1 #[cfg(feature = "pipeline-cache")]
2 use crate::pipeline_cache;
3 use crate::{
4     command, conversions as conv, internal::Channel, native as n, AsNative, Backend, FastHashMap,
5     OnlineRecording, QueueFamily, ResourceIndex, Shared, VisibilityShared,
7 };
9 use arrayvec::ArrayVec;
10 use cocoa_foundation::foundation::NSUInteger;
11 use copyless::VecHelper;
12 use foreign_types::{ForeignType, ForeignTypeRef};
13 use hal::{
14     adapter, buffer, device as d, format, image, memory,
15     memory::Properties,
16     pass,
17     pool::CommandPoolCreateFlags,
18     pso,
19     pso::VertexInputRate,
20     query,
21     queue::{QueueFamilyId, QueueGroup, QueuePriority},
22 };
23 use metal::{
24     CaptureManager, MTLCPUCacheMode, MTLLanguageVersion, MTLPrimitiveTopologyClass,
25     MTLPrimitiveType, MTLResourceOptions, MTLSamplerMipFilter, MTLStorageMode, MTLTextureType,
26     MTLVertexStepFunction, NSRange,
27 };
28 use objc::{
29     rc::autoreleasepool,
30     runtime::{Object, BOOL, NO},
31 };
32 use parking_lot::Mutex;
34 use std::collections::BTreeMap;
35 #[cfg(feature = "pipeline-cache")]
36 use std::io::Write;
37 use std::{
38     cmp, iter, mem,
39     ops::Range,
40     ptr,
41     sync::{
42         atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering},
43         Arc,
44     },
45     thread, time,
46 };
48 const STRIDE_GRANULARITY: pso::ElemStride = 4; //TODO: work around?
49 const SHADER_STAGE_COUNT: u32 = 3;
51 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
52 enum FunctionError {
53     InvalidEntryPoint,
54     MissingRequiredSpecialization,
55     BadSpecialization,
56 }
get_final_function( library: &metal::LibraryRef, entry: &str, specialization: &pso::Specialization, function_specialization: bool, ) -> Result<metal::Function, FunctionError>58 fn get_final_function(
59     library: &metal::LibraryRef,
60     entry: &str,
61     specialization: &pso::Specialization,
62     function_specialization: bool,
63 ) -> Result<metal::Function, FunctionError> {
64     type MTLFunctionConstant = Object;
65     profiling::scope!("get_final_function");
67     let mut mtl_function = library.get_function(entry, None).map_err(|e| {
68         error!(
69             "Function retrieval error {:?}. Known names: {:?}",
70             e,
71             library.function_names()
72         );
73         FunctionError::InvalidEntryPoint
74     })?;
76     if !function_specialization {
77         if !specialization.data.is_empty() || !specialization.constants.is_empty() {
78             error!("platform does not support specialization");
79         }
80         return Ok(mtl_function);
81     }
83     let dictionary = mtl_function.function_constants_dictionary();
84     let count: NSUInteger = unsafe { msg_send![dictionary, count] };
85     if count == 0 {
86         return Ok(mtl_function);
87     }
89     let all_values: *mut Object = unsafe { msg_send![dictionary, allValues] };
91     let constants = metal::FunctionConstantValues::new();
92     for i in 0..count {
93         let object: *mut MTLFunctionConstant = unsafe { msg_send![all_values, objectAtIndex: i] };
94         let index: NSUInteger = unsafe { msg_send![object, index] };
95         let required: BOOL = unsafe { msg_send![object, required] };
96         match specialization
97             .constants
98             .iter()
99             .find(|c| c.id as NSUInteger == index)
100         {
101             Some(c) => unsafe {
102                 let ptr = &specialization.data[c.range.start as usize] as *const u8 as *const _;
103                 let ty: metal::MTLDataType = msg_send![object, type];
104                 constants.set_constant_value_at_index(ptr, ty, c.id as NSUInteger);
105             },
106             None if required != NO => {
107                 //TODO: get name
108                 error!("Missing required specialization constant id {}", index);
109                 return Err(FunctionError::MissingRequiredSpecialization);
110             }
111             None => {}
112         }
113     }
115     mtl_function = library.get_function(entry, Some(constants)).map_err(|e| {
116         error!("Specialized function retrieval error {:?}", e);
117         FunctionError::BadSpecialization
118     })?;
120     Ok(mtl_function)
121 }
123 impl VisibilityShared {
are_available(&self, pool_base: query::Id, queries: &Range<query::Id>) -> bool124     fn are_available(&self, pool_base: query::Id, queries: &Range<query::Id>) -> bool {
125         unsafe {
126             let availability_ptr = ((self.buffer.contents() as *mut u8)
127                 .offset(self.availability_offset as isize)
128                 as *mut u32)
129                 .offset(pool_base as isize);
130             queries
131                 .clone()
132                 .all(|id| *availability_ptr.offset(id as isize) != 0)
133         }
134     }
135 }
137 struct CompiledShader {
138     library: metal::Library,
139     function: metal::Function,
140     wg_size: metal::MTLSize,
141     rasterizing: bool,
142     sized_bindings: Vec<naga::ResourceBinding>,
143 }
145 #[derive(Debug)]
146 pub struct Device {
147     pub(crate) shared: Arc<Shared>,
148     invalidation_queue: command::QueueInner,
149     memory_types: Vec<adapter::MemoryType>,
150     features: hal::Features,
151     pub online_recording: OnlineRecording,
152     #[cfg(any(feature = "pipeline-cache", feature = "cross"))]
153     spv_options: naga::back::spv::Options,
154 }
155 unsafe impl Send for Device {}
156 unsafe impl Sync for Device {}
158 bitflags! {
159     /// Memory type bits.
160     struct MemoryTypes: u32 {
161         // = `DEVICE_LOCAL`
162         const PRIVATE = 1<<0;
163         // = `CPU_VISIBLE | COHERENT`
164         const SHARED = 1<<1;
165         // = `DEVICE_LOCAL | CPU_VISIBLE`
166         const MANAGED_UPLOAD = 1<<2;
167         // = `DEVICE_LOCAL | CPU_VISIBLE | CACHED`
168         // Memory range invalidation is implemented to stall the whole pipeline.
169         // It's inefficient, therefore we aren't going to expose this type.
170         //const MANAGED_DOWNLOAD = 1<<3;
171     }
172 }
174 impl MemoryTypes {
describe(index: usize) -> (MTLStorageMode, MTLCPUCacheMode)175     fn describe(index: usize) -> (MTLStorageMode, MTLCPUCacheMode) {
176         match Self::from_bits(1 << index).unwrap() {
177             Self::PRIVATE => (MTLStorageMode::Private, MTLCPUCacheMode::DefaultCache),
178             Self::SHARED => (MTLStorageMode::Shared, MTLCPUCacheMode::DefaultCache),
179             Self::MANAGED_UPLOAD => (MTLStorageMode::Managed, MTLCPUCacheMode::WriteCombined),
180             //Self::MANAGED_DOWNLOAD => (MTLStorageMode::Managed, MTLCPUCacheMode::DefaultCache),
181             _ => unreachable!(),
182         }
183     }
184 }
186 #[derive(Debug)]
187 pub struct PhysicalDevice {
188     pub(crate) shared: Arc<Shared>,
189     memory_types: Vec<adapter::MemoryType>,
190 }
191 unsafe impl Send for PhysicalDevice {}
192 unsafe impl Sync for PhysicalDevice {}
194 impl PhysicalDevice {
new(shared: Arc<Shared>) -> Self195     pub(crate) fn new(shared: Arc<Shared>) -> Self {
196         let memory_types = if shared.private_caps.os_is_mac {
197             vec![
198                 adapter::MemoryType {
199                     // PRIVATE
200                     properties: Properties::DEVICE_LOCAL,
201                     heap_index: 0,
202                 },
203                 adapter::MemoryType {
204                     // SHARED
205                     properties: Properties::CPU_VISIBLE | Properties::COHERENT,
206                     heap_index: 1,
207                 },
208                 adapter::MemoryType {
209                     // MANAGED_UPLOAD
210                     properties: Properties::DEVICE_LOCAL | Properties::CPU_VISIBLE,
211                     heap_index: 1,
212                 },
213                 // MANAGED_DOWNLOAD (removed)
214             ]
215         } else {
216             vec![
217                 adapter::MemoryType {
218                     // PRIVATE
219                     properties: Properties::DEVICE_LOCAL,
220                     heap_index: 0,
221                 },
222                 adapter::MemoryType {
223                     // SHARED
224                     properties: Properties::CPU_VISIBLE | Properties::COHERENT,
225                     heap_index: 1,
226                 },
227             ]
228         };
229         PhysicalDevice {
230             shared: shared.clone(),
231             memory_types,
232         }
233     }
235     /// Return true if the specified format-swizzle pair is supported natively.
supports_swizzle(&self, format: format::Format, swizzle: format::Swizzle) -> bool236     pub fn supports_swizzle(&self, format: format::Format, swizzle: format::Swizzle) -> bool {
237         self.shared
238             .private_caps
239             .map_format_with_swizzle(format, swizzle)
240             .is_some()
241     }
242 }
244 impl adapter::PhysicalDevice<Backend> for PhysicalDevice {
open( &self, families: &[(&QueueFamily, &[QueuePriority])], requested_features: hal::Features, ) -> Result<adapter::Gpu<Backend>, d::CreationError>245     unsafe fn open(
246         &self,
247         families: &[(&QueueFamily, &[QueuePriority])],
248         requested_features: hal::Features,
249     ) -> Result<adapter::Gpu<Backend>, d::CreationError> {
250         use hal::queue::QueueFamily as _;
252         // TODO: Query supported features by feature set rather than hard coding in the supported
253         // features. https://developer.apple.com/metal/Metal-Feature-Set-Tables.pdf
254         if !self.features().contains(requested_features) {
255             warn!(
256                 "Features missing: {:?}",
257                 requested_features - self.features()
258             );
259             return Err(d::CreationError::MissingFeature);
260         }
262         let device = self.shared.device.lock();
264         assert_eq!(families.len(), 1);
265         assert_eq!(families[0].1.len(), 1);
266         let mut queue_group = QueueGroup::new(families[0].0.id());
267         for _ in 0..self.shared.private_caps.exposed_queues {
268             queue_group.add_queue(command::Queue::new(self.shared.clone()));
269         }
271         #[cfg(any(feature = "pipeline-cache", feature = "cross"))]
272         let spv_options = {
273             use naga::back::spv;
274             let mut flags = spv::WriterFlags::empty();
275             flags.set(spv::WriterFlags::DEBUG, cfg!(debug_assertions));
276             flags.set(
277                 spv::WriterFlags::ADJUST_COORDINATE_SPACE,
278                 !requested_features.contains(hal::Features::NDC_Y_UP),
279             );
280             spv::Options {
281                 lang_version: (1, 0),
282                 flags,
283                 // doesn't matter since we send it through SPIRV-Cross
284                 capabilities: None,
285             }
286         };
288         let device = Device {
289             shared: self.shared.clone(),
290             invalidation_queue: command::QueueInner::new(&*device, Some(1)),
291             memory_types: self.memory_types.clone(),
292             features: requested_features,
293             online_recording: OnlineRecording::default(),
294             #[cfg(any(feature = "pipeline-cache", feature = "cross"))]
295             spv_options,
296         };
298         Ok(adapter::Gpu {
299             device,
300             queue_groups: vec![queue_group],
301         })
302     }
format_properties(&self, format: Option<format::Format>) -> format::Properties304     fn format_properties(&self, format: Option<format::Format>) -> format::Properties {
305         match format {
306             Some(format) => self.shared.private_caps.map_format_properties(format),
307             None => format::Properties {
308                 linear_tiling: format::ImageFeature::empty(),
309                 optimal_tiling: format::ImageFeature::empty(),
310                 buffer_features: format::BufferFeature::empty(),
311             },
312         }
313     }
image_format_properties( &self, format: format::Format, dimensions: u8, tiling: image::Tiling, usage: image::Usage, view_caps: image::ViewCapabilities, ) -> Option<image::FormatProperties>315     fn image_format_properties(
316         &self,
317         format: format::Format,
318         dimensions: u8,
319         tiling: image::Tiling,
320         usage: image::Usage,
321         view_caps: image::ViewCapabilities,
322     ) -> Option<image::FormatProperties> {
323         if let image::Tiling::Linear = tiling {
324             let format_desc = format.surface_desc();
325             let host_usage = image::Usage::TRANSFER_SRC | image::Usage::TRANSFER_DST;
326             if dimensions != 2
327                 || !view_caps.is_empty()
328                 || !host_usage.contains(usage)
329                 || format_desc.aspects != format::Aspects::COLOR
330                 || format_desc.is_compressed()
331             {
332                 return None;
333             }
334         }
335         if dimensions == 1
336             && usage
337                 .intersects(image::Usage::COLOR_ATTACHMENT | image::Usage::DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT)
338         {
339             // MTLRenderPassDescriptor texture must not be MTLTextureType1D
340             return None;
341         }
342         if dimensions == 3 && view_caps.contains(image::ViewCapabilities::KIND_2D_ARRAY) {
343             // Can't create 2D/2DArray views of 3D textures
344             return None;
345         }
346         let max_dimension = if dimensions == 3 {
347             self.shared.private_caps.max_texture_3d_size as _
348         } else {
349             self.shared.private_caps.max_texture_size as _
350         };
352         let max_extent = image::Extent {
353             width: max_dimension,
354             height: if dimensions >= 2 { max_dimension } else { 1 },
355             depth: if dimensions >= 3 { max_dimension } else { 1 },
356         };
358         self.shared
359             .private_caps
360             .map_format(format)
361             .map(|_| image::FormatProperties {
362                 max_extent,
363                 max_levels: if dimensions == 1 { 1 } else { 12 },
364                 // 3D images enforce a single layer
365                 max_layers: if dimensions == 3 {
366                     1
367                 } else {
368                     self.shared.private_caps.max_texture_layers as _
369                 },
370                 sample_count_mask: self.shared.private_caps.sample_count_mask as _,
371                 //TODO: buffers and textures have separate limits
372                 // Max buffer size is determined by feature set
373                 // Max texture size does not appear to be documented publicly
374                 max_resource_size: self.shared.private_caps.max_buffer_size as _,
375             })
376     }
memory_properties(&self) -> adapter::MemoryProperties378     fn memory_properties(&self) -> adapter::MemoryProperties {
379         adapter::MemoryProperties {
380             memory_heaps: vec![
381                 adapter::MemoryHeap {
382                     size: !0, //TODO: private memory limits
383                     flags: memory::HeapFlags::DEVICE_LOCAL,
384                 },
385                 adapter::MemoryHeap {
386                     size: self.shared.private_caps.max_buffer_size,
387                     flags: memory::HeapFlags::empty(),
388                 },
389             ],
390             memory_types: self.memory_types.to_vec(),
391         }
392     }
features(&self) -> hal::Features394     fn features(&self) -> hal::Features {
395         use hal::Features as F;
396         let mut features = F::FULL_DRAW_INDEX_U32
397             | F::INDEPENDENT_BLENDING
399             | F::DEPTH_CLAMP
400             | F::SAMPLER_ANISOTROPY
401             | F::FORMAT_BC
402             | F::PRECISE_OCCLUSION_QUERY
404             | F::VERTEX_STORES_AND_ATOMICS
406             | F::INSTANCE_RATE
408             | F::SHADER_CLIP_DISTANCE
410             | F::NDC_Y_UP;
412         features.set(
413             F::IMAGE_CUBE_ARRAY,
414             self.shared.private_caps.texture_cube_array,
415         );
416         features.set(
417             F::DUAL_SRC_BLENDING,
418             self.shared.private_caps.dual_source_blending,
419         );
420         features.set(
421             F::NON_FILL_POLYGON_MODE,
422             self.shared.private_caps.expose_line_mode,
423         );
424         if self.shared.private_caps.msl_version >= MTLLanguageVersion::V2_0 {
425             features |= F::TEXTURE_DESCRIPTOR_ARRAY
429         }
430         features.set(
431             F::SAMPLER_BORDER_COLOR,
432             self.shared.private_caps.sampler_clamp_to_border,
433         );
434         features.set(
436             self.shared.private_caps.mutable_comparison_samplers,
437         );
439         //TODO: F::DEPTH_BOUNDS
441         features
442     }
properties(&self) -> hal::PhysicalDeviceProperties444     fn properties(&self) -> hal::PhysicalDeviceProperties {
445         let pc = &self.shared.private_caps;
446         let device = self.shared.device.lock();
448         let mut caveats = hal::PerformanceCaveats::empty();
449         if !self.shared.private_caps.base_vertex_instance_drawing {
450             caveats |= hal::PerformanceCaveats::BASE_VERTEX_INSTANCE_DRAWING;
451         }
452         hal::PhysicalDeviceProperties {
453             limits: hal::Limits {
454                 max_image_1d_size: pc.max_texture_size as _,
455                 max_image_2d_size: pc.max_texture_size as _,
456                 max_image_3d_size: pc.max_texture_3d_size as _,
457                 max_image_cube_size: pc.max_texture_size as _,
458                 max_image_array_layers: pc.max_texture_layers as _,
459                 max_texel_elements: (pc.max_texture_size * pc.max_texture_size) as usize,
460                 max_uniform_buffer_range: pc.max_buffer_size,
461                 max_storage_buffer_range: pc.max_buffer_size,
462                 // "Maximum length of an inlined constant data buffer, per graphics or compute function"
463                 max_push_constants_size: 0x1000,
464                 max_sampler_allocation_count: !0,
465                 max_bound_descriptor_sets: MAX_BOUND_DESCRIPTOR_SETS as _,
466                 descriptor_limits: hal::DescriptorLimits {
467                     max_per_stage_descriptor_samplers: pc.max_samplers_per_stage,
468                     max_per_stage_descriptor_uniform_buffers: pc.max_buffers_per_stage,
469                     max_per_stage_descriptor_storage_buffers: pc.max_buffers_per_stage,
470                     max_per_stage_descriptor_sampled_images: pc
471                         .max_textures_per_stage
472                         .min(pc.max_samplers_per_stage)
473                         as u32,
474                     max_per_stage_descriptor_storage_images: pc.max_textures_per_stage,
475                     max_per_stage_descriptor_input_attachments: pc.max_textures_per_stage, //TODO
476                     max_per_stage_resources: 0x100,                                        //TODO
477                     max_descriptor_set_samplers: pc.max_samplers_per_stage * SHADER_STAGE_COUNT,
478                     max_descriptor_set_uniform_buffers: pc.max_buffers_per_stage
479                         * SHADER_STAGE_COUNT,
480                     max_descriptor_set_uniform_buffers_dynamic: 8 * SHADER_STAGE_COUNT,
481                     max_descriptor_set_storage_buffers: pc.max_buffers_per_stage
482                         * SHADER_STAGE_COUNT,
483                     max_descriptor_set_storage_buffers_dynamic: 4 * SHADER_STAGE_COUNT,
484                     max_descriptor_set_sampled_images: pc
485                         .max_textures_per_stage
486                         .min(pc.max_samplers_per_stage)
487                         * SHADER_STAGE_COUNT,
488                     max_descriptor_set_storage_images: pc.max_textures_per_stage
489                         * SHADER_STAGE_COUNT,
490                     max_descriptor_set_input_attachments: pc.max_textures_per_stage
491                         * SHADER_STAGE_COUNT,
492                 },
493                 max_fragment_input_components: pc.max_fragment_input_components as usize,
494                 max_framebuffer_layers: 2048, // TODO: Determine is this is the correct value
495                 max_memory_allocation_count: 4096, // TODO: Determine is this is the correct value
497                 max_patch_size: 0, // No tessellation
499                 // Note: The maximum number of supported viewports and scissor rectangles varies by device.
