1 /* valausedattr.c generated by valac, the Vala compiler
2  * generated from valausedattr.vala, do not modify */
4 /* valaunusedattr.vala
5  *
6  * Copyright (C) 2014-2015  Jürg Billeter
7  * Copyright (C) 2014-2015  Luca Bruno
8  *
9  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
11  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
12  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
14  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
19  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
20  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
21  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA
22  *
23  * Author:
24  * 	Luca Bruno <lucabru@src.gnome.org>
25  */
27 #include "vala.h"
28 #include <stdlib.h>
29 #include <string.h>
30 #include <glib.h>
31 #include <valagee.h>
32 #include <glib-object.h>
34 #define _vala_map_unref0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (vala_map_unref (var), NULL)))
35 #define _g_free0(var) (var = (g_free (var), NULL))
36 #define _vala_iterable_unref0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (vala_iterable_unref (var), NULL)))
37 #define _vala_iterator_unref0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (vala_iterator_unref (var), NULL)))
39 static gpointer vala_used_attr_parent_class = NULL;
41 static void vala_used_attr_check_unused_attr (ValaUsedAttr* self,
42                                        ValaSymbol* sym);
43 static void vala_used_attr_real_visit_namespace (ValaCodeVisitor* base,
44                                           ValaNamespace* ns);
45 static void vala_used_attr_real_visit_class (ValaCodeVisitor* base,
46                                       ValaClass* cl);
47 static void vala_used_attr_real_visit_struct (ValaCodeVisitor* base,
48                                        ValaStruct* st);
49 static void vala_used_attr_real_visit_interface (ValaCodeVisitor* base,
50                                           ValaInterface* iface);
51 static void vala_used_attr_real_visit_enum (ValaCodeVisitor* base,
52                                      ValaEnum* en);
53 static void vala_used_attr_real_visit_error_domain (ValaCodeVisitor* base,
54                                              ValaErrorDomain* ed);
55 static void vala_used_attr_real_visit_delegate (ValaCodeVisitor* base,
56                                          ValaDelegate* cb);
57 static void vala_used_attr_real_visit_constant (ValaCodeVisitor* base,
58                                          ValaConstant* c);
59 static void vala_used_attr_real_visit_field (ValaCodeVisitor* base,
60                                       ValaField* f);
61 static void vala_used_attr_real_visit_method (ValaCodeVisitor* base,
62                                        ValaMethod* m);
63 static void vala_used_attr_real_visit_creation_method (ValaCodeVisitor* base,
64                                                 ValaCreationMethod* m);
65 static void vala_used_attr_real_visit_formal_parameter (ValaCodeVisitor* base,
66                                                  ValaParameter* p);
67 static void vala_used_attr_real_visit_property (ValaCodeVisitor* base,
68                                          ValaProperty* prop);
69 static void vala_used_attr_real_visit_signal (ValaCodeVisitor* base,
70                                        ValaSignal* sig);
71 static void vala_used_attr_finalize (ValaCodeVisitor * obj);
72 static GType vala_used_attr_get_type_once (void);
