1package Sisimai::Lhost::qmail;
2use parent 'Sisimai::Lhost';
3use feature ':5.10';
4use strict;
5use warnings;
7sub description { 'qmail' }
8sub make {
9    # Detect an error from qmail
10    # @param    [Hash] mhead    Message headers of a bounce email
11    # @param    [String] mbody  Message body of a bounce email
12    # @return   [Hash]          Bounce data list and message/rfc822 part
13    # @return   [Undef]         failed to parse or the arguments are missing
14    # @since v4.0.0
15    my $class = shift;
16    my $mhead = shift // return undef;
17    my $mbody = shift // return undef;
18    my $match = 0;
19    my $tryto = qr/\A[(]qmail[ ]+\d+[ ]+invoked[ ]+(?:for[ ]+bounce|from[ ]+network)[)]/;
21    # Pre process email headers and the body part of the message which generated
22    # by qmail, see https://cr.yp.to/qmail.html
23    #   e.g.) Received: (qmail 12345 invoked for bounce); 29 Apr 2009 12:34:56 -0000
24    #         Subject: failure notice
25    $match ||= 1 if $mhead->{'subject'} eq 'failure notice';
26    $match ||= 1 if grep { $_ =~ $tryto } @{ $mhead->{'received'} };
27    return undef unless $match;
29    state $indicators = __PACKAGE__->INDICATORS;
30    state $rebackbone = qr|^--- Below this line is a copy of the message[.]|m;
31    state $startingof = {
32        #  qmail-remote.c:248|    if (code >= 500) {
33        #  qmail-remote.c:249|      out("h"); outhost(); out(" does not like recipient.\n");
34        #  qmail-remote.c:265|  if (code >= 500) quit("D"," failed on DATA command");
35        #  qmail-remote.c:271|  if (code >= 500) quit("D"," failed after I sent the message");
36        #
37        # Characters: K,Z,D in qmail-qmqpc.c, qmail-send.c, qmail-rspawn.c
38        #  K = success, Z = temporary error, D = permanent error
39        'message' => ['Hi. This is the qmail'],
40        'error'   => ['Remote host said:'],
41    };
43    state $resmtp = {
44        # Error text regular expressions which defined in qmail-remote.c
45        # qmail-remote.c:225|  if (smtpcode() != 220) quit("ZConnected to "," but greeting failed");
46        'conn' => qr/(?:Error:)?Connected to [^ ]+ but greeting failed[.]/,
47        # qmail-remote.c:231|  if (smtpcode() != 250) quit("ZConnected to "," but my name was rejected");
48        'ehlo' => qr/(?:Error:)?Connected to [^ ]+ but my name was rejected[.]/,
49        # qmail-remote.c:238|  if (code >= 500) quit("DConnected to "," but sender was rejected");
50        # reason = rejected
51        'mail' => qr/(?:Error:)?Connected to [^ ]+ but sender was rejected[.]/,
52        # qmail-remote.c:249|  out("h"); outhost(); out(" does not like recipient.\n");
53        # qmail-remote.c:253|  out("s"); outhost(); out(" does not like recipient.\n");
54        # reason = userunknown
55        'rcpt' => qr/(?:Error:)?[^ ]+ does not like recipient[.]/,
56        # qmail-remote.c:265|  if (code >= 500) quit("D"," failed on DATA command");
57        # qmail-remote.c:266|  if (code >= 400) quit("Z"," failed on DATA command");
58        # qmail-remote.c:271|  if (code >= 500) quit("D"," failed after I sent the message");
59        # qmail-remote.c:272|  if (code >= 400) quit("Z"," failed after I sent the message");
60        'data' => qr{(?:
61             (?:Error:)?[^ ]+[ ]failed[ ]on[ ]DATA[ ]command[.]
62            |(?:Error:)?[^ ]+[ ]failed[ ]after[ ]I[ ]sent[ ]the[ ]message[.]
