1## Summarize ssanova objects
2summary.ssanova <- function(object,diagnostics=FALSE,...)
4    y <- model.response(object$mf,"numeric")
5    w <- model.weights(object$mf)
6    offset <- model.offset(object$mf)
7    if (is.null(offset)) offset <- rep(0,length(y))
8    ## Residuals
9    mf <- object$mf
10    if (!is.null(object$random)) mf$random <- object$random$z
11    res <- y - predict(object,mf)
12    ## Fitted values
13    fitted <- as.numeric(y-res)
14    ## (estimated) sigma
15    sigma <- sqrt(object$varht)
16    ## R^2
17    if (!is.null(w)) {
18        r.squared <- sum(w*(fitted-sum(w*fitted)/sum(w))^2)
19        r.squared <- r.squared/sum(w*(y-sum(w*y)/sum(w))^2)
20    }
21    else r.squared <- var(fitted)/var(y)
22    ## Residual sum of squares
23    if (is.null(w)) rss <- sum(res^2)
24    else rss <- sum(w*res^2)
25    ## Penalty associated with the fit
26    obj.wk <- object
27    obj.wk$d[] <- 0
28    if (!is.null(model.offset(obj.wk$mf))) obj.wk$mf[,"(offset)"] <- 0
29    penalty <- sum(obj.wk$c*predict(obj.wk,obj.wk$mf[object$id.basis,]))
30    penalty <- as.vector(10^object$nlambda*penalty)
31    if (!is.null(object$random)) {
32        p.ran <- t(object$b)%*%object$random$sigma$fun(object$zeta,
33                                                       object$random$sigma$env)%*%object$b
34        penalty <- penalty + p.ran
35    }
36    ## Calculate the diagnostics
37    if (is.null(object$partial)) labels.p <- NULL
38    else labels.p <- labels(object$partial$mt)
39    if (diagnostics) {
40        ## Obtain retrospective linear model
41        comp <- NULL
42        p.dec <- NULL
43        for (label in c(object$terms$labels,labels.p)) {
44            if (label=="1") next
45            if (label=="offset") next
46            comp <- cbind(comp,predict(object,object$mf,inc=label))
47            jk <- sum(obj.wk$c*predict(obj.wk,obj.wk$mf[object$id.basis,],inc=label))
48            p.dec <- c(p.dec,10^object$nlambda*jk)
49        }
50        term.label <- object$terms$labels[object$terms$labels!="1"]
51        term.label <- term.label[term.label!="offset"]
52        term.label <- c(term.label,labels.p)
53        if (!is.null(object$random)) {
54            comp <- cbind(comp,predict(object,mf,inc=NULL))
55            p.dec <- c(p.dec,p.ran)
56            term.label <- c(term.label,"random")
57        }
58        fitted.off <- fitted-offset
59        comp <- cbind(comp,yhat=fitted.off,y=fitted.off+res,e=res)
60        if (any(outer(term.label,c("yhat","y","e"),"==")))
61            warning("gss warning in summary.ssanova: avoid using yhat, y, or e as variable names")
62        colnames(comp) <- c(term.label,"yhat","y","e")
63        ## Sweep out constant
64        if (!is.null(w))
65            comp <- sqrt(w)*comp - outer(sqrt(w),apply(w*comp,2,sum))/sum(w)
66        else comp <- sweep(comp,2,apply(comp,2,mean))
67        ## Obtain pi
68        comp1 <- comp[,c(term.label,"yhat")]
69        decom <- t(comp1) %*% comp1[,"yhat"]
70        names(decom) <- c(term.label,"yhat")
71        decom <- decom[term.label]/decom["yhat"]
72        ## Obtain kappa, norm, and cosines
73        corr <- t(comp)%*%comp
74        corr <- t(corr/sqrt(diag(corr)))/sqrt(diag(corr))
75        norm <- apply(comp,2,function(x){sqrt(sum(x^2))})
76        cosines <- rbind(corr[c("y","e"),],norm)
77        rownames(cosines) <- c("cos.y","cos.e","norm")
78        corr <- corr[term.label,term.label,drop=FALSE]
79        if (qr(corr)$rank<dim(corr)[2])
80            kappa <- rep(Inf,len=dim(corr)[2])
81        else kappa <- as.numeric(sqrt(diag(solve(corr))))
82        ## Obtain decomposition of penalty
83        rough <- p.dec / penalty
84        names(kappa) <- names(rough) <- term.label
85    }
86    else decom <- kappa <- cosines <- rough <- NULL
87    ## Return the summaries
88    z <- list(call=object$call,method=object$method,fitted=fitted,residuals=res,
89              sigma=sigma,r.squared=r.squared,rss=rss,penalty=penalty,
90              pi=decom,kappa=kappa,cosines=cosines,roughness=rough)
91    class(z) <- "summary.ssanova"
92    z