500                 // TODO: read from Metal Feature Sets.
501                 max_viewports: 1,
502                 max_viewport_dimensions: [pc.max_texture_size as _; 2],
503                 max_framebuffer_extent: hal::image::Extent {
504                     //TODO
505                     width: pc.max_texture_size as _,
506                     height: pc.max_texture_size as _,
507                     depth: pc.max_texture_layers as _,
508                 },
509                 min_memory_map_alignment: 4,
511                 optimal_buffer_copy_offset_alignment: pc.buffer_alignment,
512                 optimal_buffer_copy_pitch_alignment: 4,
513                 min_texel_buffer_offset_alignment: pc.buffer_alignment,
514                 min_uniform_buffer_offset_alignment: pc.buffer_alignment,
515                 min_storage_buffer_offset_alignment: pc.buffer_alignment,
517                 max_compute_work_group_count: [!0; 3], // really undefined
518                 max_compute_work_group_size: {
519                     let size = device.max_threads_per_threadgroup();
520                     [size.width as u32, size.height as u32, size.depth as u32]
521                 },
522                 max_compute_shared_memory_size: pc.max_total_threadgroup_memory as usize,
524                 max_vertex_input_attributes: 31,
525                 max_vertex_input_bindings: 31,
526                 max_vertex_input_attribute_offset: 255, // TODO
527                 max_vertex_input_binding_stride: 256,   // TODO
528                 max_vertex_output_components: pc.max_fragment_input_components as usize,
530                 framebuffer_color_sample_counts: 0b101, // TODO
531                 framebuffer_depth_sample_counts: 0b101, // TODO
532                 framebuffer_stencil_sample_counts: 0b101, // TODO
533                 max_color_attachments: pc.max_color_render_targets as usize,
535                 buffer_image_granularity: 1,
536                 // Note: we issue Metal buffer-to-buffer copies on memory flush/invalidate,
537                 // and those need to operate on sizes being multiples of 4.
538                 non_coherent_atom_size: 4,
539                 max_sampler_anisotropy: 16.,
540                 min_vertex_input_binding_stride_alignment: STRIDE_GRANULARITY as u64,
542                 ..hal::Limits::default() // TODO!
543             },
544             downlevel: hal::DownlevelProperties::all_enabled(),
545             performance_caveats: caveats,
546             dynamic_pipeline_states: hal::DynamicStates::all(),
548             ..hal::PhysicalDeviceProperties::default()
549         }
550     }
551 }
553 pub struct LanguageVersion {
554     pub major: u8,
555     pub minor: u8,
556 }
558 impl LanguageVersion {
new(major: u8, minor: u8) -> Self559     pub fn new(major: u8, minor: u8) -> Self {
560         LanguageVersion { major, minor }
561     }
562 }
564 impl Device {
_is_heap_coherent(&self, heap: &n::MemoryHeap) -> bool565     fn _is_heap_coherent(&self, heap: &n::MemoryHeap) -> bool {
566         match *heap {
567             n::MemoryHeap::Private => false,
568             n::MemoryHeap::Public(memory_type, _) => self.memory_types[memory_type.0]
569                 .properties
570                 .contains(Properties::COHERENT),
571             n::MemoryHeap::Native(ref heap) => heap.storage_mode() == MTLStorageMode::Shared,
572         }
573     }
575     #[cfg(feature = "cross")]
compile_shader_library_cross( device: &Mutex<metal::Device>, raw_data: &[u32], compiler_options: &spirv_cross::msl::CompilerOptions, msl_version: MTLLanguageVersion, specialization: &pso::Specialization, stage: naga::ShaderStage, ) -> Result<n::ModuleInfo, String>576     fn compile_shader_library_cross(
577         device: &Mutex<metal::Device>,
578         raw_data: &[u32],
579         compiler_options: &spirv_cross::msl::CompilerOptions,
580         msl_version: MTLLanguageVersion,
581         specialization: &pso::Specialization,
582         stage: naga::ShaderStage,
583     ) -> Result<n::ModuleInfo, String> {
584         use spirv_cross::ErrorCode as Ec;
585         profiling::scope!("compile_shader_library_cross");
587         // now parse again using the new overrides
588         let mut ast = {
589             profiling::scope!("spvc::parse");
590             let module = spirv_cross::spirv::Module::from_words(raw_data);
591             spirv_cross::spirv::Ast::<spirv_cross::msl::Target>::parse(&module).map_err(|err| {
592                 match err {
593                     Ec::CompilationError(msg) => msg,
594                     Ec::Unhandled => "Unexpected parse error".into(),
595                 }
596             })?
597         };
599         auxil::spirv_cross_specialize_ast(&mut ast, specialization)?;
601         ast.set_compiler_options(compiler_options)
602             .map_err(|err| match err {
603                 Ec::CompilationError(msg) => msg,
604                 Ec::Unhandled => "Unexpected error".into(),
605             })?;
607         let entry_points = ast.get_entry_points().map_err(|err| match err {
608             Ec::CompilationError(msg) => msg,
609             Ec::Unhandled => "Unexpected entry point error".into(),
610         })?;
612         let shader_code = {
613             profiling::scope!("spvc::compile");
614             ast.compile().map_err(|err| match err {
615                 Ec::CompilationError(msg) => msg,
616                 Ec::Unhandled => "Unknown compile error".into(),
617             })?
618         };
620         let mut entry_point_map = n::EntryPointMap::default();
621         for entry_point in entry_points {
622             info!("Entry point {:?}", entry_point);
623             let cleansed = ast
624                 .get_cleansed_entry_point_name(&entry_point.name, entry_point.execution_model)
625                 .map_err(|err| match err {
626                     Ec::CompilationError(msg) => msg,
627                     Ec::Unhandled => "Unknown compile error".into(),
628                 })?;
629             entry_point_map.insert(
630                 (stage, entry_point.name),
631                 n::EntryPoint {
632                     //TODO: should we try to do better?
633                     internal_name: Ok(cleansed),
634                     work_group_size: [
635                         entry_point.work_group_size.x,
636                         entry_point.work_group_size.y,
637                         entry_point.work_group_size.z,
638                     ],
639                 },
640             );
641         }
643         let rasterization_enabled = ast
644             .is_rasterization_enabled()
645             .map_err(|_| "Unknown compile error".to_string())?;
647         // done
648         debug!("SPIRV-Cross generated shader:\n{}", shader_code);
649         let options = metal::CompileOptions::new();
650         options.set_language_version(msl_version);
652         let library = {
653             profiling::scope!("Metal::new_library_with_source");
654             device
655                 .lock()
656                 .new_library_with_source(shader_code.as_ref(), &options)
657                 .map_err(|err| err.to_string())?
658         };
660         Ok(n::ModuleInfo {
661             library,
662             entry_point_map,
663             rasterization_enabled,
664         })
665     }
compile_shader_library_naga( device: &Mutex<metal::Device>, shader: &d::NagaShader, naga_options: &naga::back::msl::Options, pipeline_options: &naga::back::msl::PipelineOptions, #[cfg(feature = "pipeline-cache")] spv_hash: u64, #[cfg(feature = "pipeline-cache")] spv_to_msl_cache: Option<&pipeline_cache::SpvToMsl>, ) -> Result<n::ModuleInfo, String>667     fn compile_shader_library_naga(
668         device: &Mutex<metal::Device>,
669         shader: &d::NagaShader,
670         naga_options: &naga::back::msl::Options,
671         pipeline_options: &naga::back::msl::PipelineOptions,
672         #[cfg(feature = "pipeline-cache")] spv_hash: u64,
673         #[cfg(feature = "pipeline-cache")] spv_to_msl_cache: Option<&pipeline_cache::SpvToMsl>,
674     ) -> Result<n::ModuleInfo, String> {
675         profiling::scope!("compile_shader_library_naga");
677         let get_module_info = || {
678             profiling::scope!("naga::msl::write_string");
680             let (source, info) = match naga::back::msl::write_string(
681                 &shader.module,
682                 &shader.info,
683                 naga_options,
684                 pipeline_options,
685             ) {
686                 Ok(pair) => pair,
687                 Err(e) => {
688                     warn!("Naga: {:?}", e);
689                     return Err(format!("MSL: {:?}", e));
690                 }
691             };
693             let mut entry_point_map = n::EntryPointMap::default();
694             for (ep, internal_name) in shader
695                 .module
696                 .entry_points
697                 .iter()
698                 .zip(info.entry_point_names)
699             {
700                 entry_point_map.insert(
701                     (ep.stage, ep.name.clone()),
702                     n::EntryPoint {
703                         internal_name,
704                         work_group_size: ep.workgroup_size,
705                     },
706                 );
707             }
709             debug!("Naga generated shader:\n{}", source);
711             Ok(n::SerializableModuleInfo {
712                 source,
713                 entry_point_map,
714                 rasterization_enabled: true, //TODO
715             })
716         };
718         #[cfg(feature = "pipeline-cache")]
719         let module_info = if let Some(spv_to_msl_cache) = spv_to_msl_cache {
720             let key = pipeline_cache::SpvToMslKey {
721                 options: naga_options.clone(),
722                 pipeline_options: pipeline_options.clone(),
723                 spv_hash,
724             };
726             spv_to_msl_cache
727                 .get_or_create_with(&key, || get_module_info().unwrap())
728                 .clone()
729         } else {
730             get_module_info()?
731         };
733         #[cfg(not(feature = "pipeline-cache"))]
734         let module_info = get_module_info()?;
736         let options = metal::CompileOptions::new();
737         let msl_version = match naga_options.lang_version {
738             (1, 0) => MTLLanguageVersion::V1_0,
739             (1, 1) => MTLLanguageVersion::V1_1,
740             (1, 2) => MTLLanguageVersion::V1_2,
741             (2, 0) => MTLLanguageVersion::V2_0,
742             (2, 1) => MTLLanguageVersion::V2_1,
743             (2, 2) => MTLLanguageVersion::V2_2,
744             (2, 3) => MTLLanguageVersion::V2_3,
745             other => panic!("Unexpected language version {:?}", other),
746         };
747         options.set_language_version(msl_version);
749         let library = {
750             profiling::scope!("Metal::new_library_with_source");
751             device
752                 .lock()
753                 .new_library_with_source(module_info.source.as_ref(), &options)
754                 .map_err(|err| {
755                     warn!("Naga generated shader:\n{}", module_info.source);
756                     warn!("Failed to compile: {}", err);
757                     format!("{:?}", err)
758                 })?
759         };
761         Ok(n::ModuleInfo {
762             library,
763             entry_point_map: module_info.entry_point_map,
764             rasterization_enabled: module_info.rasterization_enabled,
765         })
766     }
768     #[cfg_attr(not(feature = "pipeline-cache"), allow(unused_variables))]
load_shader( &self, ep: &pso::EntryPoint<Backend>, layout: &n::PipelineLayout, primitive_class: MTLPrimitiveTopologyClass, pipeline_cache: Option<&n::PipelineCache>, stage: naga::ShaderStage, ) -> Result<CompiledShader, pso::CreationError>769     fn load_shader(
770         &self,
771         ep: &pso::EntryPoint<Backend>,
772         layout: &n::PipelineLayout,
773         primitive_class: MTLPrimitiveTopologyClass,
774         pipeline_cache: Option<&n::PipelineCache>,
775         stage: naga::ShaderStage,
776     ) -> Result<CompiledShader, pso::CreationError> {
777         let _profiling_tag = match stage {
778             naga::ShaderStage::Vertex => "vertex",
779             naga::ShaderStage::Fragment => "fragment",
780             naga::ShaderStage::Compute => "compute",
781         };
782         profiling::scope!("load_shader", _profiling_tag);
784         let device = &self.shared.device;
786         #[cfg(feature = "cross")]
787         let mut compiler_options = layout.spirv_cross_options.clone();
788         #[cfg(feature = "cross")]
789         {
790             compiler_options.entry_point =
791                 Some((ep.entry.to_string(), conv::map_naga_stage_to_cross(stage)));
792             compiler_options.enable_point_size_builtin =
793                 primitive_class == MTLPrimitiveTopologyClass::Point;
794         }
795         let pipeline_options = naga::back::msl::PipelineOptions {
796             allow_point_size: match primitive_class {
797                 MTLPrimitiveTopologyClass::Point => true,
798                 _ => false,
799             },
800         };
802         let info = {
803             #[cfg_attr(not(feature = "cross"), allow(unused_mut))]
804             let mut result = match ep.module.naga {
805                 Ok(ref shader) => Self::compile_shader_library_naga(
806                     device,
807                     shader,
808                     &layout.naga_options,
809                     &pipeline_options,
810                     #[cfg(feature = "pipeline-cache")]
811                     ep.module.spv_hash,
812                     #[cfg(feature = "pipeline-cache")]
813                     pipeline_cache.as_ref().map(|cache| &cache.spv_to_msl),
814                 ),
815                 Err(ref e) => Err(e.clone()),
816             };
818             #[cfg(feature = "cross")]
819             if result.is_err() {
820                 result = Self::compile_shader_library_cross(
821                     device,
822                     &ep.module.spv,
823                     &compiler_options,
824                     self.shared.private_caps.msl_version,
825                     &ep.specialization,
826                     stage,
827                 );
828             }
829             result.map_err(|e| {
830                 let error = format!("Error compiling the shader {:?}", e);
831                 pso::CreationError::ShaderCreationError(stage.into(), error)
832             })?
833         };
835         // collect sizes indices
836         let mut sized_bindings = Vec::new();
837         if let Ok(ref shader) = ep.module.naga {
838             for (_handle, var) in shader.module.global_variables.iter() {
839                 if let naga::TypeInner::Struct { ref members, .. } =
840                     shader.module.types[var.ty].inner
841                 {
842                     if let Some(member) = members.last() {
843                         if let naga::TypeInner::Array {
844                             size: naga::ArraySize::Dynamic,
845                             ..
846                         } = shader.module.types[member.ty].inner
847                         {
848                             // Note: unwraps are fine, since the MSL is already generated
849                             let br = var.binding.clone().unwrap();
850                             sized_bindings.push(br);
851                         }
852                     }
853                 }
854             }
855         }
857         let lib = info.library.clone();
858         let entry_key = (stage, ep.entry.to_string());
859         //TODO: avoid heap-allocating the string?
860         let (name, wg_size) = match info.entry_point_map.get(&entry_key) {
861             Some(p) => (
862                 match p.internal_name {
863                     Ok(ref name) => name.as_str(),
864                     Err(ref e) => {
865                         return Err(pso::CreationError::ShaderCreationError(
866                             stage.into(),
867                             format!("{}", e),
868                         ))
869                     }
870                 },
871                 metal::MTLSize {
872                     width: p.work_group_size[0] as _,
873                     height: p.work_group_size[1] as _,
874                     depth: p.work_group_size[2] as _,
875                 },
876             ),
877             // this can only happen if the shader came directly from the user
878             None => (
879                 ep.entry,
880                 metal::MTLSize {
881                     width: 0,
882                     height: 0,
883                     depth: 0,
884                 },
885             ),
886         };
887         let mtl_function = get_final_function(
888             &lib,
889             name,
890             &ep.specialization,
891             self.shared.private_caps.function_specialization,
892         )
893         .map_err(|e| {
894             let error = format!("Invalid shader entry point '{}': {:?}", name, e);
895             pso::CreationError::ShaderCreationError(stage.into(), error)
896         })?;
898         Ok(CompiledShader {
899             library: lib,
900             function: mtl_function,
901             wg_size,
902             rasterizing: info.rasterization_enabled,
903             sized_bindings,
904         })
905     }
make_sampler_descriptor( &self, info: &image::SamplerDesc, ) -> Option<metal::SamplerDescriptor>907     fn make_sampler_descriptor(
908         &self,
909         info: &image::SamplerDesc,
910     ) -> Option<metal::SamplerDescriptor> {
911         let caps = &self.shared.private_caps;
912         let descriptor = metal::SamplerDescriptor::new();
914         descriptor.set_normalized_coordinates(info.normalized);
916         descriptor.set_min_filter(conv::map_filter(info.min_filter));
917         descriptor.set_mag_filter(conv::map_filter(info.mag_filter));
918         descriptor.set_mip_filter(match info.mip_filter {
919             // Note: this shouldn't be required, but Metal appears to be confused when mipmaps
920             // are provided even with trivial LOD bias.
