1## amcheck.r
2## Function for checking for errors in coding
3## of the data or input vectors
5## 21/10/05 - now converts variables names to column numbers, stops if variable doesn't exist; returns codes and messages, doesn't stop execution
6## 04/05/06 mb - moved parameter vs. obs check to prep, checks outname
7## 10/07/06 mb - fixed handling of variance checks with no fully observed rows.
8## 17/07/06 mb - stops if variable only has one observed value.
9## 02/08/06 mb - fixed handling of character variables.
10## 25/09/06 mb - fixed handling of errors in output writing.
11## 13/12/06 mb - removed dropping of extra priors, added new priors
12## 15/12/06 mb - fixed problem of nrow(priors)==5
13## 22/07/08 mb - good coding update: T->TRUE/F->FALSE
14## 27/03/10 jh - added checks for splinetime
18amcheck <- function(x,m=5,p2s=1,frontend=FALSE,idvars=NULL,logs=NULL,
19                    ts=NULL,cs=NULL,means=NULL,sds=NULL,
20                    mins=NULL,maxs=NULL,conf=NULL,empri=NULL,
21                    tolerance=0.0001,polytime=NULL,splinetime=NULL,startvals=0,lags=NULL,
22                    leads=NULL,intercs=FALSE,archive=TRUE,sqrts=NULL,
23                    lgstc=NULL,noms=NULL,incheck=TRUE,ords=NULL,collect=FALSE,
24                    arglist=NULL, priors=NULL,bounds=NULL,
25                    max.resample=1000, overimp = NULL, emburn=NULL, boot.type=NULL) {
27                                        #Checks for errors in list variables
28  listcheck<-function(vars,optname) {
29    if (identical(vars,NULL))
30      return(0)
31    if (mode(vars) == "character") {
32      if (any(is.na(match(vars,colnames(x))))) {
33        mess<-paste("The following variables are refered to in the",
34                    optname,"argument, but don't are not columns in the data:",
35                    vars[is.na(match(vars,colnames(x)))])
36        return(list(1,mess))
37      }
38      return(0)
39    }
40    if (any(vars>AMp,vars<0,vars%%1!=0)) {
41      mess<-paste(optname," is out of the range of \n",
42                  "possible column numbers or is not an integer.")
43      return(list(2,mess))
44    }
45    return(0)
46  }
48                                        #Checks for errors in logical variables
49  logiccheck<-function(opt,optname) {
50    if (!identical(opt,NULL)) {
51      if (length(opt) > 1) {
52        mess<-paste("The",optname,"setting is longer than one logical.")
53        return(list(1,mess))
54      }
55      if (mode(opt) != "logical") {
56        mess<-paste("The",optname,"setting is not a logical (TRUE/FALSE) value.")
57        return(list(2,mess))
58      }
59    } else {
60      mess<-paste("The",optname,"setting cannot be NULL.  Please change to TRUE/FALSE.")
61      return(list(3,mess))
62    }
63    return(0)
64  }
66                                        #Checks for errors in priors variables
67  priorcheck<-function(opt,optname) {
68    if (!identical(opt,NULL)) {
69      if (!is.matrix(opt)) {
70        mess<-paste("The", optname,"matrix is not a matrix.\n")
71        return(list(1,mess))
72      }
73      if (is.character(opt)) {
74        mess<-paste("The", optname,"matrix is a character matrix.\n",
75                    "Please change it to a numeric matrix.")
76        return(list(2,mess))
77      }
78      if (any(dim(opt)!=dim(x))) {
79        mess<-paste("The", optname,"matrices must have the same dimensions\n",
80                    "as the data.")
81        return(list(3,mess))
82      }
83    }
84    return(0)
85  }
87  error.code <- 1
92                                        #Error Code: 3
93                                        #Arguments point to variables that do not exist.
94  if (inherits(try(get("x"),silent=TRUE),"try-error"))
95    return(list(code=3,mess=paste("The setting for the data argument doesn't exist.")))
96  if (inherits(try(get("m"),silent=TRUE),"try-error"))
97    return(list(code=3,mess=paste("The setting for the 'm' argument doesn't exist.")))
99  if (inherits(try(get("idvars"),silent=TRUE),"try-error"))
100    return(list(code=3,mess=paste("The setting for the 'idvars' argument doesn't exist.")))
102  if (inherits(try(get("means"),silent=TRUE),"try-error"))
103    return(list(code=3,mess=paste("The setting for the 'means' argument doesn't exist.")))
105  if (inherits(try(get("sds"),silent=TRUE),"try-error"))
106    return(list(code=3,mess=paste("The setting for the 'sds' argument doesn't exist.")))
108  if (inherits(try(get("mins"),silent=TRUE),"try-error"))
109    return(list(code=3,mess=paste("The setting for the 'mins' argument doesn't exist.")))
