1 // A hack for docs.rs to build documentation that has both windows and linux documentation in the
2 // same rustdoc build visible.
3 #[cfg(all(docsrs, not(unix)))]
4 mod unix_imports {
5 }
6 #[cfg(any(not(docsrs), unix))]
7 mod unix_imports {
8     pub(super) use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt;
9 }
11 use self::unix_imports::*;
12 use util::{ensure_compatible_types, cstr_cow_from_bytes};
13 use std::ffi::{CStr, OsStr};
14 use std::{fmt, marker, mem, ptr};
15 use std::os::raw;
16 pub use self::consts::*;
18 mod consts;
20 // dl* family of functions did not have enough thought put into it.
21 //
22 // Whole error handling scheme is done via setting and querying some global state, therefore it is
23 // not safe to use dynamic library loading in MT-capable environment at all. Only in POSIX 2008+TC1
24 // a thread-local state was allowed for `dlerror`, making the dl* family of functions MT-safe.
25 //
26 // In practice (as of 2020-04-01) most of the widely used targets use a thread-local for error
27 // state and have been doing so for a long time. Regardless the comments in this function shall
28 // remain as a documentation for the future generations.
with_dlerror<T, F>(wrap: fn(crate::error::DlDescription) -> crate::Error, closure: F) -> Result<T, Option<crate::Error>> where F: FnOnce() -> Option<T>29 fn with_dlerror<T, F>(wrap: fn(crate::error::DlDescription) -> crate::Error, closure: F)
30 -> Result<T, Option<crate::Error>>
31 where F: FnOnce() -> Option<T> {
32     // We used to guard all uses of dl* functions with our own mutex. This made them safe to use in
33     // MT programs provided the only way a program used dl* was via this library. However, it also
34     // had a number of downsides or cases where it failed to handle the problems. For instance,
35     // if any other library called `dlerror` internally concurrently with `libloading` things would
36     // still go awry.
37     //
38     // On platforms where `dlerror` is still MT-unsafe, `dlsym` (`Library::get`) can spuriously
39     // succeed and return a null pointer for a symbol when the actual symbol look-up operation
40     // fails. Instances where the actual symbol _could_ be `NULL` are platform specific. For
41     // instance on GNU glibc based-systems (an excerpt from dlsym(3)):
42     //
43     // > The value of a symbol returned by dlsym() will never be NULL if the shared object is the
44     // > result of normal compilation,  since  a  global  symbol is never placed at the NULL
45     // > address. There are nevertheless cases where a lookup using dlsym() may return NULL as the
46     // > value of a symbol. For example, the symbol value may be  the  result of a GNU indirect
47     // > function (IFUNC) resolver function that returns NULL as the resolved value.
49     // While we could could call `dlerror` here to clear the previous error value, only the `dlsym`
50     // call depends on it being cleared beforehand and only in some cases too. We will instead
51     // clear the error inside the dlsym binding instead.
52     //
53     // In all the other cases, clearing the error here will only be hiding misuse of these bindings
54     // or a bug in implementation of dl* family of functions.
55     closure().ok_or_else(|| unsafe {
56         // This code will only get executed if the `closure` returns `None`.
57         let error = dlerror();
58         if error.is_null() {
59             // In non-dlsym case this may happen when there’re bugs in our bindings or there’s
60             // non-libloading user of libdl; possibly in another thread.
61             None
62         } else {
63             // You can’t even rely on error string being static here; call to subsequent dlerror
64             // may invalidate or overwrite the error message. Why couldn’t they simply give up the
65             // ownership over the message?
66             // TODO: should do locale-aware conversion here. OTOH Rust doesn’t seem to work well in
67             // any system that uses non-utf8 locale, so I doubt there’s a problem here.
68             let message = CStr::from_ptr(error).into();
69             Some(wrap(crate::error::DlDescription(message)))
70             // Since we do a copy of the error string above, maybe we should call dlerror again to
71             // let libdl know it may free its copy of the string now?
72         }
73     })
74 }
76 /// A platform-specific counterpart of the cross-platform [`Library`](crate::Library).
