msg] [regexp b-1.0 $msg] [regexp c-1.0 $msg] \
191	    [regexp "Total.+4.+Passed.+1.+Skipped.+3.+Failed.+0" $msg]
192} {0 1 0 0 1}
193test tcltest-3.2 {tcltest -match 'b*'} {unixOrWin} {
194    set result [child msg test.tcl -match b* -verbose 'ps']
195    list $result [regexp a-1.0 $msg] [regexp b-1.0 $msg] [regexp c-1.0 $msg] \
196	    [regexp "Total.+4.+Passed.+0.+Skipped.+3.+Failed.+1" $msg]
197} {0 0 1 0 1}
198test tcltest-3.3 {tcltest -match 'c*'} {unixOrWin} {
199    set result [child msg test.tcl -match c* -verbose 'ps']
200    list $result [regexp a-1.0 $msg] [regexp b-1.0 $msg] [regexp c-1.0 $msg] \
201	    [regexp "Total.+4.+Passed.+0.+Skipped.+4.+Failed.+0" $msg]
202} {0 0 0 1 1}
203test tcltest-3.4 {tcltest -match 'a* b*'} {unixOrWin} {
204    set result [child msg test.tcl -match {a* b*} -verbose 'ps']
205    list $result [regexp a-1.0 $msg] [regexp b-1.0 $msg] [regexp c-1.0 $msg] \
206	    [regexp "Total.+4.+Passed.+1.+Skipped.+2.+Failed.+1" $msg]
207} {0 1 1 0 1}
209test tcltest-3.5 {tcltest::match}  {
210    -body {
211	set oldMatch [match]
212	match foo
213	set currentMatch [match]
214	match bar
215	set newMatch [match]
216	match $oldMatch
217	list $currentMatch $newMatch
218    }
219    -result {foo bar}
222# -skip, [skip]
223test tcltest-4.1 {tcltest -skip 'a*'} {unixOrWin} {
224    set result [child msg test.tcl -skip a* -verbose 'ps']
225    list $result [regexp a-1.0 $msg] [regexp b-1.0 $msg] [regexp c-1.0 $msg] \
226	    [regexp "Total.+4.+Passed.+0.+Skipped.+2.+Failed.+1" $msg]
227} {0 0 1 1 1}
228test tcltest-4.2 {tcltest -skip 'b*'} {unixOrWin} {
229    set result [child msg test.tcl -skip b* -verbose 'ps']
230    list $result [regexp a-1.0 $msg] [regexp b-1.0 $msg] [regexp c-1.0 $msg] \
231	    [regexp "Total.+4.+Passed.+1.+Skipped.+2.+Failed.+1" $msg]
232} {0 1 0 1 1}
233test tcltest-4.3 {tcltest -skip 'c*'} {unixOrWin} {
234    set result [child msg test.tcl -skip c* -verbose 'ps']
235    list $result [regexp a-1.0 $msg] [regexp b-1.0 $msg] [regexp c-1.0 $msg] \
236	    [regexp "Total.+4.+Passed.+1.+Skipped.+1.+Failed.+2" $msg]
237} {0 1 1 0 1}
238test tcltest-4.4 {tcltest -skip 'a* b*'} {unixOrWin} {
239    set result [child msg test.tcl -skip {a* b*} -verbose 'ps']
240    list $result [regexp a-1.0 $msg] [regexp b-1.0 $msg] [regexp c-1.0 $msg] \
241	    [regexp "Total.+4.+Passed.+0.+Skipped.+3.+Failed.+1" $msg]
242} {0 0 0 1 1}
243test tcltest-4.5 {tcltest -match 'a* b*' -skip 'b*'} {unixOrWin} {
244    set result [child msg test.tcl -match {a* b*} -skip b* -verbose 'ps']
245    list $result [regexp a-1.0 $msg] [regexp b-1.0 $msg] [regexp c-1.0 $msg] \
246	    [regexp "Total.+4.+Passed.+1.+Skipped.+3.+Failed.+0" $msg]
247} {0 1 0 0 1}
249test tcltest-4.6 {tcltest::skip} {
250    -body {
251	set oldSkip [skip]
252	skip foo
253	set currentSkip [skip]
254	skip bar
255	set newSkip [skip]
256	skip $oldSkip
257	list $currentSkip $newSkip
258    }
259    -result {foo bar}
262# -constraints, -limitconstraints, [testConstraint],
263# $constraintsSpecified, [limitConstraints]
264test tcltest-5.1 {tcltest -constraints 'knownBug'} {unixOrWin} {
265    set result [child msg test.tcl -constraints knownBug -verbose 'ps']
266    list $result [regexp a-1.0 $msg] [regexp b-1.0 $msg] [regexp c-1.0 $msg] \
267	    [regexp "Total.+4.+Passed.+2.+Skipped.+0.+Failed.+2" $msg]
268} {0 1 1 1 1}
269test tcltest-5.2 {tcltest -constraints 'knownBug' -limitconstraints 1} {unixOrWin} {
270    set result [child msg test.tcl -constraints knownBug -verbose 'p' -limitconstraints 1]
271    list $result [regexp a-1.0 $msg] [regexp b-1.0 $msg] [regexp c-1.0 $msg] \
272	    [regexp "Total.+4.+Passed.+1.+Skipped.+3.+Failed.+0" $msg]
273} {0 0 0 1 1}
275test tcltest-5.3 {testConstraint - constraint empty (tcltest::safeFetch)}  {
276    -body {
277	set r1 [testConstraint tcltestFakeConstraint]
278	set r2 [testConstraint tcltestFakeConstraint 4]
279	set r3 [testConstraint tcltestFakeConstraint]
280	list $r1 $r2 $r3
281    }
282    -result {0 4 4}
283    -cleanup {unset ::tcltest::testConstraints(tcltestFakeConstraint)}
286# Removed this test of internals of tcltest.  Those internals have changed.
287#test tcltest-5.4 {tcltest::constraintsSpecified} {
288#    -setup {
289#	set constraintlist $::tcltest::constraintsSpecified
290#	set ::tcltest::constraintsSpecified {}
291#    }
292#    -body {
293#	set r1 $::tcltest::constraintsSpecified
294#	testConstraint tcltestFakeConstraint1 1
295#	set r2 $::tcltest::constraintsSpecified
296#	testConstraint tcltestFakeConstraint2 1
297#	set r3 $::tcltest::constraintsSpecified
298#	list $r1 $r2 $r3
299#    }
300#    -result {{} tcltestFakeConstraint1 {tcltestFakeConstraint1 tcltestFakeConstraint2}}
301#    -cleanup {
302#	set ::tcltest::constraintsSpecified $constraintlist
303#	unset ::tcltest::testConstraints(tcltestFakeConstraint1)
304#	unset ::tcltest::testConstraints(tcltestFakeConstraint2)
305#    }
308test tcltest-5.5 {InitConstraints: list of built-in constraints} \
309	-constraints {!singleTestInterp} \
310	-setup {tcltest::InitConstraints} \
311	-body { lsort [array names ::tcltest::testConstraints] } \
312	-result [lsort {
313    95 98 asyncPipeClose eformat emptyTest exec hasIsoLocale interactive
314    knownBug mac macCrash macOnly macOrPc macOrUnix macOrWin nonBlockFiles
315    nonPortable notRoot nt pc pcCrash pcOnly root singleTestInterp socket
316    stdio tempNotMac tempNotPc tempNotUnix tempNotWin unix unixCrash unixExecs
317    unixOnly unixOrPc unixOrWin userInteraction win winCrash winOnly
320# Removed this broken test.  Its usage of [limitConstraints] was not
321# in agreement with the documentation.  [limitConstraints] is supposed
322# to take an optional boolean argument, and "knownBug" ain't no boolean!