111  if (inherits(try(get("maxs"),silent=TRUE),"try-error"))
112    return(list(code=3,mess=paste("The setting for the 'maxs' argument doesn't exist.")))
114  if (inherits(try(get("conf"),silent=TRUE),"try-error"))
115    return(list(code=3,mess=paste("The setting for the 'conf' argument doesn't exist.")))
117  if (inherits(try(get("empri"),silent=TRUE),"try-error"))
118    return(list(code=3,mess=paste("The setting for the 'empri' argument doesn't exist.")))
120  if (inherits(try(get("ts"),silent=TRUE),"try-error"))
121    return(list(code=3,mess=paste("The setting for the 'ts' argument doesn't exist.")))
123  if (inherits(try(get("cs"),silent=TRUE),"try-error"))
124    return(list(code=3,mess=paste("The setting for the 'cs' argument doesn't exist.")))
126  if (inherits(try(get("tolerance"),silent=TRUE),"try-error"))
127    return(list(code=3,mess=paste("The setting for the 'tolerance' argument doesn't exist.")))
129  if (inherits(try(get("polytime"),silent=TRUE),"try-error"))
130    return(list(code=3,mess=paste("The setting for the 'polytime' argument doesn't exist.")))
132  if (inherits(try(get("splinetime"),silent=TRUE),"try-error"))
133    return(list(code=3,mess=paste("The setting for the 'splinetime' argument doesn't exist.")))
135  if (inherits(try(get("lags"),silent=TRUE),"try-error"))
136    return(list(code=3,mess=paste("The setting for the 'lags' argument doesn't exist.")))
138  if (inherits(try(get("leads"),silent=TRUE),"try-error") )
139    return(list(code=3,mess=paste("The setting for the 'leads' argument doesn't exist.")))
141  if (inherits(try(get("logs"),silent=TRUE),"try-error"))
142    return(list(code=3,mess=paste("The setting for the 'logs' argument doesn't exist.")))
144  if (inherits(try(get("sqrts"),silent=TRUE),"try-error"))
145    return(list(code=3,mess=paste("The setting for the 'sqrts' argument doesn't exist.")))
147  if (inherits(try(get("lgstc"),silent=TRUE),"try-error"))
148    return(list(code=3,mess=paste("The setting for the 'lgstc' argument doesn't exist.")))
150  if (inherits(try(get("p2s"),silent=TRUE),"try-error"))
151    return(list(code=3,mess=paste("The setting for the 'p2s' argument doesn't exist.")))
153  if (inherits(try(get("frontend"),silent=TRUE),"try-error"))
154    return(list(code=3,mess=paste("The setting for the 'frontend' argument doesn't exist.")))
156  if (inherits(try(get("intercs"),silent=TRUE),"try-error"))
157    return(list(code=3,mess=paste("The setting for the 'intercs' argument doesn't exist.")))
159  if (inherits(try(get("noms"),silent=TRUE),"try-error"))
160    return(list(code=3,mess=paste("The setting for the 'noms' argument doesn't exist.")))
162  if (inherits(try(get("startvals"),silent=TRUE),"try-error"))
163    return(list(code=3,mess=paste("The setting for the 'startvals' argument doesn't exist.")))
165  if (inherits(try(get("ords"),silent=TRUE),"try-error"))
166    return(list(code=3,mess=paste("The setting for the 'ords' argument doesn't exist.")))
168  if (inherits(try(get("collect"),silent=TRUE),"try-error"))
169    return(list(code=3,mess=paste("The setting for the 'collect' argument doesn't exist.")))