74 static const gchar* VALA_USED_ATTR_valac_default_attrs[188] = {"CCode", "type_signature", "default_value", "set_value_function", "type_id", "cprefix", "cheader_filename", "marshaller_type_name", "get_value_function", "cname", "destroy_function", "lvalue_access", "has_type_id", "instance_pos", "const_cname", "take_value_function", "copy_function", "free_function", "param_spec_function", "has_target", "has_typedef", "type_cname", "ref_function", "ref_function_void", "unref_function", "type", "has_construct_function", "returns_floating_reference", "gir_namespace", "gir_version", "construct_function", "lower_case_cprefix", "simple_generics", "sentinel", "scope", "has_destroy_function", "ordering", "type_check_function", "type_get_function", "has_copy_function", "lower_case_csuffix", "ref_sink_function", "dup_function", "finish_function", "generic_type_pos", "array_length_type", "array_length", "array_length_cname", "array_length_cexpr", "array_null_terminated", "vfunc_name", "finish_vfunc_name", "finish_name", "free_function_address_of", "pos", "delegate_target", "delegate_target_cname", "array_length_pos", "delegate_target_pos", "destroy_notify_pos", "ctype", "has_new_function", "notify", "finish_instance", "use_inplace", "feature_test_macro", "default_value_on_error", "async_result_pos", "error_pos", "destroy_notify_cname", "", "Immutable", "", "SingleInstance", "", "Compact", "", "NoWrapper", "", "NoThrow", "", "DestroysInstance", "", "Flags", "", "Experimental", "", "NoReturn", "", "NoArrayLength", "", "Assert", "", "ErrorBase", "", "GenericAccessors", "", "Diagnostics", "", "NoAccessorMethod", "", "ConcreteAccessor", "", "HasEmitter", "", "ReturnsModifiedPointer", "", "Deprecated", "since", "replacement", "", "Version", "since", "replacement", "deprecated", "deprecated_since", "experimental", "experimental_until", "", "Signal", "detailed", "run", "no_recurse", "action", "no_hooks", "", "Description", "nick", "blurb", "", "IntegerType", "rank", "min", "max", "signed", "width", "", "FloatingType", "rank", "decimal", "width", "", "BooleanType", "", "SimpleType", "", "PointerType", "", "Print", "", "PrintfFormat", "", "ScanfFormat", "", "FormatArg", "", "Source", "filename", "line", "column", "", "GtkChild", "name", "internal", "", "GtkTemplate", "ui", "", "GtkCallback", "name", "", "ModuleInit", "", "DBus", "name", "no_reply", "result", "use_string_marshalling", "value", "signature", "visible", "timeout", "", "GIR", "fullname", "name", "visible", ""};
76 ValaUsedAttr*
vala_used_attr_construct(GType object_type)77 vala_used_attr_construct (GType object_type)
78 {
79 	ValaUsedAttr* self = NULL;
80 	gchar* curattr = NULL;
81 	gchar* _tmp0_;
82 	self = (ValaUsedAttr*) vala_code_visitor_construct (object_type);
83 	_tmp0_ = g_strdup ("");
84 	curattr = _tmp0_;
85 	{
86 		const gchar** val_collection = NULL;
87 		gint val_collection_length1 = 0;
88 		gint _val_collection_size_ = 0;
89 		gint val_it = 0;
90 		val_collection = VALA_USED_ATTR_valac_default_attrs;
91 		val_collection_length1 = G_N_ELEMENTS (VALA_USED_ATTR_valac_default_attrs);
92 		for (val_it = 0; val_it < val_collection_length1; val_it = val_it + 1) {
93 			const gchar* val = NULL;
94 			val = val_collection[val_it];
95 			{
96 				const gchar* _tmp1_;
97 				_tmp1_ = val;
98 				if (g_strcmp0 (_tmp1_, "") == 0) {
99 					gchar* _tmp2_;
100 					_tmp2_ = g_strdup ("");
101 					_g_free0 (curattr);
102 					curattr = _tmp2_;