323#test tcltest-5.6 {tcltest::limitConstraints} {
324#    -setup {
325#        set keeplc $::tcltest::limitConstraints
326#        set keepkb [testConstraint knownBug]
327#    }
328#    -body {
329#        set r1 [limitConstraints]
330#        set r2 [limitConstraints knownBug]
331#        set r3 [limitConstraints]
332#        list $r1 $r2 $r3
333#    }
334#    -cleanup {
335#        limitConstraints $keeplc
336#        testConstraint knownBug $keepkb
337#    }
338#    -result {false knownBug knownBug}
341# -outfile, -errfile, [outputChannel], [outputFile], [errorChannel], [errorFile]
342set printerror [makeFile {
343    package require tcltest 2.5
344    namespace import ::tcltest::*
345    puts [outputChannel] "a test"
346    ::tcltest::PrintError "a really short string"
347    ::tcltest::PrintError "a really really really really really really long \
348	    string containing \"quotes\" and other bad bad stuff"
349    ::tcltest::PrintError "a really really long string containing a \
350	    \"Path/that/is/really/long/and/contains/no/spaces\""
351    ::tcltest::PrintError "a really really long string containing a \
352	    \"Really/Long/Path/that/contains/no/spaces/and/is/longer/than/eighty/characters/to/see/what/happens\""
353    ::tcltest::PrintError "Problem renaming file: error renaming \"Z:/ws/tcl8.2/win32-ix86/tests/core\" to \"Z:/ws/tcl8.2/win32-ix86/tests/movecore-core\""
354    exit
355} printerror.tcl]
357test tcltest-6.1 {tcltest -outfile, -errfile defaults} {
358    -constraints unixOrWin
359    -body {
360	child msg $printerror
361	return $msg
362    }
363    -result {a test.*a really}
364    -match regexp
366test tcltest-6.2 {tcltest -outfile a.tmp} {unixOrWin unixExecs} {
367    child msg $printerror -outfile a.tmp
368    set result1 [catch {exec grep "a test" a.tmp}]
369    set result2 [catch {exec grep "a really" a.tmp}]
370    list [regexp "a test" $msg] [regexp "a really" $msg] \
371	    $result1 $result2 [file exists a.tmp] [file delete a.tmp]
372} {0 1 0 1 1 {}}
373test tcltest-6.3 {tcltest -errfile a.tmp} {unixOrWin unixExecs} {
374    child msg $printerror -errfile a.tmp
375    set result1 [catch {exec grep "a test" a.tmp}]
376    set result2 [catch {exec grep "a really" a.tmp}]
377    list [regexp "a test" $msg] [regexp "a really" $msg] \
378	    $result1 $result2 [file exists a.tmp] [file delete a.tmp]
379} {1 0 1 0 1 {}}
380test tcltest-6.4 {tcltest -outfile a.tmp -errfile b.tmp} {unixOrWin unixExecs} {
381    child msg $printerror -outfile a.tmp -errfile b.tmp
382    set result1 [catch {exec grep "a test" a.tmp}]
383    set result2 [catch {exec grep "a really" b.tmp}]
384    list [regexp "a test" $msg] [regexp "a really" $msg] \
385	    $result1 $result2 \
386	    [file exists a.tmp] [file delete a.tmp] \
387	    [file exists b.tmp] [file delete b.tmp]
388} {0 0 0 0 1 {} 1 {}}
390test tcltest-6.5 {tcltest::errorChannel - retrieval} {
391    -setup {
392	set of [errorChannel]
393	set ::tcltest::errorChannel stderr
394    }
395    -body {
396	errorChannel
397    }
398    -result {stderr}
399    -cleanup {
400	set ::tcltest::errorChannel $of
401    }
404test tcltest-6.6 {tcltest::errorFile (implicit errorChannel)} {
405    -setup {
406	set ef [makeFile {} efile]
407	set of [errorFile]
408	set ::tcltest::errorChannel stderr
409	set ::tcltest::errorFile stderr
410    }
411    -body {
412	set f0 [errorChannel]
413	set f1 [errorFile]
414	set f2 [errorFile $ef]
415	set f3 [errorChannel]
416	set f4 [errorFile]
417	subst {$f0;$f1;$f2;$f3;$f4}
418    }
419    -result {stderr;stderr;.*efile;file[0-9a-f]+;.*efile}
420    -match regexp
421    -cleanup {
422	errorFile $of
423	removeFile efile
424    }
426test tcltest-6.7 {tcltest::outputChannel - retrieval} {
427    -setup {
428	set of [outputChannel]
429	set ::tcltest::outputChannel stdout
430    }
431    -body {
432	outputChannel
433    }
434    -result {stdout}
435    -cleanup {
436	set ::tcltest::outputChannel $of
437    }
440test tcltest-6.8 {tcltest::outputFile (implicit outputFile)} {
441    -setup {
442	set ef [makeFile {} efile]
443	set of [outputFile]
444	set ::tcltest::outputChannel stdout
445	set ::tcltest::outputFile stdout
446    }
447    -body {
448	set f0 [outputChannel]
449	set f1 [outputFile]
450	set f2 [outputFile $ef]
451	set f3 [outputChannel]
452	set f4 [outputFile]
453	subst {$f0;$f1;$f2;$f3;$f4}
454    }
455    -result {stdout;stdout;.*efile;file[0-9a-f]+;.*efile}
456    -match regexp
457    -cleanup {
458	outputFile $of
459	removeFile efile
460    }
463# -debug, [debug]
464# Must use child processes to test -debug because it always writes
465# messages to stdout, and we have no way to capture stdout of a
466# child interp
467test tcltest-7.1 {tcltest test.tcl -debug 0} {unixOrWin} {
468    catch {exec [interpreter] test.tcl -debug 0} msg
469    regexp "Flags passed into tcltest" $msg
470} {0}
471test tcltest-7.2 {tcltest test.tcl -debug 1} {unixOrWin} {
472    catch {exec [interpreter] test.tcl -debug 1 -skip b*} msg
473    list [regexp userSpecifiedSkip $msg] \
474	    [regexp "Flags passed into tcltest" $msg]
475} {1 0}
476test tcltest-7.3 {tcltest test.tcl -debug 1} {unixOrWin} {
477    catch {exec [interpreter] test.tcl -debug 1 -match b*} msg
478    list [regexp userSpecifiedNonMatch $msg] \
479	    [regexp "Flags passed into tcltest" $msg]
480} {1 0}
481test tcltest-7.4 {tcltest test.tcl -debug 2} {unixOrWin} {
482    catch {exec [interpreter] test.tcl -debug 2} msg
483    list [regexp "Flags passed into tcltest" $msg] [regexp "Running" $msg]
484} {1 0}
485test tcltest-7.5 {tcltest test.tcl -debug 3} {unixOrWin} {
486    catch {exec [interpreter] test.tcl -debug 3} msg
487    list [regexp "Flags passed into tcltest" $msg] [regexp "Running" $msg]
488} {1 1}
490test tcltest-7.6 {tcltest::debug} {
491    -setup {
492	set old $::tcltest::debug
493	set ::tcltest::debug 0
494    }
495    -body {
496	set f1 [debug]
497	set f2 [debug 1]
498	set f3 [debug]
499	set f4 [debug 2]
500	set f5 [debug]
501	list $f1 $f2 $f3 $f4 $f5
502    }
503    -result {0 1 1 2 2}
504    -cleanup {
505	set ::tcltest::debug $old
506    }
508removeFile test.tcl
510# directory tests
512set a [makeFile {
513    package require tcltest 2.5
514    tcltest::makeFile {} a.tmp
515    puts [tcltest::outputChannel] "testdir: [tcltest::testsDirectory]"
516    exit
517} a.tcl]
519set tdiaf [makeFile {} thisdirectoryisafile]
521set normaldirectory [makeDirectory normaldirectory]
522normalizePath normaldirectory
524# -tmpdir, [temporaryDirectory]
525test tcltest-8.1 {tcltest a.tcl -tmpdir a} -constraints unixOrWin -setup {
526    file delete -force thisdirectorydoesnotexist
527} -body {
528    child msg $a -tmpdir thisdirectorydoesnotexist
529    file exists [file join thisdirectorydoesnotexist a.tmp]
530} -cleanup {
531    file delete -force thisdirectorydoesnotexist
532} -result 1
533test tcltest-8.2 {tcltest a.tcl -tmpdir thisdirectoryisafile} {
534    -constraints unixOrWin
535    -body {
536	child msg $a -tmpdir $tdiaf
537	return $msg
538    }
539    -result {*not a directory*}
540    -match glob
542# Test non-writeable directories, non-readable directories with directory flags
543set notReadableDir [file join [temporaryDirectory] notreadable]
544set notWriteableDir [file join [temporaryDirectory] notwriteable]
545makeDirectory notreadable
546makeDirectory notwriteable
547switch -- $::tcl_platform(platform) {
548    unix {
549	file attributes $notReadableDir -permissions 0o333
550	file attributes $notWriteableDir -permissions 0o555
551    }
552    default {
553	# note in FAT/NTFS we won't be able to protect directory with read-only attribute...
