1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
2 /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
3 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
7 #ifndef nsFrameList_h___
8 #define nsFrameList_h___
10 #include <stdio.h> /* for FILE* */
11 #include "nsDebug.h"
12 #include "nsTArray.h"
13 #include "mozilla/FunctionTypeTraits.h"
14 #include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
15 #include "mozilla/ReverseIterator.h"
17 #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(MOZ_DUMP_PAINTING) || defined(MOZ_LAYOUT_DEBUGGER)
18 // DEBUG_FRAME_DUMP enables nsIFrame::List and related methods.
19 // You can also define this in a non-DEBUG build if you need frame dumps.
20 #  define DEBUG_FRAME_DUMP 1
21 #endif
23 class nsContainerFrame;
24 class nsIContent;
25 class nsIFrame;
26 class nsPresContext;
28 namespace mozilla {
29 class PresShell;
30 namespace layout {
31 class FrameChildList;
32 enum FrameChildListID {
33   // The individual concrete child lists.
34   kPrincipalList,
35   kPopupList,
36   kCaptionList,
37   kColGroupList,
38   kSelectPopupList,
39   kAbsoluteList,
40   kFixedList,
41   kOverflowList,
42   kOverflowContainersList,
43   kExcessOverflowContainersList,
44   kOverflowOutOfFlowList,
45   kFloatList,
46   kBulletList,
47   kPushedFloatsList,
48   kBackdropList,
49   // A special alias for kPrincipalList that suppress the reflow request that
50   // is normally done when manipulating child lists.
51   kNoReflowPrincipalList,
52 };
54 // A helper class for nsIFrame::Destroy[From].  It's defined here because
55 // nsFrameList needs it and we can't use nsIFrame here.
56 struct PostFrameDestroyData {
57   PostFrameDestroyData(const PostFrameDestroyData&) = delete;
58   PostFrameDestroyData() = default;
60   AutoTArray<RefPtr<nsIContent>, 100> mAnonymousContent;
AddAnonymousContentPostFrameDestroyData61   void AddAnonymousContent(already_AddRefed<nsIContent>&& aContent) {
62     mAnonymousContent.AppendElement(aContent);
63   }
64 };
65 }  // namespace layout
66 }  // namespace mozilla
68 // Uncomment this to enable expensive frame-list integrity checking
69 // #define DEBUG_FRAME_LIST
71 /**
72  * A class for managing a list of frames.
73  */
74 class nsFrameList {
75  public:
nsFrameList()76   nsFrameList() : mFirstChild(nullptr), mLastChild(nullptr) {}
nsFrameList(nsIFrame * aFirstFrame,nsIFrame * aLastFrame)78   nsFrameList(nsIFrame* aFirstFrame, nsIFrame* aLastFrame)
79       : mFirstChild(aFirstFrame), mLastChild(aLastFrame) {
80     VerifyList();
81   }
83   // XXX: Ideally, copy constructor should be removed because a frame should be
84   // owned by one list.
85   nsFrameList(const nsFrameList& aOther) = default;
87   // XXX: ideally, copy assignment should be removed because we should use move
88   // assignment to transfer the ownership.
89   nsFrameList& operator=(const nsFrameList& aOther) = default;
91   /**
92    * Move the frames in aOther to this list. aOther becomes empty after this
93    * operation.
94    */
nsFrameList(nsFrameList && aOther)95   nsFrameList(nsFrameList&& aOther)
96       : mFirstChild(aOther.mFirstChild), mLastChild(aOther.mLastChild) {
97     aOther.Clear();
98     VerifyList();
99   }
100   nsFrameList& operator=(nsFrameList&& aOther) {
101     SetFrames(aOther);
102     return *this;
103   }
105   /**
106    * Infallibly allocate a nsFrameList from the shell arena.
107    */
108   void* operator new(size_t sz, mozilla::PresShell* aPresShell);
110   /**
111    * Deallocate this list that was allocated from the shell arena.
112    * The list is required to be empty.
