1 /* specfunc/gamma_inc.c
2  *
3  * Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Gerard Jungman
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
8  * your option) any later version.
9  *
10  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
11  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17  * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
18  */
20 /* Author:  G. Jungman */
22 #include <config.h>
23 #include <gsl/gsl_math.h>
24 #include <gsl/gsl_errno.h>
25 #include <gsl/gsl_sf_erf.h>
26 #include <gsl/gsl_sf_exp.h>
27 #include <gsl/gsl_sf_log.h>
28 #include <gsl/gsl_sf_gamma.h>
29 #include <gsl/gsl_sf_expint.h>
31 #include "error.h"
33 /* The dominant part,
34  * D(a,x) := x^a e^(-x) / Gamma(a+1)
35  */
36 static
37 int
gamma_inc_D(const double a,const double x,gsl_sf_result * result)38 gamma_inc_D(const double a, const double x, gsl_sf_result * result)
39 {
40   if(a < 10.0) {
41     double lnr;
42     gsl_sf_result lg;
43     gsl_sf_lngamma_e(a+1.0, &lg);
44     lnr = a * log(x) - x - lg.val;
45     result->val = exp(lnr);
46     result->err = 2.0 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON * (fabs(lnr) + 1.0) * fabs(result->val);
47     return GSL_SUCCESS;
48   }
49   else {
50     gsl_sf_result gstar;
51     gsl_sf_result ln_term;
52     double term1;
53     if (x < a) {
54       double u = x/a;
55       ln_term.val = log(u) - u + 1.0;
56       ln_term.err = ln_term.val * GSL_DBL_EPSILON;
57     } else {
58       double mu = (x-a)/a;
59       gsl_sf_log_1plusx_mx_e(mu, &ln_term);  /* log(1+mu) - mu */
60     };
61     gsl_sf_gammastar_e(a, &gstar);
62     term1 = exp(a*ln_term.val)/sqrt(2.0*M_PI*a);
63     result->val  = term1/gstar.val;
64     result->err  = 2.0 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON * (fabs(a*ln_term.val) + 1.0) * fabs(result->val);
65     result->err += gstar.err/fabs(gstar.val) * fabs(result->val);
66     return GSL_SUCCESS;
67   }
69 }
72 /* P series representation.
73  */
74 static
75 int
gamma_inc_P_series(const double a,const double x,gsl_sf_result * result)76 gamma_inc_P_series(const double a, const double x, gsl_sf_result * result)
77 {
78   const int nmax = 5000;
80   gsl_sf_result D;
81   int stat_D = gamma_inc_D(a, x, &D);
83   double sum  = 1.0;
84   double term = 1.0;
85   int n;
86   for(n=1; n<nmax; n++) {
87     term *= x/(a+n);
88     sum  += term;
89     if(fabs(term/sum) < GSL_DBL_EPSILON) break;
90   }
92   result->val  = D.val * sum;
93   result->err  = D.err * fabs(sum);
94   result->err += (1.0 + n) * GSL_DBL_EPSILON * fabs(result->val);
96   if(n == nmax)
97     GSL_ERROR ("error", GSL_EMAXITER);
98   else
99     return stat_D;
100 }
103 /* Q large x asymptotic
104  */
105 static
106 int
gamma_inc_Q_large_x(const double a,const double x,gsl_sf_result * result)107 gamma_inc_Q_large_x(const double a, const double x, gsl_sf_result * result)
108 {
109   const int nmax = 5000;
111   gsl_sf_result D;
112   const int stat_D = gamma_inc_D(a, x, &D);
114   double sum  = 1.0;
115   double term = 1.0;
116   double last = 1.0;
117   int n;
118   for(n=1; n<nmax; n++) {
119     term *= (a-n)/x;
120     if(fabs(term/last) > 1.0) break;
121     if(fabs(term/sum)  < GSL_DBL_EPSILON) break;
122     sum  += term;
123     last  = term;
124   }
126   result->val  = D.val * (a/x) * sum;
127   result->err  = D.err * fabs((a/x) * sum);
128   result->err += 2.0 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON * fabs(result->val);
130   if(n == nmax)
131     GSL_ERROR ("error in large x asymptotic", GSL_EMAXITER);
132   else
133     return stat_D;
134 }
137 /* Uniform asymptotic for x near a, a and x large.
138  * See [Temme, p. 285]
139  * FIXME: need c1 coefficient
140  */
141 static
142 int
gamma_inc_Q_asymp_unif(const double a,const double x,gsl_sf_result * result)143 gamma_inc_Q_asymp_unif(const double a, const double x, gsl_sf_result * result)
144 {
145   const double rta = sqrt(a);
146   const double eps = (x-a)/a;
148   gsl_sf_result ln_term;
149   const int stat_ln = gsl_sf_log_1plusx_mx_e(eps, &ln_term);  /* log(1+eps) - eps */
150   const double eta  = eps * sqrt(-2.0*ln_term.val/(eps*eps));
152   gsl_sf_result erfc;
154   double R;
155   double c0, c1;
157   gsl_sf_erfc_e(eta*M_SQRT2*rta, &erfc);
159   if(fabs(eps) < GSL_ROOT5_DBL_EPSILON) {
160     c0 = -1.0/3.0 + eps*(1.0/12.0 - eps*(23.0/540.0 - eps*(353.0/12960.0 - eps*589.0/30240.0)));
161     c1 = 0.0;
162   }
163   else {
164     double rt_term;
165     rt_term = sqrt(-2.0 * ln_term.val/(eps*eps));
166     c0 = (1.0 - 1.0/rt_term)/eps;
167     c1 = 0.0;
168   }
170   R = exp(-0.5*a*eta*eta)/(M_SQRT2*M_SQRTPI*rta) * (c0 + c1/a);
172   result->val  = 0.5 * erfc.val + R;
173   result->err  = GSL_DBL_EPSILON * fabs(R * 0.5 * a*eta*eta) + 0.5 * erfc.err;
174   result->err += 2.0 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON * fabs(result->val);
176   return stat_ln;
177 }
180 /* Continued fraction which occurs in evaluation
181  * of Q(a,x) or Gamma(a,x).
182  *
183  *              1   (1-a)/x  1/x  (2-a)/x   2/x  (3-a)/x
184  *   F(a,x) =  ---- ------- ----- -------- ----- -------- ...
185  *             1 +   1 +     1 +   1 +      1 +   1 +
186  *
187  * Hans E. Plesser, 2002-01-22 (hans dot plesser at itf dot nlh dot no).
188  *
189  * Split out from gamma_inc_Q_CF() by GJ [Tue Apr  1 13:16:41 MST 2003].
190  * See gamma_inc_Q_CF() below.
191  *
192  */
193 static int
gamma_inc_F_CF(const double a,const double x,gsl_sf_result * result)194 gamma_inc_F_CF(const double a, const double x, gsl_sf_result * result)
195 {
196   const int    nmax  =  5000;
197   const double small =  gsl_pow_3 (GSL_DBL_EPSILON);
199   double hn = 1.0;           /* convergent */
200   double Cn = 1.0 / small;
201   double Dn = 1.0;
202   int n;
204   /* n == 1 has a_1, b_1, b_0 independent of a,x,
205      so that has been done by hand                */
206   for ( n = 2 ; n < nmax ; n++ )
207   {
208     double an;
209     double delta;
211     if(GSL_IS_ODD(n))
212       an = 0.5*(n-1)/x;
213     else
214       an = (0.5*n-a)/x;
216     Dn = 1.0 + an * Dn;
217     if ( fabs(Dn) < small )
218       Dn = small;
219     Cn = 1.0 + an/Cn;
220     if ( fabs(Cn) < small )
221       Cn = small;
222     Dn = 1.0 / Dn;
223     delta = Cn * Dn;
224     hn *= delta;
225     if(fabs(delta-1.0) < GSL_DBL_EPSILON) break;
226   }
228   result->val = hn;
229   result->err = 2.0*GSL_DBL_EPSILON * fabs(hn);
230   result->err += GSL_DBL_EPSILON * (2.0 + 0.5*n) * fabs(result->val);
232   if(n == nmax)
233     GSL_ERROR ("error in CF for F(a,x)", GSL_EMAXITER);
234   else
235     return GSL_SUCCESS;
236 }
239 /* Continued fraction for Q.