921             image::Filter::Nearest if info.lod_range.end.0 < 0.5 => {
922                 MTLSamplerMipFilter::NotMipmapped
923             }
924             image::Filter::Nearest => MTLSamplerMipFilter::Nearest,
925             image::Filter::Linear => MTLSamplerMipFilter::Linear,
926         });
928         if let Some(aniso) = info.anisotropy_clamp {
929             descriptor.set_max_anisotropy(aniso as _);
930         }
932         let (s, t, r) = info.wrap_mode;
933         descriptor.set_address_mode_s(conv::map_wrap_mode(s));
934         descriptor.set_address_mode_t(conv::map_wrap_mode(t));
935         descriptor.set_address_mode_r(conv::map_wrap_mode(r));
937         let lod_bias = info.lod_bias.0;
938         if lod_bias != 0.0 {
939             if self.features.contains(hal::Features::SAMPLER_MIP_LOD_BIAS) {
940                 unsafe {
941                     descriptor.set_lod_bias(lod_bias);
942                 }
943             } else {
944                 error!("Lod bias {:?} is not supported", info.lod_bias);
945             }
946         }
947         descriptor.set_lod_min_clamp(info.lod_range.start.0);
948         descriptor.set_lod_max_clamp(info.lod_range.end.0);
950         // TODO: Clarify minimum macOS version with Apple (43707452)
951         if (caps.os_is_mac && caps.has_version_at_least(10, 13))
952             || (!caps.os_is_mac && caps.has_version_at_least(9, 0))
953         {
954             descriptor.set_lod_average(true); // optimization
955         }
957         if let Some(fun) = info.comparison {
958             if !caps.mutable_comparison_samplers {
959                 return None;
960             }
961             descriptor.set_compare_function(conv::map_compare_function(fun));
962         }
963         if [r, s, t].iter().any(|&am| am == image::WrapMode::Border) {
964             descriptor.set_border_color(conv::map_border_color(info.border));
965         }
967         if caps.argument_buffers {
968             descriptor.set_support_argument_buffers(true);
969         }
971         Some(descriptor)
972     }
973 }
975 impl hal::device::Device<Backend> for Device {
create_command_pool( &self, _family: QueueFamilyId, _flags: CommandPoolCreateFlags, ) -> Result<command::CommandPool, d::OutOfMemory>976     unsafe fn create_command_pool(
977         &self,
978         _family: QueueFamilyId,
979         _flags: CommandPoolCreateFlags,
980     ) -> Result<command::CommandPool, d::OutOfMemory> {
981         Ok(command::CommandPool::new(
982             &self.shared,
983             self.online_recording.clone(),
984         ))
985     }
destroy_command_pool(&self, mut pool: command::CommandPool)987     unsafe fn destroy_command_pool(&self, mut pool: command::CommandPool) {
988         use hal::pool::CommandPool as _;
989         pool.reset(false);
990     }
create_render_pass<'a, Ia, Is, Id>( &self, attachments: Ia, subpasses: Is, _dependencies: Id, ) -> Result<n::RenderPass, d::OutOfMemory> where Ia: Iterator<Item = pass::Attachment>, Is: Iterator<Item = pass::SubpassDesc<'a>>,992     unsafe fn create_render_pass<'a, Ia, Is, Id>(
993         &self,
994         attachments: Ia,
995         subpasses: Is,
996         _dependencies: Id,
997     ) -> Result<n::RenderPass, d::OutOfMemory>
998     where
999         Ia: Iterator<Item = pass::Attachment>,
1000         Is: Iterator<Item = pass::SubpassDesc<'a>>,
1001     {
1002         let attachments: Vec<pass::Attachment> = attachments.collect();
1004         let mut subpasses: Vec<n::Subpass> = subpasses
1005             .map(|sub| {
1006                 let mut colors: ArrayVec<[_; MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS]> = sub
1007                     .colors
1008                     .iter()
1009                     .map(|&(id, _)| {
1010                         let hal_format = attachments[id].format.expect("No format!");
1011                         n::AttachmentInfo {
1012                             id,
1013                             resolve_id: None,
1014                             ops: n::AttachmentOps::empty(),
1015                             format: self
1016                                 .shared
1017                                 .private_caps
1018                                 .map_format(hal_format)
1019                                 .expect("Unable to map color format!"),
1020                             channel: Channel::from(hal_format.base_format().1),
1021                         }
1022                     })
1023                     .collect();
1024                 for (color, &(resolve_id, _)) in colors.iter_mut().zip(sub.resolves.iter()) {
1025                     if resolve_id != pass::ATTACHMENT_UNUSED {
1026                         color.resolve_id = Some(resolve_id);
1027                     }
1028                 }
1029                 let depth_stencil = sub.depth_stencil.map(|&(id, _)| {
1030                     let hal_format = attachments[id].format.expect("No format!");
1031                     n::AttachmentInfo {
1032                         id,
1033                         resolve_id: None,
1034                         ops: n::AttachmentOps::empty(),
1035                         format: self
1036                             .shared
1037                             .private_caps
1038                             .map_format(hal_format)
1039                             .expect("Unable to map depth-stencil format!"),
1040                         channel: Channel::Float,
1041                     }
1042                 });
1044                 let samples = colors
1045                     .iter()
1046                     .chain(depth_stencil.as_ref())
1047                     .map(|at_info| attachments[at_info.id].samples)
1048                     .max()
1049                     .unwrap_or(1);
1051                 n::Subpass {
1052                     attachments: n::SubpassData {
1053                         colors,
1054                         depth_stencil,
1055                     },
1056                     inputs: sub.inputs.iter().map(|&(id, _)| id).collect(),
1057                     samples,
1058                 }
1059             })
1060             .collect();
1062         // sprinkle load operations
1063         // an attachment receives LOAD flag on a subpass if it's the first sub-pass that uses it
1064         let mut use_mask = 0u64;
1065         for sub in subpasses.iter_mut() {
1066             for at in sub.attachments.colors.iter_mut() {
1067                 if use_mask & 1 << at.id == 0 {
1068                     at.ops |= n::AttachmentOps::LOAD;
1069                     use_mask ^= 1 << at.id;
1070                 }
1071             }
1072             if let Some(ref mut at) = sub.attachments.depth_stencil {
1073                 if use_mask & 1 << at.id == 0 {
1074                     at.ops |= n::AttachmentOps::LOAD;
1075                     use_mask ^= 1 << at.id;
1076                 }
1077             }
1078         }
1079         // sprinkle store operations
1080         // an attachment receives STORE flag on a subpass if it's the last sub-pass that uses it
1081         for sub in subpasses.iter_mut().rev() {
1082             for at in sub.attachments.colors.iter_mut() {
1083                 if use_mask & 1 << at.id != 0 {
1084                     at.ops |= n::AttachmentOps::STORE;
1085                     use_mask ^= 1 << at.id;
1086                 }
1087             }
1088             if let Some(ref mut at) = sub.attachments.depth_stencil {
1089                 if use_mask & 1 << at.id != 0 {
1090                     at.ops |= n::AttachmentOps::STORE;
1091                     use_mask ^= 1 << at.id;
1092                 }
1093             }
1094         }
1096         Ok(n::RenderPass {
1097             attachments,
1098             subpasses,
1099             name: String::new(),
1100         })
1101     }
create_pipeline_layout<'a, Is, Ic>( &self, set_layouts: Is, push_constant_ranges: Ic, ) -> Result<n::PipelineLayout, d::OutOfMemory> where Is: Iterator<Item = &'a n::DescriptorSetLayout>, Ic: Iterator<Item = (pso::ShaderStageFlags, Range<u32>)>,1103     unsafe fn create_pipeline_layout<'a, Is, Ic>(
1104         &self,
1105         set_layouts: Is,
1106         push_constant_ranges: Ic,
1107     ) -> Result<n::PipelineLayout, d::OutOfMemory>
1108     where
1109         Is: Iterator<Item = &'a n::DescriptorSetLayout>,
1110         Ic: Iterator<Item = (pso::ShaderStageFlags, Range<u32>)>,
1111     {
1112         #[derive(Debug)]
1113         struct StageInfo {
1114             stage: naga::ShaderStage,
1115             counters: n::ResourceData<ResourceIndex>,
1116             push_constant_buffer: Option<ResourceIndex>,
1117             sizes_buffer: Option<ResourceIndex>,
1118             sizes_count: u8,
1119         }
1120         let mut stage_infos = [
1121             StageInfo {
1122                 stage: naga::ShaderStage::Vertex,
1123                 counters: n::ResourceData::new(),
1124                 push_constant_buffer: None,
1125                 sizes_buffer: None,
1126                 sizes_count: 0,
1127             },
1128             StageInfo {
1129                 stage: naga::ShaderStage::Fragment,
1130                 counters: n::ResourceData::new(),
1131                 push_constant_buffer: None,
1132                 sizes_buffer: None,
1133                 sizes_count: 0,
1134             },
1135             StageInfo {
1136                 stage: naga::ShaderStage::Compute,
1137                 counters: n::ResourceData::new(),
1138                 push_constant_buffer: None,
1139                 sizes_buffer: None,
1140                 sizes_count: 0,
1141             },
1142         ];
1143         let mut binding_map = BTreeMap::default();
1144         let mut argument_buffer_bindings = FastHashMap::default();
1145         let mut inline_samplers = Vec::new();
1146         #[cfg(feature = "cross")]
1147         let mut cross_const_samplers = BTreeMap::new();
1148         let mut infos = Vec::new();
1150         // First, place the push constants
1151         let mut pc_limits = [0u32; 3];
1152         for (flags, range) in push_constant_ranges {
1153             for (limit, info) in pc_limits.iter_mut().zip(&stage_infos) {
1154                 if flags.contains(info.stage.into()) {
1155                     debug_assert_eq!(range.end % 4, 0);
1156                     *limit = (range.end / 4).max(*limit);
1157                 }
1158             }
1159         }
1161         const LIMIT_MASK: u32 = 3;
1162         // round up the limits alignment to 4, so that it matches MTL compiler logic
1163         //TODO: figure out what and how exactly does the alignment. Clearly, it's not
1164         // straightforward, given that value of 2 stays non-aligned.
1165         for limit in &mut pc_limits {
1166             if *limit > LIMIT_MASK {
1167                 *limit = (*limit + LIMIT_MASK) & !LIMIT_MASK;
1168             }
1169         }
1171         for (limit, info) in pc_limits.iter().zip(stage_infos.iter_mut()) {
1172             // handle the push constant buffer assignment and shader overrides
1173             if *limit != 0 {
1174                 info.push_constant_buffer = Some(info.counters.buffers);
1175                 info.counters.buffers += 1;
1176             }
1177         }
1179         // Second, place the descripted resources
1180         for (set_index, set_layout) in set_layouts.enumerate() {
1181             // remember where the resources for this set start at each shader stage
1182             let mut dynamic_buffers = Vec::new();
1183             let mut sized_buffer_bindings = Vec::new();
1184             let offsets = n::MultiStageResourceCounters {
1185                 vs: stage_infos[0].counters.clone(),
1186                 ps: stage_infos[1].counters.clone(),
1187                 cs: stage_infos[2].counters.clone(),
1188             };
1190             match *set_layout {
1191                 n::DescriptorSetLayout::Emulated {
1192                     layouts: ref desc_layouts,
1193                     ref immutable_samplers,
1194                     ..
1195                 } => {
1196                     #[cfg(feature = "cross")]
1197                     for (&binding, immutable_sampler) in immutable_samplers.iter() {
1198                         //TODO: array support?
1199                         cross_const_samplers.insert(
1200                             spirv_cross::msl::SamplerLocation {
1201                                 desc_set: set_index as u32,
1202                                 binding,
1203                             },
1204                             immutable_sampler.cross_data.clone(),
1205                         );
1206                     }
1207                     for layout in desc_layouts.iter() {
1208                         if layout.content.contains(n::DescriptorContent::SIZED_BUFFER) {
1209                             sized_buffer_bindings.push((layout.binding, layout.stages));
1210                             if layout.stages.contains(pso::ShaderStageFlags::VERTEX) {
1211                                 stage_infos[0].sizes_count += 1;
1212                             }
1213                             if layout.stages.contains(pso::ShaderStageFlags::FRAGMENT) {
1214                                 stage_infos[1].sizes_count += 1;
1215                             }
1216                             if layout.stages.contains(pso::ShaderStageFlags::COMPUTE) {
1217                                 stage_infos[2].sizes_count += 1;
1218                             }
1219                         }
1221                         if layout
1222                             .content
1223                             .contains(n::DescriptorContent::DYNAMIC_BUFFER)
1224                         {
1225                             dynamic_buffers.alloc().init(n::MultiStageData {
1226                                 vs: if layout.stages.contains(pso::ShaderStageFlags::VERTEX) {
1227                                     stage_infos[0].counters.buffers
1228                                 } else {
1229                                     !0
1230                                 },
1231                                 ps: if layout.stages.contains(pso::ShaderStageFlags::FRAGMENT) {
1232                                     stage_infos[1].counters.buffers
1233                                 } else {
1234                                     !0
1235                                 },
1236                                 cs: if layout.stages.contains(pso::ShaderStageFlags::COMPUTE) {
1237                                     stage_infos[2].counters.buffers
1238                                 } else {
1239                                     !0
1240                                 },
1241                             });
1242                         }
1244                         for info in stage_infos.iter_mut() {
1245                             if !layout.stages.contains(info.stage.into()) {
1246                                 continue;
1247                             }
1248                             let target = naga::back::msl::BindTarget {
1249                                 buffer: if layout.content.contains(n::DescriptorContent::BUFFER) {
1250                                     Some(info.counters.buffers as _)
1251                                 } else {
1252                                     None
1253                                 },
1254                                 texture: if layout.content.contains(n::DescriptorContent::TEXTURE) {
1255                                     Some(info.counters.textures as _)
1256                                 } else {
1257                                     None
1258                                 },
1259                                 sampler: if layout
1260                                     .content
1261                                     .contains(n::DescriptorContent::IMMUTABLE_SAMPLER)
1262                                 {
1263                                     let immutable_sampler = &immutable_samplers[&layout.binding];
1264                                     let handle = inline_samplers.len()
1265                                         as naga::back::msl::InlineSamplerIndex;
1266                                     inline_samplers.push(immutable_sampler.data.clone());
1267                                     Some(naga::back::msl::BindSamplerTarget::Inline(handle))
1268                                 } else if layout.content.contains(n::DescriptorContent::SAMPLER) {
1269                                     Some(naga::back::msl::BindSamplerTarget::Resource(
1270                                         info.counters.samplers as _,
1271                                     ))
1272                                 } else {
1273                                     None
1274                                 },
1275                                 mutable: layout.content.contains(n::DescriptorContent::WRITABLE),
1276                             };
1277                             info.counters.add(layout.content);
1278                             if layout.array_index == 0 {
1279                                 let source = naga::back::msl::BindSource {
1280                                     stage: info.stage,
1281                                     group: set_index as _,
1282                                     binding: layout.binding,
1283                                 };
1284                                 binding_map.insert(source, target);
1285                             }
1286                         }
1287                     }
1288                 }
1289                 n::DescriptorSetLayout::ArgumentBuffer {
1290                     bindings: _,
1291                     stage_flags,
1292                     ..