103 				} else {
104 					const gchar* _tmp3_;
105 					_tmp3_ = curattr;
106 					if (g_strcmp0 (_tmp3_, "") == 0) {
107 						const gchar* _tmp4_;
108 						gchar* _tmp5_;
109 						const gchar* _tmp6_;
110 						_tmp4_ = val;
111 						_tmp5_ = g_strdup (_tmp4_);
112 						_g_free0 (curattr);
113 						curattr = _tmp5_;
114 						_tmp6_ = curattr;
115 						vala_used_attr_mark (self, _tmp6_, NULL);
116 					} else {
117 						const gchar* _tmp7_;
118 						const gchar* _tmp8_;
119 						_tmp7_ = curattr;
120 						_tmp8_ = val;
121 						vala_used_attr_mark (self, _tmp7_, _tmp8_);
122 					}
123 				}
124 			}
125 		}
126 	}
127 	_g_free0 (curattr);
128 	return self;
129 }
131 ValaUsedAttr*
vala_used_attr_new(void)132 vala_used_attr_new (void)
133 {
134 	return vala_used_attr_construct (VALA_TYPE_USED_ATTR);
135 }
137 /**
138  * Mark the attribute or attribute argument as used by the compiler
139  */
140 void
vala_used_attr_mark(ValaUsedAttr * self,const gchar * attribute,const gchar * argument)141 vala_used_attr_mark (ValaUsedAttr* self,
142                      const gchar* attribute,
143                      const gchar* argument)
144 {
145 	ValaSet* set = NULL;
146 	ValaMap* _tmp0_;
147 	gpointer _tmp1_;
148 	ValaSet* _tmp2_;
149 	g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
150 	g_return_if_fail (attribute != NULL);
151 	_tmp0_ = self->marked;
152 	_tmp1_ = vala_map_get (_tmp0_, attribute);
153 	set = (ValaSet*) _tmp1_;
154 	_tmp2_ = set;
155 	if (_tmp2_ == NULL) {
156 		GHashFunc _tmp3_;
157 		GEqualFunc _tmp4_;
158 		ValaHashSet* _tmp5_;
159 		ValaMap* _tmp6_;
160 		ValaSet* _tmp7_;
161 		_tmp3_ = g_str_hash;
162 		_tmp4_ = g_str_equal;
163 		_tmp5_ = vala_hash_set_new (G_TYPE_STRING, (GBoxedCopyFunc) g_strdup, (GDestroyNotify) g_free, _tmp3_, _tmp4_);
164 		_vala_iterable_unref0 (set);
165 		set = (ValaSet*) _tmp5_;
166 		_tmp6_ = self->marked;
167 		_tmp7_ = set;
168 		vala_map_set (_tmp6_, attribute, _tmp7_);
169 	}
170 	if (argument != NULL) {
171 		ValaSet* _tmp8_;
172 		_tmp8_ = set;
173 		vala_collection_add ((ValaCollection*) _tmp8_, argument);
174 	}
175 	_vala_iterable_unref0 (set);
176 }
178 /**
179  * Traverse the code tree and warn about unused attributes.
180  *
181  * @param context a code context
182  */
183 void
vala_used_attr_check_unused(ValaUsedAttr * self,ValaCodeContext * context)184 vala_used_attr_check_unused (ValaUsedAttr* self,
185                              ValaCodeContext* context)
186 {
187 	ValaNamespace* _tmp0_;
188 	ValaNamespace* _tmp1_;
189 	g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
190 	g_return_if_fail (context != NULL);
191 	_tmp0_ = vala_code_context_get_root (context);
192 	_tmp1_ = _tmp0_;
193 	vala_code_node_accept ((ValaCodeNode*) _tmp1_, (ValaCodeVisitor*) self);
194 }
196 static void
vala_used_attr_check_unused_attr(ValaUsedAttr * self,ValaSymbol * sym)197 vala_used_attr_check_unused_attr (ValaUsedAttr* self,
198                                   ValaSymbol* sym)
199 {
200 	gboolean _tmp0_;
201 	gboolean _tmp1_;
202 	g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
203 	g_return_if_fail (sym != NULL);
204 	_tmp0_ = vala_symbol_get_used (sym);
205 	_tmp1_ = _tmp0_;
206 	if (_tmp1_) {
207 		GList* _tmp2_;
208 		_tmp2_ = ((ValaCodeNode*) sym)->attributes;
209 		{
210 			GList* attr_collection = NULL;
211 			GList* attr_it = NULL;
212 			attr_collection = _tmp2_;
213 			for (attr_it = attr_collection; attr_it != NULL; attr_it = attr_it->next) {
