1/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
5var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["Utils"];
7const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
8const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.import(
9  "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"
12  this,
13  "AppConstants",
14  "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.jsm"
18  this,
19  "CaptivePortalService",
20  "@mozilla.org/network/captive-portal-service;1",
21  "nsICaptivePortalService"
24  this,
25  "gNetworkLinkService",
26  "@mozilla.org/network/network-link-service;1",
27  "nsINetworkLinkService"
30XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGlobalGetters(this, ["fetch"]);
32// Create a new instance of the ConsoleAPI so we can control the maxLogLevel with a pref.
33// See LOG_LEVELS in Console.jsm. Common examples: "all", "debug", "info", "warn", "error".
34XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "log", () => {
35  const { ConsoleAPI } = ChromeUtils.import(
36    "resource://gre/modules/Console.jsm",
37    {}
38  );
39  return new ConsoleAPI({
40    maxLogLevel: "warn",
41    maxLogLevelPref: "services.settings.loglevel",
42    prefix: "services.settings",
43  });
47  this,
48  "gServerURL",
49  "services.settings.server"
52function _isUndefined(value) {
53  return typeof value === "undefined";
56var Utils = {
57  get SERVER_URL() {
58    const env = Cc["@mozilla.org/process/environment;1"].getService(
59      Ci.nsIEnvironment
60    );
61    const isXpcshell = env.exists("XPCSHELL_TEST_PROFILE_DIR");
62    const isNotThunderbird = AppConstants.MOZ_APP_NAME != "thunderbird";
63    return AppConstants.RELEASE_OR_BETA &&
64      !Cu.isInAutomation &&
65      !isXpcshell &&
66      isNotThunderbird
67      ? "https://firefox.settings.services.mozilla.com/v1"
68      : gServerURL;
69  },
71  CHANGES_PATH: "/buckets/monitor/collections/changes/changeset",
73  /**
74   * Logger instance.
75   */
76  log,
78  /**
79   * Check if network is down.
80   *
81   * Note that if this returns false, it does not guarantee
82   * that network is up.
83   *
84   * @return {bool} Whether network is down or not.
85   */
86  get isOffline() {
87    try {
88      return (
89        Services.io.offline ||
90        CaptivePortalService.state == CaptivePortalService.LOCKED_PORTAL ||
91        !gNetworkLinkService.isLinkUp
92      );
93    } catch (ex) {
94      log.warn("Could not determine network status.", ex);
95    }
96    return false;
97  },
99  /**
100   * Check if local data exist for the specified client.
101   *
102   * @param {RemoteSettingsClient} client
103   * @return {bool} Whether it exists or not.
104   */
105  async hasLocalData(client) {
106    const timestamp = await client.db.getLastModified();
107    // Note: timestamp will be 0 if empty JSON dump is loaded.
108    return timestamp !== null;
109  },
111  /**
112   * Check if we ship a JSON dump for the specified bucket and collection.
113   *
114   * @param {String} bucket
115   * @param {String} collection
116   * @return {bool} Whether it is present or not.
117   */
118  async hasLocalDump(bucket, collection) {
119    try {
120      await fetch(
121        `resource://app/defaults/settings/${bucket}/${collection}.json`
122      );
123      return true;
124    } catch (e) {
125      return false;
126    }
127  },
129  /**
130   * Look up the last modification time of the JSON dump.
131   *
132   * @param {String} bucket
133   * @param {String} collection
134   * @return {int} The last modification time of the dump. -1 if non-existent.
135   */
136  async getLocalDumpLastModified(bucket, collection) {
137    if (!this._dumpStats) {
138      if (!this._dumpStatsInitPromise) {
139        this._dumpStatsInitPromise = (async () => {
140          try {
141            let res = await fetch(
142              "resource://app/defaults/settings/last_modified.json"
143            );
144            this._dumpStats = await res.json();
145          } catch (e) {
146            log.warn(`Failed to load last_modified.json: ${e}`);
147            this._dumpStats = {};
148          }
149          delete this._dumpStatsInitPromise;
150        })();
151      }
152      await this._dumpStatsInitPromise;
153    }
154    const identifier = `${bucket}/${collection}`;
155    let lastModified = this._dumpStats[identifier];
156    if (lastModified === undefined) {
157      try {
158        let res = await fetch(
159          `resource://app/defaults/settings/${bucket}/${collection}.json`
160        );
161        let records = (await res.json()).data;
162        // Records in dumps are sorted by last_modified, newest first.
163        // https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/5b3444ad300e244b5af4214212e22bd9e4b7088a/taskcluster/docker/periodic-updates/scripts/periodic_file_updates.sh#304
164        lastModified = records[0]?.last_modified || 0;
165      } catch (e) {
166        lastModified = -1;
167      }
168      this._dumpStats[identifier] = lastModified;
169    }
170    return lastModified;
171  },
173  /**
174   * Fetch the list of remote collections and their timestamp.
175   * ```
176   *   {
177   *     "timestamp": 1486545678,
178   *     "changes":[
179   *       {
180   *         "host":"kinto-ota.dev.mozaws.net",
181   *         "last_modified":1450717104423,
182   *         "bucket":"blocklists",
183   *         "collection":"certificates"
184   *       },
185   *       ...
186   *     ],
187   *     "metadata": {}
188   *   }
189   * ```
190   * @param {String} serverUrl         The server URL (eg. `https://server.org/v1`)
191   * @param {int}    expectedTimestamp The timestamp that the server is supposed to return.
192   *                                   We obtained it from the Megaphone notification payload,
193   *                                   and we use it only for cache busting (Bug 1497159).
194   * @param {String} lastEtag          (optional) The Etag of the latest poll to be matched
195   *                                   by the server (eg. `"123456789"`).
196   * @param {Object} filters
197   */
198  async fetchLatestChanges(serverUrl, options = {}) {
199    const { expectedTimestamp, lastEtag = "", filters = {} } = options;
201    let url = serverUrl + Utils.CHANGES_PATH;
202    const params = {
203      ...filters,
204      _expected: expectedTimestamp ?? 0,
205    };
206    if (lastEtag != "") {
207      params._since = lastEtag;
208    }
209    if (params) {
210      url +=
211        "?" +
212        Object.entries(params)
213          .map(([k, v]) => `${k}=${encodeURIComponent(v)}`)
214          .join("&");
215    }
216    const response = await fetch(url);
218    if (response.status >= 500) {
219      throw new Error(`Server error ${response.status} ${response.statusText}`);
220    }
222    const is404FromCustomServer =
223      response.status == 404 &&
224      Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue("services.settings.server");
226    const ct = response.headers.get("Content-Type");
227    if (!is404FromCustomServer && (!ct || !ct.includes("application/json"))) {
228      throw new Error(`Unexpected content-type "${ct}"`);
229    }
231    let payload;
232    try {
233      payload = await response.json();
234    } catch (e) {
235      payload = e.message;
236    }
238    if (!payload.hasOwnProperty("changes")) {
239      // If the server is failing, the JSON response might not contain the
240      // expected data. For example, real server errors (Bug 1259145)
241      // or dummy local server for tests (Bug 1481348)
242      if (!is404FromCustomServer) {
243        throw new Error(
244          `Server error ${url} ${response.status} ${
245            response.statusText
246          }: ${JSON.stringify(payload)}`
247        );
248      }
249    }
251    const { changes = [], timestamp } = payload;
253    let serverTimeMillis = Date.parse(response.headers.get("Date"));
254    // Since the response is served via a CDN, the Date header value could have been cached.
255    const cacheAgeSeconds = response.headers.has("Age")
256      ? parseInt(response.headers.get("Age"), 10)
257      : 0;
258    serverTimeMillis += cacheAgeSeconds * 1000;
260    // Age of data (time between publication and now).
261    let lastModifiedMillis = Date.parse(response.headers.get("Last-Modified"));
262    const ageSeconds = (serverTimeMillis - lastModifiedMillis) / 1000;
264    // Check if the server asked the clients to back off.
265    let backoffSeconds;
266    if (response.headers.has("Backoff")) {
267      const value = parseInt(response.headers.get("Backoff"), 10);
268      if (!isNaN(value)) {
269        backoffSeconds = value;
270      }
271    }
273    return {
274      changes,
275      currentEtag: `"${timestamp}"`,
276      serverTimeMillis,
277      backoffSeconds,
278      ageSeconds,
279    };
280  },
282  /**
283   * Test if a single object matches all given filters.
284   *
285   * @param  {Object} filters  The filters object.
286   * @param  {Object} entry    The object to filter.
287   * @return {Boolean}
288   */
289  filterObject(filters, entry) {
290    return Object.entries(filters).every(([filter, value]) => {
291      if (Array.isArray(value)) {
292        return value.some(candidate => candidate === entry[filter]);
293      } else if (typeof value === "object") {
294        return Utils.filterObject(value, entry[filter]);
295      } else if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(entry, filter)) {
296        console.error(`The property ${filter} does not exist`);
297        return false;
298      }
299      return entry[filter] === value;
300    });
301  },
303  /**
304   * Sorts records in a list according to a given ordering.
305   *
306   * @param  {String} order The ordering, eg. `-last_modified`.
307   * @param  {Array}  list  The collection to order.
308   * @return {Array}
309   */
310  sortObjects(order, list) {
311    const hasDash = order[0] === "-";
312    const field = hasDash ? order.slice(1) : order;
313    const direction = hasDash ? -1 : 1;
314    return list.slice().sort((a, b) => {
315      if (a[field] && _isUndefined(b[field])) {
316        return direction;
317      }
318      if (b[field] && _isUndefined(a[field])) {
319        return -direction;
320      }
321      if (_isUndefined(a[field]) && _isUndefined(b[field])) {
322        return 0;
323      }
324      return a[field] > b[field] ? direction : -direction;
325    });
326  },