<lambda>null1 /* -*- Mode: Java; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
2  * Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
3    http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
5 package org.mozilla.geckoview.test
7 import android.graphics.Matrix
8 import android.os.Bundle
9 import android.os.LocaleList
10 import androidx.test.filters.MediumTest
11 import androidx.test.ext.junit.runners.AndroidJUnit4
12 import android.util.Pair
13 import android.util.SparseArray
14 import android.view.View
15 import android.view.ViewStructure
16 import android.view.autofill.AutofillId
17 import android.view.autofill.AutofillValue
18 import org.hamcrest.Matchers.*
19 import org.junit.Test
20 import org.junit.runner.RunWith
21 import org.mozilla.geckoview.Autofill
22 import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoSession
23 import org.mozilla.geckoview.test.rule.GeckoSessionTestRule
24 import org.mozilla.geckoview.test.rule.GeckoSessionTestRule.AssertCalled
25 import org.mozilla.geckoview.test.rule.GeckoSessionTestRule.WithDisplay
26 import org.mozilla.geckoview.test.util.Callbacks
29 @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4::class)
30 @MediumTest
31 class AutofillDelegateTest : BaseSessionTest() {
33     @Test fun autofillCommit() {
34         sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(mapOf(
35                 "signon.rememberSignons" to true,
36                 "signon.userInputRequiredToCapture.enabled" to false))
38         mainSession.loadTestPath(FORMS_HTML_PATH)
39         // Wait for the auto-fill nodes to populate.
40         sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(object : Callbacks.AutofillDelegate {
41             // For the root document and the iframe document, each has a form group and
42             // a group for inputs outside of forms, so the total count is 4.
43             @AssertCalled(count = 4)
44             override fun onAutofill(session: GeckoSession,
45                                     notification: Int,
46                                     node: Autofill.Node?) {
47                 assertThat("Should be starting auto-fill",
48                            notification,
49                            equalTo(forEachCall(
50                               Autofill.Notify.SESSION_STARTED,
51                               Autofill.Notify.NODE_ADDED)))
52             }
53         })
55         // Assign node values.
56         mainSession.evaluateJS("document.querySelector('#user1').value = 'user1x'")
57         mainSession.evaluateJS("document.querySelector('#pass1').value = 'pass1x'")
58         mainSession.evaluateJS("document.querySelector('#email1').value = 'e@mail.com'")
59         mainSession.evaluateJS("document.querySelector('#number1').value = '1'")
61         // Submit the session.
62         mainSession.evaluateJS("document.querySelector('#form1').submit()")
64         sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(object : Callbacks.AutofillDelegate {
65             @AssertCalled(count = 5)
66             override fun onAutofill(session: GeckoSession,
67                                     notification: Int,
68                                     node: Autofill.Node?) {
69                 val info = sessionRule.currentCall
71                 if (info.counter < 5) {
72                     assertThat("Should be an update notification",
73                                notification,
74                                equalTo(Autofill.Notify.NODE_UPDATED))
75                 } else {
76                     assertThat("Should be a commit notification",
77                                notification,
78                                equalTo(Autofill.Notify.SESSION_COMMITTED))
80                     assertThat("Values should match",
81                                countAutofillNodes({ it.value == "user1x" }),
82                                equalTo(1))
83                     assertThat("Values should match",
84                                countAutofillNodes({ it.value == "pass1x" }),
85                                equalTo(1))
86                     assertThat("Values should match",
87                                countAutofillNodes({ it.value == "e@mail.com" }),
88                                equalTo(1))
89                     assertThat("Values should match",
90                                countAutofillNodes({ it.value == "1" }),
91                                equalTo(1))
92                 }
93             }
94         })
95     }
97     @Test fun autofillCommitIdValue() {
98         sessionRule.setPrefsUntilTestEnd(mapOf(
99                 "signon.rememberSignons" to true,
100                 "signon.userInputRequiredToCapture.enabled" to false))
102         mainSession.loadTestPath(FORMS_ID_VALUE_HTML_PATH)
103         // Wait for the auto-fill nodes to populate.
104         sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(object : Callbacks.AutofillDelegate {
105             @AssertCalled(count = 1)
106             override fun onAutofill(session: GeckoSession,
107                                     notification: Int,
108                                     node: Autofill.Node?) {
109                 assertThat("Should be starting auto-fill",
110                            notification,
111                            equalTo(forEachCall(
112                               Autofill.Notify.SESSION_STARTED,
113                               Autofill.Notify.NODE_ADDED)))
114             }
115         })
117         // Assign node values.