214 				ValaAttribute* attr = NULL;
215 				attr = (ValaAttribute*) attr_it->data;
216 				{
217 					ValaSet* set = NULL;
218 					ValaMap* _tmp3_;
219 					ValaAttribute* _tmp4_;
220 					const gchar* _tmp5_;
221 					const gchar* _tmp6_;
222 					gpointer _tmp7_;
223 					ValaSet* _tmp8_;
224 					_tmp3_ = self->marked;
225 					_tmp4_ = attr;
226 					_tmp5_ = vala_attribute_get_name (_tmp4_);
227 					_tmp6_ = _tmp5_;
228 					_tmp7_ = vala_map_get (_tmp3_, _tmp6_);
229 					set = (ValaSet*) _tmp7_;
230 					_tmp8_ = set;
231 					if (_tmp8_ == NULL) {
232 						ValaAttribute* _tmp9_;
233 						ValaSourceReference* _tmp10_;
234 						ValaSourceReference* _tmp11_;
235 						ValaAttribute* _tmp12_;
236 						const gchar* _tmp13_;
237 						const gchar* _tmp14_;
238 						gchar* _tmp15_;
239 						gchar* _tmp16_;
240 						_tmp9_ = attr;
241 						_tmp10_ = vala_code_node_get_source_reference ((ValaCodeNode*) _tmp9_);
242 						_tmp11_ = _tmp10_;
243 						_tmp12_ = attr;
244 						_tmp13_ = vala_attribute_get_name (_tmp12_);
245 						_tmp14_ = _tmp13_;
246 						_tmp15_ = g_strdup_printf ("attribute `%s' never used", _tmp14_);
247 						_tmp16_ = _tmp15_;
248 						vala_report_warning (_tmp11_, _tmp16_);
249 						_g_free0 (_tmp16_);
250 					} else {
251 						{
252 							ValaIterator* _arg_it = NULL;
253 							ValaAttribute* _tmp17_;
254 							ValaMap* _tmp18_;
255 							ValaMap* _tmp19_;
256 							ValaSet* _tmp20_;
257 							ValaSet* _tmp21_;
258 							ValaIterator* _tmp22_;
259 							ValaIterator* _tmp23_;
260 							_tmp17_ = attr;
261 							_tmp18_ = vala_attribute_get_args (_tmp17_);
262 							_tmp19_ = _tmp18_;
263 							_tmp20_ = vala_map_get_keys (_tmp19_);
264 							_tmp21_ = _tmp20_;
265 							_tmp22_ = vala_iterable_iterator ((ValaIterable*) _tmp21_);
266 							_tmp23_ = _tmp22_;
267 							_vala_iterable_unref0 (_tmp21_);
268 							_arg_it = _tmp23_;
269 							while (TRUE) {
270 								ValaIterator* _tmp24_;
271 								gchar* arg = NULL;
272 								ValaIterator* _tmp25_;
273 								gpointer _tmp26_;
274 								ValaSet* _tmp27_;
275 								const gchar* _tmp28_;
276 								_tmp24_ = _arg_it;
277 								if (!vala_iterator_next (_tmp24_)) {
278 									break;
279 								}
280 								_tmp25_ = _arg_it;
281 								_tmp26_ = vala_iterator_get (_tmp25_);
282 								arg = (gchar*) _tmp26_;
283 								_tmp27_ = set;
284 								_tmp28_ = arg;
285 								if (!vala_collection_contains ((ValaCollection*) _tmp27_, _tmp28_)) {
286 									ValaAttribute* _tmp29_;
287 									ValaSourceReference* _tmp30_;
288 									ValaSourceReference* _tmp31_;
289 									const gchar* _tmp32_;
290 									gchar* _tmp33_;
291 									gchar* _tmp34_;
292 									_tmp29_ = attr;
293 									_tmp30_ = vala_code_node_get_source_reference ((ValaCodeNode*) _tmp29_);
294 									_tmp31_ = _tmp30_;
295 									_tmp32_ = arg;
296 									_tmp33_ = g_strdup_printf ("argument `%s' never used", _tmp32_);
297 									_tmp34_ = _tmp33_;
298 									vala_report_warning (_tmp31_, _tmp34_);
299 									_g_free0 (_tmp34_);
300 								}
301 								_g_free0 (arg);
302 							}
303 							_vala_iterator_unref0 (_arg_it);
304 						}
305 					}
306 					_vala_iterable_unref0 (set);
307 				}
308 			}
309 		}
310 	}
311 }
313 static void
vala_used_attr_real_visit_namespace(ValaCodeVisitor * base,ValaNamespace * ns)314 vala_used_attr_real_visit_namespace (ValaCodeVisitor* base,
