1 /*							j0.c
2  *
3  *	Bessel function of order zero
4  *
5  *
6  *
8  *
9  * double x, y, j0();
10  *
11  * y = j0( x );
12  *
13  *
14  *
16  *
17  * Returns Bessel function of order zero of the argument.
18  *
19  * The domain is divided into the intervals [0, 5] and
20  * (5, infinity). In the first interval the following rational
21  * approximation is used:
22  *
23  *
24  *        2         2
25  * (w - r  ) (w - r  ) P (w) / Q (w)
26  *       1         2    3       8
27  *
28  *            2
29  * where w = x  and the two r's are zeros of the function.
30  *
31  * In the second interval, the Hankel asymptotic expansion
32  * is employed with two rational functions of degree 6/6
33  * and 7/7.
34  *
35  *
36  *
38  *
39  *                      Absolute error:
40  * arithmetic   domain     # trials      peak         rms
41  *    DEC       0, 30       10000       4.4e-17     6.3e-18
42  *    IEEE      0, 30       60000       4.2e-16     1.1e-16
43  *
44  */
45 /*							y0.c
46  *
47  *	Bessel function of the second kind, order zero
48  *
49  *
50  *
52  *
53  * double x, y, y0();
54  *
55  * y = y0( x );
56  *
57  *
58  *
60  *
61  * Returns Bessel function of the second kind, of order
62  * zero, of the argument.
63  *
64  * The domain is divided into the intervals [0, 5] and
65  * (5, infinity). In the first interval a rational approximation
66  * R(x) is employed to compute
67  *   y0(x)  = R(x)  +   2 * log(x) * j0(x) / PI.
68  * Thus a call to j0() is required.
69  *
70  * In the second interval, the Hankel asymptotic expansion
71  * is employed with two rational functions of degree 6/6
72  * and 7/7.
73  *
74  *
75  *
77  *
78  *  Absolute error, when y0(x) < 1; else relative error:
79  *
80  * arithmetic   domain     # trials      peak         rms
81  *    DEC       0, 30        9400       7.0e-17     7.9e-18
82  *    IEEE      0, 30       30000       1.3e-15     1.6e-16
83  *
84  */
86 /*
87 Cephes Math Library Release 2.1:  January, 1989
88 Copyright 1984, 1987, 1989 by Stephen L. Moshier
89 Direct inquiries to 30 Frost Street, Cambridge, MA 02140
90 */
92 /* Note: all coefficients satisfy the relative error criterion
93  * except YP, YQ which are designed for absolute error. */
95 #include "mconf.h"
97 static double PP[7] = {
98   7.96936729297347051624E-4,
99   8.28352392107440799803E-2,
100   1.23953371646414299388E0,
101   5.44725003058768775090E0,
102   8.74716500199817011941E0,
103   5.30324038235394892183E0,
104   9.99999999999999997821E-1,
105 };
106 static double PQ[7] = {
107   9.24408810558863637013E-4,
108   8.56288474354474431428E-2,
109   1.25352743901058953537E0,
110   5.47097740330417105182E0,
111   8.76190883237069594232E0,
112   5.30605288235394617618E0,
113   1.00000000000000000218E0,
114 };
116 static double QP[8] = {
117 -1.13663838898469149931E-2,
118 -1.28252718670509318512E0,
119 -1.95539544257735972385E1,
120 -9.32060152123768231369E1,
121 -1.77681167980488050595E2,
122 -1.47077505154951170175E2,
123 -5.14105326766599330220E1,
124 -6.05014350600728481186E0,
125 };
126 static double QQ[7] = {
127 /*  1.00000000000000000000E0,*/
128   6.43178256118178023184E1,
129   8.56430025976980587198E2,
130   3.88240183605401609683E3,
131   7.24046774195652478189E3,
132   5.93072701187316984827E3,
133   2.06209331660327847417E3,
134   2.42005740240291393179E2,
135 };
137 static double YP[8] = {
138  1.55924367855235737965E4,
139 -1.46639295903971606143E7,
140  5.43526477051876500413E9,
141 -9.82136065717911466409E11,
142  8.75906394395366999549E13,
143 -3.46628303384729719441E15,
144  4.42733268572569800351E16,
145 -1.84950800436986690637E16,
146 };
147 static double YQ[7] = {
148 /* 1.00000000000000000000E0,*/
149  1.04128353664259848412E3,
150  6.26107330137134956842E5,
151  2.68919633393814121987E8,
152  8.64002487103935000337E10,
153  2.02979612750105546709E13,
154  3.17157752842975028269E15,
155  2.50596256172653059228E17,
156 };
158 /*  5.783185962946784521175995758455807035071 */
159 static double DR1 = 5.78318596294678452118E0;
160 /* 30.47126234366208639907816317502275584842 */
161 static double DR2 = 3.04712623436620863991E1;
163 static double RP[4] = {
164 -4.79443220978201773821E9,
165  1.95617491946556577543E12,
166 -2.49248344360967716204E14,
167  9.70862251047306323952E15,
168 };
169 static double RQ[8] = {
170 /* 1.00000000000000000000E0,*/
171  4.99563147152651017219E2,
172  1.73785401676374683123E5,
173  4.84409658339962045305E7,
174  1.11855537045356834862E10,
175  2.11277520115489217587E12,
176  3.10518229857422583814E14,
177  3.18121955943204943306E16,
178  1.71086294081043136091E18,
179 };
j0(x)181 double j0(x)
182 double x;
183 {
184 double polevl(), p1evl();
185 double w, z, p, q, xn;
186 double sin(), cos(), sqrt();
187 extern double PIO4, SQ2OPI;
190 if( x < 0 )
191 	x = -x;
193 if( x <= 5.0 )
194 	{
195 	z = x * x;
196 	if( x < 1.0e-5 )
197 		return( 1.0 - z/4.0 );
199 	p = (z - DR1) * (z - DR2);
200 	p = p * polevl( z, RP, 3)/p1evl( z, RQ, 8 );
201 	return( p );
202 	}
204 w = 5.0/x;
205 q = 25.0/(x*x);
206 p = polevl( q, PP, 6)/polevl( q, PQ, 6 );
207 q = polevl( q, QP, 7)/p1evl( q, QQ, 7 );
208 xn = x - PIO4;
209 p = p * cos(xn) - w * q * sin(xn);
210 return( p * SQ2OPI / sqrt(x) );
211 }
213 /*							y0() 2	*/
214 /* Bessel function of second kind, order zero	*/
216 /* Rational approximation coefficients YP[], YQ[] are used here.
217  * The function computed is  y0(x)  -  2 * log(x) * j0(x) / PI,
218  * whose value at x = 0 is  2 * ( log(0.5) + EUL ) / PI
219  * = 0.073804295108687225.
220  */
222 /*
223 #define PIO4 .78539816339744830962
224 #define SQ2OPI .79788456080286535588
225 */
226 extern double MAXNUM;
228 #ifdef MY_FIXY0
fixy0(x)229 double fixy0(x)
230 #else
231 double y0(x)
232 #endif
233 double x;
234 {
235 double polevl(), p1evl();
236 double w, z, p, q, xn;
237 double j0(), log(), sin(), cos(), sqrt();
238 extern double TWOOPI, SQ2OPI, PIO4;
241 if( x <= 5.0 )
242 	{
243 	if( x <= 0.0 )
244 		{
245 		mtherr( "y0", DOMAIN );
246 		return( -MAXNUM );
247 		}
248 	z = x * x;
249 	w = polevl( z, YP, 7) / p1evl( z, YQ, 7 );
250 	w += TWOOPI * log(x) * j0(x);
251 	return( w );
252 	}
254 w = 5.0/x;
255 z = 25.0 / (x * x);
256 p = polevl( z, PP, 6)/polevl( z, PQ, 6 );
257 q = polevl( z, QP, 7)/p1evl( z, QQ, 7 );
258 xn = x - PIO4;
259 p = p * sin(xn) + w * q * cos(xn);
260 return( p * SQ2OPI / sqrt(x) );
261 }