113    */
114   void Delete(mozilla::PresShell* aPresShell);
116   /**
117    * For each frame in this list: remove it from the list then call
118    * Destroy() on it.
119    */
120   void DestroyFrames();
122   /**
123    * For each frame in this list: remove it from the list then call
124    * DestroyFrom(aDestructRoot, aPostDestroyData) on it.
125    */
126   void DestroyFramesFrom(
127       nsIFrame* aDestructRoot,
128       mozilla::layout::PostFrameDestroyData& aPostDestroyData);
Clear()130   void Clear() { mFirstChild = mLastChild = nullptr; }
132   void SetFrames(nsIFrame* aFrameList);
SetFrames(nsFrameList & aFrameList)134   void SetFrames(nsFrameList& aFrameList) {
135     MOZ_ASSERT(!mFirstChild, "Losing frames");
137     mFirstChild = aFrameList.FirstChild();
138     mLastChild = aFrameList.LastChild();
139     aFrameList.Clear();
140   }
142   class Slice;
144   /**
145    * Append aFrameList to this list.  If aParent is not null,
146    * reparents the newly added frames.  Clears out aFrameList and
147    * returns a list slice represening the newly-appended frames.
148    */
AppendFrames(nsContainerFrame * aParent,nsFrameList & aFrameList)149   Slice AppendFrames(nsContainerFrame* aParent, nsFrameList& aFrameList) {
150     return InsertFrames(aParent, LastChild(), aFrameList);
151   }
153   /**
154    * Append aFrame to this list.  If aParent is not null,
155    * reparents the newly added frame.
156    */
AppendFrame(nsContainerFrame * aParent,nsIFrame * aFrame)157   void AppendFrame(nsContainerFrame* aParent, nsIFrame* aFrame) {
158     nsFrameList temp(aFrame, aFrame);
159     AppendFrames(aParent, temp);
160   }
162   /**
163    * Take aFrame out of the frame list. This also disconnects aFrame
164    * from the sibling list. The frame must be non-null and present on
165    * this list.
166    */
167   void RemoveFrame(nsIFrame* aFrame);
169   /**
170    * Take the frames after aAfterFrame out of the frame list.  If
171    * aAfterFrame is null, removes the entire list.
172    * @param aAfterFrame a frame in this list, or null
173    * @return the removed frames, if any
174    */
175   nsFrameList RemoveFramesAfter(nsIFrame* aAfterFrame);
177   /**
178    * Take the first frame (if any) out of the frame list.
179    * @return the first child, or nullptr if the list is empty
180    */
181   nsIFrame* RemoveFirstChild();
183   /**
184    * The following two functions are intended to be used in concert for
185    * removing a frame from its frame list when the set of possible frame
186    * lists is known in advance, but the exact frame list is unknown.
187    * aFrame must be non-null.
188    * Example use:
189    *   bool removed = frameList1.StartRemoveFrame(aFrame) ||
190    *                  frameList2.ContinueRemoveFrame(aFrame) ||
191    *                  frameList3.ContinueRemoveFrame(aFrame);
192    *   MOZ_ASSERT(removed);
193    *
194    * @note One of the frame lists MUST contain aFrame, if it's on some other
195    *       frame list then the example above will likely lead to crashes.
196    * This function is O(1).
197    * @return true iff aFrame was removed from /some/ list, not necessarily
198    *         this one.  If it was removed from a different list then it is
199    *         guaranteed that that list is still non-empty.
200    * (this method is implemented in nsIFrame.h to be able to inline)
201    */
202   inline bool StartRemoveFrame(nsIFrame* aFrame);
204   /**
205    * Precondition: StartRemoveFrame MUST be called before this.
206    * This function is O(1).
207    * @see StartRemoveFrame
208    * @return true iff aFrame was removed from this list
209    * (this method is implemented in nsIFrame.h to be able to inline)
210    */
211   inline bool ContinueRemoveFrame(nsIFrame* aFrame);
213   /**
214    * Take aFrame out of the frame list and then destroy it.