77 pub struct Library {
78     handle: *mut raw::c_void
79 }
81 unsafe impl Send for Library {}
83 // That being said... this section in the volume 2 of POSIX.1-2008 states:
84 //
85 // > All functions defined by this volume of POSIX.1-2008 shall be thread-safe, except that the
86 // > following functions need not be thread-safe.
87 //
88 // With notable absence of any dl* function other than dlerror in the list. By “this volume”
89 // I suppose they refer precisely to the “volume 2”. dl* family of functions are specified
90 // by this same volume, so the conclusion is indeed that dl* functions are required by POSIX
91 // to be thread-safe. Great!
92 //
93 // See for more details:
94 //
95 //  * https://github.com/nagisa/rust_libloading/pull/17
96 //  * http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/functions/V2_chap02.html#tag_15_09_01
97 unsafe impl Sync for Library {}
99 impl Library {
100     /// Find and eagerly load a shared library (module).
101     ///
102     /// If the `filename` contains a [path separator], the `filename` is interpreted as a `path` to
103     /// a file. Otherwise, platform-specific algorithms are employed to find a library with a
104     /// matching file name.
105     ///
106     /// This is equivalent to <code>[Library::open](filename, [RTLD_LAZY] | [RTLD_LOCAL])</code>.
107     ///
108     /// [path separator]: std::path::MAIN_SEPARATOR
109     ///
110     /// # Safety
111     ///
112     /// When a library is loaded initialization routines contained within the library are executed.
113     /// For the purposes of safety, execution of these routines is conceptually the same calling an
114     /// unknown foreign function and may impose arbitrary requirements on the caller for the call
115     /// to be sound.
116     ///
117     /// Additionally, the callers of this function must also ensure that execution of the
118     /// termination routines contained within the library is safe as well. These routines may be
119     /// executed when the library is unloaded.
120     #[inline]
new<P: AsRef<OsStr>>(filename: P) -> Result<Library, crate::Error>121     pub unsafe fn new<P: AsRef<OsStr>>(filename: P) -> Result<Library, crate::Error> {
122         Library::open(Some(filename), RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL)
123     }
125     /// Load the `Library` representing the current executable.
126     ///
127     /// [`Library::get`] calls of the returned `Library` will look for symbols in following
128     /// locations in order:
129     ///
130     /// 1. Original program image;
131     /// 2. Any executable object files (e.g. shared libraries) loaded at program startup;
132     /// 3. Executable object files loaded at runtime (e.g. via other `Library::new` calls or via
133     ///    calls to the `dlopen` function)
134     ///
135     /// Note that behaviour of `Library` loaded with this method is different from
136     /// Libraries loaded with [`os::windows::Library::this`].
137     ///
138     /// This is equivalent to <code>[Library::open](None, [RTLD_LAZY] | [RTLD_LOCAL])</code>.
139     ///
140     /// [`os::windows::Library::this`]: crate::os::windows::Library::this
141     #[inline]
this() -> Library142     pub fn this() -> Library {
143         unsafe {
144             // SAFE: this does not load any new shared library images, no danger in it executing
145             // initializer routines.
146             Library::open(None::<&OsStr>, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL).expect("this should never fail")
147         }
148     }
150     /// Find and load an executable object file (shared library).
151     ///
152     /// See documentation for [`Library::this`] for further description of behaviour
153     /// when the `filename` is `None`. Otherwise see [`Library::new`].
154     ///
155     /// Corresponds to `dlopen(filename, flags)`.
156     ///
157     /// # Safety
158     ///
159     /// When a library is loaded initialization routines contained within the library are executed.
160     /// For the purposes of safety, execution of these routines is conceptually the same calling an
161     /// unknown foreign function and may impose arbitrary requirements on the caller for the call
162     /// to be sound.