315                                      ValaNamespace* ns)
316 {
317 	ValaUsedAttr * self;
318 	self = (ValaUsedAttr*) base;
319 	g_return_if_fail (ns != NULL);
320 	vala_used_attr_check_unused_attr (self, (ValaSymbol*) ns);
321 	vala_code_node_accept_children ((ValaCodeNode*) ns, (ValaCodeVisitor*) self);
322 }
324 static void
vala_used_attr_real_visit_class(ValaCodeVisitor * base,ValaClass * cl)325 vala_used_attr_real_visit_class (ValaCodeVisitor* base,
326                                  ValaClass* cl)
327 {
328 	ValaUsedAttr * self;
329 	self = (ValaUsedAttr*) base;
330 	g_return_if_fail (cl != NULL);
331 	vala_used_attr_check_unused_attr (self, (ValaSymbol*) cl);
332 	vala_code_node_accept_children ((ValaCodeNode*) cl, (ValaCodeVisitor*) self);
333 }
335 static void
vala_used_attr_real_visit_struct(ValaCodeVisitor * base,ValaStruct * st)336 vala_used_attr_real_visit_struct (ValaCodeVisitor* base,
337                                   ValaStruct* st)
338 {
339 	ValaUsedAttr * self;
340 	self = (ValaUsedAttr*) base;
341 	g_return_if_fail (st != NULL);
342 	vala_used_attr_check_unused_attr (self, (ValaSymbol*) st);
343 	vala_code_node_accept_children ((ValaCodeNode*) st, (ValaCodeVisitor*) self);
344 }
346 static void
vala_used_attr_real_visit_interface(ValaCodeVisitor * base,ValaInterface * iface)347 vala_used_attr_real_visit_interface (ValaCodeVisitor* base,
348                                      ValaInterface* iface)
349 {
350 	ValaUsedAttr * self;
351 	self = (ValaUsedAttr*) base;
352 	g_return_if_fail (iface != NULL);
353 	vala_used_attr_check_unused_attr (self, (ValaSymbol*) iface);
354 	vala_code_node_accept_children ((ValaCodeNode*) iface, (ValaCodeVisitor*) self);
355 }
357 static void
vala_used_attr_real_visit_enum(ValaCodeVisitor * base,ValaEnum * en)358 vala_used_attr_real_visit_enum (ValaCodeVisitor* base,
359                                 ValaEnum* en)
360 {
361 	ValaUsedAttr * self;
362 	self = (ValaUsedAttr*) base;
363 	g_return_if_fail (en != NULL);
364 	vala_used_attr_check_unused_attr (self, (ValaSymbol*) en);
365 	vala_code_node_accept_children ((ValaCodeNode*) en, (ValaCodeVisitor*) self);
366 }
368 static void
vala_used_attr_real_visit_error_domain(ValaCodeVisitor * base,ValaErrorDomain * ed)369 vala_used_attr_real_visit_error_domain (ValaCodeVisitor* base,
370                                         ValaErrorDomain* ed)
371 {
372 	ValaUsedAttr * self;
373 	self = (ValaUsedAttr*) base;
374 	g_return_if_fail (ed != NULL);
375 	vala_used_attr_check_unused_attr (self, (ValaSymbol*) ed);
376 	vala_code_node_accept_children ((ValaCodeNode*) ed, (ValaCodeVisitor*) self);
377 }
379 static void
vala_used_attr_real_visit_delegate(ValaCodeVisitor * base,ValaDelegate * cb)380 vala_used_attr_real_visit_delegate (ValaCodeVisitor* base,
381                                     ValaDelegate* cb)
382 {
383 	ValaUsedAttr * self;
384 	self = (ValaUsedAttr*) base;
385 	g_return_if_fail (cb != NULL);
386 	vala_used_attr_check_unused_attr (self, (ValaSymbol*) cb);
387 	vala_code_node_accept_children ((ValaCodeNode*) cb, (ValaCodeVisitor*) self);
388 }
390 static void
vala_used_attr_real_visit_constant(ValaCodeVisitor * base,ValaConstant * c)391 vala_used_attr_real_visit_constant (ValaCodeVisitor* base,
392                                     ValaConstant* c)
393 {
394 	ValaUsedAttr * self;
395 	self = (ValaUsedAttr*) base;
396 	g_return_if_fail (c != NULL);