118         mainSession.evaluateJS("document.querySelector('#value').value = 'pass1x'")
120         // Submit the session.
121         mainSession.evaluateJS("document.querySelector('#form1').submit()")
123         sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(object : Callbacks.AutofillDelegate {
124             @AssertCalled(count = 2)
125             override fun onAutofill(session: GeckoSession,
126                                     notification: Int,
127                                     node: Autofill.Node?) {
128                 val info = sessionRule.currentCall
130                 if (info.counter < 2) {
131                     assertThat("Should be an update notification",
132                                notification,
133                                equalTo(Autofill.Notify.NODE_UPDATED))
134                 } else {
135                     assertThat("Should be a commit notification",
136                                notification,
137                                equalTo(Autofill.Notify.SESSION_COMMITTED))
139                     assertThat("Values should match",
140                                countAutofillNodes({ it.value == "pass1x" }),
141                                equalTo(1))
142                 }
143             }
144         })
145     }
147     @Test fun autofill() {
148         // Test parts of the Oreo auto-fill API; there is another autofill test in
149         // SessionAccessibility for a11y auto-fill support.
150         mainSession.loadTestPath(FORMS_HTML_PATH)
151         // Wait for the auto-fill nodes to populate.
152         sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(object : Callbacks.AutofillDelegate {
153             // For the root document and the iframe document, each has a form group and
154             // a group for inputs outside of forms, so the total count is 4.
155             @AssertCalled(count = 4)
156             override fun onAutofill(session: GeckoSession,
157                                     notification: Int,
158                                     node: Autofill.Node?) {
159             }
160         })
162         val autofills = mapOf(
163                 "#user1" to "bar", "#user2" to "bar",
164                 "#pass1" to "baz", "#pass2" to "baz", "#email1" to "a@b.c",
165                 "#number1" to "24", "#tel1" to "42")
167         // Set up promises to monitor the values changing.
168         val promises = autofills.flatMap { entry ->
169             // Repeat each test with both the top document and the iframe document.
170             arrayOf("document", "document.querySelector('#iframe').contentDocument").map { doc ->
171                 mainSession.evaluatePromiseJS("""new Promise(resolve =>
172                     $doc.querySelector('${entry.key}').addEventListener(
173                       'input', event => {
174                         let eventInterface =
175                           event instanceof $doc.defaultView.InputEvent ? "InputEvent" :
176                           event instanceof $doc.defaultView.UIEvent ? "UIEvent" :
177                           event instanceof $doc.defaultView.Event ? "Event" : "Unknown";
178                         resolve([
179                           '${entry.key}',
180                           event.target.value,
181                           '${entry.value}',
182                           eventInterface
183                         ]);
184                 }, { once: true }))""")
185             }
186         }
188         val autofillValues = SparseArray<CharSequence>()
190         // Perform auto-fill and return number of auto-fills performed.
191         fun checkAutofillChild(child: Autofill.Node) {
192             // Seal the node info instance so we can perform actions on it.
193             if (child.children.count() > 0) {
194                 for (c in child.children) {
195                     checkAutofillChild(c!!)
196                 }
197             }
199             if (child.id == View.NO_ID) {
200                 return
201             }
203             assertThat("Should have HTML tag",
204                        child.tag, not(isEmptyOrNullString()))
205             assertThat("Web domain should match",
206                        child.domain, equalTo(GeckoSessionTestRule.TEST_ENDPOINT))
208             if (child.inputType == Autofill.InputType.TEXT) {
209                 assertThat("Input should be enabled", child.enabled, equalTo(true))
210                 assertThat("Input should be focusable",
211                         child.focusable, equalTo(true))
213                 assertThat("Should have HTML tag", child.tag, equalTo("input"))
214                 assertThat("Should have ID attribute", child.attributes.get("id"), not(isEmptyOrNullString()))
215             }
217             autofillValues.append(child.id, when (child.inputType) {
218                 Autofill.InputType.NUMBER -> "24"
219                 Autofill.InputType.PHONE -> "42"
220                 Autofill.InputType.TEXT -> when (child.hint) {
221                     Autofill.Hint.PASSWORD -> "baz"
222                     Autofill.Hint.EMAIL_ADDRESS -> "a@b.c"
223                     else -> "bar"
224                 }
225                 else -> "bar"
226             })
227         }
229         val nodes = mainSession.autofillSession.root
230         checkAutofillChild(nodes)
232         mainSession.autofill(autofillValues)
234         // Wait on the promises and check for correct values.
235         for ((key, actual, expected, eventInterface) in promises.map { it.value.asJSList<String>() }) {
236             assertThat("Auto-filled value must match ($key)", actual, equalTo(expected))
237             assertThat("input event should be dispatched with InputEvent interface", eventInterface, equalTo("InputEvent"))
238         }
239     }
241     private fun countAutofillNodes(cond: (Autofill.Node) -> Boolean =
242                                    { it.inputType != Autofill.InputType.NONE },
243                            root: Autofill.Node? = null): Int {
244         val node = if (root !== null) root else mainSession.autofillSession.root
245         return (if (cond(node)) 1 else 0) +
246                 node.children.sumBy {
247                     countAutofillNodes(cond, it) }
248     }
250     @WithDisplay(width = 100, height = 100)
251     @Test fun autofillNavigation() {
252         // Wait for the accessibility nodes to populate.
253         mainSession.loadTestPath(FORMS_HTML_PATH)
254         sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(object : Callbacks.AutofillDelegate {
255             @AssertCalled(count = 4)
256             override fun onAutofill(session: GeckoSession,
257                                     notification: Int,
258                                     node: Autofill.Node?) {
259                 assertThat("Should be starting auto-fill",
260                            notification,
261                            equalTo(forEachCall(
262                               Autofill.Notify.SESSION_STARTED,
263                               Autofill.Notify.NODE_ADDED)))
264                 assertThat("Node should be valid", node, notNullValue())
265             }
266         })
268         assertThat("Initial auto-fill count should match",
269                    countAutofillNodes(), equalTo(16))
271         // Now wait for the nodes to clear.
272         mainSession.loadTestPath(HELLO_HTML_PATH)
273         sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(object : Callbacks.AutofillDelegate {
274             @AssertCalled(count = 1)
275             override fun onAutofill(session: GeckoSession,
276                                     notification: Int,
277                                     node: Autofill.Node?) {
278                 assertThat("Should be canceling auto-fill",
279                            notification,
280                            equalTo(Autofill.Notify.SESSION_CANCELED))
281                 assertThat("Node should be null", node, nullValue())
282             }
283         })
284         assertThat("Should not have auto-fill fields",
285                    countAutofillNodes(), equalTo(0))
287         // Now wait for the nodes to reappear.
288         mainSession.waitForPageStop()
289         mainSession.goBack()
290         sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(object : Callbacks.AutofillDelegate {
291             @AssertCalled(count = 4)
292             override fun onAutofill(session: GeckoSession,
293                                     notification: Int,
294                                     node: Autofill.Node?) {
295                 assertThat("Should be starting auto-fill",
296                            notification,
297                            equalTo(forEachCall(
298                                Autofill.Notify.SESSION_STARTED,
299                                Autofill.Notify.NODE_ADDED)))
300                 assertThat("ID should be valid", node, notNullValue())
301             }
302         })
303         assertThat("Should have auto-fill fields again",
304                    countAutofillNodes(), equalTo(16))
305         assertThat("Should not have focused field",
306                    countAutofillNodes({ it.focused }), equalTo(0))
308         mainSession.evaluateJS("document.querySelector('#pass2').focus()")
310         sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(object : Callbacks.AutofillDelegate {
311             @AssertCalled(count = 1)
312             override fun onAutofill(session: GeckoSession,
313                                     notification: Int,
314                                     node: Autofill.Node?) {
315                 assertThat("Should be entering auto-fill view",
316                            notification,
317                            equalTo(Autofill.Notify.NODE_FOCUSED))
318                 assertThat("ID should be valid", node, notNullValue())
319             }
320         })
321         assertThat("Should have one focused field",
322                    countAutofillNodes({ it.focused }), equalTo(1))
323         // The focused field, its siblings, its parent, and the root node should
324         // be visible.
325         // Hidden elements are ignored.
326         // TODO: Is this actually correct? Should the whole focused branch be
327         // visible or just the nodes as described above?
