1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // cMCMCfactanal.cc is C++ code to estimate a factor analysis model
3 //
4 // Andrew D. Martin
5 // Dept. of Political Science
6 // Washington University in St. Louis
7 // admartin@wustl.edu
8 //
9 // Kevin M. Quinn
10 // Dept. of Government
11 // Harvard University
12 // kevin_quinn@harvard.edu
13 //
14 // This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU GENERAL
15 // PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991.  See the package LICENSE
16 // file for more information.
17 //
18 // revised version of older MCMCfactanal 5/11/2004 KQ
19 // updated to new verion of scythe 7/25/2004 ADM
20 // updated to Scythe 1.0.X 7/10/2007 ADM
21 // finished update to Scythe 1.0.X 7/30/2007 KQ
22 //
23 // Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Andrew D. Martin and Kevin M. Quinn
24 // Copyright (C) 2007-present Andrew D. Martin, Kevin M. Quinn,
25 //    and Jong Hee Park
26 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
32 #include "matrix.h"
33 #include "algorithm.h"
34 #include "distributions.h"
35 #include "stat.h"
36 #include "la.h"
37 #include "ide.h"
38 #include "smath.h"
39 #include "MCMCrng.h"
40 #include "MCMCfcds.h"
42 #include <R.h>           // needed to use Rprintf()
43 #include <R_ext/Utils.h> // needed to allow user interrupts
45 typedef Matrix<double,Row,View> rmview;
47 using namespace std;
48 using namespace scythe;
50 template <typename RNGTYPE>
MCMCfactanal_impl(rng<RNGTYPE> & stream,const Matrix<> & X,Matrix<> & Lambda,Matrix<> & Psi,Matrix<> & Psi_inv,const Matrix<> & Lambda_eq,const Matrix<> & Lambda_ineq,const Matrix<> & Lambda_prior_mean,const Matrix<> & Lambda_prior_prec,const Matrix<> & a0,const Matrix<> & b0,unsigned int burnin,unsigned int mcmc,unsigned int thin,unsigned int verbose,unsigned int storescores,Matrix<> & result)51 void MCMCfactanal_impl (rng<RNGTYPE>& stream, const Matrix<>& X,
52 			Matrix<>& Lambda,
53 			Matrix<>& Psi, Matrix<>& Psi_inv,
54 			const Matrix<>& Lambda_eq,
55 			const Matrix<>&  Lambda_ineq,
56 			const Matrix<>& Lambda_prior_mean,
57 			const Matrix<>& Lambda_prior_prec,
58 			const Matrix<>& a0, const Matrix<>& b0,
59 			unsigned int burnin, unsigned int mcmc,
60 			unsigned int thin,
61 			unsigned int verbose,
62 			unsigned int storescores, Matrix<>& result) {
64   // constants
65   const unsigned int K = X.cols();  // number of manifest variables
66   const unsigned int N = X.rows();  // number of observations
67   const unsigned int D = Lambda.cols();  // number of factors
68   const unsigned int tot_iter = burnin + mcmc;
69   const unsigned int nsamp = mcmc / thin;
70   const Matrix<> I = eye(D);
71   const Matrix<> Lambda_free_indic = Matrix<>(K, D);
72   for (unsigned int i=0; i<(K*D); ++i){
73     if (Lambda_eq[i] == -999) Lambda_free_indic[i] = 1.0;
74   }
77   // starting value for phi
78   Matrix<> phi = Matrix<>(N,D);
80   // storage matrices (row major order)
81   Matrix<> Lambda_store = Matrix<>(nsamp, K*D);
82   Matrix<> Psi_store = Matrix<>(nsamp, K);
83   Matrix<> phi_store;
84   if (storescores==1){
85     phi_store = Matrix<double>(nsamp, N*D);
86   }
89   unsigned int count    = 0;
90   // sampling begins here
91   for (unsigned int iter=0; iter < tot_iter; ++iter){
93     // sample phi
94     NormNormfactanal_phi_draw(phi, I, Lambda, Psi_inv,
95 			      X, N, D, stream);
98     // sample Lambda
99     NormNormfactanal_Lambda_draw(Lambda, Lambda_free_indic,
100 				 Lambda_prior_mean,
101 				 Lambda_prior_prec,
102 				 phi, X, Psi_inv,
103 				 Lambda_ineq,
104 				 D, K, stream);
107     // sample Psi
108     NormIGfactanal_Psi_draw(Psi, X, phi, Lambda,
109 			    a0, b0, K, N, stream);
112     for (unsigned int i=0; i<K; ++i)
113       Psi_inv(i,i) = 1.0 / Psi(i,i);
117     // print results to screen
118     if (verbose > 0 && iter % verbose == 0){
119       Rprintf("\n\nMCMCfactanal iteration %i of %i \n", (iter+1), tot_iter);
120       Rprintf("Lambda = \n");
121       for (unsigned int i=0; i<K; ++i){
122 	for (unsigned int j=0; j<D; ++j){
123 	  Rprintf("%10.5f", Lambda(i,j));
124 	}
125 	Rprintf("\n");
126       }