215    * The frame must be non-null and present on this list.
216    */
217   void DestroyFrame(nsIFrame* aFrame);
219   /**
220    * Insert aFrame right after aPrevSibling, or prepend it to this
221    * list if aPrevSibling is null. If aParent is not null, also
222    * reparents newly-added frame. Note that this method always
223    * sets the frame's nextSibling pointer.
224    */
InsertFrame(nsContainerFrame * aParent,nsIFrame * aPrevSibling,nsIFrame * aFrame)225   void InsertFrame(nsContainerFrame* aParent, nsIFrame* aPrevSibling,
226                    nsIFrame* aFrame) {
227     nsFrameList temp(aFrame, aFrame);
228     InsertFrames(aParent, aPrevSibling, temp);
229   }
231   /**
232    * Inserts aFrameList into this list after aPrevSibling (at the beginning if
233    * aPrevSibling is null).  If aParent is not null, reparents the newly added
234    * frames.  Clears out aFrameList and returns a list slice representing the
235    * newly-inserted frames.
236    */
237   Slice InsertFrames(nsContainerFrame* aParent, nsIFrame* aPrevSibling,
238                      nsFrameList& aFrameList);
240   class FrameLinkEnumerator;
242   /**
243    * Split this list just before the first frame that matches aPredicate,
244    * and return a nsFrameList containing all the frames before it. The
245    * matched frame and all frames after it stay in this list. If no matched
246    * frame exists, all the frames are drained into the returned list, and
247    * this list ends up empty.
248    *
249    * aPredicate should be of this function signature: bool(nsIFrame*).
250    */
251   template <typename Predicate>
Split(Predicate && aPredicate)252   nsFrameList Split(Predicate&& aPredicate) {
253     static_assert(
254         std::is_same<
255             typename mozilla::FunctionTypeTraits<Predicate>::ReturnType,
256             bool>::value &&
257             mozilla::FunctionTypeTraits<Predicate>::arity == 1 &&
258             std::is_same<typename mozilla::FunctionTypeTraits<
259                              Predicate>::template ParameterType<0>,
260                          nsIFrame*>::value,
261         "aPredicate should be of this function signature: bool(nsIFrame*)");
263     FrameLinkEnumerator link(*this);
264     link.Find(aPredicate);
265     return ExtractHead(link);
266   }
268   /**
269    * Split this frame list such that all the frames before the link pointed to
270    * by aLink end up in the returned list, while the remaining frames stay in
271    * this list.  After this call, aLink points to the beginning of this list.
272    */
273   nsFrameList ExtractHead(FrameLinkEnumerator& aLink);
275   /**
276    * Split this frame list such that all the frames coming after the link
277    * pointed to by aLink end up in the returned list, while the frames before
278    * that link stay in this list.  After this call, aLink is at end.
279    */
280   nsFrameList ExtractTail(FrameLinkEnumerator& aLink);
FirstChild()282   nsIFrame* FirstChild() const { return mFirstChild; }
LastChild()284   nsIFrame* LastChild() const { return mLastChild; }
286   nsIFrame* FrameAt(int32_t aIndex) const;
287   int32_t IndexOf(nsIFrame* aFrame) const;
IsEmpty()289   bool IsEmpty() const { return nullptr == mFirstChild; }
NotEmpty()291   bool NotEmpty() const { return nullptr != mFirstChild; }
293   /**
294    * Return true if aFrame is on this list.
295    * @note this method has O(n) time complexity over the length of the list
296    * XXXmats: ideally, we should make this function #ifdef DEBUG
297    */
298   bool ContainsFrame(const nsIFrame* aFrame) const;
300   /**
301    * Get the number of frames in this list. Note that currently the
302    * implementation has O(n) time complexity. Do not call it repeatedly in hot
303    * code.
304    * XXXmats: ideally, we should make this function #ifdef DEBUG
305    */
306   int32_t GetLength() const;
308   /**
309    * If this frame list has only one frame, return that frame.