554	catch {file attributes $notWriteableDir -readonly 1}
555	catch {testchmod 0 $notWriteableDir}
556    }
558test tcltest-8.3 {tcltest a.tcl -tmpdir notReadableDir} {
559    -constraints {unix notRoot}
560    -body {
561	child msg $a -tmpdir $notReadableDir
562	return $msg
563    }
564    -result {*not readable*}
565    -match glob
567# This constraint doesn't go at the top of the file so that it doesn't
568# interfere with tcltest-5.5
569testConstraint notFAT [expr {
570       ![regexp {^(FAT\d*|NTFS)$} [lindex [file system $notWriteableDir] 1]]
571    || $::tcl_platform(platform) eq "unix" || [llength [info commands testchmod]]
573# FAT/NTFS permissions are fairly hopeless; ignore this test if that FS is used
574test tcltest-8.4 {tcltest a.tcl -tmpdir notWriteableDir} {
575    -constraints {unixOrWin notRoot notFAT}
576    -body {
577	child msg $a -tmpdir $notWriteableDir
578	return $msg
579    }
580    -result {*not writeable*}
581    -match glob
583test tcltest-8.5 {tcltest a.tcl -tmpdir normaldirectory} {
584    -constraints unixOrWin
585    -body {
586	child msg $a -tmpdir $normaldirectory
587	# The join is necessary because the message can be split on multiple
588	# lines
589	file exists [file join $normaldirectory a.tmp]
590    }
591    -cleanup {
592	catch {file delete [file join $normaldirectory a.tmp]}
593    }
594    -result 1
596cd [workingDirectory]
597test tcltest-8.6 {temporaryDirectory}  {
598    -setup {
599	set old $::tcltest::temporaryDirectory
600	set ::tcltest::temporaryDirectory $normaldirectory
601    }
602    -body {
603	set f1 [temporaryDirectory]
604	set f2 [temporaryDirectory [workingDirectory]]
605	set f3 [temporaryDirectory]
606	list $f1 $f2 $f3
607    }
608    -result "[list $normaldirectory [workingDirectory] [workingDirectory]]"
609    -cleanup {
610	set ::tcltest::temporaryDirectory $old
611    }
613test tcltest-8.6a {temporaryDirectory - test format 2} -setup {
614    set old $::tcltest::temporaryDirectory
615    set ::tcltest::temporaryDirectory $normaldirectory
616} -body {
617    set f1 [temporaryDirectory]
618    set f2 [temporaryDirectory [workingDirectory]]
619    set f3 [temporaryDirectory]
620    list $f1 $f2 $f3
621} -cleanup {
622    set ::tcltest::temporaryDirectory $old
623} -result [list $normaldirectory [workingDirectory] [workingDirectory]]
624cd [temporaryDirectory]
625# -testdir, [testsDirectory]
626test tcltest-8.10 {tcltest a.tcl -testdir thisdirectorydoesnotexist} {
627    -constraints unixOrWin
628    -setup {
629	file delete -force thisdirectorydoesnotexist
630    }
631    -body {
632	child msg $a -testdir thisdirectorydoesnotexist
633	return $msg
634    }
635    -match glob
636    -result {*does not exist*}
638test tcltest-8.11 {tcltest a.tcl -testdir thisdirectoryisafile} {
639    -constraints unixOrWin
640    -body {
641	child msg $a -testdir $tdiaf
642	return $msg
643    }
644    -match glob
645    -result {*not a directory*}
647test tcltest-8.12 {tcltest a.tcl -testdir notReadableDir} {
648    -constraints {unix notRoot}
649    -body {
650	child msg $a -testdir $notReadableDir
651	return $msg
652    }
653    -match glob
654    -result {*not readable*}
656test tcltest-8.13 {tcltest a.tcl -testdir normaldirectory} {
657    -constraints unixOrWin
658    -body {
659	child msg $a -testdir $normaldirectory
660	# The join is necessary because the message can be split on multiple
661	# lines
662	list [string first "testdir: $normaldirectory" [join $msg]] \
663	    [file exists [file join [temporaryDirectory] a.tmp]]
664    }
665    -cleanup {
666	file delete [file join [temporaryDirectory] a.tmp]
667    }
668    -result {0 1}
670cd [workingDirectory]
671set current [pwd]
672test tcltest-8.14 {testsDirectory} {
673    -setup {
674	set old $::tcltest::testsDirectory
675	set ::tcltest::testsDirectory $normaldirectory
676    }
677    -body {
678	set f1 [testsDirectory]
679	set f2 [testsDirectory $current]
680	set f3 [testsDirectory]
681	list $f1 $f2 $f3
682    }
683    -result "[list $normaldirectory $current $current]"
684    -cleanup {
685	set ::tcltest::testsDirectory $old
686    }
688# [workingDirectory]
689test tcltest-8.60 {::workingDirectory}  {
690    -setup {
691	set old $::tcltest::workingDirectory
692	set current [pwd]
693	set ::tcltest::workingDirectory $normaldirectory
694	cd $normaldirectory
695    }
696    -body {
697	set f1 [workingDirectory]
698	set f2 [pwd]
699	set f3 [workingDirectory $current]
700	set f4 [pwd]
701	set f5 [workingDirectory]
702	list $f1 $f2 $f3 $f4 $f5
703    }
704    -result "[list $normaldirectory \
705                   $normaldirectory \
706                   $current \
707                   $current \
708                   $current]"
709    -cleanup {
710	set ::tcltest::workingDirectory $old
711	cd $current
712    }
715# clean up from directory testing
717switch -- $::tcl_platform(platform) {
718    unix {
719	file attributes $notReadableDir -permissions 777
720	file attributes $notWriteableDir -permissions 777
721    }
722    default {
723	catch {testchmod 0o777 $notWriteableDir}
724	catch {file attributes $notWriteableDir -readonly 0}
725    }
728file delete -force -- $notReadableDir $notWriteableDir
729removeFile a.tcl
730removeFile thisdirectoryisafile
731removeDirectory normaldirectory
733# -file, -notfile, [matchFiles], [skipFiles]
734test tcltest-9.1 {-file d*.tcl} -constraints {unixOrWin} -setup {
735    set old [testsDirectory]
736    testsDirectory [file dirname [info script]]
737} -body {