1293                 } => {
1294                     for info in stage_infos.iter_mut() {
1295                         if !stage_flags.contains(info.stage.into()) {
1296                             continue;
1297                         }
1298                         //TODO: mark `bindings` as belonging to the argument buffer
1299                         argument_buffer_bindings
1300                             .insert((info.stage, set_index as u32), info.counters.buffers);
1301                         info.counters.buffers += 1;
1302                     }
1303                 }
1304             }
1306             infos.alloc().init(n::DescriptorSetInfo {
1307                 offsets,
1308                 dynamic_buffers,
1309                 sized_buffer_bindings,
1310             });
1311         }
1313         // Finally, make sure we fit the limits
1314         for info in stage_infos.iter_mut() {
1315             // handle the sizes buffer assignment and shader overrides
1316             if info.sizes_count != 0 {
1317                 info.sizes_buffer = Some(info.counters.buffers);
1318                 info.counters.buffers += 1;
1319             }
1320             if info.counters.buffers > self.shared.private_caps.max_buffers_per_stage
1321                 || info.counters.textures > self.shared.private_caps.max_textures_per_stage
1322                 || info.counters.samplers > self.shared.private_caps.max_samplers_per_stage
1323             {
1324                 log::error!("Resource limit exceeded: {:?}", info);
1325                 return Err(d::OutOfMemory::Host);
1326             }
1327         }
1329         #[cfg(feature = "cross")]
1330         let spirv_cross_options = {
1331             use spirv_cross::msl;
1332             const PUSH_CONSTANTS_DESC_SET: u32 = !0;
1333             const PUSH_CONSTANTS_DESC_BINDING: u32 = 0;
1335             let mut compiler_options = msl::CompilerOptions::default();
1336             compiler_options.version = match self.shared.private_caps.msl_version {
1337                 MTLLanguageVersion::V1_0 => msl::Version::V1_0,
1338                 MTLLanguageVersion::V1_1 => msl::Version::V1_1,
1339                 MTLLanguageVersion::V1_2 => msl::Version::V1_2,
1340                 MTLLanguageVersion::V2_0 => msl::Version::V2_0,
1341                 MTLLanguageVersion::V2_1 => msl::Version::V2_1,
1342                 MTLLanguageVersion::V2_2 => msl::Version::V2_2,
1343                 MTLLanguageVersion::V2_3 => msl::Version::V2_3,
1344             };
1345             compiler_options.enable_point_size_builtin = false;
1346             compiler_options.vertex.invert_y = !self.features.contains(hal::Features::NDC_Y_UP);
1347             // populate resource overrides
1348             for (source, target) in binding_map.iter() {
1349                 compiler_options.resource_binding_overrides.insert(
1350                     msl::ResourceBindingLocation {
1351                         stage: conv::map_naga_stage_to_cross(source.stage),
1352                         desc_set: source.group,
1353                         binding: source.binding,
1354                     },
1355                     msl::ResourceBinding {
1356                         buffer_id: target.buffer.map_or(!0, |id| id as u32),
1357                         texture_id: target.texture.map_or(!0, |id| id as u32),
1358                         sampler_id: match target.sampler {
1359                             Some(naga::back::msl::BindSamplerTarget::Resource(id)) => id as u32,
1360                             _ => !0,
1361                         },
1362                         count: 0,
1363                     },
1364                 );
1365             }
1366             // argument buffers
1367             for ((stage, desc_set), buffer_id) in argument_buffer_bindings {
1368                 compiler_options.resource_binding_overrides.insert(
1369                     msl::ResourceBindingLocation {
1370                         stage: conv::map_naga_stage_to_cross(stage),
1371                         desc_set,
1372                         binding: msl::ARGUMENT_BUFFER_BINDING,
1373                     },
1374                     msl::ResourceBinding {
1375                         buffer_id,
1376                         texture_id: !0,
1377                         sampler_id: !0,
1378                         count: 0,
1379                     },
1380                 );
1381                 //TODO: assign argument buffer locations
1382             }
1383             // push constants
1384             for info in stage_infos.iter() {
1385                 let buffer_id = match info.push_constant_buffer {
1386                     Some(id) => id,
1387                     None => continue,
1388                 };
1389                 compiler_options.resource_binding_overrides.insert(
1390                     msl::ResourceBindingLocation {
1391                         stage: conv::map_naga_stage_to_cross(info.stage),
1392                         desc_set: PUSH_CONSTANTS_DESC_SET,
1393                         binding: PUSH_CONSTANTS_DESC_BINDING,
1394                     },
1395                     msl::ResourceBinding {
1396                         buffer_id,
1397                         texture_id: !0,
1398                         sampler_id: !0,
1399                         count: 0,
1400                     },
1401                 );
1402             }
1403             // other properties
1404             compiler_options.const_samplers = cross_const_samplers;
1405             compiler_options.enable_argument_buffers = self.shared.private_caps.argument_buffers;
1406             compiler_options.force_zero_initialized_variables = true;
1407             compiler_options.force_native_arrays = true;
1409             let mut compiler_options_point = compiler_options.clone();
1410             compiler_options_point.enable_point_size_builtin = true;
1411             compiler_options
1412         };
1414         let naga_options = naga::back::msl::Options {
1415             lang_version: match self.shared.private_caps.msl_version {
1416                 MTLLanguageVersion::V1_0 => (1, 0),
1417                 MTLLanguageVersion::V1_1 => (1, 1),
1418                 MTLLanguageVersion::V1_2 => (1, 2),
1419                 MTLLanguageVersion::V2_0 => (2, 0),
1420                 MTLLanguageVersion::V2_1 => (2, 1),
1421                 MTLLanguageVersion::V2_2 => (2, 2),
1422                 MTLLanguageVersion::V2_3 => (2, 3),
1423             },
1424             binding_map,
1425             inline_samplers,
1426             spirv_cross_compatibility: cfg!(feature = "cross"),
1427             fake_missing_bindings: false,
1428             per_stage_map: naga::back::msl::PerStageMap {
1429                 vs: naga::back::msl::PerStageResources {
1430                     push_constant_buffer: stage_infos[0]
1431                         .push_constant_buffer
1432                         .map(|buffer_index| buffer_index as naga::back::msl::Slot),
1433                     sizes_buffer: stage_infos[0]
1434                         .sizes_buffer
1435                         .map(|buffer_index| buffer_index as naga::back::msl::Slot),
1436                 },
1437                 fs: naga::back::msl::PerStageResources {
1438                     push_constant_buffer: stage_infos[1]
1439                         .push_constant_buffer
1440                         .map(|buffer_index| buffer_index as naga::back::msl::Slot),
1441                     sizes_buffer: stage_infos[1]
1442                         .sizes_buffer
1443                         .map(|buffer_index| buffer_index as naga::back::msl::Slot),
1444                 },
1445                 cs: naga::back::msl::PerStageResources {
1446                     push_constant_buffer: stage_infos[2]
1447                         .push_constant_buffer
1448                         .map(|buffer_index| buffer_index as naga::back::msl::Slot),
1449                     sizes_buffer: stage_infos[2]
1450                         .sizes_buffer
1451                         .map(|buffer_index| buffer_index as naga::back::msl::Slot),
1452                 },
1453             },
1454         };
1456         Ok(n::PipelineLayout {
1457             #[cfg(feature = "cross")]
1458             spirv_cross_options,
1459             naga_options,
1460             infos,
1461             total: n::MultiStageResourceCounters {
1462                 vs: stage_infos[0].counters.clone(),
1463                 ps: stage_infos[1].counters.clone(),
1464                 cs: stage_infos[2].counters.clone(),
1465             },
1466             push_constants: n::MultiStageData {
1467                 vs: stage_infos[0]
1468                     .push_constant_buffer
1469                     .map(|buffer_index| n::PushConstantInfo {
1470                         count: pc_limits[0],
1471                         buffer_index,
1472                     }),
1473                 ps: stage_infos[1]
1474                     .push_constant_buffer
1475                     .map(|buffer_index| n::PushConstantInfo {
1476                         count: pc_limits[1],
1477                         buffer_index,
1478                     }),
1479                 cs: stage_infos[2]
1480                     .push_constant_buffer
1481                     .map(|buffer_index| n::PushConstantInfo {
1482                         count: pc_limits[2],
1483                         buffer_index,
1484                     }),
1485             },
1486             total_push_constants: pc_limits[0].max(pc_limits[1]).max(pc_limits[2]),
1487         })
1488     }
1490     #[cfg(not(feature = "pipeline-cache"))]
create_pipeline_cache( &self, _data: Option<&[u8]>, ) -> Result<n::PipelineCache, d::OutOfMemory>1491     unsafe fn create_pipeline_cache(
1492         &self,
1493         _data: Option<&[u8]>,
1494     ) -> Result<n::PipelineCache, d::OutOfMemory> {
1495         Ok(())
1496     }
1498     #[cfg(feature = "pipeline-cache")]
create_pipeline_cache( &self, data: Option<&[u8]>, ) -> Result<n::PipelineCache, d::OutOfMemory>1499     unsafe fn create_pipeline_cache(
1500         &self,
1501         data: Option<&[u8]>,
1502     ) -> Result<n::PipelineCache, d::OutOfMemory> {
1503         let device = self.shared.device.lock();
1505         let create_binary_archive = |data: &[u8]| {
1506             if self.shared.private_caps.supports_binary_archives {
1507                 let descriptor = metal::BinaryArchiveDescriptor::new();
1509                 // We need to keep the temp file alive so that it doesn't get deleted until after a
1510                 // binary archive has been created.
1511                 let _temp_file = if !data.is_empty() {
1512                     // It would be nice to use a `data:text/plain;base64` url here and just pass in a
1513                     // base64-encoded version of the data, but metal validation doesn't like that:
1514                     // -[MTLDebugDevice newBinaryArchiveWithDescriptor:error:]:1046: failed assertion `url, if not nil, must be a file URL.'
1516                     let temp_file = tempfile::NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
1517                     temp_file.as_file().write_all(&data).unwrap();
1519                     let url = metal::URL::new_with_string(&format!(
1520                         "file://{}",
1521                         temp_file.path().display()
1522                     ));
1523                     descriptor.set_url(&url);
1525                     Some(temp_file)
1526                 } else {
1527                     None
1528                 };
1530                 Ok(Some(pipeline_cache::BinaryArchive {
1531                     inner: device
1532                         .new_binary_archive_with_descriptor(&descriptor)
1533                         .map_err(|_| d::OutOfMemory::Device)?,
1534                     is_empty: AtomicBool::new(data.is_empty()),
1535                 }))
1536             } else {
1537                 Ok(None)
1538             }
1539         };
1541         if let Some(data) = data.filter(|data| !data.is_empty()) {
1542             let pipeline_cache: pipeline_cache::SerializablePipelineCache =
1543                 bincode::deserialize(data).unwrap();
1545             Ok(n::PipelineCache {
1546                 binary_archive: create_binary_archive(&pipeline_cache.binary_archive)?,
1547                 spv_to_msl: pipeline_cache::load_spv_to_msl_cache(pipeline_cache.spv_to_msl),
1548             })
1549         } else {
1550             Ok(n::PipelineCache {
1551                 binary_archive: create_binary_archive(&[])?,
1552                 spv_to_msl: Default::default(),
1553             })
1554         }
1555     }
1557     #[cfg(not(feature = "pipeline-cache"))]
get_pipeline_cache_data( &self, _cache: &n::PipelineCache, ) -> Result<Vec<u8>, d::OutOfMemory>1558     unsafe fn get_pipeline_cache_data(
1559         &self,
1560         _cache: &n::PipelineCache,
1561     ) -> Result<Vec<u8>, d::OutOfMemory> {
1562         Ok(Vec::new())
1563     }
1565     #[cfg(feature = "pipeline-cache")]
get_pipeline_cache_data( &self, cache: &n::PipelineCache, ) -> Result<Vec<u8>, d::OutOfMemory>1566     unsafe fn get_pipeline_cache_data(
1567         &self,
1568         cache: &n::PipelineCache,
1569     ) -> Result<Vec<u8>, d::OutOfMemory> {
1570         let binary_archive = || {
1571             let binary_archive = match cache.binary_archive {
1572                 Some(ref binary_archive) => binary_archive,
1573                 None => return Ok(Vec::new()),
1574             };
1576             // Without this, we get an extremely vague "Serialization of binaries to file failed"
1577             // error when serializing an empty binary archive.
1578             if binary_archive.is_empty.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
1579                 return Ok(Vec::new());
1580             }
1582             let temp_path = tempfile::NamedTempFile::new().unwrap().into_temp_path();
1583             let tmp_file_url =
1584                 metal::URL::new_with_string(&format!("file://{}", temp_path.display()));
1586             binary_archive
1587                 .inner
1588                 .serialize_to_url(&tmp_file_url)
1589                 .unwrap();
1591             let bytes = std::fs::read(&temp_path).unwrap();
1592             Ok(bytes)
1593         };
1595         Ok(
1596             bincode::serialize(&pipeline_cache::SerializablePipelineCache {
1597                 binary_archive: &binary_archive()?,
1598                 spv_to_msl: pipeline_cache::serialize_spv_to_msl_cache(&cache.spv_to_msl),
1599             })
1600             .unwrap(),
1601         )
1602     }
destroy_pipeline_cache(&self, _cache: n::PipelineCache)1604     unsafe fn destroy_pipeline_cache(&self, _cache: n::PipelineCache) {
1605         //drop
1606     }
merge_pipeline_caches<'a, I>( &self, _target: &mut n::PipelineCache, _sources: I, ) -> Result<(), d::OutOfMemory> where I: Iterator<Item = &'a n::PipelineCache>,1608     unsafe fn merge_pipeline_caches<'a, I>(
1609         &self,
1610         _target: &mut n::PipelineCache,
1611         _sources: I,
1612     ) -> Result<(), d::OutOfMemory>
1613     where
1614         I: Iterator<Item = &'a n::PipelineCache>,
1615     {
1616         warn!("`merge_pipeline_caches` is not currently implemented on the Metal backend.");
1617         Ok(())
1618     }
create_graphics_pipeline<'a>( &self, pipeline_desc: &pso::GraphicsPipelineDesc<'a, Backend>, cache: Option<&n::PipelineCache>, ) -> Result<n::GraphicsPipeline, pso::CreationError>1620     unsafe fn create_graphics_pipeline<'a>(
1621         &self,
1622         pipeline_desc: &pso::GraphicsPipelineDesc<'a, Backend>,
1623         cache: Option<&n::PipelineCache>,
1624     ) -> Result<n::GraphicsPipeline, pso::CreationError> {
1625         profiling::scope!("create_graphics_pipeline");
1626         trace!("create_graphics_pipeline {:#?}", pipeline_desc);
1628         let pipeline = metal::RenderPipelineDescriptor::new();
1629         let pipeline_layout = &pipeline_desc.layout;
1630         let (rp_attachments, subpass) = {
1631             let pass::Subpass { main_pass, index } = pipeline_desc.subpass;
1632             (&main_pass.attachments, &main_pass.subpasses[index as usize])
1633         };
1635         let (desc_vertex_buffers, attributes, input_assembler, vs_ep) =
1636             match pipeline_desc.primitive_assembler {
1637                 pso::PrimitiveAssemblerDesc::Vertex {
1638                     tessellation: Some(_),
1639                     ..
1640                 } => {
1641                     error!("Tessellation is not supported");
1642                     return Err(pso::CreationError::UnsupportedPipeline);
1643                 }
1644                 pso::PrimitiveAssemblerDesc::Vertex {
1645                     geometry: Some(_), ..
1646                 } => {
1647                     error!("Geometry shader is not supported");
1648                     return Err(pso::CreationError::UnsupportedPipeline);
1649                 }
1650                 pso::PrimitiveAssemblerDesc::Mesh { .. } => {
1651                     error!("Mesh shader is not supported");
1652                     return Err(pso::CreationError::UnsupportedPipeline);
1653                 }
1654                 pso::PrimitiveAssemblerDesc::Vertex {
1655                     buffers,
1656                     attributes,
1657                     ref input_assembler,
1658                     ref vertex,
1659                     tessellation: _,
1660                     geometry: _,
1661                 } => (buffers, attributes, input_assembler, vertex),
1662             };
1664         let (primitive_class, primitive_type) = match input_assembler.primitive {
1665             pso::Primitive::PointList => {
1666                 (MTLPrimitiveTopologyClass::Point, MTLPrimitiveType::Point)
1667             }
1668             pso::Primitive::LineList => (MTLPrimitiveTopologyClass::Line, MTLPrimitiveType::Line),
1669             pso::Primitive::LineStrip => {
1670                 (MTLPrimitiveTopologyClass::Line, MTLPrimitiveType::LineStrip)
1671             }
1672             pso::Primitive::TriangleList => (
1673                 MTLPrimitiveTopologyClass::Triangle,
1674                 MTLPrimitiveType::Triangle,
1675             ),
1676             pso::Primitive::TriangleStrip => (
1677                 MTLPrimitiveTopologyClass::Triangle,
1678                 MTLPrimitiveType::TriangleStrip,
1679             ),
1680             pso::Primitive::PatchList(_) => (
1681                 MTLPrimitiveTopologyClass::Unspecified,
1682                 MTLPrimitiveType::Point,
1683             ),
1684         };
1685         if self.shared.private_caps.layered_rendering {
1686             pipeline.set_input_primitive_topology(primitive_class);
1687         }
1689         // Vertex shader
1690         let vs = self.load_shader(
1691             vs_ep,
1692             pipeline_layout,
1693             primitive_class,
1694             cache,
1695             naga::ShaderStage::Vertex,
1696         )?;
1698         pipeline.set_vertex_function(Some(&vs.function));
1700         // Fragment shader
1701         let fs = match pipeline_desc.fragment {
1702             Some(ref ep) => Some(self.load_shader(
1703                 ep,
1704                 pipeline_layout,
1705                 primitive_class,
1706                 cache,
1707                 naga::ShaderStage::Fragment,
1708             )?),
1709             None => {
1710                 // TODO: This is a workaround for what appears to be a Metal validation bug
1711                 // A pixel format is required even though no attachments are provided
1712                 if subpass.attachments.colors.is_empty()
1713                     && subpass.attachments.depth_stencil.is_none()
1714                 {
1715                     pipeline.set_depth_attachment_pixel_format(metal::MTLPixelFormat::Depth32Float);
1716                 }
1717                 None
1718             }
1719         };
1721         if let Some(ref compiled) = fs {
1722             pipeline.set_fragment_function(Some(&compiled.function));
1723         }
1724         pipeline.set_rasterization_enabled(vs.rasterizing);
1726         // Assign target formats
1727         let blend_targets = pipeline_desc
1728             .blender
1729             .targets
1730             .iter()
1731             .chain(iter::repeat(&pso::ColorBlendDesc::EMPTY));
1732         for (i, (at, color_desc)) in subpass
1733             .attachments
1734             .colors
1735             .iter()
1736             .zip(blend_targets)
1737             .enumerate()
1738         {
1739             let desc = pipeline
1740                 .color_attachments()
1741                 .object_at(i as u64)
1742                 .expect("too many color attachments");
1744             desc.set_pixel_format(at.format);
1745             desc.set_write_mask(conv::map_write_mask(color_desc.mask));
1747             if let Some(ref blend) = color_desc.blend {
1748                 desc.set_blending_enabled(true);
1749                 let (color_op, color_src, color_dst) = conv::map_blend_op(blend.color);
1750                 let (alpha_op, alpha_src, alpha_dst) = conv::map_blend_op(blend.alpha);
1752                 desc.set_rgb_blend_operation(color_op);
1753                 desc.set_source_rgb_blend_factor(color_src);
1754                 desc.set_destination_rgb_blend_factor(color_dst);
1756                 desc.set_alpha_blend_operation(alpha_op);
1757                 desc.set_source_alpha_blend_factor(alpha_src);
1758                 desc.set_destination_alpha_blend_factor(alpha_dst);
1759             }
1760         }
1761         if let Some(ref at) = subpass.attachments.depth_stencil {
1762             let orig_format = rp_attachments[at.id].format.unwrap();
1763             if orig_format.is_depth() {
1764                 pipeline.set_depth_attachment_pixel_format(at.format);
1765             }
1766             if orig_format.is_stencil() {
1767                 pipeline.set_stencil_attachment_pixel_format(at.format);
1768             }
1769         }
1771         // Vertex buffers
1772         let vertex_descriptor = metal::VertexDescriptor::new();
1773         let mut vertex_buffers: n::VertexBufferVec = Vec::new();
1774         trace!("Vertex attribute remapping started");
1776         for &pso::AttributeDesc {
1777             location,
1778             binding,
1779             element,
1780         } in attributes
1781         {
1782             let original = desc_vertex_buffers
1783                 .iter()
1784                 .find(|vb| vb.binding == binding)
1785                 .expect("no associated vertex buffer found");
1786             // handle wrapping offsets
1787             let elem_size = element.format.surface_desc().bits as pso::ElemOffset / 8;
1788             let (cut_offset, base_offset) =
1789                 if original.stride == 0 || element.offset + elem_size <= original.stride {
1790                     (element.offset, 0)
1791                 } else {
1792                     let remainder = element.offset % original.stride;
1793                     if remainder + elem_size <= original.stride {
1794                         (remainder, element.offset - remainder)
1795                     } else {
1796                         (0, element.offset)
1797                     }
1798                 };
1799             let relative_index = vertex_buffers
1800                 .iter()
1801                 .position(|(ref vb, offset)| vb.binding == binding && base_offset == *offset)
1802                 .unwrap_or_else(|| {
1803                     vertex_buffers.alloc().init((original.clone(), base_offset));
1804                     vertex_buffers.len() - 1
1805                 });
1806             let mtl_buffer_index = self.shared.private_caps.max_buffers_per_stage
1807                 - 1
1808                 - (relative_index as ResourceIndex);
1809             if mtl_buffer_index < pipeline_layout.total.vs.buffers {
1810                 error!("Attribute offset {} exceeds the stride {}, and there is no room for replacement.",
1811                     element.offset, original.stride);
1812                 return Err(pso::CreationError::Other);
1813             }
1814             trace!("\tAttribute[{}] is mapped to vertex buffer[{}] with binding {} and offsets {} + {}",
1815                 location, binding, mtl_buffer_index, base_offset, cut_offset);
1816             // pass the refined data to Metal
1817             let mtl_attribute_desc = vertex_descriptor
1818                 .attributes()
1819                 .object_at(location as u64)
1820                 .expect("too many vertex attributes");
1821             let mtl_vertex_format =
1822                 conv::map_vertex_format(element.format).expect("unsupported vertex format");
1823             mtl_attribute_desc.set_format(mtl_vertex_format);
1824             mtl_attribute_desc.set_buffer_index(mtl_buffer_index as _);
1825             mtl_attribute_desc.set_offset(cut_offset as _);
1826         }
1828         for (i, (vb, _)) in vertex_buffers.iter().enumerate() {
1829             let mtl_buffer_desc = vertex_descriptor
1830                 .layouts()
1831                 .object_at(self.shared.private_caps.max_buffers_per_stage as u64 - 1 - i as u64)
1832                 .expect("too many vertex descriptor layouts");
1833             if vb.stride % STRIDE_GRANULARITY != 0 {
1834                 error!(
1835                     "Stride ({}) must be a multiple of {}",
1836                     vb.stride, STRIDE_GRANULARITY
1837                 );
1838                 return Err(pso::CreationError::Other);
1839             }
1840             if vb.stride != 0 {
1841                 mtl_buffer_desc.set_stride(vb.stride as u64);
1842                 match vb.rate {
1843                     VertexInputRate::Vertex => {
1844                         mtl_buffer_desc.set_step_function(MTLVertexStepFunction::PerVertex);
1845                     }
1846                     VertexInputRate::Instance(divisor) => {
1847                         mtl_buffer_desc.set_step_function(MTLVertexStepFunction::PerInstance);
1848                         mtl_buffer_desc.set_step_rate(divisor as u64);
1849                     }
1850                 }
1851             } else {
1852                 mtl_buffer_desc.set_stride(256); // big enough to fit all the elements
1853                 mtl_buffer_desc.set_step_function(MTLVertexStepFunction::PerInstance);
1854                 mtl_buffer_desc.set_step_rate(!0);
1855             }
1856         }
1857         if !vertex_buffers.is_empty() {
1858             pipeline.set_vertex_descriptor(Some(&vertex_descriptor));
1859         }
1861         if let pso::State::Static(w) = pipeline_desc.rasterizer.line_width {
1862             if w != 1.0 {
1863                 warn!("Unsupported line width: {:?}", w);
1864             }
1865         }
1867         let rasterizer_state = Some(n::RasterizerState {
1868             front_winding: conv::map_winding(pipeline_desc.rasterizer.front_face),
1869             fill_mode: conv::map_polygon_mode(pipeline_desc.rasterizer.polygon_mode),
1870             cull_mode: match conv::map_cull_face(pipeline_desc.rasterizer.cull_face) {
1871                 Some(mode) => mode,
1872                 None => {
1873                     //TODO - Metal validation fails with
1874                     // RasterizationEnabled is false but the vertex shader's return type is not void
1875                     error!("Culling both sides is not yet supported");
1876                     //pipeline.set_rasterization_enabled(false);
1877                     metal::MTLCullMode::None
1878                 }
1879             },
1880             depth_clip: if self.shared.private_caps.depth_clip_mode {
1881                 Some(if pipeline_desc.rasterizer.depth_clamping {
1882                     metal::MTLDepthClipMode::Clamp
1883                 } else {
1884                     metal::MTLDepthClipMode::Clip
1885                 })
1886             } else {
1887                 None
1888             },
1889         });
1890         let depth_bias = pipeline_desc
1891             .rasterizer
1892             .depth_bias
1893             .unwrap_or(pso::State::Static(pso::DepthBias::default()));
1895         // prepare the depth-stencil state now
1896         let device = self.shared.device.lock();
1897         self.shared
1898             .service_pipes
1899             .depth_stencil_states
1900             .prepare(&pipeline_desc.depth_stencil, &*device);
1902         let samples = if let Some(multisampling) = &pipeline_desc.multisampling {
1903             pipeline.set_sample_count(multisampling.rasterization_samples as u64);
1904             pipeline.set_alpha_to_coverage_enabled(multisampling.alpha_coverage);
1905             pipeline.set_alpha_to_one_enabled(multisampling.alpha_to_one);
1906             // TODO: sample_mask
1907             // TODO: sample_shading
1908             multisampling.rasterization_samples
1909         } else {
1910             1
1911         };
1913         if let Some(name) = pipeline_desc.label {
1914             pipeline.set_label(name);
1915         }
1917         profiling::scope!("Metal::new_render_pipeline_state");
1919         #[cfg(feature = "pipeline-cache")]
1920         if let Some(binary_archive) = pipeline_cache::pipeline_cache_to_binary_archive(cache) {
1921             pipeline.set_binary_archives(&[&binary_archive.inner]);
1922         }
1924         let (fs_lib, ps_sized_bindings) = match fs {
1925             Some(compiled) => (Some(compiled.library), compiled.sized_bindings),
1926             None => (None, Vec::new()),
1927         };
1929         let pipeline_state = device
1930             // Replace this with `new_render_pipeline_state_with_fail_on_binary_archive_miss`
1931             // to debug that the cache is actually working.