310    * Otherwise, return null.
311    */
OnlyChild()312   nsIFrame* OnlyChild() const {
313     if (FirstChild() == LastChild()) {
314       return FirstChild();
315     }
316     return nullptr;
317   }
319   /**
320    * Call SetParent(aParent) for each frame in this list.
321    * @param aParent the new parent frame, must be non-null
322    */
323   void ApplySetParent(nsContainerFrame* aParent) const;
325   /**
326    * If this frame list is non-empty then append it to aLists as the
327    * aListID child list.
328    * (this method is implemented in FrameChildList.h for dependency reasons)
329    */
330   inline void AppendIfNonempty(
331       nsTArray<mozilla::layout::FrameChildList>* aLists,
332       mozilla::layout::FrameChildListID aListID) const;
334   /**
335    * Return the frame before this frame in visual order (after Bidi reordering).
336    * If aFrame is null, return the last frame in visual order.
337    */
338   nsIFrame* GetPrevVisualFor(nsIFrame* aFrame) const;
340   /**
341    * Return the frame after this frame in visual order (after Bidi reordering).
342    * If aFrame is null, return the first frame in visual order.
343    */
344   nsIFrame* GetNextVisualFor(nsIFrame* aFrame) const;
347   void List(FILE* out) const;
348 #endif
350   static inline const nsFrameList& EmptyList();
352   class Enumerator;
354   /**
355    * A class representing a slice of a frame list.
356    */
357   class Slice {
358     friend class Enumerator;
360    public:
361     // Implicit on purpose, so that we can easily create enumerators from
362     // nsFrameList via this impicit constructor.
Slice(const nsFrameList & aList)363     MOZ_IMPLICIT Slice(const nsFrameList& aList)
364         :
365 #ifdef DEBUG
366           mList(aList),
367 #endif
368           mStart(aList.FirstChild()),
369           mEnd(nullptr) {
370     }
Slice(const nsFrameList & aList,nsIFrame * aStart,nsIFrame * aEnd)372     Slice(const nsFrameList& aList, nsIFrame* aStart, nsIFrame* aEnd)
373         :
374 #ifdef DEBUG
375           mList(aList),
376 #endif
377           mStart(aStart),
378           mEnd(aEnd) {
379     }
381     Slice(const Slice& aOther) = default;
383    private:
384 #ifdef DEBUG
385     const nsFrameList& mList;
386 #endif
387     nsIFrame* const mStart;      // our starting frame
388     const nsIFrame* const mEnd;  // The first frame that is NOT in the slice.
389                                  // May be null.
390   };
392   class Enumerator {
393    public:
Enumerator(const Slice & aSlice)394     explicit Enumerator(const Slice& aSlice)
395         :
396 #ifdef DEBUG
397           mSlice(aSlice),
398 #endif
399           mFrame(aSlice.mStart),
400           mEnd(aSlice.mEnd) {
401     }
403     Enumerator(const Enumerator& aOther) = default;
AtEnd()405     bool AtEnd() const {
406       // Can't just check mEnd, because some table code goes and destroys the
407       // tail of the frame list (including mEnd!) while iterating over the
408       // frame list.
409       return !mFrame || mFrame == mEnd;
410     }
412     /* Next() needs to know about nsIFrame, and nsIFrame will need to
413        know about nsFrameList methods, so in order to inline this put
414        the implementation in nsIFrame.h */
415     inline void Next();
417     /**
418      * Get the current frame we're pointing to.  Do not call this on an
419      * iterator that is at end!
420      */
get()421     nsIFrame* get() const {
422       MOZ_ASSERT(!AtEnd(), "Enumerator is at end");
423       return mFrame;
424     }
426     /**
427      * Get an enumerator that is just like this one, but not limited in terms of
428      * the part of the list it will traverse.
429      */
GetUnlimitedEnumerator()430     Enumerator GetUnlimitedEnumerator() const {
431       return Enumerator(*this, nullptr);
432     }
434 #ifdef DEBUG
List()435     const nsFrameList& List() const { return mSlice.mList; }
436 #endif
438    protected:
Enumerator(const Enumerator & aOther,const nsIFrame * const aNewEnd)439     Enumerator(const Enumerator& aOther, const nsIFrame* const aNewEnd)
440         :
441 #ifdef DEBUG
442           mSlice(aOther.mSlice),
443 #endif
444           mFrame(aOther.mFrame),
445           mEnd(aNewEnd) {
446     }
448 #ifdef DEBUG
449     /* Has to be an object, not a reference, since the slice could
450        well be a temporary constructed from an nsFrameList */
451     const Slice mSlice;
452 #endif
453     nsIFrame* mFrame;            // our current frame.
454     const nsIFrame* const mEnd;  // The first frame we should NOT enumerate.
455                                  // May be null.
456   };
458   /**
459    * A class that can be used to enumerate links between frames.  When created
460    * from an nsFrameList, it points to the "link" immediately before the first
461    * frame.  It can then be advanced until it points to the "link" immediately
462    * after the last frame.  At any position, PrevFrame() and NextFrame() are
463    * the frames before and after the given link.  This means PrevFrame() is
464    * null when the enumerator is at the beginning of the list and NextFrame()
465    * is null when it's AtEnd().
466    */
467   class FrameLinkEnumerator : private Enumerator {
468    public:
469     friend class nsFrameList;
FrameLinkEnumerator(const nsFrameList & aList)471     explicit FrameLinkEnumerator(const nsFrameList& aList)
472         : Enumerator(aList), mPrev(nullptr) {}
474     FrameLinkEnumerator(const FrameLinkEnumerator& aOther) = default;
476     /* This constructor needs to know about nsIFrame, and nsIFrame will need to
477        know about nsFrameList methods, so in order to inline this put
478        the implementation in nsIFrame.h */
479     inline FrameLinkEnumerator(const nsFrameList& aList, nsIFrame* aPrevFrame);
481     void operator=(const FrameLinkEnumerator& aOther) {
482       MOZ_ASSERT(&List() == &aOther.List(), "Different lists?");
483       mFrame = aOther.mFrame;
484       mPrev = aOther.mPrev;
485     }
487     inline void Next();
489     /**
490      * Find the first frame from the current position that satisfies
491      * aPredicate, and stop at it. If no such frame exists, then this method
492      * advances to the end of the list.
493      *
494      * aPredicate should be of this function signature: bool(nsIFrame*).
495      *
496      * Note: Find() needs to see the definition of Next(), so put this
497      * definition in nsIFrame.h.
498      */
499     template <typename Predicate>
500     inline void Find(Predicate&& aPredicate);
AtEnd()502     bool AtEnd() const { return Enumerator::AtEnd(); }
PrevFrame()504     nsIFrame* PrevFrame() const { return mPrev; }
NextFrame()505     nsIFrame* NextFrame() const { return mFrame; }
507    protected:
508     nsIFrame* mPrev;
509   };
511   class Iterator {
512    public:
513     // It is disputable whether these type definitions are correct, since
514     // operator* doesn't return a reference at all. Also, the iterator_category
515     // can be at most std::input_iterator_tag (rather than
516     // std::bidrectional_iterator_tag, as it might seem), because it is a
517     // stashing iterator. See also, e.g.,
518     // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50909701/what-should-be-iterator-category-for-a-stashing-iterator
519     using value_type = nsIFrame* const;
520     using pointer = value_type*;
521     using reference = value_type&;
522     using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
523     using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag;
Iterator(const nsFrameList & aList,nsIFrame * aCurrent)525     Iterator(const nsFrameList& aList, nsIFrame* aCurrent)
526         : mList(aList), mCurrent(aCurrent) {}