163     ///
164     /// Additionally, the callers of this function must also ensure that execution of the
165     /// termination routines contained within the library is safe as well. These routines may be
166     /// executed when the library is unloaded.
open<P>(filename: Option<P>, flags: raw::c_int) -> Result<Library, crate::Error> where P: AsRef<OsStr>167     pub unsafe fn open<P>(filename: Option<P>, flags: raw::c_int) -> Result<Library, crate::Error>
168     where P: AsRef<OsStr> {
169         let filename = match filename {
170             None => None,
171             Some(ref f) => Some(cstr_cow_from_bytes(f.as_ref().as_bytes())?),
172         };
173         with_dlerror(|desc| crate::Error::DlOpen { desc }, move || {
174             let result = dlopen(match filename {
175                 None => ptr::null(),
176                 Some(ref f) => f.as_ptr()
177             }, flags);
178             // ensure filename lives until dlopen completes
179             drop(filename);
180             if result.is_null() {
181                 None
182             } else {
183                 Some(Library {
184                     handle: result
185                 })
186             }
187         }).map_err(|e| e.unwrap_or(crate::Error::DlOpenUnknown))
188     }
get_impl<T, F>(&self, symbol: &[u8], on_null: F) -> Result<Symbol<T>, crate::Error> where F: FnOnce() -> Result<Symbol<T>, crate::Error>190     unsafe fn get_impl<T, F>(&self, symbol: &[u8], on_null: F) -> Result<Symbol<T>, crate::Error>
191     where F: FnOnce() -> Result<Symbol<T>, crate::Error>
192     {
193         ensure_compatible_types::<T, *mut raw::c_void>()?;
194         let symbol = cstr_cow_from_bytes(symbol)?;
195         // `dlsym` may return nullptr in two cases: when a symbol genuinely points to a null
196         // pointer or the symbol cannot be found. In order to detect this case a double dlerror
197         // pattern must be used, which is, sadly, a little bit racy.
198         //
199         // We try to leave as little space as possible for this to occur, but we can’t exactly
200         // fully prevent it.
201         match with_dlerror(|desc| crate::Error::DlSym { desc }, || {
202             dlerror();
203             let symbol = dlsym(self.handle, symbol.as_ptr());
204             if symbol.is_null() {
205                 None
206             } else {
207                 Some(Symbol {
208                     pointer: symbol,
209                     pd: marker::PhantomData
210                 })
211             }
212         }) {
213             Err(None) => on_null(),
214             Err(Some(e)) => Err(e),
215             Ok(x) => Ok(x)
216         }
218     }
220     /// Get a pointer to function or static variable by symbol name.
221     ///
222     /// The `symbol` may not contain any null bytes, with an exception of last byte. Providing a
223     /// null terminated `symbol` may help to avoid an allocation.
224     ///
225     /// Symbol is interpreted as-is; no mangling is done. This means that symbols like `x::y` are
226     /// most likely invalid.
227     ///
228     /// # Safety
229     ///
230     /// Users of this API must specify the correct type of the function or variable loaded. Using a
231     /// `Symbol` with a wrong type is undefined.
232     ///
233     /// # Platform-specific behaviour
234     ///
235     /// Implementation of thread local variables is extremely platform specific and uses of such
236     /// variables that work on e.g. Linux may have unintended behaviour on other targets.
237     ///
238     /// On POSIX implementations where the `dlerror` function is not confirmed to be MT-safe (such
239     /// as FreeBSD), this function will unconditionally return an error when the underlying `dlsym`
240     /// call returns a null pointer. There are rare situations where `dlsym` returns a genuine null
241     /// pointer without it being an error. If loading a null pointer is something you care about,
242     /// consider using the [`Library::get_singlethreaded`] call.
243     #[inline(always)]
get<T>(&self, symbol: &[u8]) -> Result<Symbol<T>, crate::Error>244     pub unsafe fn get<T>(&self, symbol: &[u8]) -> Result<Symbol<T>, crate::Error> {
245         extern crate cfg_if;
246         cfg_if::cfg_if! {
247             // These targets are known to have MT-safe `dlerror`.
