1# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
3# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
4from __future__ import absolute_import
6import pprint
7import signal
8import six
9import sys
10import time
11import traceback
12import subprocess
13from threading import Event
15import mozcrash
16import psutil
17from mozlog import get_proxy_logger
18from mozprocess import ProcessHandler
19from talos.utils import TalosError
21LOG = get_proxy_logger()
24class ProcessContext(object):
25    """
26    Store useful results of the browser execution.
27    """
29    def __init__(self, is_launcher=False):
30        self.output = None
31        self.process = None
32        self.is_launcher = is_launcher
34    @property
35    def pid(self):
36        return self.process and self.process.pid
38    def kill_process(self):
39        """
40        Kill the process, returning the exit code or None if the process
41        is already finished.
42        """
43        parentProc = self.process
44        # If we're using a launcher process, terminate that instead of us:
45        kids = parentProc and parentProc.is_running() and parentProc.children()
46        if self.is_launcher and kids and len(kids) == 1 and kids[0].is_running():
47            LOG.debug(
48                (
49                    "Launcher process {} detected. Terminating parent"
50                    " process {} instead."
51                ).format(parentProc, kids[0])
52            )
53            parentProc = kids[0]
55        if parentProc and parentProc.is_running():
56            LOG.debug("Terminating %s" % parentProc)
57            try:
58                parentProc.terminate()
59            except psutil.NoSuchProcess:
60                procs = parentProc.children()
61                for p in procs:
62                    c = ProcessContext()
63                    c.process = p
64                    c.kill_process()
65                return parentProc.returncode
66            try:
67                return parentProc.wait(3)
68            except psutil.TimeoutExpired:
69                LOG.debug("Killing %s" % parentProc)
70                parentProc.kill()
71                # will raise TimeoutExpired if unable to kill
72                return parentProc.wait(3)
75class Reader(object):
76    def __init__(self, event):
77        self.output = []
78        self.got_end_timestamp = False
79        self.got_timeout = False
80        self.timeout_message = ""
81        self.got_error = False
82        self.event = event
83        self.proc = None
85    def __call__(self, line):
86        line = six.ensure_str(line)
87        if line.find("__endTimestamp") != -1:
88            self.got_end_timestamp = True
89            self.event.set()
90        elif line == "TART: TIMEOUT":
91            self.got_timeout = True
92            self.timeout_message = "TART"
93            self.event.set()
94        elif line.startswith("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | "):
95            self.got_error = True
96            self.event.set()
98        if not (
99            line.startswith("JavaScript error:")
100            or line.startswith("JavaScript warning:")
101        ):
102            LOG.process_output(self.proc.pid, line)
103            self.output.append(line)
106def run_browser(
107    command,
108    minidump_dir,
109    timeout=None,
110    on_started=None,
111    debug=None,
112    debugger=None,
113    debugger_args=None,
114    **kwargs
116    """
117    Run the browser using the given `command`.
119    After the browser prints __endTimestamp, we give it 5
120    seconds to quit and kill it if it's still alive at that point.
122    Note that this method ensure that the process is killed at
123    the end. If this is not possible, an exception will be raised.
125    :param command: the commad (as a string list) to run the browser
126    :param minidump_dir: a path where to extract minidumps in case the
127                         browser hang. This have to be the same value
128                         used in `mozcrash.check_for_crashes`.
129    :param timeout: if specified, timeout to wait for the browser before
130                    we raise a :class:`TalosError`
131    :param on_started: a callback that can be used to do things just after
132                       the browser has been started. The callback must takes
133                       an argument, which is the psutil.Process instance
134    :param kwargs: additional keyword arguments for the :class:`ProcessHandler`