738    child msg [file join [testsDirectory] all.tcl] -file d*.test
739    return $msg
740} -cleanup {
741    testsDirectory $old
742} -match regexp -result {dstring\.test}
744test tcltest-9.2 {-file d*.tcl} -constraints {unixOrWin} -setup {
745    set old [testsDirectory]
746    testsDirectory [file dirname [info script]]
747} -body {
748    child msg [file join [testsDirectory] all.tcl] \
749	    -file d*.test -notfile dstring*
750    regexp {dstring\.test} $msg
751} -cleanup {
752    testsDirectory $old
753} -result 0
755test tcltest-9.3 {matchFiles}  {
756    -body {
757	set old [matchFiles]
758	matchFiles foo
759	set current [matchFiles]
760	matchFiles bar
761	set new [matchFiles]
762	matchFiles $old
763	list $current $new
764    }
765    -result {foo bar}
768test tcltest-9.4 {skipFiles} {
769    -body {
770	set old [skipFiles]
771	skipFiles foo
772	set current [skipFiles]
773	skipFiles bar
774	set new [skipFiles]
775	skipFiles $old
776	list $current $new
777    }
778    -result {foo bar}
781test tcltest-9.5 {GetMatchingFiles: Bug 1119798} -setup {
782    set d [makeDirectory tmp]
783    makeDirectory foo $d
784    makeFile {} fee $d
785    file copy [file join [file dirname [info script]] all.tcl] $d
786} -body {
787    child msg [file join [temporaryDirectory] all.tcl] -file f*
788    regexp {exiting with errors:} $msg
789} -cleanup {
790    file delete [file join $d all.tcl]
791    removeFile fee $d
792    removeDirectory foo $d
793    removeDirectory tmp
794} -result 0
796# -preservecore, [preserveCore]
797set mc [makeFile {
798    package require tcltest 2.5
799    namespace import ::tcltest::test
800    test makecore {make a core file} {
801	set f [open core w]
802	close $f
803    } {}
804    ::tcltest::cleanupTests
805    return
806} makecore.tcl]
808cd [temporaryDirectory]
809test tcltest-10.1 {-preservecore 0} {unixOrWin} {
810    child msg $mc -preservecore 0
811    file delete core
812    regexp "Core file produced" $msg
813} {0}
814test tcltest-10.2 {-preservecore 1} {unixOrWin} {
815    child msg $mc -preservecore 1
816    file delete core
817    regexp "Core file produced" $msg
818} {1}
819test tcltest-10.3 {-preservecore 2} {unixOrWin} {
820    child msg $mc -preservecore 2
821    file delete core
822    list [regexp "Core file produced" $msg] [regexp "Moving file to" $msg] \
823	    [regexp "core-" $msg] [file delete core-makecore]
824} {1 1 1 {}}
825test tcltest-10.4 {-preservecore 3} {unixOrWin} {
826    child msg $mc -preservecore 3
827    file delete core
828    list [regexp "Core file produced" $msg] [regexp "Moving file to" $msg] \
829	    [regexp "core-" $msg] [file delete core-makecore]
830} {1 1 1 {}}
832# Removing this test.  It makes no sense to test the ability of
833# [preserveCore] to accept an invalid value that will cause errors
834# in other parts of tcltest's operation.
835#test tcltest-10.5 {preserveCore} {
836#    -body {
837#	set old [preserveCore]
838#	set result [preserveCore foo]
839#	set result2 [preserveCore]
840#	preserveCore $old
841#	list $result $result2
842#    }
843#    -result {foo foo}
845removeFile makecore.tcl
847# -load, -loadfile, [loadScript], [loadFile]
848set contents {
849    package require tcltest 2.5
850    namespace import tcltest::*
851    puts [outputChannel] $::tcltest::loadScript
852    exit
854set loadfile [makeFile $contents load.tcl]
856test tcltest-12.1 {-load xxx} {unixOrWin} {
857    child msg $loadfile -load xxx
858    return $msg
859} {xxx}
861# Using child process because of -debug usage.
862test tcltest-12.2 {-loadfile load.tcl} {unixOrWin} {
863    catch {exec [interpreter] $loadfile -debug 2 -loadfile $loadfile} msg
864    list \
865	    [regexp {tcltest} [join [list $msg] [split $msg \n]]] \
866	    [regexp {loadScript} [join [list $msg] [split $msg \n]]]
867} {1 1}
869test tcltest-12.3 {loadScript} {
870    -setup {
871	set old $::tcltest::loadScript
872	set ::tcltest::loadScript {}
873    }
874    -body {
875	set f1 [loadScript]
876	set f2 [loadScript xxx]
877	set f3 [loadScript]
878	list $f1 $f2 $f3
879    }
880    -result {{} xxx xxx}
881    -cleanup {
882	set ::tcltest::loadScript $old
883    }
886test tcltest-12.4 {loadFile} {
887    -setup {
888	set olds $::tcltest::loadScript
889	set ::tcltest::loadScript {}
890	set oldf $::tcltest::loadFile
891	set ::tcltest::loadFile {}
892    }
893    -body {
894	set f1 [loadScript]
895	set f2 [loadFile]
896	set f3 [loadFile $loadfile]
897	set f4 [loadScript]
898	set f5 [loadFile]
899	list $f1 $f2 $f3 $f4 $f5
900    }
901    -result "[list {} {} $loadfile $contents $loadfile]\n"
902    -cleanup {
903	set ::tcltest::loadScript $olds
904	set ::tcltest::loadFile $oldf
905    }
907removeFile load.tcl
909# [interpreter]
910test tcltest-13.1 {interpreter} {
911    -constraints notValgrind
912    -setup {
913	#to do:  Why is $::tcltest::tcltest being saved and restored here?
914	set old $::tcltest::tcltest
915	set ::tcltest::tcltest tcltest
916    }
917    -body {
918	set f1 [interpreter]
919	set f2 [interpreter tclsh]
920	set f3 [interpreter]
921	list $f1 $f2 $f3
922    }
923    -result {tcltest tclsh tclsh}
924    -cleanup {
925	# writing ::tcltest::tcltest triggers a trace that sets up the stdio
926	# constraint, which involves a call to [exec] that might fail after
927	# "fork" and before "exec", in which case the forked process will not
928	# have a chance to clean itself up before exiting, which causes
929	# valgrind to issue numerous "still reachable" reports.
