1# Copyright (C) 2017-2020 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
3# This file is part of GNU Mailman.
5# GNU Mailman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
6# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
7# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
8# any later version.
10# GNU Mailman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
12# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
13# more details.
15# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
16# GNU Mailman.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18"""Test some additional plugin stuff."""
20import sys
21import unittest
23from contextlib import ExitStack
24from mailman.interfaces.plugin import IPlugin
25from mailman.plugins.initialize import initialize
26from mailman.plugins.testing.layer import PluginRESTLayer
27from mailman.testing.helpers import call_api
28from mailman.testing.layers import ConfigLayer
29from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
30from types import SimpleNamespace
31from unittest.mock import patch
32from urllib.error import HTTPError
33from zope.interface import implementer
36class TestRESTPlugin(unittest.TestCase):
37    layer = PluginRESTLayer
39    def test_plugin_raises_exception(self):
40        with self.assertRaises(HTTPError) as cm:
41            call_api('http://localhost:9001/3.1/plugins/example/no')
42        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.code, 400)
46class TestablePlugin:
47    def pre_hook(self):
48        pass
50    def post_hook(self):
51        pass
53    resource = None
56class TestInitializePlugins(unittest.TestCase):
57    layer = ConfigLayer
59    def test_duplicate_plugin_name(self):
60        with ExitStack() as resources:
61            system_path = resources.enter_context(TemporaryDirectory())
62            fake_plugin_config = {
63                'path': system_path,
64                'enabled': 'yes',
65                'class': 'ExamplePlugin',
66                }
67            log_mock = resources.enter_context(
68                patch('mailman.plugins.initialize.log'))
69            fake_mailman_config = SimpleNamespace(
70                plugin_configs=[('example', fake_plugin_config)],
71                plugins=['example'],
72                )
73            resources.enter_context(patch(
74                'mailman.plugins.initialize.config', fake_mailman_config))
75            initialize()
76            log_mock.error.assert_called_once_with(
77                'Duplicate plugin name: example')
79    def test_does_not_implement(self):
80        with ExitStack() as resources:
81            system_path = resources.enter_context(TemporaryDirectory())
82            fake_plugin_config = {
83                'path': system_path,
84                'enabled': 'yes',
85                'class': 'ExamplePlugin',
86                }
87            log_mock = resources.enter_context(
88                patch('mailman.plugins.initialize.log'))
89            fake_mailman_config = SimpleNamespace(
90                plugin_configs=[('example', fake_plugin_config)],
91                plugins=[],
92                )
93            resources.enter_context(patch(
94                'mailman.plugins.initialize.config', fake_mailman_config))
95            resources.enter_context(patch(
96                'mailman.plugins.initialize.call_name',
97                # object() does not implement IPlugin.
98                return_value=object()))
99            initialize()
100            log_mock.error.assert_called_once_with(
101                'Plugin class does not implement IPlugin: ExamplePlugin')
102            self.assertNotIn(system_path, sys.path)
104    def test_adds_plugins_to_config(self):
105        with ExitStack() as resources:
106            system_path = resources.enter_context(TemporaryDirectory())
107            fake_plugin_config = {
108                'path': system_path,
109                'enabled': 'yes',
110                'class': 'ExamplePlugin',
111                }
112            fake_mailman_config = SimpleNamespace(
113                plugin_configs=[('example', fake_plugin_config)],
114                plugins={},
115                )
116            resources.enter_context(patch(
117                'mailman.plugins.initialize.config', fake_mailman_config))
118            testable_plugin = TestablePlugin()
119            resources.enter_context(patch(
120                'mailman.plugins.initialize.call_name',
121                # object() does not implement IPlugin.
122                return_value=testable_plugin))
123            initialize()
124            self.assertIn('example', fake_mailman_config.plugins)
125            self.assertEqual(
126                fake_mailman_config.plugins['example'],
127                testable_plugin)
129    def test_not_enabled(self):
130        with ExitStack() as resources:
131            fake_plugin_config = {
132                'path': '/does/not/exist',
133                'enabled': 'no',
134                'class': 'ExamplePlugin',
135                }
136            log_mock = resources.enter_context(
137                patch('mailman.plugins.initialize.log'))
138            fake_mailman_config = SimpleNamespace(
139                plugin_configs=[('example', fake_plugin_config)],
140                plugins={},
141                )
142            resources.enter_context(patch(
143                'mailman.plugins.initialize.config', fake_mailman_config))
144            initialize()
145            log_mock.info.assert_called_once_with(
146                'Plugin not enabled, or empty class path: example')