397 	vala_used_attr_check_unused_attr (self, (ValaSymbol*) c);
398 }
400 static void
vala_used_attr_real_visit_field(ValaCodeVisitor * base,ValaField * f)401 vala_used_attr_real_visit_field (ValaCodeVisitor* base,
402                                  ValaField* f)
403 {
404 	ValaUsedAttr * self;
405 	self = (ValaUsedAttr*) base;
406 	g_return_if_fail (f != NULL);
407 	vala_used_attr_check_unused_attr (self, (ValaSymbol*) f);
408 }
410 static void
vala_used_attr_real_visit_method(ValaCodeVisitor * base,ValaMethod * m)411 vala_used_attr_real_visit_method (ValaCodeVisitor* base,
412                                   ValaMethod* m)
413 {
414 	ValaUsedAttr * self;
415 	self = (ValaUsedAttr*) base;
416 	g_return_if_fail (m != NULL);
417 	vala_used_attr_check_unused_attr (self, (ValaSymbol*) m);
418 	vala_code_node_accept_children ((ValaCodeNode*) m, (ValaCodeVisitor*) self);
419 }
421 static void
vala_used_attr_real_visit_creation_method(ValaCodeVisitor * base,ValaCreationMethod * m)422 vala_used_attr_real_visit_creation_method (ValaCodeVisitor* base,
423                                            ValaCreationMethod* m)
424 {
425 	ValaUsedAttr * self;
426 	self = (ValaUsedAttr*) base;
427 	g_return_if_fail (m != NULL);
428 	vala_used_attr_check_unused_attr (self, (ValaSymbol*) m);
429 	vala_code_node_accept_children ((ValaCodeNode*) m, (ValaCodeVisitor*) self);
430 }
432 static void
vala_used_attr_real_visit_formal_parameter(ValaCodeVisitor * base,ValaParameter * p)433 vala_used_attr_real_visit_formal_parameter (ValaCodeVisitor* base,
434                                             ValaParameter* p)
435 {
436 	ValaUsedAttr * self;
437 	self = (ValaUsedAttr*) base;
438 	g_return_if_fail (p != NULL);
439 	vala_used_attr_check_unused_attr (self, (ValaSymbol*) p);
440 }
442 static void
vala_used_attr_real_visit_property(ValaCodeVisitor * base,ValaProperty * prop)443 vala_used_attr_real_visit_property (ValaCodeVisitor* base,
444                                     ValaProperty* prop)
445 {
446 	ValaUsedAttr * self;
447 	self = (ValaUsedAttr*) base;
448 	g_return_if_fail (prop != NULL);
449 	vala_used_attr_check_unused_attr (self, (ValaSymbol*) prop);
450 }
452 static void
vala_used_attr_real_visit_signal(ValaCodeVisitor * base,ValaSignal * sig)453 vala_used_attr_real_visit_signal (ValaCodeVisitor* base,
454                                   ValaSignal* sig)
455 {
456 	ValaUsedAttr * self;
457 	self = (ValaUsedAttr*) base;
458 	g_return_if_fail (sig != NULL);
459 	vala_used_attr_check_unused_attr (self, (ValaSymbol*) sig);
460 	vala_code_node_accept_children ((ValaCodeNode*) sig, (ValaCodeVisitor*) self);
461 }
463 static void
vala_used_attr_class_init(ValaUsedAttrClass * klass,gpointer klass_data)464 vala_used_attr_class_init (ValaUsedAttrClass * klass,
465                            gpointer klass_data)
466 {
467 	vala_used_attr_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
468 	((ValaCodeVisitorClass *) klass)->finalize = vala_used_attr_finalize;
469 	((ValaCodeVisitorClass *) klass)->visit_namespace = (void (*) (ValaCodeVisitor*, ValaNamespace*)) vala_used_attr_real_visit_namespace;
470 	((ValaCodeVisitorClass *) klass)->visit_class = (void (*) (ValaCodeVisitor*, ValaClass*)) vala_used_attr_real_visit_class;
471 	((ValaCodeVisitorClass *) klass)->visit_struct = (void (*) (ValaCodeVisitor*, ValaStruct*)) vala_used_attr_real_visit_struct;
472 	((ValaCodeVisitorClass *) klass)->visit_interface = (void (*) (ValaCodeVisitor*, ValaInterface*)) vala_used_attr_real_visit_interface;
