1# Copyright (C) 2007-2020 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
3# This file is part of GNU Mailman.
5# GNU Mailman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
6# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
7# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
8# any later version.
10# GNU Mailman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
12# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
13# more details.
15# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
16# GNU Mailman.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18"""Application level bounce handling."""
20import re
21import uuid
22import logging
24from email.mime.message import MIMEMessage
25from email.mime.text import MIMEText
26from email.utils import parseaddr
27from mailman.config import config
28from mailman.core.i18n import _
29from mailman.email.message import OwnerNotification, UserNotification
30from mailman.interfaces.bounce import UnrecognizedBounceDisposition
31from mailman.interfaces.listmanager import IListManager
32from mailman.interfaces.pending import IPendable, IPendings
33from mailman.interfaces.subscriptions import ISubscriptionService
34from mailman.interfaces.template import ITemplateLoader
35from mailman.utilities.email import split_email
36from mailman.utilities.string import expand, oneline, wrap
37from public import public
38from string import Template
39from zope.component import getUtility
40from zope.interface import implementer
43log = logging.getLogger('mailman.config')
44elog = logging.getLogger('mailman.error')
45blog = logging.getLogger('mailman.bounce')
47DOT = '.'
48NL = '\n'
52def bounce_message(mlist, msg, error=None):
53    """Bounce the message back to the original author.
55    :param mlist: The mailing list that the message was posted to.
56    :type mlist: `IMailingList`
57    :param msg: The original message.
58    :type msg: `email.message.Message`
59    :param error: Optional exception causing the bounce.  The exception
60        instance must have a `.message` attribute.  The exception *may* have a
61        non-None `.reasons` attribute which would be a list of reasons for the
62        rejection, and it may have a non-None `.substitutions` attribute.  The
63        latter, along with the formatted reasons will be interpolated into the
64        message (`.reasons` gets put into the `$reasons` placeholder).
65    :type error: RejectMessage
66    """
67    # Bounce a message back to the sender, with an error message if provided
68    # in the exception argument.  .sender might be None or the empty string.
69    if not msg.sender:
70        # We can't bounce the message if we don't know who it's supposed to go
71        # to.
72        return
73    subject = msg.get('subject', _('(no subject)'))
74    subject = oneline(subject, mlist.preferred_language.charset)
75    notice = (_('[No bounce details are available]')
76              if error is None
77              else str(error))
78    # Currently we always craft bounces as MIME messages.
79    bmsg = UserNotification(msg.sender, mlist.owner_address, subject,
80                            lang=mlist.preferred_language)
81    # BAW: Be sure you set the type before trying to attach, or you'll get
82    # a MultipartConversionError.
83    bmsg.set_type('multipart/mixed')
84    txt = MIMEText(notice, _charset=mlist.preferred_language.charset)
85    bmsg.attach(txt)
86    bmsg.attach(MIMEMessage(msg))
87    bmsg.send(mlist)
90class _BaseVERPParser:
91    """Base class for parsing VERP messages.
93    Sadly not every MTA bounces VERP messages correctly, or consistently.
94    First, the To: header is checked, then Delivered-To: (Postfix),
95    Envelope-To: (Exim) and Apparently-To:.  Note that there can be multiple
96    headers so we need to search them all
97    """
99    def __init__(self, pattern):
100        self._pattern = pattern
101        self._cre = re.compile(pattern, re.IGNORECASE)
103    def get_verp(self, mlist, msg):
104        """Extract a set of VERP bounce addresses.
106        :param mlist: The mailing list being checked.
107        :type mlist: `IMailingList`
108        :param msg: The message being parsed.
109        :type msg: `email.message.Message`
110        :return: The set of addresses extracted from the VERP headers.
111        :rtype: set of strings
112        """
113        blocal, bdomain = split_email(mlist.bounces_address)
114        values = set()
115        verp_matches = set()
116        for header in ('to', 'delivered-to', 'envelope-to', 'apparently-to'):
117            values.update(msg.get_all(header, []))
118        for field in values:
119            address = parseaddr(field)[1]
120            if not address:
121                # This header was empty.
122                continue
123            mo = self._cre.search(address)
124            if not mo:
125                # This did not match the VERP regexp.
126                continue
127            try:
128                if blocal != mo.group('bounces'):
129                    # This was not a bounce to our mailing list.
130                    continue
131                original_address = self._get_address(mo)
132            except IndexError:
133                elog.error('Bad VERP pattern: {0}'.format(self._pattern))
134                return set()
135            else:
136                if original_address is not None:
137                    verp_matches.add(original_address)
138        return verp_matches
142class StandardVERP(_BaseVERPParser):
143    def __init__(self):
144        super().__init__(config.mta.verp_regexp)
146    def _get_address(self, match_object):
147        return '{0}@{1}'.format(*match_object.group('local', 'domain'))
151class ProbeVERP(_BaseVERPParser):
152    def __init__(self):
153        super().__init__(config.mta.verp_probe_regexp)
155    def _get_address(self, match_object):
156        # Extract the token and get the matching address.