1932             .new_render_pipeline_state(&pipeline)
1933             .map(|raw| n::GraphicsPipeline {
1934                 vs_lib: vs.library,
1935                 fs_lib,
1936                 raw,
1937                 primitive_type,
1938                 vs_info: n::PipelineStageInfo {
1939                     push_constants: pipeline_desc.layout.push_constants.vs,
1940                     sizes_slot: pipeline_desc
1941                         .layout
1942                         .naga_options
1943                         .per_stage_map
1944                         .vs
1945                         .sizes_buffer,
1946                     sized_bindings: vs.sized_bindings,
1947                 },
1948                 ps_info: n::PipelineStageInfo {
1949                     push_constants: pipeline_desc.layout.push_constants.ps,
1950                     sizes_slot: pipeline_desc
1951                         .layout
1952                         .naga_options
1953                         .per_stage_map
1954                         .fs
1955                         .sizes_buffer,
1956                     sized_bindings: ps_sized_bindings,
1957                 },
1958                 rasterizer_state,
1959                 depth_bias,
1960                 depth_stencil_desc: pipeline_desc.depth_stencil.clone(),
1961                 baked_states: pipeline_desc.baked_states.clone(),
1962                 vertex_buffers,
1963                 attachment_formats: subpass.attachments.map(|at| (at.format, at.channel)),
1964                 samples,
1965             })
1966             .map_err(|err| {
1967                 error!("PSO creation failed: {}", err);
1968                 pso::CreationError::Other
1969             })?;
1971         // We need to add the pipline descriptor to the binary archive after creating the
1972         // pipeline, otherwise `new_render_pipeline_state_with_fail_on_binary_archive_miss`
1973         // succeeds when it shouldn't.
1974         #[cfg(feature = "pipeline-cache")]
1975         if let Some(binary_archive) = pipeline_cache::pipeline_cache_to_binary_archive(cache) {
1976             binary_archive
1977                 .inner
1978                 .add_render_pipeline_functions_with_descriptor(&pipeline)
1979                 .unwrap();
1980             binary_archive.is_empty.store(false, Ordering::Relaxed);
1981         }
1983         Ok(pipeline_state)
1984     }
create_compute_pipeline<'a>( &self, pipeline_desc: &pso::ComputePipelineDesc<'a, Backend>, cache: Option<&n::PipelineCache>, ) -> Result<n::ComputePipeline, pso::CreationError>1986     unsafe fn create_compute_pipeline<'a>(
1987         &self,
1988         pipeline_desc: &pso::ComputePipelineDesc<'a, Backend>,
1989         cache: Option<&n::PipelineCache>,
1990     ) -> Result<n::ComputePipeline, pso::CreationError> {
1991         profiling::scope!("create_compute_pipeline");
1992         trace!("create_compute_pipeline {:?}", pipeline_desc);
1993         let pipeline = metal::ComputePipelineDescriptor::new();
1995         let cs = self.load_shader(
1996             &pipeline_desc.shader,
1997             &pipeline_desc.layout,
1998             MTLPrimitiveTopologyClass::Unspecified,
1999             cache,
2000             naga::ShaderStage::Compute,
2001         )?;
2002         pipeline.set_compute_function(Some(&cs.function));
2003         if let Some(name) = pipeline_desc.label {
2004             pipeline.set_label(name);
2005         }
2007         profiling::scope!("Metal::new_compute_pipeline_state");
2009         #[cfg(feature = "pipeline-cache")]
2010         if let Some(binary_archive) = pipeline_cache::pipeline_cache_to_binary_archive(cache) {
2011             pipeline.set_binary_archives(&[&binary_archive.inner]);
2012         }
2014         let pipeline_state = self
2015             .shared
2016             .device
2017             .lock()
2018             .new_compute_pipeline_state(&pipeline)
2019             .map(|raw| n::ComputePipeline {
2020                 cs_lib: cs.library,
2021                 raw,
2022                 work_group_size: cs.wg_size,
2023                 info: n::PipelineStageInfo {
2024                     push_constants: pipeline_desc.layout.push_constants.cs,
2025                     sizes_slot: pipeline_desc
2026                         .layout
2027                         .naga_options
2028                         .per_stage_map
2029                         .cs
2030                         .sizes_buffer,
2031                     sized_bindings: cs.sized_bindings,
2032                 },
2033             })
2034             .map_err(|err| {
2035                 error!("PSO creation failed: {}", err);
2036                 pso::CreationError::Other
2037             })?;
2039         // We need to add the pipline descriptor to the binary archive after creating the
2040         // pipeline, see `create_graphics_pipeline`.
2041         #[cfg(feature = "pipeline-cache")]
2042         if let Some(binary_archive) = pipeline_cache::pipeline_cache_to_binary_archive(cache) {
2043             binary_archive
2044                 .inner
2045                 .add_compute_pipeline_functions_with_descriptor(&pipeline)
2046                 .unwrap();
2047             binary_archive.is_empty.store(false, Ordering::Relaxed)
2048         }
2050         Ok(pipeline_state)
2051     }
create_framebuffer<I>( &self, _render_pass: &n::RenderPass, _attachments: I, extent: image::Extent, ) -> Result<n::Framebuffer, d::OutOfMemory>2053     unsafe fn create_framebuffer<I>(
2054         &self,
2055         _render_pass: &n::RenderPass,
2056         _attachments: I,
2057         extent: image::Extent,
2058     ) -> Result<n::Framebuffer, d::OutOfMemory> {
2059         Ok(n::Framebuffer { extent })
2060     }
create_shader_module( &self, raw_data: &[u32], ) -> Result<n::ShaderModule, d::ShaderError>2062     unsafe fn create_shader_module(
2063         &self,
2064         raw_data: &[u32],
2065     ) -> Result<n::ShaderModule, d::ShaderError> {
2066         profiling::scope!("create_shader_module");
2067         Ok(n::ShaderModule {
2068             #[cfg(feature = "cross")]
2069             spv: raw_data.to_vec(),
2070             #[cfg(feature = "pipeline-cache")]
2071             spv_hash: fxhash::hash64(raw_data),
2072             naga: if cfg!(feature = "cross") {
2073                 Err("Cross is enabled".into())
2074             } else {
2075                 let options = naga::front::spv::Options {
2076                     adjust_coordinate_space: !self.features.contains(hal::Features::NDC_Y_UP),
2077                     strict_capabilities: true,
2078                     flow_graph_dump_prefix: None,
2079                 };
2080                 let parse_result = {
2081                     profiling::scope!("naga::spv::parse");
2082                     let parser = naga::front::spv::Parser::new(raw_data.iter().cloned(), &options);
2083                     parser.parse()
2084                 };
2085                 match parse_result {
2086                     Ok(module) => {
2087                         debug!("Naga module {:#?}", module);
2088                         match naga::valid::Validator::new(
2089                             naga::valid::ValidationFlags::empty(),
2090                             naga::valid::Capabilities::PUSH_CONSTANT,
2091                         )
2092                         .validate(&module)
2093                         {
2094                             Ok(info) => Ok(d::NagaShader { module, info }),
2095                             Err(e) => Err(format!("Naga validation: {}", e)),
2096                         }
2097                     }
2098                     Err(e) => Err(format!("Naga parsing: {:?}", e)),
2099                 }
2100             },
2101         })
2102     }
create_shader_module_from_naga( &self, shader: d::NagaShader, ) -> Result<n::ShaderModule, (d::ShaderError, d::NagaShader)>2104     unsafe fn create_shader_module_from_naga(
2105         &self,
2106         shader: d::NagaShader,
2107     ) -> Result<n::ShaderModule, (d::ShaderError, d::NagaShader)> {
2108         profiling::scope!("create_shader_module_from_naga");
2110         #[cfg(any(feature = "pipeline-cache", feature = "cross"))]
2111         let spv = match naga::back::spv::write_vec(&shader.module, &shader.info, &self.spv_options)
2112         {
2113             Ok(spv) => spv,
2114             Err(e) => return Err((d::ShaderError::CompilationFailed(format!("{}", e)), shader)),
2115         };
2117         Ok(n::ShaderModule {
2118             #[cfg(feature = "pipeline-cache")]
2119             spv_hash: fxhash::hash64(&spv),
2120             #[cfg(feature = "cross")]
2121             spv,
2122             naga: Ok(shader),
2123         })
2124     }
create_sampler( &self, info: &image::SamplerDesc, ) -> Result<n::Sampler, d::AllocationError>2126     unsafe fn create_sampler(
2127         &self,
2128         info: &image::SamplerDesc,
2129     ) -> Result<n::Sampler, d::AllocationError> {
2130         Ok(n::Sampler {
2131             raw: match self.make_sampler_descriptor(info) {
2132                 Some(ref descriptor) => Some(self.shared.device.lock().new_sampler(descriptor)),
2133                 None => None,
2134             },
2135             data: conv::map_sampler_data_to_naga(info),
2136             #[cfg(feature = "cross")]
2137             cross_data: conv::map_sampler_data_to_cross(info),
2138         })
2139     }
destroy_sampler(&self, _sampler: n::Sampler)2141     unsafe fn destroy_sampler(&self, _sampler: n::Sampler) {}
map_memory( &self, memory: &mut n::Memory, segment: memory::Segment, ) -> Result<*mut u8, d::MapError>2143     unsafe fn map_memory(
2144         &self,
2145         memory: &mut n::Memory,
2146         segment: memory::Segment,
2147     ) -> Result<*mut u8, d::MapError> {
2148         let range = memory.resolve(&segment);
2149         debug!("map_memory of size {} at {:?}", memory.size, range);
2151         let base_ptr = match memory.heap {
2152             n::MemoryHeap::Public(_, ref cpu_buffer) => cpu_buffer.contents() as *mut u8,
2153             n::MemoryHeap::Native(_) | n::MemoryHeap::Private => panic!("Unable to map memory!"),
2154         };
2155         Ok(base_ptr.offset(range.start as _))
2156     }
unmap_memory(&self, memory: &mut n::Memory)2158     unsafe fn unmap_memory(&self, memory: &mut n::Memory) {
2159         debug!("unmap_memory of size {}", memory.size);
2160     }
flush_mapped_memory_ranges<'a, I>(&self, iter: I) -> Result<(), d::OutOfMemory> where I: Iterator<Item = (&'a n::Memory, memory::Segment)>,2162     unsafe fn flush_mapped_memory_ranges<'a, I>(&self, iter: I) -> Result<(), d::OutOfMemory>
2163     where
2164         I: Iterator<Item = (&'a n::Memory, memory::Segment)>,
2165     {
2166         debug!("flush_mapped_memory_ranges");
2167         for (memory, ref segment) in iter {
2168             let range = memory.resolve(segment);
2169             debug!("\trange {:?}", range);
2171             match memory.heap {
2172                 n::MemoryHeap::Native(_) => unimplemented!(),
2173                 n::MemoryHeap::Public(mt, ref cpu_buffer)
2174                     if 1 << mt.0 != MemoryTypes::SHARED.bits() as usize =>
2175                 {
2176                     cpu_buffer.did_modify_range(NSRange {
2177                         location: range.start as _,
2178                         length: (range.end - range.start) as _,
2179                     });
2180                 }
2181                 n::MemoryHeap::Public(..) => continue,
2182                 n::MemoryHeap::Private => panic!("Can't map private memory!"),
2183             };
2184         }
2186         Ok(())
2187     }
invalidate_mapped_memory_ranges<'a, I>(&self, iter: I) -> Result<(), d::OutOfMemory> where I: Iterator<Item = (&'a n::Memory, memory::Segment)>,2189     unsafe fn invalidate_mapped_memory_ranges<'a, I>(&self, iter: I) -> Result<(), d::OutOfMemory>
2190     where
2191         I: Iterator<Item = (&'a n::Memory, memory::Segment)>,
2192     {
2193         let mut num_syncs = 0;
2194         debug!("invalidate_mapped_memory_ranges");
2196         // temporary command buffer to copy the contents from
2197         // the given buffers into the allocated CPU-visible buffers
2198         // Note: using a separate internal queue in order to avoid a stall
2199         let cmd_buffer = self.invalidation_queue.spawn_temp();
2200         autoreleasepool(|| {
2201             let encoder = cmd_buffer.new_blit_command_encoder();
2203             for (memory, ref segment) in iter {
2204                 let range = memory.resolve(segment);
2205                 debug!("\trange {:?}", range);
2207                 match memory.heap {
2208                     n::MemoryHeap::Native(_) => unimplemented!(),
2209                     n::MemoryHeap::Public(mt, ref cpu_buffer)
2210                         if 1 << mt.0 != MemoryTypes::SHARED.bits() as usize =>
2211                     {
2212                         num_syncs += 1;
2213                         encoder.synchronize_resource(cpu_buffer);
2214                     }
2215                     n::MemoryHeap::Public(..) => continue,
2216                     n::MemoryHeap::Private => panic!("Can't map private memory!"),
2217                 };
2218             }
2219             encoder.end_encoding();
2220         });
2222         if num_syncs != 0 {
2223             debug!("\twaiting...");
2224             cmd_buffer.set_label("invalidate_mapped_memory_ranges");
2225             cmd_buffer.commit();
2226             cmd_buffer.wait_until_completed();
2227         }
2229         Ok(())
2230     }
create_semaphore(&self) -> Result<n::Semaphore, d::OutOfMemory>2232     fn create_semaphore(&self) -> Result<n::Semaphore, d::OutOfMemory> {
2233         Ok(n::Semaphore {
2234             // Semaphore synchronization between command buffers of the same queue
2235             // is useless, don't bother even creating one.