473 	((ValaCodeVisitorClass *) klass)->visit_enum = (void (*) (ValaCodeVisitor*, ValaEnum*)) vala_used_attr_real_visit_enum;
474 	((ValaCodeVisitorClass *) klass)->visit_error_domain = (void (*) (ValaCodeVisitor*, ValaErrorDomain*)) vala_used_attr_real_visit_error_domain;
475 	((ValaCodeVisitorClass *) klass)->visit_delegate = (void (*) (ValaCodeVisitor*, ValaDelegate*)) vala_used_attr_real_visit_delegate;
476 	((ValaCodeVisitorClass *) klass)->visit_constant = (void (*) (ValaCodeVisitor*, ValaConstant*)) vala_used_attr_real_visit_constant;
477 	((ValaCodeVisitorClass *) klass)->visit_field = (void (*) (ValaCodeVisitor*, ValaField*)) vala_used_attr_real_visit_field;
478 	((ValaCodeVisitorClass *) klass)->visit_method = (void (*) (ValaCodeVisitor*, ValaMethod*)) vala_used_attr_real_visit_method;
479 	((ValaCodeVisitorClass *) klass)->visit_creation_method = (void (*) (ValaCodeVisitor*, ValaCreationMethod*)) vala_used_attr_real_visit_creation_method;
480 	((ValaCodeVisitorClass *) klass)->visit_formal_parameter = (void (*) (ValaCodeVisitor*, ValaParameter*)) vala_used_attr_real_visit_formal_parameter;
481 	((ValaCodeVisitorClass *) klass)->visit_property = (void (*) (ValaCodeVisitor*, ValaProperty*)) vala_used_attr_real_visit_property;
482 	((ValaCodeVisitorClass *) klass)->visit_signal = (void (*) (ValaCodeVisitor*, ValaSignal*)) vala_used_attr_real_visit_signal;
483 }
485 static void
vala_used_attr_instance_init(ValaUsedAttr * self,gpointer klass)486 vala_used_attr_instance_init (ValaUsedAttr * self,
487                               gpointer klass)
488 {
489 	GHashFunc _tmp0_;
490 	GEqualFunc _tmp1_;
491 	GEqualFunc _tmp2_;
492 	ValaHashMap* _tmp3_;
493 	_tmp0_ = g_str_hash;
494 	_tmp1_ = g_str_equal;
495 	_tmp2_ = g_direct_equal;
496 	_tmp3_ = vala_hash_map_new (G_TYPE_STRING, (GBoxedCopyFunc) g_strdup, (GDestroyNotify) g_free, VALA_TYPE_SET, (GBoxedCopyFunc) vala_iterable_ref, (GDestroyNotify) vala_iterable_unref, _tmp0_, _tmp1_, _tmp2_);
497 	self->marked = (ValaMap*) _tmp3_;
498 }
500 static void
vala_used_attr_finalize(ValaCodeVisitor * obj)501 vala_used_attr_finalize (ValaCodeVisitor * obj)
502 {
503 	ValaUsedAttr * self;
505 	_vala_map_unref0 (self->marked);
506 	VALA_CODE_VISITOR_CLASS (vala_used_attr_parent_class)->finalize (obj);
507 }
509 /**
510  * Code visitor to warn about unused attributes
511  */
512 static GType
vala_used_attr_get_type_once(void)513 vala_used_attr_get_type_once (void)
514 {
515 	static const GTypeInfo g_define_type_info = { sizeof (ValaUsedAttrClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) vala_used_attr_class_init, (GClassFinalizeFunc) NULL, NULL, sizeof (ValaUsedAttr), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) vala_used_attr_instance_init, NULL };
516 	GType vala_used_attr_type_id;
517 	vala_used_attr_type_id = g_type_register_static (VALA_TYPE_CODE_VISITOR, "ValaUsedAttr", &g_define_type_info, 0);
518 	return vala_used_attr_type_id;
519 }
521 GType
vala_used_attr_get_type(void)522 vala_used_attr_get_type (void)
523 {
524 	static volatile gsize vala_used_attr_type_id__volatile = 0;
525 	if (g_once_init_enter (&vala_used_attr_type_id__volatile)) {
526 		GType vala_used_attr_type_id;
527 		vala_used_attr_type_id = vala_used_attr_get_type_once ();
528 		g_once_init_leave (&vala_used_attr_type_id__volatile, vala_used_attr_type_id);
529 	}
530 	return vala_used_attr_type_id__volatile;
531 }