1SCFTs <- function(design, digits=3, all=TRUE, resk.only=TRUE, kmin=NULL, kmax=ncol(design),
2      regcheck=FALSE, arft=TRUE, cancors=FALSE, with.blocks=FALSE){
3        ## returns list with SCFTs and ARFTs
4        ## either for all full resolution subsets or for all subsets
5        if ("design" %in% class(design)) {
6            fn <- names(factor.names(design))
7            if (with.blocks) fn <- c(fn, design.info(design)$block.name)
8            design <- design[,fn]
9            nfac <- length(fn)
10            }
11        else{
12            nfac <- ncol(design)
13            fn <- 1:nfac
14        }
16        nlev <- levels.no(design)
17        dfs <- nlev-1
18        ks <- which(round(GWLP(design, kmax=kmax)[-1],8)>0)
19        if (length(ks)==0) {
20                     hilf <- list(list(SCFT=cbind(SC=0, frequency=sum(nlev) - kmax),
21                                       ARFT=cbind(aveR2=0, frequency=kmax), cancor1=0))
22                     names(hilf) <- kmax
23                     return(hilf)
24                     }
25        k <- min(ks)   ## here, k is resolution
26        if (k < 2) stop("resolution of design must be at least 2")
27        kminset <- FALSE   ## kminset TRUE: user has chosen kmin
28        if (is.null(kmin)) kmin <- k
29        else {
30            kminset <- TRUE
31            redu <- ks[ks >= kmin]   ## reduced set of levels
32		message(paste("Check sets of sizes ", paste(redu, collapse=",")))
33            if (length(redu)==0) return()
34            kmin <- min(redu)
35            k <- kmin
36            ks <- redu   ## added March 2016, after commenting out the interim 0 calculations
37            }
38        if (k >= kmin)
39        {
40        ## should always be reached
41        if (!"design" %in% class(design)){
42           ## make sure these are factors
43           if (!is.data.frame(design)) design <- as.data.frame(design)
44           faktoren <- sapply(design, is.factor)
45           keinfaktor <- which(!faktoren)
46           if (length(keinfaktor)>0) for (i in keinfaktor) design[[i]] <- as.factor(design[[i]])
47        }
49       ### calculations for k=kmin
50        k <- kmin
51        nGRindi <- choose(nfac-1,k-1)
52        sel <- nchoosek(nfac-1,k-1)
53        auswahl <- 1:nGRindi
54        erg3 <- array(NA, c(nfac, nGRindi, max(nlev)-1))
55        selproj <- nchoosek(nfac,k)
56          ## added March 2016
57          ## determine resolution k projections
58          GWLPs <- round(apply(selproj, 2, function(obj) GWLP(design[,obj])[-1]),4)
59              ## column for each projection
60        selproj <- apply(selproj, 2, function(obj) paste(obj, collapse=":"))
61        ergproj <- rep(NA, length(selproj))
62        dimnames(erg3) <- list(factor=fn, others=apply(sel, 2, function(obj) paste(obj, collapse=":")), 1:(max(nlev)-1))
63        for (i in 1:nfac){
64          ## added March 2016
65          ## determine resolution k projections
66          if (resk.only){
67          reskproj <- apply(GWLPs, 2, function(obj) all(obj[-k]==0))
68          if (all(!reskproj)){
69                message("no projections with resolution ", k, " or higher")
70                return()
71             }
72          }
74          seli <- sel
75          seli[seli>=i] <- seli[seli>=i]+1
76          proji <- apply(seli, 2, function(obj) paste(sort(c(i,obj)),collapse=":"))
77          indexes <- sapply(proji, function(obj) which(selproj==obj))
78          berechn <- t(sapply(auswahl, function(obj){
79            spalten <- c(i,seli[,obj])
80            hilf2 <- design[,spalten]
81            mmX <- model.matrix(~., data=hilf2[,1,drop=FALSE])[,-1]  ## first factor
83            if (k>2)
84            mmOther <- model.matrix(formula(substitute(~.^km1, list(km1 = k-1))),
85                     data=hilf2[,-1,drop=FALSE])[,-1]
86            else
87            mmOther <- model.matrix(~., data=hilf2[,-1,drop=FALSE])[,-1]
88            hilfc <- cancor(mmOther, mmX)$cor
89            if (length(hilfc) < dfs[i])
90               hilfc <- c(hilfc, rep(0,dfs[i]-length(hilfc)))
91            hilfc
92         }))
93          if (nrow(berechn)==1) berechn <- t(berechn)
94          erg3[i,1:nGRindi,1:dfs[i]] <- berechn
95            }
96        rund <- round(erg3, digits)
98          SCFT <- table(round(erg3^2, digits))
99          SCFT <- cbind(SC=as.numeric(names(SCFT)), frequency=SCFT)
100          rownames(SCFT) <- rep("",nrow(SCFT))
102        aus <- list(SCFT=SCFT)
103        if (arft) {
104                aveR2s <- apply(erg3, c(1, 2), function(obj) mean(obj^2,
105                   na.rm = TRUE))
106                ARFT <- table(round(aveR2s, digits))
107                ARFT <- cbind(aveR2 = as.numeric(names(ARFT)), frequency = ARFT)
108                rownames(ARFT) <- rep("", nrow(ARFT))
109                aus <- c(aus, list(ARFT=ARFT))
110            }
111        if (cancors) aus <- c(aus, list(cancors=round(erg3^2, digits)))
113        if (regcheck) if (length(setdiff(aus$SCFT[,1], c(0,1)))>0){
114              message("The design is not regular")
115              return(aus)
116        }
117        else message("The check for k=", k, " did not exclude regularity")
118        }
119        else aus <- list()
121        ## calculations for larger k, if requested
122        if (all){
123        aus <- list(aus)
124        names(aus) <- k
125        ## March 2016: added condition
126        ## is this really needed, even for not only resk.only ?