930	set ::tcltest::tcltest $old
931    }
934# -singleproc, [singleProcess]
935set spd [makeDirectory singleprocdir]
936makeFile {
937    set foo 1
938} single1.test $spd
940makeFile {
941    unset foo
942} single2.test $spd
944set allfile [makeFile {
945    package require tcltest 2.5
946    namespace import tcltest::*
947    testsDirectory [file join [temporaryDirectory] singleprocdir]
948    runAllTests
949} all-single.tcl $spd]
950cd [workingDirectory]
952test tcltest-14.1 {-singleproc - single process} {
953    -constraints {unixOrWin}
954    -body {
955	child msg $allfile -singleproc 0 -tmpdir [temporaryDirectory]
956	return $msg
957    }
958    -result {Test file error: can't unset .foo.: no such variable}
959    -match regexp
962test tcltest-14.2 {-singleproc - multiple process} {
963    -constraints {unixOrWin}
964    -body {
965	child msg $allfile -singleproc 1 -tmpdir [temporaryDirectory]
966	return $msg
967    }
968    -result {single1.test.*single2.test.*all\-single.tcl:.*Total.*0.*Passed.*0.*Skipped.*0.*Failed.*0}
969    -match regexp
972test tcltest-14.3 {singleProcess} {
973    -setup {
974	set old $::tcltest::singleProcess
975	set ::tcltest::singleProcess 0
976    }
977    -body {
978	set f1 [singleProcess]
979	set f2 [singleProcess 1]
980	set f3 [singleProcess]
981	list $f1 $f2 $f3
982    }
983    -result {0 1 1}
984    -cleanup {
985	set ::tcltest::singleProcess $old
986    }
988removeFile single1.test $spd
989removeFile single2.test $spd
990removeDirectory singleprocdir
992# -asidefromdir, -relateddir, [matchDirectories], [skipDirectories]
994# Before running these tests, need to set up test subdirectories with their own
995# all.tcl files.
997set dtd [makeDirectory dirtestdir]
998set dtd1 [makeDirectory dirtestdir2.1 $dtd]
999set dtd2 [makeDirectory dirtestdir2.2 $dtd]
1000set dtd3 [makeDirectory dirtestdir2.3 $dtd]
1001makeFile {
1002    package require tcltest 2.5
1003    namespace import -force tcltest::*
1004    testsDirectory [file join [temporaryDirectory] dirtestdir]
1005    runAllTests
1006} all.tcl $dtd
1007makeFile {
1008    package require tcltest 2.5
1009    namespace import -force tcltest::*
1010    testsDirectory [file join [temporaryDirectory] dirtestdir dirtestdir2.1]
1011    runAllTests
1012} all.tcl $dtd1
1013makeFile {
1014    package require tcltest 2.5
1015    namespace import -force tcltest::*
1016    testsDirectory [file join [temporaryDirectory]  dirtestdir dirtestdir2.2]
1017    runAllTests
1018} all.tcl $dtd2
1019makeFile {
1020    package require tcltest 2.5
1021    namespace import -force tcltest::*
1022    testsDirectory [file join [temporaryDirectory] dirtestdir dirtestdir2.3]
1023    runAllTests
1024} all.tcl $dtd3
1026test tcltest-15.1 {basic directory walking} {
1027    -constraints {unixOrWin}
1028    -body {
1029	if {[child msg \
1030		[file join $dtd all.tcl] \
1031		-tmpdir [temporaryDirectory]] == 1} {
1032	    error $msg
1033	}
1034    }
1035    -match regexp
1036    -returnCodes 1
1037    -result {Tests located in:.*dirtestdir.*Tests located in:.*dirtestdir2.[123].*Tests located in:.*dirtestdir2.[123].*Tests located in:.*dirtestdir2.[123]}
1040test tcltest-15.2 {-asidefromdir} {
1041    -constraints {unixOrWin}
1042    -body {
1043	if {[child msg \
1044		[file join $dtd all.tcl] \
1045		-asidefromdir dirtestdir2.3 \
1046		-tmpdir [temporaryDirectory]] == 1} {
1047	    error $msg
1048	}
1049    }
1050    -match regexp
1051    -returnCodes 1
1052    -result {Tests located in:.*dirtestdir.*Tests located in:.*dirtestdir2.[12].*Tests located in:.*dirtestdir2.[12].*dirtestdir2.[12] test ended at .*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1053Error:  No test files remain after applying your match and skip patterns!
1054Error:  No test files remain after applying your match and skip patterns!
1055Error:  No test files remain after applying your match and skip patterns!$}
1058test tcltest-15.3 {-relateddir, non-existent dir} {
1059    -constraints {unixOrWin}
1060    -body {
1061	if {[child msg \
1062		[file join $dtd all.tcl] \
1063		-relateddir [file join [temporaryDirectory] dirtestdir0] \
1064		-tmpdir [temporaryDirectory]] == 1} {
1065	    error $msg
1066	}
1067    }
1068    -returnCodes 1
1069    -match regexp
1070    -result {[^~]|dirtestdir[^2]}
1073test tcltest-15.4 {-relateddir, subdir} {
1074    -constraints {unixOrWin}
1075    -body {
1076	if {[child msg \
1077		[file join $dtd all.tcl] \
1078		-relateddir dirtestdir2.1 -tmpdir [temporaryDirectory]] == 1} {
1079	    error $msg
1080	}
1081    }
1082    -returnCodes 1
1083    -match regexp
1084    -result {Tests located in:.*dirtestdir2.[^23]}
1086test tcltest-15.5 {-relateddir, -asidefromdir} {
1087    -constraints {unixOrWin}
1088    -body {
1089	if {[child msg \
1090		[file join $dtd all.tcl] \
1091		-relateddir "dirtestdir2.1 dirtestdir2.2" \
1092		-asidefromdir dirtestdir2.2 \
1093		-tmpdir [temporaryDirectory]] == 1} {
1094	    error $msg
1095	}
1096    }
1097    -match regexp
1098    -returnCodes 1
1099    -result {Tests located in:.*dirtestdir2.[^23]}
1102test tcltest-15.6 {matchDirectories} {
1103    -setup {
1104	set old [matchDirectories]
1105	set ::tcltest::matchDirectories {}
1106    }
1107    -body {
1108	set r1 [matchDirectories]
1109	set r2 [matchDirectories foo]
1110	set r3 [matchDirectories]
1111	list $r1 $r2 $r3
1112    }
1113    -cleanup {
1114	set ::tcltest::matchDirectories $old
1115    }
1116    -result {{} foo foo}
1119test tcltest-15.7 {skipDirectories} {
1120    -setup {
1121	set old [skipDirectories]
1122	set ::tcltest::skipDirectories {}
1123    }
1124    -body {
1125	set r1 [skipDirectories]
1126	set r2 [skipDirectories foo]
1127	set r3 [skipDirectories]
1128	list $r1 $r2 $r3
1129    }
1130    -cleanup {
1131	set ::tcltest::skipDirectories $old
1132    }
1133    -result {{} foo foo}
1135removeDirectory dirtestdir2.3 $dtd
1136removeDirectory dirtestdir2.2 $dtd
1137removeDirectory dirtestdir2.1 $dtd
1138removeDirectory dirtestdir
1141test tcltest-19.1 {TCLTEST_OPTIONS default} -setup {
1142	if {[info exists ::env(TCLTEST_OPTIONS)]} {
1143	    set oldoptions $::env(TCLTEST_OPTIONS)
1144	} else {
1145	    set oldoptions none
1146	}
1147	# set this to { } instead of just {} to get around quirk in
1148	# Windows env handling that removes empty elements from env array.
1149	set ::env(TCLTEST_OPTIONS) { }
1150	interp create child1
1151	child1 eval [list set argv {-debug 2}]
1152	child1 alias puts puts
1153	interp create child2
1154	child2 alias puts puts
1155    } -cleanup {
1156	interp delete child2
1157	interp delete child1
1158	if {$oldoptions eq "none"} {
1159	    unset ::env(TCLTEST_OPTIONS)
1160	} else {
1161	    set ::env(TCLTEST_OPTIONS) $oldoptions
1162	}
1163    } -body {
1164	child1 eval [package ifneeded tcltest [package provide tcltest]]
1165	child1 eval tcltest::debug
1166	set ::env(TCLTEST_OPTIONS) "-debug 3"
1167	child2 eval [package ifneeded tcltest [package provide tcltest]]
1168	child2 eval tcltest::debug
1169    } -result {^3$} -match regexp -output\
1170{tcltest::debug\s+= 2.*tcltest::debug\s+= 3}
1172# Begin testing of tcltest procs ...