172  AMn<-nrow(x)
173  AMp<-ncol(x)
174  subbedout<-c(idvars,cs,ts)
176  if (is.null(idvars))
177    idcheck <- c(1:AMp)
178  else
179    idcheck <- -idvars
181  ## Error Code: 4
182  ## Completely missing columns
184  if (any(colSums(!is.na(x[,idcheck])) <= 1)) {
185    all.miss <- colnames(x[,idcheck])[colSums(!is.na(x[,idcheck])) <= 1]
186    if (is.null(all.miss)) {
187      all.miss <- which(colSums(!is.na(x[,idcheck])) <= 1)
188    }
189    all.miss <- paste(all.miss, collapse = ", ")
190    error.code<-4
191    error.mess<-paste("The data has a column that is completely missing or only has one,observation.  Remove these columns:", all.miss)
192    return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
193  }
195                                        #Error codes: 5-6
196                                        #Errors in one of the list variables
197  idout<-listcheck(idvars,"One of the 'idvars'")
198  if (!identical(idout,0))
199    return(list(code=(idout[[1]]+4),mess=idout[[2]]))
201  lagout<-listcheck(lags,"One of the 'lags'")
202  if (!identical(lagout,0))
203    return(list(code=(lagout[[1]]+4),mess=lagout[[2]]))
205  leadout<-listcheck(leads,"One of the 'leads'")
206  if (!identical(leadout,0))
207    return(list(code=(leadout[[1]]+4),mess=leadout[[2]]))
209  logout<-listcheck(logs,"One of the 'logs'")
210  if (!identical(logout,0))
211    return(list(code=(logout[[1]]+4),mess=logout[[2]]))
213  sqout<-listcheck(sqrts,"One of the 'sqrts'")
214  if (!identical(sqout,0))
215    return(list(code=(sqout[[1]]+4),mess=sqout[[2]]))
217  lgout<-listcheck(lgstc,"One of the 'lgstc'")
218  if (!identical(lgout,0))
219    return(list(code=(lgout[[1]]+4),mess=lgout[[2]]))
221  tsout<-listcheck(ts,"The 'ts' variable")
222  if (!identical(tsout,0))
223    return(list(code=(tsout[[1]]+4),mess=tsout[[2]]))
225  csout<-listcheck(cs,"The 'cs' variable")
226  if (!identical(csout,0))
227    return(list(code=(csout[[1]]+4),mess=csout[[2]]))
229  nomout<-listcheck(noms,"One of the 'noms'")
230  if (!identical(nomout,0))
231    return(list(code=(nomout[[1]]+4),mess=nomout[[2]]))
233  ordout<-listcheck(ords,"One of the 'ords'")
234  if (!identical(ordout,0))                                  # THIS FORMERLY READ "NOMOUT"
235    return(list(code=(ordout[[1]]+4),mess=ordout[[2]]))
237                                        # priors errors
238  if (!identical(priors,NULL)) {
240                                        # Error code: 7
241                                        # priors isn't a matrix
242    if (!is.matrix(priors)) {
243      error.code <- 7
244      error.mess <- "The priors argument is not a matrix."
245      return(list(code=error.code, mess=error.mess))
246    }
248                                        # Error code: 8
249                                        # priors is not numeric
250    if (!is.numeric(priors)) {
251      error.code <- 7
252      error.mess <- paste("The priors matrix is non-numeric.  It should\n",
253                          "only have numeric values.")
254      return(list(code=error.code, mess=error.mess))
256    }
258                                        # Error code: 47
259                                        # priors matrix has the wrong dimensions
260    if (ncol(priors) != 4 & ncol(priors) != 5) {
261      error.code <- 47
262      error.mess <- paste("The priors matrix has the wrong numberof columns.\n",
263                          "It should have either 4 or 5 columns.",)
264      return(list(code=error.code, mess=error.mess))
265    }
267    if (nrow(priors) > nrow(x)*ncol(x)) {
268      error.code <- 47
269      error.mess <- "There are more priors than there are observations."
270      return(list(code=error.code, mess=error.mess))
271    }
274                                        # Error code: 48
275                                        # NAs in priors matrix
276    if (any(is.na(priors))) {
277      error.code <- 48
278      error.mess <- "There are missing values in the priors matrix."
279      return(list(code=error.code, mess=error.mess))
280    }
282                                        # Error code: 49
283                                        # multiple priors set
284    if (any(duplicated(priors[,1:2]))) {
285      error.code <- 49
286      error.mess <- "Multiple priors set on one observation or variable."
287      return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
288    }
290    prior.cols <- priors[,2] %in% c(1:ncol(x))
291    prior.rows <- priors[,1] %in% c(0:nrow(x))
293    ## Error code: 9
294    ## priors set for cells that aren't in the data
295    if (sum(c(!prior.cols,!prior.rows)) != 0) {
296      error.code <- 9
297      error.mess <- "There are priors set on cells that don't exist."
298      return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
299    }
301    ## Error code: 59
302    ## no priors on nominal variables
303    if (any(priors[,2] %in% noms)) {
304      error.code <- 59
305      error.mess <- "Cannot set priors on nominal variables. "
306      return(list(code = error.code, mess = error.mess))
307    }
309    ## Error code: 60
310    ## no priors on nominal variables
311    if (any(priors[,2] %in% idvars)) {
312      error.code <- 60
313      error.mess <- "Cannot set priors on ID variables. "
314      return(list(code = error.code, mess = error.mess))
315    }
318    ## Error code: 12
319    ## confidences have to be in 0-1
320    if (ncol(priors) == 5) {
321      if (any(priors[,5] <= 0) || any(priors[,5] >= 1)) {
322        error.code<-12
323        error.mess<-paste("The priors confidences matrix has values that are less \n",
324                          "than or equal to 0 or greater than or equal to 1.")
325        return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
326      }
327    }
329  }
330                                        #Error code: 10
331                                        #Square roots with negative values
332  if (!is.null(sqrts)) {
333    if (sum(colSums(x[,sqrts, drop = FALSE] < 0, na.rm = T))) {
334      neg.vals <- colnames(x[,sqrts, drop = FALSE])[colSums(x[,sqrts, drop
335                                       = FALSE] < 0, na.rm = T) > 1]
336      if (is.null(neg.vals))
337        neg.vals <- sqrts[colSums(x[,sqrts, drop = FALSE] < 0, na.rm = T)
338                          > 1]
339      neg.vals <- paste(neg.vals, collapse = ", ")
340      error.code<-10
341      error.mess<-paste("The square root transformation cannot be used on variables with negative values. See column(s):", neg.vals)
342      return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
343    }
344  }
347                                        #warning message
348                                        #logs with negative values
349  if (!is.null(logs)) {
350    triggered<-FALSE
351        for(localindex in 1:length(logs)){
352          if(!triggered){
353        if (any(na.omit(x[,logs[localindex]]) < 0)) {
354          warning(paste("The log transformation is being used on \n",
355                        "variables with negative values. The values \n",
356                        "will be shifted up by 1 plus the minimum value \n",
357                        "of that variable."))
358                  triggered<-TRUE
359        }
360      }
361    }
362  }
365                                        #Error code: 11
366                                        #0-1 Bounds on logistic transformations
367  if (!identical(lgstc,NULL)) {
368    lgstc.check <- colSums(x[,lgstc,drop=FALSE] <= 0 |
369                           x[,lgstc,drop=FALSE] >= 1, na.rm = TRUE)
370    if (sum(lgstc.check)) {
371      neg.vals <- colnames(x[,lgstc,drop=FALSE])[lgstc.check > 0]
372      if (is.null(neg.vals))
373        neg.vals <- lgstc[lgstc.check > 0]
374      neg.vals <- paste(neg.vals, collapse = ", ")
375      error.code<-11
376      error.mess<-paste("The logistic transformation can only be used on values between 0 and 1. See column(s):", neg.vals)
377      return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
378    }
380  }
382                                        #Error code: 12
383                                        #Confidence Intervals for priors bounded to 0-1
385                                        #  if (!identical(conf,NULL)) {
386                                        #    if (any(conf <= 0,conf>=1,na.rm=T)) {
387                                        #      error.code<-12
388                                        #      error.mess<-paste("The priors confidences matrix has values that are less \n",
389                                        #                        "than or equal to 0 or greater than or equal to 1.")
390                                        #      return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
391                                        #    }
392                                        #  }
394                                        #Error code: 13
395                                        #Can't set all variables to 'idvar'
396  if (!identical(idvars,NULL)) {
397    if ((AMp-1) <= length(idvars)) {
398      error.code<-13
399      error.mess<-paste("You cannot set all variables (or all but one) as ID variables.")
400      return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
401    }
402  }
405  ## Error code: 14
406  ## ts canonot equal cs
407  if (!identical(ts,NULL) && !identical(cs,NULL)) {
408    if (ts==cs) {
409      error.code<-14
410      error.mess<-paste("Time series and cross-sectional variables cannot be the same.")
411      return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
412    }
413  }
414                                        #Error code: 15
415                                        #TS is more than one integer
416  if (!identical(ts,NULL)) {
417    if (length(ts) > 1) {
418      error.code<-15
419      error.mess<-paste("The time series variable option is longer than one integer.")
420      return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
421    }
422  }
423                                        #Error code: 16
424                                        #CS is more than one integer
425  if (!identical(cs,NULL)) {
426    if (length(cs) > 1) {
427      error.code<-16
428      error.mess<-paste("The cross section variable option is longer than one integer.")
429      return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
430    }
431  }
433  ##   if (!identical(casepri,NULL)) {
434  ##     #Error code: 17
435  ##     #Case prior must be in a matrix
436  ##     if (!is.matrix(casepri)) {
437  ##       error.code<-17
438  ##       error.mess<-paste("The case priors should be in a martix form.")
439  ##       return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
440  ##     }
441  ##     #Error code: 18
442  ##     #CS must be specified with case priors
443  ##     if (identical(cs,NULL)) {
444  ##       error.code<-18
445  ##       error.mess<-paste("The cross-sectional variable must be set in order to use case priors.")
446  ##       return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
447  ##     }
448  ##     #Error code: 19
449  ##     #Case priors have the wrong dimensions
450  ##     if (sum(dim(casepri) == c(length(unique(data[,cs])),length(unique(data[,cs])))) != 2) {
451  ##       error.code<-19
452  ##       error.mess<-paste("The case priors have the wrong dimensions.  It should \n",
453  ##                            "have rows and columns equal to the number of cases.")
454  ##       return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
455  ##     }
456  ##     #Error code: 20
457  ##     #Case prior values are out of bounds
458  ##     if (all(casepri != 0,casepri!=1,casepri!=2,casepri!=3)) {
459  ##       error.code<-20
460  ##       error.mess<-paste("The case priors can only have values 0, 1, 2, or 3.")
461  ##       return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
462  ##     }
463  ##   }
465                                        #check polynomials
466  if (!identical(polytime,NULL)) {
467                                        #Error code: 21
468                                        #Polynomials of time are longer than one integer
469    if (length(polytime) > 1) {
470      error.code<-21
471      error.mess<-paste("The polynomials of time setting is greater than one integer.")
472      return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
473    }
474    if (!is.numeric(polytime)) {
475      error.code<-22
476      error.mess<-paste("The setting for polytime is not a number.")
477      return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
478    }
479    if ((polytime %% 1) != 0) {
480      error.code<-23
481      error.mess<-paste("The number of polynomial terms to include for time (polytime) must be an integer.")
482      return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
483    }
484    if (any(polytime > 3,polytime < 0)) {
485      error.code<-24
486      error.mess<-paste("The number of polynomial terms to include must be between 1 and 3.")
487      return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
488    }
489    if (identical(ts,NULL)) {
490      error.code<-25
491      error.mess<-paste("You have set polynomials of time without setting the time series variable.")
492      return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
493    }
494    if (all(!intercs,identical(polytime,0))) {
495      warning(paste("You've set the polynomials of time to zero with no interaction with \n",
496                    "the cross-sectional variable.  This has no effect on the imputation."))
497    }
498  }
502  if (!identical(splinetime,NULL)) {
503                                        #Error code: 54
504                                        #Spline of time are longer than one integer
505    if (length(polytime) > 1) {
506      error.code<-54
507      error.mess<-paste("The spline of time setting is greater than one integer.")
508      return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
509    }
510    if (!is.numeric(splinetime)) {
511      error.code<-55
512      error.mess<-paste("The setting for splinetime is not a number.")
513      return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
514    }
515    if ((splinetime %% 1) != 0) {
516      error.code<-56
517      error.mess<-paste("The number of spline degrees of freedom to include for time (splinetime) must be an integer.")
518      return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
519    }
520    if (any(splinetime > 6,splinetime < 0)) {
521      error.code<-57
522      error.mess<-paste("The number of spline degrees of freedom to include must be between 0 and 6.")
523      return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
524    }
525    if (identical(ts,NULL)) {
526      error.code<-58
527      error.mess<-paste("You have set splines of time without setting the time series variable.")
528      return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
529    }
530    if (all(!intercs,identical(polytime,0))) {
531      warning(paste("You've set the spline of time to zero with no interaction with \n",
532                    "the cross-sectional variable.  This has no effect on the imputation."))
533    }
534  }
538                                        #checks for intercs
541  if (identical(intercs,TRUE)) {
542    if (identical(cs,NULL)) {
543      error.code<-27
544      error.mess<-paste("You have indicated an interaction with the cross section \n",
545                        "without setting the cross section variable.")
546      return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
547    }
548    if (length(unique(x[,cs])) > (1/3)*(AMn)) {
549      error.code<-28
550      error.mess<-paste("There are too many cross-sections in the data to use an \n",
551                        "interaction between polynomial of time and the cross-section.")
552      return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
553    }
554    if (sum(is.na(x[,cs])) > 0) {
555      error.code <- 60
556      error.mess <-
557        paste("There are missing values in the 'cs' variable.")
558      return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
559    }
561  }
563                                        #Error codes: 29-31
564                                        #logical variable errors
565  interout<-logiccheck(intercs,"cross section interaction")
566  if (!identical(interout,0))
567    return(list(code=(28+interout[[1]]),mess=interout[[2]]))
569                                        #p2sout<-logiccheck(p2s,"print to screen")
570                                        #if (!identical(p2sout,0))
571                                        #  return(list(code=(p2sout[[1]]+28),mess=p2sout[[2]]))
573  frout<-logiccheck(frontend,"frontend")
574  if (!identical(frout,0))
575    return(list(code=(frout[[1]]+28),mess=frout[[2]]))
577  collout<-logiccheck(collect,"archive")
578  if (!identical(collout,0))
579    return(list(code=(collout[[1]]+28),mess=collout[[2]]))
581                                        #Error code: 32
582                                        #Transformations must be mutually exclusive
583  if (length(unique(c(logs,sqrts,lgstc,noms,ords,idvars))) != length(c(logs,sqrts,lgstc,noms,ords,idvars))) {
584    error.code<-32
585    error.mess<-paste("Transfomations must be mutually exclusive, so one \n",
586                      "variable can only be assigned one transformation.  You have the \n",
587                      "same variable designated for two transformations.")
588    return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
589  }
591                                        #Error code: 33
592                                        #ts/cs variables can't be transformed
593  if (any(unique(c(logs,sqrts,lgstc,noms,ords,idvars)) == ts,unique(c(logs,sqrts,lgstc,noms,ords,idvars)) == cs)) {
594    error.code<-33
595    error.mess<-paste("The time series and cross sectional variables cannot be transformed.")
596    return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
597  }
602                                        #Error code: 35
603                                        #tolerance must be greater than zero
604  if (tolerance <= 0) {
605    error.code<-35
606    error.mess<-paste("The tolerance option must be greater than zero.")
607    return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
608  }
610                                        #check nominals
611  if (!identical(noms,NULL)) {
613    for (i in noms) {
614                                        #Error code: 36
615                                        #too many levels on noms
616      if (length(unique(na.omit(x[,i]))) > (1/3)*(AMn)) {
617        bad.var <- colnames(x)[i]
618        if (is.null(bad.var)) bad.var <- i
619        error.code<-36
620        error.mess<-paste("The number of categories in the nominal variable \'",bad.var,"\' is greater than one-third of the observations.", sep = "")
621        return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
622      }
624      if (length(unique(na.omit(x[,i]))) > 10)
625        warning("\n\nThe number of categories in one of the variables marked nominal has greater than 10 categories. Check nominal specification.\n\n")
629      if (all(i==cs,intercs==TRUE)) {
630        noms<-noms[noms!=i]
631        warning("The cross sectional variable was set as a nominal variable.  Its nominal status has been dropped.")
632      }
633    }
634  }
636  if (is.null(c(noms,ords,idvars,cs)))
637    fact <- c(1:AMp)
638  else
639    fact <- -c(noms,ords,idvars,cs)
641  if (is.null(c(cs,idvars)))
642    idcheck <- c(1:AMp)
643  else
644    idcheck <- -c(cs,idvars)
646  ##Error code: 37
647  ##factors out of the noms,ids,ords,cs
649  if (is.data.frame(x)) {
650    if (length(x[,fact])) {
651      if (sum(sapply(x[,fact],is.factor))) {
652        bad.var <- colnames(x[,fact])[sapply(x[,fact],is.factor)]
653        if (is.null(bad.var))
654          bad.var <- setdiff(which(sapply(x,is.factor)), -fact)
655        bad.var <- paste(bad.var, collapse = ", ")
656        error.code<-37
657        error.mess<-paste("The following variable(s) are 'factors': ",
658                          bad.var,
659                          "You may have wanted to set this as a ID variable to remove it",
660                          "from the imputation model or as an ordinal or nominal",
661                          "variable to be imputed.  Please set it as either and",
662                          "try again.", sep = "\n")
663        return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
665      }
666      if (sum(sapply(x[,fact],is.ordered))) {
667        bad.var <- colnames(x[,fact])[sapply(x[,fact],is.ordered)]
668        if (is.null(bad.var))
669          bad.var <- setdiff(which(sapply(x,is.ordered)), -fact)
670        bad.var <- paste(bad.var, collapse = ", ")
671        error.code<-37
672        error.mess<-paste("The following variable(s) are 'factors': ",
673                          bad.var,
674                          "You may have wanted to set this as a ID variable to remove it",
675                          "from the imputation model or as an ordinal or nominal",
676                          "variable to be imputed.  Please set it as either and",
677                          "try again.", sep = "\n")
678        return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
679      }
681      if (sum(sapply(x[,fact],is.character))) {
682        bad.var <- colnames(x[,fact])[sapply(x[,fact],is.character)]
683        if (is.null(bad.var))
684          bad.var <- setdiff(which(sapply(x,is.character)), -fact)
685        bad.var <- paste(bad.var, collapse = ", ")
686        error.code<-38
687        error.mess<-paste("The following variable(s) are characters: ",
688                          paste("\t",bad.var),
689                          "You may have wanted to set this as a ID variable to remove it",
690                          "from the imputation model or as an ordinal or nominal",
691                          "variable to be imputed.  Please set it as either and",
692                          "try again.", sep = "\n")
694        return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
695      }
696    }
697  } else {
698    if (!is.numeric(x)) {
699      error.code <- 38
700      error.mess <- paste("The \'x\' matrix is not numeric.")
701      return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
702    }
703  }
704                                        #Error code: 39
705                                        #No missing observation
706  if (!any(is.na(x[,idcheck,drop=FALSE])) & is.null(overimp)) {
707    error.code<-39
708    error.mess<-paste("Your data has no missing values.  Make sure the code for \n",
709                      "missing data is set to the code for R, which is NA.")
710    return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
711  }
713                                        #Error code: 40
714                                        #lags require ts
715  if (!is.null(lags)) {
716    if (is.null(ts)) {
717      error.code<-40
718      error.mess<-paste("You need to specify the time variable in order to create lags.")
719      return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
720    }
721  }
723                                        #Error code: 41
724                                        #leads require ts
725  if (!is.null(leads)) {
726    if (is.null(ts)) {
727      error.code<-41
728      error.mess<-paste("You need to specify the time variable in order to create leads.")
729      return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
730    }
731  }
734                                        #Error code: 42
735                                        #Only 1 column of data
736  if (AMp==1) {
737    error.code<-42
738    error.mess<-paste("There is only 1 column of data. Cannot impute.")
739    return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
740  }
742  ## catch problems when the only other variable is an unused
743  ## cross-section.
744  if (!isTRUE(intercs) & ncol(x[,idcheck, drop = FALSE]) == 1) {
745    error.code<-42
746    error.mess<-paste("There is only 1 column of data. Cannot impute.")