248             if #[cfg(any(
249                 target_os = "linux",
250                 target_os = "android",
251                 target_os = "openbsd",
252                 target_os = "macos",
253                 target_os = "ios",
254                 target_os = "solaris",
255                 target_os = "illumos",
256                 target_os = "redox",
257                 target_os = "fuchsia"
258             ))] {
259                 self.get_singlethreaded(symbol)
260             } else {
261                 self.get_impl(symbol, || Err(crate::Error::DlSymUnknown))
262             }
263         }
264     }
266     /// Get a pointer to function or static variable by symbol name.
267     ///
268     /// The `symbol` may not contain any null bytes, with an exception of last byte. Providing a
269     /// null terminated `symbol` may help to avoid an allocation.
270     ///
271     /// Symbol is interpreted as-is; no mangling is done. This means that symbols like `x::y` are
272     /// most likely invalid.
273     ///
274     /// # Safety
275     ///
276     /// Users of this API must specify the correct type of the function or variable loaded. Using a
277     /// `Symbol` with a wrong type is undefined.
278     ///
279     /// It is up to the user of this library to ensure that no other calls to an MT-unsafe
280     /// implementation of `dlerror` occur during execution of this function. Failing that, the
281     /// behaviour of this function is not defined.
282     ///
283     /// # Platform-specific behaviour
284     ///
285     /// Implementation of thread local variables is extremely platform specific and uses of such
286     /// variables that work on e.g. Linux may have unintended behaviour on other targets.
287     #[inline(always)]
get_singlethreaded<T>(&self, symbol: &[u8]) -> Result<Symbol<T>, crate::Error>288     pub unsafe fn get_singlethreaded<T>(&self, symbol: &[u8]) -> Result<Symbol<T>, crate::Error> {
289         self.get_impl(symbol, || Ok(Symbol {
290             pointer: ptr::null_mut(),
291             pd: marker::PhantomData
292         }))
293     }
295     /// Convert the `Library` to a raw handle.
296     ///
297     /// The handle returned by this function shall be usable with APIs which accept handles
298     /// as returned by `dlopen`.
into_raw(self) -> *mut raw::c_void299     pub fn into_raw(self) -> *mut raw::c_void {
300         let handle = self.handle;
301         mem::forget(self);
302         handle
303     }
305     /// Convert a raw handle returned by `dlopen`-family of calls to a `Library`.
306     ///
307     /// # Safety
308     ///
309     /// The pointer shall be a result of a successful call of the `dlopen`-family of functions or a
310     /// pointer previously returned by `Library::into_raw` call. It must be valid to call `dlclose`
311     /// with this pointer as an argument.
from_raw(handle: *mut raw::c_void) -> Library312     pub unsafe fn from_raw(handle: *mut raw::c_void) -> Library {
313         Library {
314             handle
315         }
316     }
318     /// Unload the library.
319     ///
320     /// This method might be a no-op, depending on the flags with which the `Library` was opened,
321     /// what library was opened or other platform specifics.
322     ///
323     /// You only need to call this if you are interested in handling any errors that may arise when
324     /// library is unloaded. Otherwise the implementation of `Drop` for `Library` will close the
325     /// library and ignore the errors were they arise.
326     ///
327     /// The underlying data structures may still get leaked if an error does occur.
close(self) -> Result<(), crate::Error>328     pub fn close(self) -> Result<(), crate::Error> {
329         let result = with_dlerror(|desc| crate::Error::DlClose { desc }, || {
330             if unsafe { dlclose(self.handle) } == 0 {
331                 Some(())
332             } else {
333                 None
334             }
335         }).map_err(|e| e.unwrap_or(crate::Error::DlCloseUnknown));
336         // While the library is not free'd yet in case of an error, there is no reason to try
337         // dropping it again, because all that will do is try calling `dlclose` again. only
338         // this time it would ignore the return result, which we already seen failing…
339         std::mem::forget(self);
340         result
341     }
342 }
344 impl Drop for Library {
drop(&mut self)345     fn drop(&mut self) {
346         unsafe {
347             dlclose(self.handle);
348         }
349     }
350 }
352 impl fmt::Debug for Library {
fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result353     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
354         f.write_str(&format!("Library@{:p}", self.handle))
355     }
356 }
358 /// Symbol from a library.