2236             system: if self.shared.private_caps.exposed_queues > 1 {
2237                 Some(n::SystemSemaphore::new())
2238             } else {
2239                 None
2240             },
2241         })
2242     }
create_descriptor_pool<I>( &self, max_sets: usize, descriptor_ranges: I, _flags: pso::DescriptorPoolCreateFlags, ) -> Result<n::DescriptorPool, d::OutOfMemory> where I: Iterator<Item = pso::DescriptorRangeDesc>,2244     unsafe fn create_descriptor_pool<I>(
2245         &self,
2246         max_sets: usize,
2247         descriptor_ranges: I,
2248         _flags: pso::DescriptorPoolCreateFlags,
2249     ) -> Result<n::DescriptorPool, d::OutOfMemory>
2250     where
2251         I: Iterator<Item = pso::DescriptorRangeDesc>,
2252     {
2253         if self.shared.private_caps.argument_buffers {
2254             let mut arguments = n::ArgumentArray::default();
2255             for dr in descriptor_ranges {
2256                 let content = n::DescriptorContent::from(dr.ty);
2257                 let usage = n::ArgumentArray::describe_usage(dr.ty);
2258                 if content.contains(n::DescriptorContent::BUFFER) {
2259                     arguments.push(metal::MTLDataType::Pointer, dr.count, usage);
2260                 }
2261                 if content.contains(n::DescriptorContent::TEXTURE) {
2262                     arguments.push(metal::MTLDataType::Texture, dr.count, usage);
2263                 }
2264                 if content.contains(n::DescriptorContent::SAMPLER) {
2265                     arguments.push(metal::MTLDataType::Sampler, dr.count, usage);
2266                 }
2267             }
2269             let device = self.shared.device.lock();
2270             let (array_ref, total_resources) = arguments.build();
2271             let encoder = device.new_argument_encoder(array_ref);
2273             let alignment = self.shared.private_caps.buffer_alignment;
2274             let total_size = encoder.encoded_length() + (max_sets as u64) * alignment;
2275             let raw = device.new_buffer(total_size, MTLResourceOptions::empty());
2277             Ok(n::DescriptorPool::new_argument(
2278                 raw,
2279                 total_size,
2280                 alignment,
2281                 total_resources,
2282             ))
2283         } else {
2284             let mut counters = n::ResourceData::<n::PoolResourceIndex>::new();
2285             for dr in descriptor_ranges {
2286                 counters.add_many(
2287                     n::DescriptorContent::from(dr.ty),
2288                     dr.count as pso::DescriptorBinding,
2289                 );
2290             }
2291             Ok(n::DescriptorPool::new_emulated(counters))
2292         }
2293     }
create_descriptor_set_layout<'a, I, J>( &self, binding_iter: I, immutable_samplers: J, ) -> Result<n::DescriptorSetLayout, d::OutOfMemory> where I: Iterator<Item = pso::DescriptorSetLayoutBinding>, J: Iterator<Item = &'a n::Sampler>,2295     unsafe fn create_descriptor_set_layout<'a, I, J>(
2296         &self,
2297         binding_iter: I,
2298         immutable_samplers: J,
2299     ) -> Result<n::DescriptorSetLayout, d::OutOfMemory>
2300     where
2301         I: Iterator<Item = pso::DescriptorSetLayoutBinding>,
2302         J: Iterator<Item = &'a n::Sampler>,
2303     {
2304         if self.shared.private_caps.argument_buffers {
2305             let mut stage_flags = pso::ShaderStageFlags::empty();
2306             let mut arguments = n::ArgumentArray::default();
2307             let mut bindings = FastHashMap::default();
2308             for desc in binding_iter {
2309                 //TODO: have the API providing the dimensions and MSAA flag
2310                 // for textures in an argument buffer
2311                 match desc.ty {
2312                     pso::DescriptorType::Buffer {
2313                         format:
2314                             pso::BufferDescriptorFormat::Structured {
2315                                 dynamic_offset: true,
2316                             },
2317                         ..
2318                     } => {
2319                         //TODO: apply the offsets somehow at the binding time
2320                         error!("Dynamic offsets are not yet supported in argument buffers!");
2321                     }
2322                     pso::DescriptorType::Image {
2323                         ty: pso::ImageDescriptorType::Storage { .. },
2324                     }
2325                     | pso::DescriptorType::Buffer {
2326                         ty: pso::BufferDescriptorType::Storage { .. },
2327                         format: pso::BufferDescriptorFormat::Texel,
2328                     } => {
2329                         //TODO: bind storage buffers and images separately
2330                         error!("Storage images are not yet supported in argument buffers!");
2331                     }
2332                     _ => {}
2333                 }
2335                 stage_flags |= desc.stage_flags;
2336                 let content = n::DescriptorContent::from(desc.ty);
2337                 let usage = n::ArgumentArray::describe_usage(desc.ty);
2338                 let bind_target = naga::back::msl::BindTarget {
2339                     buffer: if content.contains(n::DescriptorContent::BUFFER) {
2340                         Some(
2341                             arguments.push(metal::MTLDataType::Pointer, desc.count, usage)
2342                                 as naga::back::msl::Slot,
2343                         )
2344                     } else {
2345                         None
2346                     },
2347                     texture: if content.contains(n::DescriptorContent::TEXTURE) {
2348                         Some(
2349                             arguments.push(metal::MTLDataType::Texture, desc.count, usage)
2350                                 as naga::back::msl::Slot,
2351                         )
2352                     } else {
2353                         None
2354                     },
2355                     sampler: if content.contains(n::DescriptorContent::SAMPLER) {
2356                         let slot = arguments.push(metal::MTLDataType::Sampler, desc.count, usage);
2357                         Some(naga::back::msl::BindSamplerTarget::Resource(
2358                             slot as naga::back::msl::Slot,
2359                         ))
2360                     } else {
2361                         None
2362                     },
2363                     mutable: content.contains(n::DescriptorContent::WRITABLE),
2364                 };
2365                 let res_offset = bind_target
2366                     .buffer
2367                     .or(bind_target.texture)
2368                     .or(bind_target.sampler.as_ref().and_then(|bst| match *bst {
2369                         naga::back::msl::BindSamplerTarget::Resource(slot) => Some(slot),
2370                         naga::back::msl::BindSamplerTarget::Inline(_) => None,
2371                     }))
2372                     .unwrap() as u32;
2373                 bindings.insert(
2374                     desc.binding,
2375                     n::ArgumentLayout {
2376                         bind_target,
2377                         res_offset,
2378                         count: desc.count,
2379                         usage,
2380                         content,
2381                     },
2382                 );
2383             }
2385             let (array_ref, arg_total) = arguments.build();
2386             let encoder = self.shared.device.lock().new_argument_encoder(array_ref);
2388             Ok(n::DescriptorSetLayout::ArgumentBuffer {
2389                 encoder,
2390                 stage_flags,
2391                 bindings: Arc::new(bindings),
2392                 total: arg_total as n::PoolResourceIndex,
2393             })
2394         } else {
2395             struct TempSampler {
2396                 data: n::ImmutableSampler,
2397                 binding: pso::DescriptorBinding,
2398                 array_index: pso::DescriptorArrayIndex,
2399             }
2400             let mut immutable_sampler_iter = immutable_samplers;
2401             let mut tmp_samplers = Vec::new();
2402             let mut desc_layouts = Vec::new();
2403             let mut total = n::ResourceData::new();
2405             for slb in binding_iter {
2406                 let mut content = n::DescriptorContent::from(slb.ty);
2407                 total.add_many(content, slb.count as _);
2409                 #[cfg_attr(not(feature = "cross"), allow(unused_variables))]
2410                 if slb.immutable_samplers {
2411                     tmp_samplers.extend(
2412                         immutable_sampler_iter
2413                             .by_ref()
2414                             .take(slb.count)
2415                             .enumerate()
2416                             .map(|(array_index, sm)| TempSampler {
2417                                 data: n::ImmutableSampler {
2418                                     data: sm.data.clone(),
2419                                     #[cfg(feature = "cross")]
2420                                     cross_data: sm.cross_data.clone(),
2421                                 },
2422                                 binding: slb.binding,
2423                                 array_index,
2424                             }),
2425                     );
2426                     content |= n::DescriptorContent::IMMUTABLE_SAMPLER;
2427                 }
2429                 desc_layouts.extend((0..slb.count).map(|array_index| n::DescriptorLayout {
2430                     content,
2431                     stages: slb.stage_flags,
2432                     binding: slb.binding,
2433                     array_index,
2434                 }));
2435             }
2437             desc_layouts.sort_by_key(|dl| (dl.binding, dl.array_index));
2438             tmp_samplers.sort_by_key(|ts| (ts.binding, ts.array_index));
2439             // From here on, we assume that `desc_layouts` has at most a single item for
2440             // a (binding, array_index) pair. To achieve that, we deduplicate the array now
2441             desc_layouts.dedup_by(|a, b| {
2442                 if (a.binding, a.array_index) == (b.binding, b.array_index) {
2443                     debug_assert!(!b.stages.intersects(a.stages));
2444                     debug_assert_eq!(a.content, b.content); //TODO: double check if this can be demanded
2445                     b.stages |= a.stages; //`b` is here to stay
2446                     true
2447                 } else {
2448                     false
2449                 }
2450             });
2452             Ok(n::DescriptorSetLayout::Emulated {
2453                 layouts: Arc::new(desc_layouts),
2454                 total,
2455                 immutable_samplers: tmp_samplers
2456                     .into_iter()
2457                     .map(|ts| (ts.binding, ts.data))
2458                     .collect(),
2459             })
2460         }
2461     }
write_descriptor_set<'a, I>(&self, op: pso::DescriptorSetWrite<'a, Backend, I>) where I: Iterator<Item = pso::Descriptor<'a, Backend>>,2463     unsafe fn write_descriptor_set<'a, I>(&self, op: pso::DescriptorSetWrite<'a, Backend, I>)
2464     where
2465         I: Iterator<Item = pso::Descriptor<'a, Backend>>,
2466     {
2467         debug!("write_descriptor_set");
2468         match *op.set {
2469             n::DescriptorSet::Emulated {
2470                 ref pool,
2471                 ref layouts,
2472                 ref resources,
2473             } => {
2474                 let mut counters = resources.map(|r| r.start);
2475                 let mut start = None; //TODO: can pre-compute this
2476                 for (i, layout) in layouts.iter().enumerate() {
2477                     if layout.binding == op.binding && layout.array_index == op.array_offset {
2478                         start = Some(i);
2479                         break;
2480                     }
2481                     counters.add(layout.content);
2482                 }
2483                 let mut data = pool.write();
2485                 for (layout, descriptor) in layouts[start.unwrap()..].iter().zip(op.descriptors) {
2486                     trace!("\t{:?}", layout);
2487                     match descriptor {
2488                         pso::Descriptor::Sampler(sam) => {
2489                             debug_assert!(!layout
2490                                 .content
2491                                 .contains(n::DescriptorContent::IMMUTABLE_SAMPLER));
2492                             data.samplers[counters.samplers as usize] = (
2493                                 layout.stages,
2494                                 Some(AsNative::from(sam.raw.as_ref().unwrap().as_ref())),
2495                             );
2496                         }
2497                         pso::Descriptor::Image(view, il) => {
2498                             data.textures[counters.textures as usize] = (
2499                                 layout.stages,
2500                                 Some(AsNative::from(view.texture.as_ref())),
2501                                 il,
2502                             );
2503                         }
2504                         pso::Descriptor::CombinedImageSampler(view, il, sam) => {
2505                             if !layout
2506                                 .content
2507                                 .contains(n::DescriptorContent::IMMUTABLE_SAMPLER)
2508                             {
2509                                 data.samplers[counters.samplers as usize] = (
2510                                     layout.stages,
2511                                     Some(AsNative::from(sam.raw.as_ref().unwrap().as_ref())),
2512                                 );
2513                             }
2514                             data.textures[counters.textures as usize] = (
2515                                 layout.stages,
2516                                 Some(AsNative::from(view.texture.as_ref())),
2517                                 il,
2518                             );
2519                         }
2520                         pso::Descriptor::TexelBuffer(view) => {
2521                             data.textures[counters.textures as usize] = (
2522                                 layout.stages,
2523                                 Some(AsNative::from(view.raw.as_ref())),
2524                                 image::Layout::General,
2525                             );
2526                         }
2527                         pso::Descriptor::Buffer(buf, ref sub) => {
2528                             let (raw, range) = buf.as_bound();
2529                             debug_assert!(
2530                                 range.start + sub.offset + sub.size.unwrap_or(0) <= range.end
2531                             );
2532                             let raw_binding_size = match sub.size {
2533                                 Some(size) => size,
2534                                 None => range.end - range.start - sub.offset,
2535                             };
2536                             data.buffers[counters.buffers as usize] = (
2537                                 layout.stages,
2538                                 Some(AsNative::from(raw)),
2539                                 range.start + sub.offset,
2540                                 layout.binding,
2541                                 if layout.content.contains(n::DescriptorContent::SIZED_BUFFER) {
2542                                     raw_binding_size.min(u32::MAX as buffer::Offset - 1) as u32
2543                                 } else {
2544                                     !0
2545                                 },
2546                             );
2547                         }
2548                     }
2549                     counters.add(layout.content);
2550                 }
2551             }
2552             n::DescriptorSet::ArgumentBuffer {
2553                 ref raw,
2554                 raw_offset,
2555                 ref pool,
2556                 ref range,
2557                 ref encoder,
2558                 ref bindings,
2559                 ..
2560             } => {
2561                 debug_assert!(self.shared.private_caps.argument_buffers);
2563                 encoder.set_argument_buffer(raw, raw_offset);
2564                 let mut arg_index = {
2565                     let binding = &bindings[&op.binding];
2566                     debug_assert!((op.array_offset as usize) < binding.count);
2567                     (binding.res_offset as NSUInteger) + (op.array_offset as NSUInteger)
2568                 };
2570                 for (data, descriptor) in pool.write().resources
2571                     [range.start as usize + arg_index as usize..range.end as usize]
2572                     .iter_mut()
2573                     .zip(op.descriptors)
2574                 {
2575                     match descriptor {
2576                         pso::Descriptor::Sampler(sampler) => {
2577                             debug_assert!(!bindings[&op.binding]
2578                                 .content
2579                                 .contains(n::DescriptorContent::IMMUTABLE_SAMPLER));
2580                             encoder.set_sampler_state(arg_index, sampler.raw.as_ref().unwrap());
2581                             arg_index += 1;
2582                         }
2583                         pso::Descriptor::Image(image, _layout) => {
2584                             let tex_ref = image.texture.as_ref();
2585                             encoder.set_texture(arg_index, tex_ref);
2586                             data.ptr = (&**tex_ref).as_ptr();
2587                             arg_index += 1;
2588                         }
2589                         pso::Descriptor::CombinedImageSampler(image, _il, sampler) => {
2590                             let binding = &bindings[&op.binding];
2591                             if !binding
2592                                 .content
2593                                 .contains(n::DescriptorContent::IMMUTABLE_SAMPLER)
2594                             {
2595                                 //TODO: supporting arrays of combined image-samplers can be tricky.
2596                                 // We need to scan both sampler and image sections of the encoder
2597                                 // at the same time.
2598                                 assert!(
2599                                     arg_index
2600                                         < (binding.res_offset as NSUInteger)
2601                                             + (binding.count as NSUInteger)
2602                                 );
2603                                 encoder.set_sampler_state(
2604                                     arg_index + binding.count as NSUInteger,
2605                                     sampler.raw.as_ref().unwrap(),
2606                                 );
2607                             }
2608                             let tex_ref = image.texture.as_ref();
2609                             encoder.set_texture(arg_index, tex_ref);
2610                             data.ptr = (&**tex_ref).as_ptr();
2611                         }
2612                         pso::Descriptor::TexelBuffer(view) => {
2613                             encoder.set_texture(arg_index, &view.raw);
2614                             data.ptr = (&**view.raw).as_ptr();
2615                             arg_index += 1;
2616                         }
2617                         pso::Descriptor::Buffer(buffer, ref sub) => {
2618                             let (buf_raw, buf_range) = buffer.as_bound();
2619                             encoder.set_buffer(arg_index, buf_raw, buf_range.start + sub.offset);
2620                             data.ptr = (&**buf_raw).as_ptr();
2621                             arg_index += 1;
2622                         }
2623                     }
2624                 }
2625             }
2626         }
2627     }
copy_descriptor_set<'a>(&self, _op: pso::DescriptorSetCopy<'a, Backend>)2629     unsafe fn copy_descriptor_set<'a>(&self, _op: pso::DescriptorSetCopy<'a, Backend>) {
2630         unimplemented!()
2631     }
destroy_descriptor_pool(&self, _pool: n::DescriptorPool)2633     unsafe fn destroy_descriptor_pool(&self, _pool: n::DescriptorPool) {}
destroy_descriptor_set_layout(&self, _layout: n::DescriptorSetLayout)2635     unsafe fn destroy_descriptor_set_layout(&self, _layout: n::DescriptorSetLayout) {}
destroy_pipeline_layout(&self, _pipeline_layout: n::PipelineLayout)2637     unsafe fn destroy_pipeline_layout(&self, _pipeline_layout: n::PipelineLayout) {}
destroy_shader_module(&self, _module: n::ShaderModule)2639     unsafe fn destroy_shader_module(&self, _module: n::ShaderModule) {}
destroy_render_pass(&self, _pass: n::RenderPass)2641     unsafe fn destroy_render_pass(&self, _pass: n::RenderPass) {}
destroy_graphics_pipeline(&self, _pipeline: n::GraphicsPipeline)2643     unsafe fn destroy_graphics_pipeline(&self, _pipeline: n::GraphicsPipeline) {}
destroy_compute_pipeline(&self, _pipeline: n::ComputePipeline)2645     unsafe fn destroy_compute_pipeline(&self, _pipeline: n::ComputePipeline) {}
destroy_framebuffer(&self, _framebuffer: n::Framebuffer)2647     unsafe fn destroy_framebuffer(&self, _framebuffer: n::Framebuffer) {}
destroy_semaphore(&self, _semaphore: n::Semaphore)2649     unsafe fn destroy_semaphore(&self, _semaphore: n::Semaphore) {}
allocate_memory( &self, memory_type: hal::MemoryTypeId, size: u64, ) -> Result<n::Memory, d::AllocationError>2651     unsafe fn allocate_memory(
2652         &self,
2653         memory_type: hal::MemoryTypeId,
2654         size: u64,
2655     ) -> Result<n::Memory, d::AllocationError> {
2656         profiling::scope!("allocate_memory");
2657         let (storage, cache) = MemoryTypes::describe(memory_type.0);
2658         let device = self.shared.device.lock();
2659         debug!("allocate_memory type {:?} of size {}", memory_type, size);
2661         // Heaps cannot be used for CPU coherent resources
2662         //TEMP: MacOS supports Private only, iOS and tvOS can do private/shared
2663         let heap = if self.shared.private_caps.resource_heaps
2664             && storage != MTLStorageMode::Shared
2665             && false
2666         {
2667             let descriptor = metal::HeapDescriptor::new();
2668             descriptor.set_storage_mode(storage);
2669             descriptor.set_cpu_cache_mode(cache);
2670             descriptor.set_size(size);
2671             let heap_raw = device.new_heap(&descriptor);
2672             n::MemoryHeap::Native(heap_raw)
2673         } else if storage == MTLStorageMode::Private {
2674             n::MemoryHeap::Private
2675         } else {
2676             let options = conv::resource_options_from_storage_and_cache(storage, cache);
2677             let cpu_buffer = device.new_buffer(size, options);
2678             debug!("\tbacked by cpu buffer {:?}", cpu_buffer.as_ptr());
2679             n::MemoryHeap::Public(memory_type, cpu_buffer)
2680         };
2682         Ok(n::Memory::new(heap, size))
2683     }
free_memory(&self, memory: n::Memory)2685     unsafe fn free_memory(&self, memory: n::Memory) {
2686         profiling::scope!("free_memory");
2687         debug!("free_memory of size {}", memory.size);
2688         if let n::MemoryHeap::Public(_, ref cpu_buffer) = memory.heap {
2689             debug!("\tbacked by cpu buffer {:?}", cpu_buffer.as_ptr());
2690         }
2691     }
create_buffer( &self, size: u64, usage: buffer::Usage, _sparse: memory::SparseFlags, ) -> Result<n::Buffer, buffer::CreationError>2693     unsafe fn create_buffer(
2694         &self,
2695         size: u64,
2696         usage: buffer::Usage,
2697         _sparse: memory::SparseFlags,
2698     ) -> Result<n::Buffer, buffer::CreationError> {
2699         debug!("create_buffer of size {} and usage {:?}", size, usage);
2700         Ok(n::Buffer::Unbound {
2701             usage,
2702             size,
2703             name: String::new(),
2704         })
2705     }
get_buffer_requirements(&self, buffer: &n::Buffer) -> memory::Requirements2707     unsafe fn get_buffer_requirements(&self, buffer: &n::Buffer) -> memory::Requirements {
2708         let (size, usage) = match *buffer {
2709             n::Buffer::Unbound { size, usage, .. } => (size, usage),
2710             n::Buffer::Bound { .. } => panic!("Unexpected Buffer::Bound"),
2711         };
2712         let mut max_size = size;
2713         let mut max_alignment = self.shared.private_caps.buffer_alignment;
2715         if self.shared.private_caps.resource_heaps {
2716             // We don't know what memory type the user will try to allocate the buffer with, so we test them
2717             // all get the most stringent ones.