63            )
64        }x,
65    };
66    state $rehost = qr{(?:
67        # qmail-remote.c:261|  if (!flagbother) quit("DGiving up on ","");
68         Giving[ ]up[ ]on[ ]([^ ]+[0-9a-zA-Z])[.]?\z
69        |Connected[ ]to[ ]([-0-9a-zA-Z.]+[0-9a-zA-Z])[ ]
70        |remote[ ]host[ ]([-0-9a-zA-Z.]+[0-9a-zA-Z])[ ]said:
71        )
72    }x;
74    # qmail-send.c:922| ... (&dline[c],"I'm not going to try again; this message has been in the queue too long.\n")) nomem();
75    state $hasexpired = 'this message has been in the queue too long.';
76    # qmail-remote-fallback.patch
77    state $recommands = qr/Sorry, no SMTP connection got far enough; most progress was ([A-Z]{4}) /;
78    state $reisonhold = qr/\A[^ ]+ does not like recipient[.][ \t]+.+this message has been in the queue too long[.]\z/;
79    state $failonldap = {
80        # qmail-ldap-1.03-20040101.patch:19817 - 19866
81        'suspend'     => ['Mailaddress is administrative?le?y disabled'],   # 5.2.1
82        'userunknown' => ['Sorry, no mailbox here by that name'],           # 5.1.1
83        'exceedlimit' => ['The message exeeded the maximum size the user accepts'], # 5.2.3
84        'systemerror' => [
85            'Automatic homedir creator crashed',                # 4.3.0
86            'Illegal value in LDAP attribute',                  # 5.3.5
87            'LDAP attribute is not given but mandatory',        # 5.3.5
88            'Timeout while performing search on LDAP server',   # 4.4.3
89            'Too many results returned but needs to be unique', # 5.3.5
90            'Permanent error while executing qmail-forward',    # 5.4.4
91            'Temporary error in automatic homedir creation',    # 4.3.0 or 5.3.0
92            'Temporary error while executing qmail-forward',    # 4.4.4
93            'Temporary failure in LDAP lookup',                 # 4.4.3
94            'Unable to contact LDAP server',                    # 4.4.3
95            'Unable to login into LDAP server, bad credentials',# 4.4.3
96        ],
97    };
98    state $messagesof = {
99        # qmail-local.c:589|  strerr_die1x(100,"Sorry, no mailbox here by that name. (#5.1.1)");
100        # qmail-remote.c:253|  out("s"); outhost(); out(" does not like recipient.\n");
101        'userunknown' => [
102            'no mailbox here by that name',
103            'does not like recipient.',
104        ],
105        # error_str.c:192|  X(EDQUOT,"disk quota exceeded")
106        'mailboxfull' => ['disk quota exceeded'],
107        # qmail-qmtpd.c:233| ... result = "Dsorry, that message size exceeds my databytes limit (#5.3.4)";
108        # qmail-smtpd.c:391| ... out("552 sorry, that message size exceeds my databytes limit (#5.3.4)\r\n"); return;
109        'mesgtoobig'  => ['Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size:'],
110        # qmail-remote.c:68|  Sorry, I couldn't find any host by that name. (#4.1.2)\n"); zerodie();
111        # qmail-remote.c:78|  Sorry, I couldn't find any host named ");
112        'hostunknown' => ["Sorry, I couldn't find any host "],
113        'systemfull'  => ['Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable (not enough free space)'],
114        'systemerror' => [
115            'bad interpreter: No such file or directory',
116            'system error',
117            'Unable to',
118        ],
119        'networkerror'=> [
120            "Sorry, I wasn't able to establish an SMTP connection",
121            "Sorry, I couldn't find a mail exchanger or IP address",
122            "Sorry. Although I'm listed as a best-preference MX or A for that host",
123        ],
124    };
126    my $dscontents = [__PACKAGE__->DELIVERYSTATUS];
127    my $emailsteak = Sisimai::RFC5322->fillet($mbody, $rebackbone);
128    my $readcursor = 0;     # (Integer) Points the current cursor position
129    my $recipients = 0;     # (Integer) The number of 'Final-Recipient' header
130    my $v = undef;
132    for my $e ( split("\n", $emailsteak->[0]) ) {
133        # Read error messages and delivery status lines from the head of the email
134        # to the previous line of the beginning of the original message.
135        unless( $readcursor ) {
136            # Beginning of the bounce message or message/delivery-status part
137            $readcursor |= $indicators->{'deliverystatus'} if index($e, $startingof->{'message'}->[0]) == 0;
138            next;
139        }
140        next unless $readcursor & $indicators->{'deliverystatus'};
141        next unless length $e;
143        # <kijitora@example.jp>:
144        # does not like recipient.
145        # Remote host said: 550 5.1.1 <kijitora@example.jp>... User Unknown
146        # Giving up on
147        $v = $dscontents->[-1];
149        if( $e =~ /\A(?:To[ ]*:)?[<](.+[@].+)[>]:[ \t]*\z/ ) {
150            # <kijitora@example.jp>:
151            if( $v->{'recipient'} ) {
152                # There are multiple recipient addresses in the message body.
153                push @$dscontents, __PACKAGE__->DELIVERYSTATUS;
154                $v = $dscontents->[-1];
155            }
156            $v->{'recipient'} = $1;
157            $recipients++;
159        } elsif( scalar @$dscontents == $recipients ) {
160            # Append error message
161            next unless length $e;
162            $v->{'diagnosis'} .= $e.' ';
163            $v->{'alterrors'}  = $e if index($e, $startingof->{'error'}->[0]) == 0;
165            next if $v->{'rhost'};
166            $v->{'rhost'} = $1 if $e =~ $rehost;
167        }
168    }
169    return undef unless $recipients;
171    for my $e ( @$dscontents ) {
172        $e->{'diagnosis'} = Sisimai::String->sweep($e->{'diagnosis'});
174        if( ! $e->{'command'} ) {
175            # Get the SMTP command name for the session
176            SMTP: for my $r ( keys %$resmtp ) {
177                # Verify each regular expression of SMTP commands
178                next unless $e->{'diagnosis'} =~ $resmtp->{ $r };
179                $e->{'command'} = uc $r;
180                last;
181            }
183            unless( $e->{'command'} ) {
184                # Verify each regular expression of patches
185                $e->{'command'} = uc $1 if $e->{'diagnosis'} =~ $recommands;
186            }
187        }
189        # Detect the reason of bounce
190        if( $e->{'command'} eq 'MAIL' ) {
191            # MAIL | Connected to but sender was rejected.
192            $e->{'reason'} = 'rejected';
194        } elsif( $e->{'command'} eq 'HELO' || $e->{'command'} eq 'EHLO' ) {
195            # HELO | Connected to but my name was rejected.
196            $e->{'reason'} = 'blocked';
198        } else {
199            # Try to match with each error message in the table
200            if( $e->{'diagnosis'} =~ $reisonhold ) {
201                # To decide the reason require pattern match with
202                # Sisimai::Reason::* modules
203                $e->{'reason'} = 'onhold';
205            } else {
206                SESSION: for my $r ( keys %$messagesof ) {
207                    # Verify each regular expression of session errors
208                    if( $e->{'alterrors'} ) {
209                        # Check the value of "alterrors"
210                        next unless grep { index($e->{'alterrors'}, $_) > -1 } @{ $messagesof->{ $r } };
211                        $e->{'reason'} = $r;
212                    }
213                    last if $e->{'reason'};
215                    next unless grep { index($e->{'diagnosis'}, $_) > -1 } @{ $messagesof->{ $r } };
216                    $e->{'reason'} = $r;
217                    last;
218                }
220                unless( $e->{'reason'} ) {
221                    LDAP: for my $r ( keys %$failonldap ) {
222                        # Verify each regular expression of LDAP errors
223                        next unless grep { index($e->{'diagnosis'}, $_) > -1 } @{ $failonldap->{ $r } };
224                        $e->{'reason'} = $r;
225                        last;
226                    }
227                }
229                unless( $e->{'reason'} ) {
230                    $e->{'reason'} = 'expired' if index($e->{'diagnosis'}, $hasexpired) > -1;
231                }
232            }
233        }
234        $e->{'command'} ||= '';
235        $e->{'status'}    = Sisimai::SMTP::Status->find($e->{'diagnosis'}) || '';
236    }
237    return { 'ds' => $dscontents, 'rfc822' => $emailsteak->[1] };
243=encoding utf-8
245=head1 NAME
247Sisimai::Lhost::qmail - bounce mail parser class for C<qmail>.
249=head1 SYNOPSIS
251    use Sisimai::Lhost::qmail;
255Sisimai::Lhost::qmail parses a bounce email which created by C<qmail>.
256Methods in the module are called from only Sisimai::Message.
260=head2 C<B<description()>>
262C<description()> returns description string of this module.
264    print Sisimai::Lhost::qmail->description;
266=head2 C<B<make(I<header data>, I<reference to body string>)>>
268C<make()> method parses a bounced email and return results as a array reference.
269See Sisimai::Message for more details.
271=head1 AUTHOR
275=head1 COPYRIGHT
277Copyright (C) 2014-2020 azumakuniyuki, All rights reserved.
279=head1 LICENSE
281This software is distributed under The BSD 2-Clause License.