1174cd [temporaryDirectory]
1175# PrintError
1176test tcltest-20.1 {PrintError} {unixOrWin} {
1177    set result [child msg $printerror]
1178    list $result [regexp "Error:  a really short string" $msg] \
1179	    [regexp "     \"quotes\"" $msg] [regexp "    \"Path" $msg] \
1180	    [regexp "    \"Really" $msg] [regexp Problem $msg]
1181} {1 1 1 1 1 1}
1182cd [workingDirectory]
1183removeFile printerror.tcl
1185# test::test
1186test tcltest-21.0 {name and desc but no args specified} -setup {
1187    set v [verbose]
1188} -cleanup {
1189    verbose $v
1190} -body {
1191   verbose {}
1192   test tcltest-21.0.0 bar
1193} -result {}
1195test tcltest-21.1 {expect with glob} {
1196    -body {
1197	list a b c d e
1198    }
1199    -match glob
1200    -result {[ab] b c d e}
1203test tcltest-21.2 {force a test command failure} {
1204    -body {
1205	test tcltest-21.2.0 {
1206	    return 2
1207	} {1}
1208    }
1209    -returnCodes 1
1210    -result {bad option "1": must be -body, -cleanup, -constraints, -errorCode, -errorOutput, -match, -output, -result, -returnCodes, or -setup}
1213test tcltest-21.3 {test command with setup} {
1214    -setup {
1215	set foo 1
1216    }
1217    -body {
1218	set foo
1219    }
1220    -cleanup {unset foo}
1221    -result {1}
1224test tcltest-21.4 {test command with cleanup failure} {
1225    -setup {
1226	if {[info exists foo]} {
1227	    unset foo
1228	}
1229	set fail $::tcltest::currentFailure
1230	set v [verbose]
1231    }
1232    -body {
1233	verbose {}
1234	test tcltest-21.4.0 {foo-1} {
1235	    -cleanup {unset foo}
1236	}
1237    }
1238    -result {^$}
1239    -match regexp
1240    -cleanup {verbose $v; set ::tcltest::currentFailure $fail}
1241    -output "Test cleanup failed:.*can't unset \"foo\": no such variable"
1244test tcltest-21.5 {test command with setup failure} {
1245    -setup {
1246	if {[info exists foo]} {
1247	    unset foo
1248	}
1249	set fail $::tcltest::currentFailure
1250    }
1251    -body {
1252	test tcltest-21.5.0 {foo-2} {
1253	    -setup {unset foo}
1254	}
1255    }
1256    -result {^$}
1257    -match regexp
1258    -cleanup {set ::tcltest::currentFailure $fail}
1259    -output "Test setup failed:.*can't unset \"foo\": no such variable"
1262test tcltest-21.6 {test command - setup occurs before cleanup & before script} {
1263    -setup {set v [verbose]; set fail $::tcltest::currentFailure}
1264    -body {
1265	verbose {}
1266	test tcltest-21.6.0 {foo-3} {
1267	    -setup {
1268		if {[info exists foo]} {
1269		    unset foo
1270		}
1271		set foo 1
1272		set expected 2
1273	    }
1274	    -body {
1275		incr foo
1276		set foo
1277	    }
1278	    -cleanup {
1279		if {$foo != 2} {
1280		    puts [outputChannel] "foo is wrong"
1281		} else {
1282		    puts [outputChannel] "foo is 2"
1283		}
1284	    }
1285	    -result {$expected}
1286	}
1287    }
1288    -cleanup {verbose $v; set ::tcltest::currentFailure $fail}
1289    -result {^$}
1290    -match regexp
1291    -output "foo is 2"
1294test tcltest-21.7 {test command - bad flag} {
1295    -setup {set fail $::tcltest::currentFailure}
1296    -cleanup {set ::tcltest::currentFailure $fail}
1297    -body {
1298	test tcltest-21.7.0 {foo-4} {
1299	    -foobar {}
1300	}
1301    }
1302    -returnCodes 1
1303    -result {bad option "-foobar": must be -body, -cleanup, -constraints, -errorCode, -errorOutput, -match, -output, -result, -returnCodes, or -setup}
1306# alternate test command format (these are the same as 21.1-21.6, with the
1307# exception of being in the all-inline format)
1309test tcltest-21.7a {expect with glob} \
1310	-body {list a b c d e} \
1311	-result {[ab] b c d e} \
1312	-match glob
1314test tcltest-21.8 {force a test command failure} \
1315    -setup {set fail $::tcltest::currentFailure} \
1316    -body {
1317        test tcltest-21.8.0 {
1318            return 2
1319        } {1}
1320    } \
1321    -returnCodes 1 \
1322    -cleanup {set ::tcltest::currentFailure $fail} \
1323    -result {bad option "1": must be -body, -cleanup, -constraints, -errorCode, -errorOutput, -match, -output, -result, -returnCodes, or -setup}
1325test tcltest-21.9 {test command with setup} \
1326	-setup {set foo 1} \
1327	-body {set foo} \
1328	-cleanup {unset foo} \
1329	-result {1}
1331test tcltest-21.10 {test command with cleanup failure} -setup {
1332    if {[info exists foo]} {
1333	unset foo
1334    }
1335    set fail $::tcltest::currentFailure
1336    set v [verbose]
1337} -cleanup {
1338    verbose $v
1339    set ::tcltest::currentFailure $fail
1340} -body {
1341    verbose {}
1342    test tcltest-21.10.0 {foo-1} -cleanup {unset foo}
1343} -result {^$} -match regexp \
1344	-output {Test cleanup failed:.*can't unset \"foo\": no such variable}
1346test tcltest-21.11 {test command with setup failure} -setup {
1347    if {[info exists foo]} {
1348	unset foo
1349    }
1350    set fail $::tcltest::currentFailure
1351} -cleanup {set ::tcltest::currentFailure $fail} -body {
1352    test tcltest-21.11.0 {foo-2} -setup {unset foo}
1353} -result {^$} -output {Test setup failed:.*can't unset \"foo\": no such variable} -match regexp
1355test tcltest-21.12 {
1356	test command - setup occurs before cleanup & before script
1357} -setup {
1358	set fail $::tcltest::currentFailure
1359	set v [verbose]
1360} -cleanup {
1361	verbose $v
1362	set ::tcltest::currentFailure $fail
1363} -body {
1364    verbose {}
1365    test tcltest-21.12.0 {foo-3} -setup {
1366	if {[info exists foo]} {
1367	    unset foo
1368	}
1369	set foo 1
1370	set expected 2
1371    }  -body {
1372	incr foo
1373	set foo
1374    }  -cleanup {
1375	if {$foo != 2} {
1376	    puts [outputChannel] "foo is wrong"
1377	} else {
1378	    puts [outputChannel] "foo is 2"
1379	}
1380    }  -result {$expected}
1381} -result {^$} -output {foo is 2} -match regexp
1383# test all.tcl usage (runAllTests); simulate .test file failure, as well as
1384# crashes to determine whether or not these errors are logged.
