1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<package packagerversion="1.9.4" version="2.0" xmlns="http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0" xmlns:tasks="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0 http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0.xsd http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0 http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0.xsd">
3 <name>Net_IMAP</name>
4 <channel>pear.php.net</channel>
5 <summary>Provides an implementation of the IMAP protocol</summary>
6 <description>Provides an implementation of the IMAP4Rev1 protocol using PEAR&apos;s Net_Socket and the optional Auth_SASL class.</description>
7 <lead>
8  <name>Anish Mistry</name>
9  <user>amistry</user>
10  <email>amistry@am-productions.biz</email>
11  <active>yes</active>
12 </lead>
13 <lead>
14  <name>Sebastian Ebling</name>
15  <user>hudeldudel</user>
16  <email>hudeldudel@php.net</email>
17  <active>yes</active>
18 </lead>
19 <lead>
20  <name>Damian Alejandro Fernandez Sosa</name>
21  <user>damian</user>
22  <email>damlists@cnba.uba.ar</email>
23  <active>no</active>
24 </lead>
25 <date>2014-03-31</date>
26 <time>12:34:17</time>
27 <version>
28  <release>1.1.3</release>
29  <api>1.1.0</api>
30 </version>
31 <stability>
32  <release>stable</release>
33  <api>stable</api>
34 </stability>
35 <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
36 <notes>
37QA release
38Bug #17482 Please, consider updating license to PHP 3.01 doconnor
39Bug #19730 Malformed or incomplete distributed tar.gz file doconnor
40Bug #19875 Please provide LICENSE file doconnor
41Bug #19876 Bad role  doconnor
42Bug #19946 Login fails when using password with double quotes  doconnor
43 </notes>
44 <contents>
45  <dir baseinstalldir="/" name="/">
46   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="bc5b60bd701574ab3def9f8908b2e73e" name="docs/test_IMAP.php" role="doc" />
47   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="e7e4a97d15dca66dc7a26153b1c491fb" name="docs/test_IMAPProtocol.php" role="doc" />
48   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="6bb7cc31c8fab7a9f69c34d42c7ec4d8" name="Net/IMAP.php" role="php" />
49   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="62d8ac087532bc5578a924baf3993d3f" name="Net/IMAPProtocol.php" role="php" />
50   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="101d3b41198232aaf74c3fb73f0aa541" name="tests/IMAPTest.php" role="test" />
51   <file baseinstalldir="Net" md5sum="110ca6376a7940a7af8dc558199bbe66" name="tests/settings.php.sample" role="test" />
52   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="cc5b1a843b6eb81b516fac224615fa85" name="composer.json" role="data" />
53   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="52dd90569008fee5bcdbb22d945b1108" name="LICENSE.txt" role="doc" />
54   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="671dae113c8fec2ab0b30be93f0507c1" name="phpunit.xml" role="test" />
55   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="69b080fed44decd9d15719dca27ae908" name="README" role="doc" />
56  </dir>
57 </contents>
58 <dependencies>
59  <required>
60   <php>
61    <min>4.2</min>
62   </php>
63   <pearinstaller>
64    <min>1.4.0b1</min>
65   </pearinstaller>
66   <package>
67    <name>Net_Socket</name>
68    <channel>pear.php.net</channel>
69    <min>1.0.8</min>
70   </package>
71  </required>
72  <optional>
73   <package>
74    <name>Auth_SASL</name>
75    <channel>pear.php.net</channel>
76    <min>1.0.2</min>
77   </package>
78  </optional>
79 </dependencies>
80 <phprelease />
81 <changelog>
82  <release>
83   <version>
84    <release>0.1</release>
85    <api>0.1</api>
86   </version>
87   <stability>
88    <release>beta</release>
89    <api>beta</api>
90   </stability>
91   <date>2003-02-22</date>
92   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
93   <notes>
94- The IMAP Procotol generic parser is now implemented.
95- Implemmented RFC2195
96- Implemmented RFC2060
97   </notes>
98  </release>
99  <release>
100   <version>
101    <release>0.2</release>
102    <api>0.2</api>
103   </version>
104   <stability>
105    <release>beta</release>
106    <api>beta</api>
107   </stability>
108   <date>2003-02-22</date>
109   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
110   <notes>
111- Ups  I call require_once ./IMAPProtocol.php instead of require_once Net/IMAPProtocol.php sorry
112- login method can authenticate with the following methods: DIGEST-MD4, CRAM-MD5, LOGIN and the login command
113- A lot of new mailbox-related functions
114- 2 Examples of use to the test  directory
115- fixes in protocol parser
116   </notes>
117  </release>
118  <release>
119   <version>
120    <release>0.3</release>
121    <api>0.3</api>
122   </version>
123   <stability>
124    <release>beta</release>
125    <api>beta</api>
126   </stability>
127   <date>2003-03-05</date>
128   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
129   <notes>
130- Fixed a lot of warnings and uninitialized variables(hope all of them)
131- new getSummary method
132- updated Examples of use
133- tested with Ipswitch Imail 6.06 IMAP Server
134- tested with Cyrus Imapd 2.0.17 IMAP Server
135- tested with uw-imapd  IMAP Server
136- minor fixes in protocol parser
137- changed appendMessage() to make the mailbox parameter optional
138- added Subscription related methods: unsubscribeMailbox(),listsubscribedMailboxes(),subscribeMailbox()
139- workarround about getMailboxes() to allow work with wu-imapd
140- new search() method
141- added support for Message quotas (quotas for quantity of messages and not size)
142- getSummary(), getMessages(),deleteMessages() can accept an array of numbers as msg_id to retrieve/delete msg_id that
143  are in the array (designed to use the search() output as parammeter.