157        token = match_object.group('token')
158        pendable = getUtility(IPendings).confirm(token)
159        if pendable is None:
160            # The token must have already been confirmed, or it may have been
161            # evicted from the database already.
162            return None
163        # We had to pend the uuid as a unicode.
164        member_id = uuid.UUID(hex=pendable['member_id'])
165        member = getUtility(ISubscriptionService).get_member(member_id)
166        if member is None:
167            return None
168        return member.address.email
172class _ProbePendable(dict):
173    """The pendable dictionary for probe messages."""
174    PEND_TYPE = 'probe'
178def send_probe(member, msg=None, message_id=None):
179    """Send a VERP probe to the member.
181    :param member: The member to send the probe to.  From this object, both
182        the user and the mailing list can be determined.
183    :type member: IMember
184    :param msg: The bouncing message that caused the probe to be sent.
185    :type msg:
186    :param message_id: MessageID of the bouncing message.
187    :type message_id: str
188    :return: The token representing this probe in the pendings database.
189    :rtype: string
190    """
191    if (message_id or msg) is None:
192        raise ValueError('Required at least one of "message_id" and "msg".')
193    mlist = getUtility(IListManager).get_by_list_id(
194        member.mailing_list.list_id)
195    template = getUtility(ITemplateLoader).get(
196        'list:user:notice:probe', mlist,
197        language=member.preferred_language.code,
198        # For backward compatibility.
199        code=member.preferred_language.code,
200        )
201    text = wrap(expand(template, mlist, dict(
202        sender_email=member.subscriber.email,
203        # For backward compatibility.
204        address=member.address.email,
205        email=member.address.email,
206        owneraddr=mlist.owner_address,
207        )))
208    if message_id is None:
209        message_id = msg['message-id']
210    if isinstance(message_id, bytes):
211        message_id = message_id.decode('ascii')
212    pendable = _ProbePendable(
213        # We can only pend unicodes.
214        member_id=member.member_id.hex,
215        message_id=message_id,
216        )
217    token = getUtility(IPendings).add(pendable)
218    mailbox, domain_parts = split_email(mlist.bounces_address)
219    probe_sender = Template(config.mta.verp_probe_format).safe_substitute(
220        bounces=mailbox,
221        token=token,
222        domain=DOT.join(domain_parts),
223        )
224    # Calculate the Subject header, in the member's preferred language.
225    with _.using(member.preferred_language.code):
226        subject = _('$mlist.display_name mailing list probe message')
227    # Craft the probe message.  This will be a multipart where the first part
228    # is the probe text and the second part is the message that caused this
229    # probe to be sent, if it provied.
230    probe = UserNotification(member.address.email, probe_sender,
231                             subject, lang=member.preferred_language)
232    probe.set_type('multipart/mixed')
233    notice = MIMEText(text, _charset=mlist.preferred_language.charset)
234    probe.attach(notice)
235    if msg is not None:
236        probe.attach(MIMEMessage(msg))
237    # Probes should not have the Precedence: bulk header.
238    probe.send(mlist, sender=probe_sender, verp=False, probe_token=token,
239               add_precedence=False)
240    # When we send a probe, we reset the score.
241    member.bounce_score = 0
242    return token
246def maybe_forward(mlist, msg):
247    """Possibly forward bounce messages with no recognizable addresses.
249    :param mlist: The mailing list.
250    :type mlist: `IMailingList`
251    :param msg: The bounce message to scan.
252    :type msg: `Message`
253    """
254    message_id = msg['message-id']
255    if (mlist.forward_unrecognized_bounces_to
256            is UnrecognizedBounceDisposition.discard):
257        blog.error('Discarding unrecognized bounce: {0}'.format(message_id))
258        return
259    # The notification is either going to go to the list's administrators
260    # (owners and moderators), or to the site administrators.  Most of the
261    # notification is exactly the same in either case.
262    subject = _('Uncaught bounce notification')
263    template = getUtility(ITemplateLoader).get(
264        'list:admin:notice:unrecognized', mlist)
265    text = expand(template, mlist)
266    text_part = MIMEText(text, _charset=mlist.preferred_language.charset)
267    attachment = MIMEMessage(msg)
268    if (mlist.forward_unrecognized_bounces_to
269            is UnrecognizedBounceDisposition.administrators):
270        keywords = dict(roster=mlist.administrators)
271    elif (mlist.forward_unrecognized_bounces_to
272          is UnrecognizedBounceDisposition.site_owner):
273        keywords = {}
274    else:
275        raise AssertionError('Invalid forwarding disposition: {0}'.format(
276                             mlist.forward_unrecognized_bounces_to))
277    # Create the notification and send it.
278    notice = OwnerNotification(mlist, subject, **keywords)
279    notice.set_type('multipart/mixed')
280    notice.attach(text_part)
281    notice.attach(attachment)
282    notice.send(mlist)