1\name{waitakere} 2\alias{waitakere} 3\docType{data} 4\title{Waitakere Ranges Data} 5\description{ 6 The \code{waitakere} data frame has 579 rows and 18 columns. 7 Altitude is explanatory, and there are binary responses 8 (presence/absence = 1/0 respectively) for 17 plant species. 9 10} 11\usage{data(waitakere)} 12\format{ 13 This data frame contains the following columns: 14 \describe{ 15 \item{agaaus}{Agathis australis, or Kauri} 16 \item{beitaw}{Beilschmiedia tawa, or Tawa} 17 \item{corlae}{Corynocarpus laevigatus} 18 \item{cyadea}{Cyathea dealbata} 19 \item{cyamed}{Cyathea medullaris} 20 \item{daccup}{Dacrydium cupressinum} 21 \item{dacdac}{Dacrycarpus dacrydioides} 22 \item{eladen}{Elaecarpus dentatus} 23 \item{hedarb}{Hedycarya arborea} 24 \item{hohpop}{Species name unknown} 25 \item{kniexc}{Knightia excelsa, or Rewarewa} 26 \item{kuneri}{Kunzea ericoides} 27 \item{lepsco}{Leptospermum scoparium} 28 \item{metrob}{Metrosideros robusta} 29 \item{neslan}{Nestegis lanceolata} 30 \item{rhosap}{Rhopalostylis sapida} 31 \item{vitluc}{Vitex lucens, or Puriri} 32 \item{altitude}{meters above sea level} 33 } 34} 35\details{ 36 These were collected from the Waitakere Ranges, a small forest in northern 37 Auckland, New Zealand. At 579 sites in the forest, the presence/absence 38 of 17 plant species was recorded, as well as the altitude. 39 Each site was of area size 200\eqn{m^2}{m^2}. 40 41 42} 43\source{ 44 Dr Neil Mitchell, University of Auckland. 45 46} 47%\references{ 48%None. 49%} 50\seealso{ 51 \code{\link{hunua}}. 52 53} 54\examples{ 55fit <- vgam(agaaus ~ s(altitude, df = 2), binomialff, waitakere) 56head(predict(fit, waitakere, type = "response")) 57\dontrun{ plot(fit, se = TRUE, lcol = "orange", scol = "blue") } 58} 59\keyword{datasets} 60