1 /*
2  * $Id: filter.i,v 1.1 2005-09-18 22:05:56 dhmunro Exp $
3  * analog signal processing routines
4  */
5 /* Copyright (c) 2005, The Regents of the University of California.
6  * All rights reserved.
7  * This file is part of yorick (http://yorick.sourceforge.net).
8  * Read the accompanying LICENSE file for details.
9  */
11 func filter(filt, dt, signal, pad=, shift=)
12 /* DOCUMENT filter(filt, dt, signal)
14      apply the filter FILT to the input SIGNAL, which is sampled
15      at times spaced by DT.  The filter is assumed to be normalized
16      to an angular frequency (e.g.- radians per second), unless
17      DT<0, in which case FILT is assumed to be normalized to a
18      circular frequency (e.g.- Hz or GHz).
20      The result will have the same length as SIGNAL; be sure to pad
21      SIGNAL if you need the response to go beyond that time, or
22      you can use the pad=n keyword to force the returned result to
23      have N samples more than SIGNAL.
25      If the shift= keyword is non-nil and non-0, then the result
26      is shifted backward in time by the filter group delay at
27      zero frequency.
29      The impulse response of the FILT is also assumed to be shorter
30      than the duration of signal, and SIGNAL is assumed to be sampled
31      finely enough to resolve the FILT impulse response.
33      FILT is an array of double, which represents a filter with
34      a particular finite list of zeroes and poles.  See the specific
35      functions to construct filters from poles and zeroes (fil_make),
36      or classic Bessel, Butterworth, Chebyshev, inverse Chebyshev, or
37      Cauer (elliptic) designs.  With fil_analyze, you can find the
38      poles and zeroes of a FILT.  The format for FILT is:
40      FILT is an array of double with the following meanings:
41        FILT(1) = np = number of poles  (integer >= 0)
42        FILT(2) = nz = number of zeroes (integer >= 0)
43        FILT(3) = reserved
44        FILT(4:4+nz) = coefficients for numerator
45                  = [a0, a1, a2, a3, ..., anz]
46        FILT(5+nz:4+nz+np) = coefficents for denominator (if np>0)
47                  = [b1, b2, b3, ..., bnp]
49      The Laplace transform (s-transform) of the filter response is
51        L[FILT] = (a0 + a1*s + a2*s^2 + a3*s^3 + ...) /
52                  ( 1 + b1*s + b2*s^2 + b3*s^3 + ...)
54    SEE ALSO: filter, fil_bessel, fil_butter, fil_cheby1, fil_cheby2,
55              fil_cauer, fil_response, fil_make, fil_analyze,
56              to_db, to_phase
57  */
58 {
59   m= numberof(signal);
60   if (is_void(pad)) pad= 0;
61   n= fft_good(max(2*m,m+pad));
62   signal= fft(grow(double(signal), array(0.,n-m)))/n;
63   if (dt>0.) w= (2*pi/n/dt)*roll(indgen(n/2+1-n:n/2),n/2+1);
64   else       w= (-1./n/dt)*roll(indgen(n/2+1-n:n/2),n/2+1);
65   signal= double(fft(signal*fil_response(filt,w),-1));
66   if (shift) {
67     d= long(fil_delay(filt,dt<0.)/abs(dt));
68     signal= signal(d:0);
69     if (numberof(signal)<m+pad)
70       grow, signal, array(0.,m+pad-numberof(signal));
71   }
72   return signal(1:m+pad);
73 }
fil_response(filt,w)75 func fil_response(filt, w)
76 /* DOCUMENT fil_response(filt, w)
78      return the complex response of FILT at the frequencies W.
79      The frequency scale for W depends on how FILT has been scaled;
80      filters are rational functions in W.
82      The to_db and to_phase functions may be useful for extracting
83      the attenuation and phase parts of the complex response.
85    SEE ALSO: filter, fil_butter, fil_bessel, fil_cheby1, fil_cheby2,
86              fil_delay, to_db, to_phase
87  */
88 {
89   np= long(filt(1));
90   nz= long(filt(2));
91   w*= 1i;
92   y= np? fil_poly(filt(5+nz:4+nz+np),w) : 0.0;
93   return fil_poly(filt(4:4+nz),w)/(1.+y*w);
94 }
fil_delay(filt,hz)96 func fil_delay(filt, hz)
97 /* DOCUMENT fil_delay(filt)
98          or fil_delay(filt, 1)
100      return the group delay d(phase)/dw at w=0 (zero frequency) for
101      filter FILT.  By default, FILT is assumed to be normalized
102      to an angular frequency (e.g.- radians per second), but if
103      the 2nd parameter is non-nil and non-0 FILT is assumed to be
104      normalized to a circular frequency (e.g.- Hz or GHz).
106    SEE ALSO: filter, fil_butter, fil_bessel, fil_cheby1, fil_cheby2,
107              fil_response, to_db, to_phase
108  */
109 {
110   np= long(filt(1));
111   nz= long(filt(2));
112   dpdw= np? filt(5+nz) : 0.0;
113   if (nz) dpdw-= filt(5)/filt(4);
114   if (hz) dpdw/= 2.*pi;
115   return dpdw;
116 }
fil_poly(c,x)118 func fil_poly(c, x)
119 /* DOCUMENT fil_poly(c, x)
120      return c(1) + c(2)*x + c(3)*x^2 + c(4)*x^3 + ...
121  */
122 {
123   n= numberof(c);
124   y= array(c(n), dimsof(x));
125   while(--n) y= y*x+c(n);
126   return y;
127 }
fil_make(poles,zeroes)129 func fil_make(poles, zeroes)
130 /* DOCUMENT filt= fil_make(poles, zeroes)
132      given the complex POLES and ZEROES, return a FILT.  The real
133      parts of POLES must all be negative to make a stable FILT.
134      Both POLES and ZEROES must occur in conjugate pairs in order to
135      make a real filter (the returned filter is always real).
137      The returned filter always has a0=1 (its DC gain is 1).
139    SEE ALSO: filter, fil_analyze
140  */
141 {
142   np= numberof(poles);
143   nz= numberof(zeroes);
144   filt= array(0., 4+nz+np);
145   filt(1:4)= [np,nz,0,1];
146   if (nz) {
147     a= array(0i, nz+1);
148     a(0)= 1.0;
149     for (i=1 ; i<=nz ; i++) a(1:-1)-= a(2:0)*zeroes(i);
150     a/= double(a(1));
151     filt(4:4+nz)= a;              /* discards imaginary part */
152   }
153   if (np) {
154     a= array(0i, np+1);
155     a(0)= 1.0;
156     for (i=1 ; i<=np ; i++) a(1:-1)-= a(2:0)*poles(i);
157     a= a(2:0)/double(a(1));
158     filt(5+nz:4+nz+np)= a;        /* discards imaginary part */
159   }
160   return filt;
161 }
163 func fil_analyze(filt, &poles, &zeroes)
164 /* DOCUMENT fil_analyze, filt, poles, zeroes
166      given a FILT, return the complex POLES and ZEROES, sorted in
167      order of increasing imaginary part.  The real parts of POLES will
168      all be negative if the FILT is stable.
170    SEE ALSO: filter, fil_make
171  */
172 {
173   require, "zroots.i";
174   np= long(filt(1));
175   nz= long(filt(2));
176   poles= zeroes= [];
177   if (nz>0) zeroes= zroots(filt(4:4+nz), imsort=1);
178   if (np>0) poles= zroots(grow([1.],filt(5+nz:4+nz+np)), imsort=1);
179 }
181 func fil_bessel(np, wc, db, natural=)
182 /* DOCUMENT filt= fil_bessel(np, wc, db)
184      returns the lowpass Bessel filter with NP poles, normalized
185      such that at angular frequency WC, the attenuation is DB decibels.
186      (That is, the attenuation factor is 10^(.05*DB) at WC,
187       so that to_db(response(filt,WC))==DB.)
189      A Bessel filter has the most nearly constant group delay time
190      d(phase)/dw of any filter of the same order.  It minimizes pulse
191      distortion, but does not cut off very rapidly in frequency.
193      If WC is nil or zero, it defaults to 1.0.
195      If DB is nil, the filter is normalized such that both the s^0
196      and s^NP terms are 1, unless the natural= keyword is non-zero,
197      in which case the filter is normalized such that the group delay
198      d(phase)/dw is -1 at w=0.
200    SEE ALSO: filter, fil_analyze
201  */
202 {
203   filt= array(0., 4+np);
204   filt(1:4)= [np,0,0,1];
205   if (np) {
206     ca= cb= array(0., np+1);
207     ca(1)= 1.;
208     cb(1:2)= c= [1.,1.];
209     for (i=2 ; i<=np ; i++,ca=cb,cb=c) c= (2.*i-1.)*cb + roll(ca,2);
210     /* several different normalizations are used:
211      * (0) note c(1) = (2n-1)!! (product of odd numbers <= 2*np-1)
212      * (1) c/= c(1) normalizes to a group delay -d(phase)/dw = 1.0
213      *              for all orders (coefficient c(2)=c(1)=1)
214      * (2) c/= c(1)^span(1.,0.,np+1) normalizes both leading and trailing
215      *              polynomial coefficients to 1.0
216      *              corresponds to w->w*((2n-1)!!)^(1/n)
217      *                limit as n->big is w->w*(2*n/e^2), so
218      *                phase delay becomes proportional to order n
219      * (3) scale w so that polynomial value at w=1 is sqrt(0.5) (3 db)
220      *              (or some other value) independent of order
221      */
222     if (!natural) c/= c(1)^span(1.,0.,np+1);
223     else          c/= c(1);
224     filt(4:4+np)= c;
225   }
226   return fil_normalize(filt, wc, db);
227 }
fil_butter(np,wc,db)229 func fil_butter(np, wc, db)
230 /* DOCUMENT filt= fil_butter(np, wc, db)
232      returns the lowpass Butterworth filter with NP poles, normalized
233      such that at angular frequency WC, the attenuation is DB decibels.
234      (That is, the attenuation factor is 10^(.05*DB) at WC,
235       so that to_db(response(filt,WC))==DB.)
237      A Butterworth filter is the best Taylor series approximation to
238      the ideal lowpass filter (a step in frequency) response at both
239      w=0 and w=infinity.
241      For wc=1 and db=10*log10(2), the square of the Butterworth frequency
242      response is 1/(1+w^(2*np)).
244      If WC is nil or zero, it defaults to 1.0.
246      If DB is nil, the filter is normalized "naturally", which is the
247      same as DB=10*log10(2).
249    SEE ALSO: filter, fil_analyze, butter
250  */
251 {
252   filt= array(0., 4+np);
253   filt(1:4)= [np,0,0,1];
254   /* poles: 1i*exp(0.5i*pi/np*(2*indgen(np)-1)) */
255   a= pi/(2*np);
256   b= cos(a*indgen(0:np-1))/sin(a*indgen(np));
257   for (i=1,a=1.0 ; i<=np ; i++) filt(4+i)= a= a*b(i);
258   if (db) {
259     if (!wc) wc= 1.0;
260     wc*= (10.^(0.1*db)-1.)^(-0.5/np);
261   }
262   if (wc) filt(5:4+np)/= wc^indgen(np);
263   return filt;
264 }
fil_cheby1(np,ripple,wc,db)266 func fil_cheby1(np, ripple, wc, db)
267 /* DOCUMENT filt= fil_cheby1(np, ripple, wc, db)
269      returns the lowpass Chebyshev type I filter with NP poles, and
270      passband ripple RIPPLE decibels, normalized such that at
271      angular frequency WC, the attenuation is DB decibels.
272      (That is, the attenuation factor is 10^(.05*DB) at WC,
273       so that to_db(response(filter,WC))==DB.)
275      A Chebyshev type I filter gives the smallest maximum error over the
276      passband for any filter that is a Taylor series approximation to
277      the ideal lowpass filter (a step in frequency) response at
278      w=infinity.  It has NP/2 ripples of amplitude RIPPLE in its passband,
279      and a smooth stopband.
281      For wc=1 and db=ripple, the square of the Chebyshev frequency
282      response is 1/(1+eps2*Tnp(w)), where eps2 = 10^(ripple/10)-1,
283      and Tnp is the np-th Chebyshev polynomial, cosh(np*acosh(x)) or
284      cos(np*acos(x)).
286      If WC is nil or zero, it defaults to 1.0.
288      If DB is nil, the filter is normalized "naturally", which is the
289      same as DB=RIPPLE.
291    SEE ALSO: filter, fil_analyze, cheby1
292  */
293 { /* passband ripple */
294   eps21= 10.^(0.1*ripple);
295   reps= 1./sqrt(eps21-1.);
296   ripple= asinh(reps)/np;
297   poles= 1i*cos(0.5*pi/np*(2*indgen(np)-1) - 1i*ripple);
298   filt= fil_make(poles);
299   if (!(np%2)) filt(4)/= sqrt(eps21);
300   if (db) {
301     if (!wc) wc= 1.0;
302     wc*= sech(acosh(reps*sqrt(10.^(0.1*db)-1.))/np);
303   }
304   if (wc) filt(5:4+np)/= wc^indgen(np);
305   return filt;
306 }
fil_cheby2(np,atten,wc,db)308 func fil_cheby2(np, atten, wc, db)
309 /* DOCUMENT filt= fil_cheby2(np, atten, wc, db)
311      returns the lowpass Chebyshev type II filter with NP poles, and
312      stopband attenuation ATTEN decibels, normalized such that at
313      angular frequency WC, the attenuation is DB decibels.
314      (That is, the attenuation factor is 10^(.05*DB) at WC,
315       so that to_db(response(filter,WC))==DB.)
317      This is also called an inverse Chebyshev filter, since its poles
318      are the reciprocals of a Chebyshev type I filter.  It has NP zeroes
319      as well as NP poles.
321      A Chebyshev type II filter gives the smallest maximum leakage over
322      the stopband for any filter that is a Taylor series approximation to
323      the ideal lowpass filter (a step in frequency) response at
324      w=0.  It has NP/2 ripples of amplitude ATTEN in its stopband,
325      and a smooth passband.
327      For wc=1 and db=ripple, the square of the inverse Chebyshev frequency
328      response is 1 - 1/(1+eps2*Tnp(1/w)), where eps2 = 10^(ripple/10)-1 =
329      1/(10^(atten/10)-1) and Tnp is the np-th Chebyshev polynomial,
330      cosh(np*acosh(x)) or cos(np*acos(x)).
332      If WC is nil or zero, it defaults to 1.0.
334      If DB is nil, the filter is normalized "naturally", which is the
335      same as DB=ATTEN.
337    SEE ALSO: filter, fil_analyze, cheby2
338  */
339 { /* stopband attenuation (ripple) */
340   reps= sqrt(10.^(0.1*atten)-1.);
341   atten= asinh(reps)/np;
342   wk= 0.5*pi/np*(2*indgen(np)-1);
343   poles= -1i/cos(wk - 1i*atten);
344   zeroes= 1i/cos(wk);
345   if (np==1) zeroes= [];
346   else if (np%2) zeroes= grow(zeroes(1:(np-1)/2),zeroes((np+3)/2:0));
347   filt= fil_make(poles, zeroes);
348   if (db) {
349     if (!wc) wc= 1.0;
350     wc*= cosh(acosh(reps/sqrt(10.^(0.1*db)-1.))/np);
351   }
352   if (wc) {
353     nz= numberof(zeroes);
354     if (nz) filt(5:4+nz)/= wc^indgen(nz);
355     filt(5+nz:4+nz+np)/= wc^indgen(np);
356   }
357   return filt;
358 }
fil_cauer(np,ripple,atten,wc,db)360 func fil_cauer(np, ripple, atten, wc, db)
361 /* DOCUMENT filt= fil_cauer(np, ripple, atten, wc, db)
362          or filt= fil_cauer(np, ripple, -skirt, wc, db)
364      returns the lowpass Cauer (elliptic) filter with NP poles, passband
365      ripple RIPPLE and stopband attenuation ATTEN decibels, normalized
366      such that at angular frequency WC, the attenuation is DB decibels.
367      (That is, the attenuation factor is 10^(.05*DB) at WC,
368       so that to_db(response(filter,WC))==DB.)
370      If the third parameter is negative, its absolute value is SKIRT,
371      the ratio of the frequency at which the stopband attenuation is
372      first reached to the frequency at which the passband ends (where
373      the attenuation is RIPPLE).  The closer to 1.0 SKIRT is, the
374      smaller the equivalent ATTEN would be.  The external variable
375      cauer_other is set to ATTEN if you provide SKIRT, and to SKIRT
376      if you provide ATTEN.
378      The Cauer filter has NP zeroes as well as NP poles.
380      Consider the four parameters: (1) filter order, (2) transition
381      ("skirt") bandwidth, (3) passband ripple, and (4) stopband ripple.
382      Given any three of these, the Cauer filter minimizes the fourth.
384      If WC is nil or zero, it defaults to 1.0.
386      If DB is nil, the filter is normalized "naturally", which is the
387      same as DB=RIPPLE.
389    SEE ALSO: filter, fil_analyze, cauer
390  */
391 {
392   extern cauer_other;
393   eps2= 10.^(0.1*ripple)-1.;
394   if (atten > 0.) {
395     mb= eps2/(10.^(0.1*atten)-1.);
396     ma= _cauer_parameter(np, mb);
397     cauer_other= 1./sqrt(ma);
398   } else {
399     ma= 1./(atten*atten);
400     mb= _cauer_parameter(1./np, ma);
401     cauer_other= 10.*log10(1.+eps2/mb);
402   }
403   ekb= ellip_k(mb);
404   eka= ellip_k(ma);
405   rat= np*ekb/eka;  /* equals ellip_k(1-mb)/ellip_k(1-ma) */
407   if (np>1) {
408     zeroes= indgen(np-1:1:-2)(-:1:2,)(*);
409     zeroes(1:0:2)*= -1.;
410     zeroes= 1i/(sqrt(ma)*sin(ell_am(zeroes*eka/np,ma)));
411   }
412   a= ell_f(atan(1./sqrt(eps2)),1.-mb)/rat;
413   b= (2.*indgen(np)-(np+1))*eka/np;
414   phi= ell_am(b,ma);
415   d= dn_(phi);
416   s= sin(phi);
417   c= cos(phi);
418   phi= ell_am(a,1.-ma);
419   dp= dn_(phi);
420   sp= sin(phi);
421   cp= cos(phi);
422   poles= (-c*d*sp*cp + 1i*s*dp)/(cp*cp+ma*(s*sp)^2);
424   filt= fil_make(poles, zeroes);
425   if (db) {
426     if (!wc) wc= 1.0;
427     wc*= dn_(ell_am(ell_f(asin(sqrt((1.-eps2/(10.^(0.1*db)-1.))/(1.-mb))),
428                           1.-mb) / rat, 1.-ma));
429   }
430   if (wc) {
431     nz= numberof(zeroes);
432     if (nz) filt(5:4+nz)/= wc^indgen(nz);
433     filt(5+nz:4+nz+np)/= wc^indgen(np);
434   }
435   return filt;
436 }
_cauer_parameter(n,mb)438 func _cauer_parameter(n, mb)
439 {
440   /*   K'(mb)/K'(ma) = n*K(mb)/K(ma)
441    * where the rational Chebyshev polynomial is
442    *   sn( n*K(mb)/K(ma) * asn(w|ma) | mb )
443    * <asn means inverse of sn>
444    *
445    * the passband ripple is determined by the additional
446    * parameter e, and the stopband (w>1) ripple is e/mb > e
447    *
448    * now K'(ma)/K(ma) = K'(mb)/K(mb) * (1/n)
449    * and q(m) = exp(-pi*K'(m)/K(m)) is called the "nome" of m,
450    *   m ~ 16*q for small q
451    */
452   require, "elliptic.i";
453   if (!mb)    return 0.;
454   if (mb==1.) return 1.;
455   if (mb < 1.e-4) u= -log(poly(mb/16., 0., 1., 8., 84., 992.))/pi;
456   else            u= ellip_k(1.-mb)/ellip_k(mb);
457   u/= n;                   /* K'(ma)/K(ma) */
458   if (!u) return 1.0;
459   recip= (u<1.);
460   if (recip) u= 1./u;
461   q= qn= exp(-pi*u);       /* < 1/20 */
462   q2n= num= 1.;
463   den= 0.5;
464   for (;;) {
465     den+= q2n*qn;
466     q2n*= qn*qn;
467     numx= num+q2n;
468     if (numx==num) break;
469     num= numx;
470     qn*= q;
471   }
472   ma= q*(num/den)^4;
473   return recip? (1.-ma) : ma;
474 }
fil_normalize(filt,wc,db)476 func fil_normalize(filt, wc, db)
477 /* xxDOCUMENT filt= fil_normalize(filt, wc, db)
478      normalize the all pole FILT to give DB decibels attenuation
479      at frequency WC, by rescaling the frequency.
480      Assumes w=1 is a good starting point for search for initial filt;
481      probably should not be used except for cases in this file.
482  */
483 {
484   if (filt(1)>1.5 && !filt(2)) {
485     np= long(filt(1));
486     if (db) {
487       c= filt(4:4+np);             /* polynomial (denominator) */
488       c1= c(1);
489       c(1)= 1.0;
490       c/= c1;
491       d= c(2:0)*indgen(np);          /* derivative */
492       db= 10.^(0.05*db);             /* y value to be found */
493       x= 1.0;                        /* initial guess */
494       for (i=1 ; i<100 ; i++) {
495         py= fil_poly(c, 1i*x);
496         y= abs(py);
497         dydx= -(fil_poly(d, 1i*x)*conj(py)).im/y;
498         dx= (db-y)/dydx;
499         if (abs(dx)<1.e-12*x) break;
500         x+= dx;
501       }
502       if (i>=100) error, "failed to converge to specified dB level";
503       if (!wc) wc= 1.0;
504       wc/= x;
505     }
506     if (wc) filt(4:4+np)/= wc^indgen(0:np);
507   }
508   return filt;
509 }
511 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
to_db(signal,ref)513 func to_db(signal, ref)
514 /* DOCUMENT to_db(signal, ref)
515          or to_db(signal)
517      return 20.*log10(abs(SIGNAL)/REF), the number of decibels
518      corresponding to the input SIGNAL.  REF defaults to 1.0.
520    SEE ALSO: fil_response, to_phase
521  */
522 {
523   if (is_void(ref)) ref= 1.0;
524   return 20.*log10(max(abs(signal)/ref,1.e-37));
525 }
to_phase(signal,degrees)527 func to_phase(signal, degrees)
528 /* DOCUMENT to_phase(signal)
529          or to_phase(signal, 1)
531      return atan(SIGNAL.im,SIGNAL.re), the phase of the input SIGNAL.
532      If the second argument is present and non-0, the phase will be in
533      degrees; by default the phase is in radians.
535      To_phase attempts to unroll any jumps from -180 to +180 degrees
536      or vice-versa; zero phase will be taken somewhere near the middle
537      of the signal.  The external variable to_phase_eps controls the
538      details of this unrolling; you can turn off unrolling by setting
539      to_phase_eps=0.0 (initially it is 0.3).
541    SEE ALSO: fil_response, to_phase
542  */
543 {
544   p= atan(signal.im, signal.re+!abs(signal));
545   np= numberof(p);
546   if (np>2) {
547     p0= p(1:-1);
548     p1= p(2:0);
549     eps= (1.00000001-to_phase_eps)*pi;
550     up= where((p0>=eps)&(p1<=-eps));
551     dn= where((p0<=-eps)&(p1>=eps));
552     adj= 0.*p0;
553     if (numberof(up)) adj(up)= 2.*pi;
554     if (numberof(dn)) adj(dn)= -2.*pi;
555     p+= adj(cum) - adj(np/2+1);
556   }
557   if (degrees) p*= 180/pi;
558   return p;
559 }
561 to_phase_eps= 0.3;
563 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
564 /* the frequency responses of the Butterworth, Chebyshev, and Cauer
565  * filters have simple analytic forms
566  * - note the frequency scaling rules are also simple */
butter(np,w,wc,db)568 func butter(np,w,wc,db)
569 /* DOCUMENT butter(np, w)
570          or butter(np, w, wc, db)
572      return frequency response (amplitude) for Butterworth filter;
573      the parameters are the same as for fil_butter.
575    SEE ALSO: fil_butter
576  */
577 {
578   if (db) w*= (10.^(0.1*db)-1.)^(0.5/np);
579   if (wc) w/= wc;
580   return 1./sqrt(1.+w^(2*np));
581 }
cheby1(np,ripple,w,wc,db)583 func cheby1(np,ripple,w,wc,db)
584 /* DOCUMENT cheby1(np, ripple, w)
585          or cheby1(np, ripple, w, wc, db)
587      return frequency response (amplitude) for Chebyshev filter;
588      the parameters are the same as for fil_cheby1.
590    SEE ALSO: fil_cheby1
591  */
592 {
593   eps2= 10.^(0.1*ripple)-1.;
594   if (db) w*= cosh(acosh(sqrt((10.^(0.1*db)-1.)/eps2))/np);
595   if (wc) w/= wc;
596   /* 1/sqrt(1+eps2*Tn(w)^2) where Tn is nth Chebyshev polynomial */
597   mask= (w<=1.0);
598   list= where(mask);
599   if (numberof(list)) cn= 1./(1.+eps2*cos(np*acos(w(list)))^2);
600   list= where(!mask);
601   if (numberof(list)) {
602     cnw= sech(np*acosh(w(list)))^2;
603     cnw= cnw/(cnw+eps2);
604   }
605   return sqrt(merge(cn,cnw,mask));
606 }
cheby2(np,atten,w,wc,db)608 func cheby2(np,atten,w,wc,db)
609 /* DOCUMENT cheby2(np, atten, w)
610          or cheby2(np, atten, w, wc, db)
612      return frequency response (amplitude) for inverse Chebyshev filter;
613      the parameters are the same as for fil_cheby2.
615    SEE ALSO: fil_cheby2
616  */
617 {
618   eps2= 1./(10.^(0.1*atten)-1.);
619   if (db) w*= sech(acosh(1./sqrt((10.^(0.1*db)-1.)*eps2))/np);
620   if (wc) w/= wc;
621   /* sqrt(1-1/(1+eps2*Tn(1/w)^2)) where Tn is nth Chebyshev polynomial */
622   w= (1.+(!w)*1.e99)/(w+(!w));
623   mask= (w<=1.0);
624   list= where(mask);
625   if (numberof(list)) cn= 1./(1.+eps2*cos(np*acos(w(list)))^2);
626   list= where(!mask);
627   if (numberof(list)) {
628     cnw= sech(np*acosh(w(list)))^2;
629     cnw= cnw/(cnw+eps2);
630   }
631   return sqrt(1.-merge(cn,cnw,mask));
632 }
cauer(n,ripple,atten,w,wc,db)634 func cauer(n, ripple, atten, w, wc, db)
635 /* DOCUMENT cauer(np, ripple, atten, w)
636          or cauer(np, ripple, atten, w, wc, db)
638      return frequency response (amplitude) for Cauer filter;
639      the parameters are the same as for fil_cauer.
641    SEE ALSO: fil_cauer
642  */
643 {
644   eps2= 10.^(0.1*ripple)-1.;
645   if (atten > 0.) {
646     mb= eps2/(10.^(0.1*atten)-1.);
647     ma= _cauer_parameter(n, mb);
648   } else {
649     ma= 1./(atten*atten);
650     mb= _cauer_parameter(1./n, ma);
651   }
652   ekb= ellip_k(mb);
653   rat= n*ekb/ellip_k(ma);
654   if (db)
655     w/= dn_(ell_am(ell_f(asin(sqrt((1.-eps2/(10.^(0.1*db)-1.))/(1.-mb))),
656                          1.-mb) / rat, 1.-ma));
657   if (wc) w/= wc;
659   w= abs(w);
660   mask= (w<=1.);
661   list= where(mask);
662   if (numberof(list)) {
663     x= rat*ell_f(asin(w(list)),ma);
664     if (!(n%2)) x+= ekb;
665     f1= sin(ell_am(x,mb));
666   }
667   list= where(!mask);
668   if (numberof(list)) {
669     w= 1./w(list);
670     ka= sqrt(ma);
671     mask2= (w>ka);
672     list= where(mask2);
673     if (numberof(list)) {
674       x= w(list);
675       x= rat*ell_f(asin(sqrt((1.-x*x)/(1.-ma))),1.-ma);
676       f21= 1./dn_(ell_am(x,1.-mb));
677     }
678     list= where(!mask2);
679     if (numberof(list)) {
680       x= rat*ell_f(asin(w(list)/ka),ma);
681       if (!(n%2)) x+= ekb;
682       f22= 1./(sqrt(mb)*sin(ell_am(x,mb)));
683     }
684     f2= merge(f21,f22,mask2);
685   }
686   f= merge(f1,f2,mask);
688   return 1./sqrt(1.+eps2*f*f);
689 }
691 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
692 /* also in convol.i */
fft_good(n)694 func fft_good(n)
695 /* DOCUMENT fft_good(n)
697      returns the smallest number of the form 2^x*3^y*5^z greater
698      than or equal to n.  An fft of this length will be much faster
699      than a number with larger prime factors; the speed difference
700      can be an order of magnitude or more.
702      For n>100, the worst cases result in a little over a 11% increase
703      in n; for n>1000, the worst are a bit over 6%; still larger n are
704      better yet.  The median increase for n<=10000 is about 1.5%.
706    SEE ALSO: fft, fft_setup, convol
707  */
708 {
709   if (n<7) return max(n,1);
710   logn= log(n);
711   n5= 5.^indgen(0:long(logn/log(5.) + 1.e-6));  /* exact integers */
712   n3= 3.^indgen(0:long(logn/log(3.) + 1.e-6));  /* exact integers */
713   n35= n3*n5(-,);             /* fewer than 300 numbers for n<5e9 */
714   n35= n35(where(n35<=n));
715   n235= 2^long((logn-log(n35))/log(2.) + 0.999999) * long(n35);
716   return min(n235);
717 }
719 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */