1#!/usr/bin/perl -T
3# manServer - Unix man page to HTML converter
4# Rolf Howarth, rolf@squarebox.co.uk
5# Version 1.07  16 July 2001
6# Version 1.07+ma1 2006-03-31 Matthias Andree
7#                             add trailing slash of URLs
8#                             support https, too
10$version = "1.07+ma1";
11$manServerUrl = "<A HREF=\"http://www.squarebox.co.uk/users/rolf/download/manServer.shtml\">manServer $version</A>";
13use Socket;
15$ENV{'PATH'} = "/bin:/usr/bin";
18$request = shift @ARGV;
19# Usage: manServer [-dn] filename | manServer [-s port]
21$root = "";
22$cgiMode = 0;
23$bodyTag = "BODY bgcolor=#F0F0F0 text=#000000 link=#0000ff vlink=#C000C0 alink=#ff0000";
25if ($ENV{'GATEWAY_INTERFACE'} ne "")
27	*OUT = *STDOUT;
28	open(LOG, ">>/tmp/manServer.log");
29	chmod(0666, '/tmp/manServer.log');
30	$root = $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'};
31	$url = $ENV{'PATH_INFO'};
32	if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "POST")
33		{ $args = <STDIN>; chop $args; }
34	else
35		{ $args = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; }
36	$url .= "?".$args if ($args);
37	$cgiMode = 1;
38	$date = &fmtTime(time);
39	$remoteHost = $ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'} || $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'};
40	$referer = $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'};
41	$userAgent = $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'};
42	print LOG "$date\t$remoteHost\t$url\t$referer\t$userAgent\n";
43	processRequest($url);
45elsif ($request eq "-s" || $request eq "")
47	*LOG = *STDERR;
48	startServer();
52	$cmdLineMode = 1;
53	if ($request =~ m/^-d(\d)/)
54	{
55		$debug = $1;
56		$request = shift @ARGV;
57	}
58	*OUT = *STDOUT;
59	*LOG = *STDERR;
60	$file = findPage($request);
61	man2html($file);
67##### Mini HTTP Server ####
69sub startServer
71	($port) = @ARGV;
72	$port = 8888 unless $port;
74	$sockaddr = 'S n a4 x8';
76	($name, $aliases, $proto) = getprotobyname('tcp');
77	($name, $aliases, $port) = getservbyname($port, 'tcp')
78			unless $port =~ /^\d+$/;
80	while(1)
81	{
82		$this = pack($sockaddr, AF_INET, $port, "\0\0\0\0");
84		select(NS); $| = 1; select(stdout);
86		socket(S, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto) || die "socket: $!";
87		if (bind(S, $this))
88		{
89			last;
90		}
91		else
92		{
93			print STDERR "Failed to bind to port $port: $!\n";
94			++$port;
95		}
96	}
98	listen(S, 5) || die "connect: $!";
100	select(S); $| = 1; select(stdout);
102	while(1)
103	{
104		print LOG "Waiting for connection on port $port\n";
105		($addr = accept(NS,S)) || die $!;
106		#print "accept ok\n";
108		($af,$rport,$inetaddr) = unpack($sockaddr,$addr);
109		@inetaddr = unpack('C4',$inetaddr);
110		print LOG "Got connection from ", join(".",@inetaddr), "\n";
112		while (<NS>)
113		{
114			if (m/^GET (\S+)/) { $url = $1; }
115			last if (m/^\s*$/);
116		}
117		*OUT = *NS;
118		processRequest($url);
119		close NS ;
120	}
124sub processRequest
126	$url = $_[0];
127	print LOG "Request = $url, root = $root\n";
129	if ( ($url =~ m/^([^?]*)\?(.*)$/) || ($url =~ m/^([^&]*)&(.*)$/) )
130	{
131		$request = $1;
132		$args = $2;
133	}
134	else
135	{
136		$request = $url;
137		$args = "";
138	}
140	@params = split(/[=&]/, $args);
141	for ($i=0; $i<=$#params; ++$i)
142	{
143		$params[$i] =~ tr/+/ /;
144		$params[$i] =~ s/%([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f])/pack("C",hex($1))/eg;
145	}
146	%params = @params;
148	$request = $params{'q'} if ($params{'q'});
149	$searchType = $params{'t'};
150	$debug = $params{'d'};
152	$processed = 0;
153	$file = "";
155	if ($searchType)
156	{
157		print OUT "HTTP/1.0 200 Ok\n" unless ($cgiMode);
158		print OUT "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
159		print OUT "<H1>Searching not yet implemented</H1>\n";
160		print LOG "Searching not implemented\n";
161		$processed = 1;
162	}
163	elsif ($request eq "/" || $request eq "")
164	{
165		print OUT "HTTP/1.0 200 Ok\n" unless ($cgiMode);
166		print OUT "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
167		print LOG "Home page\n";
168		homePage();
169		$processed = 1;
170	}
171	elsif ($request =~ m,^/.*/$,)
172	{
173		print OUT "HTTP/1.0 200 Ok\n" unless ($cgiMode);
174		print OUT "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
175		print LOG "List directory\n";
176		listDir($request);
177		$processed = 1;
178	}
179	elsif (-f $request || -f "$request.gz" || -f "$request.bz2")
180	{
181		# Only allow fully specified files if they're in our manpath
182		foreach $md (@manpath)
183		{
184			$dir = $md;
185			if (substr($request,0,length($dir)) eq $dir)
186			{
187				print OUT "HTTP/1.0 200 Ok\n" unless ($cgiMode);
188				print OUT "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
189				man2html($request);
190				$processed = 1;
191				last;
192			}
193		}
194	}
195	else
196	{
197		$file = findPage($request);
198		if (@multipleMatches)
199		{
200			print OUT "HTTP/1.0 200 Ok\n" unless ($cgiMode);
201			print OUT "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
202			print LOG "Multiple matches\n";
203			printMatches();
204			$processed = 1;
205		}
206		elsif ($file)
207		{
208			print OUT "HTTP/1.0 301 Redirected\n" unless ($cgiMode);
209			$file .= "&d=$debug" if ($debug);
210			print OUT "Location: $root$file\n\n";
211			print LOG "Redirect to $root$file\n";
212			$processed = 1;
213		}
214	}
216	unless ($processed)
217	{
218		print OUT "HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found\n" unless ($cgiMode);
219		print OUT "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
220		print OUT "<HTML><HEAD>\n<TITLE>Not Found</TITLE>\n<$bodyTag>\n";
221		print OUT "<CENTER><H1><HR>Not Found<HR></H1></CENTER>\nFailed to find man page /$request\n";
222		print OUT "<P><HR><P><A HREF=\"$root/\">Main Index</A>\n</HTML>\n";
223		print STDERR "Failed to find /$request\n" unless ($cgiMode);
224	}
227sub homePage
229	print OUT "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Manual Pages - Main Index</TITLE>
230</HEAD><$bodyTag><CENTER><H1><HR><I>Manual Reference Pages</I> - Main Index<HR></H1></CENTER>
231<FORM ACTION=\"$root/\" METHOD=get>\n";
232	$uname = `uname -s -r`;
233	if (! $?)
234	{
235		$hostname = `hostname`;
236		print OUT "<B>$uname pages on $hostname</B><P>\n";
237	}
238	# print OUT "<SELECT name=t> <OPTION selected value=0>Command name
239	# <OPTION value=1>Keyword search <OPTION value=2>Full text search</SELECT>\n";
240	print OUT "Command name: <INPUT name=q size=20> <INPUT type=submit value=\"Show Page\"> </FORM><P>\n";
241	loadManDirs();
242	foreach $dir (@mandirs)
243	{
244		($section) = ($dir =~ m/man([0-9A-Za-z]+)$/);
245		print OUT "<A HREF=\"$root$dir/\">$dir" ;
246		print OUT "- <I>$sectionName{$section}</I>" if ($sectionName{$section});
247		print OUT "</A><BR>\n";
248	}
249	print OUT "<P><HR><P><FONT SIZE=-1>Generated by $manServerUrl from local unix man pages.</FONT>\n</BODY></HTML>\n";
252sub listDir
254	foreach $md (@manpath)
255	{
256		$dir = $md;
257		if (substr($request,0,length($dir)) eq $dir)
258		{
259			$request =~ s,/$,,;
260			($section) = ($request =~ m/man([0-9A-Za-z]+)$/);
261			$sectionName = $sectionName{$section};
262			$sectionName = "Manual Reference Pages" unless ($sectionName);
263			print OUT "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Contents of $request</TITLE></HEAD>\n<$bodyTag>\n";
264			print OUT "<CENTER><H1><HR><NOBR><I>$sectionName</I></NOBR> - <NOBR>Index of $request</NOBR><HR></H1></CENTER>\n";
265			print OUT "<FORM ACTION=\"$root/\" METHOD=get>\n";
266			print OUT "Command name: <INPUT name=q size=20> <INPUT type=submit value=\"Show Page\"> </FORM><P>\n";
268			if (opendir(DIR, $request))
269			{
270				@files = sort readdir DIR;
271				foreach $f (@files)
272				{
273					next if ($f eq "." || $f eq ".." || $f !~ m/\./);
274					$f =~ s/\.(gz|bz2)$//;
275					# ($name) = ($f =~ m,/([^/]*)$,);
276					print OUT "<A HREF=\"$root$request/$f\">$f</A>&nbsp;\n";
277				}
278				closedir DIR;
279			}
280			print OUT "<P><A HREF=\"$root/\">Main Index</A>\n</HTML>\n";
281			print OUT "<P><HR><P><FONT SIZE=-1>Generated by $manServerUrl from local unix man pages.</FONT>\n</BODY></HTML>\n";
282			return;
283		}
284	}
285	print OUT "<H1>Directory $request not known</H1>\n";
288sub printMatches
290	print OUT "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Ambiguous Request '$request'</TITLE></HEAD>\n<$bodyTag>\n";
291	print OUT "<CENTER><H1><HR>Ambiguous Request '$request'<HR></H1></CENTER>\nPlease select one of the following pages:<P><BLOCKQUOTE>";
292	foreach $f (@multipleMatches)
293	{
294		print OUT "<A HREF=\"$root$f\">$f</A><BR>\n";
295	}
296	print OUT "</BLOCKQUOTE><HR><P><A HREF=\"$root/\">Main Index</A>\n</HTML>\n";
300##### Process troff input using man macros into HTML #####
302sub man2html
304	$file = $_[0];
305	$srcfile = $file;
306	$zfile = $file;
307	if (! -f $file)
308	{
309		if (-f "$file.gz")
310		{
311			$zfile = "$file.gz";
312			$zcat = "/usr/bin/zcat";
313			$zcat = "/bin/zcat" unless (-x $zcat);
314			$srcfile = "$zcat $zfile |";
315			$srcfile =~ m/^(.*)$/;
316			$srcfile = $1;	# untaint
317		}
318		elsif (-f "$file.bz2")
319		{
320			$zfile = "$file.bz2";
321			$srcfile = "/usr/bin/bzcat $zfile |";
322			$srcfile =~ m/^(.*)$/;
323			$srcfile = $1;	# untaint
324		}
325	}
326	print LOG "man2html $file\n";
327	$foundNroffTag = 0;
328	loadContents($file);
329	unless (open(SRC, $srcfile))
330	{
331		print OUT "<H1>Failed to open $file</H1>\n";
332		print STDERR "Failed to open $srcfile\n";
333		return;
334	}
335	($dir,$page,$sect) = ($file =~ m,^(.*)/([^/]+)\.([^.]+)$,);
336	$troffTable = 0;
337	%macro = ();
338	%renamedMacro = ();
339	%deletedMacro = ();
340	@indent = ();
341	@tabstops = ();
342	$indentLevel = 0;
343	$prevailingIndent = 6;
344	$trapLine = 0;
345	$blockquote = 0;
346	$noSpace = 0;
347	$firstSection = 0;
348	$eqnStart = "";
349	$eqnEnd = "";
350	$eqnMode = 0;
351	%eqndefs = ();
352	$defaultNm = "";
353	$title = $file;
354	$title = "Manual Page - $page($sect)" if ($page && $sect);
356	$_ = getLine();
357	if (m/^.so (man.*)$/)
358	{
359		# An .so include on the first line only is replaced by the referenced page.
360		# (See elsewhere for processing of included sections that occur later in document.)
361		man2html("$dir/../$1");
362		return;
363	}
365	$perlPattern = "";
366	if ($file =~ m/perl/)
367	{
368		&loadPerlPages();
369		$perlPattern = join('|', grep($_ ne $page, keys %perlPages));
370	}
372	print OUT "<HTML><HEAD>\n<TITLE>$title</TITLE>\n<$bodyTag><A NAME=top></A>\n";
374	if ($foundNroffTag)
375	{
376		do
377		{
378			preProcessLine();
379			processLine();
380		}
381		while(getLine());
382		endNoFill();
383		endParagraph();
384	}
385	else
386	{
387		# Special case where input is not nroff at all but is preformatted text
388		$sectionName = "Manual Reference Pages";
389		$sectionNumber = $sect;
390		$left = "Manual Page";
391		$right = "Manual Page";
392		$macroPackage = "(preformatted text)";
393		$pageName = "$page($sect)";
394		$saveCurrentLine = $_;
395		outputPageHead();
396		$_ = $saveCurrentLine;
397		print OUT "<PRE>\n";
398		do
399		{
400			print OUT $_;
401		}
402		while(getLine());
403		print OUT "</PRE>\n";
404	}
405	outputPageFooter();
408sub outputPageHead
410	plainOutput( "<CENTER>\n" );
411	outputLine( "<H1><HR><I>$sectionName &nbsp;-&nbsp;</I><NOBR>$pageName</NOBR><HR></H1>\n" );
412	plainOutput( "</CENTER>\n" );
415sub outputPageFooter
417	if ($pageName)
418	{
419		unless ($cmdLineMode)
420		{
421			plainOutput( "<FORM ACTION=\"$root/\" METHOD=get>\n" );
422			plainOutput( "Jump to page &nbsp;<INPUT name=q size=12>&nbsp; or go to <A HREF=#top>Top of page</A>&nbsp;|&nbsp;\n" );
423			plainOutput( "<A HREF=\"$root$dir/\">Section $sectionNumber</A>&nbsp;|&nbsp;\n" );
424			plainOutput( "<A HREF=\"$root/\">Main Index</A>.\n" );
425			plainOutput( "<FORM>\n" );
426		}
427		endBlockquote();
428		outputLine("<P><HR>\n<TABLE width=100%><TR> <TD width=33%><I>$left</I></TD> <TD width=33% align=center>$pageName</TD> <TD align=right width=33%><I>$right</I></TD> </TR></TABLE>");
429	}
430	plainOutput("<FONT SIZE=-1>Generated by $manServerUrl from $zfile $macroPackage.</FONT>\n</BODY></HTML>\n");
433sub outputContents
435	print OUT "<A name=contents></A><H3>CONTENTS</H3></A>\n";
436	blockquote();
437	for ($id=1; $id<=$#contents; ++$id)
438	{
439		$name = $contents[$id];
440		$pre = "";
441		$pre = "&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;" if ($name =~ m/^ /);
442		$pre .= "&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;" if ($name =~ m/^  /);
443		$name =~ s,^\s+,,;
444		next if ($name eq "" || $name =~ m,^/,);
445		unless ($name =~ m/[a-z]/)
446		{
447			$name = "\u\L$name";
448			$name =~ s/ (.)/ \u\1/g;
449		}
450		outputLine("$pre<A HREF=#$id>$name</A><BR>\n");
451	}
452	endBlockquote();
455# First pass to extract table of contents
456sub loadContents
458	@contents = ();
459	%contents = ();
460	# print STDERR "SRCFILE = $srcfile\n";
461	open(SRC, $srcfile) || return;
462	while (<SRC>)
463	{
464		preProcessLine();
465		$foundNroffTag = $foundNroffTag || (m/^\.(\\\"|TH|so) /);
466		if (m/^\.(S[HShs]) ([A-Z].*)\s*$/)
467		{
468			$foundNroffTag = 1;
469			$c = $1;
470			$t = $2;
471			$t =~ s/"//g;
472			$id = @contents;
473			if ($c eq "SH" || $c eq "Sh")
474			{
475				push(@contents, $t);
476			}
477			elsif ($t =~ m/\\f/)
478			{
479				$t =~ s/\\f.//g;
480				push(@contents, "  $t");
481			}
482			else
483			{
484				push(@contents, " $t");
485			}
486			$contents{"\U$t"} = $id;
487		}
488	}
489	close SRC;
492# Preprocess $_
493sub preProcessLine
495	# Remove spurious white space to canonicise the input
496	chop;
497	$origLine = $_;
498	s, $,,g;
499	s,^',.,;	# treat non breaking requests as if there was a dot
500	s,^\.\s*,\.,;
502	if ($eqnMode == 1)
503	{
504		if (m/$eqnEnd/)
505		{
506			s,^(.*?)$eqnEnd,&processEqnd($1),e;
507			$eqnMode = 0;
508		}
509		else
510		{
511			&processEqns($_);
512		}
513	}
514	if ($eqnStart && $eqnMode==0)
515	{
516		s,$eqnStart(.*?)$eqnEnd,&processEqnd($1),ge;
517		if (m/$eqnStart/)
518		{
519			s,$eqnStart(.*)$,&processEqns($1),e;
520			$eqnMode = 1;
521		}
522	}
524	# XXX Note: multiple levels of escaping aren't handled properly, eg. \\*.. as a macro argument
525	# should get interpolated as string but ends up with a literal '\' being copied through to output.
526	s,\\\\\*q,&#34;,g; # treat mdoc \\*q as special case
528	s,\\\\,_DBLSLASH_,g;
529	s,\\ ,_SPACE_,g;
530	s,\s*\\".*$,,;
531	s,\\$,,;
533	# Then apply any variable substitutions and escape < and >
534	# (which has to be done before we start inserting tags...)
535	s,\\\*\((..),$vars{$1},ge;
536	s/\\\*([*'`,^,:~].)/$vars{$1}||"\\*$1"/ge;
537	s,\\\*(.),$vars{$1},ge;
538	# Expand special characters for the first time (eg. \(<-
539	s,\\\((..),$special{$1}||"\\($1",ge;
540	s,<,&lt;,g;
541	s,>,&gt;,g;
543	# Interpolate width and number registers
544	s,\\w(.)(.*?)\1,&width($2),ge;
545	s,\\n\((..),&numreg($1),ge;
546	s,\\n(.),&numreg($1),ge;
549# Undo slash escaping, normally done at output stage, also in macro defn
550sub postProcessLine
552	s,_DBLSLASH_,\\,g;
553	s,_SPACE_, ,g;
556# Rewrite the line, expanding escapes such as font styles, and output it.
557# The line may be a plain text troff line, or it might be the expanded output of a
558# macro in which case some HTML tags may already have been inserted into the text.
559sub outputLine
561	$_ = $_[0];
563	print OUT "<!-- Output: \"$_\" -->\n" if ($debug>1);
565	if ($needBreak)
566	{
567		plainOutput("<!-- Need break --><BR>\n");
568		lineBreak();
569	}
570	if ($textSinceBreak && !$noFill && $_ =~ m/^\s/)
571	{
572		plainOutput("<BR>\n");
573		lineBreak();
574	}
576	s,\\&\.,&#46;,g;    # \&. often used to escape dot at start of line
577	s,\\\.,&#46;,g;
578	s,\\\^,,g;
579	s,\\\|,,g;
580	s,\\c,,g;
581	s,\\0,&nbsp;,g;
582	s,\\t,\t,g;
584	s,\\%,&nbsp;,g;
585	s,\\\{,,g;
586	s,\\},,g;
587	s,\\$,,g;
589	s,\\e,&#92;,g;
590	s,\\([-+_~#[]),\1,g;
592	# Can't implement local motion tags
593	s,\\[hv](.).*?\1,,g;
594	s,\\z,,g;
596	# Font changes, super/sub-scripts and font size changes
597	s,\\(f[^(]|f\(..|u|d|s[-+]?\d),&inlineStyle($1),ge;
599	# Overstrike
600	if (m/\\o/)
601	{
602		# handle a few special accent cases we know how to deal with
603		s,\\o(.)([aouAOU])"\1,\\o\1\2:\1,g;
604		s,\\o(.)(.)\\(.)\1,\\o\1\2\3\1,g;
605		s;\\o(.)([A-Za-z])(['`:,^~])\1;\\o\1\3\2\1;g;
606		#s,\\o(.)(.*?)\1,"<BLINK>".($vars{$2}||$2)."</BLINK>",ge;
607		s,\\o(.)(.*?)\1,$vars{$2}||$2,ge;
608	}
609	# Bracket building (ignore)
610	s,\\b(.)(.*?)\1,\2,g;
612	s,\\`,&#96;,g;
613	s,\\',&#39;,g;
614	s,',&#146;,g;
615	s,`,&#145;,g;
617	# Expand special characters introduced by eqn
618	s,\\\((..),$special{$1}||"\\($1",ge;
619	s,\\\((..),<BLINK>\\($1</BLINK>,g unless (m,^\.,);
621	# Don't know how to handle other escapes
622	s,(\\[^&]),<BLINK>\1</BLINK>,g unless (m,^\.,);
624	postProcessLine();
626	# Insert links for http, ftp and mailto URLs
627	# Recognised URLs are sequence of alphanumerics and special chars like / and ~
628	# but must finish with an alphanumeric rather than punctuation like "."
629	s,\b(https?://[-\w/~:@.%#+$?=]+[\w/]),<A HREF=\"\1\">\1</A>,g;
630	s,\b(ftp://[-\w/~:@.%#+$?=]+),<A HREF=\"\1\">\1</A>,g;
631	s,([-_A-Za-z0-9.]+@[A-Za-z][-_A-Za-z0-9]*\.[-_A-Za-z0-9.]+),<A HREF=\"mailto:\1\">\1</A>,g;
633	# special case for things like 'perlre' as it's so useful but the
634	# pod-generated pages aren't very parser friendly...
635	if ($perlPattern && ! m/<A HREF/i)
636	{
637		s,\b($perlPattern)\b,<A HREF=\"$root$perlPages{$1}\">\1</A>,g;
638	}
640	# Do this late so \& can be used to suppress conversion of URLs etc.
641	s,\\&,,g;
643	# replace tabs with spaces to next multiple of 8
644	if (m/\t/)
645	{
646		$tmp = $_;
647		$tmp =~ s/<[^>]*>//g;
648		$tmp =~ s/&[^;]*;/@/g;
649		@tmp = split(/\t/, $tmp);
650		$pos = 0;
651		for ($i=0; $i<=$#tmp; ++$i)
652		{
653			$pos += length($tmp[$i]);
654			$tab[$i] = 0;
655			$tab[$i] = 8 - $pos%8 unless (@tabstops);
656			foreach $ts (@tabstops)
657			{
658				if ($pos < $ts)
659				{
660					$tab[$i] = $ts-$pos;
661					last;
662				}
663			}
664			$pos += $tab[$i];
665		}
666		while (m/\t/)
667		{
668			s,\t,"&nbsp;" x (shift @tab),e;
669		}
670	}
672	$textSinceBreak = $_ unless ($textSinceBreak);
673	print OUT $_;
676# Output a line consisting purely of HTML tags which shouldn't be regarded as
677# a troff output line.
678sub plainOutput
680	print OUT $_[0];
684# Output the original line for debugging
685sub outputOrigLine
687	print OUT "<!-- $origLine -->\n";
690# Use this to read the next input line (buffered to implement lookahead)
691sub getLine
693	$lookaheadPtr = 0;
694	if (@lookahead)
695	{
696		$_ =  shift @lookahead;
697		return $_;
698	}
699	$_ = <SRC>;
702# Look ahead to peek at the next input line
703sub _lookahead
705	# set lookaheadPtr to 0 to re-read the lines we've looked ahead at
706	if ($lookaheadPtr>=0 && $lookaheadPtr <= $#lookahead)
707	{
708		return $lookahead[$lookaheadPtr++];
709	}
710	$lookaheadPtr = -1;
711	$ll = <SRC>;
712	push(@lookahead, $ll);
713	return $ll;
716# Consume the last line that was returned by lookahead
717sub consume
719	--$lookaheadPtr;
720	if ($lookaheadPtr>=0 && $lookaheadPtr <= $#lookahead)
721	{
722		$removed = $lookahead[$lookaheadPtr];
723		@lookahead = (@lookahead[0..$lookaheadPtr-1],@lookahead[$lookaheadPtr+1..$#lookahead]);
724	}
725	else
726	{
727		$removed = pop @lookahead;
728	}
729	chop $removed;
730	plainOutput("<!-- Consumed $removed -->\n");
733# Look ahead skipping comments and other common non-text tags
734sub lookahead
736	$ll = _lookahead();
737	while ($ll =~ m/^\.(\\"|PD|IX|ns)/)
738	{
739		$ll = _lookahead();
740	}
741	return $ll;
744# Process $_, expaning any macros into HTML and calling outputLine().
745# If necessary, this method can read more lines of input from <SRC> (.ig & .de)
746# The following state variables are used:
747# ...
748sub processLine
750	$doneLine = 1;	# By default, this counts as a line for trap purposes
752	s,^\.if t ,,;
753	s,^\.el ,,;		# conditions assumed to evaluate false, so else must be true...
755	if ($troffTable)
756	{
757		processTable();
758	}
759	elsif ($eqnMode == 2)
760	{
761		plainOutput("<!-- $_ -->\n");
762		processEqns($_);
763	}
764	elsif (m/^\./)
765	{
766		processMacro();
767	}
768	else
769	{
770		processPlainText();
771	}
772	if ($doneLine)
773	{
774		# Called after processing (most) input lines to decrement trapLine. This is needed
775		# to implement the .it 1 trap after one line for .TP, where the first line is outdented
776		if ($trapLine > 0)
777		{
778			--$trapLine;
779			if ($trapLine == 0)
780			{
781				&$trapAction;
782			}
783		}
784	}
788# Process plain text lines
789sub processPlainText
791	if ($_ eq "")
792	{
793		lineBreak();
794		plainOutput("<P>\n");
795		return;
796	}
798	s,(\\f[23BI])([A-Z].*?)(\\f.),$1.($contents{"\U$2"}?"<A HREF=#".$contents{"\U$2"}.">$2</A>":$2).$3,ge;
800	if ($currentSection eq "SEE ALSO" && ! $cmdLineMode)
801	{
802		# Some people don't use BR or IR for see also refs
803		s,(^|\s)([-.A-Za-z_0-9]+)\s?\(([0-9lL][0-9a-zA-Z]*)\),\1<A HREF=\"$root/$2.$3\">$2($3)</A>,g;
804	}
805	outputLine("$_\n");
809# Process macros and built-in directives
810sub processMacro
812	outputOrigLine();
814	# Place macro arguments (space delimited unless within ") into @p
815	# Remove " from $_, place command in $c, remainder in $joined
817	@p = grep($_ !~ m/^\s*$/, split(/("[^"]*"|\s+)/) );
818	grep(s/"//g, @p);
819	$_ = join(" ", @p);
820	$p[0] =~ s/^\.//;
821	$c = $p[0];
822	$joined = join(" ", @p[1..$#p]);
823	$joined2 = join(" ", @p[2..$#p]);
824	$joined3 = join(" ", @p[3..$#p]);
826	if ($macro{$c})				# Expand macro
827	{
828		# Get full macro text
829		$macro = $macro{$c};
830		# Interpolate arguments
831		$macro =~ s,\\\$(\d),$p[$1],ge;
832		#print OUT "<!-- Expanding $c to\n$macro-->\n";
833		foreach $_ (split(/\n/, $macro))
834		{
835			$_ .= "\n";
836			preProcessLine();
837			processLine();
838		}
839		$doneLine = 0;
840		return;
841	}
842	elsif ($renamedMacro{$c})
843	{
844		$c = $renamedMacro{$c};
845	}
847	if ($c eq "ds")			# Define string
848	{
849		$vars{$p[1]} = $joined2;
850		$doneLine = 0;
851	}
852	elsif ($c eq "nr")			# Define number register
853	{
854		$number{$p[1]} = evalnum($joined2);
855		$doneLine = 0;
856	}
857	elsif ($c eq "ti")			# Temporary indent
858	{
859		plainOutput("&nbsp; &nbsp;");
860	}
861	elsif ($c eq "rm")
862	{
863		$macroName = $p[1];
864		if ($macro{$macroName})
865		{
866			delete $macro{$macroName};
867		}
868		else
869		{
870			$deletedMacro{$macroName} = 1;
871		}
872	}
873	elsif ($c eq "rn")
874	{
875		$oldName = $p[1];
876		$newName = $p[2];
877		$macro = $macro{$oldName};
878		if ($macro)
879		{
880			if ($newName =~ $reservedMacros && ! $deletedMacro{$newName})
881			{
882				plainOutput("<!-- Not overwriting reserved macro '$newName' -->\n");
883			}
884			else
885			{
886				$macro{$newName} = $macro;
887				delete $deletedMacro{$newName};
888			}
889			delete $macro{$oldName};
890		}
891		else
892		{
893			# Support renaming of reserved macros by mapping occurrences of new name
894			# to old name after macro expansion so that built in definition is still
895			# available, also mark the name as deleted to override reservedMacro checks.
896			plainOutput("<!-- Fake renaming reserved macro '$oldName' -->\n");
897			$renamedMacro{$newName} = $oldName;
898			$deletedMacro{$oldName} = 1;
899		}
900	}
901	elsif ($c eq "de" || $c eq "ig")	# Define macro or ignore
902	{
903		$macroName = $p[1];
904		if ($c eq "ig")
905			{ $delim = ".$p[1]"; }
906		else
907			{ $delim = ".$p[2]"; }
908		$delim = ".." if ($delim eq ".");
909		# plainOutput("<!-- Scanning for delimiter $delim -->\n");
911		$macro = "";
912		$_ = getLine();
913		preProcessLine();
914		while ($_ ne $delim)
915		{
916			postProcessLine();
917			outputOrigLine();
918			$macro .= "$_\n";
919			$_ = getLine();
920			last if ($_ eq "");
921			preProcessLine();
922		}
923		outputOrigLine();
924		# plainOutput("<!-- Found delimiter -->\n");
925		if ($c eq "de")
926		{
927			if ($macroName =~ $reservedMacros && ! $deletedMacro{$macroName})
928			{
929				plainOutput("<!-- Not defining reserved macro '$macroName' ! -->\n");
930			}
931			else
932			{
933				$macro{$macroName} = $macro;
934				delete $deletedMacro{$macroName};
935			}
936		}
937	}
938	elsif ($c eq "so")			# Source
939	{
940		plainOutput("<P>[<A HREF=\"$root$dir/../$p[1]\">Include document $p[1]</A>]<P>\n");
941	}
942	elsif ($c eq "TH" || $c eq "Dt")			# Man page title
943	{
944		endParagraph();
945		$sectionNumber = $p[2];
946		$sectionName = $sectionName{"\L$sectionNumber"};
947		$sectionName = "Manual Reference Pages" unless ($sectionName);
948		$pageName = "$p[1] ($sectionNumber)";
949		outputPageHead();
950		if ($c eq "TH")
951		{
952			$right = $p[3];
953			$left = $p[4];
954			$left = $osver unless ($left);
955			$macroPackage = "using man macros";
956		}
957		else
958		{
959			$macroPackage = "using doc macros";
960		}
961	}
962	elsif ($c eq "Nd")
963	{
964		outputLine("- $joined\n");
965	}
966	elsif ($c eq "SH" || $c eq "SS" || $c eq "Sh" || $c eq "Ss")		# Section/subsection
967	{
968		lineBreak();
969		endNoFill();
970		endParagraph();
971		$id = $contents{"\U$joined"};
972		$currentSection = $joined;
974		if ($c eq "SH" || $c eq "Sh")
975		{
976			endBlockquote();
977			if ($firstSection++==1)	# after first 'Name' section
978			{
979				outputContents();
980			}
981			outputLine( "<A name=$id>\n\n     <H3>$joined</H3>\n\n</A>\n" );
982			blockquote();
983		}
984		elsif ($joined =~ m/\\f/)
985		{
986			$joined =~ s/\\f.//g;
987			$id = $contents{"\U$joined"};
988			outputLine( "<A name=$id>\n<H4><I>$joined</I></H4></A>\n" );
989		}
990		else
991		{
992			endBlockquote();
993			outputLine( "<A name=$id>\n\n    <H4>&nbsp; &nbsp; $joined</H4>\n</A>\n" );
994			blockquote();
995		}
996		lineBreak();
997	}
998	elsif ($c eq "TX" || $c eq "TZ")	# Document reference
999	{
1000		$title = $title{$p[1]};
1001		$title = "Document [$p[1]]" unless ($title);
1002		outputLine( "\\fI$title\\fP$joined2\n" );
1003	}
1004	elsif ($c eq "PD")			# Line spacing
1005	{
1006		$noSpace = ($p[1] eq "0");
1007		$doneLine = 0;
1008	}
1009	elsif ($c eq "TS")			# Table start
1010	{
1011		unless ($macroPackage =~ /tbl/)
1012		{
1013			if ($macroPackage =~ /eqn/)
1014				{ $macroPackage =~ s/eqn/eqn & tbl/; }
1015			else
1016				{ $macroPackage .= " with tbl support"; }
1017		}
1018		resetStyles();
1019		endNoFill();
1020		$troffTable = 1;
1021		$troffSeparator = "\t";
1022		plainOutput( "<P><BLOCKQUOTE><TABLE bgcolor=#E0E0E0 border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3>\n" );
1023	}
1024	elsif ($c eq "EQ")			# Eqn start
1025	{
1026		unless ($macroPackage =~ /eqn/)
1027		{
1028			if ($macroPackage =~ /tbl/)
1029				{ $macroPackage =~ s/tbl/tbl & eqn/; }
1030			else
1031				{ $macroPackage .= " with eqn support"; }
1032		}
1033		$eqnMode = 2;
1034	}
1035	elsif ($c eq "ps")			# Point size
1036	{
1037		plainOutput(&sizeChange($p[1]));
1038	}
1039	elsif ($c eq "ft")			# Font change
1040	{
1041		plainOutput(&fontChange($p[1]));
1042	}
1043	elsif ($c eq "I" || $c eq "B")	# Single word font change
1044	{
1045		$id = $contents{"\U$joined"};
1046		if ($id && $joined =~ m/^[A-Z]/)
1047			{ $joined = "<A HREF=#$id>$joined</A>"; }
1048		outputLine( "\\f$c$joined\\fP " );
1049		plainOutput("\n") if ($noFill);
1050	}
1051	elsif ($c eq "SM")			# Single word smaller
1052	{
1053		outputLine("\\s-1$joined\\s0 ");
1054		$doneLine = 0 unless ($joined);
1055	}
1056	elsif ($c eq "SB")			# Single word bold and small
1057	{
1058		outputLine("\\fB\\s-1$joined\\s0\\fP ");
1059	}
1060	elsif (m/^\.[BI]R (\S+)\s?\(\s?([0-9lL][0-9a-zA-Z]*)\s?\)(.*)$/)
1061	{
1062		# Special form, .BR is generally used for references to other pages
1063		# Annoyingly, some people have more than one per line...
1064		# Also, some people use .IR ...
1065		for ($i=1; $i<=$#p; $i+=2)
1066		{
1067			$pair = $p[$i]." ".$p[$i+1];
1068			if ($p[$i+1] eq "(")
1069			{
1070				$pair .= $p[$i+2].$p[$i+3];
1071				$i += 2;
1072			}
1073			if ($pair =~ m/^(\S+)\s?\(\s?([0-9lL][0-9a-zA-Z]*)\s?\)(.*)$/)
1074			{
1075				if ($cmdLineMode)
1076					{ outputLine( "\\fB$1\\fR($2)$3\n" ); }
1077				else
1078					{ outputLine( "<A HREF=\"$root/$1.$2\">$1($2)</A>$3\n" ); }
1079			}
1080			else
1081				{ outputLine( "$pair\n" ); }
1082		}
1083	}
1084	elsif ($c eq "BR" || $c eq "BI" || $c eq "IB" ||
1085		   $c eq "IR" || $c eq "RI" || $c eq "RB")
1086	{
1087		$f1 = (substr($c ,0,1));
1088		$f2 = (substr($c,1,1));
1090		# Check if first param happens to be a section name
1091		$id = $contents{"\U$p[1]"};
1092		if ($id && $p[1] =~ m/^[A-Z]/)
1093		{
1094			$p[1] = "<A HREF=#$id>$p[1]</A>";
1095		}
1097		for ($i=1; $i<=$#p; ++$i)
1098		{
1099			$f = ($i%2 == 1) ? $f1 : $f2;
1100			outputLine("\\f$f$p[$i]");
1101		}
1102		outputLine("\\fP ");
1103		plainOutput("\n") if ($noFill);
1104	}
1105	elsif ($c eq "nf" || $c eq "Bd")			# No fill
1106	{
1107		startNoFill();
1108	}
1109	elsif ($c eq "fi" || $c eq "Ed")			# Fill
1110	{
1111		endNoFill();
1112	}
1113	elsif ($c eq "HP")
1114	{
1115		$indent = evalnum($p[1]);
1116		if ($trapOnBreak)
1117		{
1118			plainOutput("<BR>\n");
1119		}
1120		else
1121		{
1122			# Outdent first line, ie. until next break
1123			$trapOnBreak = 1;
1124			$trapAction = *trapHP;
1125			newParagraph($indent);
1126			plainOutput( "<TD colspan=2>\n" );
1127			$colState = 2;
1128		}
1129	}
1130	elsif ($c eq "IP")
1131	{
1132		$trapOnBreak = 0;
1133		$tag = $p[1];
1134		$indent = evalnum($p[2]);
1135		newParagraph($indent);
1136		outputLine("<TD$width>\n$tag\n</TD><TD>\n");
1137		$colState = 1;
1138		lineBreak();
1139	}
1140	elsif ($c eq "TP")
1141	{
1142		$trapOnBreak = 0;
1143		$trapLine = 1;	# Next line is tag, then next column
1144		$doneLine = 0;	# (But don't count this line)
1145		$trapAction = *trapTP;
1146		$indent = evalnum($p[1]);
1147		$tag = lookahead();
1148		chop $tag;
1149		$i = ($indent ? $indent : $prevailingIndent) ;
1150		$w = width($tag);
1151		if ($w > $i)
1152		{
1153			plainOutput("<!-- Length of tag '$tag' ($w) > indent ($i) -->\n") if ($debug);
1154			newParagraph($indent);
1155			$trapAction = *trapHP;
1156			plainOutput( "<TD colspan=2>\n" );
1157			$colState = 2;
1158		}
1159		else
1160		{
1161			newParagraph($indent);
1162			plainOutput( "<TD$width nowrap>\n" );
1163			$colState = 0;
1164		}
1165		$body = lookahead();
1166		$lookaheadPtr = 0;
1167		if ($body =~ m/^\.[HILP]?P/)
1168		{
1169			chop $body;
1170			plainOutput("<!-- Suppressing TP body due to $body -->\n");
1171			$trapLine = 0;
1172		}
1173	}
1174	elsif ($c eq "LP" || $c eq "PP" || $c eq "P" || $c eq "Pp")	# Paragraph
1175	{
1176		$trapOnBreak = 0;
1177		$prevailingIndent = 6;
1178		if ($indent[$indentLevel] > 0 && $docListStyle eq "")
1179		{
1180			$line = lookahead();
1181			if ($line =~ m/^\.(TP|IP|HP)/)
1182			{
1183				plainOutput("<!-- suppressed $c before $1 -->\n");
1184			}
1185			elsif ($line =~ m/^\.RS/)
1186			{
1187				plainOutput("<P>\n");
1188			}
1189			else
1190			{
1191				endRow();
1192				$foundTag = "";
1193				$lookaheadPtr = 0;
1194				do
1195				{
1196					$line = lookahead();
1197					if ($line =~ m/^\.(TP|HP|IP|RS)( \d+)?/)
1198					{
1199						$indent = $2;
1200						$indent = $prevailingIndent unless ($2);
1201						if ($indent == $indent[$indentLevel])
1202							{ $foundTag = $1; }
1203						$line = "";
1204					}
1205				}
1206				while ($line ne "" && $line !~ m/^\.(RE|SH|SS|PD)/);
1207				$lookaheadPtr = 0;
1208				if ($foundTag)
1209				{
1210					plainOutput("<!-- Found tag $foundTag -->\n");
1211					plainOutput("<TR><TD colspan=2>\n");
1212					$colState = 2;
1213				}
1214				else
1215				{
1216					plainOutput("<!-- $c ends table -->\n");
1217					setIndent(0);
1218				}
1219			}
1220		}
1221		else
1222		{
1223			plainOutput("<P>\n");
1224		}
1225		lineBreak();
1226	}
1227	elsif ($c eq "br")			# Break
1228	{
1229		if ($trapOnBreak)
1230		{
1231			# Should this apply to all macros that cause a break?
1232			$trapOnBreak = 0;
1233			&$trapAction();
1234		}
1235		$needBreak = 1 if ($textSinceBreak);
1236	}
1237	elsif ($c eq "sp")			# Space
1238	{
1239		lineBreak();
1240		plainOutput("<P>\n");
1241	}
1242	elsif ($c eq "RS")			# Block indent start
1243	{
1244		if ($indentLevel==0 && $indent[0]==0)
1245		{
1246			blockquote();
1247		}
1248		else
1249		{
1250			$indent = $p[1];
1251			$indent = $prevailingIndent unless ($indent);
1252			if ($indent > $indent[$indentLevel] && !$extraIndent)
1253			{
1254				$extraIndent = 1;
1255				++$indentLevel;
1256				$indent[$indentLevel] = 0;
1257				setIndent($indent-$indent[$indentLevel-1]);
1258				plainOutput("<TR><TD$width>&nbsp;</TD><TD>\n");
1259				$colState = 1;
1260			}
1261			elsif ($indent < $indent[$indentLevel] || $colState==2)
1262			{
1263				endRow();
1264				setIndent($indent);
1265				plainOutput("<TR><TD$width>&nbsp;</TD><TD>\n");
1266				$colState = 1;
1267			}
1268			++$indentLevel;
1269			$indent[$indentLevel] = 0;
1270		}
1271		$prevailingIndent = 6;
1272	}
1273	elsif ($c eq "RE")			# Block indent end
1274	{
1275		if ($extraIndent)
1276		{
1277			endRow();
1278			setIndent(0);
1279			--$indentLevel;
1280			$extraIndent = 0;
1281		}
1282		if ($indentLevel==0)
1283		{
1284			endParagraph();
1285			if ($blockquote>0)
1286			{
1287				plainOutput("</BLOCKQUOTE>\n");
1288				--$blockquote;
1289			}
1290		}
1291		else
1292		{
1293			endRow();
1294			setIndent(0);
1295			--$indentLevel;
1296		}
1297		$prevailingIndent = $indent[$indentLevel];
1298		$prevailingIndent = 6 unless($prevailingIndent);
1299	}
1300	elsif ($c eq "DT")			# default tabs
1301	{
1302		@tabstops = ();
1303	}
1304	elsif ($c eq "ta")			# Tab stops
1305	{
1306		@tabstops = ();
1307		for ($i=0; $i<$#p; ++$i)
1308		{
1309			$ts = $p[$i+1];
1310			$tb = 0;
1311			if ($ts =~ m/^\+/)
1312			{
1313				$tb = $tabstops[$i-1];
1314				$ts =~ s/^\+//;
1315			}
1316			$ts = evalnum($ts);
1317			$tabstops[$i] = $tb + $ts;
1318		}
1319		plainOutput("<!-- Tabstops set at ".join(",", @tabstops)." -->\n") if ($debug);
1320	}
1321	elsif ($c eq "It")			# List item (mdoc)
1322	{
1323		lineBreak();
1324		if ($docListStyle eq "-tag")
1325		{
1326			endRow() unless($multilineIt);
1327			if ($tagWidth)
1328			{
1329				setIndent($tagWidth);
1330			}
1331			else
1332			{
1333				setIndent(6);
1334				$width = "";	# let table take care of own width
1335			}
1336			if ($p[1] eq "Xo")
1337			{
1338				plainOutput("<TR valign=top><TD colspan=2>");
1339			}
1340			else
1341			{
1342				$tag = &mdocStyle(@p[1..$#p]);
1343				$body = lookahead();
1344				if ($body =~ m/^\.It/)
1345					{ $multilineItNext = 1; }
1346				else
1347					{ $multilineItNext = 0; }
1348				if ($multilineIt)
1349				{
1350					outputLine("<BR>\n$tag\n");
1351				}
1352				elsif ($multilineItNext || $tagWidth>0 && width($tag)>$tagWidth)
1353				{
1354					outputLine("<TR valign=top><TD colspan=2>$tag\n");
1355					$colState = 2;
1356				}
1357				else
1358				{
1359					outputLine("<TR valign=top><TD>$tag\n");
1360					$colState = 1;
1361				}
1362				if ($multilineItNext)
1363				{
1364					$multilineIt = 1;
1365				}
1366				else
1367				{
1368					$multilineIt = 0;
1369					if ($colState==2)
1370						{ plainOutput("</TD></TR><TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD><TD>\n"); }
1371					else
1372						{ plainOutput("</TD><TD>\n"); }
1373				}
1374			}
1375		}
1376		else
1377		{
1378			plainOutput("<LI>");
1379		}
1380		lineBreak();
1381	}
1382	elsif ($c eq "Xc")
1383	{
1384		if ($docListStyle eq "-tag")
1385		{
1386			plainOutput("</TD></TR><TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD><TD>\n");
1387		}
1388	}
1389	elsif ($c eq "Bl")		# Begin list (mdoc)
1390	{
1391		push @docListStyles, $docListStyle;
1392		if ($p[1] eq "-enum")
1393		{
1394			plainOutput("<OL>\n");
1395			$docListStyle = $p[1];
1396		}
1397		elsif($p[1] eq "-bullet")
1398		{
1399			plainOutput("<UL>\n");
1400			$docListStyle = $p[1];
1401		}
1402		else
1403		{
1404			$docListStyle = "-tag";
1405			if ($p[2] eq "-width")
1406			{
1407				$tagWidth = width($p[3]);
1408				if ($tagWidth < 6) { $tagWidth = 6; }
1409			}
1410			else
1411			{
1412				$tagWidth = 0;
1413			}
1414			$multilineIt = 0;
1415		}
1416	}
1417	elsif ($c eq "El")		# End list
1418	{
1419		if ($docListStyle eq "-tag")
1420		{
1421			endRow();
1422			setIndent(0);
1423		}
1424		elsif ($docListStyle eq "-bullet")
1425		{
1426			plainOutput("</UL>\n");
1427		}
1428		else
1429		{
1430			plainOutput("</OL>\n");
1431		}
1432		$docListStyle = pop @docListStyles;
1433	}
1434	elsif ($c eq "Os")
1435	{
1436		$right = $joined;
1437	}
1438	elsif ($c eq "Dd")
1439	{
1440		$left = $joined;
1441	}
1442	elsif ($c eq "Sx")		# See section
1443	{
1444		$id = $contents{"\U$joined"};
1445		if ($id && $joined =~ m/^[A-Z]/)
1446		{
1447			outputLine("<A HREF=#$id>".&mdocStyle(@p[1..$#p])."</A>\n");
1448		}
1449		else
1450		{
1451			my $x = &mdocStyle(@p[1..$#p]);
1452			$x =~ s/^ //;
1453			outputLine($x."\n");
1454		}
1455	}
1456	elsif (&mdocCallable($c))
1457	{
1458		my $x = &mdocStyle(@p);
1459		$x =~ s/^ //;
1460		outputLine($x."\n");
1461	}
1462	elsif ($c eq "Bx")
1463	{
1464		outputLine("<I>BSD $joined</I>\n");
1465	}
1466	elsif ($c eq "Ux")
1467	{
1468		outputLine("<I>Unix $joined</I>\n");
1469	}
1470	elsif ($c eq "At")
1471	{
1472		outputLine("<I>AT&T $joined</I>\n");
1473	}
1474	elsif ($c =~ m/[A-Z][a-z]/)		# Unsupported doc directive
1475	{
1476		outputLine("<BR>.$c $joined\n");
1477	}
1478	elsif ($c eq "")				# Empty line (eg. troff comment)
1479	{
1480		$doneLine = 0;
1481	}
1482	else						# Unsupported directive
1483	{
1484		# Unknown macros are ignored, and don't count as a line as far as trapLine goes
1485		$doneLine = 0;
1486		plainOutput("<!-- ignored unsupported tag .$c -->\n");
1487	}
1490sub trapTP
1492	$lookaheadPtr = 0;
1493	$body = lookahead();
1494	if ($body =~ m/^\.TP/)
1495	{
1496		consume();
1497		$trapLine = 1;	# restore TP trap
1498		$doneLine = 0;	# don't count this line
1499		plainOutput("<BR>\n");
1500	}
1501	else
1502	{
1503		plainOutput("</TD><TD valign=bottom>\n");
1504		$colState = 1;
1505	}
1506	lineBreak();
1509sub trapHP
1511	$lookaheadPtr = 0;
1512	$body = lookahead();
1513	if ($body =~ m/^\.([TH]P)/)
1514	{
1515		consume();
1516		# Restore appropriate type of trap
1517		if ($1 eq "TP")
1518		{
1519			$trapLine = 1;
1520			$doneLine = 0;	# don't count this line
1521		}
1522		else
1523		{
1524			$trapOnBreak = 1;
1525		}
1526		plainOutput("<BR>\n");
1527	}
1528	else
1529	{
1530		plainOutput("</TD></TR><TR valign=top><TD$width>&nbsp;</TD><TD>\n");
1531		$colState = 1;
1532	}
1533	lineBreak();
1536sub newParagraph
1538	$indent = $_[0];
1539	endRow();
1540	startRow($indent);
1543sub startRow
1545	$indent = $_[0];
1546	$indent = $prevailingIndent unless ($indent);
1547	$prevailingIndent = $indent;
1548	setIndent($indent);
1549	plainOutput( "<TR valign=top>" );
1552# End an existing HP/TP/IP/RS row
1553sub endRow
1555	if ($indent[$indentLevel] > 0)
1556	{
1557		lineBreak();
1558		plainOutput( "</TD></TR>\n" );
1559	}
1562# Called when we output a line break tag. Only needs to be called once if
1563# calling plainOutput, but should call before and after if using outputLine.
1564sub lineBreak
1566	$needBreak = 0;
1567	$textSinceBreak = 0;
1570# Called to reset all indents and pending paragraphs (eg. at the start of
1571# a new top level section).
1572sub endParagraph
1574	++$indentLevel;
1575	while ($indentLevel > 0)
1576	{
1577		--$indentLevel;
1578		if ($indent[$indentLevel] > 0)
1579		{
1580			endRow();
1581			setIndent(0);
1582		}
1583	}
1586# Interpolate a number register (possibly autoincrementing)
1587sub numreg
1589	return 0 + $number{$_[0]};
1592# Evaluate a numeric expression
1593sub evalnum
1595	$n = $_[0];
1596	return "" if ($n eq "");
1597	if ($n =~ m/i$/)	# inches
1598	{
1599		$n =~ s/i//;
1600		$n *= 10;
1601	}
1602	return 0+$n;
1605sub setIndent
1607	$tsb = $textSinceBreak;
1608	$indent = evalnum($_[0]);
1609	if ($indent==0 && $_[0] !~ m/^0/)
1610	{
1611		$indent = 6;
1612	}
1613	plainOutput("<!-- setIndent $indent, indent[$indentLevel] = $indent[$indentLevel] -->\n") if ($debug);
1614	if ($indent[$indentLevel] != $indent)
1615	{
1616		lineBreak();
1617		if ($indent[$indentLevel] > 0)
1618		{
1619			plainOutput("<TR></TR>") unless ($noSpace);
1620			plainOutput("</TABLE>");
1621		}
1622		if ($indent > 0)
1623		{
1624			endNoFill();
1625			$border = "";
1626			$border = " border=1" if ($debug>2);
1627			#plainOutput("<P>") unless ($indent[$indentLevel] > 0);
1628			plainOutput("<TABLE$border");
1629			# Netscape bug, makes 2 cols same width? : plainOutput("<TABLE$border COLS=2");
1630			# Overcome some of the vagaries of Netscape tables
1631			plainOutput(" width=100%") if ($indentLevel>0);
1632			if ($noSpace)
1633			{
1634				plainOutput(" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>\n");
1635			}
1636			else
1637			{
1638				plainOutput(" cellpadding=3>".($tsb ? "<!-- tsb: $tsb -->\n<TR></TR><TR></TR>\n" : "\n") );
1639			}
1640			#$width = " width=".($indent*5);	# causes text to be chopped if too big
1641			$percent = $indent;
1642			if ($indentLevel > 0)
1643				{ $percent = $indent * 100 / (100-$indentLevel[0]); }
1644			$width = " width=$percent%";
1645		}
1646		$indent[$indentLevel] = $indent;
1647	}
1650# Process mdoc style macros recursively, as one of the macro arguments
1651# may itself be the name of another macro to invoke.
1652sub mdocStyle
1654	return "" unless @_;
1655	my ($tag, @param) = @_;
1656	my ($rest, $term);
1658	# Don't format trailing punctuation
1659	if ($param[$#param] =~ m/^[.,;:]$/)
1660	{
1661		$term = pop @param;
1662	}
1663	if ($param[$#param] =~ m/^[)\]]$/)
1664	{
1665		$term = (pop @param).$term;
1666	}
1668	if ($param[0] =~ m,\\\\,)
1669	{
1670		print STDERR "$tag: ",join(",", @param),"\n";
1671	}
1672	$rest = &mdocStyle(@param);
1674	if ($tag eq "Op")
1675	{
1676		$rest =~ s/ //;	# remove first space
1677		return " \\fP[$rest]$term";
1678	}
1679	elsif ($tag eq "Xr")	# cross reference
1680	{
1681		my $p = shift @param;
1682		my $url = $p;
1683		if (@param==1)
1684		{
1685			$url .= ".".$param[0];
1686			$rest = "(".$param[0].")";
1687		}
1688		else
1689		{
1690			$rest = &mdocStyle(@param);
1691		}
1692		if ($cmdLineMode)
1693		{
1694			return " <B>".$p."</B>".$rest.$term;
1695		}
1696		else
1697		{
1698			return " <A HREF=\"".$root."/".$url."\">".$p."</A>".$rest.$term;
1699		}
1700	}
1701	elsif ($tag eq "Fl")
1702	{
1703		my ($sofar);
1704		while (@param)
1705		{
1706			$f = shift @param;
1707			if ($f eq "Ns") # no space
1708			{
1709				chop $sofar;
1710			}
1711			elsif (&mdocCallable($f))
1712			{
1713				unshift @param, $f;
1714				return $sofar.&mdocStyle(@param).$term;
1715			}
1716			else
1717			{
1718				$sofar .= "-<B>$f</B> "
1719			}
1720		}
1721		return $sofar.$term;
1722	}
1723	elsif ($tag eq "Pa" || $tag eq "Er" || $tag eq "Fn" || $tag eq "Dv")
1724	{
1725		return "\\fC$rest\\fP$term";
1726	}
1727	elsif ($tag eq "Ad" || $tag eq "Ar" || $tag eq "Em" || $tag eq "Fa" || $tag eq "St" ||
1728		$tag eq "Ft" || $tag eq "Va" || $tag eq "Ev" || $tag eq "Tn" || $tag eq "%T")
1729	{
1730		return "\\fI$rest\\fP$term";
1731	}
1732	elsif ($tag eq "Nm")
1733	{
1734		$defaultNm = $param[0] unless ($defaultNm);
1735		$rest = $defaultNm unless ($param[0]);
1736		return "\\fB$rest\\fP$term";
1737	}
1738	elsif ($tag eq "Ic" || $tag eq "Cm" || $tag eq "Sy")
1739	{
1740		return "\\fB$rest\\fP$term";
1741	}
1742	elsif ($tag eq "Ta")		# Tab
1743	{
1744		# Tabs are used inconsistently so this is the best we can do. Columns won't line up. Tough.
1745		return "&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; $rest$term";
1746	}
1747	elsif ($tag eq "Ql")
1748	{
1749		$rest =~ s/ //;
1750		return "`<TT>$rest</TT>'$term";
1751	}
1752	elsif ($tag eq "Dl")
1753	{
1754		return "<P>&nbsp; &nbsp; <TT>$rest</TT>$term<P>\n";
1755	}
1756	elsif ($tag =~ m/^[ABDEOPQS][qoc]$/)
1757	{
1758		$lq = "";
1759		$rq = "";
1760		if ($tag =~ m/^A/)
1761			{ $lq = "&lt;"; $rq = "&gt;"; }
1762		elsif ($tag =~ m/^B/)
1763			{ $lq = "["; $rq = "]"; }
1764		elsif ($tag =~ m/^D/)
1765			{ $lq = "\""; $rq = "\""; }
1766		elsif ($tag =~ m/^P/)
1767			{ $lq = "("; $rq = ")"; }
1768		elsif ($tag =~ m/^Q/)
1769			{ $lq = "\""; $rq = "\""; }
1770		elsif ($tag =~ m/^S/)
1771			{ $lq = "\\'"; $rq = "\\'"; }
1772		elsif ($tag =~ m/^O/)
1773			{ $lq = "["; $rq = "]"; }
1774		if ($tag =~ m/^.o/)
1775			{ $rq = ""; }
1776		if ($tag =~ m/^.c/)
1777			{ $lq = ""; }
1778		$rest =~ s/ //;
1779		return $lq.$rest.$rq.$term ;
1780	}
1781	elsif (&mdocCallable($tag))	# but not in list above...
1782	{
1783		return $rest.$term;
1784	}
1785	elsif ($tag =~ m/^[.,;:()\[\]]$/)	# punctuation
1786	{
1787		return $tag.$rest.$term;
1788	}
1789	elsif ($tag eq "Ns")
1790	{
1791		return $rest.$term;
1792	}
1793	else
1794	{
1795		return " ".$tag.$rest.$term;
1796	}
1799# Determine if a macro is mdoc parseable/callable
1800sub mdocCallable
1802	return ($_[0] =~ m/^(Op|Fl|Pa|Er|Fn|Ns|No|Ad|Ar|Xr|Em|Fa|Ft|St|Ic|Cm|Va|Sy|Nm|Li|Dv|Ev|Tn|Pf|Dl|%T|Ta|Ql|[ABDEOPQS][qoc])$/);
1806# Estimate the output width of a string
1807sub width
1809	local($word) = $_[0];
1810	$word =~ s,<[/A-Z][^>]*>,,g;		# remove any html tags
1811	$word =~ s/^\.\S+\s//;
1812	$word =~ s/\\..//g;
1813	$x = length($word);
1814	$word =~ s/[ ()|.,!;:"']//g;	# width of punctuation is about half a character
1815	return ($x + length($word)) / 2;
1818# Process a tbl table (between TS/TE tags)
1819sub processTable
1821	if ($troffTable == "1")
1822	{
1823		@troffRowDefs = ();
1824		@tableRows = ();
1825		$hadUnderscore = 0;
1826		while(1)
1827		{
1828			outputOrigLine();
1829			if (m/;\s*$/)
1830			{
1831				$troffSeparator = quotemeta($1) if (m/tab\s*\((.)\)/);
1832			}
1833			else
1834			{
1835				s/\.\s*$//;
1836				s/\t/ /g;
1837				s/^[^lrcan^t]*//;	# remove any 'modifiers' coming before tag
1838				# delimit on tags excluding s (viewed as modifier of previous column)
1839				s/([lrcan^t])/\t$1/g;
1840				s/^\t//;
1841				push @troffRowDefs, $_;
1842				last if ($origLine =~ m/\.\s*$/);
1843			}
1844			$_ = getLine();
1845			preProcessLine();
1846		}
1847		$troffTable = 2;
1848		return;
1849	}
1851	s/$troffSeparator/\t/g;
1852	if ($_ eq ".TE")
1853	{
1854		endTblRow();
1855		flushTable();
1856		$troffTable = 0;
1857		plainOutput("</TABLE></BLOCKQUOTE>\n");
1858	}
1859	elsif ($_ eq ".T&")
1860	{
1861		endTblRow();
1862		flushTable();
1863		$troffTable = 1;
1864	}
1865	elsif (m/[_=]/ && m/^[_=\t]*$/ && $troffCol==0)
1866	{
1867		if (m/^[_=]$/)
1868		{
1869			flushTable();
1870			plainOutput("<TR></TR><TR></TR>\n");
1871			$hadUnderscore = 1;
1872		}
1873		elsif ($troffCol==0 && @troffRowDefs)
1874		{
1875			# Don't output a row, but this counts as a row as far as row defs go
1876			$rowDef = shift @troffRowDefs;
1877			@troffColDefs = split(/\t/, $rowDef);
1878		}
1879	}
1880	elsif (m/^\.sp/ && $troffCol==0 && !$hadUnderscore)
1881	{
1882		flushTable();
1883		plainOutput("<TR></TR><TR></TR>\n");
1884	}
1885	elsif ($_ eq ".br" && $troffMultiline)
1886	{
1887		$rowref->[$troffCol] .= "<BR>\n";
1888	}
1889	elsif ($_ !~ m/^\./)
1890	{
1891		$rowref = $tableRows[$#tableRows];	# reference to current row (last row in array)
1892		if ($troffCol==0 && @troffRowDefs)
1893		{
1894			$rowDef = shift @troffRowDefs;
1895			if ($rowDef =~ m/^[_=]/)
1896			{
1897				$xxx = $_;
1898				flushTable();
1899				plainOutput("<TR></TR><TR></TR>\n");
1900				$hadUnderscore = 1;
1901				$_ = $xxx;
1902				$rowDef = shift @troffRowDefs;
1903			}
1904			@troffColDefs = split(/\t/, $rowDef);
1905		}
1907		if ($troffCol == 0 && !$troffMultiline)
1908		{
1909			$rowref = [];
1910			push(@tableRows, $rowref);
1911			#plainOutput("<TR valign=top>");
1912		}
1914		#{
1915		if (m/T}/)
1916		{
1917			$troffMultiline = 0;
1918		}
1919		if ($troffMultiline)
1920		{
1921			$rowref->[$troffCol] .= "$_\n";
1922			return;
1923		}
1925		@columns = split(/\t/, $_);
1926		plainOutput("<!-- Adding (".join(",", @columns)."), type (".join(",", @troffColDefs).") -->\n") if ($debug);
1927		while ($troffCol <= $#troffColDefs && @columns > 0)
1928		{
1929			$def = $troffColDefs[$troffCol];
1930			$col = shift @columns;
1931			$col =~ s/\s*$//;
1932			$align = "";
1933			$col = "\\^" if ($col eq "" && $def =~ m/\^/);
1934			$col = "&nbsp;" if ($col eq "");
1935			$style1 = "";
1936			$style2 = "";
1937			if ($col ne "\\^")
1938			{
1939				if ($def =~ m/[bB]/ || $def =~ m/f3/)
1940					{ $style1 = "\\fB"; $style2 = "\\fP"; }
1941				if ($def =~ m/I/ || $def =~ m/f2/)
1942					{ $style1 = "\\fI"; $style2 = "\\fP"; }
1943			}
1944			if ($def =~ m/c/) { $align = " align=center"; }
1945			if ($def =~ m/[rn]/) { $align = " align=right"; }
1946			$span = $def;
1947			$span =~ s/[^s]//g;
1948			if ($span) { $align.= " colspan=".(length($span)+1); }
1950			#{
1951			if ($col =~ m/T}/)
1952			{
1953				$rowref->[$troffCol] .= "$style2</TD>";
1954				++$troffCol;
1955			}
1956			elsif ($col =~ m/T\{/) #}
1957			{
1958				$col =~ s/T\{//; #}
1959				$rowref->[$troffCol] = "<TD$align>$style1$col";
1960				$troffMultiline = 1;
1961			}
1962			else
1963			{
1964				$rowref->[$troffCol] = "<TD$align>$style1$col$style2</TD>";
1965				++$troffCol;
1966			}
1967		}
1969		endTblRow() unless ($troffMultiline);
1970	}
1973sub endTblRow
1975	return if ($troffCol == 0);
1976	while ($troffCol <= $#troffColDefs)
1977	{
1978		$rowref->[$troffCol] = "<TD>&nbsp;</TD>";
1979		#print OUT "<TD>&nbsp;</TD>";
1980		++$troffCol;
1981	}
1982	$troffCol = 0;
1983	#print OUT "</TR>\n"
1986sub flushTable
1988	plainOutput("<!-- flushTable $#tableRows rows -->\n") if ($debug);
1990	# Treat rows with first cell blank or with more than one vertically
1991	# spanned row as a continuation of the previous line.
1992	# Note this is frequently a useful heuristic but isn't foolproof.
1993	for($r=0; $r<$#tableRows; ++$r)
1994	{
1995		$vspans = 0;
1996		for ($c=0; $c<=$#{$tableRows[$r+1]}; ++$c)
1997			{++$vspans if ($tableRows[$r+1][$c] =~ m,<TD.*?>\\\^</TD>,);}
1998		if ((($vspans>1) || ($tableRows[$r+1][0] =~ m,<TD.*?>&nbsp;</TD>,)) &&
1999			$#{$tableRows[$r]} == $#{$tableRows[$r+1]}  && 0)
2000		{
2001			if ($debug)
2002			{
2003				plainOutput("<!-- merging row $r+1 into previous -->\n");
2004				plainOutput("<!-- row $r: (".join(",", @{$tableRows[$r]}).") -->\n");
2005				plainOutput("<!-- row $r+1: (".join(",", @{$tableRows[$r+1]}).") -->\n");
2006			}
2007			for ($c=0; $c<=$#{$tableRows[$r]}; ++$c)
2008			{
2009				$tableRows[$r][$c] .= $tableRows[$r+1][$c];
2010				$tableRows[$r][$c] =~ s,\\\^,,g;	# merging is stronger than spanning!
2011				$tableRows[$r][$c] =~ s,</TD><TD.*?>,<BR>,;
2012			}
2013			@tableRows = (@tableRows[0..$r], @tableRows[$r+2 .. $#tableRows]);
2014			--$r;	# process again
2015		}
2016	}
2018	# Turn \^ vertical span requests into rowspan tags
2019	for($r=0; $r<$#tableRows; ++$r)
2020	{
2021		for ($c=0; $c<=$#{$tableRows[$r]}; ++$c)
2022		{
2023			$r2 = $r+1;
2024			while ( $r2<=$#tableRows && ($tableRows[$r2][$c] =~ m,<TD.*?>\\\^</TD>,) )
2025			{
2026				++$r2;
2027			}
2028			$rs = $r2-$r;
2029			if ($rs > 1)
2030			{
2031				plainOutput("<!-- spanning from $r,$c -->\n") if ($debug);
2032				$tableRows[$r][$c] =~ s/<TD/<TD rowspan=$rs/;
2033			}
2034		}
2035	}
2037	# As tbl and html differ in whether they expect spanned cells to be
2038	# supplied, remove any cells that are 'rowspanned into'.
2039	for($r=0; $r<=$#tableRows; ++$r)
2040	{
2041		for ($c=$#{$tableRows[$r]}; $c>=0; --$c)
2042		{
2043			if ($tableRows[$r][$c] =~ m/<TD rowspan=(\d+)/)
2044			{
2045				for ($r2=$r+1; $r2<$r+$1; ++$r2)
2046				{
2047					$rowref = $tableRows[$r2];
2048					plainOutput("<!-- removing $r2,$c: ".$rowref->[$c]." -->\n") if ($debug);
2049					@$rowref = (@{$rowref}[0..$c-1], @{$rowref}[$c+1..$#$rowref]);
2050				}
2051			}
2052		}
2053	}
2055	# Finally, output the cells that are left
2056	for($r=0; $r<=$#tableRows; ++$r)
2057	{
2058		plainOutput("<TR valign=top>\n");
2059		for ($c=0; $c <= $#{$tableRows[$r]}; ++$c)
2060		{
2061			outputLine($tableRows[$r][$c]);
2062		}
2063		plainOutput("</TR>\n");
2064	}
2065	@tableRows = ();
2066	$troffCol = 0;
2067	plainOutput("<!-- flushTable done -->\n") if ($debug);
2071# Use these for all font changes, including .ft, .ps, .B, .BI, .SM etc.
2072# Need to add a mechanism to stack up these changes so tags match: <X> <Y> ... </Y> </X> etc.
2074sub pushStyle
2076	$result = "";
2077	$type = $_[0];
2078	$tag = $_[1];
2079	print OUT "<!-- pushStyle $type($tag) [".join(",", @styleStack)."] " if ($debug>1);
2080	@oldItems = ();
2081	if (grep(m/^$type/, @styleStack))
2082	{
2083		print OUT "undoing up to old $type " if ($debug>1);
2084		while (@styleStack)
2085		{
2086			# search back, undoing intervening tags in reverse order
2087			$oldItem = pop @styleStack;
2088			($oldTag) = ($oldItem =~ m/^.(\S+)/);
2089			$result .= "</$oldTag>";
2090			if (substr($oldItem,0,1) eq $type)
2091			{
2092				print OUT "found $oldItem " if ($debug>1);
2093				while (@oldItems)
2094				{
2095					# restore the intermediates again
2096					$oldItem = shift @oldItems;
2097					push(@styleStack, $oldItem);
2098					$result .= "<".substr($oldItem,1).">";
2099				}
2100				last;
2101			}
2102			else
2103			{
2104				unshift(@oldItems, $oldItem);
2105			}
2106		}
2107	}
2108	print OUT "oldItems=(@oldItems) " if ($debug>1);
2109	push(@styleStack, @oldItems);	# if we didn't find anything of type
2110	if ($tag)
2111	{
2112		$result .= "<$tag>";
2113		push(@styleStack, $type.$tag);
2114	}
2115	print OUT "-> '$result' -->\n" if ($debug>1);
2116	return $result;
2119sub resetStyles
2121	if (@styleStack)
2122	{
2123		print OUT "<!-- resetStyles [".join(",", @styleStack)."] -->\n";
2124		print OUT "<HR> resetStyles [".join(",", @styleStack)."] <HR>\n" if ($debug);
2125	}
2126	while (@styleStack)
2127	{
2128		$oldItem = pop @styleStack;
2129		($oldTag) = ($oldItem =~ m/^.(\S+)/);
2130		print OUT "</$oldTag>";
2131	}
2132	$currentSize = 0;
2133	$currentShift = 0;
2136sub blockquote
2138	print OUT "<BLOCKQUOTE>\n";
2139	++$blockquote;
2142sub endBlockquote
2144	resetStyles();
2145	while ($blockquote > 0)
2146	{
2147		print OUT "</BLOCKQUOTE>\n";
2148		--$blockquote;
2149	}
2152sub indent
2154	plainOutput(pushStyle("I", "TABLE"));
2155	$width = $_[0];
2156	$width = " width=$width%" if ($width);
2157	plainOutput("<TR><TD$width>&nbsp;</TD><TD>\n");
2160sub outdent
2162	plainOutput("</TD></TR>\n");
2163	plainOutput(pushStyle("I"));
2166sub inlineStyle
2168	$_[0] =~ m/^(.)(.*)$/;
2169	if ($1 eq "f")
2170		{ fontChange($2); }
2171	elsif ($1 eq "s" && ! $noFill)
2172		{ sizeChange($2); }
2173	else
2174		{ superSub($1); }
2177sub fontChange
2179	$fnt = $_[0];
2180	$fnt =~ s/^\(//;
2182	if ($fnt eq "P" || $fnt eq "R" || $fnt eq "1" || $fnt eq "")
2183		{ $font = ""; }
2184	elsif ($fnt eq "B" || $fnt eq "3")
2185		{ $font = "B"; }
2186	elsif ($fnt eq "I" || $fnt eq "2")
2187		{ $font = "I"; }
2188	else
2189		{ $font = "TT"; }
2190	return pushStyle("F", $font);
2193sub sizeChange
2195	$size= $_[0];
2196	if ($size =~ m/^[+-]/)
2197		{ $currentSize += $size; }
2198	else
2199		{ $currentSize = $size-10; }
2200	$currentSize = 0 if (! $size);
2202	$sz = $currentSize;
2203	$sz = -2 if ($sz < -2);
2204	$sz = 2 if ($sz > 2);
2206	if ($currentSize eq "0")
2207		{ $size = ""; }
2208	else
2209		{ $size = "FONT size=$sz"; }
2210	return pushStyle("S", $size);
2213sub superSub
2215	$sub = $_[0];
2216	++$currentShift if ($sub eq "u");
2217	--$currentShift if ($sub eq "d");
2218	$tag = "";
2219	$tag = "SUP" if ($currentShift > 0);
2220	$tag = "SUB" if ($currentShift < 0);
2221	return pushStyle("D", $tag);
2224sub startNoFill
2226	print OUT "<PRE>\n" unless($noFill);
2227	$noFill = 1;
2230sub endNoFill
2232	print OUT "</PRE>\n" if ($noFill);
2233	$noFill = 0;
2237sub processEqns
2239	if ($eqnMode==2 && $_[0] =~ m/^\.EN/)
2240	{
2241		$eqnMode = 0;
2242		outputLine(flushEqn());
2243		plainOutput("\n");
2244		return;
2245	}
2246	$eqnBuffer .= $_[0]." ";
2249sub processEqnd
2251	processEqns(@_);
2252	return flushEqn();
2255sub flushEqn
2257	@p = grep($_ !~ m/^ *$/, split(/("[^"]*"|\s+|[{}~^])/, $eqnBuffer) );
2258	$eqnBuffer = "";
2259	#return "[".join(',', @p)." -> ".&doEqn(@p)."]\n";
2260	$res = &doEqn(@p);
2261	#$res =~ s,\\\((..),$special{$1}||"\\($1",ge;
2262	#$res =~ s,<,&lt;,g;
2263	#$res =~ s,>,&gt;,g;
2264	return $res;
2267sub doEqn
2269	my @p = @_;
2270	my $result = "";
2271	my $res;
2272	my $c;
2273	while (@p)
2274	{
2275		($res, @p) = doEqn1(@p);
2276		$result .= $res;
2277	}
2278	return $result;
2281sub doEqn1
2283	my @p = @_;
2284	my $res = "";
2285	my $c;
2287	$c = shift @p;
2288	if ($eqndefs{$c})
2289	{
2290		@x = split(/\0/, $eqndefs{$c});
2291		unshift @p, @x;
2292		$c = shift @p;
2293	}
2294	if ($c =~ m/^"(.*)"$/)
2295	{
2296		$res = $1;
2297	}
2298	elsif ($c eq "delim")
2299	{
2300		$c = shift @p;
2301		if ($c eq "off")
2302		{
2303			$eqnStart = "";
2304			$eqnEnd = "";
2305		}
2306		else
2307		{
2308			$c =~ m/^(.)(.)/;
2309			$eqnStart = quotemeta($1);
2310			$eqnEnd = quotemeta($2);
2311		}
2312	}
2313	elsif ($c eq "define" || $c eq "tdefine" || $c eq "ndefine")
2314	{
2315		$t = shift @p;
2316		$d = shift @p;
2317		$def = "";
2318		if (length($d) != 1)
2319		{
2320			$def = $d;
2321			$def =~ s/^.(.*)./\1/;
2322		}
2323		else
2324		{
2325			while (@p && $p[0] ne $d)
2326			{
2327				$def .= shift @p;
2328				$def .= "\0";
2329			}
2330			chop $def;
2331			shift @p;
2332		}
2333		$eqndefs{$t} = $def unless ($c eq "ndefine");
2334	}
2335	elsif ($c eq "{")
2336	{
2337		my $level = 1;
2338		my $i;
2339		for ($i=0; $i<=$#p; ++$i)
2340		{
2341			++$level if ($p[$i] eq "{");
2342			--$level if ($p[$i] eq "}");
2343			last if ($level==0);
2344		}
2345		$res = doEqn(@p[0..$i-1]);
2346		@p = @p[$i+1..$#p];
2347	}
2348	elsif ($c eq "sup")
2349	{
2350		($c,@p) = &doEqn1(@p);
2351		$res = "\\u$c\\d";
2352	}
2353	elsif ($c eq "to")
2354	{
2355		($c,@p) = &doEqn1(@p);
2356		$res = "\\u$c\\d ";
2357	}
2358	elsif ($c eq "sub" || $c eq "from")
2359	{
2360		($c,@p) = &doEqn1(@p);
2361		$res = "\\d$c\\u";
2362	}
2363	elsif ($c eq "matrix")
2364	{
2365		($c,@p) = &doEqn1(@p);
2366		$res = "matrix ( $c )";
2367	}
2368	elsif ($c eq "bold")
2369	{
2370		($c,@p) = &doEqn1(@p);
2371		$res = "\\fB$c\\fP";
2372	}
2373	elsif ($c eq "italic")
2374	{
2375		($c,@p) = &doEqn1(@p);
2376		$res = "\\fI$c\\fP";
2377	}
2378	elsif ($c eq "roman")
2379	{
2380	}
2381	elsif ($c eq "font" || $c eq "gfont" || $c eq "size" || $c eq "gsize")
2382	{
2383		shift @p;
2384	}
2385	elsif ($c eq "mark" || $c eq "lineup")
2386	{
2387	}
2388	elsif ($c eq "~" || $c eq "^")
2389	{
2390		$res = " ";
2391	}
2392	elsif ($c eq "over")
2393	{
2394		$res = " / ";
2395	}
2396	elsif ($c eq "half")
2397	{
2398		$res = "\\(12";
2399	}
2400	elsif ($c eq "prime")
2401	{
2402		$res = "\\' ";
2403	}
2404	elsif ($c eq "dot")
2405	{
2406		$res = "\\u.\\d ";
2407	}
2408	elsif ($c eq "dotdot")
2409	{
2410		$res = "\\u..\\d ";
2411	}
2412	elsif ($c eq "tilde")
2413	{
2414		$res = "\\u~\\d ";
2415	}
2416	elsif ($c eq "hat")
2417	{
2418		$res = "\\u^\\d ";
2419	}
2420	elsif ($c eq "bar" || $c eq "vec")
2421	{
2422		$res = "\\(rn ";
2423	}
2424	elsif ($c eq "under")
2425	{
2426		$res = "_ ";
2427	}
2428	elsif ( $c eq "sqrt" || $c eq "lim" || $c eq "sum" || $c eq "pile" || $c eq "lpile" ||
2429			$c eq "rpile" || $c eq "cpile" || $c eq "int" || $c eq "prod" )
2430	{
2431		$res = " $c ";
2432	}
2433	elsif ($c eq "cdot")
2434	{
2435		$res = " . ";
2436	}
2437	elsif ($c eq "inf")
2438	{
2439		$res = "\\(if";
2440	}
2441	elsif ($c eq "above" || $c eq "lcol" || $c eq "ccol")
2442	{
2443		$res = " ";
2444	}
2445	elsif ($c eq "sin" || $c eq "cos" || $c eq "tan" || $c eq "log" || $c eq "ln" )
2446	{
2447		$res = " $c ";
2448	}
2449	elsif ($c eq "left" || $c eq "right" || $c eq "nothing")
2450	{
2451	}
2452	elsif ($c =~ m/^[A-Za-z]/)
2453	{
2454		$res = "\\fI$c\\fP";
2455	}
2456	else
2457	{
2458		$res = $c;
2459	}
2461	return ($res, @p);
2464##### Search manpath and initialise special char array #####
2466sub initialise
2468	# Determine groff version if possible
2469	my $groffver = `groff -v`;
2470	$groffver =~ /^GNU groff version (\S+)/;
2471	$groffver = $1;
2473	# Parse the macro definition file for section names
2474	if (open(MACRO, "/usr/lib/tmac/tmac.an") ||
2475		open(MACRO, "/usr/lib/tmac/an") ||
2476		open(MACRO, "/usr/lib/groff/tmac/tmac.an") ||
2477		open(MACRO, "/usr/lib/groff/tmac/an.tmac") ||
2478		open(MACRO, "/usr/share/tmac/tmac.an") ||
2479		open(MACRO, "/usr/share/tmac/an.tmac") ||
2480		open(MACRO, "/usr/share/groff/tmac/tmac.an") ||
2481		open(MACRO, "/usr/share/groff/tmac/an.tmac") ||
2482		open(MACRO, "/usr/share/groff/$groffver/tmac/an.tmac") )
2483	{
2484		while (<MACRO>)
2485		{
2486			chop;
2487			if (m/\$2'([0-9a-zA-Z]+)' .ds ]D (.*)$/)
2488			{
2489				$sn = $2;
2490				unless ($sn =~ m/[a-z]/)
2491				{
2492					$sn = "\u\L$sn";
2493					$sn =~ s/ (.)/ \u\1/g;
2494				}
2495				$sectionName{"\L$1"} = $sn;
2496			}
2497			if (m/\$1'([^']+)' .ds Tx "?(.*)$/)
2498			{
2499				$title{"$1"} = $2;
2500			}
2501			if (m/^.ds ]W (.*)$/)
2502			{
2503				$osver = $1;
2504			}
2505		}
2506	}
2507	else
2508	{
2509		print STDERR "Failed to read tmac.an definitions\n" unless ($cgiMode);
2510	}
2511	if (open(MACRO, "/usr/lib/tmac/tz.map"))
2512	{
2513		while (<MACRO>)
2514		{
2515			chop;
2516			if (m/\$1'([^']+)' .ds Tz "?(.*)$/)
2517			{
2518				$title{"$1"} = $2;
2519			}
2520		}
2521	}
2523	# Prevent redefinition of macros that have special meaning to us
2524	$reservedMacros = '^(SH|SS|Sh|Ss)$';
2526	# Predefine special number registers
2527	$number{'.l'} = 75;
2529	# String variables defined by man package
2530	$vars{'lq'} = '&#147;';
2531	$vars{'rq'} = '&#148;';
2532	$vars{'R'} = '\\(rg';
2533	$vars{'S'} = '\\s0';
2535	# String variables defined by mdoc package
2536	$vars{'Le'} = '\\(<=';
2537	$vars{'<='} = '\\(<=';
2538	$vars{'Ge'} = '\\(>=';
2539	$vars{'Lt'} = '<';
2540	$vars{'Gt'} = '>';
2541	$vars{'Ne'} = '\\(!=';
2542	$vars{'>='} = '\\(>=';
2543	$vars{'q'} = '&#34;';	# see also special case in preProcessLine
2544	$vars{'Lq'} = '&#147;';
2545	$vars{'Rq'} = '&#148;';
2546	$vars{'ua'} = '\\(ua';
2547	$vars{'ga'} = '\\(ga';
2548	$vars{'Pi'} = '\\(*p';
2549	$vars{'Pm'} = '\\(+-';
2550	$vars{'Na'} = 'NaN';
2551	$vars{'If'} = '\\(if';
2552	$vars{'Ba'} = '|';
2554	# String variables defined by ms package (access to accented characters)
2555	$vars{'bu'} = '&#187;';
2556	$vars{'66'} = '&#147;';
2557	$vars{'99'} = '&#148;';
2558	$vars{'*!'} = '&#161;';
2559	$vars{'ct'} = '&#162;';
2560	$vars{'po'} = '&#163;';
2561	$vars{'gc'} = '&#164;';
2562	$vars{'ye'} = '&#165;';
2563	#$vars{'??'} = '&#166;';
2564	$vars{'sc'} = '&#167;';
2565	$vars{'*:'} = '&#168;';
2566	$vars{'co'} = '&#169;';
2567	$vars{'_a'} = '&#170;';
2568	$vars{'<<'} = '&#171;';
2569	$vars{'no'} = '&#172;';
2570	$vars{'hy'} = '&#173;';
2571	$vars{'rg'} = '&#174;';
2572	$vars{'ba'} = '&#175;';
2573	$vars{'de'} = '&#176;';
2574	$vars{'pm'} = '&#177;';
2575	#$vars{'??'} = '&#178;';
2576	#$vars{'??'} = '&#179;';
2577	$vars{'aa'} = '&#180;';
2578	$vars{'mu'} = '&#181;';
2579	$vars{'pg'} = '&#182;';
2580	$vars{'c.'} = '&#183;';
2581	$vars{'cd'} = '&#184;';
2582	#$vars{'??'} = '&#185;';
2583	$vars{'_o'} = '&#186;';
2584	$vars{'>>'} = '&#187;';
2585	$vars{'14'} = '&#188;';
2586	$vars{'12'} = '&#189;';
2587	#$vars{'??'} = '&#190;';
2588	$vars{'*?'} = '&#191;';
2589	$vars{'`A'} = '&#192;';
2590	$vars{"'A"} = '&#193;';
2591	$vars{'^A'} = '&#194;';
2592	$vars{'~A'} = '&#195;';
2593	$vars{':A'} = '&#196;';
2594	$vars{'oA'} = '&#197;';
2595	$vars{'AE'} = '&#198;';
2596	$vars{',C'} = '&#199;';
2597	$vars{'`E'} = '&#200;';
2598	$vars{"'E"} = '&#201;';
2599	$vars{'^E'} = '&#202;';
2600	$vars{':E'} = '&#203;';
2601	$vars{'`I'} = '&#204;';
2602	$vars{"'I"} = '&#205;';
2603	$vars{'^I'} = '&#206;';
2604	$vars{':I'} = '&#207;';
2605	$vars{'-D'} = '&#208;';
2606	$vars{'~N'} = '&#209;';
2607	$vars{'`O'} = '&#210;';
2608	$vars{"'O"} = '&#211;';
2609	$vars{'^O'} = '&#212;';
2610	$vars{'~O'} = '&#213;';
2611	$vars{':O'} = '&#214;';
2612	#$vars{'mu'} = '&#215;';
2613	$vars{'NU'} = '&#216;';
2614	$vars{'`U'} = '&#217;';
2615	$vars{"'U"} = '&#218;';
2616	$vars{'^U'} = '&#219;';
2617	$vars{':U'} = '&#220;';
2618	#$vars{'??'} = '&#221;';
2619	$vars{'Th'} = '&#222;';
2620	$vars{'*b'} = '&#223;';
2621	$vars{'`a'} = '&#224;';
2622	$vars{"'a"} = '&#225;';
2623	$vars{'^a'} = '&#226;';
2624	$vars{'~a'} = '&#227;';
2625	$vars{':a'} = '&#228;';
2626	$vars{'oa'} = '&#229;';
2627	$vars{'ae'} = '&#230;';
2628	$vars{',c'} = '&#231;';
2629	$vars{'`e'} = '&#232;';
2630	$vars{"'e"} = '&#233;';
2631	$vars{'^e'} = '&#234;';
2632	$vars{':e'} = '&#235;';
2633	$vars{'`i'} = '&#236;';
2634	$vars{"'i"} = '&#237;';
2635	$vars{'^i'} = '&#238;';
2636	$vars{':i'} = '&#239;';
2637	#$vars{'??'} = '&#240;';
2638	$vars{'~n'} = '&#241;';
2639	$vars{'`o'} = '&#242;';
2640	$vars{"'o"} = '&#243;';
2641	$vars{'^o'} = '&#244;';
2642	$vars{'~o'} = '&#245;';
2643	$vars{':o'} = '&#246;';
2644	$vars{'di'} = '&#247;';
2645	$vars{'nu'} = '&#248;';
2646	$vars{'`u'} = '&#249;';
2647	$vars{"'u"} = '&#250;';
2648	$vars{'^u'} = '&#251;';
2649	$vars{':u'} = '&#252;';
2650	#$vars{'??'} = '&#253;';
2651	$vars{'th'} = '&#254;';
2652	$vars{':y'} = '&#255;';
2654	# troff special characters and their closest equivalent
2656	$special{'em'} = '&#151;';
2657	$special{'hy'} = '-';
2658	$special{'\-'} = '&#150;';	# was -
2659	$special{'bu'} = 'o';
2660	$special{'sq'} = '[]';
2661	$special{'ru'} = '_';
2662	$special{'14'} = '&#188;';
2663	$special{'12'} = '&#189;';
2664	$special{'34'} = '&#190;';
2665	$special{'fi'} = 'fi';
2666	$special{'fl'} = 'fl';
2667	$special{'ff'} = 'ff';
2668	$special{'Fi'} = 'ffi';
2669	$special{'Fl'} = 'ffl';
2670	$special{'de'} = '&#176;';
2671	$special{'dg'} = '&#134;';	# was 182, para symbol
2672	$special{'fm'} = "\\'";
2673	$special{'ct'} = '&#162;';
2674	$special{'rg'} = '&#174;';
2675	$special{'co'} = '&#169;';
2676	$special{'pl'} = '+';
2677	$special{'mi'} = '-';
2678	$special{'eq'} = '=';
2679	$special{'**'} = '*';
2680	$special{'sc'} = '&#167;';
2681	$special{'aa'} = '&#180;';	# was '
2682	$special{'ga'} = '&#96;';	# was `
2683	$special{'ul'} = '_';
2684	$special{'sl'} = '/';
2685	$special{'*a'} = 'a';
2686	$special{'*b'} = '&#223;';
2687	$special{'*g'} = 'y';
2688	$special{'*d'} = 'd';
2689	$special{'*e'} = 'e';
2690	$special{'*z'} = 'z';
2691	$special{'*y'} = 'n';
2692	$special{'*h'} = 'th';
2693	$special{'*i'} = 'i';
2694	$special{'*k'} = 'k';
2695	$special{'*l'} = 'l';
2696	$special{'*m'} = '&#181;';
2697	$special{'*n'} = 'v';
2698	$special{'*c'} = '3';
2699	$special{'*o'} = 'o';
2700	$special{'*p'} = 'pi';
2701	$special{'*r'} = 'p';
2702	$special{'*s'} = 's';
2703	$special{'*t'} = 't';
2704	$special{'*u'} = 'u';
2705	$special{'*f'} = 'ph';
2706	$special{'*x'} = 'x';
2707	$special{'*q'} = 'ps';
2708	$special{'*w'} = 'o';
2709	$special{'*A'} = 'A';
2710	$special{'*B'} = 'B';
2711	$special{'*G'} = '|\\u_\\d';
2712	$special{'*D'} = '/&#92;';
2713	$special{'*E'} = 'E';
2714	$special{'*Z'} = 'Z';
2715	$special{'*Y'} = 'H';
2716	$special{'*H'} = 'TH';
2717	$special{'*I'} = 'I';
2718	$special{'*K'} = 'K';
2719	$special{'*L'} = 'L';
2720	$special{'*M'} = 'M';
2721	$special{'*N'} = 'N';
2722	$special{'*C'} = 'Z';
2723	$special{'*O'} = 'O';
2724	$special{'*P'} = '||';
2725	$special{'*R'} = 'P';
2726	$special{'*S'} = 'S';
2727	$special{'*T'} = 'T';
2728	$special{'*U'} = 'Y';
2729	$special{'*F'} = 'PH';
2730	$special{'*X'} = 'X';
2731	$special{'*Q'} = 'PS';
2732	$special{'*W'} = 'O';
2733	$special{'ts'} = 's';
2734	$special{'sr'} = 'v/';
2735	$special{'rn'} = '\\u&#150;\\d';	# was 175
2736	$special{'>='} = '&gt;=';
2737	$special{'<='} = '&lt;=';
2738	$special{'=='} = '==';
2739	$special{'~='} = '~=';
2740	$special{'ap'} = '&#126;';	# was ~
2741	$special{'!='} = '!=';
2742	$special{'->'} = '-&gt;';
2743	$special{'<-'} = '&lt;-';
2744	$special{'ua'} = '^';
2745	$special{'da'} = 'v';
2746	$special{'mu'} = '&#215;';
2747	$special{'di'} = '&#247;';
2748	$special{'+-'} = '&#177;';
2749	$special{'cu'} = 'U';
2750	$special{'ca'} = '^';
2751	$special{'sb'} = '(';
2752	$special{'sp'} = ')';
2753	$special{'ib'} = '(=';
2754	$special{'ip'} = '=)';
2755	$special{'if'} = 'oo';
2756	$special{'pd'} = '6';
2757	$special{'gr'} = 'V';
2758	$special{'no'} = '&#172;';
2759	$special{'is'} = 'I';
2760	$special{'pt'} = '~';
2761	$special{'es'} = '&#216;';
2762	$special{'mo'} = 'e';
2763	$special{'br'} = '|';
2764	$special{'dd'} = '&#135;';	# was 165, yen
2765	$special{'rh'} = '=&gt;';
2766	$special{'lh'} = '&lt;=';
2767	$special{'or'} = '|';
2768	$special{'ci'} = 'O';
2769	$special{'lt'} = '(';
2770	$special{'lb'} = '(';
2771	$special{'rt'} = ')';
2772	$special{'rb'} = ')';
2773	$special{'lk'} = '|';
2774	$special{'rk'} = '|';
2775	$special{'bv'} = '|';
2776	$special{'lf'} = '|';
2777	$special{'rf'} = '|';
2778	$special{'lc'} = '|';
2779	$special{'rc'} = '|';
2781	# Not true troff characters but very common typos
2782	$special{'cp'} = '&#169;';
2783	$special{'tm'} = '&#174;';
2784	$special{'en'} = '-';
2786	# Build a list of directories containing man pages
2787	@manpath = ();
2788	if (open(MPC, "/etc/manpath.config") || open(MPC, "/etc/man.config"))
2789	{
2790		while (<MPC>)
2791		{
2792			if (m/^(MANDB_MAP|MANPATH)\s+(\S+)/)
2793			{
2794				push(@manpath, $2);
2795			}
2796		}
2797	}
2798	@manpath = split(/:/, $ENV{'MANPATH'}) unless (@manpath);
2799	@manpath = ("/usr/man") unless (@manpath);
2802# Search through @manpath and construct @mandirs (non-empty subsections)
2803sub loadManDirs
2805	return if (@mandirs);
2806	print STDERR "Searching ",join(":", @manpath)," for mandirs\n" unless($cgiMode);
2807	foreach $tld (@manpath)
2808	{
2809		$tld =~ m/^(.*)$/;
2810		$tld = $1;	# untaint manpath
2811		if (opendir(DIR, $tld))
2812		{
2813			# foreach $d (<$tld/man[0-9a-z]*>)
2814			foreach $d (sort readdir(DIR))
2815			{
2816				if ($d =~ m/^man\w/ && -d "$tld/$d")
2817				{
2818					push (@mandirs, "$tld/$d");
2819				}
2820			}
2821			closedir DIR;
2822		}
2823	}
2826##### Utility to search manpath for a given command #####
2828sub findPage
2830	$request = $_[0];
2831	$request =~ s,^/,,;
2832	@multipleMatches = ();
2834	$file = $_[0];
2835	return $file if (-f $file || -f "$file.gz" || -f "$file.bz2");
2837	# Search the path for the requested man page, which may be of the form:
2838	# "/usr/man/man1/ls.1", "ls.1" or "ls".
2839	($page,$sect) = ($request =~ m/^(.+)\.([^.]+)$/);
2840	$sect = "\L$sect";
2842	# Search the specified section first (if specified)
2843	if ($sect)
2844	{
2845		foreach $md (@manpath)
2846		{
2847			$dir = $md;
2848			$file = "$dir/man$sect/$page.$sect";
2849			push(@multipleMatches, $file) if (-f $file || -f "$file.gz" || -f "$file.bz2");
2850		}
2851	}
2852	else
2853	{
2854		$page = $request;
2855	}
2856	if (@multipleMatches == 1)
2857	{
2858		return pop @multipleMatches;
2859	}
2861	# If not found need to search through each directory
2862	loadManDirs();
2863	foreach $dir (@mandirs)
2864	{
2865		($s) = ($dir =~ m/man([0-9A-Za-z]+)$/);
2866		$file = "$dir/$page.$s";
2867		push(@multipleMatches, $file) if (-f $file || -f "$file.gz" || -f "$file.bz2");
2868		$file = "$dir/$request";
2869		push(@multipleMatches, $file) if (-f $file || -f "$file.gz" || -f "$file.bz2");
2870		if ($sect && "$page.$sect" ne $request)
2871		{
2872			$file = "$dir/$page.$sect";
2873			push(@multipleMatches, $file) if (-f $file || -f "$file.gz" || -f "$file.bz2");
2874		}
2875	}
2876	if (@multipleMatches == 1)
2877	{
2878		return pop @multipleMatches;
2879	}
2880	if (@multipleMatches > 1)
2881	{
2882		return "";
2883	}
2884	# Ok, didn't find it using section numbers. Perhaps there's a page with the
2885	# right name but wrong section number lurking there somewhere. (This search is slow)
2886	# eg. page.1x in man1 (not man1x) directory
2887	foreach $dir (@mandirs)
2888	{
2889		opendir(DIR, $dir);
2890		foreach $f (readdir DIR)
2891		{
2892			if ($f =~ m/^$page\./)
2893			{
2894				$f =~ s/\.(gz|bz2)$//;
2895				push(@multipleMatches, "$dir/$f");
2896			}
2897		}
2898	}
2899	if (@multipleMatches == 1)
2900	{
2901		return pop @multipleMatches;
2902	}
2903	return "";
2906sub loadPerlPages
2908	my ($dir,$f,$name,@files);
2909	loadManDirs();
2910	return if (%perlPages);
2911	foreach $dir (@mandirs)
2912	{
2913		if (opendir(DIR, $dir))
2914		{
2915			@files = sort readdir DIR;
2916			foreach $f (@files)
2917			{
2918				next if ($f eq "." || $f eq ".." || $f !~ m/\./);
2919				next unless ("$dir/$f" =~ m/perl/);
2920				$f =~ s/\.(gz|bz2)$//;
2921				($name) = ($f =~ m,(.+)\.[^.]*$,);
2922				$perlPages{$name} = "$dir/$f";
2923			}
2924			closedir DIR;
2925		}
2926	}
2927	delete $perlPages{'perl'}; 	# too ubiquitous to be useful
2930sub fmtTime
2932    my $time = $_[0];
2933    my @days = qw (Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat);
2934    my @months = qw (Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);
2935    my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$istdst) = localtime($time);
2936    return sprintf ("%s, %02d %s %4d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT",
2937         $days[$wday],$mday,$months[$mon],1900+$year,$hour,$min,$sec);