2718             for (i, _mt) in self.memory_types.iter().enumerate() {
2719                 let (storage, cache) = MemoryTypes::describe(i);
2720                 let options = conv::resource_options_from_storage_and_cache(storage, cache);
2721                 let requirements = self
2722                     .shared
2723                     .device
2724                     .lock()
2725                     .heap_buffer_size_and_align(size, options);
2726                 max_size = cmp::max(max_size, requirements.size);
2727                 max_alignment = cmp::max(max_alignment, requirements.align);
2728             }
2729         }
2731         // based on Metal validation error for view creation:
2732         // failed assertion `BytesPerRow of a buffer-backed texture with pixelFormat(XXX) must be aligned to 256 bytes
2733         const SIZE_MASK: u64 = 0xFF;
2734         let supports_texel_view =
2735             usage.intersects(buffer::Usage::UNIFORM_TEXEL | buffer::Usage::STORAGE_TEXEL);
2737         memory::Requirements {
2738             size: (max_size + SIZE_MASK) & !SIZE_MASK,
2739             alignment: max_alignment,
2740             type_mask: if !supports_texel_view || self.shared.private_caps.shared_textures {
2741                 MemoryTypes::all().bits()
2742             } else {
2743                 (MemoryTypes::all() ^ MemoryTypes::SHARED).bits()
2744             },
2745         }
2746     }
bind_buffer_memory( &self, memory: &n::Memory, offset: u64, buffer: &mut n::Buffer, ) -> Result<(), d::BindError>2748     unsafe fn bind_buffer_memory(
2749         &self,
2750         memory: &n::Memory,
2751         offset: u64,
2752         buffer: &mut n::Buffer,
2753     ) -> Result<(), d::BindError> {
2754         profiling::scope!("bind_buffer_memory");
2755         let (size, name) = match buffer {
2756             n::Buffer::Unbound { size, name, .. } => (*size, name),
2757             n::Buffer::Bound { .. } => panic!("Unexpected Buffer::Bound"),
2758         };
2759         debug!("bind_buffer_memory of size {} at offset {}", size, offset);
2760         *buffer = match memory.heap {
2761             n::MemoryHeap::Native(ref heap) => {
2762                 let options = conv::resource_options_from_storage_and_cache(
2763                     heap.storage_mode(),
2764                     heap.cpu_cache_mode(),
2765                 );
2766                 let raw = heap.new_buffer(size, options).unwrap_or_else(|| {
2767                     // TODO: disable hazard tracking?
2768                     self.shared.device.lock().new_buffer(size, options)
2769                 });
2770                 raw.set_label(name);
2771                 n::Buffer::Bound {
2772                     raw,
2773                     options,
2774                     range: 0..size, //TODO?
2775                 }
2776             }
2777             n::MemoryHeap::Public(mt, ref cpu_buffer) => {
2778                 debug!(
2779                     "\tmapped to public heap with address {:?}",
2780                     cpu_buffer.as_ptr()
2781                 );
2782                 let (storage, cache) = MemoryTypes::describe(mt.0);
2783                 let options = conv::resource_options_from_storage_and_cache(storage, cache);
2784                 if offset == 0x0 && size == cpu_buffer.length() {
2785                     cpu_buffer.set_label(name);
2786                 } else if self.shared.private_caps.supports_debug_markers {
2787                     cpu_buffer.add_debug_marker(
2788                         name,
2789                         NSRange {
2790                             location: offset,
2791                             length: size,
2792                         },
2793                     );
2794                 }
2795                 n::Buffer::Bound {
2796                     raw: cpu_buffer.clone(),
2797                     options,
2798                     range: offset..offset + size,
2799                 }
2800             }
2801             n::MemoryHeap::Private => {
2802                 //TODO: check for aliasing
2803                 let options = MTLResourceOptions::StorageModePrivate
2804                     | MTLResourceOptions::CPUCacheModeDefaultCache;
2805                 let raw = self.shared.device.lock().new_buffer(size, options);
2806                 raw.set_label(name);
2807                 n::Buffer::Bound {
2808                     raw,
2809                     options,
2810                     range: 0..size,
2811                 }
2812             }
2813         };
2815         Ok(())
2816     }
destroy_buffer(&self, buffer: n::Buffer)2818     unsafe fn destroy_buffer(&self, buffer: n::Buffer) {
2819         if let n::Buffer::Bound { raw, range, .. } = buffer {
2820             debug!(
2821                 "destroy_buffer {:?} occupying memory {:?}",
2822                 raw.as_ptr(),
2823                 range
2824             );
2825         }
2826     }
create_buffer_view( &self, buffer: &n::Buffer, format_maybe: Option<format::Format>, sub: buffer::SubRange, ) -> Result<n::BufferView, buffer::ViewCreationError>2828     unsafe fn create_buffer_view(
2829         &self,
2830         buffer: &n::Buffer,
2831         format_maybe: Option<format::Format>,
2832         sub: buffer::SubRange,
2833     ) -> Result<n::BufferView, buffer::ViewCreationError> {
2834         let (raw, base_range, options) = match *buffer {
2835             n::Buffer::Bound {
2836                 ref raw,
2837                 ref range,
2838                 options,
2839             } => (raw, range, options),
2840             n::Buffer::Unbound { .. } => panic!("Unexpected Buffer::Unbound"),
2841         };
2842         let start = base_range.start + sub.offset;
2843         let size_rough = sub.size.unwrap_or(base_range.end - start);
2844         let format = match format_maybe {
2845             Some(fmt) => fmt,
2846             None => {
2847                 return Err(buffer::ViewCreationError::UnsupportedFormat(format_maybe));
2848             }
2849         };
2850         let format_desc = format.surface_desc();
2851         if format_desc.aspects != format::Aspects::COLOR || format_desc.is_compressed() {
2852             // Vadlidator says "Linear texture: cannot create compressed, depth, or stencil textures"
2853             return Err(buffer::ViewCreationError::UnsupportedFormat(format_maybe));
2854         }
2856         //Note: we rely on SPIRV-Cross to use the proper 2D texel indexing here
2857         let texel_count = size_rough * 8 / format_desc.bits as u64;
2858         let col_count = cmp::min(texel_count, self.shared.private_caps.max_texture_size);
2859         let row_count = (texel_count + self.shared.private_caps.max_texture_size - 1)
2860             / self.shared.private_caps.max_texture_size;
2861         let mtl_format = self
2862             .shared
2863             .private_caps
2864             .map_format(format)
2865             .ok_or(buffer::ViewCreationError::UnsupportedFormat(format_maybe))?;
2867         let descriptor = metal::TextureDescriptor::new();
2868         descriptor.set_texture_type(MTLTextureType::D2);
2869         descriptor.set_width(col_count);
2870         descriptor.set_height(row_count);
2871         descriptor.set_mipmap_level_count(1);
2872         descriptor.set_pixel_format(mtl_format);
2873         descriptor.set_resource_options(options);
2874         descriptor.set_storage_mode(raw.storage_mode());
2875         descriptor.set_usage(metal::MTLTextureUsage::ShaderRead);
2877         let align_mask = self.shared.private_caps.buffer_alignment - 1;
2878         let stride = (col_count * (format_desc.bits as u64 / 8) + align_mask) & !align_mask;
2880         Ok(n::BufferView {
2881             raw: raw.new_texture_with_descriptor(&descriptor, start, stride),
2882         })
2883     }
destroy_buffer_view(&self, _view: n::BufferView)2885     unsafe fn destroy_buffer_view(&self, _view: n::BufferView) {
2886         //nothing to do
2887     }
create_image( &self, kind: image::Kind, mip_levels: image::Level, format: format::Format, tiling: image::Tiling, usage: image::Usage, _sparse: memory::SparseFlags, view_caps: image::ViewCapabilities, ) -> Result<n::Image, image::CreationError>2889     unsafe fn create_image(
2890         &self,
2891         kind: image::Kind,
2892         mip_levels: image::Level,
2893         format: format::Format,
2894         tiling: image::Tiling,
2895         usage: image::Usage,
2896         _sparse: memory::SparseFlags,
2897         view_caps: image::ViewCapabilities,
2898     ) -> Result<n::Image, image::CreationError> {
2899         profiling::scope!("create_image");
2900         debug!(
2901             "create_image {:?} with {} mips of {:?} {:?} and usage {:?} with {:?}",
2902             kind, mip_levels, format, tiling, usage, view_caps
2903         );
2905         let is_cube = view_caps.contains(image::ViewCapabilities::KIND_CUBE);
2906         let mtl_format = self
2907             .shared
2908             .private_caps
2909             .map_format(format)
2910             .ok_or_else(|| image::CreationError::Format(format))?;
2912         let descriptor = metal::TextureDescriptor::new();
2914         let (mtl_type, num_layers) = match kind {
2915             image::Kind::D1(_, 1) => {
2916                 assert!(!is_cube);
2917                 (MTLTextureType::D1, None)
2918             }
2919             image::Kind::D1(_, layers) => {
2920                 assert!(!is_cube);
2921                 (MTLTextureType::D1Array, Some(layers))
2922             }
2923             image::Kind::D2(_, _, layers, 1) => {
2924                 if is_cube && layers > 6 {
2925                     assert_eq!(layers % 6, 0);
2926                     (MTLTextureType::CubeArray, Some(layers / 6))
2927                 } else if is_cube {
2928                     assert_eq!(layers, 6);
2929                     (MTLTextureType::Cube, None)
2930                 } else if layers > 1 {
2931                     (MTLTextureType::D2Array, Some(layers))
2932                 } else {
2933                     (MTLTextureType::D2, None)
2934                 }
2935             }
2936             image::Kind::D2(_, _, 1, samples) if !is_cube => {
2937                 descriptor.set_sample_count(samples as u64);
2938                 (MTLTextureType::D2Multisample, None)
2939             }
2940             image::Kind::D2(..) => {
2941                 error!(
2942                     "Multi-sampled array textures or cubes are not supported: {:?}",
2943                     kind
2944                 );
2945                 return Err(image::CreationError::Kind);
2946             }
2947             image::Kind::D3(..) => {
2948                 assert!(!is_cube);
2949                 if view_caps.contains(image::ViewCapabilities::KIND_2D_ARRAY) {
2950                     warn!("Unable to support 2D array views of 3D textures");
2951                 }
2952                 (MTLTextureType::D3, None)
2953             }
2954         };
2956         descriptor.set_texture_type(mtl_type);
2957         if let Some(count) = num_layers {
2958             descriptor.set_array_length(count as u64);
2959         }
2960         let extent = kind.extent();
2961         descriptor.set_width(extent.width as u64);
2962         descriptor.set_height(extent.height as u64);
2963         descriptor.set_depth(extent.depth as u64);
2964         descriptor.set_mipmap_level_count(mip_levels as u64);
2965         descriptor.set_pixel_format(mtl_format);
2966         descriptor.set_usage(conv::map_texture_usage(usage, tiling, view_caps));
2968         let base = format.base_format();
2969         let format_desc = base.0.desc();
2970         let mip_sizes = (0..mip_levels)
2971             .map(|level| {
2972                 let pitches = n::Image::pitches_impl(extent.at_level(level), format_desc);
2973                 num_layers.unwrap_or(1) as buffer::Offset * pitches[3]
2974             })
2975             .collect();
2977         let host_usage = image::Usage::TRANSFER_SRC | image::Usage::TRANSFER_DST;
2978         let host_visible = mtl_type == MTLTextureType::D2
2979             && mip_levels == 1
2980             && num_layers.is_none()
2981             && format_desc.aspects.contains(format::Aspects::COLOR)
2982             && tiling == image::Tiling::Linear
2983             && host_usage.contains(usage);
2985         Ok(n::Image {
2986             like: n::ImageLike::Unbound {
2987                 descriptor,
2988                 mip_sizes,
2989                 host_visible,
2990                 name: String::new(),
2991             },
2992             kind,
2993             mip_levels,
2994             format_desc,
2995             shader_channel: base.1.into(),
2996             mtl_format,
2997             mtl_type,
2998         })
2999     }
get_image_requirements(&self, image: &n::Image) -> memory::Requirements3001     unsafe fn get_image_requirements(&self, image: &n::Image) -> memory::Requirements {
3002         let (descriptor, mip_sizes, host_visible) = match image.like {
3003             n::ImageLike::Unbound {
3004                 ref descriptor,
3005                 ref mip_sizes,
3006                 host_visible,
3007                 ..
3008             } => (descriptor, mip_sizes, host_visible),
3009             n::ImageLike::Texture(..) | n::ImageLike::Buffer(..) => {
3010                 panic!("Expected Image::Unbound")
3011             }
3012         };
3014         if self.shared.private_caps.resource_heaps {
3015             // We don't know what memory type the user will try to allocate the image with, so we test them
3016             // all get the most stringent ones. Note we don't check Shared because heaps can't use it
3017             let mut max_size = 0;
3018             let mut max_alignment = 0;
3019             let types = if host_visible {
3020                 MemoryTypes::all()
3021             } else {
3022                 MemoryTypes::PRIVATE
3023             };
3024             for (i, _) in self.memory_types.iter().enumerate() {
3025                 if !types.contains(MemoryTypes::from_bits(1 << i).unwrap()) {
3026                     continue;
3027                 }
3028                 let (storage, cache_mode) = MemoryTypes::describe(i);
3029                 descriptor.set_storage_mode(storage);
3030                 descriptor.set_cpu_cache_mode(cache_mode);
3032                 let requirements = self
3033                     .shared
3034                     .device
3035                     .lock()
3036                     .heap_texture_size_and_align(descriptor);
3037                 max_size = cmp::max(max_size, requirements.size);
3038                 max_alignment = cmp::max(max_alignment, requirements.align);
3039             }
3040             memory::Requirements {
3041                 size: max_size,
3042                 alignment: max_alignment,
3043                 type_mask: types.bits(),
3044             }
3045         } else if host_visible {
3046             assert_eq!(mip_sizes.len(), 1);
3047             let mask = self.shared.private_caps.buffer_alignment - 1;
3048             memory::Requirements {
3049                 size: (mip_sizes[0] + mask) & !mask,
3050                 alignment: self.shared.private_caps.buffer_alignment,
3051                 type_mask: MemoryTypes::all().bits(),
3052             }
3053         } else {
3054             memory::Requirements {
3055                 size: mip_sizes.iter().sum(),
3056                 alignment: 4,
3057                 type_mask: MemoryTypes::PRIVATE.bits(),
3058             }
3059         }
3060     }
get_image_subresource_footprint( &self, image: &n::Image, sub: image::Subresource, ) -> image::SubresourceFootprint3062     unsafe fn get_image_subresource_footprint(
3063         &self,
3064         image: &n::Image,
3065         sub: image::Subresource,
3066     ) -> image::SubresourceFootprint {
3067         let num_layers = image.kind.num_layers() as buffer::Offset;
3068         let level_offset = (0..sub.level).fold(0, |offset, level| {
3069             let pitches = image.pitches(level);
3070             offset + num_layers * pitches[3]
3071         });
3072         let pitches = image.pitches(sub.level);
3073         let layer_offset = level_offset + sub.layer as buffer::Offset * pitches[3];
3074         image::SubresourceFootprint {
3075             slice: layer_offset..layer_offset + pitches[3],
3076             row_pitch: pitches[1] as _,
3077             depth_pitch: pitches[2] as _,
3078             array_pitch: pitches[3] as _,
3079         }
3080     }
bind_image_memory( &self, memory: &n::Memory, offset: u64, image: &mut n::Image, ) -> Result<(), d::BindError>3082     unsafe fn bind_image_memory(
3083         &self,
3084         memory: &n::Memory,
3085         offset: u64,
3086         image: &mut n::Image,
3087     ) -> Result<(), d::BindError> {
3088         profiling::scope!("bind_image_memory");
3089         let like = {
3090             let (descriptor, mip_sizes, name) = match image.like {
3091                 n::ImageLike::Unbound {
3092                     ref descriptor,
3093                     ref mip_sizes,
3094                     ref name,
3095                     ..
3096                 } => (descriptor, mip_sizes, name),
3097                 n::ImageLike::Texture(..) | n::ImageLike::Buffer(..) => {
3098                     panic!("Expected Image::Unbound")
3099                 }
3100             };
3102             match memory.heap {
3103                 n::MemoryHeap::Native(ref heap) => {
3104                     let resource_options = conv::resource_options_from_storage_and_cache(
3105                         heap.storage_mode(),
3106                         heap.cpu_cache_mode(),
3107                     );
3108                     descriptor.set_resource_options(resource_options);
3109                     n::ImageLike::Texture(heap.new_texture(descriptor).unwrap_or_else(|| {
3110                         // TODO: disable hazard tracking?
3111                         let texture = self.shared.device.lock().new_texture(&descriptor);
3112                         texture.set_label(name);
3113                         texture
3114                     }))
3115                 }
3116                 n::MemoryHeap::Public(_memory_type, ref cpu_buffer) => {
3117                     assert_eq!(mip_sizes.len(), 1);
3118                     if offset == 0x0 && cpu_buffer.length() == mip_sizes[0] {
3119                         cpu_buffer.set_label(name);
3120                     } else if self.shared.private_caps.supports_debug_markers {
3121                         cpu_buffer.add_debug_marker(
3122                             name,
3123                             NSRange {
3124                                 location: offset,
3125                                 length: mip_sizes[0],
3126                             },
3127                         );
3128                     }
3129                     n::ImageLike::Buffer(n::Buffer::Bound {
3130                         raw: cpu_buffer.clone(),
3131                         range: offset..offset + mip_sizes[0] as u64,
3132                         options: MTLResourceOptions::StorageModeShared,
3133                     })
3134                 }
3135                 n::MemoryHeap::Private => {
3136                     descriptor.set_storage_mode(MTLStorageMode::Private);
3137                     let texture = self.shared.device.lock().new_texture(descriptor);
3138                     texture.set_label(name);
3139                     n::ImageLike::Texture(texture)
3140                 }
3141             }
3142         };
3144         Ok(image.like = like)
3145     }
destroy_image(&self, _image: n::Image)3147     unsafe fn destroy_image(&self, _image: n::Image) {
3148         //nothing to do
3149     }
create_image_view( &self, image: &n::Image, kind: image::ViewKind, format: format::Format, swizzle: format::Swizzle, _usage: image::Usage, range: image::SubresourceRange, ) -> Result<n::ImageView, image::ViewCreationError>3151     unsafe fn create_image_view(
3152         &self,
3153         image: &n::Image,
3154         kind: image::ViewKind,
3155         format: format::Format,
3156         swizzle: format::Swizzle,
3157         _usage: image::Usage,
3158         range: image::SubresourceRange,
3159     ) -> Result<n::ImageView, image::ViewCreationError> {
3160         profiling::scope!("create_image_view");
3162         let mtl_format = match self
3163             .shared
3164             .private_caps
3165             .map_format_with_swizzle(format, swizzle)
3166         {
3167             Some(f) => f,
3168             None => {
3169                 error!("failed to swizzle format {:?} with {:?}", format, swizzle);
3170                 return Err(image::ViewCreationError::BadFormat(format));
3171             }
3172         };
3173         let raw = image.like.as_texture();
3174         let full_range = image::SubresourceRange {
3175             aspects: image.format_desc.aspects,
3176             ..Default::default()
3177         };
3178         let mtl_type = if image.mtl_type == MTLTextureType::D2Multisample {
3179             if kind != image::ViewKind::D2 {
3180                 error!("Requested {:?} for MSAA texture", kind);
3181             }
3182             image.mtl_type
3183         } else {
3184             conv::map_texture_type(kind)
3185         };
3187         let texture = if mtl_format == image.mtl_format
3188             && mtl_type == image.mtl_type
3189             && swizzle == format::Swizzle::NO
3190             && range == full_range
3191         {
3192             // Some images are marked as framebuffer-only, and we can't create aliases of them.
3193             // Also helps working around Metal bugs with aliased array textures.
3194             raw.to_owned()
3195         } else {
3196             raw.new_texture_view_from_slice(
3197                 mtl_format,
3198                 mtl_type,
3199                 NSRange {
3200                     location: range.level_start as _,
3201                     length: range.resolve_level_count(image.mip_levels) as _,
3202                 },
3203                 NSRange {
3204                     location: range.layer_start as _,
3205                     length: range.resolve_layer_count(image.kind.num_layers()) as _,
3206                 },
3207             )
3208         };
3210         Ok(n::ImageView {
3211             texture,
3212             mtl_format,
3213         })
3214     }
destroy_image_view(&self, _view: n::ImageView)3216     unsafe fn destroy_image_view(&self, _view: n::ImageView) {}
create_fence(&self, signaled: bool) -> Result<n::Fence, d::OutOfMemory>3218     fn create_fence(&self, signaled: bool) -> Result<n::Fence, d::OutOfMemory> {
3219         debug!("Creating fence with signal={}", signaled);
3220         Ok(n::Fence::Idle { signaled })
3221     }
reset_fence(&self, fence: &mut n::Fence) -> Result<(), d::OutOfMemory>3223     unsafe fn reset_fence(&self, fence: &mut n::Fence) -> Result<(), d::OutOfMemory> {
3224         debug!("Resetting fence ptr {:?}", fence);
3225         *fence = n::Fence::Idle { signaled: false };
3226         Ok(())
3227     }
wait_for_fence( &self, fence: &n::Fence, timeout_ns: u64, ) -> Result<bool, d::WaitError>3229     unsafe fn wait_for_fence(
3230         &self,
3231         fence: &n::Fence,
3232         timeout_ns: u64,
3233     ) -> Result<bool, d::WaitError> {
3234         unsafe fn to_ns(duration: time::Duration) -> u64 {
3235             duration.as_secs() * 1_000_000_000 + duration.subsec_nanos() as u64
3236         }
3238         debug!("wait_for_fence {:?} for {} ms", fence, timeout_ns);
3239         match *fence {
3240             n::Fence::Idle { signaled } => {
3241                 if !signaled {
3242                     warn!("Fence ptr {:?} is not pending, waiting not possible", fence);
3243                 }
3244                 Ok(signaled)
3245             }
3246             n::Fence::PendingSubmission(ref cmd_buf) => {
3247                 if timeout_ns == !0 {
3248                     cmd_buf.wait_until_completed();
3249                     return Ok(true);
3250                 }
3251                 let start = time::Instant::now();
3252                 loop {
3253                     if let metal::MTLCommandBufferStatus::Completed = cmd_buf.status() {
3254                         return Ok(true);
3255                     }
3256                     if to_ns(start.elapsed()) >= timeout_ns {
3257                         return Ok(false);
3258                     }
3259                     thread::sleep(time::Duration::from_millis(1));
3260                     self.shared.queue_blocker.lock().triage();
3261                 }
3262             }
3263         }
3264     }
get_fence_status(&self, fence: &n::Fence) -> Result<bool, d::DeviceLost>3266     unsafe fn get_fence_status(&self, fence: &n::Fence) -> Result<bool, d::DeviceLost> {
3267         Ok(match *fence {
3268             n::Fence::Idle { signaled } => signaled,
3269             n::Fence::PendingSubmission(ref cmd_buf) => match cmd_buf.status() {
3270                 metal::MTLCommandBufferStatus::Completed => true,
3271                 _ => false,
3272             },
3273         })
3274     }
destroy_fence(&self, _fence: n::Fence)3276     unsafe fn destroy_fence(&self, _fence: n::Fence) {
3277         //empty
3278     }
create_event(&self) -> Result<n::Event, d::OutOfMemory>3280     fn create_event(&self) -> Result<n::Event, d::OutOfMemory> {
3281         Ok(n::Event(Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false))))
3282     }
get_event_status(&self, event: &n::Event) -> Result<bool, d::WaitError>3284     unsafe fn get_event_status(&self, event: &n::Event) -> Result<bool, d::WaitError> {
3285         Ok(event.0.load(Ordering::Acquire))
3286     }
set_event(&self, event: &mut n::Event) -> Result<(), d::OutOfMemory>3288     unsafe fn set_event(&self, event: &mut n::Event) -> Result<(), d::OutOfMemory> {
3289         event.0.store(true, Ordering::Release);
3290         self.shared.queue_blocker.lock().triage();
3291         Ok(())
3292     }
reset_event(&self, event: &mut n::Event) -> Result<(), d::OutOfMemory>3294     unsafe fn reset_event(&self, event: &mut n::Event) -> Result<(), d::OutOfMemory> {
3295         Ok(event.0.store(false, Ordering::Release))
3296     }
destroy_event(&self, _event: n::Event)3298     unsafe fn destroy_event(&self, _event: n::Event) {
3299         //empty
3300     }
create_query_pool( &self, ty: query::Type, count: query::Id, ) -> Result<n::QueryPool, query::CreationError>3302     unsafe fn create_query_pool(
3303         &self,
3304         ty: query::Type,
3305         count: query::Id,
3306     ) -> Result<n::QueryPool, query::CreationError> {
3307         match ty {
3308             query::Type::Occlusion => {
3309                 let range = self
3310                     .shared
3311                     .visibility
3312                     .allocator
3313                     .lock()
3314                     .allocate_range(count)
3315                     .map_err(|_| {
3316                         error!("Not enough space to allocate an occlusion query pool");
3317                         d::OutOfMemory::Host
3318                     })?;
3319                 Ok(n::QueryPool::Occlusion(range))
3320             }
3321             query::Type::Timestamp => {
3322                 warn!("Timestamp queries are not really useful yet");
3323                 Ok(n::QueryPool::Timestamp)
3324             }
3325             query::Type::PipelineStatistics(..) => Err(query::CreationError::Unsupported(ty)),
3326         }
3327     }
destroy_query_pool(&self, pool: n::QueryPool)3329     unsafe fn destroy_query_pool(&self, pool: n::QueryPool) {
3330         match pool {
3331             n::QueryPool::Occlusion(range) => {
3332                 self.shared.visibility.allocator.lock().free_range(range);
3333             }
3334             n::QueryPool::Timestamp => {}
3335         }
3336     }
get_query_pool_results( &self, pool: &n::QueryPool, queries: Range<query::Id>, data: &mut [u8], stride: buffer::Stride, flags: query::ResultFlags, ) -> Result<bool, d::WaitError>3338     unsafe fn get_query_pool_results(
3339         &self,
3340         pool: &n::QueryPool,
3341         queries: Range<query::Id>,
3342         data: &mut [u8],
3343         stride: buffer::Stride,
3344         flags: query::ResultFlags,
3345     ) -> Result<bool, d::WaitError> {
3346         let is_ready = match *pool {
3347             n::QueryPool::Occlusion(ref pool_range) => {
3348                 let visibility = &self.shared.visibility;
3349                 let is_ready = if flags.contains(query::ResultFlags::WAIT) {
3350                     let mut guard = visibility.allocator.lock();
3351                     while !visibility.are_available(pool_range.start, &queries) {
3352                         visibility.condvar.wait(&mut guard);
3353                     }
3354                     true
3355                 } else {
3356                     visibility.are_available(pool_range.start, &queries)
3357                 };
3359                 let size_data = mem::size_of::<u64>() as buffer::Offset;
3360                 if stride as u64 == size_data
3361                     && flags.contains(query::ResultFlags::BITS_64)
3362                     && !flags.contains(query::ResultFlags::WITH_AVAILABILITY)
3363                 {
3364                     // if stride is matching, copy everything in one go
3365                     ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(
3366                         (visibility.buffer.contents() as *const u8).offset(
3367                             (pool_range.start + queries.start) as isize * size_data as isize,
3368                         ),
3369                         data.as_mut_ptr(),
3370                         stride as usize * (queries.end - queries.start) as usize,
3371                     );
3372                 } else {
3373                     // copy parts of individual entries
3374                     for i in 0..queries.end - queries.start {
3375                         let absolute_index = (pool_range.start + queries.start + i) as isize;
3376                         let value =
3377                             *(visibility.buffer.contents() as *const u64).offset(absolute_index);
3378                         let base = (visibility.buffer.contents() as *const u8)
3379                             .offset(visibility.availability_offset as isize);
3380                         let availability = *(base as *const u32).offset(absolute_index);
3381                         let data_ptr = data[i as usize * stride as usize..].as_mut_ptr();
3382                         if flags.contains(query::ResultFlags::BITS_64) {
3383                             *(data_ptr as *mut u64) = value;
3384                             if flags.contains(query::ResultFlags::WITH_AVAILABILITY) {
3385                                 *(data_ptr as *mut u64).offset(1) = availability as u64;
3386                             }
3387                         } else {
3388                             *(data_ptr as *mut u32) = value as u32;
3389                             if flags.contains(query::ResultFlags::WITH_AVAILABILITY) {
3390                                 *(data_ptr as *mut u32).offset(1) = availability;
3391                             }
3392                         }
3393                     }
3394                 }
3396                 is_ready
3397             }
3398             n::QueryPool::Timestamp => {
3399                 for d in data.iter_mut() {
3400                     *d = 0;
3401                 }
3402                 true
3403             }
3404         };
3406         Ok(is_ready)
3407     }
wait_idle(&self) -> Result<(), d::OutOfMemory>3409     fn wait_idle(&self) -> Result<(), d::OutOfMemory> {
3410         command::QueueInner::wait_idle(&self.shared.queue);
3411         Ok(())
3412     }
set_image_name(&self, image: &mut n::Image, name: &str)3414     unsafe fn set_image_name(&self, image: &mut n::Image, name: &str) {
3415         match image {
3416             n::Image {
3417                 like: n::ImageLike::Buffer(ref mut buf),
3418                 ..
3419             } => self.set_buffer_name(buf, name),
3420             n::Image {
3421                 like: n::ImageLike::Texture(ref tex),
3422                 ..
3423             } => tex.set_label(name),
3424             n::Image {
3425                 like:
3426                     n::ImageLike::Unbound {
3427                         name: ref mut unbound_name,
3428                         ..
3429                     },
3430                 ..
3431             } => {
3432                 *unbound_name = name.to_string();
3433             }
3434         };
3435     }
set_buffer_name(&self, buffer: &mut n::Buffer, name: &str)3437     unsafe fn set_buffer_name(&self, buffer: &mut n::Buffer, name: &str) {
3438         match buffer {
3439             n::Buffer::Unbound {
3440                 name: ref mut unbound_name,
3441                 ..
3442             } => {
3443                 *unbound_name = name.to_string();
3444             }
3445             n::Buffer::Bound {
3446                 ref raw, ref range, ..
3447             } => {
3448                 if self.shared.private_caps.supports_debug_markers {
3449                     raw.add_debug_marker(
3450                         name,
3451                         NSRange {
3452                             location: range.start,
3453                             length: range.end - range.start,
3454                         },
3455                     );
3456                 }
3457             }
3458         }
3459     }
set_command_buffer_name( &self, command_buffer: &mut command::CommandBuffer, name: &str, )3461     unsafe fn set_command_buffer_name(
3462         &self,
3463         command_buffer: &mut command::CommandBuffer,
3464         name: &str,
3465     ) {
3466         command_buffer.name = name.to_string();
3467     }
set_semaphore_name(&self, _semaphore: &mut n::Semaphore, _name: &str)3469     unsafe fn set_semaphore_name(&self, _semaphore: &mut n::Semaphore, _name: &str) {}
set_fence_name(&self, _fence: &mut n::Fence, _name: &str)3471     unsafe fn set_fence_name(&self, _fence: &mut n::Fence, _name: &str) {}
set_framebuffer_name(&self, _framebuffer: &mut n::Framebuffer, _name: &str)3473     unsafe fn set_framebuffer_name(&self, _framebuffer: &mut n::Framebuffer, _name: &str) {}
set_render_pass_name(&self, render_pass: &mut n::RenderPass, name: &str)3475     unsafe fn set_render_pass_name(&self, render_pass: &mut n::RenderPass, name: &str) {
3476         render_pass.name = name.to_string();
3477     }
set_descriptor_set_name(&self, _descriptor_set: &mut n::DescriptorSet, _name: &str)3479     unsafe fn set_descriptor_set_name(&self, _descriptor_set: &mut n::DescriptorSet, _name: &str) {
3480         // TODO
3481     }
set_descriptor_set_layout_name( &self, _descriptor_set_layout: &mut n::DescriptorSetLayout, _name: &str, )3483     unsafe fn set_descriptor_set_layout_name(
3484         &self,
3485         _descriptor_set_layout: &mut n::DescriptorSetLayout,
3486         _name: &str,
3487     ) {
3488         // TODO
3489     }
set_pipeline_layout_name( &self, _pipeline_layout: &mut n::PipelineLayout, _name: &str, )3491     unsafe fn set_pipeline_layout_name(
3492         &self,
3493         _pipeline_layout: &mut n::PipelineLayout,
3494         _name: &str,
3495     ) {
3496         // TODO
3497     }
start_capture(&self)3499     fn start_capture(&self) {
3500         let device = self.shared.device.lock();
3501         let shared_capture_manager = CaptureManager::shared();
3502         let default_capture_scope = shared_capture_manager.new_capture_scope_with_device(&device);
3503         shared_capture_manager.set_default_capture_scope(&default_capture_scope);
3504         shared_capture_manager.start_capture_with_scope(&default_capture_scope);
3505         default_capture_scope.begin_scope();
3506     }
stop_capture(&self)3508     fn stop_capture(&self) {
3509         let shared_capture_manager = CaptureManager::shared();
3510         if let Some(default_capture_scope) = shared_capture_manager.default_capture_scope() {
3511             default_capture_scope.end_scope();
3512         }
3513         shared_capture_manager.stop_capture();
3514     }
3515 }
3517 #[test]
test_send_sync()3518 fn test_send_sync() {
3519     fn foo<T: Send + Sync>() {}
3520     foo::<Device>()
3521 }