1386set atd [makeDirectory alltestdir]
1387makeFile {
1388    package require tcltest 2.5
1389    namespace import -force tcltest::*
1390    testsDirectory [file join [temporaryDirectory] alltestdir]
1391    runAllTests
1392} all.tcl $atd
1393makeFile {
1394    exit 1
1395} exit.test $atd
1396makeFile {
1397    error "throw an error"
1398} error.test $atd
1399makeFile {
1400    package require tcltest 2.5
1401    namespace import -force tcltest::*
1402    test foo-1.1 {foo} {
1403	-body { return 1 }
1404	-result {1}
1405    }
1406    cleanupTests
1407} test.test $atd
1409# Must use a child process because stdout/stderr parsing can't be
1410# duplicated in child interp.
1411test tcltest-22.1 {runAllTests} {
1412    -constraints {unixOrWin}
1413    -body {
1414	exec [interpreter] \
1415		[file join $atd all.tcl] \
1416		-verbose t -tmpdir [temporaryDirectory]
1417    }
1418    -match regexp
1419    -result "Test files exiting with errors:.*error.test.*exit.test"
1421removeDirectory alltestdir
1423# makeFile, removeFile, makeDirectory, removeDirectory, viewFile
1424test tcltest-23.1 {makeFile} {
1425    -setup {
1426	set mfdir [file join [temporaryDirectory] mfdir]
1427	file mkdir $mfdir
1428    }
1429    -body {
1430	makeFile {} t1.tmp
1431	makeFile {} et1.tmp $mfdir
1432	list [file exists [file join [temporaryDirectory] t1.tmp]] \
1433		[file exists [file join $mfdir et1.tmp]]
1434    }
1435    -cleanup {
1436	file delete -force $mfdir \
1437		[file join [temporaryDirectory] t1.tmp]
1438    }
1439    -result {1 1}
1441test tcltest-23.2 {removeFile} {
1442    -setup {
1443	set mfdir [file join [temporaryDirectory] mfdir]
1444	file mkdir $mfdir
1445	makeFile {} t1.tmp
1446	makeFile {} et1.tmp $mfdir
1447	if {![file exists [file join [temporaryDirectory] t1.tmp]] || \
1448		![file exists [file join $mfdir et1.tmp]]} {
1449	    error "file creation didn't work"
1450	}
1451    }
1452    -body {
1453	removeFile t1.tmp
1454	removeFile et1.tmp $mfdir
1455	list [file exists [file join [temporaryDirectory] t1.tmp]] \
1456		[file exists [file join $mfdir et1.tmp]]
1457    }
1458    -cleanup {
1459	file delete -force $mfdir \
1460		[file join [temporaryDirectory] t1.tmp]
1461    }
1462    -result {0 0}
1464test tcltest-23.3 {makeDirectory} {
1465    -body {
1466	set mfdir [file join [temporaryDirectory] mfdir]
1467	file mkdir $mfdir
1468	makeDirectory d1
1469	makeDirectory d2 $mfdir
1470	list [file exists [file join [temporaryDirectory] d1]] \
1471		[file exists [file join $mfdir d2]]
1472    }
1473    -cleanup {
1474	file delete -force [file join [temporaryDirectory] d1] $mfdir
1475    }
1476    -result {1 1}
1478test tcltest-23.4 {removeDirectory} {
1479    -setup {
1480	set mfdir [makeDirectory mfdir]
1481	makeDirectory t1
1482	makeDirectory t2 $mfdir
1483	if {![file exists $mfdir] || \
1484		![file exists [file join [temporaryDirectory] $mfdir t2]]} {
1485	    error "setup failed - directory not created"
1486	}
1487    }
1488    -body {
1489	removeDirectory t1
1490	removeDirectory t2 $mfdir
1491	list [file exists [file join [temporaryDirectory] t1]] \
1492		[file exists [file join $mfdir t2]]
1493    }
1494    -result {0 0}
1496test tcltest-23.5 {viewFile} {
1497    -body {
1498	set mfdir [file join [temporaryDirectory] mfdir]
1499	file mkdir $mfdir
1500	makeFile {foobar} t1.tmp
1501	makeFile {foobarbaz} t2.tmp $mfdir
1502	list [viewFile t1.tmp] [viewFile t2.tmp $mfdir]
1503    }
1504    -result {foobar foobarbaz}
1505    -cleanup {
1506	file delete -force $mfdir
1507	removeFile t1.tmp
1508    }
1511# customMatch
1512proc matchNegative { expected actual } {
1513   set match 0
1514   foreach a $actual e $expected {
1515      if { $a != $e } {
1516         set match 1
1517        break
1518      }
1519   }
1520   return $match
1523test tcltest-24.0 {
1524	customMatch: syntax
1525} -body {
1526	list [catch {customMatch} result] $result
1527} -result [list 1 "wrong # args: should be \"customMatch mode script\""]
1529test tcltest-24.1 {
1530	customMatch: syntax
1531} -body {
1532	list [catch {customMatch foo} result] $result
1533} -result [list 1 "wrong # args: should be \"customMatch mode script\""]
1535test tcltest-24.2 {
1536	customMatch: syntax
1537} -body {
1538	list [catch {customMatch foo bar baz} result] $result
1539} -result [list 1 "wrong # args: should be \"customMatch mode script\""]
1541test tcltest-24.3 {
1542	customMatch: argument checking
1543} -body {
1544	list [catch {customMatch bad "a \{ b"} result] $result
1545} -result [list 1 "invalid customMatch script; can't evaluate after completion"]
1547test tcltest-24.4 {
1548	test: valid -match values
1549} -body {
1550	list [catch {
1551		test tcltest-24.4.0 {} \
1552			-match [namespace current]::noSuchMode
1553	} result] $result
1554} -match glob -result {1 *bad -match value*}
1556test tcltest-24.5 {
1557	test: valid -match values
1558} -setup {
1559	customMatch [namespace current]::alwaysMatch "format 1 ;#"
1560} -body {
1561	list [catch {
1562		test tcltest-24.5.0 {} \
1563			-match [namespace current]::noSuchMode
1564	} result] $result
1565} -match glob -result {1 *bad -match value*: must be *alwaysMatch,*}
1567test tcltest-24.6 {
1568	customMatch: -match script that always matches
1569} -setup {
1570	customMatch [namespace current]::alwaysMatch "format 1 ;#"
1571	set v [verbose]
1572} -body {
1573	verbose {}
1574	test tcltest-24.6.0 {} -match [namespace current]::alwaysMatch \
1575		-body {format 1} -result 0
1576} -cleanup {
1577	verbose $v
1578} -result {} -output {} -errorOutput {}
1580test tcltest-24.7 {
1581	customMatch: replace default -exact matching
1582} -setup {
1583	set saveExactMatchScript $::tcltest::CustomMatch(exact)
1584	customMatch exact "format 1 ;#"
1585	set v [verbose]
1586} -body {
1587	verbose {}
1588	test tcltest-24.7.0 {} -body {format 1} -result 0
1589} -cleanup {
1590	verbose $v
1591	customMatch exact $saveExactMatchScript
1592	unset saveExactMatchScript
1593} -result {} -output {}
1595test tcltest-24.9 {
1596	customMatch: error during match
1597} -setup {
1598	proc errorDuringMatch args {return -code error "match returned error"}
1599	customMatch [namespace current]::errorDuringMatch \
1600		[namespace code errorDuringMatch]
1601	set v [verbose]
1602	set fail $::tcltest::currentFailure
1603} -body {
1604	verbose {}
1605	test tcltest-24.9.0 {} -match [namespace current]::errorDuringMatch
1606} -cleanup {