127       Rprintf("diag(Psi) = \n");
128       for (unsigned int i=0; i<K; ++i){
129 	Rprintf("%10.5f", Psi(i,i));
130       }
131       Rprintf("\n");
132     }
134     // store results
135     if ((iter % thin)==0 && iter >= burnin ) {
136       // store Lambda
137       //Matrix<> Lambda_store_vec = Lambda.resize(1, K*D, true);
138       //for (int l=0; l<K*D; ++l)
139       //Lambda_store(count, l) = Lambda(l);
140       rmview(Lambda_store(count, _)) = Lambda;
142       // store Psi
143       for (unsigned int i=0; i<K; ++i)
144 	Psi_store(count, i) = Psi(i,i);
145       // stop phi
146       if (storescores==1){
147 	//Matrix<> phi_store_vec = phi.resize(1, N*D, true);
148 	//for (int l=0; l<N*D; ++l)
149 	// phi_store(count, l) = phi(l);
150 	rmview(phi_store(count, _)) = phi;
151       }
152       count++;
153     }
155     // allow user interrupts
156     R_CheckUserInterrupt();
158   } // end Gibbs loop
160   // return output
161   //Matrix<double> result;
162   result = cbind(Lambda_store, Psi_store);
163   if(storescores == 1) {
164     result = cbind(result, phi_store);
165   }
167 }
170 extern "C" {
cMCMCfactanal(double * sampledata,const int * samplerow,const int * samplecol,const double * Xdata,const int * Xrow,const int * Xcol,const int * burnin,const int * mcmc,const int * thin,const int * uselecuyer,const int * seedarray,const int * lecuyerstream,const int * verbose,const double * Lambdadata,const int * Lambdarow,const int * Lambdacol,const double * Psidata,const int * Psirow,const int * Psicol,const double * Lameqdata,const int * Lameqrow,const int * Lameqcol,const double * Lamineqdata,const int * Lamineqrow,const int * Lamineqcol,const double * Lampmeandata,const int * Lampmeanrow,const int * Lampmeancol,const double * Lampprecdata,const int * Lampprecrow,const int * Lamppreccol,const double * a0data,const int * a0row,const int * a0col,const double * b0data,const int * b0row,const int * b0col,const int * storescores)172   void cMCMCfactanal(double *sampledata, const int *samplerow,
173 		    const int *samplecol, const double *Xdata,
174 		    const int *Xrow, const int *Xcol, const int *burnin,
175 		    const int *mcmc, const int *thin, const int *uselecuyer,
176 		    const int *seedarray, const int *lecuyerstream,
177 		    const int *verbose, const double *Lambdadata,
178 		    const int *Lambdarow, const int *Lambdacol,
179 		    const double *Psidata, const int *Psirow,
180 		    const int *Psicol, const double *Lameqdata,
181 		    const int *Lameqrow, const int *Lameqcol,
182 		    const double *Lamineqdata, const int *Lamineqrow,
183 		    const int *Lamineqcol, const double *Lampmeandata,
184 		    const int *Lampmeanrow, const int *Lampmeancol,
185 		    const double *Lampprecdata, const int *Lampprecrow,
186 		    const int *Lamppreccol, const double *a0data,
187 		    const int *a0row, const int *a0col,
188 		    const double *b0data, const int *b0row,
189 		    const int *b0col, const int *storescores) {
191     // pull together Matrix objects
192     const Matrix <> X(*Xrow, *Xcol, Xdata);
193     Matrix <> Lambda(*Lambdarow, *Lambdacol, Lambdadata);
194     Matrix <> Psi(*Psirow, *Psicol, Psidata);
195     Matrix <> Psi_inv = invpd(Psi);
196     const Matrix <> Lambda_eq(*Lameqrow, *Lameqcol,
197 			      Lameqdata);
198     const Matrix <> Lambda_ineq(*Lamineqrow, *Lamineqcol,
199 				Lamineqdata);
200     const Matrix <> Lambda_prior_mean(*Lampmeanrow,
201 				      *Lampmeancol,
202 				      Lampmeandata);
203     const Matrix <> Lambda_prior_prec(*Lampprecrow,
204 				      *Lamppreccol,
205 				      Lampprecdata);
206     const Matrix <> a0(*a0row, *a0col, a0data);
207     const Matrix <> b0(*b0row, *b0col, b0data);
209     Matrix<> storagematrix;
211     MCMCPACK_PASSRNG2MODEL(MCMCfactanal_impl, X, Lambda, Psi, Psi_inv,
212 			   Lambda_eq, Lambda_ineq, Lambda_prior_mean,
213 			   Lambda_prior_prec,
214 			   a0, b0, *burnin, *mcmc, *thin,
215 			   *verbose, *storescores, storagematrix);
217     const unsigned int size = *samplerow * *samplecol;
218     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
219       sampledata[i] = storagematrix(i);
220   }
221 }
223 #endif