1// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5  "featureFilters": {
6// Based on the ICU63 version of
7// https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/icu/source/data/brkitr/brklocal.mk?rcl=797b7c
8// # List of dictionary files (dict).
9// BRK_DICT_SOURCE = burmesedict.txt cjdict.txt khmerdict.txt laodict.txt\
10//  thaidict.txt
11// Filtered by android/brkitr.patch        "cjdict",
12    "brkitr_dictionaries": {
13      "includelist": [ "burmesedict", "laodict", "thaidict", "khmerdict" ]
14    },
15// # List of break iterator files (brk).
16// BRK_SOURCE = char.txt line.txt line_loose.txt line_loose_cj.txt\
17//  line_normal.txt line_normal_cj.txt sent.txt sent_el.txt title.txt\
18//  word.txt
19// Added by android/brkitr.patch
20    "brkitr_rules": {
21      "includelist": [ "char", "line_normal", "line_normal_cj", "word", "word_ja" ]
22    },
23// Need to explicitly add "root"
24    "brkitr_tree": { "includelist": [ "root", "ja" ] },
25    "conversion_mappings": { "filterType": "exclude" },
26    "coll_tree": { "filterType": "exclude" },
27    "coll_ucadata": { "filterType": "exclude" },
28    "confusables": { "filterType": "exclude" },
29    "curr_tree": { "filterType": "exclude" },
30    "lang_tree": { "filterType": "exclude" },
31    "locales_tree": { "filterType": "exclude" },
32    "misc": { "includelist": [ "icustd", "icuver", "likelySubtags" ] },
33    "normalization": { "includelist": [ "nfkc" ] },
34    "rbnf_tree": { "filterType": "exclude" },
35    "rbnf_index": { "filterType": "exclude" },
36    "region_tree": { "filterType": "exclude" },
37    "stringprep": { "filterType": "exclude" },
38    "translit": { "filterType": "exclude" },
39    "unames": { "filterType": "exclude" },
40    "unit_tree": { "filterType": "exclude" },
41    "zone_tree": { "filterType": "exclude" }
42  },
43  "resourceFilters": [
44    {
45      "categories": [ "brkitr_tree" ],
46      "rules": [ "-/Version" ]
47    }
48  ]