127        ## it will provide interim 0 tables, which are unnecessary
128        ## given one knows the GWLP
129        ## therefore, commented out entirely
130        ## if (!resk.only) ks <- kmin:kmax  ### entered in order to also obtain SCFTs for
131                                         ### numbers of factors with GWLP 0
132        for (k in ks[ks>kmin & ks<=kmax]){
133          nGRindi <- choose(nfac-1,k-1)  ## number of subsets excluding LHS
134          sel <- nchoosek(nfac-1,k-1)    ## subsets excluding LHS
135          auswahl <- 1:nGRindi           ## index vector of subsets exluding LHS
136          erg3 <- array(NA, c(nfac, nGRindi, max(nlev)-1))
138          selproj <- nchoosek(nfac,k)    ## k factor projections
140          ## determine resolution k projections
141          GWLPs <- round(apply(selproj, 2, function(obj) GWLP(design[,obj])[-1]),4)
142              ## column for each projection
143          if (resk.only){
144          reskproj <- apply(GWLPs, 2, function(obj) all(obj[-k]==0))
145          if (all(!reskproj)){
146                message("no projections with resolution ", k, " or higher")
147                ks <- ks[ks<k]
148                break ## seemingly unnecessary break removed March 1 2018
149                      ## and reentered as necessary June 2018
150                      ## the break breaks the for loop
151             }
152          }
154          ## make into character descriptor
155          selproj <- apply(selproj, 2, function(obj) paste(obj, collapse=":"))
156          ergproj <- rep(NA, length(selproj))
157          ## prepare result
158          dimnames(erg3) <- list(factor=fn,
159                                 others=apply(sel, 2, function(obj)
160                                    paste(obj, collapse=":")), 1:(max(nlev)-1))
161        for (i in 1:nfac){
162          seli <- sel
163          seli[seli>=i] <- seli[seli>=i]+1
164          proji <- apply(seli, 2, function(obj) paste(sort(c(i,obj)),collapse=":"))
165          indexes <- sapply(proji, function(obj) which(selproj==obj))
166          if (resk.only) needi <- sapply(proji, function(obj) reskproj[which(selproj==obj)])
167          else needi <- rep(TRUE, nGRindi)
168          if (any(needi)){
169          berechn <- t(sapply(auswahl[needi], function(obj){
170            spalten <- c(i,seli[,obj])
171            hilf2 <- design[,spalten]
172            mmX <- model.matrix(~., data=hilf2[,1,drop=FALSE])[,-1]  ## first factor
173            if (k>2)
174            mmOther <- model.matrix(formula(substitute(~.^km1, list(km1 = k-1))),
175                     data=hilf2[,-1,drop=FALSE])[,-1]
176            else
177            mmOther <- model.matrix(~., data=hilf2[,-1,drop=FALSE])[,-1]
178            hilfc <- cancor(mmOther, mmX)$cor
179            if (length(hilfc) < dfs[i])
180               hilfc <- c(hilfc, rep(0,dfs[i] - length(hilfc)))
181            hilfc
182            }))
183          if (nrow(berechn)==1) berechn <- t(berechn)
184          erg3[i,(1:nGRindi)[needi],1:dfs[i]] <- berechn
185            }
186        }
187        rund <- round(erg3, digits)
188        SCFT <- table(round(erg3^2, digits))
189        SCFT <- cbind(SC=as.numeric(names(SCFT)), frequency=SCFT)
190        rownames(SCFT) <- rep("",nrow(SCFT))
191        ausadd <- list(SCFT=SCFT)
193        if (arft) {
194                aveR2s <- apply(erg3, c(1, 2), function(obj) mean(obj^2,
195                   na.rm = TRUE))
196                ARFT <- table(round(aveR2s, digits))
197                ARFT <- cbind(aveR2 = as.numeric(names(ARFT)), frequency = ARFT)
198                rownames(ARFT) <- rep("", nrow(ARFT))
199                ausadd <- c(ausadd, list(ARFT=ARFT))
200            }
202        if (cancors) ausadd <- c(ausadd, list(cancors=round(erg3^2, digits)))
203        aus <- c(aus, list(ausadd))
205        if (regcheck)
206        if (length(setdiff(ausadd$SCFT[,1], c(0,1)))>0){
207           message("The design is not regular")
208           names(aus) <- ks[1:which(ks==k)]
209           return(aus)
210        }
211           else message("The check for k=", k, " did not exclude regularity")
212        }
213	  names(aus) <- ks
214        }
215        aus
217        }