747    return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
748  }
749  ts.nulls <- is.null(polytime) & is.null(splinetime)
750  ts.zeros <- (polytime == 0) & (splinetime == 0)
751  if (!isTRUE(polytime > 0) & !isTRUE(splinetime > 0)) {
752    if (!isTRUE(intercs) & !is.null(ts)) {
753      if (ncol(x[,-c(ts,cs,idvars), drop = FALSE]) == 1) {
754        error.code<-61
755        error.mess<-paste("There is only 1 column of data after removing the ts, cs and idvars. Cannot impute without adding polytime.")
756        return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
757      }
758    }
759  }
762                                        #Error code: 43
763                                        #Variable that doesn't vary
765  ## note that this will allow the rare case that a user only has
766  ## variation in a variable when all of the other variables are missing
767  ## in addition to having no variation in the listwise deleted
768  ## dataset. Our starting value function should be robust to this.
770  num.nonmissing <- function(obj) length(unique(na.omit(obj)))
771  if (is.data.frame(x)) {
772    non.vary <- sapply(x[,idcheck, drop = FALSE], num.nonmissing)
773  } else {
774    non.vary <- apply(x[,idcheck, drop = FALSE], 2, num.nonmissing)
775  }
777  if (sum(non.vary == 1)) {
778    non.names <- colnames(x[,idcheck])[non.vary == 1]
779    if (is.null(non.names)) {
780      hold <- rep(-1, ncol(x))
781      hold[-idcheck] <- non.vary
782      non.names <- which(hold == 0)
783    }
784    non.names <- paste(non.names, collapse = ", ")
785    error.code<-43
786    error.mess<-paste("You have a variable in your dataset that does not vary.  Please remove this variable. Variables that do not vary: ", non.names)
787    return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
788  }
790  ##   } else {
793  ##     if (nrow(na.omit(x)) > 1) {
794  ##       if (any(diag(var(x[,idcheck],na.rm=TRUE))==0)) {
795  ##         error.code<-43
796  ##         error.mess<-paste("You have a variable in your dataset that does not vary.  Please remove this variable.")
797  ##         return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
798  ##       }
799  ##     } else {
800  ##       for (i in 1:ncol(x[,idcheck])) {
801  ##         if (var(x[,i],na.rm=TRUE) == 0) {
802  ##           error.code<-43
803  ##           error.mess<-paste("You have a variable in your dataset that does not vary.  Please remove this variable.")
804  ##           return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
805  ##         }
806  ##       }
807  ##     }
808  ##   }
810                                        #checks for ordinals
811  if (!is.null(ords)) {
812    for (i in ords) {
813                                        #Error code: 44
814                                        # Ordinal variable with non-integers (factors work by design, and they're
815                                        # harder to check
816      if (!is.factor(x[,i])) {
817        if (any(unique(na.omit(x[,i])) %% 1 != 0 )) {
818          non.ints <- colnames(x)[i]
819          if (is.null(non.ints)) non.ints <- i
820          error.code<-44
821          error.mess<-paste("You have designated the variable \'",non.ints,
822                            "\' as ordinal when it has non-integer values.",
823                            sep = "")
824          return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
825        }
826      }
827    }
828  }
832  ##   #checks for outname
833  ##   if (write.out==TRUE) {
834  ##     if (!is.character(outname)) {
835  ##       outname<-"outdata"
836  ##       warning("The output filename (outname) was not a character.  It has been set it
837  ## its default 'outdata' in the working directory.")
838  ##     }
839  ##     #Error code: 45
840  ##     #output file errors
841  ##     outtest<-try(write.csv("test",file=paste(outname,"1.csv",sep="")),silent=TRUE)
842  ##     if (inherits(outtest,"try-error")) {
843  ##       error.code<-45
844  ##       error.mess<-paste("R cannot write to the outname you have specified.  Please
845  ## check","that the directory exists and that you have permission to write.",sep="\n")
846  ##       return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
847  ##     }
848  ##     tmpdir<- strsplit(paste(outname,"1.csv",sep=""),.Platform$file.sep)
849  ##     am.dir <- tmpdir[[1]][1]
850  ##     if (length(tmpdir[[1]]) > 1)
851  ##       for (i in 2:(length(tmpdir[[1]])))
852  ##         am.dir <- file.path(am.dir, tmpdir[[1]][i])
853  ##     file.remove(am.dir)
854  ##   }
857                                        #  if (xor(!identical(means,NULL),!identical(sds,NULL))) {
858                                        #    means<-NULL
859                                        #    sds<-NULL
860                                        #    warning("Both the means and the SDs have to be set in order to use observational priors.  The priors have been removed from the analysis.")
