1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2017, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
3  *
4  * This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
5  * the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
6  * was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
7  * obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/software. If the Alliance for Open
8  * Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
9  * PATENTS file, you can obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/patent.
10  */
12 #include "third_party/googletest/src/googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
14 #include "config/aom_config.h"
16 #include "av1/common/blockd.h"
17 #include "av1/common/enums.h"
18 #include "av1/common/mv.h"
19 #include "av1/common/mvref_common.h"
20 #include "av1/common/onyxc_int.h"
21 #include "av1/common/tile_common.h"
23 namespace {
TEST(IntrabcTest,DvValidation)24 TEST(IntrabcTest, DvValidation) {
25   struct DvTestCase {
26     MV dv;
27     int mi_row_offset;
28     int mi_col_offset;
29     BLOCK_SIZE bsize;
30     bool valid;
31   };
32   const int kSubPelScale = 8;
33   const int kTileMaxMibWidth = 8;
34   const DvTestCase kDvCases[] = {
35     { { 0, 0 }, 0, 0, BLOCK_128X128, false },
36     { { 0, 0 }, 0, 0, BLOCK_64X64, false },
37     { { 0, 0 }, 0, 0, BLOCK_32X32, false },
38     { { 0, 0 }, 0, 0, BLOCK_16X16, false },
39     { { 0, 0 }, 0, 0, BLOCK_8X8, false },
40     { { 0, 0 }, 0, 0, BLOCK_4X4, false },
41     { { -MAX_SB_SIZE * kSubPelScale, -MAX_SB_SIZE * kSubPelScale },
42       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
43       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
44       BLOCK_16X16,
45       true },
46     { { 0, -MAX_SB_SIZE * kSubPelScale },
47       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
48       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
49       BLOCK_16X16,
50       false },
51     { { -MAX_SB_SIZE * kSubPelScale, 0 },
52       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
53       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
54       BLOCK_16X16,
55       true },
56     { { MAX_SB_SIZE * kSubPelScale, 0 },
57       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
58       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
59       BLOCK_16X16,
60       false },
61     { { 0, MAX_SB_SIZE * kSubPelScale },
62       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
63       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
64       BLOCK_16X16,
65       false },
66     { { -32 * kSubPelScale, -32 * kSubPelScale },
67       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
68       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
69       BLOCK_32X32,
70       true },
71     { { -32 * kSubPelScale, -32 * kSubPelScale },
72       32 / MI_SIZE,
73       32 / MI_SIZE,
74       BLOCK_32X32,
75       false },
76     { { -32 * kSubPelScale - kSubPelScale / 2, -32 * kSubPelScale },
77       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
78       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
79       BLOCK_32X32,
80       false },
81     { { -33 * kSubPelScale, -32 * kSubPelScale },
82       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
83       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
84       BLOCK_32X32,
85       true },
86     { { -32 * kSubPelScale, -32 * kSubPelScale - kSubPelScale / 2 },
87       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
88       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
89       BLOCK_32X32,
90       false },
91     { { -32 * kSubPelScale, -33 * kSubPelScale },
92       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
93       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
94       BLOCK_32X32,
95       true },
96     { { -MAX_SB_SIZE * kSubPelScale, -MAX_SB_SIZE * kSubPelScale },
97       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
98       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
100       true },
101     { { -(MAX_SB_SIZE + 1) * kSubPelScale, -MAX_SB_SIZE * kSubPelScale },
102       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
103       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
104       BLOCK_LARGEST,
105       false },
106     { { -MAX_SB_SIZE * kSubPelScale, -(MAX_SB_SIZE + 1) * kSubPelScale },
107       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
108       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
109       BLOCK_LARGEST,
110       false },
111     { { -(MAX_SB_SIZE - 1) * kSubPelScale, -MAX_SB_SIZE * kSubPelScale },
112       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
113       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
114       BLOCK_LARGEST,
115       false },
116     { { -MAX_SB_SIZE * kSubPelScale, -(MAX_SB_SIZE - 1) * kSubPelScale },
117       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
118       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
119       BLOCK_LARGEST,
120       true },
121     { { -(MAX_SB_SIZE - 1) * kSubPelScale, -(MAX_SB_SIZE - 1) * kSubPelScale },
122       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
123       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
124       BLOCK_LARGEST,
125       false },
126     { { -MAX_SB_SIZE * kSubPelScale, MAX_SB_SIZE * kSubPelScale },
127       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
128       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
129       BLOCK_LARGEST,
130       false },
131     { { -MAX_SB_SIZE * kSubPelScale,
132         (kTileMaxMibWidth - 2) * MAX_SB_SIZE * kSubPelScale },
133       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
134       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
135       BLOCK_LARGEST,
136       false },
137     { { -MAX_SB_SIZE * kSubPelScale,
138         ((kTileMaxMibWidth - 2) * MAX_SB_SIZE + 1) * kSubPelScale },
139       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
140       MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE,
141       BLOCK_LARGEST,
142       false },
143   };
146   memset(&xd, 0, sizeof(xd));
147   xd.tile.mi_row_start = 8 * MAX_MIB_SIZE;
148   xd.tile.mi_row_end = 16 * MAX_MIB_SIZE;
149   xd.tile.mi_col_start = 24 * MAX_MIB_SIZE;
150   xd.tile.mi_col_end = xd.tile.mi_col_start + kTileMaxMibWidth * MAX_MIB_SIZE;
151   xd.plane[1].subsampling_x = 1;
152   xd.plane[1].subsampling_y = 1;
153   xd.plane[2].subsampling_x = 1;
154   xd.plane[2].subsampling_y = 1;
156   AV1_COMMON cm;
157   memset(&cm, 0, sizeof(cm));
159   for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(GTEST_ARRAY_SIZE_(kDvCases)); ++i) {
160     EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int>(kDvCases[i].valid),
161               av1_is_dv_valid(kDvCases[i].dv, &cm, &xd,
162                               xd.tile.mi_row_start + kDvCases[i].mi_row_offset,
163                               xd.tile.mi_col_start + kDvCases[i].mi_col_offset,
164                               kDvCases[i].bsize, MAX_MIB_SIZE_LOG2))
165         << "DvCases[" << i << "]";
166   }
167 }
168 }  // namespace