1607	verbose $v
1608	set ::tcltest::currentFailure $fail
1609} -match glob -result {} -output {*FAILED*match returned error*}
1611test tcltest-24.10 {
1612	customMatch: bad return from match command
1613} -setup {
1614	proc nonBooleanReturn args {return foo}
1615	customMatch nonBooleanReturn [namespace code nonBooleanReturn]
1616	set v [verbose]
1617	set fail $::tcltest::currentFailure
1618} -body {
1619	verbose {}
1620	test tcltest-24.10.0 {} -match nonBooleanReturn
1621} -cleanup {
1622	verbose $v
1623	set ::tcltest::currentFailure $fail
1624} -match glob -result {} -output {*FAILED*expected boolean value*}
1626test tcltest-24.11 {
1627	test: -match exact
1628} -body {
1629	set result {A B C}
1630} -match exact -result {A B C}
1632test tcltest-24.12 {
1633	test: -match exact	match command eval in ::, not caller namespace
1634} -setup {
1635	set saveExactMatchScript $::tcltest::CustomMatch(exact)
1636	customMatch exact [list string equal]
1637	set v [verbose]
1638	proc string args {error {called [string] in caller namespace}}
1639} -body {
1640	verbose {}
1641	test tcltest-24.12.0 {} -body {format 1} -result 1
1642} -cleanup {
1643	rename string {}
1644	verbose $v
1645	customMatch exact $saveExactMatchScript
1646	unset saveExactMatchScript
1647} -match exact -result {} -output {}
1649test tcltest-24.13 {
1650	test: -match exact	failure
1651} -setup {
1652	set saveExactMatchScript $::tcltest::CustomMatch(exact)
1653	customMatch exact [list string equal]
1654	set v [verbose]
1655	set fail $::tcltest::currentFailure
1656} -body {
1657	verbose {}
1658	test tcltest-24.13.0 {} -body {format 1} -result 0
1659} -cleanup {
1660	set ::tcltest::currentFailure $fail
1661	verbose $v
1662	customMatch exact $saveExactMatchScript
1663	unset saveExactMatchScript
1664} -match glob -result {} -output {*FAILED*Result was:
16651*(exact matching):
1668test tcltest-24.14 {
1669	test: -match glob
1670} -body {
1671	set result {A B C}
1672} -match glob -result {A B*}
1674test tcltest-24.15 {
1675	test: -match glob	failure
1676} -setup {
1677	set v [verbose]
1678	set fail $::tcltest::currentFailure
1679} -body {
1680	verbose {}
1681	test tcltest-24.15.0 {} -match glob -body {format {A B C}} \
1682		-result {A B* }
1683} -cleanup {
1684	set ::tcltest::currentFailure $fail
1685	verbose $v
1686} -match glob -result {} -output {*FAILED*Result was:
1687*(glob matching):
1690test tcltest-24.16 {
1691	test: -match regexp
1692} -body {
1693	set result {A B C}
1694} -match regexp -result {A B.*}
1696test tcltest-24.17 {
1697	test: -match regexp	failure
1698} -setup {
1699	set fail $::tcltest::currentFailure
1700	set v [verbose]
1701} -body {
1702	verbose {}
1703	test tcltest-24.17.0 {} -match regexp -body {format {A B C}} \
1704		-result {A B.* X}
1705} -cleanup {
1706	set ::tcltest::currentFailure $fail
1707	verbose $v
1708} -match glob -result {} -output {*FAILED*Result was:
1709*(regexp matching):
1712test tcltest-24.18 {
1713	test: -match custom	forget namespace qualification
1714} -setup {
1715	set fail $::tcltest::currentFailure
1716	set v [verbose]
1717	customMatch negative matchNegative
1718} -body {
1719	verbose {}
1720	test tcltest-24.18.0 {} -match negative -body {format {A B C}} \
1721		-result {A B X}
1722} -cleanup {
1723	set ::tcltest::currentFailure $fail
1724	verbose $v
1725} -match glob -result {} -output {*FAILED*Error testing result:*}
1727test tcltest-24.19 {
1728	test: -match custom
1729} -setup {
1730	set v [verbose]
1731	customMatch negative [namespace code matchNegative]
1732} -body {
1733	verbose {}
1734	test tcltest-24.19.0 {} -match negative -body {format {A B C}} \
1735		-result {A B X}
1736} -cleanup {
1737	verbose $v
1738} -match exact -result {} -output {}
1740test tcltest-24.20 {
1741	test: -match custom	failure
1742} -setup {
1743	set fail $::tcltest::currentFailure
1744	set v [verbose]
1745	customMatch negative [namespace code matchNegative]
1746} -body {
1747	verbose {}
1748	test tcltest-24.20.0 {} -match negative -body {format {A B C}} \
1749		-result {A B C}
1750} -cleanup {
1751	set ::tcltest::currentFailure $fail
1752	verbose $v
1753} -match glob -result {} -output {*FAILED*Result was:
1754*(negative matching):
1757test tcltest-25.1 {
1758	constraint of setup/cleanup (Bug 589859)
1759} -setup {
1760	set foo 0
1761} -body {
1762	# Buggy tcltest will generate result of 2
1763	test tcltest-25.1.0 {} -constraints knownBug -setup {
1764	    incr foo
1765	} -body {
1766	    incr foo
1767	} -cleanup {
1768	    incr foo
1769	} -match glob -result *
1770	set foo
1771} -cleanup {
1772	unset foo
1773} -result 0
1775test tcltest-25.2 {
1776	puts -nonewline (Bug 612786)
1777} -body {
1778	puts -nonewline stdout bla
1779	puts -nonewline stdout bla
1780} -output {blabla}
1782test tcltest-25.3 {
1783	reported return code (Bug 611922)
1784} -setup {
1785	set fail $::tcltest::currentFailure
1786	set v [verbose]
1787} -body {
1788	verbose {}
1789	test tcltest-25.3.0 {} -body {
1790	    error foo
1791	}
1792} -cleanup {
1793	set ::tcltest::currentFailure $fail
1794	verbose $v
1795} -match glob -output {*generated error; Return code was: 1*}
1797test tcltest-26.1 {Bug/RFE 1017151} -setup {
1798    makeFile {
1799	package require tcltest 2.5
1800	set ::errorInfo "Should never see this"
1801	tcltest::test tcltest-26.1.0 {
1802	    no errorInfo when only return code mismatch
1803	} -body {
1804	    set x 1
1805	} -returnCodes error -result 1
1806	tcltest::cleanupTests
1807    } test.tcl
1808} -body {
1809    child msg [file join [temporaryDirectory] test.tcl]
1810    return $msg
1811} -cleanup {
1812    removeFile test.tcl
1813} -match glob -result {*
1814---- Return code should have been one of: 1
1815==== tcltest-26.1.0 FAILED*}
1817test tcltest-26.2 {Bug/RFE 1017151} -setup {
1818    makeFile {
1819	package require tcltest 2.5
1820	set ::errorInfo "Should never see this"
1821	tcltest::test tcltest-26.2.0 {do not mask body errorInfo} -body {
1822	    error "body error"
1823	} -cleanup {
1824	    error "cleanup error"
1825	} -result 1
1826	tcltest::cleanupTests
1827    } test.tcl
1828} -body {
1829    child msg [file join [temporaryDirectory] test.tcl]
1830    return $msg
1831} -cleanup {
1832    removeFile test.tcl
1833} -match glob -result {*
1834---- errorInfo: body error
1836---- errorInfo(cleanup): cleanup error*}
1841namespace delete ::tcltest::test
1844# Local Variables:
1845# mode: tcl
1846# End: