1 //! Command queues.
2 //!
3 //! Queues are the execution paths of the graphical processing units. These process
4 //! submitted commands buffers.
5 //!
6 //! There are different types of queues, which can only handle associated command buffers.
7 //! `Queue<B, C>` has the capability defined by `C`: graphics, compute and transfer.
9 pub mod family;
11 use crate::{
12     device::OutOfMemory,
13     pso,
14     window::{PresentError, PresentationSurface, Suboptimal},
15     Backend,
16 };
17 use std::{any::Any, fmt};
19 pub use self::family::{QueueFamily, QueueFamilyId, QueueGroup};
20 use crate::memory::{SparseBind, SparseImageBind};
22 /// The type of the queue, an enum encompassing `queue::Capability`
23 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
24 #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
25 pub enum QueueType {
26     /// Supports all operations.
27     General,
28     /// Only supports graphics and transfer operations.
29     Graphics,
30     /// Only supports compute and transfer operations.
31     Compute,
32     /// Only supports transfer operations.
33     Transfer,
34 }
36 impl QueueType {
37     /// Returns true if the queue supports graphics operations.
supports_graphics(&self) -> bool38     pub fn supports_graphics(&self) -> bool {
39         match *self {
40             QueueType::General | QueueType::Graphics => true,
41             QueueType::Compute | QueueType::Transfer => false,
42         }
43     }
44     /// Returns true if the queue supports compute operations.
supports_compute(&self) -> bool45     pub fn supports_compute(&self) -> bool {
46         match *self {
47             QueueType::General | QueueType::Graphics | QueueType::Compute => true,
48             QueueType::Transfer => false,
49         }
50     }
51     /// Returns true if the queue supports transfer operations.
supports_transfer(&self) -> bool52     pub fn supports_transfer(&self) -> bool {
53         true
54     }
55 }
57 /// Scheduling hint for devices about the priority of a queue.  Values range from `0.0` (low) to
58 /// `1.0` (high).
59 pub type QueuePriority = f32;
61 /// Abstraction for an internal GPU execution engine.
62 ///
63 /// Commands are executed on the the device by submitting
64 /// [command buffers][crate::command::CommandBuffer].
65 ///
66 /// Queues can also be used for presenting to a surface
67 /// (that is, flip the front buffer with the next one in the chain).
68 pub trait Queue<B: Backend>: fmt::Debug + Any + Send + Sync {
69     /// Sparse memory bind operation.
70     ///
71     /// # Arguments
72     ///
73     /// * `info` - information about the memory bindings.
74     ///
75     /// # Safety
76     ///
77     /// - Defining memory as `None` will cause undefined behaviour when the
78     /// tile is read or written from in some hardware.
79     /// - The memory regions provided are not checked to be valid and matching
80     /// of the sparse resource type.
81     /// - If extents are not a multiple of the block size, additional space will be
82     /// bound, and accessing memory is unsafe.
bind_sparse<'a, Iw, Is, Ibi, Ib, Iii, Io, Ii>( &mut self, _wait_semaphores: Iw, _signal_semaphores: Is, _buffer_memory_binds: Ib, _image_opaque_memory_binds: Io, _image_memory_binds: Ii, _device: &B::Device, _fence: Option<&B::Fence>, ) where Ibi: Iterator<Item = &'a SparseBind<&'a B::Memory>>, Ib: Iterator<Item = (&'a mut B::Buffer, Ibi)>, Iii: Iterator<Item = &'a SparseImageBind<&'a B::Memory>>, Io: Iterator<Item = (&'a mut B::Image, Ibi)>, Ii: Iterator<Item = (&'a mut B::Image, Iii)>, Iw: Iterator<Item = &'a B::Semaphore>, Is: Iterator<Item = &'a B::Semaphore>,83     unsafe fn bind_sparse<'a, Iw, Is, Ibi, Ib, Iii, Io, Ii>(
84         &mut self,
85         _wait_semaphores: Iw,
86         _signal_semaphores: Is,
87         _buffer_memory_binds: Ib,
88         _image_opaque_memory_binds: Io,
89         _image_memory_binds: Ii,
90         _device: &B::Device,
91         _fence: Option<&B::Fence>,
92     ) where
93         Ibi: Iterator<Item = &'a SparseBind<&'a B::Memory>>,
94         Ib: Iterator<Item = (&'a mut B::Buffer, Ibi)>,
95         Iii: Iterator<Item = &'a SparseImageBind<&'a B::Memory>>,
96         Io: Iterator<Item = (&'a mut B::Image, Ibi)>,
97         Ii: Iterator<Item = (&'a mut B::Image, Iii)>,
98         Iw: Iterator<Item = &'a B::Semaphore>,
99         Is: Iterator<Item = &'a B::Semaphore>,
100     {
101         unimplemented!()
102     }
104     /// Submit command buffers to queue for execution.
105     ///
106     /// # Arguments
107     ///
108     /// * `command_buffers` - command buffers to submit.
109     /// * `wait_semaphores` - semaphores to wait being signalled before submission.
110     /// * `signal_semaphores` - semaphores to signal after all command buffers
111     ///   in the submission have finished execution.
112     /// * `fence` - must be in unsignaled state, and will be signaled after
113     ///   all command buffers in the submission have finished execution.
114     ///
115     /// # Safety
116     ///
117     /// It's not checked that the queue can process the submitted command buffers.
118     ///
119     /// For example, trying to submit compute commands to a graphics queue
120     /// will result in undefined behavior.
submit<'a, Ic, Iw, Is>( &mut self, command_buffers: Ic, wait_semaphores: Iw, signal_semaphores: Is, fence: Option<&mut B::Fence>, ) where Ic: Iterator<Item = &'a B::CommandBuffer>, Iw: Iterator<Item = (&'a B::Semaphore, pso::PipelineStage)>, Is: Iterator<Item = &'a B::Semaphore>121     unsafe fn submit<'a, Ic, Iw, Is>(
122         &mut self,
123         command_buffers: Ic,
124         wait_semaphores: Iw,
125         signal_semaphores: Is,
126         fence: Option<&mut B::Fence>,
127     ) where
128         Ic: Iterator<Item = &'a B::CommandBuffer>,
129         Iw: Iterator<Item = (&'a B::Semaphore, pso::PipelineStage)>,
130         Is: Iterator<Item = &'a B::Semaphore>;
132     /// Present a swapchain image directly to a surface, after waiting on `wait_semaphore`.
133     ///
134     /// # Safety
135     ///
136     /// Unsafe for the same reasons as [`submit`][Queue::submit].
137     /// No checks are performed to verify that this queue supports present operations.
present( &mut self, surface: &mut B::Surface, image: <B::Surface as PresentationSurface<B>>::SwapchainImage, wait_semaphore: Option<&mut B::Semaphore>, ) -> Result<Option<Suboptimal>, PresentError>138     unsafe fn present(
139         &mut self,
140         surface: &mut B::Surface,
141         image: <B::Surface as PresentationSurface<B>>::SwapchainImage,
142         wait_semaphore: Option<&mut B::Semaphore>,
143     ) -> Result<Option<Suboptimal>, PresentError>;
145     /// Wait for the queue to be idle.
wait_idle(&mut self) -> Result<(), OutOfMemory>146     fn wait_idle(&mut self) -> Result<(), OutOfMemory>;
148     /// The amount of nanoseconds that causes a timestamp query value to increment by one.
timestamp_period(&self) -> f32149     fn timestamp_period(&self) -> f32;
150 }