359 ///
360 /// A major difference compared to the cross-platform `Symbol` is that this does not ensure the
361 /// `Symbol` does not outlive `Library` it comes from.
362 pub struct Symbol<T> {
363     pointer: *mut raw::c_void,
364     pd: marker::PhantomData<T>
365 }
367 impl<T> Symbol<T> {
368     /// Convert the loaded Symbol into a raw pointer.
into_raw(self) -> *mut raw::c_void369     pub fn into_raw(self) -> *mut raw::c_void {
370         let pointer = self.pointer;
371         mem::forget(self);
372         pointer
373     }
374 }
376 impl<T> Symbol<Option<T>> {
377     /// Lift Option out of the symbol.
lift_option(self) -> Option<Symbol<T>>378     pub fn lift_option(self) -> Option<Symbol<T>> {
379         if self.pointer.is_null() {
380             None
381         } else {
382             Some(Symbol {
383                 pointer: self.pointer,
384                 pd: marker::PhantomData,
385             })
386         }
387     }
388 }
390 unsafe impl<T: Send> Send for Symbol<T> {}
391 unsafe impl<T: Sync> Sync for Symbol<T> {}
393 impl<T> Clone for Symbol<T> {
clone(&self) -> Symbol<T>394     fn clone(&self) -> Symbol<T> {
395         Symbol { ..*self }
396     }
397 }
399 impl<T> ::std::ops::Deref for Symbol<T> {
400     type Target = T;
deref(&self) -> &T401     fn deref(&self) -> &T {
402         unsafe {
403             // Additional reference level for a dereference on `deref` return value.
404             &*(&self.pointer as *const *mut _ as *const T)
405         }
406     }
407 }
409 impl<T> fmt::Debug for Symbol<T> {
fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result410     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
411         unsafe {
412             let mut info = mem::MaybeUninit::<DlInfo>::uninit();
413             if dladdr(self.pointer, info.as_mut_ptr()) != 0 {
414                 let info = info.assume_init();
415                 if info.dli_sname.is_null() {
416                     f.write_str(&format!("Symbol@{:p} from {:?}",
417                                          self.pointer,
418                                          CStr::from_ptr(info.dli_fname)))
419                 } else {
420                     f.write_str(&format!("Symbol {:?}@{:p} from {:?}",
421                                          CStr::from_ptr(info.dli_sname), self.pointer,
422                                          CStr::from_ptr(info.dli_fname)))
423                 }
424             } else {
425                 f.write_str(&format!("Symbol@{:p}", self.pointer))
426             }
427         }
428     }
429 }
431 // Platform specific things
432 #[cfg_attr(any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "android"), link(name="dl"))]
433 #[cfg_attr(any(target_os = "freebsd", target_os = "dragonfly"), link(name="c"))]
434 extern {
dlopen(filename: *const raw::c_char, flags: raw::c_int) -> *mut raw::c_void435     fn dlopen(filename: *const raw::c_char, flags: raw::c_int) -> *mut raw::c_void;
dlclose(handle: *mut raw::c_void) -> raw::c_int436     fn dlclose(handle: *mut raw::c_void) -> raw::c_int;
dlsym(handle: *mut raw::c_void, symbol: *const raw::c_char) -> *mut raw::c_void437     fn dlsym(handle: *mut raw::c_void, symbol: *const raw::c_char) -> *mut raw::c_void;
dlerror() -> *mut raw::c_char438     fn dlerror() -> *mut raw::c_char;
dladdr(addr: *mut raw::c_void, info: *mut DlInfo) -> raw::c_int439     fn dladdr(addr: *mut raw::c_void, info: *mut DlInfo) -> raw::c_int;
440 }
442 #[repr(C)]
443 struct DlInfo {
444   dli_fname: *const raw::c_char,
445   dli_fbase: *mut raw::c_void,
446   dli_sname: *const raw::c_char,
447   dli_saddr: *mut raw::c_void
448 }