328         assertThat("Should have nine visible nodes",
329                    countAutofillNodes({ node -> node.visible }),
330                    equalTo(8))
332         mainSession.evaluateJS("document.querySelector('#pass2').blur()")
333         sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(object : Callbacks.AutofillDelegate {
334             @AssertCalled(count = 1)
335             override fun onAutofill(session: GeckoSession,
336                                     notification: Int,
337                                     node: Autofill.Node?) {
338                 assertThat("Should be exiting auto-fill view",
339                            notification,
340                            equalTo(Autofill.Notify.NODE_BLURRED))
341                 assertThat("ID should be valid", node, notNullValue())
342             }
343         })
344         assertThat("Should not have focused field",
345                    countAutofillNodes({ it.focused }), equalTo(0))
346     }
348     @WithDisplay(height = 100, width = 100)
349     @Test fun autofillUserpass() {
350         mainSession.loadTestPath(FORMS2_HTML_PATH)
351         // Wait for the auto-fill nodes to populate.
352         sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(object : Callbacks.AutofillDelegate {
353             @AssertCalled(count = 3)
354             override fun onAutofill(session: GeckoSession,
355                                     notification: Int,
356                                     node: Autofill.Node?) {
357                 assertThat("Autofill notification should match", notification,
358                         equalTo(forEachCall(Autofill.Notify.SESSION_STARTED,
359                                 Autofill.Notify.NODE_FOCUSED,
360                                 Autofill.Notify.NODE_ADDED)))
361             }
362         })
364         // Perform auto-fill and return number of auto-fills performed.
365         fun checkAutofillChild(child: Autofill.Node): Int {
366             var sum = 0
367             // Seal the node info instance so we can perform actions on it.
368             for (c in child.children) {
369                 sum += checkAutofillChild(c!!)
370             }
372             if (child.hint == Autofill.Hint.NONE) {
373                 return sum
374             }
376             assertThat("ID should be valid", child.id, not(equalTo(View.NO_ID)))
377             assertThat("Should have HTML tag", child.tag, equalTo("input"))
379             return sum + 1
380         }
382         val root = mainSession.autofillSession.root
384         // form and iframe have each have 2 nodes with hints.
385         assertThat("autofill hint count",
386                    checkAutofillChild(root), equalTo(4))
387     }
389     @WithDisplay(width = 100, height = 100)
390     @Test fun autofillActiveChange() {
391         // We should blur the active autofill node if the session is set
392         // inactive. Likewise, we should focus a node once we return.
393         mainSession.loadTestPath(FORMS_HTML_PATH)
394         // Wait for the auto-fill nodes to populate.
395         sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(object : Callbacks.AutofillDelegate {
396             // For the root document and the iframe document, each has a form group and
397             // a group for inputs outside of forms, so the total count is 4.
398             @AssertCalled(count = 4)
399             override fun onAutofill(session: GeckoSession,
400                                     notification: Int,
401                                     node: Autofill.Node?) {
402                 assertThat("Should be starting auto-fill",
403                            notification,
404                            equalTo(forEachCall(
405                               Autofill.Notify.SESSION_STARTED,
406                               Autofill.Notify.NODE_ADDED)))
407             }
408         })
410         mainSession.evaluateJS("document.querySelector('#pass2').focus()")
411         sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(object : Callbacks.AutofillDelegate {
412             @AssertCalled(count = 1)
413             override fun onAutofill(session: GeckoSession,
414                                     notification: Int,
415                                     node: Autofill.Node?) {
416                 assertThat("Should be entering auto-fill view",
417                         notification,
418                         equalTo(Autofill.Notify.NODE_FOCUSED))
419                 assertThat("ID should be valid", node, notNullValue())
420             }
421         })
422         assertThat("Should have one focused field",
423                 countAutofillNodes({ it.focused }), equalTo(1))
425         // Make sure we get NODE_BLURRED when inactive
426         mainSession.setActive(false)
427         sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(object : Callbacks.AutofillDelegate {
428             @AssertCalled(count = 1)
429             override fun onAutofill(session: GeckoSession,
430                                     notification: Int,
431                                     node: Autofill.Node?) {
432                 assertThat("Should be exiting auto-fill view",
433                         notification,
434                         equalTo(Autofill.Notify.NODE_BLURRED))
435                 assertThat("ID should be valid", node, notNullValue())
436             }
437         })
439         // Make sure we get NODE_FOCUSED when active once again
440         mainSession.setActive(true)
441         sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(object : Callbacks.AutofillDelegate {
442             @AssertCalled(count = 1)
443             override fun onAutofill(session: GeckoSession,
444                                     notification: Int,
445                                     node: Autofill.Node?) {
446                 assertThat("Should be entering auto-fill view",
447                         notification,
448                         equalTo(Autofill.Notify.NODE_FOCUSED))
449                 assertThat("ID should be valid", node, notNullValue())
450             }
451         })
452         assertThat("Should have one focused field",
453                 countAutofillNodes({ it.focused }), equalTo(1))
454     }
456     @WithDisplay(width = 100, height = 100)
457     @Test fun autofillAutocompleteAttribute() {
458         mainSession.loadTestPath(FORMS_AUTOCOMPLETE_HTML_PATH)
459         sessionRule.waitUntilCalled(object : Callbacks.AutofillDelegate {
460             @AssertCalled(count = 3)
461             override fun onAutofill(session: GeckoSession,
462                                     notification: Int,
463                                     node: Autofill.Node?) {
464             }
465         });
467         fun checkAutofillChild(child: Autofill.Node): Int {
468             var sum = 0
469             for (c in child.children) {
470                sum += checkAutofillChild(c!!)
471             }
472             if (child.hint == Autofill.Hint.NONE) {
473                 return sum
474             }
475             assertThat("Should have HTML tag", child.tag, equalTo("input"))
476             return sum + 1
477         }
479         val root = mainSession.autofillSession.root
480         // Each page has 3 nodes for autofill.
481         assertThat("autofill hint count",
482                    checkAutofillChild(root), equalTo(6))
483     }
485     class MockViewNode : ViewStructure() {
486         private var mClassName: String? = null
487         private var mEnabled = false
488         private var mVisibility = -1
489         private var mPackageName: String? = null
490         private var mTypeName: String? = null
491         private var mEntryName: String? = null
492         private var mAutofillType = -1
493         private var mAutofillHints: Array<String>? = null
494         private var mInputType = -1
495         private var mHtmlInfo: HtmlInfo? = null
496         private var mWebDomain: String? = null
497         private var mFocused = false
498         private var mFocusable = false
500         var children = ArrayList<MockViewNode?>()
501         var id = View.NO_ID
502         var height = 0
503         var width = 0
505         val className get() = mClassName
506         val htmlInfo get() = mHtmlInfo
507         val autofillHints get() = mAutofillHints
508         val autofillType get() = mAutofillType
509         val webDomain get() = mWebDomain
510         val isEnabled get() = mEnabled
511         val isFocused get() = mFocused
512         val isFocusable get() = mFocusable
513         val visibility get() = mVisibility
514         val inputType get() = mInputType
516         override fun setId(id: Int, packageName: String?, typeName: String?, entryName: String?) {
517             this.id = id
518             mPackageName = packageName
519             mTypeName = typeName
520             mEntryName = entryName
521         }
523         override fun setHint(hint: CharSequence?) {
524             TODO("not implemented")
525         }
527         override fun setElevation(elevation: Float) {
528             TODO("not implemented")
529         }
531         override fun getText(): CharSequence {
532             TODO("not implemented")
533         }
535         override fun setText(text: CharSequence?) {
536             TODO("not implemented")
537         }
539         override fun setText(text: CharSequence?, selectionStart: Int, selectionEnd: Int) {
540             TODO("not implemented")
541         }
543         override fun asyncCommit() {
544             TODO("not implemented")
545         }
547         override fun getChildCount(): Int = children.size
549         override fun setEnabled(state: Boolean) {
550             mEnabled = state
551         }
553         override fun setLocaleList(localeList: LocaleList?) {
554             TODO("not implemented")
555         }
557         override fun setDimens(left: Int, top: Int, scrollX: Int, scrollY: Int, width: Int, height: Int) {
558             this.width = width
559             this.height = height
560         }
562         override fun setChecked(state: Boolean) {
563             TODO("not implemented")
564         }
566         override fun setContextClickable(state: Boolean) {
567             TODO("not implemented")
568         }
570         override fun setAccessibilityFocused(state: Boolean) {
571             TODO("not implemented")
572         }
574         override fun setAlpha(alpha: Float) {
575             TODO("not implemented")
576         }
578         override fun setTransformation(matrix: Matrix?) {
579             TODO("not implemented")
580         }
582         override fun setClassName(className: String?) {
583             mClassName = className
584         }
586         override fun setLongClickable(state: Boolean) {
587             TODO("not implemented")
588         }
590         override fun newChild(index: Int): ViewStructure {
591             val child = MockViewNode()
592             children[index] = child
593             return child
594         }
596         override fun getHint(): CharSequence {
597             TODO("not implemented")
598         }
600         override fun setInputType(inputType: Int) {
601             mInputType = inputType
602         }
604         override fun setWebDomain(domain: String?) {
605             mWebDomain = domain
606         }
608         override fun setAutofillOptions(options: Array<out CharSequence>?) {
609             TODO("not implemented")
610         }
612         override fun setTextStyle(size: Float, fgColor: Int, bgColor: Int, style: Int) {
613             TODO("not implemented")
614         }
616         override fun setVisibility(visibility: Int) {
617             mVisibility = visibility
618         }
620         override fun getAutofillId(): AutofillId? {
621             TODO("not implemented")
622         }
624         override fun setHtmlInfo(htmlInfo: HtmlInfo) {
625             mHtmlInfo = htmlInfo
626         }
628         override fun setTextLines(charOffsets: IntArray?, baselines: IntArray?) {
629             TODO("not implemented")
630         }
632         override fun getExtras(): Bundle {
633             TODO("not implemented")
634         }
636         override fun setClickable(state: Boolean) {
637             TODO("not implemented")
638         }
640         override fun newHtmlInfoBuilder(tagName: String): HtmlInfo.Builder {
641             return MockHtmlInfoBuilder(tagName)
642         }
644         override fun getTextSelectionEnd(): Int {
645             TODO("not implemented")
646         }
648         override fun setAutofillId(id: AutofillId) {
649             TODO("not implemented")
650         }
652         override fun setAutofillId(parentId: AutofillId, virtualId: Int) {
653             TODO("not implemented")
654         }
656         override fun hasExtras(): Boolean {
657             TODO("not implemented")
658         }
660         override fun addChildCount(num: Int): Int {
661             TODO("not implemented")
662         }
664         override fun setAutofillType(type: Int) {
665             mAutofillType = type
666         }
668         override fun setActivated(state: Boolean) {
669             TODO("not implemented")
670         }
672         override fun setFocused(state: Boolean) {
673             mFocused = state
674         }
676         override fun getTextSelectionStart(): Int {
677             TODO("not implemented")
678         }
680         override fun setChildCount(num: Int) {
681             children = ArrayList()
682             for (i in 0 until num) {
683                 children.add(null)
684             }
685         }
687         override fun setAutofillValue(value: AutofillValue?) {
688             TODO("not implemented")
689         }
691         override fun setAutofillHints(hint: Array<String>?) {
692             mAutofillHints = hint
693         }
695         override fun setContentDescription(contentDescription: CharSequence?) {
696             TODO("not implemented")
697         }
699         override fun setFocusable(state: Boolean) {
700             mFocusable = state
701         }
703         override fun setCheckable(state: Boolean) {
704             TODO("not implemented")
705         }
707         override fun asyncNewChild(index: Int): ViewStructure {
708             TODO("not implemented")
709         }
711         override fun setSelected(state: Boolean) {
712             TODO("not implemented")
713         }
715         override fun setDataIsSensitive(sensitive: Boolean) {
716             TODO("not implemented")
717         }
719         override fun setOpaque(opaque: Boolean) {
720             TODO("not implemented")
721         }
722     }
724     class MockHtmlInfoBuilder(tagName: String) : ViewStructure.HtmlInfo.Builder() {
725         val mTagName = tagName
726         val mAttributes: MutableList<Pair<String, String>> = mutableListOf()
728         override fun addAttribute(name: String, value: String): ViewStructure.HtmlInfo.Builder {
729             mAttributes.add(Pair(name, value))
730             return this
731         }
733         override fun build(): ViewStructure.HtmlInfo {
734             return MockHtmlInfo(mTagName, mAttributes)
735         }
736     }
738     class MockHtmlInfo(tagName: String, attributes: MutableList<Pair<String, String>>)
739             : ViewStructure.HtmlInfo() {
740         private val mTagName = tagName
741         private val mAttributes = attributes
743         override fun getTag() = mTagName
744         override fun getAttributes() = mAttributes
745     }
746 }