144  For example: to delete all seen messages in current mailbox you can do:
145        $imap-&gt;getDeleteMessages($imap-&gt;search(&quot;SEEN&quot;));
146   </notes>
147  </release>
148  <release>
149   <version>
150    <release>0.4</release>
151    <api>0.4</api>
152   </version>
153   <stability>
154    <release>beta</release>
155    <api>beta</api>
156   </stability>
157   <date>2003-04-27</date>
158   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
159   <notes>
160- new search() method
161- new support for Message quotas (quotas for quantity of messages and not size)
162- new getNumberOfRecentMessages() method
163- new getNumberOfUnSeenMessages() method
164- new getEnvelope() method
165- new getSummary() method
166- new Subscription related methods: unsubscribeMailbox(),listsubscribedMailboxes(),subscribeMailbox()
167- updated Examples of use
168- tested with Ipswitch Imail 6.06 IMAP Server
169- tested with Cyrus Imapd 2.0.17 IMAP Server
170- tested with uw-imapd  IMAP Server
171- minor fixes in protocol parser
172- fix the parsing of rfc email in _getAddressList()
173- changed appendMessage() to make the mailbox parameter optional
174- changed copyMessages() method (the messages list can be now an array)
175- workarround about getMailboxes() to allow work with wu-imapd
177- getSummary(), getMessages(),deleteMessages() can accept an array of numbers as msg_id to retrieve/delete msg_id that
178  are in the array (designed to use the search() output as parammeter.
179  For example: to delete all seen messages in current mailbox you can do:
180        $imap-&gt;DeleteMessages($imap-&gt;search(&quot;SEEN&quot;));
181   </notes>
182  </release>
183  <release>
184   <version>
185    <release>0.5</release>
186    <api>0.5</api>
187   </version>
188   <stability>
189    <release>beta</release>
190    <api>beta</api>
191   </stability>
192   <date>2003-07-12</date>
193   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
194   <notes>
195- new getHierachyDelimiter() method to find the character used to separate subfolder parts (cyrus uses &apos;.&apos; , wu-imapd uses &apos;/&apos;)
196- added a 3rd parameter to getMailboxes() to return an array with mailboxnames and mailbox attributes instead of an array of names
197- new method getACLRights() to list the Rights any user has over a mailbox without been administrator (this is relative to the user&apos;s INBOX)
198   </notes>
199  </release>
200  <release>
201   <version>
202    <release>0.5.1</release>
203    <api>0.5.1</api>
204   </version>
205   <stability>
206    <release>beta</release>
207    <api>beta</api>
208   </stability>
209   <date>2003-07-14</date>
210   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
211   <notes>
212- Fix warning in login() where the imap server does not have any Auth method suported
213   </notes>
214  </release>
215  <release>
216   <version>
217    <release>0.6</release>
218    <api>0.6</api>
219   </version>
220   <stability>
221    <release>beta</release>
222    <api>beta</api>
223   </stability>
224   <date>2003-07-20</date>
225   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
226   <notes>
227- Fixed bugs 24706 and  24707
228- Fixed method listsubscribedMailboxes() and now works like getMailboxes()
229- added hasFlag() method to allow th check any flag the IMAP server has
230- Modified isDeleted,isDraft,isAnswered,isFlagged,isSeen methods to use hasFlag to not duplicate the code
231- Removed duplicated method getHierarchyDelimiter() i have the same method in IMAP.php and IMAPProtocol.php but
232   in one class it is called getHierachyDelimiter and in the other getHierarchyDelimiter() (missed  &apos;r&apos; )
233- Removed $_hierachyDelimiter variable (not needed anymore)
234- Fixed cmdSetQuotaRoot now it can set both quotas storage and messages
235- Reduced the class size by 10kbytes (IMAPProtocol.php)
236- moved all redundant code to _genericCommand.
237- Removed cmdUid() we don&apos;t need it anymore.
238   </notes>
239  </release>
240  <release>
241   <version>
242    <release>0.7</release>
243    <api>0.7</api>
244   </version>
245   <stability>
246    <release>beta</release>
247    <api>beta</api>
248   </stability>
249   <date>2004-02-02</date>
250   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
251   <notes>
252- Fixed bug in mailboxExist
253- Fixed bug #55
254   </notes>
255  </release>
256  <release>
257   <version>
258    <release>0.7.1</release>
259    <api>0.7.1</api>
260   </version>
261   <stability>
262    <release>beta</release>
263    <api>beta</api>
264   </stability>
265   <date>2004-02-12</date>
266   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
267   <notes>
268* The parser was modified to parse any BODY[XXXXXX] response (not supported spaces in XXXXX yet) thanks to Richard Heyes for the tip
269   </notes>
270  </release>
271  <release>
272   <version>
273    <release>1.0.0</release>
274    <api>1.0.0</api>
275   </version>
276   <stability>
277    <release>stable</release>
278    <api>stable</api>
279   </stability>
280   <date>2004-05-22</date>
281   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
282   <notes>
283* The package is marked as stable
284* Fixed bug #1280
285* Fixed a bug returning &quot; , &quot;  when the password is not correct
286   </notes>
287  </release>
288  <release>
289   <version>
290    <release>1.0.1</release>
291    <api>1.0.1</api>
292   </version>
293   <stability>
294    <release>stable</release>
295    <api>stable</api>
296   </stability>
297   <date>2004-05-22</date>
298   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
299   <notes>
300* Fixed bug #1568
301   </notes>
302  </release>
303  <release>
304   <version>
305    <release>1.0.2</release>
306    <api>1.0.2</api>
307   </version>
308   <stability>
309    <release>stable</release>
310    <api>stable</api>
311   </stability>
312   <date>2004-08-04</date>
313   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
314   <notes>
315* Fixed bug #1772
316* Fixed bug #2028
318* Changed getStorageQuota, getMessagesQuota,getACL defautting mailbox_name to current selected mailbox
319   </notes>
320  </release>
321  <release>
322   <version>
323    <release>1.0.3</release>
324    <api>1.0.3</api>
325   </version>
326   <stability>
327    <release>stable</release>
328    <api>stable</api>
329   </stability>
330   <date>2004-09-25</date>
331   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
332   <notes>
333* Fixed bug #2379 (Yes it was a copy-paste bug!) Thanks to omicron at mighty dot co dot za
334   </notes>
335  </release>
336  <release>
337   <version>
338    <release>1.1.0beta1</release>
339    <api>1.1.0beta1</api>
340   </version>
341   <stability>
342    <release>beta</release>
343    <api>beta</api>
344   </stability>
345   <date>2007-01-10</date>
346   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
347   <notes>
348new beta release fixing bugs and introducing new features
349  * bugfixing
350  * add STARTTLS support for PHP 5.1 and above
351  * added methods for manipulating message flags
352  * added support for fetching the mailbox status at once (getStatus)
353  * added support for fetching subparts and the headers of subparts
354  * added support for fetching the namespace
355  * added support for fetching the bodystructure
356  * added support for setting flags when appending messages
357  * added method for parsing image information
358   </notes>
359  </release>
360  <release>
361   <version>
362    <release>1.1.0</release>
363    <api>1.1.0</api>
364   </version>
365   <stability>
366    <release>stable</release>
367    <api>stable</api>
368   </stability>
369   <date>2012-01-02</date>
370   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
371   <notes>
372New stable release introducing new features and fixing a lot of bugs
373   </notes>
374  </release>
375  <release>
376   <version>
377    <release>1.1.1</release>
378    <api>1.1.0</api>
379   </version>
380   <stability>
381    <release>stable</release>
382    <api>stable</api>
383   </stability>
384   <date>2012-01-02</date>
385   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
386   <notes>
387QA release
388Bug #14566 Error in parsing protocol
389Bug #16288 getMessagesList breaks if mailbox is empty
390Bug #16819 IMAPProtocol::cmdStatus fails on error
391Bug #16891 bug in IMAPProtocol.php
392aka operator precedence error in _getNextToken
393Bug #18599 Wrong result from getAnnotation() for folder with non-ascii characters
394Bug #18768 failed to connect to Gmail (start TLS)
395   </notes>
396  </release>
397  <release>
398   <version>
399    <release>1.1.3</release>
400    <api>1.1.0</api>
401   </version>
402   <stability>
403    <release>stable</release>
404    <api>stable</api>
405   </stability>
406   <date>2014-03-31</date>
407   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
408   <notes>
409QA release
410Bug #17482 Please, consider updating license to PHP 3.01 doconnor
411Bug #19730 Malformed or incomplete distributed tar.gz file doconnor
412Bug #19875 Please provide LICENSE file doconnor
413Bug #19876 Bad role  doconnor
414Bug #19946 Login fails when using password with double quotes  doconnor
415   </notes>
416  </release>
417 </changelog>