528     Iterator(const Iterator& aOther) = default;
530     nsIFrame* operator*() const { return mCurrent; }
532     // The operators need to know about nsIFrame, hence the
533     // implementations are in nsIFrame.h
534     Iterator& operator++();
535     Iterator& operator--();
537     Iterator operator++(int) {
538       auto ret = *this;
539       ++*this;
540       return ret;
541     }
542     Iterator operator--(int) {
543       auto ret = *this;
544       --*this;
545       return ret;
546     }
548     friend bool operator==(const Iterator& aIter1, const Iterator& aIter2);
549     friend bool operator!=(const Iterator& aIter1, const Iterator& aIter2);
551    private:
552     const nsFrameList& mList;
553     nsIFrame* mCurrent;
554   };
556   typedef Iterator iterator;
557   typedef Iterator const_iterator;
558   typedef mozilla::ReverseIterator<Iterator> reverse_iterator;
559   typedef mozilla::ReverseIterator<Iterator> const_reverse_iterator;
begin()561   iterator begin() const { return iterator(*this, mFirstChild); }
cbegin()562   const_iterator cbegin() const { return begin(); }
end()563   iterator end() const { return iterator(*this, nullptr); }
cend()564   const_iterator cend() const { return end(); }
rbegin()565   reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return reverse_iterator(end()); }
crbegin()566   const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const { return rbegin(); }
rend()567   reverse_iterator rend() const { return reverse_iterator(begin()); }
crend()568   const_reverse_iterator crend() const { return rend(); }
570  private:
571   void operator delete(void*) = delete;
574   void VerifyList() const;
575 #else
VerifyList()576   void VerifyList() const {}
577 #endif
579  protected:
580   /**
581    * Disconnect aFrame from its siblings.  This must only be called if aFrame
582    * is NOT the first or last sibling, because otherwise its nsFrameList will
583    * have a stale mFirst/LastChild pointer.  This precondition is asserted.
584    * This function is O(1).
585    */
586   static void UnhookFrameFromSiblings(nsIFrame* aFrame);
588   nsIFrame* mFirstChild;
589   nsIFrame* mLastChild;
590 };
592 inline bool operator==(const nsFrameList::Iterator& aIter1,
593                        const nsFrameList::Iterator& aIter2) {
594   MOZ_ASSERT(&aIter1.mList == &aIter2.mList,
595              "must not compare iterator from different list");
596   return aIter1.mCurrent == aIter2.mCurrent;
597 }
599 inline bool operator!=(const nsFrameList::Iterator& aIter1,
600                        const nsFrameList::Iterator& aIter2) {
601   MOZ_ASSERT(&aIter1.mList == &aIter2.mList,
602              "Must not compare iterator from different list");
603   return aIter1.mCurrent != aIter2.mCurrent;
604 }
606 namespace mozilla {
608 /**
609  * Simple "auto_ptr" for nsFrameLists allocated from the shell arena.
610  * The frame list given to the constructor will be deallocated (if non-null)
611  * in the destructor.  The frame list must then be empty.
612  */
613 class MOZ_RAII AutoFrameListPtr final {
614  public:
AutoFrameListPtr(nsPresContext * aPresContext,nsFrameList * aFrameList)615   AutoFrameListPtr(nsPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameList* aFrameList)
616       : mPresContext(aPresContext), mFrameList(aFrameList) {}
617   ~AutoFrameListPtr();
618   operator nsFrameList*() const { return mFrameList; }
619   nsFrameList* operator->() const { return mFrameList; }
621  private:
622   nsPresContext* mPresContext;
623   nsFrameList* mFrameList;
624 };
626 namespace layout::detail {
627 union AlignedFrameListBytes {
628   void* ptr;
629   char bytes[sizeof(nsFrameList)];
630 };
631 extern const AlignedFrameListBytes gEmptyFrameListBytes;
632 }  // namespace layout::detail
634 }  // namespace mozilla
EmptyList()636 /* static */ inline const nsFrameList& nsFrameList::EmptyList() {
637   return *reinterpret_cast<const nsFrameList*>(
638       &mozilla::layout::detail::gEmptyFrameListBytes);
639 }
641 #endif /* nsFrameList_h___ */