135                   instance
137    Returns a ProcessContext instance, with available output and pid used.
138    """
140    debugger_info = find_debugger_info(debug, debugger, debugger_args)
141    if debugger_info is not None:
142        return run_in_debug_mode(
143            command, debugger_info, on_started=on_started, env=kwargs.get("env")
144        )
146    is_launcher = sys.platform.startswith("win") and "-wait-for-browser" in command
147    context = ProcessContext(is_launcher)
148    first_time = int(time.time()) * 1000
149    wait_for_quit_timeout = 20
150    event = Event()
151    reader = Reader(event)
153    LOG.info("Using env: %s" % pprint.pformat(kwargs["env"]))
155    kwargs["storeOutput"] = False
156    kwargs["processOutputLine"] = reader
157    kwargs["onFinish"] = event.set
158    proc = ProcessHandler(command, **kwargs)
159    reader.proc = proc
160    proc.run()
162    LOG.process_start(proc.pid, " ".join(command))
163    try:
164        context.process = psutil.Process(proc.pid)
165        if on_started:
166            on_started(context.process)
167        # wait until we saw __endTimestamp in the proc output,
168        # or the browser just terminated - or we have a timeout
169        if not event.wait(timeout):
170            LOG.info("Timeout waiting for test completion; killing browser...")
171            # try to extract the minidump stack if the browser hangs
172            kill_and_get_minidump(context, minidump_dir)
173            raise TalosError("timeout")
174        if reader.got_end_timestamp:
175            for i in six.moves.range(1, wait_for_quit_timeout):
176                if proc.wait(1) is not None:
177                    break
178            if proc.poll() is None:
179                LOG.info(
180                    "Browser shutdown timed out after {0} seconds, killing"
181                    " process.".format(wait_for_quit_timeout)
182                )
183                kill_and_get_minidump(context, minidump_dir)
184                raise TalosError(
185                    "Browser shutdown timed out after {0} seconds, killed"
186                    " process.".format(wait_for_quit_timeout)
187                )
188        elif reader.got_timeout:
189            raise TalosError("TIMEOUT: %s" % reader.timeout_message)
190        elif reader.got_error:
191            raise TalosError("unexpected error")
192    finally:
193        # this also handle KeyboardInterrupt
194        # ensure early the process is really terminated
195        return_code = None
196        try:
197            return_code = context.kill_process()
198            if return_code is None:
199                return_code = proc.wait(1)
200        except Exception:
201            # Maybe killed by kill_and_get_minidump(), maybe ended?
202            LOG.info("Unable to kill process")
203            LOG.info(traceback.format_exc())
205    reader.output.append(
206        "__startBeforeLaunchTimestamp%d__endBeforeLaunchTimestamp" % first_time
207    )
208    reader.output.append(
209        "__startAfterTerminationTimestamp%d__endAfterTerminationTimestamp"
210        % (int(time.time()) * 1000)
211    )
213    if return_code is not None:
214        LOG.process_exit(proc.pid, return_code)
215    else:
216        LOG.debug("Unable to detect exit code of the process %s." % proc.pid)
217    context.output = reader.output
218    return context
221def find_debugger_info(debug, debugger, debugger_args):
222    debuggerInfo = None
223    if debug or debugger or debugger_args:
224        import mozdebug
226        if not debugger:
227            # No debugger name was provided. Look for the default ones on
228            # current OS.
229            debugger = mozdebug.get_default_debugger_name(
230                mozdebug.DebuggerSearch.KeepLooking
231            )
233        debuggerInfo = None
234        if debugger:
235            debuggerInfo = mozdebug.get_debugger_info(debugger, debugger_args)
237        if debuggerInfo is None:
238            raise TalosError("Could not find a suitable debugger in your PATH.")
240    return debuggerInfo
243def run_in_debug_mode(command, debugger_info, on_started=None, env=None):
244    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda sigid, frame: None)
245    context = ProcessContext()
246    command_under_dbg = [debugger_info.path] + debugger_info.args + command
248    ttest_process = subprocess.Popen(command_under_dbg, env=env)
250    context.process = psutil.Process(ttest_process.pid)
251    if on_started:
252        on_started(context.process)
254    return_code = ttest_process.wait()
256    if return_code is not None:
257        LOG.process_exit(ttest_process.pid, return_code)
258    else:
259        LOG.debug("Unable to detect exit code of the process %s." % ttest_process.pid)
261    return context
264def kill_and_get_minidump(context, minidump_dir):
265    proc = context.process
266    if context.is_launcher:
267        kids = context.process.children()
268        if len(kids) == 1:
269            LOG.debug(
270                (
271                    "Launcher process {} detected. Killing parent"
272                    " process {} instead."
273                ).format(proc, kids[0])
274            )
275            proc = kids[0]
276    LOG.debug("Killing %s and writing a minidump file" % proc)
277    mozcrash.kill_and_get_minidump(proc.pid, minidump_dir)