240  *
241  * Q(a,x) = D(a,x) a/x F(a,x)
242  *
243  * Hans E. Plesser, 2002-01-22 (hans dot plesser at itf dot nlh dot no):
244  *
245  * Since the Gautschi equivalent series method for CF evaluation may lead
246  * to singularities, I have replaced it with the modified Lentz algorithm
247  * given in
248  *
249  * I J Thompson and A R Barnett
250  * Coulomb and Bessel Functions of Complex Arguments and Order
251  * J Computational Physics 64:490-509 (1986)
252  *
253  * In consequence, gamma_inc_Q_CF_protected() is now obsolete and has been
254  * removed.
255  *
256  * Identification of terms between the above equation for F(a, x) and
257  * the first equation in the appendix of Thompson&Barnett is as follows:
258  *
259  *    b_0 = 0, b_n = 1 for all n > 0
260  *
261  *    a_1 = 1
262  *    a_n = (n/2-a)/x    for n even
263  *    a_n = (n-1)/(2x)   for n odd
264  *
265  */
266 static
267 int
gamma_inc_Q_CF(const double a,const double x,gsl_sf_result * result)268 gamma_inc_Q_CF(const double a, const double x, gsl_sf_result * result)
269 {
270   gsl_sf_result D;
271   gsl_sf_result F;
272   const int stat_D = gamma_inc_D(a, x, &D);
273   const int stat_F = gamma_inc_F_CF(a, x, &F);
275   result->val  = D.val * (a/x) * F.val;
276   result->err  = D.err * fabs((a/x) * F.val) + fabs(D.val * a/x * F.err);
278   return GSL_ERROR_SELECT_2(stat_F, stat_D);
279 }
282 /* Useful for small a and x. Handles the subtraction analytically.
283  */
284 static
285 int
gamma_inc_Q_series(const double a,const double x,gsl_sf_result * result)286 gamma_inc_Q_series(const double a, const double x, gsl_sf_result * result)
287 {
288   double term1;  /* 1 - x^a/Gamma(a+1) */
289   double sum;    /* 1 + (a+1)/(a+2)(-x)/2! + (a+1)/(a+3)(-x)^2/3! + ... */
290   int stat_sum;
291   double term2;  /* a temporary variable used at the end */
293   {
294     /* Evaluate series for 1 - x^a/Gamma(a+1), small a
295      */
296     const double pg21 = -2.404113806319188570799476;  /* PolyGamma[2,1] */
297     const double lnx  = log(x);
298     const double el   = M_EULER+lnx;
299     const double c1 = -el;
300     const double c2 = M_PI*M_PI/12.0 - 0.5*el*el;
301     const double c3 = el*(M_PI*M_PI/12.0 - el*el/6.0) + pg21/6.0;
302     const double c4 = -0.04166666666666666667
303                        * (-1.758243446661483480 + lnx)
304                        * (-0.764428657272716373 + lnx)
305                        * ( 0.723980571623507657 + lnx)
306                        * ( 4.107554191916823640 + lnx);
307     const double c5 = -0.0083333333333333333
308                        * (-2.06563396085715900 + lnx)
309                        * (-1.28459889470864700 + lnx)
310                        * (-0.27583535756454143 + lnx)
311                        * ( 1.33677371336239618 + lnx)
312                        * ( 5.17537282427561550 + lnx);
313     const double c6 = -0.0013888888888888889
314                        * (-2.30814336454783200 + lnx)
315                        * (-1.65846557706987300 + lnx)
316                        * (-0.88768082560020400 + lnx)
317                        * ( 0.17043847751371778 + lnx)
318                        * ( 1.92135970115863890 + lnx)
319                        * ( 6.22578557795474900 + lnx);
320     const double c7 = -0.00019841269841269841
321                        * (-2.5078657901291800 + lnx)
322                        * (-1.9478900888958200 + lnx)
323                        * (-1.3194837322612730 + lnx)
324                        * (-0.5281322700249279 + lnx)
325                        * ( 0.5913834939078759 + lnx)
326                        * ( 2.4876819633378140 + lnx)
327                        * ( 7.2648160783762400 + lnx);
328     const double c8 = -0.00002480158730158730
329                        * (-2.677341544966400 + lnx)
330                        * (-2.182810448271700 + lnx)
331                        * (-1.649350342277400 + lnx)
332                        * (-1.014099048290790 + lnx)
333                        * (-0.191366955370652 + lnx)
334                        * ( 0.995403817918724 + lnx)
335                        * ( 3.041323283529310 + lnx)
336                        * ( 8.295966556941250 + lnx);
337     const double c9 = -2.75573192239859e-6
338                        * (-2.8243487670469080 + lnx)
339                        * (-2.3798494322701120 + lnx)
340                        * (-1.9143674728689960 + lnx)
341                        * (-1.3814529102920370 + lnx)
342                        * (-0.7294312810261694 + lnx)
343                        * ( 0.1299079285269565 + lnx)
344                        * ( 1.3873333251885240 + lnx)
345                        * ( 3.5857258865210760 + lnx)
346                        * ( 9.3214237073814600 + lnx);
347     const double c10 = -2.75573192239859e-7
348                        * (-2.9540329644556910 + lnx)
349                        * (-2.5491366926991850 + lnx)
350                        * (-2.1348279229279880 + lnx)
351                        * (-1.6741881076349450 + lnx)
352                        * (-1.1325949616098420 + lnx)
353                        * (-0.4590034650618494 + lnx)
354                        * ( 0.4399352987435699 + lnx)
355                        * ( 1.7702236517651670 + lnx)
356                        * ( 4.1231539047474080 + lnx)
357                        * ( 10.342627908148680 + lnx);
359     term1 = a*(c1+a*(c2+a*(c3+a*(c4+a*(c5+a*(c6+a*(c7+a*(c8+a*(c9+a*c10)))))))));
360   }
362   {
363     /* Evaluate the sum.
364      */
365     const int nmax = 5000;
366     double t = 1.0;
367     int n;
368     sum = 1.0;
370     for(n=1; n<nmax; n++) {
371       t *= -x/(n+1.0);
372       sum += (a+1.0)/(a+n+1.0)*t;
373       if(fabs(t/sum) < GSL_DBL_EPSILON) break;
374     }
376     if(n == nmax)
377       stat_sum = GSL_EMAXITER;
378     else
379       stat_sum = GSL_SUCCESS;
380   }
382   term2 = (1.0 - term1) * a/(a+1.0) * x * sum;
383   result->val  = term1 + term2;
384   result->err  = GSL_DBL_EPSILON * (fabs(term1) + 2.0*fabs(term2));
385   result->err += 2.0 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON * fabs(result->val);
386   return stat_sum;
387 }
390 /* series for small a and x, but not defined for a == 0 */
391 static int
gamma_inc_series(double a,double x,gsl_sf_result * result)392 gamma_inc_series(double a, double x, gsl_sf_result * result)
393 {
394   gsl_sf_result Q;
395   gsl_sf_result G;
396   const int stat_Q = gamma_inc_Q_series(a, x, &Q);
397   const int stat_G = gsl_sf_gamma_e(a, &G);
398   result->val = Q.val * G.val;
399   result->err = fabs(Q.val * G.err) + fabs(Q.err * G.val);
400   result->err += 2.0 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON * fabs(result->val);
402   return GSL_ERROR_SELECT_2(stat_Q, stat_G);
403 }
406 static int
gamma_inc_a_gt_0(double a,double x,gsl_sf_result * result)407 gamma_inc_a_gt_0(double a, double x, gsl_sf_result * result)
408 {
409   /* x > 0 and a > 0; use result for Q */
410   gsl_sf_result Q;
411   gsl_sf_result G;
412   const int stat_Q = gsl_sf_gamma_inc_Q_e(a, x, &Q);
413   const int stat_G = gsl_sf_gamma_e(a, &G);
415   result->val = G.val * Q.val;
416   result->err = fabs(G.val * Q.err) + fabs(G.err * Q.val);
417   result->err += 2.0*GSL_DBL_EPSILON * fabs(result->val);
419   return GSL_ERROR_SELECT_2(stat_G, stat_Q);
420 }
423 static int
gamma_inc_CF(double a,double x,gsl_sf_result * result)424 gamma_inc_CF(double a, double x, gsl_sf_result * result)
425 {
426   gsl_sf_result F;
427   gsl_sf_result pre;
428   const int stat_F = gamma_inc_F_CF(a, x, &F);
429   const int stat_E = gsl_sf_exp_e((a-1.0)*log(x) - x, &pre);
431   result->val = F.val * pre.val;
432   result->err = fabs(F.err * pre.val) + fabs(F.val * pre.err);
433   result->err += (2.0 + fabs(a)) * GSL_DBL_EPSILON * fabs(result->val);
435   return GSL_ERROR_SELECT_2(stat_F, stat_E);
436 }
439 /* evaluate Gamma(0,x), x > 0 */
440 #define GAMMA_INC_A_0(x, result) gsl_sf_expint_E1_e(x, result)
443 /*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Functions with Error Codes *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*/
445 int
gsl_sf_gamma_inc_Q_e(const double a,const double x,gsl_sf_result * result)446 gsl_sf_gamma_inc_Q_e(const double a, const double x, gsl_sf_result * result)
447 {
448   if(a < 0.0 || x < 0.0) {
449     DOMAIN_ERROR(result);
450   }
451   else if(x == 0.0) {
452     result->val = 1.0;
453     result->err = 0.0;
454     return GSL_SUCCESS;
455   }
456   else if(a == 0.0)
457   {
458     result->val = 0.0;
459     result->err = 0.0;
460     return GSL_SUCCESS;
461   }
462   else if(x <= 0.5*a) {
463     /* If the series is quick, do that. It is
464      * robust and simple.
465      */
466     gsl_sf_result P;
467     int stat_P = gamma_inc_P_series(a, x, &P);
468     result->val  = 1.0 - P.val;
469     result->err  = P.err;
470     result->err += 2.0 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON * fabs(result->val);
471     return stat_P;
472   }
473   else if(a >= 1.0e+06 && (x-a)*(x-a) < a) {
474     /* Then try the difficult asymptotic regime.
475      * This is the only way to do this region.
476      */
477     return gamma_inc_Q_asymp_unif(a, x, result);
478   }
479   else if(a < 0.2 && x < 5.0) {
480     /* Cancellations at small a must be handled
481      * analytically; x should not be too big
482      * either since the series terms grow
483      * with x and log(x).
484      */
485     return gamma_inc_Q_series(a, x, result);
486   }
487   else if(a <= x) {
488     if(x <= 1.0e+06) {
489       /* Continued fraction is excellent for x >~ a.
490        * We do not let x be too large when x > a since
491        * it is somewhat pointless to try this there;
492        * the function is rapidly decreasing for
493        * x large and x > a, and it will just
494        * underflow in that region anyway. We
495        * catch that case in the standard
496        * large-x method.
497        */
498       return gamma_inc_Q_CF(a, x, result);
499     }
500     else {
501       return gamma_inc_Q_large_x(a, x, result);
502     }
503   }
504   else {
505     if(a < 0.8*x) {
506       /* Continued fraction again. The convergence
507        * is a little slower here, but that is fine.
508        * We have to trade that off against the slow
509        * convergence of the series, which is the
510        * only other option.
511        */
512       return gamma_inc_Q_CF(a, x, result);
513     }
514     else {
515       gsl_sf_result P;
516       int stat_P = gamma_inc_P_series(a, x, &P);
517       result->val  = 1.0 - P.val;
518       result->err  = P.err;
519       result->err += 2.0 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON * fabs(result->val);
520       return stat_P;
521     }
522   }
523 }
526 int
gsl_sf_gamma_inc_P_e(const double a,const double x,gsl_sf_result * result)527 gsl_sf_gamma_inc_P_e(const double a, const double x, gsl_sf_result * result)
528 {
529   if(a <= 0.0 || x < 0.0) {
530     DOMAIN_ERROR(result);
531   }
532   else if(x == 0.0) {
533     result->val = 0.0;
534     result->err = 0.0;
535     return GSL_SUCCESS;
536   }
537   else if(x < 20.0 || x < 0.5*a) {
538     /* Do the easy series cases. Robust and quick.
539      */
540     return gamma_inc_P_series(a, x, result);
541   }
542   else if(a > 1.0e+06 && (x-a)*(x-a) < a) {
543     /* Crossover region. Note that Q and P are
544      * roughly the same order of magnitude here,
545      * so the subtraction is stable.
546      */
547     gsl_sf_result Q;
548     int stat_Q = gamma_inc_Q_asymp_unif(a, x, &Q);
549     result->val  = 1.0 - Q.val;
550     result->err  = Q.err;
551     result->err += 2.0 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON * fabs(result->val);
552     return stat_Q;
553   }
554   else if(a <= x) {
555     /* Q <~ P in this area, so the
556      * subtractions are stable.
557      */
558     gsl_sf_result Q;
559     int stat_Q;
560     if(a > 0.2*x) {
561       stat_Q = gamma_inc_Q_CF(a, x, &Q);
562     }
563     else {
564       stat_Q = gamma_inc_Q_large_x(a, x, &Q);
565     }
566     result->val  = 1.0 - Q.val;
567     result->err  = Q.err;
568     result->err += 2.0 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON * fabs(result->val);
569     return stat_Q;
570   }
571   else {
572     if((x-a)*(x-a) < a) {
573       /* This condition is meant to insure
574        * that Q is not very close to 1,
575        * so the subtraction is stable.
576        */
577       gsl_sf_result Q;
578       int stat_Q = gamma_inc_Q_CF(a, x, &Q);
579       result->val  = 1.0 - Q.val;
580       result->err  = Q.err;
581       result->err += 2.0 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON * fabs(result->val);
582       return stat_Q;
583     }
584     else {
585       return gamma_inc_P_series(a, x, result);
586     }
587   }
588 }
591 int
gsl_sf_gamma_inc_e(const double a,const double x,gsl_sf_result * result)592 gsl_sf_gamma_inc_e(const double a, const double x, gsl_sf_result * result)
593 {
594   if(x < 0.0) {
595     DOMAIN_ERROR(result);
596   }
597   else if(x == 0.0) {
598     return gsl_sf_gamma_e(a, result);
599   }
600   else if(a == 0.0)
601   {
602     return GAMMA_INC_A_0(x, result);
603   }
604   else if(a > 0.0)
605   {
606     return gamma_inc_a_gt_0(a, x, result);
607   }
608   else if(x > 0.25)
609   {
610     /* continued fraction seems to fail for x too small; otherwise
611        it is ok, independent of the value of |x/a|, because of the
612        non-oscillation in the expansion, i.e. the CF is
613        un-conditionally convergent for a < 0 and x > 0
614      */
615     return gamma_inc_CF(a, x, result);
616   }
617   else if(fabs(a) < 0.5)
618   {
619     return gamma_inc_series(a, x, result);
620   }
621   else
622   {
623     /* a = fa + da; da >= 0 */
624     const double fa = floor(a);
625     const double da = a - fa;
627     gsl_sf_result g_da;
628     const int stat_g_da = ( da > 0.0 ? gamma_inc_a_gt_0(da, x, &g_da)
629                                      : GAMMA_INC_A_0(x, &g_da));
631     double alpha = da;
632     double gax = g_da.val;
634     /* Gamma(alpha-1,x) = 1/(alpha-1) (Gamma(a,x) - x^(alpha-1) e^-x) */
635     do
636     {
637       const double shift = exp(-x + (alpha-1.0)*log(x));
638       gax = (gax - shift) / (alpha - 1.0);
639       alpha -= 1.0;
640     } while(alpha > a);
642     result->val = gax;
643     result->err = 2.0*(1.0 + fabs(a))*GSL_DBL_EPSILON*fabs(gax);
644     return stat_g_da;
645   }
647 }
650 /*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Functions w/ Natural Prototypes *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*/
652 #include "eval.h"
gsl_sf_gamma_inc_P(const double a,const double x)654 double gsl_sf_gamma_inc_P(const double a, const double x)
655 {
656   EVAL_RESULT(gsl_sf_gamma_inc_P_e(a, x, &result));
657 }
gsl_sf_gamma_inc_Q(const double a,const double x)659 double gsl_sf_gamma_inc_Q(const double a, const double x)
660 {
661   EVAL_RESULT(gsl_sf_gamma_inc_Q_e(a, x, &result));
662 }
gsl_sf_gamma_inc(const double a,const double x)664 double gsl_sf_gamma_inc(const double a, const double x)
665 {
666    EVAL_RESULT(gsl_sf_gamma_inc_e(a, x, &result));
667 }