861                                        #  }
862                                        #  if (sum(!identical(mins,NULL),!identical(maxs,NULL),!identical(conf,NULL)) != 3 &&
863                                        #        sum(!identical(mins,NULL),!identical(maxs,NULL),!identical(conf,NULL)) != 0) {
864                                        #    mins<-NULL
865                                        #    maxs<-NULL
866                                        #    conf<-NULL
867                                        #    warning("Not all of the range parameters were set for the observational priors.  They have been removed.")
868                                        #  }
870                                        #checks of m
871  if (!is.numeric(m)) {
872    m<-5
873    warning("The number of imputations ('m') was a non-numeric.  The value was changed to the default.")
874  }
875  if ((m %% 1) != 0) {
876    m<-5
877    warning("The number of imputation ('m') was not an integer.  The value was changed to the default (5).")
878  }
879  if (m<=0) {
880    m<-5
881    warning("The number of imputations ('m') must be greater than 0.  The value was changed to the default (5).")
882  }
885                                        # checks for bounds
886  if (!is.null(bounds)) {
887    b.size <- is.matrix(bounds) && ncol(bounds)==3 && nrow(bounds) > 0
888    b.cols <- sum(bounds[,1] %in% c(1:AMp)) == nrow(bounds)
889    maxint <- max.resample > 0 && (max.resample %% 1)==0
892                                        # Error 50:
893                                        # wrong sized bounds matrix
894    if (!b.size) {
895      error.code<-50
896      error.mess<-paste("The bounds argument is a three-column matrix.")
897      return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
898    }
900                                        # Error 51:
901                                        # nonexistant columns in bounds.
902    if (!b.cols) {
903      error.code<-51
904      error.mess<-paste("One of the bounds is on a non-existant column.")
905      return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
906    }
908                                        # Error 52:
909                                        # max.resample needs to be positive integer.
910    if (!maxint) {
911      error.code<-52
912      error.mess<-paste("The max.resample argument needs to be a positive integer.")
913      return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
914    }
915  }
917  if (!is.null(overimp)) {
918    o.num  <- is.numeric(overimp)
919    o.size <- (is.matrix(overimp) & ncol(overimp) == 2) | length(overimp) == 2
920    o.cols <- all(unique(overimp[,2]) %in% 1:ncol(x))
921    o.rows <- all(unique(overimp[,1]) %in% 1:nrow(x))
923    ## Error 53:
924    ## overimp not numeric
925    if (!o.num | !o.size) {
926      error.code <- 53
927      error.mess <- "The overimp matrix needs to be a two-column numeric matrix."
928      return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
929    }
931    ## Error 54:
932    ## overimp out of range
933    if (!o.rows | !o.cols) {
934      error.code <- 54
935      error.mess <- "A row/column pair in overimp is outside the range of the data."
936      return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
937    }
939  }
941  if (is.data.frame(x)) {
942    is.posix <- function(x) inherits(x, c("POSIXt", "POSIXct", "POSIXlt"))
943    posix.check <- sapply(x, is.posix)
944    if (any(is.na(x[, posix.check]))) {
945      stop("NA in POSIXt variable: remove or convert to numeric")
946    }
947  }
950  if (!is.null(emburn)) {
951    if (length(emburn) != 2) {
952      stop("emburn must be length 2")
953    }
954  }
956  if (!is.null(boot.type)) {
957    if (!(boot.type %in% c("ordinary", "none"))) {
958      stop("boot.type must be either 'ordinary' or 'none'")
959    }
960  }
962  if (is.data.frame(x)) {
963    if (sum(sapply(x, length) == 0)) {
964      bad.var <- colnames(x)[sapply(x,length) == 0]
965      if (is.null(bad.var))
966        bad.var <- which(sapply(x,length) == 0)
967      bad.var <- paste(bad.var, collapse = ", ")
968      error.code <- 53
969      error.mess<-paste("The variable(s)",bad.var,"have length 0 in the data frame. Try removing these variables or reimporting the data.")
970      return(list(code=error.code,mess=error.mess))
971    }
972  }
974  if (nrow(na.omit(x[,idcheck,drop=FALSE])) > ncol(x[,idcheck,drop=FALSE])) {
975    if (is.data.frame(x)) {
976      lmcheck <- lm(I(rnorm(AMn))~ ., data = x[,idcheck, drop = FALSE])
977    } else {
978      lmcheck <- lm(I(rnorm(AMn))~ ., data = as.data.frame(x[,idcheck, drop = FALSE]))
979    }
980    if (any(is.na(coef(lmcheck)))) {
981      bad.var <- names(coef(lmcheck))[which(is.na(coef(lmcheck)))]
982      if (length(bad.var) == 1) {
983        warning(paste("The variable", bad.var, "is perfectly collinear with another variable in the data.\n"))
984      } else {
985        bad.var <- paste(bad.var, collapse = ", ")
986        warning(paste("The variables (or variable with levels)", bad.var, "are perfectly collinear with another variable in the data.\n"))
987      }
989    }
990  }
992  return(list(m=m,priors=priors))